IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#373 Part 2: Shiner, is really a name that makes one fondly remember!

I will also see royal court highest pretor tomorrow a time, reports this situation to him time, after how to arrange I to come back specifically, said.” “我明天还会去见一次王庭最高执政官,向他汇报这一次的情况,具体怎么安排等我回来之后再说。” Prosperous nod: I knew, Teacher.” 隆点头:“我知道了,老师。” Sukob shoved open the wooden door of association president room, inside has a person to wait for him. 苏科布推开了会长室的木门,里面早就有一个人在等待着他。 At that time an incantation seal puppet, but was different from the ordinary incantation seal puppets, there is a seedling source from the aura of strength source. 那时一个咒印傀儡,但是和普通的咒印傀儡不同,有一种源自于力量本源的气息。 Sukob can feel the great strength of opposite party, is not ordinary third-order Powerful may compare absolutely. 苏科布可以感受到对方的强大,绝对不是普通的三阶权能者可比。 After all. 毕竟。 This once was the original sin evil god for the new body that oneself prepare. 这可是曾经原罪邪神为自己准备的新身体。 Sukob saw the opposite party, expression not like before with own students serious, does not seem like a keeping aloof apostle, is more like a mild-mannered and cultivated scholar. 苏科布看到了对方,表情不像之前和自己的学生们那样严肃,也不像是一个高高在上的使徒,更像是一个温文尔雅的学者。 Feather snake mister.” “羽蛇先生。” Hello.” “您好。” The feather snake signals by nodding: I know you, Sukob apostle.” 羽蛇点头示意:“我知道您,苏科布使徒。” The feather snake has not thought that will bump into this apostle, besides God, the world existed to be able compared with this apostle to have a nobler status on few and a more powerful strength. 羽蛇也没有想到会碰上这位使徒,除了神明之外,人间就没有几个存在能够比这位使徒拥有着更高贵的身份和更强大的力量了。 Sukob invited the opposite party to sit down, talked with the stance of equality. 苏科布邀请对方坐下,以平等的姿态进行对话。 Thanked you regarding our help, but this plague had not ended, in the city also has many people to wait for the rescue.” “非常感谢您对于我们的帮助,但是这一场瘟疫还没有结束,城内还有着非常多的人等待着救助。” Although takes the liberty, therefore we want to ask you to stay some time again, we need your help.” “虽然非常冒昧,所以我们还是想要请您再停留一段时间,我们需要您的帮助。” Naturally.” “当然。” You, if has any request, can say with us.” “您如果有任何要求,也可以和我们说。” Regarding the friend, we is always the sincerity treats.” “对于朋友,我们从来都是真心相待。” The feather snake intention moves. 羽蛇心念一动。 It also really has in front of a matter need the help of this apostle, it obtained the god graciousness technique already sometime, however this god graciousness technique cannot directly use. 它还真的有一件事需要面前这个使徒的帮助,它得到了神恩术已经有一段时间了,然而这神恩术并不能直接使用。 Because that is the three leaves human god graciousness technique. 因为那是三叶人的神恩术。 Said actually not it has the issue, but the era changes, present snake human and winged human life form, witch spirit, alchemist, sky envoy wait/etc occupations, have the tremendous changes with last era. 倒不是说它有问题,只是纪元更改,如今的蛇人翼人的生命形态,巫灵炼金师天空使等等职业,都和上一个纪元有着天翻地覆的变化。 However in his front, has a true apostle, the apostle of this era. 但是在他的面前,有着一位真正的使徒,这一个纪元的使徒。 Moreover is just owing it the favor. 而且刚好欠着它人情。 The feather snake scrupulously follows the custom, but is not old-fashioned and stupid, it seizes this opportunity immediately. 羽蛇恪守规矩,但是却并不古板和愚蠢,它立刻抓住了这个机会。 Sukob apostle.” 苏科布使徒。” I really have doubts, needs you to explain.” “我真的有一个疑惑,需要您解答。” The feather snake has not covered up, said own story. 羽蛇没有遮掩,说出了自己的故事。 I once was a Suinhall Maya City city Lord mansion guard, followed Sir in Chengzhu Shiner.” “我曾经是苏因霍尔美雅城城主府的一名卫兵,跟随于城主夏纳大人。” „The Sukob apostle, does not know whether you know in the past that disaster that has in Maya City.” 苏科布使徒,不知道您是否知道当年那场发生在美雅城的天灾。” Some sound vicissitudes of feather snake. 羽蛇的声音有些沧桑。 Gate of Myth drops from the clouds, the blood-color flower the land, various God made war there completely.” 神话之门从天而降,血色的花开满了大地,诸神在那里开战。” However I under the strength of original sin evil god, turned into the inhuman shape.” “而我在原罪邪神的力量下,变成了非人的形态。” Sukob was shocked suddenly. 苏科布突然愣住了。 Because he not only knows, even that various god of past years fought him on the scene, had the opposite party to arrive at the society as God of Truth and Knowledge God's Blessed the carrier. 因为他不仅仅知道,甚至当年的那一场诸神之战他就在场,作为真理与知识之神神眷者还有对方降临人世间的载体。 He accepted the mission of god, sought for many years in the land, finally found the original sin evil god to span 250 million years of arrangement, that obviously is the Shiner family that the item will actually work as the adult. 他接受了神的使命,在大地上寻找了很多年,终于找到了原罪邪神跨越两亿五千万年的布置,那个明明是道具却将自己当成人的夏纳家族。 He still remembers oneself in the heart that unequalled shock, is unable to imagine one group of people able at that time a mission and pledges to inherit trillion years, even if spans the era the long years also to achieve it. 他至今还记得自己当时心中那无与伦比的震撼,无法想象一群人能够将一个使命和承诺继承了亿万年,哪怕是跨越纪元的漫长岁月也要达成它。 Also is because he found Shiner, God of Original Sin similar also drops to enter in the abyss from Lord of Brilliance divine throne. 也是因为他找到了夏纳,原罪之神肖也才从光辉之主神位上跌落进入深渊之中。 In that wind and cloud event, he could also be the core figure. 那一场风云事件之中,他也算得上是核心人物了。 Shiner.” 夏纳。” Really is a name that makes one fondly remember!” “真是个让人怀念的名字啊!” The Sukob spoken language sobbed, looked that has the sigh to the look of feather snake. 苏科布言语唏嘘,看向羽蛇的眼神有着感叹。 Meanwhile he has not thought, the opposite party unexpectedly was the past survivor. 同时他怎么也没有想到,对方竟然是当年的幸存者。 The feather snake exclaimed in surprise: „Do you also know the Shiner city lord?” 羽蛇惊叹:“您也知道夏纳城主?” Sukob nods: I know, but did not know.” 苏科布点头:“我知道,不过互相之间并不认识。” Also shocks prosperously unusually: Feather snake mister.” 隆也震惊异常:“羽蛇先生。” Originally you once were really a person.” “原来您曾经真的是人。” snake human regarding person concept, is they. 蛇人对于人这个概念,就是他们自己。 Naturally, another species winged human that is created by Ruler of Life, can call it the person. 当然,由生命主宰所创造的另一个物种翼人,也可以称之为人。 The feather snake nods, then it also mentioned himself to go to the endless vast desert and Demon Abyss royal city story, Sir Eliana donated the matter of its god graciousness technique. 羽蛇点头,接下来它又说起了自己前往无尽沙海和魔渊王城的故事,还有爱莲娜大人赠予了它神恩术的事情。 Finally it inquired Sukob: I, although obtained the god graciousness technique, but actually does not know how should use it.” 最后它询问苏科布:“我虽然得到了神恩术,但是却不知道该如何使用它。” „The Sukob apostle, hopes that you can direct me.” 苏科布使徒,希望您能指点我。” ------------------------------- ------------------------------- In earth cave. 地窟之中。 Corpse Eater Cult headquarters. 食尸者密教的总部。 The once earth cave huge space is used now completely, seeming like an underground city was ordinary ; Massive inhumanity exist to perch here, the evil Corpse Eater Cult member in groups gathers. 曾经的地窟庞大空间如今被完全利用了起来,看上去就像是一个地下城市一般;大量的非人存在栖息在这里,成群的邪恶的食尸者密教成员聚集。 After Thurow becomes Child of Gluttony, he does not need to worry that during backlash of divine blood and falls into is crazy. 瑟罗成为了暴食之子之后,他再也不用担忧神血的反噬和陷入疯狂之中。 These days. 这段时间。 No one knows that actually he makes many ghoul. 谁也不知道他究竟制造多少个食尸鬼 Efficiency that he works, with his crazy not the slightest difference. 他做事的效率,和他的疯狂一般无二。 Once set the goal on neglecting to eat and sleep achieves. 一旦定下了目标就废寝忘食的去达成。 At present the light in this earth cave, the ghoul quantity has achieved 2000 ; If conforms with an army it, in first-order ghoul and has under wisdom leadership of second-order ghoul, that will be an incomparably fearful strength. 目前光在这座地窟之中,食尸鬼的数量已经达到了两千;如果将其整合成一支军队,在一阶食尸鬼和拥有智慧的二阶食尸鬼的率领下,那将是一支无比可怕的力量。 It is not the well-trained Alchemy regiment, at all probably is not this type has the unusual strength the opponent of monster, and fierce does not fear. 不是训练有素的炼金军团,根本不可能是这种拥有超凡力量且悍不畏死的怪物的对手。 Above the evil altar stage is burning the flaming fire. 邪恶的祭坛高台之上燃烧着熊熊大火。 Under the flame is standing two people, goes against the light unable to see clearly the appearance. 火焰下站着两个人,逆着光看不清模样。 Below is lots of Corpse Eater Cult members, dense and numerous monsters. 下面是大量的食尸者密教成员,还有密密麻麻的怪物们。 The monsters submit to the place, the Corpse Eater Cult member is also fearing above that two powerful and crazy existence. 怪物们臣服在地,食尸者密教成员也恐惧着上面那两个强大而疯狂的存在。 Chief Sir.” “首席大人。” Second place Sir.” “次席大人。” This is two people's names, they always bring the mask, will cover up solid with the cape. 这就是两个人的称呼,他们从来都是带着面具,用斗篷将自己遮掩得严严实实。 However that not the slightest difference ice-cold vision, the cold and gloomy makings, make people feel that dreads. 但是那一般无二的冰冷目光,还有森冷的气质,都让人感觉到畏惧。 Thurow and Ackermanmon. 正是瑟罗和阿克曼蒙两人。 Two people at this moment and were completely once different, lots of evil people give up, simultaneously controls massive ghoul that can change into the regiment. 此刻的两个人和曾经完全不一样了,大量邪徒俯首称臣,同时控制可以化为军团的大量食尸鬼 Had the appearance of evil forces giant seriously. 当真有了邪恶势力巨头的模样。 Thurow's voice conveys from the flame altar: Today prohibits the entire earth cave, without my order does not allow anybody to pass in and out.” 瑟罗的声音从火焰祭坛上传来:“今天封禁整个地窟,没有我的命令不允许任何人进出。” Ackermanmon looked to an numerous Corpse Eater Cult evil disciple: Some any emergency cases can ask me to report, in addition cannot disturb me and chief.” 阿克曼蒙看向了一众食尸者密教邪徒:“有任何紧急情况可以来找我报告,除此之外不可以来打搅我和首席。” Two people are preparing a very important matter. 两人在准备着一件非常重要的事情。 Thurow must prepare to break through the apostle, this becomes the abyss Gluttony King first step. 瑟罗要准备突破使徒了,这是成为深渊暴食之王的第一步。 Powerful apostle of God mounts the first step of throne, the mortal it seems like just likes the world God apostle looks like in the evil god of original sin, is consumables. 强大的神之使徒只是登上王座的第一步,凡人看来恍若人间神明的使徒在原罪的邪神看来,也不过就是个消耗品。 Naturally. 当然。 This type depends upon the evil god to grant, plunders others divine blood to mount existence of position of apostle also to only have two fates. 这种依靠邪神赐予,掠夺他人神血登上使徒之位的存在也只有两种下场。 Either becomes part of abyss series number 3 divine spell items, either dissipates in crazy thoroughly ; But like the common God apostle, does not have more possibilities or the escape routes. 要么成为深渊这个序列号三神术道具的一部分,要么就在疯狂之中彻底消散;而不像寻常神明使徒那样,有着更多的可能性或者退路。 To Thurow only has a road. 对于瑟罗来说只有一条路。 Enters lives, draws back , then dies. 进则生,退则死。 The flame altar is one huge ceremony technique, many first-order ghoul and several second-order ghoul stand above each node ; They are helping Thurow mount the position of apostle, is spying on the Gluttony King throne. 火焰祭坛本身就是一个庞大的仪式术阵,不少一阶食尸鬼和几个二阶食尸鬼站立在各个节点之上;他们在帮助着瑟罗登上使徒之位,进而窥探着暴食之王的宝座。 In Thurow's hands takes a book. 在瑟罗的手中拿着一本书。 Abyss god graciousness technique 深渊神恩术 After god graciousness technique that the original sin evil god revises. 经过原罪邪神修改的神恩术。 The god graciousness technique was proposed the conception by first-generation truth sage Sandan, second-generation truth sage Lane completed. 神恩术由第一代真理贤者桑德安提出构想,第二代真理贤者蓝恩完成。 As similar of Lane student, naturally exceeds the general Temple of Truth apprentice regarding god graciousness technique the understanding of essence, has no difficulty in view of revision god graciousness technique matter to him. 作为蓝恩学生的肖,对于神恩术的本质的了解自然是超越一般真理圣殿的学徒的,针对修改神恩术这种事情对于他来说没有任何难度。 The Ackermanmon eye also fell in that book: God graciousness technique.” 阿克曼蒙眼睛也落在了那本书上:“神恩术。” „Is this God of Original Sin gives you?” “这是原罪之神给你的?” You chose the abyss no wonder finally.” “怪不得你最后选择了深渊。” Thurow smiled: Choice?” 瑟罗笑了:“选择?” „The second place, the life has not chosen, this world no one will give the opportunity that you choose.” “次席,人生没有选择,这个世界没有人会给你选择的机会。” So-called gives you to choose, is to make you choose to lose all, wrestles at risk of life.” “所谓的给你选择,就是让你选择失去所有,还是拼死一搏。” We, only then during times have not chosen, breaks the rule.” “我们只有在一次次没有选择之中,打破规则而出。” Only then breaks rule, only then unrestricted, can win in the world without choice.” “只有打破规则者,只有不受约束者,才能在没有选择的世界之中获得胜利。” Thurow also gives Ackermanmon to look at the god graciousness technique, he is always very natural. 瑟罗也给阿克曼蒙看过神恩术,他向来都很大方。 When he felt you do not have the use, you can feel his roughshod. 但是当他觉得你没有用处的时候,你就能够感受到他的残酷无情。 Naturally. 当然。 These have him the reason that needs the Ackermanmon help to assist to preside over the ceremony. 这其中也有他需要阿克曼蒙帮忙协助主持仪式的原因。 He thinks appropriate Ackermanmon must use the god graciousness technique time, he should already already in the abyss. 还有他觉得当阿克曼蒙要用上神恩术的时候,他应该早就已经在深渊之中了。 Thurow and Ackermanmon are adjusting ceremony technique together, most makes Thurow indecisive, choice about incantation seal. 瑟罗和阿克曼蒙一起调整着仪式术阵,其中最让瑟罗犹豫不决的,就是关于咒印的选择。 Ackermanmon: Why must choose these ordinary incantation seal, can't use other displacements?” 阿克曼蒙:“为什么一定要选择这些普通的咒印,不能用其他的代替吗?” For example with plague blood incantation.” “例如用瘟疫血咒。” Thurow never imagined saying: „Isn't that courts death?” 瑟罗想都没有想就说道:“那不是找死么?” „Is plague blood incantation incantation seal, you and I are indefinite.” “瘟疫血咒到底是不是咒印,你和我都不确定。” Ackermanmon: You have not said that incantation seal is extending of strength of principle, but the principle not who creates, but has long existed in the thing of this world.” 阿克曼蒙:“你不是说过,咒印是法则之力的延伸,而法则并非谁所创造,而是早就存在于这个世界的东西。” Then cursed, similarly should also be a principle.” “那么诅咒,同样应该也是一种法则。” If takes incantation seal with the plague blood incantation, like this you can become the master of plague blood incantation truly, all ghoul that infected the plague blood incantation will receive your control.” “如果用瘟疫血咒作为咒印,这样你就可以真正成为瘟疫血咒的主人,所有感染了瘟疫血咒的食尸鬼都将受到你的控制。” You are all ghoul masters.” “你就是所有食尸鬼的主人。” Before Ackermanmon remembered, with Thurow has discussed the detail of god graciousness technique, strength about apostle. 阿克曼蒙想起了之前和瑟罗讨论过的神恩术的细节,还有关于使徒的力量。 Moreover the fourth-order apostle has the energetic force field territory, that is the apostle most powerful strength, is huge domain that incantation seal, spiritual and divine blood three gather become.” “而且四阶使徒拥有精神力场域,那是使徒最强大的力量,是咒印、精神、神血三者汇聚而成的庞大领域。” You are controlling the plague blood incantation.” “你掌控着瘟疫血咒。” Your energetic force field territory will conduct the resonance with the plague blood incantations of all ghoul within the body, forms a powerful incomparable energetic force field territory, ceremony technique that forms naturally.” “你的精神力场域将会和所有的食尸鬼体内的瘟疫血咒进行共鸣,形成一个强大无比的精神力场域,一个天然形成的仪式术阵。” Ackermanmon is saying beckoningly with the light tone words that and one's blood bubbles up to the brim. 阿克曼蒙用平淡的语气说着令人心动且热血沸腾的话语。 When the time comes in this domain, you will have the great power that is inconceivable.” “到时候在这个领域之中,你将拥有难以想象的强大力量。” No one can beat you.” “没有人能够击败你。” Thurow was shocked, although he himself was saying must break the rule, must break down the fetter and boundary. 瑟罗愣住了,他自己虽然说着要打破规则,要打破束缚和界限。 However it actually discovered at this moment. 但是此时此刻它却发现。 Oneself probably also by some boundary blocking line of sight. 自己好像也被某种界限给阻挡了视线。 This is also very normal, after all under that is the God of Original Sin envoy grants the thing, conceivable can trace on God directly. 这也很正常,毕竟那可是原罪之神的使者赐予下的东西,可以想象是可以直接追溯到神明身上的。 Thurow natural must display according to the above each detail, does not dare to make any mistake. 瑟罗理所当然的要按照上面的每一个细节去施展,丝毫不敢有任何差错。 But Ackermanmon first thinks that is revises divine spell that the god grants unexpectedly. 阿克曼蒙第一时间想到的,竟然是去修改神赐予的神术 How does this fellow think? 这家伙是怎么想的? He in the strength of question god, felt are oneself more intelligent than the god? 他难道是在质疑神的力量,觉得自己比神更聪明? However Thurow felt the breakthrough way that Ackermanmon said that has the idea, moreover is suitable he. 不过瑟罗却觉得阿克曼蒙说的这种突破方式极具想法,而且非常适合他。 He created ghoul, he will become Ghoul King finally, had to control all ghoul, moreover powerful increase that can through the plague blood the strength of incantation and curse, acquisition is inconceivable. 他创造出了食尸鬼,他最后将会成为食尸鬼之王,拥有控制所有食尸鬼,而且可以通过瘟疫血咒和诅咒的力量,获得难以想象的强大增幅。 Probably can attempt.” “好像可以尝试一下。” Becoming the apostle also to be divided into several steps, fuses incantation seal and final Divine Grace Stone congealment, can try. 成为使徒也是分为好几步的,融合咒印和最后的神恩石凝结,都是可以进行尝试的。 Thurow looks at Ackermanmon: Second place.” 瑟罗看着阿克曼蒙:“次席。” You, although becomes the Powerful time to be somewhat short, but you will always have the imagination of some powerful and unconstrained styles.” “你虽然成为权能者的时间有些短,但是你总是会有一些天马行空的想象。” „It seems like you to become the Powerful time to be later, instead is a good deed, will not form the fetter to your idea.” “看起来你成为权能者的时间晚一些,反而是一件好事,不会对你的想法形成束缚。” This is very good.” “这很好。” Ackermanmon read many books since childhood, although he does not have the Powerful talent, but actually read the book about unusual knowledge. 阿克曼蒙从小就看了很多书,他虽然没有权能者的天赋,但是却看了许多关于超凡知识的书。 He cannot practice, but will always actually be launching to give free reign to the imagination to these knowledge. 他不能修行,但是却总是会对着那些知识展开畅想。 If he. 如果是他的话。 How he will do. 他会怎么做。 However perhaps because of so, him can propose that these average men cannot think, is seemingly crazy does not have the tentative plan of boundary. 但是或许正是因为如此,他才能够提出那些常人不敢想,看上去疯狂得没有边际的设想。 Perhaps also because, Thurow thinks that their two are the similar two people. 或许也正是因为如此,瑟罗才会认为他们两个是相似的两个人。 At least in these crazy ideas. 至少在那些疯狂的想法上。
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