IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#371 Part 2: If can eat God

Infects as for the blood incantation can make new ghoul, but this will temper ghoul strength. 至于血咒感染就是可以制造新的食尸鬼,不过这会削弱食尸鬼本身的力量。 This is one type has the unusual strength, but consciousness and desire by the monster that the plague blood incantation controls. 这是一种拥有超凡力量,但是意识和欲望都被瘟疫血咒所控制的怪物。 ghoul.” 食尸鬼。” This name how? Very good?” “这个名字怎么样?很不错吧?” Ackermanmon nods: „Very vivid.” 阿克曼蒙点头:“很形象。” Thurow looks at oneself masterpiece: Not is only the image, but also this name will be doomed to become in the future everyone's nightmare, will make a sound the whole world.” 瑟罗看着自己的杰作:“不仅仅是形象,而且这个名字注定会成为将来所有人的梦魇,会响遍整个世界。” Thurow also wanted then to say anything, but he bends the waist suddenly. 瑟罗还想要接着说些什么,但是突然之间他弯下腰来。 Ackermanmon looks at Thurow, his unceasing sends out to retch, 阿克曼蒙看着瑟罗,他不断的发出干呕, He puts out a blood bottle to drink, later became well, 紧接着他拿出一个血瓶饮下去,之后才变得好了一些, Ackermanmon noticed Thurow to be thinner at this time . Moreover the look also becomes rare bright, seems to be shining in the powder in the hidden place, that is the unusual strength grows quickly the uncontrolled indication. 阿克曼蒙这个时候才注意到瑟罗瘦了很多,而且眼神也变得超乎寻常的明亮,在暗处似乎在散发着光,那是超凡力量增长过快不受控制的征兆。 You how?” “你怎么了?” „The seat of honor, your situation seems some to be not quite right.” “首席,你的情况好像有些不太对劲。” Is backlashes?” “是反噬吗?” Why Thurow has not said that even if Ackermanmon, he will not depend on completely overall. 瑟罗没有说为什么,哪怕是阿克曼蒙,他也不会完全全盘相托。 Second place.” “次席。” My feeling is good, it can be said that cannot be good.” “我的感觉好极了,可以说是好得不能再好了。” I every day am becoming more powerful, but I thought that this is insufficient, I can also be quicker, become more powerful.” “我每天都在变得更强大,只是我觉得这还不够,我还可以更快,变得更加强大。” Ackermanmon heard Thurow saying that also no longer paid attention to these. 阿克曼蒙听到瑟罗这么说,也就不再关注这些。 He looked that to was just made, controlled ghoul. 他看向了刚刚被制造出来的,受控制的食尸鬼 Seat of honor.” “首席。” Now can say, you had said before that plan?” “现在可以说一说,你之前说过的那个计划了吗?” What do you want to make?” “你到底想要做些什么?” „Is your plan, certainly related with ghoul?” “你的那个计划,一定和食尸鬼有关吧?” Thurow hesitant, gazes at Ackermanmon long time, seems confirming anything. 瑟罗犹豫了一下,注视着阿克曼蒙良久,仿佛在确认着什么。 After long time, he says finally. 半晌之后,他终于开口说道。 Second place.” “次席。” You think not to have, even if we escaped the curse of Lord of Purgatory, how then we should escape another two types to backlash.” “你想过没有,哪怕我们逃过了炼狱之主的诅咒,接下来我们该怎么逃过另外两种反噬。” Falls into the purgatory, falls into crazily, turns unusual material that the item or does not form.” “堕入炼狱,陷入疯狂,变成道具或者不成形的超凡材料。” We can escape one, can escape another two.” “我们能够逃过一个,难道能够逃过另外两个。” Ackermanmon: Therefore, you did find escaped from another two backlash methods?” 阿克曼蒙:“所以,你找到了逃脱另两种反噬的方法?” Thurow looks at Ackermanmon, said one to make the average man faint sufficiently the past terrifying answer. 瑟罗看着阿克曼蒙,说出了一个足以让常人晕厥过去的恐怖答案。 Falls into the abyss, becomes King of Abyss.” “堕入深渊,成为深渊之王。” So long as falls into the abyss, the will of abyss will help us anti- live crazily.” “只要堕入深渊,深渊的意志会帮我们抗住疯狂。” So long as falls into the abyss, we can evade backlash of blood of myth.” “只要堕入深渊,我们就可以逃避神话之血的反噬。” So long as falls into the abyss, Lord of Purgatory then cannot do to us.” “只要堕入深渊,炼狱之主便不能在奈何我们。” Thurow is frantic, as to release completely the strength of innermost feelings, day after day in the skinny body, erupts the powerful incomparable pressure. 瑟罗狂热无比,似乎想要将自己内心的力量全部都释放出来,日渐枯瘦的身躯里,爆发出强大无比的威压。 Ackermanmon looks at Thurow, felt that strong pressure. 阿克曼蒙看着瑟罗,感受到了那种强大的压力。 The opposite party have not become the apostle, has the imposing manner of apostle faintly. 对方还没有成为使徒,就已经隐隐有了使徒的气势。 Ackermanmon same had not questioned with the average man, not frantic like these ordinary believers. 阿克曼蒙没有和常人一样质疑,也没有像那些普通教徒一样的狂热。 He is only peaceful asking Thurow: How do you want to do?” 他只是安静的问瑟罗:“你想要怎么做?” Thurow looked to oneself masterpiece, stroked an artware the same as touch the rough skin of opposite party probably. 瑟罗看向了自己的杰作,就好像抚摸着一件艺术品一样触碰着对方的粗糙皮肤。 ghoul.” 食尸鬼。” We can make massive ghoul, is making disaster of the unprecedented plague in the lunar eclipse city.” “我们可以制造出大量的食尸鬼,然后在在月蚀城制造出一场前所未有的瘟疫之灾。” At that time I the position of ascending a height to get a broad view apostle, fearless in anybody.” “那个时候我将登临使徒之位,无惧于任何人。” At that time, innumerable ghoul will be born here, then these ghoul will eat everyone in this city.” “彼时,无数的食尸鬼将在这里诞生,然后这些食尸鬼们会吃掉这座城市里的所有人。” Finally.” “最后。” I will swallow all ghoul.” “我将吞食掉所有的食尸鬼。” Eats the entire lunar eclipse city.” “吃掉整个月蚀城。” This is Thurow's plan, if eats also divides the rank. 这就是瑟罗的计划,如果吃也分等级的话。 His time must eat, is an entire city. 他这一次要吃掉的,是一整座城市。 Thurow was demonstrating to Ackermanmon oneself crazy plan, is inviting this King of Ten Thousand Snakes that is not the king. 瑟罗向阿克曼蒙展示着自己的疯狂计划,邀请着这个算不上王的万蛇之王 Second place.” “次席。” „Do you certainly hate here very much?” “你一定很憎恨这里吧?” Hates everyone in this city, hates these to imprison your fellow, these persecuted to death you fellow of person of loving.” “憎恨这座城市里的所有人,憎恨那些囚禁你的家伙,那些逼死了你所爱之人的家伙。” We swallow this city together jointly, then we enter the abyss together.” “我们一起联手吞食掉这个城市,然后我们一起进入深渊。” Lunar eclipse city has hundreds of thousands population, if can swallow here everyone.” “月蚀城是拥有着十几万人口,若是能够吞噬掉这里的所有人。” We will have the strength of going far beyond the ordinary apostle.” “我们将拥有远远超过普通使徒的力量。” In the abyss, we will have the far ultra common strength, anything cursed and backlashes, to us was not worth mentioning.” “在深渊之中,我们也将拥有远超寻常的力量,什么诅咒和反噬,对于我们来说都不值一提。” What throne, what right, all things of this world are not worth mentioning to us.” “什么王位,什么权利,这人间的所有东西对于我们来说都不值一提。” Thurow was saying to be saying, is getting more and more excited. 瑟罗说着说着,也越来越激动。 He must eat this city, then goes to the abyss. 他要吃掉这个这座城市,然后前往深渊。 Finally with incomparably powerful stance. 最终以无比强大的姿态。 Eats that to dare to ridicule his fellow. 吃掉那个敢于嘲弄他的家伙。 Always has the talents of many novel ideas as one, therefore he always likes making many related associations in the speech. 作为一个总有着许多新奇想法的天才,所以他在说话的时候总喜欢做着许多相关的联想。 But at this moment. 而此刻。 In his sudden mind appeared a terrible idea. 他突然脑海之中浮现出了一个可怕的想法。 If. 如果。 He can the words that God eats, what will have? 他能够将神明吃掉的话,会发生什么? Thurow felt suddenly a special door opens before him, in his heart gushed out the infinite anticipation. 瑟罗突然感觉一扇特殊的门在他面前打开,他心中涌出了无限的期待。 Yes! 是啊! If eats the god, what strength he will have? 如果吃掉神的话,他会拥有什么样的力量? He. 他是不是就可以。 Becoming the god? 成为神? Thurow looks at Ackermanmon, this he has not called the opposite party time is the second place, has not shouted the opposite party. 瑟罗看着阿克曼蒙,这一次他没有称呼对方为次席,也没有喊对方陛下。 But called the name of opposite party. 而是叫出了对方的名字。 Ackermanmon.” 阿克曼蒙。” Come!” “来吧!” We together, ruin this hateful place.” “我们一起,毁掉这个可恨的地方。” Then we together, swallow the entire abyss.” “然后我们一起,吞噬整个深渊。” Thurow looks at Ackermanmon stubbornly, he is inviting peer who this he is approving. 瑟罗死死的看着阿克曼蒙,他在邀请着这个他认同的同行者。 Ackermanmon looks at Thurow, although this in name is not his teacher, but introduced existence of unusual world front door him, does not know that is thinking anything. 阿克曼蒙看着瑟罗,这个名义上虽然不是他老师,但是将他引入了超凡世界大门的存在,不知道在想些什么。 Seat of honor!” “首席!” You may really be a lunatic.” “你可真是一个疯子。” Thurow laughs: „, Are you that willing to join the world of lunatic?” 瑟罗哈哈大笑:“那么,你愿意加入疯子的世界吗?”
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