IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#373 Part 1: Shiner, is really a name that makes one fondly remember!

! The prosperity has an odd person who is throwing over the cape entered in the lunar eclipse city. 隆带着一个披着斗篷的怪人进入了月蚀城中。 If carefully looks, will discover that fellow under cape is a lifelike mud person. 如果仔细看的话,会发现斗篷下的那个家伙是一个栩栩如生的泥巴人。 His face is the mud pinches, although the surface used the exquisite white clay ; The tail is also the mud pinches, can actually move unexpectedly, but will not examine carefully only thinks that contaminated the mud in the open country. 他的面孔是泥巴捏成的,虽然表面用了细腻的白泥;尾巴也是泥巴捏的,却竟然可以动起来,不过不细看只会以为是在野外沾染了泥浆。 This is the incantation seal puppet. 这是个咒印傀儡。 The main body of feather snake hid in Herder's River rested, controls this incantation seal puppet follower to take a ship prosperously, arrived at the opposite shore. 羽蛇的本体藏在了牧者之河里休息,控制着这个咒印傀儡跟随者隆乘坐着一艘船,来到了对岸。 Steady.” “稳一点。” The boatman who grand and poles a boat said, as if for fear that the body of feather snake fell into the water. 隆和撑船的船夫说道,仿佛生怕羽蛇的这具身体掉进水里化了。 The boatmen also know prosperously: Sir, you rush to here to investigate the plague situation!” 船夫也认识隆:“大人,您又跑到这里来调查瘟疫的情况啊!” Your such great person, can manage the lives of our these unimportant people unexpectedly.” “您这样的大人物,竟然也会管我们这些小人物的死活。” Told the boatman prosperously: I am not the great person, I am only the retinue of god.” 隆告诉船夫:“我不是什么大人物,我只是神的仆从。” The boatmen nod, read the prayer language: Praised God of Truth and Knowledge.” 船夫点头,也念了句祷告语:“赞美真理与知识之神。” As the agreement attorneys and witch spirit prominence in the lunar eclipse city, the God of Truth and Knowledge name also more and more knows for more people. 随着契律师和巫灵们在月蚀城内声名鹊起,真理与知识之神的名字也越来越为更多的人知道。 These people not necessarily really believe God of Truth and Knowledge, in front of the agreement attorney trade unions or their these gods retinues. 这些人不一定真的信仰真理与知识之神,但是在契律师工会或者他们这些神之仆从面前的时候。 Also can study is praising God. 也会学着赞美神明 Entered the Berkeley area, the feather snake had not a good feeling. 一进入贝克莱区,羽蛇就有了一种不好的感觉。 It looked to prosperously, asked him. 它看向了隆,问他。 What sound did you hear?” “你听到什么声音了吗?” Its strong intelligence felt probably here is filling the pitiful yell and wailing sound everywhere, some as if people cursed angrily in the curse. 它超强的灵性好像感觉到这里到处弥漫着惨叫和哀嚎声,似乎有人在诅咒怒骂。 That sound are been least to gather by several hundred over a thousand people together, reverberates faintly near the ear. 那声音最少由数百上千人汇聚在一起,隐隐回荡在耳边。 When the feather snake listens attentively carefully, could not feel that actually that sound sends from where. 但是当羽蛇仔细去倾听的时候,又感觉不到那声音究竟是从何处发出来的。 Prosperous is bewildered, has not induced slightly. 隆则是一脸茫然,丝毫没有感应。 What sound?” “什么声音?” The feather snake did not have to say again, two people then toward destination depart. 羽蛇也就没有再多说,两人接着朝着目的地出发 Here is lunar eclipse city workshop most areas, is the plague erupts the most serious place. 这里是月蚀城工坊最多的区,也是瘟疫爆发最严重的地方。 Every day has almost little more than ten, to dozens people confirmed caught the plague. 几乎每天都有着少则十几个,多则数十人被确认染上了瘟疫。 Then delivers to the medical fort, does not see. 然后送到医堡去,再也不见回来。 Gradually. 渐渐的。 Some people are not willing deliver to there oneself child or the family member, but hid secretly. 有些人不愿意将自己的孩子或者亲人送到那里,而是偷偷藏匿了起来。 However once the royal court guard discovered, immediately punishes these people, and forcefully the person who will infect the plague sends off. 不过王庭的卫兵一旦发现,立刻就对这些人进行处罚,并且强行将感染瘟疫的人送走。 This is in the Berkeley area and some quite lively area, some plague serious slums, the situation was different. 这还是在贝克莱区和一些比较繁华的区,有些瘟疫严重的贫民窟,情况就不一样了。 These slums will seal off directly, does not allow inside person to come out, as for inside person, could not manage directly, no one knows that inside present turned into what appearance. 那些贫民窟会被直接封堵住,不允许里面的人出来,至于里面的人死活,就直接管不着了,谁也不知道里面如今变成什么样子了。 Prosperous seemed familiar with here situation, leading the incantation seal puppet of feather snake to arrive in a street quickly, he knows that this street had many people infected. 隆似乎对这里的情况很熟悉,带着羽蛇的咒印傀儡很快就来到了一条街道里,他知道这条街道有不少人被感染了。 However has not reported them prosperously. 但是隆却没有举报他们。 Because he knows, the infection of this disease is not simple, it is not the true plague, is not simple successor others to form. 因为他知道,这种疾病的传染并没有那么简单,它不是真正的瘟疫,也不是简单的通过人传人来形成的。 But is an unusual strength. 而是一种超凡的力量。 This was grand Cha was so also long, has not checked plague source the reason of source as before. 这也是隆查了这么久,依旧没有查到瘟疫的源头的源头的原因。 The plague that because this type infects through the unusual strength almost does not have the mark to seek, seems like the sound of that not being able to hear curse. 因为这种通过超凡力量感染的瘟疫几乎无迹可寻,就好像那种听不见的诅咒之声。 After entering a lane . 进入一条巷子之后。 The sound that the feather snake hears is getting more and more loud, is getting more and more intense. 羽蛇听到的声音越来越大,越来越强烈。 In this lane has the person who infected the plague much, came to be paid attention prosperously, here many knew him. 这条巷子里有着不少感染了瘟疫的人,隆一进来就被人关注到了,这里不少人都认识他。 Sir.” “大人。” You came.” “您又来了。” Nods prosperously, tells others, oneself invited a wise doctor. 隆点了点头,告诉其他人,自己请了一位高明的医师来。 The feather snake enters the house, to was saying with the mind communication prosperously: You are deceiving them, I am not the doctor.” 羽蛇进入房子,用心灵沟通对着隆说道:“你在欺骗他们,我不是什么医师。” Replied prosperously: In their eyes, can treat an illness is a doctor.” 隆却回答:“在他们眼中,能治病的就是医师。” The feather snake looked that to lay down the youth on bed, can feel the sound of that curse the round from him. 羽蛇看向了躺在床上的青年,可以感觉到那种诅咒之声就是从他身上发出来的。 The feather snake looked at a prosperity, the sound appeared in the prosperous mind: „Is this plague that you said?” 羽蛇看了一眼隆,声音就出现在隆的脑海之中:“这就是你说的瘟疫?” Prosperous nod: „It is not the ordinary plague, but is anything, I am not clear.” 隆点头:“不是普通的瘟疫,但是到底是什么,我也不清楚。” Swelled remembered anything at this time, supplemented one. 隆这个时候又想起了什么,又补充了一句。 Right.” “对了。” Made me find your person saying that he as if said that was the curse?” “让我来找你的那个人说过,他似乎说是诅咒?” „What is the curse?” “但是诅咒是什么?” Cursed others? Cursed others also to be able the person scolded got sick the situation?” “咒骂别人吗?咒骂他人还能将人骂病了的情况?” Prosperous has also never heard such situation, before Lord of Purgatory, people have not known that the curse is also a strength. 隆也从未听闻过这样的情况,在炼狱之主之前,人们还不知道诅咒也是一种力量。 The feather snake said: God does not use the incantation, they only with looking at a somebody, can reverse the shape of its life thoroughly.” 羽蛇却说道:“神明不用咒,祂们只用看一眼某个人,就可以将其生命的形态彻底扭转。” Prosperous: How to pull to God on goes?” 隆:“怎么扯到神明身上去了呢?” Prosperous actually does not know, feather snake this was saying itself. 隆却不知道,羽蛇这是在说自己。 On the youth on that bed grew large number of rashes, the whole body boiling hot had a fever. 那床榻上的青年身上长出了大量的疹子,浑身滚烫发烧。 Whole person unceasing is speaking the nonsense. 整个人不断的在说着胡话。 The feather snake put out a hand, touches to the head of opposite party. 羽蛇伸出手,摸向了对方的头。 Light of the intelligence sends out directly from its hand. 一股灵性之光直接从它的手上散发出来。 The surrounding person exuded one to call out in alarm, they also saw a white light sent out with the hand of opposite party, covers on the body of youth. 周围的人发出了一声惊呼,他们也看到了一股白光随着对方的手发出,覆盖在青年的身上。 They only know odd person who this is throwing over the cape, unexpectedly is Powerful. 他们这才知道这个披着斗篷的怪人,竟然是一个权能者 Also yes. 也是。 This is the character who leads prosperously. 这可是隆带过来的人物。 The feather snake feels all of opposite party within the body immediately, even can penetrate the intelligence of opposite party to feel all of opposite party. 羽蛇立刻感受到了对方体内的一切,甚至能够深入对方的灵性感受到对方的一切。 The feather snake is motionless, the sound actually reverberates in the prosperous mind. 羽蛇一动不动,声音却回响在隆的脑海之中。 This is not the plague.” “这不是瘟疫。” Some people forced in a strange strength their blood of myth.” “有人将一种奇怪的力量塞进了他们的神话之血之中。” I saw, that is the joint entity of an incantation seal and spirit, the brand mark in their intelligence and consciousness deep places.” “我看到了,那是一种咒印和精神的结合体,烙印在他们的灵性和意识深处。” That spirit and incantation seal are corroding blood of myth of his within the body, this caused the change of his body.” “那股精神、咒印在侵蚀他体内的神话之血,这才导致了他身体的变化。” The feather snake was saying to be saying, suddenly was shocked. 羽蛇说着说着,突然愣住了。 Spirit, incantation seal and divine blood. 精神、咒印、神血 Isn't this three essential factors of god graciousness technique? 这不是神恩术的三要素吗? The feather snake obtained the god graciousness technique from Eliana there, it knows the wisdom three essential factors, knows blood of myth some secrets. 羽蛇从爱莲娜那里得到了神恩术,它是知晓智慧三要素的,更知道神话之血的部分秘密。 Since obtained god graciousness technique the days, it is not the light takes was not looking that also has studied well. 得到了神恩术以来的这段日子,它也不是光拿着不看的,也是好好的研究过的。 The feather snake is earnest immediately. 羽蛇立刻认真了起来。 Its careful combs the body of this patient, is observing change that came from in within the body most deep place. 它仔细的梳理这个病人的身体,观察着源自于其体内最深处的变化。 It discovers anything immediately. 它立刻发现了什么。 Although the opposite party made ghoul with the methods of wisdom three essential factors, but was actually not of god graciousness technique most core secret technique that made Divine Grace Stone. 对方虽然是用智慧三要素的方法来制造出了食尸鬼,但是却不是神恩术最核心的那种制造出神恩石的秘术。 But is one type strong rough, spiritual, incantation seal and divine blood stirring in one. 而是一种强硬粗糙的,将精神、咒印、神血搅拌在了一起。 I did not say right.” “我就说不对。” I said how the average person possibly fuses the three essential factors ; But some people forced in a strange activation energetic incantation seal their blood of myth, turned into this them.” “我就说,普通人怎么可能融合三要素;而是有人将一种奇怪的活化精神咒印塞进了他们的神话之血内,将他们变成了这样。” Why do they want to do that? Is this wants to do? ” ‘他们为什么要这么做?这是想要干什么?” The feather snake inherits is Lord of Brilliance the strength of that part of intelligence sources, can feel the intelligent species within the body most fundamental strength since birth, under its strength, the essence of plague was looked clear. 羽蛇继承的就是光辉之主的那一部分灵性本源的力量,生来就可以感受到智慧种体内最根本的力量,在它的力量下,瘟疫的本质被看得一清二楚。 Prosperous has also been listening to the feather snake to speak these words, asked the feather snake. 隆也一直在听着羽蛇说这些话,问羽蛇。 I said that really some people are up to mischief, this plague is not the unusual strength leak, but some people do intentionally.” “我就说果然是有人在搞鬼,这种瘟疫就不是什么超凡力量外泄,而是有人故意做的。” Feather snake mister.” “羽蛇先生。” Can cure him?” “能治好他吗?” The feather snake prepared, displayed divine spell. 羽蛇准备了一下,就施展起了神术 The powerful white light wrapped the entire room. 强大的白光包裹住了整个屋子。 It starts to affect the body of opposite party from the intelligence source, is affecting this intelligent species most fundamental strength, then corroded his strange incantation seal expel of its within the body unceasingly. 其从灵性的本源上开始影响对方的身体,影响着这个智慧种最根本的力量,然后将其体内的那股不断侵蚀他的怪异咒印驱逐了出来。 The feather snake extruded that incantation seal, it lost depending on divine blood and spirit, suddenly diverged. 羽蛇将那个咒印挤压了出来,其失去了依托的神血和精神,眨眼之间就散去了。 The feather snake is feeling the strength of that gray incantation seal, actually does not dare to touch it. 羽蛇感受着那灰色咒印的力量,却也不敢触碰它。 Behind this thing has what more terrible thing probably, came from in the Dreamland deep place. 这东西背后好像有着什么更加可怕的东西,源自于梦界的深处。 What thing is this?” “这是什么东西?” Probably incantation seal, but incantation seal obviously is the principle external obviously, is not this.” “像是咒印,但是咒印明明是法则的外在显化,不是这样的。” The feather snake looked to prosperously, it still remembers before being prosperous, that word that said. 羽蛇看向了隆,它还记得隆之前说的那个词。 Curse.” “诅咒。” If called it with this word, but also was very vivid.” “如果用这个词来称呼它的话,还真的很形象。” Finishes speaking, the youth of catching an illness wakes. 话音刚落,染病的青年就醒了过来。 Although is still weak, but did not speak the nonsense finally, moreover seemed like the situation to be obviously good. 虽然依旧虚弱,但是总算是不说胡话了,而且看上去情况明显好了起来。 Ok!” “好了!” Was really good.” “真的好了。” Looks at the feather snake prosperously with divine spell, eliminated on the opposite party plague, it may be said that is startled, if Celestial. 隆看着羽蛇用一个神术,就清除了对方身上的“瘟疫”,可谓是惊若天人。 Originally he is only brings the feather snake to have a look, to know the situation, behind also prepares to wait for the feather snake to propose that various requests, various troublesome preparations, can cope with this thorny plague finally. 本来他只是带着羽蛇过来看看,了解一下情况,后面还准备等着羽蛇提出各种要求,各种麻烦的准备,最终才能够对付这棘手的瘟疫。 Actually without thinking, the opposite party wielded like this started, directly solved? 却没有想到,对方就这样挥了一下手,就直接解决了? Like this is simple?” “就这样简单?” Looks at the feather snake prosperously, this has not seen life body. 隆看着羽蛇,这个从来没有见过的生命体。 The opposite party also really have the strength of being above the imagination. 对方还真的是拥有着一种超乎想象的力量。 Although is seemingly simple, but this is came from in the strength of myth source, one of the intelligence, wisdom, desire and knowledge four branches. 虽然看似简单,但是这可是源自于神话源头的力量,灵性、智慧、欲望、知识四个分支之一。 Actually the witch spirit strength is also mysterious, is one of the four branches. 其实巫灵的力量也同样神奇,属于四分支之一。 Regarding others is also the strength of being above the imagination ; But in Longping day and witch spirit in the same place, seen were many were not surprised. 对于其他人来说也是一种超乎想象的力量;只不过隆平日里和巫灵们在一起,见的多了也就不以为奇了。 The family member of youth also called out in alarm at this time makes noise, lies before the bed excited. 青年的家人这个时候也惊呼出声,趴在床前激动不已。 Could be saved.” The mother holds son's face, the tears class/flow is continuing. “有救了。”母亲捧着儿子的脸,泪流不止。 Sees not to have, you said that did not have the means that I said that Sir witch spirit had certainly the means ; Lived, my son lived.” Then mother looked to two people, is bursting into tears the unceasing nod. “看见没有,你们都说没办法了,我就说巫灵大人一定有办法的;活过来了,我儿子活过来了。”然后母亲又看向了两个人,流着泪不断的点头。 Two Sirs, really thank you, thank you saved my son.” Stands in nearby father, lay on the ground directly. “两位大人,真的谢谢您们,谢谢您救了我儿子。”立在一旁的父亲,更是直接趴在了地上。 He looks prosperously, in the mouth is saying unceasingly. 他看着隆,嘴中不断的说着。 Thank God of Truth and Knowledge.” “感谢真理与知识之神。” Praised God of Truth and Knowledge.” “赞美真理与知识之神。” You sent your envoy, saved our one.” “您派来了您的使者,拯救了我们一家。” Person on grand and this street is very familiar, because once Keeton led him to pass through here, he also arrived here afterward frequently. 隆和这条街道上的人都很熟悉,因为曾经基顿带着他在这里走过,他后来也经常来到这里。 Lonlas had two people, can see that he was also happy. 隆拉起了两个人,可以看到他也非常高兴。 However when is happy. 但是高兴之余。 What are more is worried. 更多的是担忧。 He assembles on person's to control immediately this street situation, mainly for does not make the situation that the feather snake treats an illness divulge. 他立刻调集来了人将这条街道上的情况控制住,主要是为了不让羽蛇治病的情况泄露出来。 If the plague creates artificially, then back instigation is not certainly simple. 如果瘟疫是人为造成的话,那么背后的主使一定不简单。 Therefore now cannot make here situation leak out absolutely, making the opposite party know oneself had found has treated plague the means. 所以现在绝对不能让这里情况泄露出去,让对方知道自己已经找到了治疗“瘟疫”的办法。 Controls after this remote street . 将这条偏僻的街道控制住后。 His start makes the feather snake treat and cure other patients, more thorough understanding this type plague. 他开始让羽蛇救治其他的病人,同时也更加深入的了解这种“瘟疫”。 The feather snake opened a room. 羽蛇开辟了一个房间。 It the person brought these caught an illness, here strongly treatment. 它将那些染病了的人带了过来,在这里集中救治。 grand and another two witch spirit are looking for the infected person in the street, unceasing and person lifts together. 隆和另外两名巫灵在街道之中寻找着感染者,不断的和人一起抬过来。 On halfway. 半路上。 A patient just lifted to go crazy, starts to attack grand and two civilians carelessly. 一个患者刚刚抬过来就发了狂,开始胡乱的攻击隆和两名平民。 grand Yazhi was occupied by the infected person of going crazy, but during the opposite party is going crazy quickly died. 隆压制住了发狂的感染者,但是对方很快就在发狂之中死去。 In the room feather snake also heard the sound to control the puppet to walk, just saw one piece in confusion, fell on the infected person of ground. 房间里面的羽蛇也听到了动静控制住傀儡走了出来,刚好看到了一片狼藉,还有倒在地上的感染者。 Opposite party probably unbending the statue, the skin becomes gray the blanch ; It seems like on outside is smudging a gypsum probably, or is growing some type of special cutin. 对方就好像一个僵直了的雕像,皮肤发灰发白;看上去就好像外面涂抹着一层石膏,或者长着某种特殊的角质。 grand somewhat regretted: Pitifully, he has died.” 隆有些遗憾:“可惜,他已经死了。” The feather snake said: He has not died.” 羽蛇却说:“他没有死。” grand Shangqian inspected: It has died obviously.” 隆上前又检查了一番:“它明明已经死了。” The feather snake shakes the head: Its body had died, or had some unusual change ; However its consciousness and all things, were stranded in the brain.” 羽蛇摇了摇头:“它的身体已经死了,或者说发生了某种奇特的变化;但是它的意识和所有的东西,都被困在了大脑之中。” He has not rescued, that strength had corroded the intelligence of his brain thoroughly, unified with his body completely in one.” “不过他已经没有救了,那种力量已经将他的大脑的灵性都彻底侵蚀了,和他的身体完全结合在了一起。” I, if pursued that strength of his within the body, he also turned into a corpse thoroughly.” “我如果驱逐了他体内的那股力量,他也就彻底变成了一具尸体。” The feather snake said this saying time, simultaneously looked to the room. 羽蛇说这话的时候,同时看向了房间之内。 Infected person I have looked, the somewhat strange place is, unexpectedly is the male and female of young adults.” “被感染的人我都看过了,有些奇怪的地方是,竟然都是青壮年的男性和女子。” If is really the disease, aims at shouldn't be the physique is weaker old person and child?” “如果真的是疾病的话,针对的不应该都是体质更弱一些的老人和孩子吗?” I felt that this is infecting some disease, is more like rather choosing some suitable standard the goal.” “我感觉这与其说是在传染某种疾病,不如说更像是在挑选某种适格的目标。” Heard the feather snake saying that the prosperous expression all of a sudden changed. 听到羽蛇这么说,隆的表情一下子就变了。 He as if saw a huge conspiracy. 他似乎看到了一场巨大的阴谋。 The feather snake went forward, manipulates that to seem like the died corpse. 羽蛇上前,摆弄着那具看上去已经死掉的尸体。 Not long. 没有多久。 Sees corpse unceasing twitching. 就看到尸体不断的抽搐。 The feather snake imprisoned the consciousness in brain the opposite party liberated, activated him. 羽蛇将对方囚禁在大脑之中的意识解放了出来,重新激活了他。 Quick saw that corpse lived, the deceased person turned into the live corpse of going crazy again, toward the surrounding all goal attacks, frightens the surrounding person again and again to retrocede. 很快就看到那尸体活了过来,死人再度变成了发狂的活尸,朝着周围的所有目标攻击,吓得周围的人连连后退。 What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” „Hasn't he died?” “他没死吗?” Quite fearful, you look at his appearance, how did his body increase probably?” “好可怕,你看他的模样,他身体怎么好像变大了一圈?” Was scared including Longdu, not because of the strength of opposite party, because helplessly looks person who had died obviously, lived again. 连隆都被吓着了,不是因为对方的力量,而是因为眼睁睁的看着一个明明已经死掉的人,又再一次活了过来。 This regarding Powerful, does not gather the common sense. 这对于权能者来说,也不合常理。 What is this?” “这是什么?” „Did deceased person live?” “死人又活过来了?” What thing is this?” “这到底是什么东西?” That live corpse changed a person probably thoroughly, he absolutely did not have the human form, in the mouth to drop the saliva. 那活尸好像彻底变了一个人,他完全没有了人形,口中滴着口涎。 The eye blood threads covered entirely, has a liking for a redness. 眼睛血丝布满了,看上一片赤红。 He looks at everyone on the scene, the intense swallowing desire sends out from the strength of live corpse, stimulates to movement him to attack the living creature on the scene. 他看着在场的每一个人,强烈的吞噬欲望从活尸的力量散发出来,催动着他攻击着在场的活物。 He as if can feel, sends out the fragrance that from these intelligent species within the body, the plague blood incantation of his within the body is longing for the flesh that swallows the opposite party, plunders the strength of opposite party. 他似乎能够感受到,从这些智慧种的体内散发出的香味,他体内的瘟疫血咒渴望着吞噬对方的血肉,掠夺对方的力量。 Hungry “饿饿” Eats, I must eat you to eat “吃吃吃,我要吃了你们吃了” The terrifying confusion talked during sleep turns into roaring of does not have any significance thoroughly, like hungry beast general roaring. 紧接着,恐怖的混乱呓语就彻底变成了没有任何意义的咆哮,如同饿兽一般的咆哮。 grand Lengleng stood in same place. 隆愣愣的站在了原地。 As if saw the wickedness of this world, dirtiest ugly thing that in the mire that then degenerates from the evil thought crawls. 似乎看到了此世之恶,那从恶念堕落的泥沼里爬出来的最肮脏丑恶之物。 Looks at the monster to rush to itself, prosperous under decided the decision suddenly. 看着怪物奔向了自己,隆突然下定了决定。 His hand book on witch spirit turns, gathered a ray cutting the head of that monster. 他手上的巫灵之书翻起,汇聚成一道光芒将那怪物的头颅给砍了下来。 That monster falls down in the prosperous front, the head falls in the place. 那怪物扑倒在隆的面前,头颅掉落在地。 grand stands on the street, suddenly wants to understand anything. 隆站在街道上,突然想明白了什么。 They through the plague choice suitable goal, are then making this monster them.” “他们是在通过瘟疫挑选合适的目标,然后将他们制造成这种怪物。” Prosperous as if found the issue truly, wants to understand many links. 隆似乎真正找到了问题,也想明白了很多环节。 Other witch spirit of this moment distant place also caught up, asked prosperously a person. 此刻远处的其他巫灵也赶过来了,隆问其中一个人。 Now did how many people infect this plague?” “现在有多少人感染了这种瘟疫?” Opposite party reply: We do not know the specific situation, but should this, have several thousand one after another?” 对方回答:“我们也不知道具体的情况,但是这陆陆续续的,应该已经有好几千了吧?” Thinks prosperously, immediately thinks of a place. 隆想着想着,立刻想到了一个地方。 Thurow medicine fort has certainly the issue.” “瑟罗医堡一定有问题。” If the opposite party is to make such monster, then their goals naturally must recycle these monsters finally. 如果对方是想要制造出这样的怪物的话,那么他们的目的自然最后还是要回收这些怪物。 If Thurow medicine fort really as they said that infects after the plague the dead burnt down, then the plagues of these person manufactures didn't make painstakingly in vain? 如果瑟罗医堡真的如同他们所说的一样,将瘟疫感染后的死者都焚烧掉了,那么这些人苦心制造的这场瘟疫不是白白制造了吗? In Thurow medicine fort certain existing problem, the monster that the infected person who at least these died turns into finally, some people will certainly collect in the past. 瑟罗医堡之中一定存在问题,至少那些死去的感染者最后变成的怪物,一定会有人过去收集。 Nearby witch spirit to was saying prosperously: Wanted to encircle Thurow medicine fort now immediately?” 一旁的巫灵对着隆说道:“要现在立刻将瑟罗医堡围了吗?” grand although was the acting presidents of agreement attorney trade union shortly, but has also experienced many things, as usual was no longer rash. 隆虽然当了契律师工会的代理会长才不久,但是也算是经历过不少事情了,不再像往常一样莽撞了。 Especially after Keeton died, in the days that teacher Sukob is not also. 尤其是在基顿死了之后,老师苏科布又不在的这段日子里。 Seemingly had the obvious growth prosperously. 隆看上去有了明显的成长。 This is also the stage that each young people must pass through, during is losing becomes mature, during is assuming sole responsibility for an important task starts to grow. 这也是每个年轻人必须经过的阶段,在失去之中变得成熟,在独当一面之中开始成长。 No, we are not the masters in lunar eclipse city, had what qualifications on to encircle Thurow medicine fort outwardly.” “不,我们又不是月蚀城的主人,有什么资格在明面上围了瑟罗医堡。” „Only the pretor and public security officer can issue this order, we are only the resident in this city.” “只有执政官和治安官才可以下达这种命令,我们只是这座城市的居民而已。” And.” “而且。” Now cannot alert the enemy, the opposite party should not know that made many this monster, does not know that actually to hide in every way where.” “现在不能打草惊蛇,对方应该不知道制造了多少这种怪物了,更不知道多方究竟藏匿在什么地方。” Moreover does not know that who the true secret evil behind-the-scenes manipulator is, we make a move to be possible true rashly to escape very much secretly, can make such monster, such wide scope the person of plague.” “而且不知道真正的幕后黑手是谁,我们贸然出手很有可能让真正的幕后之人逃掉,能够制造出这样的怪物,还有这样大范围的瘟疫的人。” If cannot solve them one time, behind may present a bigger trouble.” “如果不能够一次性解决掉他们的话,后面可能会出现更大的麻烦。” Said these prosperously, looked to the incantation seal puppet of feather snake. 隆说完这些,看向了羽蛇的咒印傀儡。 Feather snake mister, thanked your help.” “羽蛇先生,非常感谢您的帮助。” My teacher Sukob will come back immediately, I want to lead you to see one side him, simultaneously official expressed gratitude to you for our help.” “我的老师苏科布马上就会回来了,我想要带着您去见他一面,同时正式的向您对我们的帮助表示感谢。” After the feather snake hears this name , the sound was different: God of Truth and Knowledge apostle Sukob?” 羽蛇听到这个名字之后声音不一样了:“真理与知识之神的使徒苏科布?” Once the master of wilderness.” “曾经荒原的主人。” grand somewhat proud saying: Yes.” 隆有些骄傲的说道:“是的。” ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- The agreement attorney trade union has not opened the door today, adjourns for day. 契律师工会今天没有开门,休息一天。 In the hall is standing erect God of Truth and Knowledge idol, idol sent out the ray suddenly. 大厅之中竖立着真理与知识之神神像,突然间神像发出了光芒。 The Gate of Myth shadow appears together faintly. 一道神话之门的影子隐隐浮现。 A ray projected, the Sukob form appeared in the hall. 一道光芒投影了过来,苏科布的身影就出现在了大厅之内。 That moment that he presents, comes along with the innumerable writing gatherings, probably it is general comprised of the writing. 他出现的那一刻,伴随着无数的文字汇聚而来,好像其本身就是由文字组成的一般。 The opposite party seem like the incarnation of writing, he appears is representing the strength of writing and order here. 对方好像是文字的化身,他出现在这里就代表着文字和秩序的力量。 This is not the Sukob main body, as before is only Sukob spirit of the contract. 这并不是苏科布的本体,依旧只是苏科布的一具契约之灵。 All witch spirit starts to salute completely. 全体巫灵全部开始行礼。 Teacher!” “老师!” Sir Sukob!” 苏科布大人!” The Sukob vision has swept everyone on the scene, noticed to be short of that form, in the eye revealed moved. 苏科布目光扫过在场的所有人,注意到了少了的那个身影,眼中流露出一丝伤感。 Pitifully.” “可惜。” Finally Keeton even/including God state has not entered.” “最后基顿连神的国度都没有进入。” This regarding a retinue of god, the biggest regret, was it can be said that bigger than the regret of death. 这对于一个神的仆从来说,可以说是最大的遗憾,比死亡的遗憾更大。 Everyone on the scene revealed the moved mood, lowers the head. 在场的所有人都流露出了伤感的情绪,低下了头。 After Sukob comes back, immediately starts to arrange the duty. 苏科布回来之后,立刻开始安排起了任务。 Some people were arranged to be responsible for establishment about school, some people transfer from the agreement attorney trade union, will become the teacher in agreement law school. 有人被安排去负责关于学校的建立,有人从契律师工会调走,将会成为契律学校的导师。 I now outside city, the news that but I have come back cannot pass on temporarily.” “我现在就在城外,不过我已经回来的消息暂时不能够传出去。” Has some to join our witch spirit apprentices outside the city newly, the potential person who some I choose, sends people to meet them.” “在城外有一些新加入我们的巫灵学徒,还有一些我挑选的有潜力的人,派个人去将他们接回来。” They are the important members in we school, is our future.” “他们将是我们举办的学校的重要成员,也是我们的将来。” Outside Sukob left walked, has very important achievement, he is seeks for the future of agreement attorney. 苏科布出外面走了一圈,也是有着非常重要的成果的,他是去寻找契律师的未来。 Sukob makes the people diverge, walks toward the agreement law trade union president room. 苏科布让众人散去,朝着契律工会会长室走去。 Teacher “老师” On the road, wanted to say anything prosperously, but Sukob broke him. 路上,隆还想要说些什么,不过苏科布打断了他。 „The matter that you said I had known, understood.” “你说的事情我已经知道了,也都了解了。” Anyone, since made us know his plan ahead of time, he was failed a path.” “不论是谁,既然让我们提前知道了他的计划,他就只有失败一条道路。” Sukob praised prosperously, was saying to him. 苏科布夸赞了隆,对着他说道。 This you do time very well, your discretion and careful necessary.” “这一次你做得非常好,你的谨慎和小心是有必要的。” Understood that uses the three essential factors strengths, understood that so evil and strange divine spell, can existence of so wide scope dissemination plague, be very likely existence of apostle level.” “一个懂得使用三要素力量的,懂得如此邪恶且诡异的神术,能够如此大范围传播瘟疫的存在,很有可能是一个使徒位阶的存在。” You, if acts rashly, or spread the news, will only alarm the opposite party.” “你如果贸然行动,或者将消息传开了,只会惊动对方。” May be existence of apostle level, if obtained the news to run away ahead of time, or the radical concealment in the hidden place, that is a very thorny and fearful enemy.” “一个极有可能是使徒位阶的存在,如果提前得到了消息逃走了,或者彻底隐匿在了暗处,那将会是一个非常棘手且可怕的敌人。” I had explained with Earth Demoness this matter, ten thousand snake temple full power will then also coordinate us.” “我已经和大地魔女说明了这件事情,万蛇神庙接下来也会全力配合我们。” „The Earth Demoness words they will not listen, does not dare to shift responsibility onto others with you like before absolutely.” 大地魔女的话他们不会不听,绝对不会像之前那样敢和你推诿。”
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