IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#374 Part 2: Moon of God keeps the world to represent

Thurow had not thought slightly this has what honor, he has no respect regarding God of Original Sin or all God. 瑟罗丝毫没有觉得这有什么荣光的,他对于原罪之神或者所有的神明都没有什么敬意。 He only wants to obtain the strength now, step by step constantly obtains a stronger strength, step by step completed to exceed the former miracle. 他现在只想要获得力量,一步步的不断获得更强的力量,一步步的完成超越从前的奇迹。 As the sound of Gate of Original Sin closure resounds. 随着原罪之门关闭的声音响起。 The dark world unceasing move back, Thurow returned to the body again. 黑暗世界不断的拉远,瑟罗再次回到了身体之内。 He stands before that wall as before, is facing the shadow under light. 他依旧站在那堵墙壁前,面对着灯光下的暗影。 Thurow is facing oneself shadow, does not know that is thinking anything. 瑟罗面对着自己的影子,不知道在想些什么。 Long time . 良久后。 He sends out a chuckle. 他发出一声轻笑。 He walks toward oneself room, he has not rested, but stood under own plague blood incantation ceremony chart. 他朝着自己的房间走去,他没有休息,而是站在了自己的瘟疫血咒仪式图下。 That drawing on a map. 那张图画在一张地图上。 The map of lunar eclipse city. 月蚀城的地图。 The entire lunar eclipse city was covered under the ceremony, but all cores, are the lunar eclipse city under caverns. 整个月蚀城都被笼罩在仪式下,而一切的核心,就是月蚀城地底下的洞窟。 Proliferates the underground channel and canal, will become launch of ceremony. 遍布地下的通道和水渠,也将成为仪式的发动点。 No one is able to think, this attractive bright and beautiful city, what things has one crowd. 谁也无法想到,这座光鲜亮丽的城市地底下,到底有着一群什么样的东西。 After Gate of Original Sin . 原罪之门后。 Above flesh stars. 血肉星辰之上。 Before the ceramic villain arrived at the table, salutes with the somewhat funny posture, with flattering the sound to is sitting the evil gods above god throne speaks. 陶瓷小人来到了桌子前,用有些滑稽的姿势行礼,用谄媚的声音对着坐在神座之上的邪神说到。 Great God of Original Sin!” “伟大的原罪之神啊!” This I for King of Abyss that you choose time, do you also satisfy?” “这一次我为您选择的深渊之王,您还满意吗?” Just also kept aloof, like existence that God called Thurow for the mortal generally. 刚刚还高高在上,如同神明一般称呼瑟罗为凡人的存在。 Turned into a diminutive villain on table, is doing everything possible to bring to the attention of God of Original Sin, probably a dancing circus troupe monkey. 变成了桌子上的一个矮小小人,在想尽办法引起原罪之神的注意,就好像一个跳着舞的马戏团猴子。 similar: Your this time does well.” 肖:“你这次干得不错。” Some ghoul meanings that he manufactures, took a different path.” “他制作出的食尸鬼有些意思,算是走出了一条不一样的道路。” In God of Original Sin similar Kanlai, the Thurow most important status is not he is Child of Gluttony, or is what original sin. 原罪之神肖看来,瑟罗最重要的身份并不是他是暴食之子,或者是什么原罪。 These regarding God of Original Sin, are only the supplements. 这些对于原罪之神来说,只是补充。 He somewhat cares truly, Thurow created ghoul this existence unexpectedly, 他真正有些在意的,瑟罗竟然创造出了食尸鬼这种存在, What he wants is witnesses another person to distribute the Crown of Wisdom pledge again, then the person of this pledge falls into the abyss, enabling him to witness the Crown of Wisdom pledge the essence. 他想要的是再一次亲眼目睹另一个人发下智慧王冠誓约,然后这个誓约之人堕入深渊之中,让他可以亲眼目睹智慧王冠誓约的本质。 Even, making him witness the intelligent root. 甚至,让他亲眼目睹到智慧根源。 He is indefinite, whether can be successful. 只是就连他也不确定,是否能够成功。 Concerns to an issue. 这其中关乎到一个问题。 What is the race. 何为种族。 „Can ghoul can be a race?” 食尸鬼能不能算得上是一个种族?” Race in Crown of Wisdom there, how also to define.” “种族在智慧王冠那里,又是如何定义的。” similar does not know how Crown of Wisdom defines regarding the race. 肖并不知道智慧王冠对于种族是如何定义的。 If according to Xiao's idea, ghoul this existence seems difficult to be called is a race. 如果按照肖的想法,食尸鬼这种存在似乎很难称得上是一个种族。 Is more like witch spirit, alchemist and sky envoy such entering step occupation, rather than a race, they attach above snake human and winged human, and itself cannot multiply. 更像是巫灵炼金师天空使这样的进阶职业,而不是一个种族,他们依附于蛇人翼人之上,且本身不能繁衍。 At least is demon monster this can be separated from other race self- inheritance, or like abyss species can existence of self- multiplication in the abyss, be able to be called is a race. 至少是魔怪这样能够脱离其他种族自我传承,或者像深渊种这样能够在深渊之中自我繁衍的存在,才能够称得上是一个种族。 However. 不过。 Even if not successful, can collect many useful things and data, does not owe. 哪怕不成功,也能够收集到不少有用的东西和数据,怎么也不亏。 Some such right opportunities, the appropriate material, conducts an appropriate experiment. 有这样一个合适的机会,合适的材料,进行一场合适的实验。 Very rare. 已经很难得了。 The ceramic villain obtained Xiao's appreciation, immediately is excited dances with joy. 陶瓷小人得到了肖的赞赏,顿时兴奋得手舞足蹈。 God!” “神!” I certainly will do well, you look.” “我一定会做得更好,您看着吧。” Favors me for the play title that you arrange.” “看好我为您安排好的这一场戏目。” But another side. 而另一边。 Just visited King of Ten Thousand Snakes Sukob, appeared under Gate of Truth. 刚刚拜访完万蛇之王苏科布,出现在了真理之门下。 A God of Truth and Knowledge Asai incarnation young fellow, grabs own cane, looks at the world under sea of clouds. 真理与知识之神阿赛化身一个少年人,抓着自己的手杖,看着云海下的世界。 This time Gate of Truth as if fluttered the Ruhul Giant Island, but is in the surrounding 这个时候的真理之门似乎飘到了鲁赫巨岛的附近,不过是处于外围 Can see the black storm of that isolation sea be continuous ten million/countless, is connecting the sky and sea. 可以看到那隔绝大海的黑风暴绵延千万里,连接着天空和海洋。 A Sukob appearance, hears God of Truth and Knowledge. 苏科布一出现,就听到真理与知识之神 Saw?” “看到了吗?” Sukob asked: What's wrong?” 苏科布问道:“怎么了?” Asai god!” 阿赛神!” Asai god: That filled the air in the Ruhul Giant Island surrounding black myth storm weakens.” 阿赛神:“那弥漫在鲁赫巨岛周围的黑色神话风暴变弱了。” Sukob was shocked, he does not know this on behalf of anything. 苏科布愣住了,他并不知道这代表着什么。 Asai also guessed correctly anything faintly, but he has not actually said directly. 就连阿赛也只是隐隐猜到了什么,只是他却没有直接说出口。 Perhaps is because does not have to confirm completely, perhaps is because thought that was unable to say. 或许是因为没有完全证实,或许是因为觉得还不能说出口。 Sukob pays a visit God, has very important matter. 苏科布来拜见神明,也是有着非常重要的事情。 God!” “神!” I possibly discovered the evil plan of abyss.” “我可能发现了深渊的邪恶计划。” They should prepare to prepare to make anything in the lunar eclipse city, is very likely is choosing new King of Abyss.” “他们应该准备在月蚀城中准备做些什么,很有可能是在挑选新的深渊之王。” In this world the apostle is very rare, can make the influence of apostle, deciding however is God has the relations. 这个世界上使徒还是非常罕见的,一个能够制造出使徒的势力,定然是和神明有关系的。 Because the god graciousness technique grasps in the hand of everyone God, others are unable easily to attain. 因为神恩术就掌握在诸位神明的手中,旁人无法轻易拿到的。 But evil forces sign that these has time. 而这一次出现的邪恶势力迹象。 Very big probability is related with the abyss. 很大概率和深渊有关。 Sukob he usually in has oneself matter, will not seek for the abyss mission on own initiative, God of Truth and Knowledge has not given him this mission. 苏科布他平日里有自己的事情,不会主动去寻找深渊教团,真理与知识之神也没有赋予他这项使命。 However the original sin evil god in abyss is God of Truth and Knowledge mortal enemy matter, Sukob knows clear. 但是深渊之中的原罪邪神是真理与知识之神的死敌这件事情,苏科布还是知道得一清二楚的。 His these ran upon time directly, naturally must report to God of Truth and Knowledge. 他这一次直接撞上了,自然不会不向真理与知识之神禀告。 Asai takes the cane, looks at the storm of distant place. 阿赛拿着手杖,看着远处的风暴。 As if fell into some issue during thoroughly and thinks deeply, said completely until Sukob, he wakes from that condition. 似乎彻底陷入了某个问题和深思之中,直到苏科布完全说完了,他才从那种状态之中醒了过来。 similar?” “肖?” Recently was busy with the intelligent fruit the matter , without him who the time and falls into the abyss to haggle over.” “最近都忙于智慧果实的事情,没时间和堕入深渊的他计较。” „It seems like him to cross also well, is very familiar in that contamination and silt.” “看起来他过得还不错,在那污秽和淤泥之中挺习惯的。” Sukob knows that similar and Siya is the name of abyss evil god, but he may not become the god, does not dare to say the name of myth. 苏科布知道肖和西亚是深渊邪神的名字,不过他可还没有成为神,不敢去直呼神话之名。 The Asai god was saying to Sukob: Since he dares to come, you received.” 阿赛神对着苏科布说道:“既然他敢来,你就接下了。” I will support you.” “我会支持你。” If can defeat the abyss the conspiracy, you then wanted to handle the matter that in ten thousand snake royal court to be easy, perhaps knowledge temple can also appear in ten thousand snake royal court.” “若是能够击败深渊的阴谋,你在万蛇王庭接下来想要做的事情都容易了,知识神庙或许也可以出现在万蛇王庭之中。” You mount the divine throne step, can walk is smoother.” “你登上神位的步骤,也可以走得更顺一些。” Sukob had the support of god, delighted. 苏科布得到了神的支持,喜出望外。 Asai god!” 阿赛神!” I will not make the plan of original sin evil god work absolutely.” “我绝对不会让原罪邪神的计划得逞。” Asai smiled: If is really plan under his arrangement, that is not, you who you can process must do should open Gate of Truth to maintain life immediately.” 阿赛笑了:“如果真的是他布置下的计划,那就不是你可以处理的了,你要做的应该是立刻打开真理之门保命。” The Asai god has turned around, is gazing at the black storm as before. 阿赛神转过身,依旧注视着黑色的风暴。 Goes!” “去吧!” Has anything to report to me immediately.” “有什么事情立刻向我汇报。” God of Truth and Knowledge Asai waves, sends back the Sukob shadow, vanishes in a mirage illusion. 真理与知识之神阿赛挥手,将苏科布的影子送了回去,消失在了一片海市蜃楼幻境之中。 Issue that in this lunar eclipse city will soon erupt, in the surface seems like a side resistance that Thurow, Ackermanmon and Sukob represent. 这一场月蚀城之中即将爆发出的问题,表面上看上去是瑟罗、阿克曼蒙苏科布所代表的一方对抗。 However is also the original sin evil god and God of Truth and Knowledge touching of strength, in the confrontation of the world. 但是也是原罪邪神和真理与知识之神的力量之触,在人间的交锋。 Perhaps is also affecting other god. 或许还影响着其他的神祇。 This is a very big world, the whole world causes and effects is connected, 这是一个很大的世界,整个世界因果相连, Tens of thousands of people, even was the God relation in one. 将成千上万的人,甚至是神明联系在了一起。 After a seemingly common representation, perhaps has the complicated connection. 一个看似寻常的表象之后,或许都有着千丝万缕的关联。 Each small breeze, may form the giant storm. 每一个小小的微风,都有可能形成巨大的风暴。 In State of God in sea of clouds mist, ghost Borwick went out from the city of knowledge, arrived under Gate of Truth. 云海雾气之中的神之国度中,幽魂波里克从知识之城中走出,来到了真理之门下。 Asai god!” 阿赛神!” What matter has?” “有什么事情吗?” The opposite party witnessed the Evel person to leave the Ruhul Giant Island scene, he directs personally, but at that time God of Truth and Knowledge also in deep sleep. 对方曾经见证过爱维尔人离开鲁赫巨岛的场景,还是他亲自指引的,而那个时候真理与知识之神还在沉睡之中。 The Asai god looks to start unceasingly the feeble storm, asked ghost Borwick. 阿赛神看着开始不断衰弱的风暴,问起了幽魂波里克 I remember that you had recorded, last black storm feeble time, ten thousand snake royal court have the sign that Ruler of Life arrives.” “我记得你曾经记载过,上一次黑风暴衰弱的时候,万蛇王庭有着生命主宰降临的迹象。” However this time, not only the black storm started feebly, Moon of God also appeared in the sky.” “而这一次,不仅仅黑风暴开始衰弱了,就连神之月也出现在了天空之中。” The Asai god spoke, motionless. 阿赛神说话的时候,一动不动。 Suddenly, her sound as if somewhat trembles. 突然之间,她的声音似乎都有些发颤。 Her voice changed small. 她声音变小了许多。 You said.” “你说。” „Did Ruler of Life arrive at the world again?” 生命主宰是不是再度降临人间了?” However Moon of God keeps the world to represent......” “而神之月留在人间是不是代表着……” God of Truth and Knowledge spoke of here, stops suddenly, has not said again. 真理与知识之神说到了这里,就戛然而止,没有再说下去了。 Even ghost Borwick was also shocked, dumbfounded. 连幽魂波里克也愣住了,哑口无言。 Usually in can always be responded, or analysis Asai has not gotten any response. 平日里总是能够得到回应,或者分析的阿赛没有得到任何回应。 This is not ghost Borwick can guess that or can deduce. 这已经不是幽魂波里克可以猜测的,或者能够推演到的了。 This has overstepped beyond the range that he has been able to understand and know, because that is control all creates the myriad things Supreme God. 这已经超越了他所能理解和知晓的范围之外,因为那是统御一切创造万物的至高神祇。 Off topic 题外话 Left went far from home, at night came back, excuse me. 出了趟远门,夜晚才回来的,不好意思。
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