IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#371 Part 1: If can eat God

Purgatory. 炼狱。 The people of innumerable degeneration struggle in the sea of fire, sends out to infiltrate the pitiful yell call letter of person from the consciousness deep place, but the king above flame stars calmly is appreciating their ugly performance. 无数堕落之人在火海里挣扎,从意识深处发出渗人的惨叫呼号,而火焰星辰之上的君王静静欣赏着他们的丑态。 Man who this has the Avon appearance, actually with living, but is completely different for Avon of mortal. 这个拥有着亚弗安模样的男人,却和生而为凡人的亚弗安完全不一样。 He since birth is Lord of Purgatory, without Avon that type regarding mortal and empathy of Evel person. 他生来便是炼狱之主,没有亚弗安那种对于凡人和爱维尔人的同理心。 These people of degeneration are his convict, these desperate call letters are his food. 这些堕落之人都是他的囚徒,那些绝望的呼号则是他的食粮。 Suddenly, the king as if noticed anything. 突然之间,君王似乎注意到了什么。 Abyss!” “深渊!” Is that fellow?” “是那个家伙?” However quick, Lord of Purgatory then overruled this guess. 但是很快,炼狱之主便否决了这个猜测。 Oh, is that idiot.” “噢,是那个蠢货。” „The toys of that original sin.” “那个原罪的玩物。” He felt that his cursed goal caught the aura of abyss, the strength of abyss the strength pollution of opposite party, is striving for the control of opposite party with. 他感觉到自己的一个被诅咒的目标染上了深渊的气息,深渊的力量将对方的力量污染,和自己争夺着对方的控制权。 Was doomed to fall into the fellow in purgatory that originally, to abyss side. 将那个原本注定会堕入炼狱的家伙,拉向了深渊的一边。 That is the mortal who a name is Thurow, very interesting fellow. 那是一个名字叫做瑟罗的凡人,非常有意思的家伙。 After violating the taboo of food person was cursed, in the terrified struggling of doom, wants completely all means to want from the mire to struggle. 犯了食人的禁忌被诅咒之后,在惶恐之中死命的挣扎,想尽一切办法想要从泥潭之中挣扎出来。 After the opposite party were cursed, does not want completely all means far away from the curse, evades the curse ; Instead is reckless close to curse, during thorough curse. 对方被诅咒之后不是想尽一切办法远离诅咒,逃避诅咒;反而是不顾一切的靠近诅咒,深入诅咒之中。 He can always think of some unexpected methods, even goes with the aid of the strength of curse. 他总能想到一些出乎意料的方法,甚至去借助诅咒的力量。 He after being cursed, unceasingly expands is improving the corpse eater curse. 他从被诅咒之后,就不断的扩大着完善着食尸者诅咒。 Then he wants wishes of completely all means to get rid of the curse, is only the method of opposite party that so-called drill loophole, the result of finally causing is not the curse vanishes, instead further expansion. 接下来他又更是想尽一切办法的想要摆脱诅咒,只是对方那所谓的钻漏洞的方法,最后导致的结果不是诅咒消失,反而进一步的扩大。 That Corpse Eater Cult that even because the opposite party forms, making the curse start to spread unceasingly. 甚至因为对方组建的那个食尸者密教,让诅咒开始不断蔓延。 Finally. 最后。 Is he is deeper and deeper in the mire. 就是他在泥潭之中越陷越深。 However falls deeply, he is struggling furiously. 然而陷得越深,他就越是奋力的挣扎。 Until now, he fell into the dual mire of abyss and in purgatory directly. 直到现在,他更是直接陷入了深渊和炼狱的双重泥沼之中。 This made Lord of Purgatory see mortal interesting side , the evil with evil thought type of thing, seems the plague the same as infect. 这让炼狱之主看到了凡人有趣的一面,罪恶和邪念这种东西,就好像瘟疫一样会传染。 When a person falls into the darkness, he can lead one group of people to fall into the bottomless gully together. 当一个人落入黑暗的时候,他会带着一群人一同陷入无底沟壑。 Quick. 很快。 Lord of Purgatory knows the ceramic villain made anything, the opposite party turned into Child of Gluttony Thurow. 炼狱之主就知道了陶瓷小人做了什么,对方将瑟罗变成了暴食之子 This is equal to the purgatory, initiated the letter of challenge to him. 这等于是向炼狱,向他发起了挑战书。 Lord of Purgatory has not felt slightly annoyedly, in the eye only then despises. 炼狱之主丝毫没有感觉到恼火,眼里只有鄙夷。 Idiot.” “蠢货。” You think that this is really a game?” “你以为这真的是一场游戏吗?” He looked to Dreamland another direction, the direction of abyss. 他看向了梦界的另一个方向,深渊的方向。 This is the war.” “这是战争。” The game also has the victory and defeat, but regarding game, what is more important than the victory and defeat is joyful ; Although wins usually is also part, but unlike that reckless pursue victory is. 游戏也有胜负,但是对于游戏来说,比胜负更重要的是愉悦;虽然胜利通常也是其中的一部分,但是与那种不顾一切的追求胜利还是不同的。 The ceramic villain is such a exists, it will dominate oneself wish above the goal and victory and defeat frequently. 陶瓷小人就是这样一个存在,它经常会将自己的意愿凌驾于目的和胜负之上。 But the war is different, both sides resort to all means wants to win, the person who because loses will lose all. 而战争不一样,双方不择手段的就想要赢,因为输掉的人会失去一切。 Lord of Purgatory does not know that the ceramic villain came from where, does not understand that original sin evil god such existence, why will make such a fellow scurry about in the abyss. 炼狱之主不知道陶瓷小人从何而来,不明白原罪邪神这样的存在,为什么会让这样一个家伙在深渊之中上蹿下跳。 Perhaps, because some wicked interest? 或许,只是因为某个恶趣味? He does not know trillion years ago , once has a villain ; But worked as the master at that time is not similar, but is that is imprisoned the myth monster in bottle. 他不知道在亿万年前,也曾经有着一个小人;只不过那个时候当主人的不是肖,而是那个被囚禁在瓶子里的神话怪物。 „Do you want to be noisy the matter?” “你想要把事情闹大?” I am accompanying you together.” “那我就陪着你一起。” Lord of Purgatory smiled, he is instead not lagging behind the purgatory that Thurow anxiously. 炼狱之主笑了,他反而不急着将那个瑟罗拉下炼狱。 The opposite party make in a big way, is instead bigger to his advantage, he does not accept the challenge of ceramic villain, instead is glad to see him succeed. 对方闹得越大,对他的好处反而越大,他根本不接受陶瓷小人的挑战,反而乐见其成。 Lord of Purgatory does not have the thoughts to go to and ceramic villain conducts that bored world game. 炼狱之主没有心思去和陶瓷小人去进行那无聊的人间游戏。 Now the stage, it needs climbs on the myth throne as soon as possible. 现在阶段,它需要的就是尽快攀登上神话的宝座。 He only wish makes the purgatory myth now. 他现在只想要让炼狱成为神话 Then. 然后。 To that idiot fearful existence, the evil god of disasters of original sin only initiates the challenge. 向那个蠢货背后的可怕存在,原罪的邪恶神祇发起挑战。 However at this time, Lord of Purgatory thought of an issue suddenly. 不过这个时候,炼狱之主突然想到了一个问题。 He looks at the abyss in darkness, as if saw that thin and tall indifferent form. 他看着黑暗之中的深渊,似乎又看到了那个瘦高的冷漠身影。 The evil god of that original sin. 那个原罪的邪神。 At this moment. 此时此刻。 Also regards the vision of ceramic villain with him, is overlooking him- 是不是也同样用他看待陶瓷小人的目光,正在俯视着他- In hotel. 宅邸之中。 Thurow fuses gluttony seed time had a dream, in dream he returned to the childhood. 瑟罗融合暴食之种的时候做了一个梦,梦里他回到了小时候。 He is young time also lives in the lunar eclipse city, is only in present this place, but is in the slum. 他小的时候也住在月蚀城,只是并不住在现在这个地方,而是贫民窟里。 His father is not such that in his mouth said that is any illustrious doctor. 他的父亲并不是他口中所说的那样,是一个什么赫赫有名的医师。 But is a veterinarian, usually in also concurrent job butcher. 而是一个兽医,平日里还兼职屠夫。 Because he servant of God apprentice by praying hall was seen the talent, but was escorted to temple to divide the palace by the father. 他因为被祷堂的神侍学徒看出有天赋,而被父亲送往了神庙分殿。 Therefore his father a sum of not poor money, was also counting on he can succeed to be selected to become the servant of God apprentice by temple. 为此他的父亲还出了一笔不菲的钱,指望着他能够成功被神庙选中成为神侍学徒。 In temple has a group of child, but finally selected and few. 神庙里有着一大群孩子,但是最后被选中的并没有几个。 Thurow's then timidness. 瑟罗当时的胆子很小。 After had not been selected, does not dare to go back. 没有被选中之后不敢回去。 Because he entreated the father to deliver him, the father spent a lot of money to give temple, traded this opportunity. 因为他是哀求着父亲将他送过来,父亲花了很多钱交给神庙,才换来了这一次机会。 If he goes back like this, his father will definitely not bypass his. 他如果就这样回去,他的父亲肯定不会绕过他的。 He blocked was responsible for choosing servant of God of apprentice to implore urgently at that time, hopes that he can be from oneself, he cannot go back like this. 他拦住了当时负责挑选学徒的神侍苦苦哀求,希望他能够选自己,他不能就这样回去。 Perhaps is not only because is afraid to come under attack, but also has him to hope that changes the destiny to become the hope of top dog, 或许不仅仅是因为害怕回去挨打,还有着他希望改变自己命运成为人上人的渴望, That surname was entangled by him for servant of God of fainting leaf is impatient, particularly worried Thurow actually held his lower hem corner. 那个姓氏为厥叶的神侍被他缠得不耐烦了,尤其是着急了的瑟罗竟然抓住了他的衣角。 A servant of God tail pulls out him, threw under the steps of temple side palace. 神侍一尾巴将他抽开,扔到了神殿侧殿的阶梯下。 Night has rained, the ground is the mud. 夜里下过雨,地上都是泥泞。 Thurow also contaminated mud. 瑟罗也沾染了一身泥巴。 Well-born servant of God despises the son who looks at this veterinarian, was saying to him. 出身高贵的神侍鄙夷的看着这个兽医的儿子,对着他说道。 Inexpensive type.” “贱种。” My clothes are you can grasp?” “我的衣服是你能够抓的吗?” „The pattern on this clothes robe is representing temple, is you can bump?” “这衣袍上的花纹代表着神庙,也是你可以碰的?” „The son of a veterinarian and butcher, wants to become servant of God?” “一个兽医和屠夫的儿子,也想要成为神侍?” You have a look at yourself.” “你看看你自己。” „Do you match?” “你配吗?” Thurow implored urgently as before, in mire. 瑟罗依旧苦苦哀求,在泥潭之中。 Sir servant of God!” 神侍大人!” Gives me an opportunity, I will go back to be really killed.” “给我个机会吧,我回去真的会被打死的。” It seems lowly, pitiful laughable. 显得卑贱,又可怜可笑。 That appearance good-looking well-born servant of God was happy: What matter does that close my?” 那模样俊俏出身高贵的神侍乐了:“那关我什么事情?” Halts.” “站住。” Do not come up again, otherwise I am impolite.” “别再上来,要不然我不客气了。” That servant of God looks at entanglement continuous Thurow, looked to beach beast excrement of roadside, should be the pulling a cart pack animal that passed by stays behind, he was saying to Thurow. 那个神侍看着纠缠不休的瑟罗,望向了路边的一滩兽粪,应该是路过的拉车驮兽留下的,他对着瑟罗说。 You, if really wants to become servant of God, ate that thing.” “你如果真的那么想要成为神侍,就把那东西吃了。” I make you come.” “我就让你进来。” Thurow gawked the half of the day, no one knows that he was thinking anything at that time. 瑟罗愣了半天,谁也不知道他当时在想什么。 However then, he really according to doing that the opposite party said. 但是接下来,他真的按照对方所说的做了。 Under is in the glare of the public eye, he really like a dog, clenched teeth to press in the beast excrement the face. 众目睽睽之下,他真的就像一条狗一样,一咬牙将脸按进了了兽粪之中。 His hearing surrounding person erupted yacketing immediately, these and Thurow also participated in the children who the servant of God apprentice selected equally, smiling was loud. 他就听到周围的人顿时爆发出了哄堂大笑,那些和瑟罗一样同样来参加神侍学徒选拔的孩子们,一个个笑的大声极了。 Ha!” “哈哈哈哈哈!” He really ate, he really ate.” “他真的吃了,他真的吃了。” Fool, this is a fool!” “傻子,这是一个傻子啊!” His family/home is a veterinarian, perhaps their family/home eats this specially, has been used.” “他家是兽医啊,或许他们家就是专门吃这个的吧,早就习惯了。” Ha, laughed at me.” “哈哈哈哈哈,笑死我了。” That servant of God is also only wish made Thurow give way before difficulties, does not seem to anticipated this result. 那个神侍原本也只是想要让瑟罗知难而退,似乎也没有意料到这种结局。 However he not has what pity to this veterinarian and butcher's son, or really on therefore allows the opposite party to enter temple, he rejected Thurow as before, with stance of keeping aloof. 不过他也不会对这个兽医和屠夫之子发什么怜悯之心,或者真的就因此而让对方进入神庙,他依旧拒绝了瑟罗,以高高在上的姿态。 Excuse me, temple cannot receive your such person of contamination, that harms our temple honor.” “不好意思,神庙不能收你这样的污秽之人,那有损我们神庙的荣光。” servant of God, but world of mortals noblest existence, is not people like you can presumptuously think.” 神侍可是凡间最高贵的存在,不是你这样的人可以妄想的。” Thurow whole body contamination, stands in the bumpy ground. 瑟罗满身污秽,站在坑坑洼洼的地上。 Was scoffed by one group of people. 被一群人耻笑。 A picture revolution, he goes home. 画面一转,他回到了家。 Comes, is a father's palm of the hand. 迎面而来的,是父亲的一巴掌。 „!” “啪!” I said that you do not have that life, you think that who you are?” “我就说你没有那个命,你以为你是谁?” Harmed me to compensate so much money.” “害我赔了那么多钱。” The father is the short temper person, coming up is suddenly/violently to beat up, as if very loves dearly own these money. 父亲是个脾气暴躁的人,上来就是一顿暴揍,似乎十分心疼自己的那些钱。 If Thurow can elect, then their family/home hit transported greatly, he can also follow to profit at someone's expense together. 如果瑟罗能够选上,那么他们家就撞大运了,他也能跟着一起沾光。 However now has not elected, that was different. 但是现在没有选上,那就不一样了。 Waste is the waste, but also thinks that are really different.” “废物就是废物,还以为真的自己不一样。” Later.” “以后。” Follows honestly I and your big brother, helping us overcome the hand to be OK.” “老老实实跟着我和你大哥,帮我们打下手就可以了。” The following picture, as before is brushing of father. 接下来的画面,依旧是父亲的抽打。 The father as if heard anything outside, probably earth dragon of violent anger same hit to open the door, caught Thurow is one beats savagely. 父亲似乎在外面听到了什么,像是一头暴怒的地行龙一样撞开门冲了进来,将瑟罗抓起来就是一顿暴打。 What did you do?” “你干了什么?” Your this idiot, lost completely father's face.” “你这个蠢货,丢光了老子的脸。” Father must kill your fellow today, kills your waste.” “老子今天要打死你这个家伙,打死你这个废物。” In addition also has many other pictures to interlock, mostly is others 's ridicule, various shame words and expressions and nicknames. 除此之外还有着很多其他的画面交错,大多都是他人的嘲笑,还有各种羞辱的词语和外号。 Time Thurow of childhood, is incomparable hatred here, wants to flee from here. 幼年的时候瑟罗,是无比的憎恨这里,想要逃离这里。 Therefore after being grown he left this city. 所以成年之后的他离开了这座城市。 When he walks randomly each region, mastered the knowledge of some powers, after some evil divine spell . 但是当他游走各地,掌握了一些权能的知识,还有一些邪恶的神术之后。 He actually chose to return to here, no one knows that actually he how thought. 他却又选择回到了这里,谁也不知道他究竟是怎么想的。 Perhaps. 或许。 Like average man such for returning in glory native place. 就像常人那样为了荣归故里。 However his name changed, person contact that also no longer and once knew ; But these people of childhood time, estimated he who even face to face is unable to recognize change such big. 但是他连名字都改了,也不再和曾经认识的人接触;而幼年时候的那些人,就算当面估计也无法认出变化如此之大的他了。 Lies down closes one's eyes to nip the tooth in Thurow of ground, sends out to angrily roar. 躺在地上的瑟罗闭着眼睛咬着牙齿,发出怒吼。 Why?” “凭什么?” Why?” “凭什么?” Why!” “凭什么!” You have promised me, you have promised me.” “你答应过我的,你答应过我的。” Sends out last bellows, Thurow finally from the ground crawled. 发出最后一声大吼的时候,瑟罗终于从地上爬了起来。 Setting out that he does sway, gaze to four directions. 他摇摇晃晃的起身,注视向四方。 The first doing matter looks to that mirror. 第一个做的事情就是看向那面镜子。 All in mirror had returned to normal, Gate of Myth and evil light shadow that leaf is representing the original sin have vanished do not see, in bronze mirror inverted image, only then Thurow also has the corner of room. 镜子里的一切都已经恢复了正常,那扇代表着原罪的神话之门和邪恶的光影已经消失不见,铜镜里倒影的只有瑟罗自己还有房间的一角。 In his mind is reverberating as before the past recollection, just in the appearance that under Gate of Myth trembled. 他的脑海之中依旧回荡着过去的回忆,还有刚刚自己在神话之门下瑟瑟发抖的模样。 He was really afraid at that time very much, the strength of opposite party was too strong, imagines God to be exactly the same during with him. 他当时真的很害怕,对方的力量太强大了,和他想象之中的神明一模一样。 However after fears and ashamed. 但是恐惧和羞耻过后。 In Thurow eyes is endless resenting, is unwilling. 瑟罗眼中是无尽的愤恨,还有不甘。 On Thurow's all advances table thing in the place, threw off the bronze mirror. 瑟罗将桌子上的东西全部推到在地,将铜镜也掀翻了。 Hateful!” “可恨!” Damn!” “该死!” You also look down upon me, you also look down upon me.” “你也瞧不起我,你也瞧不起我。” Thurow most repugnant is that look, that keeping aloof look. 瑟罗最讨厌的就是那种眼神,那种高高在上的眼神。 Small time, temple that servant of God looks with this look own. 小的时候,神庙的那个神侍就是用这个眼神看着自己的。 Then he, stood below like this is looking up to the opposite party. 当时的他,也是这样站在下面仰望着对方。 Starting from that time. 从那个时候开始。 That fear, that shame, these recollections. 那种恐惧,那种耻辱,那些回忆。 Changes into the nightmare that he could not diverge for a lifetime. 就化为了他一辈子散不去的噩梦。 However. 但是。 Is frightened, is the shame. 越是恐惧,越是耻辱。 What Thurow thinks is not how to evade. 瑟罗想的并不是如何去逃避。 What he thinks is must spare nothing, once let him these frightened, making his shame all erase. 他想的是要不惜一切代价,将那些曾经让他恐惧,让他耻辱的一切都抹除掉。 He must these fears, these shames swallow. 他要将那些恐惧,那些耻辱吞噬掉。 He wants completely all means to obtain the strength. 他想尽一切办法获得力量。 Recedes each region, does not hesitate all attempts various evil divine spell, obtains strength that all can obtain. 远走各地,不惜一切的尝试着各种邪恶的神术,获得一切能够获得的力量。 Then, he returned to this city. 然后,他回到了这座城市。 In one dark night. 在一个暗夜里。 The Thurow's first eating person, is that fainting leaf family's servant of God. 瑟罗第一个吃掉的人,就是那个厥叶家族的神侍 He at all is not, in trying anything that and Ackermanmon said from the corpse gains the strength. 他根本不是什么和阿克曼蒙所说的,在尝试什么从尸体里获取力量。 He is to eat the opposite party, ate oneself once fear and shame. 他就是想要吃掉对方,吃掉自己曾经的恐惧和耻辱。 These had had shame, these keep in the recollection and years the cannot erase memory. 将那些曾经存在过的耻辱,那些留在回忆和岁月里不可磨灭的记忆。 Swallows does not remain. 吞食得一点不剩。 Does not seem to exist is the same. 就好像从来没有存在过一样。 He felt at that time was carefree, that was an unprecedented pleasant sensation, probably the joyfulness of the innermost soul having. 他当时感觉畅快极了,那是一种前所未有的快感,好像从灵魂深处发出来的愉悦。 Kills the opposite party to leave behind the corpse, burns the opposite party also to leave behind the ashes. 杀死对方会留下尸体,烧死对方也会留下灰烬。 Even died, the opposite party can also enter the state of god. 就算是死了,对方还能够进入神的国度。 No. 不。 He wants the opposite party anything not remaining. 他要对方什么都不剩下。 Even the ashes do not have, does not seem to exist is the same. 连灰烬都没有,就好像从来没有存在过一样。 Right, only then eats the opposite party. 没错,只有吃掉对方。 Eating that only then does not remain the opposite party, opposite party thorough swallowing. 只有将对方一点不剩的吃掉,将对方彻底的吞食。 Can cancel all, can frightened completely eliminates these shames. 才能够将一切都抹去,才能够将那些耻辱和恐惧彻底消除。 But now, the ceramic villain Thurow remembers that in these recollections, the pictures of these shames activate again. 而现在,陶瓷小人将瑟罗记忆里的那些回忆,那些耻辱的画面再一次激活。 Thurow on crazy all destroys the room, is roaring shouting. 瑟罗就疯狂的将房间里一切都破坏,咆哮着嘶吼。 I must eat you.” “我要吃掉你。” Chewed you little, then swallows.” “将你一点点嚼碎了,然后咽下去。” Tastes your fear, tastes your blood of myth, is tasting your desperate mood.” “品尝你的恐惧,品尝你的神话之血,品尝着你绝望的情绪。” Makes your spirit shout in my within the body, desperate wailing in my body, letting you never to escape from my body.” “让你的灵在我的体内嘶吼,在我的身体里绝望的哀嚎,让你永远不能逃脱出我的身体。” Thurow probably was insane was the same, is speaking these terrifying words unceasingly. 瑟罗就好像疯了一样,不断的说着那些恐怖的话语。 Eats him!” “吃掉他!” Eats him!” “吃掉他!” Eats these hateful snake human, eats these to look down upon your fellow, eats everyone in this city.” “吃掉那些可恶的蛇人,吃掉那些看不起你的家伙,吃掉这个城市里的所有人。” Swallows them!” “吞食掉他们!” Thurow's within the body at this moment is also changing, these once by the person who he swallowed, these are started to move restlessly by the intelligent blood that he fused, start to backlash he, 瑟罗此刻的体内也在发生着变化,那些曾经被他吞食的人,那些被他融合的智慧之血开始躁动,开始反噬他, However Thurow does not dread, he has eaten them, he will not be afraid these by the person who he swallows. 但是瑟罗丝毫不畏惧,他已经吃掉他们了,他才不会害怕那些被他吞食的人。 He is this, is suppressing these with the tyrant general will by the resistance of person of will his swallowing. 他就是这样,用暴君一般的意志压制着那些被他吞噬之人意志的反抗。 Come!” “来啊!” Cried out in my body, wails in my body.” “在我的身体里呐喊,在我的身体里哀嚎。” Makes me taste your despair.” “让我品尝你的绝望。” But at this moment. 而此刻。 In these in he consciousness the form that sent out to wail suddenly probably draining by anything, sank toward his body deep place. 那些在他意识里发出哀嚎的身影一个个突然好像被什么东西给抽干了,一个个朝着他的身体深处沉去。 Finally. 最后。 Integrated his stomach. 融入了他的胃。 His stomach had anything to change probably, probably an vortex same unceasing is swallowing the above lake water, suddenly Thurow within the body the blood of these wisdom swallowed cleanly. 他的胃好像发生了什么变化,就好像一个漩涡一样不断的吞噬着上面的湖水,眨眼之间就将瑟罗体内的那些智慧之血吞噬得一干二净。 One type intense, the sense of hunger that is unable to suppress welled up. 一种强烈的,无法压制住的饥饿感涌了上来。 He felt that in own belly seems one group of fires to burn, an irresistible swallowing desire occupied his consciousness. 他感觉自己的肚子里好像有一团火在燃烧,一种不可阻挡的吞噬欲望占据了他的意识。 Hungry!” “饿!” I am quite hungry!” “我好饿!” At this time, the following servant heard the above sound to clash. 这个时候,下面的仆人听到了上面的动静冲了上来。 Master.” “主人。” What happened?” “发生什么事情了?” However opens the door, sees Thurow that flood red the eye under the candlelight. 然而推开门,就看到瑟罗那在烛火下泛红的眼睛。 The pale face, reveals wild animal same crazy. 惨白的面孔,露出野兽一样的疯狂。 Also sends out to yell without enough time, the servant was knocked down, the head according to splashed a blood of place on the ground. 还来不及发出叫喊,仆人就被扑倒在地,脑袋按在地上溅出了一地的血。 In the room transmitted appalling swallowing and chews the sound, that crazy beast such living servant eating. 紧接着,房间里传来了令人毛骨悚然的吞咽和嘴嚼声音,那个狂兽就这样活生生的将仆人给吃掉了。 He opens the mouth. 他张开嘴巴。 The throat deep place is a darkness. 喉咙深处是一片黑暗。 Stomach of probably black hole his guzzling is the same, directly that servant swallowing. 他的暴食之胃就好像一个黑洞一样,直接将那仆人给吞掉了。 Night, in the entire hotel erupted the terrifying massacre. 夜里,整个宅邸之中爆发出了恐怖的惨案。 Thurow in crazy, ate everyone in hotel unexpectedly. 瑟罗在疯狂之中,竟然吃掉了宅邸之中的所有人。 In the entire hotel everywhere is the bloodstain, from staircase to staircase, from building to the following hall, in channel corridor. 整个宅邸之中到处都是血迹,从楼梯上到楼梯下,从楼上到下面的大厅,还有通道走廊之中。 Can see the scary bloodstain, but actually cannot see half person's shadow, or corpse. 都可以看到骇人的血迹,但是却看不到半个人影,或者尸体。 Sun shone from outside, according to Thurow in balcony. 太阳从外面照射了进来,照在了阳台上的瑟罗身上。 Thurow whole body is the blood, but he feels good, he felt that oneself became stronger. 瑟罗浑身都是鲜血,但是他感觉好极了,他感觉到自己变得更强了。 However that seedling source from the heart deep place, the sense of hunger that is unable to fill up forever as in. 但是那种源自于内心深处,永远无法填满的饥饿感依旧在。 Quite hungry.” “好饿。” He felt that that stomach of own body is not only eating others, is eating itself. 他感觉自己身体的那个胃不仅仅在吃着别人,也在吃着自己。 If oneself cannot fill it, then it will eat himself. 如果自己不能够填饱它的话,那么它就会吃掉自己。 He had the Child of Gluttony strength. 他拥有了暴食之子的力量。 The organ that has the myth strength, that was implanted the stomach of gluttony seed, enabling him to eat food unscrupulously. 那个拥有神话力量的器官,那个被种入了暴食之种的胃,让他可以肆无忌惮的进食。 He does not need to be worried about anything to backlash, anything becomes insane, anything cursed. 他再也不用担心什么反噬,什么变疯,什么诅咒。 The strength as if did not have the boundary to him, is only simple mathematics problems. 力量对于他来说似乎没有了界限,只是一个简单的数学题。 This strength is forcing him to go forward, he wants unceasing eating, eats enough many, can grow stronger unceasingly. 这力量在逼迫着他前进,他只要不断的吃,吃得够多,就可以不断的变强。 However so long as he stops, will immediately die. 但是他只要一停下,马上就会死去。 Thurow feels some fears, because that stomach can eat itself anytime and anywhere. 瑟罗感觉有些害怕,因为那胃随时随地都可以吃掉自己。 However he also feels joyfully. 但是他也感觉到愉悦。 Because. 因为。 He can finally his desire of that endless guzzling, heartily divulged. 他终于可以将他那无尽的暴食之欲,尽情的宣泄出来了。 Thurow walks in the empty hotel, on his face fear, smile in unceasing taking turn. 瑟罗行走在空荡荡的宅邸之中,他脸上恐惧,还有笑容在不断的交替。 Finally, he sent out laughing wildly. 最后,他发出了狂笑。 No!” “不!” Why I must be afraid.” “我为什么要害怕。” This is the strength, so long as I swallow enough many blood of myth, can become the apostle.” “这是力量,我只要吞噬足够多的神话之血,就能够成为使徒。” He arrived at outside little, stood before the window. 他一点点走到了外面,站在了窗户前。 This is insufficient.” “这样还不够。” Like this eats insufficiently is quick.” “这样吃得还不够快。” Under early morning sunlight, Thurow looks at the entire lunar eclipse city. 清晨的阳光下,瑟罗看着整个月蚀城。 He is hard the cheek, raises the neck, on the face is sending out the formidable smile. 他硬着腮帮子,昂着脖子,脸上散发着令人生畏的笑容。 I must eat this city.” “我要吃掉这个城市。” I want......” “我要……” Swallows here all.” “将这里的一切都吞噬。” This is he returns to here reason, he must passing all, swallow completely- 这才是他回到这里的原因,他要将过往的一切,全部都吞食掉- Secret earth cave under lunar eclipse city. 月蚀城下的隐秘地窟。 Corpse Eater Cult headquarters. 食尸者密教的总部。 Throws over the cape to lead Thurow of mask to bring Ackermanmon to conduct the experiment again, but this their goal, ghoul that is to make to control. 披着斗篷带着面具的瑟罗再一次带着阿克曼蒙进行着实验,而这一次他们的目的,是制造出可以控制的食尸鬼 Two people coordination were getting more and more skilled. 两人的配合越来越熟练了。 Ackermanmon studies soon, but Thurow can also be said as in teaches his own taboo knowledge that has not covered up slightly. 阿克曼蒙学习得很快,而瑟罗也可以说是在丝毫没有遮遮掩掩的教会他那些属于自己的禁忌知识。 In some sense, Ackermanmon is Thurow's student. 从某种意义上来说,阿克曼蒙就是瑟罗的学生。 Although Ackermanmon also learned some divine spell from the book reservation of royal family, but the knowledge of these tenth systems, about the inheritance and divine spell research idea, must come from Thurow here. 阿克曼蒙虽然也从王室的典藏之中学到了一些神术,但是那些成系统的知识,还有一些关于传承和神术研究的理念,都是从瑟罗这里得来的。 Their two have same crazy, has extremely similar frantic regarding the strength, the reason that although they pursue the strength is different. 他们两个拥有着一样的疯狂,对于力量都拥有着极为相似的狂热,虽然他们追求力量的原因不尽相同。 Above stone platform. 在石台之上。 Two people fuse the living person with the plague blood incantation once again, turned into one inhuman monster it. 两人又一次用瘟疫血咒再一次融合活人,将其变成了一种非人的怪物。 Two people revised a plague blood incantation, attempts to control the plague blood incantation with own spirit, thus makes this monster be controlled. 两人修改了一下瘟疫血咒,尝试用自己的精神来控制瘟疫血咒,从而让这种怪物受到控制。 With plague blood incantation that whose psychic force builds. 用谁的精神力打造出来的瘟疫血咒。 ghoul that finally makes, whose control receives. 最后制造出来的食尸鬼,就受到谁的控制。 The process of experiment was not smooth, failed several times. 实验的过程并不顺利,失败了好几次。 Although has the successful experience, but these made some modification time. 虽然已经有着成功的经验,但是这一次还是做了一些改动。 Finally. 最后。 A whole body like floating a limestone same monster is born in stone platform. 一个浑身如同浮着一层石灰岩一样的怪物在石台上诞生了。 The opposite party struggle in stone platform, sends out there is no reason roaring. 对方在石台上挣扎,发出没有任何理智可言的呼吼。 Can see that its once consciousness and thought had washed out by the plague blood incantation completely thoroughly. 可以看到它曾经的意识和思维已经完全被瘟疫血咒所彻底冲散。 A seedling source from the swallowing desire of plague blood incantation, occupied its all consciousness. 一种源自于瘟疫血咒的吞食欲望,占据了它所有的意识。 Gets up.” Thurow issued the order at this time, saw the manic monster to be tranquil immediately, stood in Thurow's side. “起来。”瑟罗这个时候发出了命令,就看见狂躁的怪物立刻平静了下来,站在了瑟罗的身边。 Sits down.” Thurow orders again, that monster also honest sitting, but can see that it uses a hungry vision to look around Ackermanmon. “坐下。”瑟罗再度命令,那怪物也老老实实的坐着,但是可以看到它用一种饥饿的目光看着一旁的阿克曼蒙 Attack.” Thurow orders, making the monster attack Ackermanmon immediately. “攻击。”瑟罗立刻命令,让怪物攻击阿克曼蒙 Ackermanmon knows, the opposite party is to test the ghoul intensity. 阿克曼蒙知道,对方是想要测试一下食尸鬼的强度。 The Ackermanmon arm grew black feathers suddenly, the entire arm inflated, blocked the attack of monster, and shelled it. 阿克曼蒙手臂突然长出了一根根黑色的羽毛,整条手臂都膨胀了起来,挡住了怪物的攻击,并且将它轰击了下去。 However the monster pursues immediately, it is not shy dies, the strength is very big. 但是怪物立刻又追了上来,它不怕生死,力气很大。 Moreover what is more important, its within the body is surging the strength of plague blood incantation. 而且更重要的是,它体内涌动着瘟疫血咒的力量。 Last test. 最后测试出了。 It has the hardened skin, the spiritual shock and awe and blood incantation infect three abilities. 它拥有硬化皮肤,精神震慑、血咒感染三种能力。 The skin of hardening makes it have the strong fight to hit the ability, the spirit shocks this can be said as one type to ultimate weapon that the average person is unable to resist. 硬化的皮肤让它拥有超强的抗击打能力,精神震慑这可以说是一种对普通人来说无法抵挡的大杀器
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