IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#374 Part 1: Moon of God keeps the world to represent

The ceremony starts. 仪式开启。 The ray transmits from the flame altar, along the ground traces and symbol dispersing, in the connection stands these ghoul in node. 光芒从火焰祭坛上传递开来,沿着地上的纹路和符号一圈圈散开,连接上站在节点上的那些食尸鬼 Ray connections to Dreamland, there are the origins of all strengths, is ten thousand spirit homes to return, is the state that various God is. 一道道光芒连接向梦界,那里是一切力量的起源,也是万灵的归宿,更是诸神所在的国度。 Thurow Station in the midpoint of ceremony, but Ackermanmon sets up the edge in altar. 瑟罗站在仪式的正中央,而阿克曼蒙立在祭坛的边缘。 Invisible restraining by force wells up from the surroundings, feels seems like one not to know that blew the strong winds that from where, the collision in one. 无形的强压从周围涌来,给人的感觉就好像是一阵不知从何处吹来的狂风,碰撞在了一起。 Thurow's cape fierce vibration, Ackermanmon also swayed several, finally stands firm by ceremony technique. 瑟罗身上的斗篷剧烈的抖动,阿克曼蒙也摇晃了几下,才终于在仪式术阵旁边站定。 Spirit!” “精神!” Incantation seal.” “咒印。” Thurow's within the body, a huge black shadow flowed, finally the gray plague blood incantation fuses together. 瑟罗的体内,一个庞大的黑色影子流淌了出来,最终灰色的瘟疫血咒融合在一起。 blood of myth.” 神话之血。” According to the method of god graciousness technique, his divine blood was also extracted from within the body ; This method before Thurow the surgery that uses, with the aid of the method that the strength of curse uses, but must be more accurate. 按照神恩术的方法,他的神血也从体内被提取了出来;这种方法比起瑟罗之前使用的手术,借助诅咒之力所用的方法,还要更加精准。 The silver flowing light overflows slowly, that as huge came from as the extreme shadow restraining by force of spirit world suppresses in the divine blood unit that a naked eye could not see to go, gray plague blood incantation also and divine blood thorough union in one. 银色的流光缓缓溢出,那庞大到极点的影子被来自于灵界的强压压制到了一个肉眼看不到的神血单位之中去了,灰色的瘟疫血咒也和神血彻底的结合在了一起。 In light of this. 就此。 The intelligent power three essential factors, incantation seal, divine blood and spiritual three combine into one. 智慧权能三要素,咒印、神血、精神三者合而为一。 Divine Grace Stone appeared. 神恩石出现了。 The flash that it presents, drained Thurow within the body that huge divine blood, changed into a silver stone. 其出现的一瞬间,就抽干了瑟罗体内那庞大的神血,化为了一颗银色的石头。 That stone starts to link with Thurow's body. 紧接着,那颗石头开始和瑟罗的身体结合在一起。 However after Thurow uses the abyss god graciousness technique, the organ that Divine Grace Stone deifies is not a brain, but is another organ of its within the body. 不过瑟罗使用深渊神恩术之后,神恩石神化的器官并不是大脑,而是其体内的另外一个器官。 He integrated the stomach of gluttony seed, at this moment sent out the ray, unified with Divine Grace Stone completely in one. 他融入了暴食之种的胃部,此刻散发出了光芒,和神恩石完全结合在了一起。 gluttony seed started to take shape, changed into the stomach of guzzling. 暴食之种开始成型了,化为了暴食之胃。 myth organ. 神话器官。 „!” “啊!” Thurow face upwards to exude one to angrily roar suddenly, the terrifying swallowing strength passed from Thurow's belly. 瑟罗突然仰天发出一声怒吼,恐怖的吞噬力从瑟罗的肚子里传了出来。 His abdomen seems like black hole, starts fierce storm to curl up the surrounding all. 他的腹部好像有一个黑洞,掀起一阵剧烈的风暴卷起周围的一切。 Sweeps across in the entire underground cavern. 席卷于整个地下洞窟之中。 ghoul that nearby more than ten have not come to a stop was swept across, dissolved in the midair changed into the black shadow, finally swallowed into Thurow's abdomen. 旁边十几个没有站稳的食尸鬼被席卷而起,在半空之中溶解化为了黑色的影子,最终吞入了瑟罗的腹中。 But in the big earth cave, hundreds and thousands of people and inhuman monsters were pulled from the ground directly, was involved in tornado probably. 而偌大的地窟之中,成百上千的人和非人的怪物被直接从地面拉扯了起来,就好像卷入了一场龙卷风之中。 Everyone is panic-stricken. 所有人都惊骇无比。 Until Thurow closed the mouth, finally fell on the ground. 直到瑟罗闭上了嘴巴,才最终落在了地上。 Ackermanmon also holds the pillar of altar, always he of facial paralysis appearance startled color looks at Thurow. 阿克曼蒙也扶着祭坛的柱子,总是一副面瘫模样的他略带着惊色的看着瑟罗。 Is only one howls, has such power and influence. 仅仅只是一个呼啸,就有着这样的威势。 The third-order and fourth-order world, can be called simply is huge difference. 三阶和四阶的世界,简直可以称得上是天壤之别。 Can see Thurow's some appearance also slightly changes, the plague blood incantation after all and common incantation is printed with the difference, came from in the curse and countless person evil thought that as if there is that characteristics of intelligence source. 可以看到瑟罗的模样也略微有些变化,瘟疫血咒毕竟和寻常的咒印有着区别,源自于诅咒和无数人恶念的它,似乎有着灵性本源的那种特性。 Can relates through the source of divine blood and physical body, changes twists intelligent species some body characteristics. 能够通过神血和肉体的本源联系,去改变扭曲智慧种的身体部分特征。 Can see the complexion that Thurow becomes the pale not blood-color slightly, the blood estimate of his body turned into nearly black thick blood plasma. 可以看到瑟罗的面色变得惨白没有丝毫血色,他身体的鲜血估计都变成了近乎黑色的浓稠血浆。 Meanwhile. 于此同时。 Lunar eclipse city all ghoul as if felt anything. 月蚀城所有的食尸鬼似乎都感觉到了什么。 Whether or not in the earth cave, to look simultaneously to the direction that Thurow was. 不论是不是在地窟之中,都同时望向了瑟罗所在的方向。 They felt that dominated above them existence appear here world. 他们感觉到了一个凌驾于他们之上的存在出现在了这个世界。 Ghoul King birth. 食尸鬼之王诞生了。 Thurow stands in the altar center, is feeling own strength, that surpasses the mortal limit the strength, touches the strength of myth boundary. 瑟罗站立在祭坛中央,感受着自己的力量,那超越凡人极限的力量,触碰到神话边界的力量。 Although touched the lowest level boundary merely, has given people an omnipotent misconception. 虽然仅仅只是触碰到了最底层的边界,就已经给人一种无所不能的错觉。 Very powerful big strength.” “好强大的力量。” God only in acting of the world, the strength of apostle.” “神祇在人间的代行者,使徒之力。” Thurow waves. 瑟罗一挥手。 The strength of plague blood incantation sends out from his myth organ, an invisible strength spreads. 瘟疫血咒的力量从他的神话器官内发出,一股无形的力量蔓延开来。 The energetic force field territory sends out from his within the body immediately, connects to each ghoul on the scene. 精神力场域立刻从他的体内发出,连接向在场的每一个食尸鬼 His field territory and ghoul unify, the entire underground cavern changed into his domain. 他的场域和食尸鬼们相结合,整个地下洞窟都化为了他的领域。 ghoul erupted the powerful strength suddenly, under Thurow's strength in addition held, turned into third-order ghoul. 一个又一个食尸鬼突然爆发出了强大的力量,在瑟罗的力量加持之下,变成了三阶的食尸鬼 But Thurow, and in the domain just like God to be common in this ceremony technique. 而瑟罗自身,更是在这仪式术阵和领域之中犹如神明一般。 Ackermanmon is gazing at Thurow's all. 阿克曼蒙注视着瑟罗的一切。 Originally does not use to become any God follower, can become the apostle.” “原来不用成为任何神明的信徒,就可以成为使徒。” So-called apostle, is arrives in name after a stage to the strength.” “所谓的使徒,也不过是对力量抵达一个阶段之后的一个称呼罢了。” Thurow restrained the strength, suddenly appeared side Ackermanmon. 瑟罗收敛起了力量,突然出现在了阿克曼蒙身边。 Was saying to him. 对着他说道。 Second place!” “次席!” „The way that you ponder is very good, looked like one more and more unrestricted.” “你思考的方式很不错,越来越像一个不受约束者了。” Right, should like this.” “没错,就应该这样。” Thurow laughed. 瑟罗大笑了起来。 This.” “就这样。” Unceasing forwarding, unceasing advance.” “不断的向前,不断的前进。” There is no taboo, there is no cannot attempt, unscrupulous not constrained shows own ability.” “没有什么禁忌,没有什么不可尝试,肆无忌惮毫无拘束的去施展自己的才能。” Ackermanmon looks at this crazy corpse eater, this constantly is pursuing the strength, existence that as if can never satisfy. 阿克曼蒙看着这个疯狂的食尸者,这个不断追求着力量,似乎永远不会满足的存在。 Ackermanmon asked Thurow: „The seat of honor, the strength of apostle you have.” 阿克曼蒙问瑟罗:“首席,使徒的力量你都已经拥有了。” This is the world peak strength.” “这已经是人间巅峰的力量了。” „Don't you feel satisfiedly?” “你还是觉得不满足吗?” Thurow was realizing at this moment unequalled great power, he can also feel that the remote place had anything to transmit the summon to him. 瑟罗此刻体会着自己拥有的无与伦比的强大力量,他还可以感觉到遥远的地方有什么东西向他传来了呼唤。 He can hold the ceremony at this moment, attempts to step into the abyss, greets to be his King of Abyss test. 他此刻就可以举行仪式,尝试着踏入深渊之中,迎接属于他的深渊之王考验。 Through the test, can give the abyss principle, becomes true King of Abyss. 通过了考验,就能够赋予深渊法则,成为真正的深渊之王 However this is insufficient. 但是这还不够。 Ordinary King of Abyss was unable to satisfy him, he must become stronger, even is most strong in abyss. 普通的深渊之王还不能够满足他,他要变得更强,甚至是深渊之中的最强。 Although he does not know, also the reincarnator stage above the apostle, that is far exceeds in the stage of ordinary apostle. 他虽然不知道,在使徒之上还有一个转生者阶段,那是远超于普通使徒的阶段。 Is the apostle is separated from existence of person truly, toward footsteps that myth goes forward. 是使徒真正脱离人的存在,朝着神话前进的脚步。 However he knows. 但是他知道。 The apostles also by far are not the end, the apostle in the genuine God eye anything is not, these have become existence of King of Abyss, the strength that which has surpasses the ordinary apostle. 使徒还远远不是尽头,使徒在真正的神明眼中什么都不是,那些早已成为深渊之王的存在,哪一个拥有的力量都超过普通的使徒。 He must become more powerful, he must swallow this city. 他要变得更强大,他要吞噬这座城市。 He swallows many divine blood, he must make massive powerful ghoul, leading the opposite party to fall into the abyss together. 他吞噬更多的神血,他要制造出大量的强大食尸鬼,带着对方一起堕入深渊之中。 Thurow Station above the altar, looks at these to crawl in ground ghoul: Then arrives there, I have not arrived in my limit.” 瑟罗站在祭坛之上,看着那些匍匐在地上的食尸鬼:“这才到那里,我还没有抵达我的极限。” Ackermanmon is gazing at Thurow: Your limit where?” 阿克曼蒙注视着瑟罗:“你的极限在哪里?” Seat of honor.” “首席。” Is before very long, I have an issue to ask you, are you so pursuing the strength crazily for what?” “很久以前我就有一个问题想要问你,你如此疯狂的追逐着力量到底是为了什么?” Thurow told Ackermanmon: For what?” 瑟罗告诉阿克曼蒙:“为了什么?” Thurow opens both hands, probably was crying out to this world. 瑟罗张开双手,好像在对着这个世界呐喊。 No longer some people can overlook me, to prove my ability.” “不再有人能够俯视我,为了证明我的才能。” For to all dares to despise my person to declare, my Thurow is not a mortal, I can exceed above everyone.” “为了向所有敢于轻视我的人宣示,我瑟罗不是一个凡人,我能够超越于所有人之上。” Ackermanmon: This?” 阿克曼蒙:“就这样?” Thurow: This?” 瑟罗:“就这样?” „The second place, are you ridiculing me?” “次席,你在嘲笑我吗?” Ackermanmon: Feels unreadable.” 阿克曼蒙:“只是觉得难以理解。” Ackermanmon is not clear, why must prove anything, the great strength is powerful, does not need to show. 阿克曼蒙不明白,为什么要证明什么,强大就是强大,无需证明。 If a person can control own destiny, gains the thorough freedom, why must care about the idea and will that other have, he himself is only. 一个人若是能够掌控自己的命运,获得彻底的自由,为什么要去在意其他存在的想法和意志,他自己就是唯一。 Thurow: Why do you want to obtain the strength?” 瑟罗:“那你为什么想要获得力量?” Ackermanmon said: To control own destiny.” 阿克曼蒙说:“为了掌握自己的命运。” Thurow cannot bear laugh: This?” 瑟罗忍不住发笑:“就这样?” Thurow also thought that the idea of Ackermanmon is too funny, this is a red herring, is not a realistic thing. 瑟罗也觉得阿克曼蒙的想法太滑稽,这就是一个伪命题,是一个不现实的东西。 The sorrow and joy among people are different, your regarding such as the thing of life, is not possibly worth mentioning in others eyes. 人与人之间的悲欢不尽相同,你视之如命的东西,在别人眼中可能不值一提。 You present it for the truth, is willing to pay the thing that all pursues, possibly incomparable laughable in others eyes. 你将其奉为真理,愿意付出一切去追求的东西,在别人眼中可能无比的可笑。 Ackermanmon: „The thing that but at least, you and I are willing to pursue us want pays all, is willing to fall into crazily for it.” 阿克曼蒙:“但是至少,你和我都愿意为追求我们想要的东西付出所有,愿意为其堕入疯狂。” In this point, we are somewhat similar.” “这一点上,我们有些相似。” Thurow laughed, today the Ackermanmon words are very many, two people also seem really to reveal for the first time idea of innermost feelings. 瑟罗大笑了起来,今天阿克曼蒙的话特别多,两个人也好像第一次真的将自己内心的想法吐露出来。 Although seems like that above the spoken language had the conflict, but actually understood what person the opposite party is. 虽然看似言语之上起了冲突,但是却更加了解了对方到底是一个什么样的人。 Thurow asked Ackermanmon, he has prepared to be very long, studied the method of many type of corpse eater standard meter, has tried the formulas of many material. 瑟罗问起了阿克曼蒙,他已经准备了很久,研究了很多种食尸者典仪的方法,尝试过不少材料的配方。 You planned is so long, should enter third-order!” “你计划了这么久,该进入三阶了吧!” What's wrong?” “怎么?” Is the fear cannot shoulder crazily?” “是害怕扛不住疯狂吗?” Thurow some do not believe that said: You do not believe own will, does not believe own crazy above these waste and stupid thing?” 瑟罗有些不相信的说:“你不会不相信自己的意志,不相信自己的疯狂在那些废物和蠢物之上吗?” Second place.” “次席。” Ackermanmon: I like a safer method.” 阿克曼蒙:“我喜欢更稳妥一些的方法。” Thurow may never consider what safety, he is one walks the talent in steel wire, this is a adventurous gambler, therefore he to/clashes the heaven like the flame meteor generally. 瑟罗可从来不会考虑什么稳妥,他是一个走在钢丝上的天才,这是一个冒险的赌徒,所以他如同火焰流星一般冲上天。 But Ackermanmon is different, he likes grasping all in oneself hand, winning percentage upholstery to highest, will also give itself to arrange the escape route. 阿克曼蒙却不一样,他喜欢将一切都抓在自己的手中,将胜率铺垫到最高,甚至还会给自己安排好退路。 However Thurow from the Ackermanmon words, listened to another single layer meaning. 不过瑟罗从阿克曼蒙的话语里,听出了另一重意味。 „Haven't you decided?” “你还没有决定吗?” Goes to the abyss with me.” “和我一起前往深渊。” Thurow has turned head: You will not feel, you also do have the choice?” 瑟罗扭过头:“你不会觉得,自己还有选择吗?” Turns into a lunatic, a item or unusual material.” “是变成一个疯子,一个道具或者超凡材料。” „The choice enters the abyss.” “还是选择进入深渊。” Also or keeps during the present world, finally was towed to burn by these apostles, becomes the clown of record in annals.” “亦或者留在现世之中,最后被那些使徒拖出来烧死,成为记载在史册上的丑角。” Ackermanmon has not spoken. 阿克曼蒙没有说话。 Thurow said: You will certainly elect finally.” 瑟罗却说:“你最后一定会选的。” Ackermanmon.” 阿克曼蒙。” I have said that this world has not chosen every so often ; We are in this does not have during the choice of choice, takes a road to come.” “我说过的,这个世界很多时候是没有选择的;我们就是要在这没有选择的选择之中,走出一条路来。” Do not be afraid the front to have the enemy.” “不要害怕前方有敌人。” Do not be afraid the sole is the abyss.” “不要害怕脚底是深渊。” Which direction regardless in walks, we path can meet the place.” “无论朝着哪个方向走,我们所走的道路都会遇见地方。” Even if falls, even if falls into the abyss, we still kill one to be our paths from the abyss.” “就算是掉落下去,就算是落入深渊之中,我们也从深渊之中杀出一条属于我们的道路。” Thurow as if really wants to lead into the abyss Ackermanmon together, two people become peer together. 瑟罗似乎真的很想将阿克曼蒙一起带入深渊,两人一起成为同行者。 Crazy is lonely, they very difficult to find the companion in this world. 疯狂者是孤独的,他们很难在这个世界上找到同伴。 But Ackermanmon, is first that Thurow meets, can have unconstrained, proposed crazy disciple who surpasses the conventional idea. 阿克曼蒙,是瑟罗遇见的第一个,能够拥有着不受拘束的,提出一个又一个超出常规想法的疯狂之徒。 Although this fellow looks very normal. 虽然这家伙看上去很正常。 However from meets him for the first time, Thurow sees him to choose the food corpse the goal is oneself lover, sees him in evening banquet that crazy laughing, knows that what existence he was. 但是从第一次遇见他,瑟罗看到他选择食尸的目标是自己的爱人,看到他在夜宴那疯狂的大笑,就知道他是一个什么样的存在了。 Ackermanmon actually shifted the topic, asked the following plan. 阿克曼蒙却转移了话题,问起了接下来的计划。 You have obtained the apostle strength, the corpse eater plan had started, when last step you prepare to start.” “你已经获得了使徒力量,食尸者计划已经启动了,最后一步你准备什么时候开始。” Thurow has thought: Decides in this month last day.” 瑟罗早就想好了:“就定在这个月的最后一天。” Ackermanmon considers as finished a next day: That also a few days.” 阿克曼蒙算了一下日子:“那也没几天了。” Civilians who this peaceful city, these sleep peacefully. 这座和平的城市,那些安睡的平民。 Does not know that disaster, greeted their possibilities is not the death, but compared with dying more terrible thing. 不知道灾难将至,迎接他们的可能不是死亡,而是比死亡更加可怕的东西。 Ackermanmon has no mood, he has no sentiment regarding all of this city, here to him is a prisoner's cage. 阿克曼蒙并没有什么情绪,他对于这座城市的一切都没有什么感情,这里对于他来说就是一个囚笼。 This city was cancelled, died many people, he also has no feeling. 这座城市被抹去,死去再多的人,他也没有任何感觉。 He is King of Ten Thousand Snakes. 他是万蛇之王 By King of Ten Thousand Snakes that the common people abandon. 一个被万民抛弃的万蛇之王 Thurow prepares to hold a huge ceremony in the lunar eclipse city, turns into ghoul all suitable standard in this city, then swallows the remaining everyone. 瑟罗准备在月蚀城举行一个庞大的仪式,将这座城之中的所有适格者变成食尸鬼,然后吞噬掉剩下的所有人。 Finally falls into the abyss together, becomes powerful King of Abyss that ranks most near the top. 最后一同堕入深渊之中,成为排位最靠前的强大深渊之王 Thurow is excited. 瑟罗激动无比。 I have thought that I will be in front of everyone, is in front of these apostles, is in front of Lord of Purgatory.” “我已经想好了,我会当着所有人的面,当着那些使徒的面,当着炼狱之主的面。” Announced falls into the abyss, but they with the expression that I had no alternative.” “宣告堕入深渊之中,而他们拿我无可奈何的表情。” His look incomparably anticipated, finally low voice saying. 他的眼神无比期待,最后小声的说道。 I incomparably have been longing, swallows this city, cancels from this world it thoroughly.” “我已经无比渴望着,吞噬掉这座城市,将它从这个世界彻底抹去。” Ackermanmon: Distributes the pledge to the abyss?” 阿克曼蒙:“向深渊发下誓言吗?” Ackermanmon had also heard such legend, King of Abyss will fall into the abyss it is said time will distribute the pledge. 阿克曼蒙也听说过这样的传说,据说深渊之王会堕入深渊的时候会发下誓言。 Why specifically this is, what function pledged also to have. 只是具体这是为什么,誓言又有什么样的作用。 He is not clear- 他就不清楚了- Ten thousand snake royal palaces. 万蛇王宫。 Ackermanmon returned to own palace, comes to greet his is his wife, a hypocritical appearance seemed to be caring as before where he went. 阿克曼蒙回到了自己的宫殿,前来迎接他的是他的妻子,依旧一副假惺惺的模样似乎在关心着他去了哪里。 „The wife of pretor Sir invites me to attend the dance party today, but also makes me give regards to you, but also delivered you one set of ancient book.” “执政官大人的夫人今天邀请我参加舞会,还让我向你问好,还送了你一套古册。” Ackermanmon on the bypass, oneself went to the home of another aristocrat. 阿克曼蒙应付道,自己去了另外一位贵族的家中。 This is actually false, he usually in has one set of reasonable explanation regarding oneself action path, cannot see any major problem. 这倒不是假的,他平日里对于自己的行动轨迹都有着一套合理的解释,看不出什么大问题。 Then he then spoke of: I do not like the dance party, next time you will take a gift to the pretor the madame, expressed gratitude.” 然后他接着说到:“我不喜欢舞会,下次你带上一份礼物给执政官夫人,表示感谢。” However Ackermanmon just lay down, some people sent the news from the channel of secret. 但是阿克曼蒙刚刚躺下来,就有人从隐秘的渠道送来了消息。 That is delivers with divine spell, after opening, above writes. 那是用神术送过来的,打开后上面写着。 „The Sukob apostle returns, did the secret meet with the highest pretor?” 苏科布使徒归来,秘密会见了最高执政官?” Ackermanmon turns over/stands up immediately, did not have the least bit sleepiness again. 阿克曼蒙立刻翻身而起,再也没有了半点睡意。 God of Truth and Knowledge Sukob returned at this time, just returned, what felt?” 真理与知识之神苏科布在这个时候归来,是刚好归来了,还是感觉到了什么?” He comes back, will definitely affect our plans.” “他回来,肯定会影响我们的计划。” Also.” “还有。” His why secret met with the highest pretor, he comes back the least bit sound not to have, goes to ten thousand snake royal palaces directly, what is to make?” “他为什么秘密会见最高执政官,他回来半点动静都没有,直接前往万蛇王宫,到底是想要做什么?” Ackermanmon keen felt that had problems, but he cannot confirm. 阿克曼蒙敏锐的就感觉到了出问题了,但是他也不能确认。 He assigns/life the person to investigate again, has not waited till a more further news. 他命人再去探查,也没有等到更进一步的消息。 Can the family/home that in own news channel infiltrates the highest pretor, this is his limit. 能够将自己的消息渠道打入最高执政官的家中,这已经是他的极限了。 To investigate what news again, is not he can easily achieve. 再想要探查出什么消息,便不是他能够轻易做到的了。 However he responded quickly. 不过他反应很快。 He side, another second-order ghoul sent: Examines, ten thousand snake do temple have what sound.” 他将自己身边的,另一个二阶食尸鬼派了出去:“查看一下,万蛇神庙有没有什么动静。” Arrived dawn, he also obtained a news quickly. 快到天亮时分,他又得到了一个消息。 Ten thousand snake temple have the change.” “万蛇神庙有异动。” Doubtful is the order of Earth Demoness, even is the God decree.” “疑似是大地魔女的命令,甚至是神明的旨意。” This God, naturally is behind Earth Demoness that Ruhul Giant God. 这位神明,自然是大地魔女背后的那位鲁赫巨神 According to this news, Ackermanmon determines immediately. 根据这个消息,阿克曼蒙立刻确定了。 „The opposite party discovered certainly the situation.” “对方一定发现情况了。” At least felt, they prepared to have the big movement in the lunar eclipse city.” “至少感觉到了,他们准备在月蚀城有着大动作。” Otherwise is impossible to have such big sound, is the apostle Sukob secret meeting highest pretor, is Earth Demoness to the order that ten thousand snake temple transmit.” “要不然不可能有这么大的动静,又是使徒苏科布密会最高执政官,又是大地魔女向万蛇神庙传来的命令。” Except for us, but also who is worth such big movement?” “除了我们,还有谁值得这样大的动作?” Ackermanmon is King of Ten Thousand Snakes, he grasped the Corpse Eater Cult intelligence network to go down to each corner, when they responded the time is late. 要不是阿克曼蒙万蛇之王,要不是他掌握着食尸者密教的情报网深入到了各个角落之中,等他们反应过来的时候已经迟了。 Although Ackermanmon the expression is dignified, but is not accidental/surprised. 阿克曼蒙虽然表情凝重,但是却并不意外。 He felt from the beginning, Thurow wants before the plan starts hides the truth from all humanities is completely a very difficult matter. 他从一开始就觉得,瑟罗想要在计划开始之前完全瞒过所有人本就是一件十分困难的事情。 Anticipated that the opposite party has not responded, hits everyone one to be caught off guard this matter, was needing certain luck. 期待对方没有反应过来,打所有人一个措手不及这种事情,本就需要着一定的运气。 But Ackermanmon, does not like luck matter. 阿克曼蒙,并不太喜欢运气这种事情。 Must inform Thurow immediately.” “必须马上通知瑟罗。” Makes him terminate the plan, the point of giving way to traffic opposite party.” “让他终止计划,避让对方的锋芒。” Ackermanmon no longer waited, did not have to leave while the day brightly immediately, left from the dense say/way. 阿克曼蒙不再等下去了,趁着天还没有亮就立刻动身,从密道之中离开。 He must meet with Thurow personally, convinced the opposite party- 他要亲自会见瑟罗,说服对方- In luxurious hotel. 奢华的宅邸之中。 As Thurow becomes the apostle, fused gluttony seed. 随着瑟罗成为了使徒,融合了暴食之种 He received the summon of abyss again. 他再度受到了深渊的召唤。 He saw existence in that bronze mirror once again, that leaf of Gate of Myth that stands erect in abyss most deep place. 他又一次看到了那个铜镜之中的存在,还有那扇屹立在深渊最深处的神话之门 Since the previous bronze mirror reflects existence of opposite party, Thurow in all mirrors the hotel received, or ruins. 自从上一次铜镜之中倒映出对方的存在,瑟罗就将宅邸之中所有的镜子都收了起来,或者毁掉。 However this time. 但是这一次。 Opposite party simply not with the aid of mirror. 对方根本没有借助镜子。 Thurow passes through the corridor in hotel, under the light his shadow rocks, unceasing to sweptback elongation, even a shadow has highlighted house the feeling of beyond size. 瑟罗走过宅邸之中的长廊,灯光下他的影子晃动,不断的向后斜着拉长,甚至给人一种影子已经突出了房屋的尺寸之外的感觉。 However quick, that person and the shadow of thing started to sway fiercely, is dancing probably. 但是很快,那人和物的影子都开始剧烈的摇晃了起来,就好像在跳着舞。 That shape of God existed to appear in Thurow's front, in the shape of shadow. 那个神之形的存在出现在了瑟罗的面前,以影子的形态。 Bang!” “轰隆!” Thurow heard the sound that the gate opened, the flash his consciousness on drawing. 瑟罗听到了门打开的声音,一瞬间他的意识就拉了进去。 The God of Original Sin envoy ceramics villain sits under Gate of Myth, just like the previous time, is clapping to Thurow as before. 原罪之神的使者陶瓷小人坐在神话之门下,依旧和上一次一样,对着瑟罗拍手。 As if congratulating Thurow to become the apostle, stepped the first step that becomes King of Abyss. 似乎在祝贺着瑟罗成为了使徒,踏上了成为深渊之王的第一步。 Good, becomes the apostle quickly.” “不错,这么快就成为了使徒了。” Seeming like, you are very anxious!” “看起来,你很急啊!” Such impatient king who wants to become the abyss?” “就这么迫不及待的想要成为深渊的王吗?” Thurow's was saying to the God of Original Sin envoy: This time, what did you look for me are want to say?” 瑟罗对着原罪之神的使者说道:“这一次,你找我是想要说什么?” Before compares, his performance was much better. 和之前相比,他这一次的表现就好得多了。 At least under that Gate of Myth, has not frightened even the words unable to say. 至少在那神话之门下,没有吓得连话都说不出来。 The God of Original Sin envoy was still like the past, keeping aloof is overlooking him. 原罪之神的使者依旧和从前一样,高高在上的俯视着他。 Abyss level had opened the front door to you, prepared to your test.” “深渊层已经向你打开了大门,准备好了给你的考验。” Thought your pledge?” “想好你的誓言了吗?” Mortal.” “凡人。” Thurow is gazing at the God of Original Sin envoy: To the pledge that the abyss does distribute?” 瑟罗注视着原罪之神的使者:“是向深渊发下的誓言吗?” I have thought.” “我已经想好了。” Ceramic villain wild saying with a smile, was saying to Thurow. 陶瓷小人却狂放的笑道,对着瑟罗说。 You think that this is your victor manifesto?” “你以为这是你的胜利者宣言吗?” No!” “不!” You must represent a ghoul clan, to Crown of Wisdom exists to distribute the eternal pledge, is successful.” “你必须代表着食尸鬼一族,向智慧王冠的存在发下永恒的誓约,才算成功。” Thurow is bewildered: Crown of Wisdom?” 瑟罗一脸茫然:“智慧王冠?” What is that?” “那是什么?” Ceramic villain: Is witnesses intelligent species to distribute the pledge the divine tool, only then he witnesses, the contract is effective.” 陶瓷小人:“是见证智慧种发下誓约的神器,只有他见证,契约才有效。” Will give you King of Abyss authority, exceeds the strength of mortal.” “才会赋予你深渊之王的权柄,还有超越凡人的力量。” This sounds, Crown of Wisdom probably is only a thing that concludes the contract. 这听上去,智慧王冠好像只是一个缔结契约的东西。 Thurow also asked one: Why wants a representative ghoul clan?” 瑟罗又问了一句:“为什么要代表食尸鬼一族?” Ceramic villain: Lust Queen Merder is the king of eagle demon, Pride King is also Bone Demon King, the king of Wrath King hot corpse.” 陶瓷小人:“色欲之王梅尔德是鹰魔之王,傲慢之王也是骨魔之王,暴怒之王还是火尸之王。” You naturally must have a ghoul clan to enter the eternal abyss, becomes their forever kings.” “你自然要带着食尸鬼一族进入永恒的深渊,成为他们永远的王。” Not?” “不是吗?” Said the mortal, you are unable to understand the significance of king, under a place even servant no existence, can call it the king?” “还是说凡人,你无法理解王的意义,一个座下连奴仆都没有的存在,也能够称之为王吗?” This explanation, sounding also seems reasonable. 这种解释,听上去似乎也挺合理。 , The ceramic villain set for Thurow in a few words is going to distribute the form of pledge. 三言两语之间,陶瓷小人就为瑟罗定下了将要发下誓言的格式。 Even to let Thurow can distribute the pledge, the ceramic villain also saved once many wicked interests, unexpectedly rare has not created obstacles for and played with Thurow this Child of Gluttony. 甚至为了让瑟罗能够发下誓言,陶瓷小人还省下了曾经的不少恶趣味,竟然罕见的没有刁难和玩弄瑟罗这个暴食之子 Does not know. 只是不知道。 This is a good deed, is a more pitiful matter. 这到底是一件好事,还是一件更悲惨的事情。 Because of this on behalf, him from the palm of ceramic villain, was on the God of Original Sin table stage. 因为这代表着,他从陶瓷小人的掌心,登上了原罪之神的桌台。 That fearful and evil god, has noticed his crazy fellow now. 那个可怕而邪恶的神祇,如今已经注意到了他这个疯狂的家伙。 Thurow does not know that what the procedure/program of abyss pledge is, he has also never listened to Crown of Wisdom and intelligent species pledge involving the secret of root secret. 瑟罗也并不知道深渊誓言的程序到底是什么样的,他也从未听过智慧王冠智慧种誓约这种涉及到根源秘密的隐秘。 Only thinks that this is the normal incomparable flow, becomes the King of Abyss fixed routine. 只以为这是正常无比的流程,是成为深渊之王的固定程序。 And. 而且。 God graciousness technique that the previous ceramic villain gives is right, gluttony seed cannot see what issue. 上一次陶瓷小人给的神恩术就是对的,暴食之种也看不出什么问题。 At least can see the ceramic villain, is really choosing him to become Gluttony King. 至少可以看得出陶瓷小人,是真的在挑选他成为暴食之王 Gave the direction again, shadow also sound also unceasing elongation of ceramic villain. 再一次给予了指引,陶瓷小人的影子也声音也不断的拉长。 Collects seven King of Abyss, making the abyss more powerful, makes God of Original Sin greater.” “凑齐七位深渊之王,让深渊变得更强大,也让原罪之神更加伟大。” Mortal.” “凡人。” Can become part under god honor, you should be honored that.” “能够成为神荣光之下的一部分,你该感到荣幸。”
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