IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#370 Part 2: The battle of purgatory and abyss starts

Is enjoying the dinner time, Thurow is still thinking today's experiment. 享用着晚餐的时候,瑟罗心里还在想着今天的实验。 Once the curse locked on oneself, as only the growth unceasing strengthen of time, Thurow is unable completely to solve this Lord of Purgatory through the curse that Dreamland executed, can only time and time will again curse to shift unceasingly. 诅咒一旦锁定在了自己身上,只会随着时间的增长不断的变强,瑟罗无法彻底解决这炼狱之主通过梦界施下的诅咒,只能一次又一次的不断将诅咒转移出去。 But that type is born through the shift curse, through plague blood incantation manufacture, but the crazy monster, seems like the servant who one type comes in handy, has the servant of unusual strength. 而那种通过转移诅咒诞生,通过瘟疫血咒制造而出的疯狂怪物,似乎是一种非常合用的奴仆,拥有超凡力量的仆役。 Thurow is thinking at the same time, how should control and strengthen this monster. 瑟罗一边想着,该如何控制和加强这种怪物。 At the same time is thinking, should give any name for it. 一边又想着,该为其取一个什么名字。 What should call it?” “该叫它什么呢?” Thurow miraculous glow flashes: ghoul?” 瑟罗灵光一闪:“食尸鬼?” Thurow put down the tableware on hand, showed the smile. 瑟罗放下了手上的餐具,露出了笑容。 Right!” “没错!” ghoul, I for the name that it gives.” 食尸鬼,我为它取的名字。” Later my name, will know for everyone with it together.” “以后我的名字,也将会和它一同为所有人所知。” Thurow as if somewhat cares about these things, thinks own these experiment achievements, on the face showed the joyful expression. 瑟罗似乎有些在意这些东西,一想到自己的那些实验成果,脸上就露出了愉悦的表情。 Suddenly, the smile on Thurow face stopped. 突然之间,瑟罗脸上的笑容停了下来。 He sets out suddenly, the chair knocks down. 他骤然起身,身后的椅子翻倒在地。 Thurow looks to one side was putting the mirror, when the person high bronze mirror , the mirror under this moment lights presented the strange scene. 瑟罗看向了一旁放着的镜子,等人高的铜镜,此刻灯火下的镜子出现了奇怪的景象。 In mirror dark endless extending, a big mouth is swallowing outside world probably. 镜子里黑暗无尽的延伸,就好像一张大口吞噬着外面的世界。 What situation?” “什么情况?” Thurow is exceptionally amazed, he responds immediately wants to flush away toward outside, regardless of anything is up to mischief, he decided first to spread out to say again. 瑟罗异常惊诧,他立刻反应了过来想要朝着外面冲去,不论什么东西在搞鬼,他决定先拉开距离再说。 When he looks to the flash of mirror, a powerful strength locked him. 但是当他看向镜子的一瞬间,一股强大的力量就锁定住了他。 Thurow just revealed the meaning that wants to run away, his consciousness flash drew in the mirror following world. 瑟罗刚刚露出了想要逃走的意思,他的意识一瞬间被拖入了镜子后面的世界之中。 The myth door that a leaf floods the whole world appeared in Thurow's front. 一扇充斥整个世界的神话门扉出现在了瑟罗的面前。 That dark-red, seemingly gloomy terrifying. 那门暗红色的,看上去阴森恐怖。 Thurow appeared under that leaf of Gate of Myth, even if raising head is unable to see the door crown.. 瑟罗出现在了那扇神话之门下,哪怕仰着头都无法看到门扉的顶部。。 Before Gate of Myth, sits person's shadow that powder is shining. 神话之门前,坐着一个散发着光的人影。 However does not have the tail of snake human. 但是没有蛇人的尾巴。 That is shape of God. 那是神之形 Thurow in front of this person's shadow, is tiny is like ants. 瑟罗在这个人影面前,渺小得就和一个蝼蚁一样。 The person's shadow that is shining is gazing at Thurow quite a while, then slowly the racket. 那发着光的人影注视着瑟罗半天,然后慢慢拍着手。 „!” “啪啪啪啪!” That shadow sits, supports the chin, Thurow can see that the opposite party is smiling. 那个影子坐着,撑着下巴,瑟罗可以看到对方在笑。 That is not being able to say evil smiling, with his evil and recklessly different, that is keeping aloof evil, even does not know that can call it evilly. 那是一种说不出来的邪恶的笑,和他的邪恶和肆意不一样,那是一种高高在上的邪恶,甚至都不知道能不能称之为邪恶。 It looks like the child, with the boiling water burns the ant on deathtrap time the happy smile of showing. 就像是小孩子,用开水烫死地上的蚂蚁的时候露出的欢乐笑容。 Thurow whole body is icy cold, in a twinkling the gearing cannot move. 瑟罗浑身冰凉,霎时间连动都不能动弹了。 You are very good.” “你很不错。” Thurow!” “瑟罗!” Opposite party leaning lower part of the body, gaze of keeping aloof Thurow. 对方侧下身,高高在上的注视着瑟罗。 Originally you do not have the qualifications to enter my eye, the plague blood incantation that but you invent is interesting.” “本来你没有资格入我的眼睛,但是你发明的瘟疫血咒非常有意思。” I decide to give you an opportunity.” “我决定给你一个机会。” Enables you to shake off the control of Lord of Purgatory.” “让你可以摆脱炼狱之主的控制。” Thurow is shivering under Gate of Myth, is actually suppressing calmly, asked the own first question. 瑟罗在神话之门下颤抖着,却强忍着镇定,问出了自己的第一个问题。 Who are you?” “你是谁?” The opposite party erupt to laugh wildly, was saying to him with the arrogant sound. 对方爆发出狂笑,用高傲的声音对着他说道。 I am the envoy of original sin.” “我是原罪的使者。” Mortal.” “凡人。” Thurow also asked the second question: What do you ask me to make?” 瑟罗又问出了第二个问题:“你找我想要做什么?” The opposite party bend down to visit him, in the ray the partly visible look is taking a look at Thurow, is sizing up a toy probably. 对方俯身看着他,光芒里若隐若现的眼神打量着瑟罗,就好像在打量着一个玩具。 I want to look, you have to become the bearing of king of original sin.” “我想要看一看,你是不是有成为原罪之王的气量。” Thurow.” “瑟罗。” You think that invented a plague blood incantation, can escape from the control of Lord of Purgatory?” “你以为发明了一个瘟疫血咒,就可以逃脱炼狱之主的掌控了?” He is disinclined to look at your one eyes, or felt has not arrived at this/should harvesting time.” “他只是懒得看你一眼,或者觉得还没到该收割的时候。” If he thought that your fruit was mature.” “如果他觉得你这个果实成熟了。” He can win all your anytime and anywhere.” “他可以随时随地夺走你的一切。” That evil sound recklessly conveys from the high place: „It seems me to be now same.” 那邪恶肆意的声音从高处传来:“就好像我现在一样。” The opposite party as if appreciate Thurow's talent very much, but despised him just to make some small achievements, on appearance of being pleased with oneself. 对方似乎很欣赏瑟罗的天赋,但是又鄙夷他刚刚做出一些小成就来,就沾沾自喜的模样。 You think you offend is curses merely?” “你以为你触犯的仅仅是诅咒吗?” You should discover, besides the curse of Lord of Purgatory, your fate also has another two.” “你应该已经发现了,除了炼狱之主的诅咒之外,你的下场还有另外两个。” In the will assimilation by others bloodlines, became a from head to tail lunatic.” “一个是被他人血脉之中的意志同化,成为一个彻头彻尾的疯子。” Was swallowed by the strength of mixed unusual bloodlines, finally turns into a divine spell item.” “一个是被混杂的超凡血脉的力量所吞噬,最后变成一件神术道具。” Strength is not good to take.” “力量不是那么好拿的。” Mortal.” “凡人。” Thurow's original that proud, daytime clamour vanished crazily instantaneously without a trace, once just well uped by the sense of fear of purgatory curse. 瑟罗原本的那一点自傲,白天的嚣狂瞬间消失得无影无踪,曾经刚刚被炼狱诅咒的恐惧感又涌上了心头。 Actually he also knows, but he is betting the opposite party not to notice itself, notices his mortal. 其实他也知道,但是他就是在赌对方不会注意到自己,注意到他一个凡人。 Who once thinks, Lord of Purgatory had not found him, the abyss has stared at him. 谁曾想到,炼狱之主还没有找到他,深渊就已经盯上了他。 The shadow under Gate of Myth then said. 神话之门下的影子接着说道。 I can you an opportunity, be taken into the purgatory, withstands that forever the roaring flame combustion torture without limits ; Also or turns into the lunatic and item.” “我可以给你一个机会,是被带进炼狱,承受那永无止境的烈焰燃烧酷刑;亦或者变成疯子和道具。” „.” “一个。” Chooses me, becomes the king of original sin.” “是选择我,成为原罪的王。” Thurow was also top Powerful, he knows certainly that King of Abyss was anything. 瑟罗也算是高位的权能者了,他当然知道深渊之王是什么。 The abyss and purgatory, actually should how choose. 深渊和炼狱,究竟该如何选择。 Seeming like the choice abyss is better, however in Thurow's heart knows, whose issue this does not choose. 看起来似乎选择深渊更好一些,但是瑟罗的心底里知道,这并不是选择谁的问题。 But is he, once chooses, can perhaps mix with enter the battle of purgatory and in abyss ; His such role, perhaps anytime and anywhere in the battle of opposite party by the steamroll is the dust. 而是他一旦选择,或许就可以夹杂进入了炼狱和深渊的争斗之中;他这样的角色,或许随时随地的会在对方的争斗之中被碾压为尘埃。 That the envoy of original sin as if saw the doubts of Thurow. 那原罪的使者似乎看到了瑟罗内心的疑惑。 What's wrong?” “怎么?” „To sell a good price?” “想要卖个好价钱?” „Hasn't the King of Abyss position been able to satisfy you? Mortals?” 深渊之王的位置还不能满足你吗?凡人?” Thurow looks at the opposite party, listens sound that the opposite party that is teasing. 瑟罗看着对方,听着对方那戏谑的声音。 He understood anything suddenly. 他突然明白了什么。 The opposite party said is the choices, plays jokes upon him actually. 对方说是选择,实则只是戏耍他。 He does not have the choice, seems like the opposite party from the beginning to his contemptuous name. 他没有选择的余地,就好像对方一开始对他的那个轻蔑的称呼。 Mortals. 凡人。 A mortal of rejection god, can be what fate. 一个拒绝神的凡人,会是什么下场。 Thurow replied said: I choose the abyss.” 瑟罗回答说道:“我选择深渊。” The shadow under Gate of Myth began suddenly. 神话之门下的影子突然动手了。 The opposite party make the great sound, like startling thunderclap general shake near Thurow's ear. 对方发出宏大的声音,如同惊雷一般震荡在瑟罗的耳边。 That first.” “那首先。” You must show that you have that qualifications.” “你得证明你有那个资格。” The God of Original Sin envoy puts out a hand, the terrifying shadow covers Thurow. 原罪之神的使者伸出手,恐怖的影子将瑟罗覆盖。 gluttony seed forced in Thurow's within the body. 暴食之种塞进了瑟罗的体内。 Thurow exudes the painful slogan, makes the painful sound in mirror inside world. 瑟罗发出痛苦的呐喊声,在镜子里面的世界里发出痛苦的声音。 That is from the pain that the intelligence and consciousness deep place send out, on the pain compared with physical body wants on many tens of thousands of times. 那是自灵性和意识深处散发出来的痛苦,比肉体上的痛苦要多上成千上万倍。 Outside mirror. 在镜子外面。 His body also started to have some changes, some within the body organ seemed to be contaminated by the strength of myth. 他的身体也开始出现了一些变化,体内某个器官似乎被神话之力浸染了。 But some are not the knowledge of the world, as also that seed appeared in his heart. 而一些不属于人间的知识,也随着那枚种子出现在了他的心头。 Becoming secret Dian of apostle. 是成为使徒的秘典。 God graciousness technique. 神恩术。 Wants to become the king of original sin, the first threshold is an apostle. 想要成为原罪之王,第一步的门槛就是使徒。 Thurow flash fainted, finally he can also hear opposite party that evil voice. 瑟罗一瞬间就晕厥了过去,最后他还能听到对方那邪恶的声音。 Goes!” “去吧!” Whereabouts God of Original Sin showed that your crime of guzzling.” “去向原罪之神证明,你的暴食之罪。” Your swallows all bearing.” “你的吞噬一切的气量。” He is not first selected Child of Gluttony, but does not know that is last. 他不是第一个被选中的暴食之子,但是不知道是不是最后一个。 The envoy ceramics villain of original sin chooses these people of degeneration everywhere. 原罪的使者陶瓷小人四处选择那些堕落之徒。 Provokes their desires, from chooses final victor. 挑动他们的欲望,从其中挑选出最后的“胜利者”。 Off topic 题外话 Recently many new readers also pursued the latest chapter, therefore possibly could not accept me to take another round of action, although had said before, but said again one time. 最近不少新读者也追到了最新章节,所以可能接受不了我进行又一轮铺垫,虽然之前说过,但是还是再说一次吧。 Everyone thought that my water place, is actually not I in intentionally the water, the plots of these water are the main text, main line and core this book. 大家觉得我水的地方,其实不是我在故意水,那些水的剧情就是这本书的正文、主线、核心。 Why everyone feels the water, because the conventional novel is doubts generally promotes as the main line, but my book has not promoted, has not doubted ; It supports with the corner story that these conventional novels cannot write with emphasis, therefore is the mode of writing and type of quite young numerous. 为什么大家觉得水,因为常规的小说一般都是打怪升级为主线,而我这本书没有升级,更没有打怪;它就是用那些常规小说不会重点写的边角故事撑起来的,所以算是比较小众的写法和类型。 Actually everyone's feeling not wrong, regarding the conventional type novel, this is the water ; Because you do not write the lead unexpectedly, does not promote and hits the enemy, writes at sixes and sevens these and does the lead irrelevant content of do? 其实大家的感觉也没有错,对于常规类型的小说来说,这就是水;因为你竟然不写主角,也不升级和打敌人,写这些乱七八糟的和主角无关的内容干什么? However to me, this book from the beginning to the present 1.9 million characters is this type water the plot supports, small story constitution overall plot. 但是对于我来说,这本书从头到现在的一百九十万字就是这种“水得要死”的剧情撑起来的,一个又一个小故事构成整体剧情。 I said that this mainly wants saying that everyone do not regard the plot that I write now with me in the vision of water, regards the opening of main text core and story it, perhaps fortunately ; Because you, if has waited for me to write what main line, that was very uncomfortable, you will discover that the author does not have main line thing from beginning to end, waits for the author not to do the proper business, continuously in water. 我说这个主要是想说,大家不要用我在水的目光去看待我现在写的剧情,把它当成正文核心和一个小故事的开头来看,或许还好一点;因为你如果一直等待我写什么主线的话,那就很难受了,你就会发现作者从头到尾就没有主线这东西,等来等去作者一直都不干正事,一直都在水。 Without means that secretly this type this ; Written is some corner stories promotes, to want these to seem like the content of water to write very much interestingly, designs instead compares conventional is more troublesome, everyone forgave. showhtm3 ( ) ; 没有办法,幕后这类型就这样;写的都是些边角故事来推动,想要将这些看起来很水的内容写得有意思,设计起来反而比常规的更麻烦一些,大家体谅一下。showhtm3();
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