IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#372 Part 1: The gods are some powerful and existence of eternal life

Corpse Eater Cult headquarters. 食尸者密教总部。 Ackermanmon asked a question: You are strong, but can also result in these apostles?” 阿克曼蒙问出了一个问题:“你再强,还能强得过那些使徒?” Strong has that been grasping the succuba of inconceivable strength?” “强过那掌握着不可思议之力的魔女?” Ackermanmon witnessed the great strength of that Earth Demoness, that covers sky over city divine spell, that powerful to inconceivable strength. 阿克曼蒙可是亲眼目睹了那大地魔女的强大,那遮挡住城市上空的神术,那强大到不可思议的力量。 Was existences of these apostle step positions is only powerful is inconceivable, god that then these kept aloof? 光是这些使徒阶位的存在就已经强大得难以想象了,那么那些高高在上的神祇呢? You are strong, but can also result in various God?” “你再强,还能强得过诸神么?” You do that they will not look but not see.” “你这么做,他们可不会视而不见。” Thurow not cares a whoop: What's the big deal?” 瑟罗丝毫不在意:“那又如何?” Why can I compared with them, why probably fight with them?” “我为什么要比他们强,为什么要和他们战斗?” Wants us to be quick enough, time when they responded already late.” “只要我们足够快,等他们反应过来的时候早就晚了。” „Can they also look for me to the abyss?” “他们还能到深渊去找我吗?” I will dread them, but I will not tremble under their strengths.” “我会畏惧他们,但是我可不会在他们的力量下瑟瑟发抖。” Moreover I now am perhaps weak, but I in the future certainly become stronger, in the future who dreads who is uncertain.” “而且我现在或许不够强,但是我将来一定会变得更强,未来谁畏惧谁还不一定呢。” Thurow is in front of Ackermanmon, said the language of blaspheming. 瑟罗当着阿克曼蒙的面,说出了亵渎之语。 Even god.” “就算是神。” Also is some powerful and existence of eternal life.” “也不过就是一些强大且永生的存在罢了。” When we had the strength, then does not need to dread them.” “当我们拥有了力量,便不用去畏惧他们。” Thurow's words might be considered as are unscrupulous, could have been called is extremely arrogant. 瑟罗的话堪称是肆无忌惮,已经称得上是狂妄了。 Ackermanmon has not spoken, he understands Thurow. 阿克曼蒙却没有说话,他了解瑟罗。 In his opinion brave possibly is the idiot, but even courage no that called the waste ; Lives in high to be possible be the idiot, but basically does not have the waste. 在他看来胆子大的可能是蠢货,但是连胆子都没有的那叫废物;身居高位者有可能是蠢货,但是基本没有废物。 But Thurow's arrogance, has the capital, he indeed has ability that surpasses the average man. 而瑟罗的狂妄,也是有资本的,他的确拥有着超出常人的才能。 Ackermanmon invited not to reject regarding Thurow warmly, but he spoke desolateness as always. 阿克曼蒙对于瑟罗热情的邀请并没有拒绝,但是他说话一如既往的冷淡。 I can help you carry out this plan, making your plan not be hindered, moreover enough hides.” “我可以帮你执行这个计划,让你的计划不受到阻碍,而且足够隐蔽。” Before Ackermanmon was not that King of Ten Thousand Snakes, he has been controlling many ten thousand snake royal court and senior figure in lunar eclipse city now, although mostly was some borderline people, powerful, only then few. 阿克曼蒙可不是之前的那个万蛇之王了,他如今手下已经掌控着不少万蛇王庭和月蚀城的高层人物,虽然大多是一些边缘人物,掌握实权的只有很少一部分。 However among the aristocrats is an intriguing relationship network, so long as used to complete a lot. 但是贵族之间就是一个错综复杂的关系网,只要利用起来就能够办成很多事情了。 Ackermanmon leaves from a Corpse Eater Cult covert stagnation point, goes by car goes toward the royal palace. 阿克曼蒙从一座食尸者密教的隐蔽驻点离开,坐车朝着王宫而去。 He sits cross-legged in the car(riage), fell into the ponder. 他盘坐在车里,陷入了思考。 Thurow is insane, he is conducting a crazy plan. 瑟罗已经疯了,他在进行着一个疯狂至极的计划。 Although that plan seemingly has the feasibility, although his these frantic speeches and blaspheming languages, even obtained his approval. 虽然那个计划看上去似乎具备着可行性,虽然他的那些狂热的演讲和亵渎之语,甚至获得了他内心的认同。 However this how? 但是这又怎么样? Falls into the abyss?” “堕入深渊?” That not convict?” “那不还是囚徒吗?” Thurow and Ackermanmon are completely different, although they same are pursuing the strength. 瑟罗和阿克曼蒙完全不一样,他们虽然一样追求着力量。 However Thurow wants to obtain the strength, because came from in his desire of that abnormal distortion, came from wants the certificate in his oneself exceed everyone's idea. 但是瑟罗想要获得力量,只是因为源自于他那变态扭曲的欲望,源自于他那想要证明自己超越所有人的想法。 But Ackermanmon is different. 阿克曼蒙不一样。 He wants, is controls own destiny- 他想要的,是掌控自己的命运- In the royal palace a put on a show of peace and prosperity, comes today aristocrat who attended the dance party much. 王宫之中一片歌舞升平,今天来了不少参加舞会的贵族。 After King of Ten Thousand Snakes is grown . Moreover the king already and another family marries, many bans and limit also relative starts of royal palace relaxed. 随着万蛇之王成年之后,而且国王已经和另一个家族进行联姻,王宫的许多禁令和限制也相对的开始放宽了一些。 After Ackermanmon and his nominal wife enter the stage together, then the powder is two people. 阿克曼蒙和他名义上的妻子一同出场之后,便散作两人。 Ackermanmon was marrying the wife a short time ago. 阿克曼蒙就在前不久娶了妻子。 Although he does not catch cold to this wife, but that wife does not like his weak and incompetent King of Ten Thousand Snakes, opposite party highest pretor schools of supervises and controls his board game piece. 虽然他对这个妻子不太感冒,而那个妻子也不喜欢他这个软弱无能的万蛇之王,对方只是最高执政官一派派来监察和控制他的棋子。 Both sides is a politics marries, several cold facial expression with, also on remaining put on airs before the person. 双方本就是一场政治联姻,几次冷脸相遇过后,也就剩下在人前装模作样了。 Ackermanmon is also intentionally so. 阿克曼蒙也是故意如此。 If too near from the opposite party, the opposite party may discover own secret. 如果距离对方太近,对方就有可能发现自己的秘密。 Watches in the dance party the frantic woman, in the eye of Ackermanmon does not have the slight emotion ; The opposite party are also young people, although was sent the supervision and controls him, but Ackermanmon only used several simple methods to make the opposite party indulge in leading a life of comfort, where can also be able to give a thought to his husband who asked for the person to dislike. 看着舞会里狂热的女人,阿克曼蒙的眼中没有丝毫情感;对方也是一个年轻人,虽然被派过来监察和控制他,但是阿克曼蒙只用了几个简单的手段就让对方沉溺于享乐之中,哪里还能顾得上他这个讨人嫌的丈夫。 In the corner of corridor. 长廊的角落里。 The literature and history teacher of King of Ten Thousand Snakes Ackermanmon, that old snake human scholar caused a meaningful glance to Ackermanmon, two people appeared in the same place not long. 万蛇之王阿克曼蒙的文学与历史老师,那个老蛇人学者向阿克曼蒙使了一个眼色,两人没有多久就出现在了同一个地方。 This is about two buildings is high, but does not calculate the big room, one type narrow, but big conflict feeling. 这是一个将近两层楼高,但是并不算大的房间,给人一种狭窄但是又高大的冲突感。 Two people started to discuss in private the matter here. 两个人在这里开始密议起了事情。 The effort of that side Suinhall recently helping is very big, because ten thousand snake royal court present momenta were too fierce, making Suinhall feel the intense threat. 苏因霍尔那边最近帮助的力度很大,因为万蛇王庭现在的势头太猛了,让苏因霍尔感觉到了强烈的威胁。 They prepare to intensify the effort, enabling Ackermanmon this was raised to abandon the King to have the power, leaves office that threat full highest pretor crowded. 他们准备加大力度,让阿克曼蒙这个被养废了的王者重新掌握权力,将那个威胁力十足的最高执政官给挤下台。 Recently the situation was good, many good news.” “最近情况不错,有不少好消息。” Particularly, is getting more and more near from the day that you were in power.” “尤其是,距离您掌权的日子越来越近了。” Your majesty!” “陛下!” The old snake human scholar somewhat seems to be excited, the seed that plants probably protected carefully was very long, finally must arrive at blossoming and bearing fruit time. 蛇人学者似乎有些兴奋,就好像种下的种子细心呵护了很久,终于要到了开花结果的时候了。 After wedding, the king you no longer were a child.” “婚礼过后,王您就不再是一个孩子了。” Many families in royal court have the sound, hopes that you can stand, thought that should lead them to restore to be the honor of true aristocrat as King of Ten Thousand Snakes you.” 王庭之中的不少家族也都有着声音,希望您能够重新站出来,觉得作为万蛇之王的您应该率领他们恢复属于真正的贵族的荣光。” We have arranged a plan, making you start to have the power.” “我们已经安排好了一次计划,让你开始重新掌握权力。” If Ackermanmon heard this news before, he will be perhaps excited. 如果以前阿克曼蒙听到了这个消息,他或许还会激动。 However followed Thurow to learn the unusual knowledge together, he also gradual was being affected by Thurow. 但是跟随瑟罗一起学习了超凡知识,他也逐渐的在被瑟罗所影响。 His that unscrupulous, his stopping at nothing, his the idea of surpassing the common sense. 他的那种肆无忌惮,他的无所顾忌,他的那种超出常理的想法。 In deep influence Ackermanmon. 都在深深的影响着阿克曼蒙 Therefore facing the excitement of old snake human scholar, his response seems somewhat faint. 因此面对老蛇人学者的激动,他的回应显得有些淡漠。 I knew.” “我知道了。” However the old snake human scholar, actually thinks another aspect, he somewhat is probably disappointed. 不过老蛇人学者,却想到了另一个方面,他好像有些失望。 Daughter who you could not have forgotten the fainting leaf family?” “您是还忘不掉厥叶家族的女儿吗?” King, you must spunk up.” “王,你必须打起精神来。” Becoming the King must endure the average man unable......” “成为王者必须要忍常人所不能……” Ackermanmon is repugnant the old snake human scholar to raise her. 阿克曼蒙非常讨厌老蛇人学者提起她。 He raised the head suddenly, looks at the opposite party with the eagle vulture general vision, interrupted his words. 他突然抬起头,用鹰鹫一般的目光看着对方,打断了他的话。 Do not give me to say all day what King must endure the average man unable , do not make me hear your mouth to mention her again.” “别给我整天说什么王者要忍常人所不能,也不要让我听到你的嘴里再提到她。” The Ackermanmon domineering, making old snake human be somewhat caught off guard, he has not seen such strong opposite party. 阿克曼蒙的强势,让老蛇人有些措手不及,他从来没有看到过这样强硬的对方。 The Ackermanmon sharp vision looks at him, made him feel the strong incomparable pressure unexpectedly. 阿克曼蒙锐利的目光看着他,竟然让他感觉到了强大无比的压力。 The Ackermanmon vision dangles, is holding appreciatively the cup on table. 阿克曼蒙目光垂下,把玩着桌子上的杯子。 Actually.” “其实。” I was not only hate her dead, what I hated, I was manipulated by you like the puppet.” “我不仅仅是恨她死了,我更恨的是,我就像个玩偶一样被你们摆弄。” My this king anything is undoable, all my were organized by you, all my are arranged by you.” “我这个王什么都不能做,我的一切都被你们摆布,我的一切都由你们安排。” What significance does this king have?” “这个王又有什么意义?” The Ackermanmon manner is seemingly calm, but the words somewhat are excited. 阿克曼蒙神态看起来冷静,但是话语却有些激动。 What king.” “什么王。” Is sits the puppet on throne.” “不过是个坐在王座上的傀儡罢了。” „A not having a thing in the world slave.” “一个一无所有的奴隶罢了。” Ackermanmon looks at old snake human: I want to control my destiny, I want each choice am the self- will.” 阿克曼蒙看着老蛇人:“我想要掌握自己的命运,我想要每一个选择都是出自我的意志。” Rather than becomes one, by puppet who you organize recklessly, a shifting about statue.” “而不是成为一个,被你们肆意摆布的傀儡,一个搬来搬去的雕像。” I want to walk in this world, no longer by any fetter.” “我希望行走在这个世界上,不再受任何束缚。” Ackermanmon released the idea of innermost feelings finally thoroughly, does not cover up. 阿克曼蒙终于将内心的想法彻底的释放了出来,丝毫不遮掩。 The old snake human scholar looks at Ackermanmon, the look unceasing transformation. 蛇人学者看着阿克曼蒙,眼神不断的变换。 „Is this your idea?” “这才是你心里的想法吗?” The rules of ten thousand snake royal court, are the Suinhall people, wants to fetter Ackermanmon, wants to control this young King of Ten Thousand Snakes. 不论是万蛇王庭的执政,还是苏因霍尔的人,都只是想要束缚住阿克曼蒙,都想要控制这个年轻的万蛇之王 Ackermanmon does not believe that Suinhall really helps him obtain the unusual strength on does not have any means that is only a king of not slightly strength, an most common mortal, is naturally easier to be controlled by them. 阿克曼蒙不相信苏因霍尔真的就没有任何办法让他获得超凡力量,只是一个没有丝毫力量的王,一个最普通的凡人,自然更容易受到他们掌控。 The old snake human scholar shook the head, raised the corners of the mouth. 蛇人学者摇头,扬起了嘴角。 Perhaps is ridiculing, or thought front this young people are indulging in fantasy, thought that the young people really cannot calm down. 或许是在嘲弄,又或者是觉得面前这个年轻人在异想天开,觉得年轻人实在是沉不住气。 This is impossible.” “这不可能。” You are not a god.” “你又不是神。” Mortal can only be controlled by others, was affected by others, no one can flee the fetter of order.” “凡人只能被别人所掌控,被别人所影响,没有人可以逃离秩序的束缚。” However you are not an average person, you are King of Ten Thousand Snakes.” “而你又不是一个普通人,你是万蛇之王。” „Regardless where you arrive, will gaze, you cannot escape from others' control and control forever.” “无论你走到哪里,都会被人所注视,你永远逃不出别人的掌控和控制。” Old snake human looks at Ackermanmon: Moreover as a king, you should these words conceals at heart, rather than say to me.” 蛇人看着阿克曼蒙:“而且作为一个王,你应该将这些话藏在心里,而不是对我说出来。” Some words, once said that the situation is completely different.” “有些话一旦说出来,情况就完全不一样了。” Ackermanmon looks at old snake human: You felt why I will say?” 阿克曼蒙看着老蛇人:“那你觉得,我为什么会说出来呢?” The old snake human scholar first gawked. 蛇人学者先是愣了一下。 He suddenly does not feel wonderfully, had not a good premonition. 他突然觉得不妙,有了一种不好的预感。 He sets out immediately, grasps to another side door knob. 他立刻起身,抓向了另一边的门把手。 However strong winds blow suddenly, the old snake human scholar fettering in midair. 但是一股狂风突然吹起,将老蛇人学者给束缚在了半空之中。 Then old snake human was shocked thoroughly, this situation was above his expectation completely, present Ackermanmon probably no longer was that Ackermanmon that he once knew. 这下老蛇人彻底惊呆了,这情况完全超乎了他的预料,现在的阿克曼蒙好像不再是他曾经认识的那个阿克曼蒙了。 Is impossible!” “不可能!” Second-order power, how you will have this strength.” “二阶权能,你怎么会有这种力量。” He wants to shout to make noise, but Ackermanmon raised up the finger near the mouth, said four characters gently. 他想要大喊出声,但是阿克曼蒙竖起了手指头在嘴巴边,轻轻的说了四个字。 divine spell keeps silent.” 神术・噤声。” Old snake human could not make any sound again, he can only look at Ackermanmon with a complex vision. 蛇人就再也发不出任何声音了,他只能用一种复杂的目光看着阿克曼蒙 Has puzzled, has panic-stricken, shocks. 有不解,有惊恐,有震撼。 He discovered that oneself really underestimated this to be imprisoned the boy in imperial palace, the seemingly quiet incompetent person, was raised abandoned the King. 他发现自己真的小看了这个一直被囚禁在皇宫之中的小子,看起来沉默寡言的无能之人,一个被养废了的王者。 Ackermanmon does not move aside and opposite party looks at each other, in eye ice-cold. 阿克曼蒙丝毫不躲闪的和对方对视,眼中只有冰冷。 Thinks so me to do?” “这么看着我干什么?” You also really consider my teacher, am I your student?” “你还真当是我的老师,我是你的学生吗?” You are only Suinhall are used to control my board game piece.” “你只是苏因霍尔用来控制我的一个棋子罢了。” Is used for I turn into the Suinhall board game piece...... the board game piece.” “一个用来将我变成苏因霍尔棋子的……棋子罢了。” Light smoke blew, old snake human scholar on stupor. 紧接着一阵轻烟吹了过来,老蛇人学者就昏迷了。 This is the dosage formulation of Ackermanmon learned. 这是阿克曼蒙学会的药剂配方。 Ackermanmon has prepared all these probably, from the beginning wanted to begin to old snake human. 阿克曼蒙好像早就准备好了这一切,从一开始就想要对老蛇人动手了。 But the opposite party arrives in the final eye to have the surprise probably, how does not want to understand strength where Ackermanmon comes. 而对方好像到最后眼中都有着诧异,怎么都没有想明白阿克曼蒙哪里来的力量。 Ackermanmon held the opposite party, held the neck of opposite party to lift him. 阿克曼蒙抓住了对方,抓住对方的脖子将他举了起来。 He felt suddenly fettered in oneself shackles together opened probably, that type felt like has not being able to say carefree. 他突然感觉到一道束缚在自己身上的枷锁好像打开了,那种感觉似乎有种说不出的畅快。 Ha!” “哈哈哈哈哈!” Usually in looks like facial paralysis same Ackermanmon, at this moment suddenly exuded the big laughter. 平日里看上去如同面瘫一样的阿克曼蒙,此刻突然发出了大笑声。 Not long, he was also calmly fast. 没有多久,他又快速冷静了下来。 Good that Thurow said.” “瑟罗说的不错。” This city, is only shackles.” “这座城市,只是一个枷锁。” Throne, royal crown that but takes to the mortal, regarding the powerhouse is only a chains.” “王位,只不过是给凡人带上的王冠,对于强者来说只是锁链。” Be only the strength is real.” “只有力量才是真实的。” Power and wealth are only the castle in the air, the strength are truly own thing.” “权力、财富都只是空中楼阁,力量才是真正属于自己的东西。” Ackermanmon approved Thurow's idea again, but can look, he does not want to follow Thurow to enter the abyss together. 阿克曼蒙再度认同了瑟罗的想法,但是可以看得出来,他还是不想跟随着瑟罗一起进入深渊。 Because of that from a prisoner's cage, fell into another prisoner's cage. 因为那不过是从一个囚笼,掉入了另一个囚笼之中。 „From here!” “就从这里开始吧!” Ackermanmon is dragging old snake human, opened a following leaf of secret door, entered in a channel. 阿克曼蒙拖着老蛇人,打开了后面的一扇密门,进入了一个通道之中。 Once had the strength however to lose Powerful of strength in the unusual battlefield, was a very good experiment material. 一个曾经的拥有力量但是在超凡战场上丢失了力量的权能者,可是一个非常不错的实验材料。 He prepares to manufacture ghoul the opposite party. 他准备将对方制作成一个食尸鬼 And following. 而且接下来。 He also wants to use the status of oneself this literature and history teacher, regards one to keep off important shield before own. 他还想要利用自己这个文学与历史老师的身份,当成一个挡在自己身前的重要挡箭牌。 Thurow's that plan extremely in crazy, he needs to be some subsequent hands to prepare. 瑟罗的那个计划太过于疯狂,他需要做一些后手准备。 Recently in the Corpse Eater Cult headquarters, many ghoul had been manufactured, ghoul manufacture secret technique also in unceasing improvement and enhancement. 最近在食尸者密教的总部之中,不少食尸鬼已经被制作出来,食尸鬼的制作秘术也在不断的完善和提高。 ghoul was also divided into several ranks. 食尸鬼也被分成了几个等级。 The ordinary ghoul strength is greatly infinite, but is only one by the monster that the unusual strength corrodes. 普通的食尸鬼力大无穷,但是只是一个被超凡力量侵蚀的怪物。 But first-order ghoul has the unusual strength, and usually can also restrain own strength ; Besides the detail of eye, the paleness of skin, basically looked that does not come out to change. 而一阶的食尸鬼拥有超凡力量,并且平时还可以收敛自身的力量;除了眼睛的细节,还有皮肤的苍白,基本看不太出来变化。 But to second-order ghoul, after transformation can start to avoid the plague blood incantation regarding the impact of spirit, start can stand firm own wisdom ; That came from in the plague blood the swallowing desire of incantation and unusual strength, remains in their within the body as before, often will lose control. 而到了二阶的食尸鬼,经过改造之后更是可以开始避免瘟疫血咒对于精神的冲击,开始能够稳住自己的智慧;只是那源自于瘟疫血咒和超凡力量的吞噬欲望,依旧还存在于他们的体内,时常会失控。 As for upward, did not have the successful case again. 至于再往上,就没有成功的案例了。 However has to say. 但是不得不说。 This is really a very practical convenient servant. 这实在是一种非常实用方便的奴仆。 Ackermanmon wants to make now, is second-order ghoul. 阿克曼蒙现在想要制造的,是一只二阶的食尸鬼 He needs to maintain the reason of opposite party, the opposite party also has the function to him. 他需要保持对方的理智,对方对他来说还有作用。 This is one seems like and ordinary unusual laboratory not too same secret room. 这是一个看上去和普通超凡实验室不太一样的密室。 Generally in the witch spirit laboratory is the flagstones, scrolls or various unusual materials ; The alchemist laboratory is more like a workshop, is placing all kinds of bottles of cans and Alchemy item. 一般巫灵的实验室里都是石板、卷轴或者各种超凡材料;炼金师的实验室更像是一个工坊,摆放着各种各样的瓶瓶罐罐和炼金道具。 But this laboratory, seemingly is more like a surgery table. 而这个实验室,看上去更像是一个手术台。 On the surgery table, Ackermanmon inserted in a iron syringe the head of old snake human, then poured into which anything. 手术台上,阿克曼蒙将一个铁质的针管插入了老蛇人的脑袋里,然后将什么东西注入了其中。 A powerful strength emerges from the body of opposite party, old snake human lost many years of power strengths, returned to his within the body again, even became more powerful. 一股强大的力量从对方的身体里涌现,老蛇人失去了多年的权能力量,又再度回归到了他的体内,甚至变得更加强大。 He is coordinating the ceremony and surgery extracts blood of myth of opposite party. 紧接着,他又配合着仪式和手术抽出对方的神话之血 Also made the plague blood incantation personally, using own spirit to control the opposite party. 又亲手制造出了瘟疫血咒,用自己的精神来控制对方。 After a complex experiment, Ackermanmon stopped all movements. 一番复杂的实验过后,阿克曼蒙停下了所有的动作。 Success?” “成功了吗?” Should succeed.” “应该成功了。” He first self-examines, then self- explanation. 他先是自问,然后又自我解答。 He followed Thurow to pass through much time tested, compared with having self-confidently. 他跟随瑟罗经过了不少次实验了,还是比较有自信的。 Moreover, a manufacture second-order ghoul material treasures. 另外,一个制造二阶食尸鬼的材料可是非常珍惜的。 Even Ackermanmon and in Thurow's hand cannot collect several sets, therefore manufactures one to be especially careful every time, avoids being defeated as far as possible. 阿克曼蒙和瑟罗的手上也凑不出几套来,所以每制作一个都要格外小心,尽量避免失败。 Not long, snake human unceasing shivering on surgery table, sends out the low roar to cry out strangely. 没有多久,手术台上的蛇人不断的颤抖,发出低吼怪叫。 These crying out strangely sound transmissions, on a ceremony technique strength by wall kept off finally. 只是那些怪叫声音传递开来,最后又都被墙壁上的仪式术阵力量挡了回来。 Not long. 没有多久。 snake human that above surgery stone platform the pain struggles started calmly slowly, then untied the fetter by Ackermanmon, turned over/stood up from stone platform. 手术石台之上痛苦挣扎的蛇人开始慢慢冷静了下来,然后被阿克曼蒙解开了束缚,从石台上翻身而起。 His eye completely changed, even the skin also turned into the limestone general color. 他的眼睛完全变了,连皮肤也变成了石灰岩一般的颜色。 As the unusual strength restrains gradually, the abnormal phenomenon on that body is vanishing little, the characteristics on skin and eye abate slowly. 但是随着超凡力量渐渐收敛,那身体上的异常现象又在一点点消失,皮肤和眼睛上的特征慢慢消退。 Finally. 最后。 Except that the skin became paler, the body became ice-cold beside, could not see with usually the too big difference. 除了皮肤变得更加苍白了,身体变得冰冷之外,就看不出和平常太大的差别了。 Ackermanmon turned into ghoul old snake human personally. 阿克曼蒙亲手将老蛇人变成了一个食尸鬼 The opposite party from stone platform, knelt in the under foot of Ackermanmon, started talking. 对方从石台上下来,跪在了阿克曼蒙的脚下,开口说话了。 Master.” “主人。” The words become ice-cold and stiff, did not have in the past that demeanor of scholar, the change is very big. 只是话语变得冰冷和生硬,没有了往日里学者的那种风度,变化还是挺大的。 Ackermanmon looks at the opposite party, inspected. 阿克曼蒙看着对方,检查了一番。 Can pretend to get sick.” “可以装作病了。” Once for a while coughs several, this no one paid attention.” “时不时咳嗽几声,这样就没有人注意了。” Ackermanmon delivered the opposite party personally, probably just finished one in teaching about literature, walks two people are still chitchatting some classical artistic work. 紧接着阿克曼蒙亲自将对方送了出去,好像刚刚结束了一场关于文学上的授课,走出来的时候两人还在攀谈某一部经典艺术作品。 Old snake human went out of the royal palace like this, probably what matter has not happened is the same. 蛇人就这样走出了王宫,好像什么事情都没有发生过一样。 Ackermanmon gazes after the opposite party to go far away. 阿克曼蒙目送着对方远去。 This is he starts to control the destiny truly the first step. 这是他真正开始掌控自己命运的第一步。 From was controlled the destiny by others, to controlling others' destiny. 从被别人掌控命运,到掌控别人的命运。 Strength!” “力量!” Powerful strength.” “强大的力量。” Only then has the strength, can control own destiny.” “只有拥有力量,才能掌握自己的命运。” Ackermanmon visual dim light of night: Controls the destiny truly the freedom, is actually what?” 阿克曼蒙目视着夜色:“真正掌握自己命运的自由,究竟是什么样的?” Ackermanmon at this moment, before actually remembered old snake human, words that suddenly spoke. 阿克曼蒙此时此刻,却突然想起了老蛇人之前所说的话。 This is impossible, you are not a god.” “这不可能,你又不是神。” Mortal can only be controlled by others, was affected by others, no one can flee the fetter of order.” “凡人只能被别人所掌控,被别人所影响,没有人可以逃离秩序的束缚。” These words reverberate in the ear of Ackermanmon, he also stands erect in the cold wind like this under the stair of royal palace. 这句话在阿克曼蒙的耳边回荡,他也就在寒风之中这样矗立在王宫的台阶下。 Night moon is very bright, can see the cloud in sky. 夜晚的月亮很亮,可以看到天空之中的云彩。 Suddenly, Ackermanmon saw in suddenly the sea of clouds under dim light of night presented a shadow, that shadow probably is winged, vanishes across the sea of clouds does not see. 突然之间,阿克曼蒙突然看到夜色下的云海中出现了一道影子,那影子好像长着翅膀,穿过云海消失不见。 What is that?” “那是什么?” Ackermanmon looked, the line of sight is pursuing the figure of opposite party. 阿克曼蒙看了过去,视线追着对方的身形。 Wing demon?” “翼魔?” Can the unrestricted soaring in the sky, really good!” “可以不受约束的飞翔在天空,真好啊!” Ackermanmon returned to own secret laboratory, reorganizes inside thing. 阿克曼蒙回到了自己的隐秘实验室之中,将里面的东西都整理好。 Finally. 最后。 He looked that to a chart that oneself drew. 他又看向了自己画的一幅图。 Recently he desire strongly learned all kinds of knowledge , before him, have read all kinds of unusual books gave the digestion. 最近他如饥似渴的学习了各种各样的知识,也将他之前看过的各种各样的超凡书籍给消化了。 But he read at that time, but has not studied the above unusual knowledge the ability. 只不过那个时候他只是看书,而没有学习和使用上面超凡知识的能力。 After having the power, he opened a leaf of front door probably, various knowledge do not exist to him definitely is unable to look at the clear difficulty, but Thurow is also a very outstanding guide, can give him to explain various doubts. 拥有了权能之后,他就好像打开了一扇大门,各种知识对于他来说并不存在完全无法看明白的难度,而瑟罗也是一个非常优秀的引路人,可以给他解答各种疑惑。 However only this marking content. 但是唯独这幅画上的内容。 He has not ravelled. 他始终没有弄明白。 The shape that God can have, is certainly hiding the innumerable secrets. 那个只有神明才能拥有的形态,一定隐藏着无数秘密。 This is he design that writes down from the clothes of that mysterious woman, after multiple confirmations they can determine that is a ceremony, he does not know at present is completely used to make anything's ceremony. 这是他从那个神秘女人的衣服上记下来的图案,经过多次确认之后他们可以确定是一个仪式,一个他目前完全不知道用来做什么的仪式。 „A ceremony?” “一个仪式?” „Is this ceremony is used to do?” “这个仪式是用来干什么的?” Ackermanmon beforehand has opened, but has no function. 阿克曼蒙之前开启过,但是并没有什么作用。 This ceremony is the apostle is used to transform to become form of God to use, does not have too to affect regarding others, even can say it does not have powerful strength- 这个仪式是使徒用来转化成为神之形态用的,对于其他人来说没有太多作用,甚至可以说本身也不具备非常强大的力量- Recently. 最近。 The matter of outside about plague makes noisily. 外面关于瘟疫的事情闹得沸沸扬扬。 In the entire lunar eclipse city everybody feels insecure, usually in goes out does not dare casual and others contacts. 整个月蚀城中都人人自危,平日里出门都不敢随便和别人接触。 In the beginning, the lively complex flows area that but also stands in great numbers in Berkeley area such workshop spreads, but now has started to spread the other places of lunar eclipse city. 开始的时候,还只是在贝克莱区这样的工坊林立的繁华复杂区域蔓延,而现在已经开始蔓延到了月蚀城的其他地方。 In the city many people get sick, the body first had the strange rash. 城内不少人得了病,身上先是起了奇怪的疹子。 Then the skin turned little like the animal skin same hardness, simultaneously reveals the depart grey color. 然后皮肤一点点变成了如同兽皮一样的坚硬,同时显露出发灰的颜色。 The time grew, the patient becomes ignorant, even starts to go crazy. 时间长了,病人就变得浑浑噩噩,甚至开始发狂。 Finally. 最后。 During is going crazy died. 在发狂之中死去。 From starting considering is only the small problem, has started some people dead of illness by the present. 从开始的认为只是小毛病而已,到现在已经已经开始有人病逝。 The lunar eclipse city also vacated a medical fort to ask the illustrious big doctor Thurow's team to admit these patients specially, actually mainly closed/pass these people, after they died burns down, so as to avoid infected to others. 月蚀城还特意空出了一座医堡请了赫赫有名的大医师瑟罗的团队来收治这些病人,其实主要是将这些人关起来,将他们死亡之后烧掉,免得传染给别人。 The plague situation has not been contained, instead gets stronger and stronger. 只是瘟疫的情况并没有得到遏制,反而愈演愈烈。 However this matter also makes fiercely among the average people, has not at least seen what great person at present this sickness situation. 不过这种事情也只是在普通人之间闹得厉害,至少目前还没有看到什么大人物得这种病的情况。 It seems like so long as protects well, is all right. 看起来只要防护得好一些,也就没事。 As for these civilians how, these great people are disinclined the manages. 至于那些平民怎么样,那些大人物们才懒得去管。 However naturally also some people smelled the unusual aura, starts to investigate this matter. 不过当然也有人嗅到了不寻常的气息,开始调查这件事情。 Each unusual influence in city was convened, starts to be inquired and investigated, at the same time they also start to search for the solution. 城内的各个超凡势力被召集了起来,开始被询问和调查,与此同时他们也开始寻找解决办法。 But is only restricted during at present blames each other and pushes to evade, throughout does not have any progress. 只不过目前仅限于互相指责和推避之中,始终没有什么进展。 Ten thousand snake royal court regarding the controlling force of each area are very strong, but only to these unusual influences, no idea. 万蛇王庭对于各个地区的控制力还是很强的,但是唯独对这些超凡势力,没有什么办法。 The opposite party do not belong to ten thousand snake royal court direct management. 对方根本就不归属万蛇王庭直接管理。 The prosperity is young people, he has been rushing about for these things recently. 隆是个年轻人,他最近一直都在为这些事情奔波。 Looks the person who these catch an illness are getting more and more, suffers the inadequate human form under the pain, but in similarly abyss that their family members also drew in the pain. 看着那些染病的人越来越多,在病痛下折磨得不成人形,而他们的家人也同样被拖入痛苦的深渊之中。
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