IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#372 Part 2: The gods are some powerful and existence of eternal life

He felt Keeton finally once to the sense of responsibility that he said. 他终于感受到了基顿曾经对他所说的责任感。 Lives is, since saw this, since arrived at this city. 生而为人,既然看到了这一幕,既然来到了这座城市。 Must make anything. 总要做些什么。 Cannot look but not see like this! 总不能这样视而不见吧! Moreover prosperous always felt that this back has anything to be above the secret of imagination, has the possibility to be related with Keeton's death that he investigates very much. 而且隆的总感觉这背后有着什么超乎想象的秘密,很有可能和他调查的基顿的死有关。 „It is not good!” “不行!” Cannot get down again.” “不可以再这么下去了。” Tries, the person of named feather snake that person said perhaps, can he really solve this problem?” “去试试吧,那个人说的叫做羽蛇的人,说不定他真的能够解决这个问题呢?” Thinks prosperously before , that mysterious doctor told his words, will have a person named feather snake to pass through the road of great snake tomorrow, went to Suinhall. 隆想到了之前那个神秘医师告诉他的话,在明天将会有一个叫做羽蛇的人经过巨蛇之路,前往苏因霍尔 The road of distance lunar eclipse city great snake is not far. 巨蛇之路距离月蚀城并不算远。 He prepares to wait for the opposite party on this road which must be taken. 他准备在这条必经之路上等待着对方。 Prosperous depart time, but also is thinking that name. 出发的时候,还在想着那个名字。 Feather snake?” “羽蛇?” What strange name is this?” “这是什么奇怪的名字?” This name was too strange regarding snake human, because its meaning is growing the snake of feather, who will give such a name to oneself. 这名字对于蛇人来说太奇怪了,因为它的意思就是长着羽毛的蛇,谁会给自己取这样一个名字。 When he saw the opposite party, he understands this name finally the meaning. 而当他看到了对方的时候,他才终于明白这个名字的意思。 grand stands in the entrance of road of great snake, stands on the high hump. 隆站在巨蛇之路的入口,立在高高的山岗上。 He looks at the following main road, is thinking that mysterious doctor said the opposite party will pass through from here, that definitely was on the following main road. 他原本是看着下面的大道,想着那神秘医师说对方会从这里经过,那就肯定是下面的大路上了。 However makes prosperous not think that he waited for quite a while, finally the opposite party flies from the space. 但是让隆没有想到他等了大半天,最后对方是从天上飞过来的。 Originally.” “原来。” „Is feather snake really growing the snake of feather?” “羽蛇真的是长着羽毛的蛇?” Prosperous dumbfounded gaze sky. 隆目瞪口呆的注视着天空。 That is a winged huge monster, graceful beautiful wing, on back also steadily long mane. 那是一个长着翅膀的庞然巨物,优雅美丽的翅膀,背脊上还长着长长的鬃毛。 If there is not been familiar with, white wing long on a big snake, makes people feel strangely. 只是如果没有习惯的话,白色的羽翼长在一条大蛇上,就让人感觉怪怪的。 Looked for a long time, thought that was one type makes people feel somewhat sacred existence. 只是看久了,又觉得那是一种让人感觉有些神圣的存在。 A seedling source from sends out from the opposite party body in the strength of intelligence source, is affecting everyone's sense. 一种源自于灵性本源的力量从对方身体里散发出来,影响着所有人的感官。 Swells sends out the signal with divine spell, is attracting the attention of opposite party. 隆用神术发出信号,吸引着对方的注意。 He is also calling the name of opposite party with divine spell: Feather snake, looks here.” 他还用神术喊着对方的名字:“羽蛇,看这边。” Looks here.” “看这边。” I here, I and others you for a long time.” “我在这里,我等你好久了。” Stops.” “停下。” Some people make me wait for you here.” “有人让我在这里等你。” The feather snake noticed finally prosperously, flew from the sky. 羽蛇终于注意到了隆,从天空之中飞了下来。 It seems like from the ground has known that the build of opposite party is certainly above the imagination, has not thought that saw truly shocks. 从地面看上去的时候就已经知道对方的体型一定超乎想象,没有想到真正看到的时候更加震撼。 Looks at that plate prosperously under the hump, the head lifts to gaze at own colossus, spoke suddenly somewhat trembles. 隆看着那个盘在山岗下,头抬起来注视着自己的庞然大物,突然间说话都有些哆嗦。 This fellow let alone was the strong unusual strength that whole body surged, this build rolled, can give compressing him. 这家伙别说是那浑身涌动的强大超凡之力了,就这体型滚一下,就可以把他给压扁了。 „Are you feather snake?” “你是羽蛇?” Longdu does not know, this fellow can speak. 隆都不知道,这个家伙到底会不会说话。 The opposite party will not speak, but from consciousness the deep place broadcast the sound of communication. 对方是不会说话的,但是从意识深处里传来了沟通的声音。 The opposite party asked prosperously. 对方问隆。 How you know that I called the feather snake, what matter asked me to have?” “你怎么知道我叫羽蛇,找我有什么事情吗?” grand and the feather snake said: I am listen to a direction of person to look your, he said that you will pass through from here today, said that you have the strength that can treat various diseases, even the disease and injury of that contamination unusual strength can treat.” 隆和羽蛇说:“我是听一个人的指引来找你的,他说你今天会从这里经过,说你拥有可以治疗各种疾病的力量,连那种沾染超凡力量的疾病和伤势都可以治疗。” Lunar eclipse city had a strange plague, therefore I want to obtain your help.” “月蚀城发生了一种奇怪的瘟疫,所以我希望得到你的帮助。” The feather snake did not have to say oneself indeed had this strength , the person who prepared and one does not know does not say too. 羽蛇没有说自己的确拥有这种力量,也不准备和一个根本不认识的人说太多。 Spans the road of great snake to enter Suinhall, it is away from the family/home is not far. 跨越巨蛇之路就可以进入苏因霍尔,它距离家已经不远了。 I have very important matter to do, does not prepare to delay here.” “我有很重要的事情要做,不准备在这里耽搁。” Therefore was extremely sorry.” “所以非常抱歉。” Looks at this colossus prosperously, suddenly discovery all excuses had not used. 隆看着这个庞然大物,突然发现原先自己所有的说辞都没有用了。 He can convince a person to help itself, empathy of personnel, can permits by various benefits. 他可以说服一个人来帮助自己,用人的同理心,也可以许以各种利益。 However front fellow very obviously is not a person, but is variation that has the great power. 但是面前这个家伙很明显并不是一个人,而是一个拥有着强大力量的异种。 He does not know that what to do should, only be able to sigh. 他就不知道该怎么办了,只能叹息一声。 He told me, you were a person.” “他告诉我,你是一个人。” I also think that you are really a person, like this I......” “我还以为你真的是一个人,这样我就……” Oh!” “唉!” Has not thought...... “没想到…… Looks prosperously this winged big snake turns around, must fly the sky. 隆看着这条长着翅膀的大蛇转身,就要重新飞上天空。 When said these words prosperously, the feather snake stopped suddenly. 但是当隆说出这番话的时候,羽蛇突然停了下来。 The feather snake looked suddenly to prosperously, in the vision revealed the different appearances. 羽蛇突然看向了隆,目光里流露出了不一样的神采。 „Is he who you said who?” “你说的他是谁?” The voice of feather snake stopped, then makes the sound of inquiry again. 羽蛇的声音停了一下,然后再度发出询问的声音。 He really said that...... I am a person?” “他真的说……我是一个人吗?” Why the prosperous unclear white feather snake asked that suddenly this issue, quite a while has not said the words to come, or does not know how should reply. 隆不明白羽蛇为什么突然问这个问题,半天都没有说出话来,或者说不知道该怎么回答。 He does not know. 他不知道。 Can be recognized as is a person, seems the feather snake biggest desire. 能够被认同为是一个人,似乎就是羽蛇最大的愿望。 The feather snake stopped, to was saying prosperously. 羽蛇停了下来,对着隆说道。 I can help you, my strength indeed has characteristics that can treat the disease and injury, but I did not determine that certainly is effective to that situation that you said.” “我可以帮你,我的力量的确拥有可以治疗疾病和伤害的特性,但是我也不确定就一定对你所说的那种情况有效。” grand Jidong was saying to this winged big snake: Too thanked.” 隆激动的对着这条长着翅膀的大蛇说道:“太感谢了。” I do not know that who that person is, he was too mystical.” “我也不知道那个人是谁,他太神秘了。” But many days ago he said that you will pass through here today, you came.” “但是在很多天前他就说你今天会经过这里,你就过来了。” He said that you can treat the plague in lunar eclipse city, you certainly.” “他说你可以治疗月蚀城的瘟疫,你一定可以的。” The feather snake was also some stories, he has witnessed God of Truth and Knowledge, Scarlet Goddess and war of original sin evil god. 羽蛇也算是有些见闻了,他目睹过真理与知识之神腥红女神和原罪邪神的大战。 It just saw lord of Eliana's such existence demon spirit some time ago, even witnesses the opposite party to become myth. 它不久前刚刚见到了魔灵之主爱莲娜那样的存在,甚至亲眼目睹着对方成为神话 In its heart has the sense of awe regarding such existence, it felt that the opposite party said exists, which God perhaps is. 它心中对于这样的存在有着敬畏之心,它觉得对方所说的那个存在,或许就是哪一位神明 Many days ago, the opposite party knows my here process.” “很多天前,对方就知道我会在这里经过。” „The direction of which God perhaps you met.” “或许你遇到了哪一位神明的指引。” grand Leng. 隆愣了一下。 He then recalls that mysterious doctor, the opposite party in his inspiration how, regardless of unable to see the background the great strength, is staring at the sea to be the same probably. 他这才回忆起那个神秘医师,对方在他灵感内无论如何也看不出底蕴的强大,就好像在凝视着大海一样。 The feeling is obviously powerful, but how he sees is an average person. 明明感觉非常强大,但是他怎么看都是一个普通人。 That strange, can probably shuttle back and forth in the house that in the space vanishes, he suddenly also felt oneself met what extraordinary existence probably. 还有那栋奇怪的,好像能够穿梭于空间之中消失的房子,他突然也觉得自己好像遇到了什么了不得的存在。 God?” “神?” Remembers just left the wilderness the time prosperously, the teacher to the words that he spoke. 隆又想起了刚刚离开荒原的时候,老师对他所说的话。 You have seen the Spiritual God journey time is what?” “你见过神灵出行的时候是什么样的吗?” You saw before, is appearance of God state.” “你之前看到的,都是神明国度的显现。” Spiritual God walks in world truly time, no one no one knows obviously.” “神灵真正行走于世间的时候,无人可见无人知晓。” Possibly on the road is casual a passer-by who you run into, is some God.” “可能路上随随便便你遇到的一个路人,就是某位神明呢。” Does not want thoughtless talk God.” “不要妄谈神明。” Do not guess God with your idea.” “也不要用你的想法去揣测神明。” The hump wind median fold looks at front giant feather snake, the wind is moving his clothes robe and hair, young witch spirit gave birth to the sense of awe to this world suddenly. 山岗的风中隆看着面前的巨大羽蛇,风吹动着他的衣袍和头发,年轻的巫灵突然对这个世界生出了敬畏之心。 Above this world, as if really has the destiny. 这个世界之上,似乎真的存在着命运。 When you mentioned God. 当你提到神明的时候。 Certain words that you spoke, certain matters that you do, seem concerning the future. 你说的某些话,你做的某些事,似乎都关乎着未来。 In some scale division of time, has been fulfilled. 将会在时间的某一个刻度上,得到应验。 Prosperous does not know, some time ago somebody just said that the god is also some powerful and existence of eternal life. 只是隆不知道,不久前某个人才刚刚说出,神也不过就是一些强大且永生的存在罢了。 But they do not know, the disparity between god and god, sometimes the disparity between god and person is bigger. 而他们更不知道,神与神之间的差距,有的时候比神与人之间的差距更大。
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