IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#370 Part 1: The battle of purgatory and abyss starts

! showhtm2 ( ) ; showhtm2(); This is a very huge underground space. 这是一个很庞大的地下空间。 It is said initially, Earth Demoness to resist abyss Wrath King after the lunar eclipse city summoned divine tree, this underground space appeared. 据说当初,大地魔女为了抵抗深渊的暴怒之王在月蚀城召唤出神树之后,这个地下空间就出现了。 Now it was used by Corpse Eater Cult, becomes the new headquarters of this evil esoteric buddhism. 如今它被食尸者密教利用了起来,成为了这个邪恶密教的新的总部。 The new headquarters were bigger than before did not know many, but some covert channels extended in all directions, can lead to each corner of lunar eclipse city. 新的总部比之前大了不知道多少,而一些隐蔽的通道四通八达,更是能够通往月蚀城的各个角落。 But Corpse Eater Cult, must expand many times compared with before. 食尸者密教本身,也比之前要壮大了许多倍。 In the short time, this evil esoteric buddhism had/left more than ten times of members much, in ten thousand snake royal court many great people were involved secretly. 短短时间内,这个邪恶的密教多出了十几倍的成员,就连万蛇王庭之中不少大人物都偷偷加入了其中。 Drops in the water underground cavern snake human of massive wear cape to pass in and out gloomily, these person of complexion gloomy terrifying, the body cannot feel slightly the temperature, seems the corpse to be the same. 阴暗滴着水的地下洞穴里大量穿着斗篷的蛇人进进出出,这些人一个个面色阴沉恐怖,身上感觉不到丝毫温度,就好像死尸一样。 The person who brings the mask walked from above, guards goes forward to greet in the entrance Corpse Eater Cult member immediately. 一个带着面具的人从上面走了下来,守卫在入口的食尸者密教成员立刻上前迎接。 Second place Sir.” “次席大人。” The opposite party use the ice-cold audio inquiry: Seat of honor?” 对方用冰冷的声音询问:“首席呢?” Opposite party reply: „The seat of honor in inside, had been waiting for you.” 对方回答:“首席已经在里面了,正等待着您。” Mask person: Has prepared?” 面具人:“已经准备好了?” Replied: Has prepared.” 回答:“已经准备好了。” Brings the mask, is Ackermanmon. 带着面具的,就是阿克曼蒙 He has officially become the Corpse Eater Cult No. 2 character now, but Thurow is also thrusting extremely his high-rank, Corpse Eater Cult needs such a to have the character of status and attraction in ten thousand snake royal court extremely. 他如今已经正式成为了食尸者密教的二号人物,而瑟罗也在极力推他上位,食尸者密教需要这样一个在万蛇王庭极其具备身份和吸引力的人物。 But not only in this, Ackermanmon that hope strength as well as search spirit, tallies with Thurow, making Thurow feel that they are the same people. 而不光是于此,阿克曼蒙的那种渴望力量以及探求精神,也和瑟罗非常相符,让瑟罗觉得他们是同一种人。 These days. 这段时间里。 Thurow and Ackermanmon have tried various experiments about curse, even is used to treat as the test piece with Corpse Eater Cult corpse eater. 瑟罗和阿克曼蒙已经尝试过了关于诅咒的各种实验,甚至是用食尸者密教食尸者用来当做试验品。 They discovered, so long as attempts to become Powerful corpse eater with the corpse eater standard meter, finally has no good end surely. 他们发现,只要尝试用食尸者典仪成为权能者食尸者,最终都必定没有什么好下场。 Some people were thoroughly insane. 有人彻底疯了。 Swallows others wisdom divine blood at the same time, others remain the thing in the bloodlines are also affecting their intelligence. 吞噬他人智慧神血的同时,他人残留在血脉里东西也在影响着自身的神智。 The conducted standard meter number of times are more, more approaches crazily. 进行的典仪次数越多,就越靠近疯狂。 The reduced standard meter number of times, swallows these enough powerful existence each time, as if can probably avoid this issue. 减少典仪次数,每次都吞噬那些足够强大的存在,似乎好像就能避免这种问题。 However is not so as if simple. 但是似乎也并没有这么简单。 The myth bloodlines that some people swallow are powerful, instead in turn was swallowed by the myth bloodlines of opposite party. 有人吞噬的神话血脉过于强大,反而反过来被对方的神话血脉吞噬。 One consciousness is imprisoned in blood of myth thoroughly, falls into the eternal darkness, finally the living person turned into a divine spell item that unexpectedly has the intense negative role. 自身意识彻底被囚禁在神话之血中,沦入永恒的黑暗,最后活人竟然变成了一个具有强烈负面作用的神术道具。 But after some people obtained the strength, no longer conducted the corpse eater standard meter, as if this can escape from the curse of Lord of Purgatory. 而有人获得了力量之后,就不再去进行食尸者典仪了,似乎这样就能够逃脱炼狱之主的诅咒。 The result told them. 结果告诉他们。 This is the wishful thinking. 这不过是痴心妄想。 Ackermanmon arrives today, was Thurow witnesses him to say together, fell into the scene of purgatory. 阿克曼蒙今天到来,就是和瑟罗一起见证他曾经说过的,堕入炼狱的场景。 The wills of some people cannot shoulder the curse finally, received the summon of Lord of Purgatory, will soon draw in that raging fire combustion in the death stars. 有人的意志最终扛不过诅咒,受到了炼狱之主的召唤,即将被拖入那颗烈火燃烧的死亡星辰之中。 In underground cavern. 在地下洞穴之中。 Thurow and Ackermanmon stood under a stone column, but the stone column tied the arms the person who an hysterical/frenzy is sending out to howl. 瑟罗和阿克曼蒙两人站在了一处石柱下面,而石柱上绑着一个狂乱发出吼叫的人。 The opposite party as if saw anything, frightens trembles. 对方似乎看到了什么,吓得瑟瑟发抖。 Fire!” “火!” Big fire.” “好大的火。” Do not come!” “你不要过来啊!” Lets off me, lets off me.” “放过我,放过我。” Such terrifying scene, making one unable to bear think that actually he saw what scene. 这样恐怖的景象,让人忍不住去想他究竟看到了什么样的场景。 The surroundings are standing Corpse Eater Cult several other members light/only look at this scene, is the cold sweat again and again. 周围站着的食尸者密教的其他几个成员光是看着这场面,就已经是冷汗连连。 Because this made them think perhaps oneself fate, in the near future, they will also turn into the opposite party this. 因为这让他们想到了自己的下场,或许不久的将来,他们也会变成对方这样。 Thurow is gaining ground, said to Ackermanmon that was just arriving at: Came.” 瑟罗抬着头,对着刚刚到来的阿克曼蒙说道:“来了。” Ackermanmon looked to Thurow: You do not seem afraid, how long your curse as if could not support, you did not fear that was brought to go to the purgatory?” 阿克曼蒙看向了瑟罗:“你似乎并不害怕,你身上的诅咒似乎也撑不了多久了,你难道就不怕被带到炼狱去吗?” Thurow said with the tranquil tone: I actually fear, can't you look?” 瑟罗用平静的语气说道:“我其实怕得要死,你看不出来吗?” Ackermanmon: Oh!” 阿克曼蒙:“!” Thurow turned head to look at Ackermanmon one, regarding his did not understand the character of doing right after something else was very discontented. 瑟罗扭头看了阿克曼蒙一眼,对于他这副不懂得接茬的性格很不满。 However he then said: But I will change into my strength frightened, nothing can strike down me.” 不过他还是接着说道:“但是我会将恐惧化为我的力量,没有什么能够击倒我。” I fear, the faced thing is irresistible, I will become more powerful.” “我越是恐惧,面对的东西越是不可阻挡,我就会变得越强大。” But at this time, the stone column is tying the arms that corpse eater also had the mutation. 而这个时候,石柱上绑着的那个食尸者也出现了异变。 „!” “啊!” That corpse eater sends out the pitiful yell suddenly, the whole body sends out the roaring flame. 食尸者突然发出惨叫,紧接着浑身散发出烈焰。 It changed into a hot person, struggles in the roaring flame desperately. 其化为了一个火人,在烈焰之中苦苦挣扎。 But at the same time. 而与此同时。 A more terrifying scene appeared. 更恐怖的场景出现了。 Crash-bang!” “哗啦啦啦!” Void in heard the abnormal noise sound, some probably people are driving the chains, actually cannot see any other sounds. 虚空之中传来了异响声,像是有人在拖动锁链,却看不到任何其他动静。 However. 但是。 In experiencing personally the eyes of person of curse was different. 在身受诅咒之人的眼睛里就不一样了。 They saw shadow of the big great curse appeared in the present world and illusory common border, ejected the chains from the illusory world. 他们看到了一个高大伟岸的诅咒之影出现在了现世和虚幻的交界,从虚幻的世界之中抛出了锁链。 The chains tied up on corpse eater on that pillar, then drew in the raging fire combustion it in the purgatory. 锁链绑在了那个柱子上的食尸者身上,然后将其拖入烈火燃烧的炼狱之中。 A flame huge mouth, swallows him probably. 火焰就好像一张巨口,将他吞食。 With fearful chewing sound. 伴随着可怕的嘴嚼声。 The corpse eater dragged away instance, sends out the sad and shrill pitiful yell. 食尸者被拖走的瞬间,发出凄厉的惨叫。 Finally. 最终。 Is his destiny irresistibly. 却无法抵抗属于他的命运。 Violates starting from that moment of crime of taboo from him, Lord of Purgatory has arranged the whereabouts for him. 从他犯下禁忌之罪的那一刻开始,炼狱之主就已经为他安排好了去向。 He must accept that suffering that is inconceivable, that day of until the consciousness thoroughly diverging, finally becomes a part of purgatory. 他要去接受那难以想象的折磨,直到意识彻底散去的那一天,最终成为炼狱的一部分。 Many corpse eater under stone column collapsed directly, at the scene weak in place. 石柱下的不少食尸者直接崩溃了,当场就瘫软在地。 Purgatory!” “炼狱!” That is a purgatory!” “那就是炼狱啊!” Was finished, we will be eaten by her, we will be towed by her.” “完蛋了,我们都会被她吃掉,我们都会被她拖下去。” What is that? What is that?” “那是什么?那是什么?” Some corpse eater run away crazily, does not have the fly of head the same as proceed along no particular course probably, even collided, then tumbled in the place. 有些食尸者疯狂逃窜,就好像没头的苍蝇一样乱撞,甚至互相之间碰撞到了一起,然后翻滚在地。 On the contrary is Thurow and Ackermanmon these two people, continuously stubbornly is staring at the shadow of that big great curse. 反倒是瑟罗和阿克曼蒙这两个人,一直死死的盯着那高大伟岸的诅咒之影。 Until it vanishes thoroughly. 直到其彻底消失。 Thurow looked to behind these people, the person of trembling, person who ran away crazily. 瑟罗看向了身后的那些人,瑟瑟发抖的人,疯狂逃窜的人。 Saying that then despises. 然后鄙夷的说道。 Saw.” “看见了没有。” This frightened struck down waste.” “这就是被恐惧击倒的废物。” Thurow looked that to can maintain Ackermanmon that decides peacefully to say as before: But, you are very good.” 瑟罗看向了依旧能够保持澹定的阿克曼蒙说道:“不过,你很不错。” Then. 接下来。 That several weak in ground corpse eater, becomes the next test piece. 那几个瘫软在地上的食尸者,就成为了下一个试验品。 Their throws feeding probably, unceasing throws own similar feeds to that the terrifying monster that came from the purgatory. 他们就好像一个投喂者,不断的将自己的同类投喂给那自炼狱而来的恐怖怪物。 Thurow and Ackermanmon they also discovered during the experiment, the will and spirit of person are powerful, can suppress the curse in turn. 瑟罗和阿克曼蒙他们也在实验之中发现,人的意志和精神越是强大,也可以反过来压制住诅咒。 However cursed, as the time unceasing growth and great strength, they will be cursed to swallow one day, finally fell into the purgatory. 但是诅咒在随着时间不断的增长和强大,总有一天他们会被诅咒所吞噬,最终堕入炼狱之中。 Therefore two people think how not to have shouldered the curse, but must find the way to solve their curses. 所以两人想的不是如何扛过诅咒,而是必须要想办法解决他们身上的诅咒。 And. 而且。 Thurow and Ackermanmon during the experiment, stumbled upon a strange matter. 瑟罗和阿克曼蒙在实验之中,偶然发现了一个奇怪的事情。 Whenever cursed corpse eater drew in the purgatory, that in the shadow of curse in the realistic and illusory crevice presents, as if is also becoming powerful. 每当受到诅咒的食尸者被拖入炼狱之中,那个于现实和虚幻夹缝之中出现的诅咒之影,彷佛也在变得强大。 Thurow attempted several times. 瑟罗尝试了几次。 In light of this, he discovered the true secret of curse faintly. 就此,他隐隐发现了诅咒的真正秘密。 Under stone column. 石柱下面。 Saying that he does not dare to believe: „Does curse, come from us unexpectedly?” 他不敢置信的说道:“诅咒,竟然源自于我们自己?” Curse is a thing that is sent out, the shadow of that curse is swallowing our spirits, thus unceasing enhancement this curse.” “诅咒是一种由人发出的东西,那个诅咒之影在吞噬我们的灵,从而不断的增强这个诅咒。” For example our curses, should be because the food corpse or swallows the curse that similar brings in ; Therefore it unceasing is swallowing corpse eater, strengthens itself.” “例如我们身上的诅咒,应该就是因为食尸或者吞噬同类而引来的诅咒;所以它才不断的吞噬着食尸者,来增强自己。” However then, he becomes wild with joy. 但是接下来,他又变得欣喜若狂。 Curse, since can strengthen.” “诅咒既然可以增强。” Then can certainly weaken.” “那么就一定可以削弱。” Ackermanmon asked Thurow: How to weaken?” 阿克曼蒙问瑟罗:“怎么削弱?” On Thurow face has the crazy happy expression: Curse does not have the means to eliminate, at least is we do not have the means to eliminate now, the only means are to shift.” 瑟罗脸上带着疯狂的笑意:“诅咒没有办法消除,至少是我们现在没有办法消除,唯一的办法就是转移出去。” Remembers I and you have spoken these words?” “记得我和你说过的那些话吗?” Plague.” “瘟疫。” From that time, I have an idea.” “从那个时候,我就已经有了一个想法。” Ackermanmon has not spoken, seems waiting for opposite party to say. 阿克曼蒙没有说话,似乎在等待着对方自己说。 Thurow is a crazy talent, but he also has oneself weakness, although this weakness estimated that he himself does not care. 瑟罗是一个疯狂的天才,但是他也有着自己的弱点,虽然这个弱点估计他自己也不在乎。 Perhaps is because once unvalued, he likes showing off oneself ability very much, shows off the ideas of own these talents. 或许是因为曾经的不受重视,他很喜欢夸耀自己的能力,炫耀自己的那些天才的想法。 Plague is a sickness.” “瘟疫就是一种病。” I had seen many plagues, that is one type can be called is the strength of disaster, it does not have the unusual strength, actually compares the unusual strength to be fearful.” “我曾经见过很多种瘟疫,那是一种可以称得上是天灾的力量,它没有超凡的力量,却比超凡之力还要可怕。” However many plagues, infect through the body fluid.” “而很多瘟疫,就是通过体液传染的。” „A plague, has an ancient therapy among the doctors ; Emits on a person poisonous blood, puts the body of another person, then this person will be getting better.” “其中有一种瘟疫,在医师之间就有着一种古老的医疗方法;将一个人身上的毒血放出,放到另一个人的身上,然后这个人会痊愈。” Although I discovered afterward, these things are completely these stupid doctors' conjectures.” “虽然后来我发现,这些东西全部都是那些愚蠢医师们的臆想。” But in the unusual domain, can actually become the reality.” “但是在超凡的领域之中,却可以成为现实。” Ackermanmon looks at Thurow: You want to use divine blood as the carrier, will oneself curse shift?” 阿克曼蒙看着瑟罗:“你想要以神血为载体,将自己身上的诅咒转移出去?” Thurow has turned head to look suddenly to Ackermanmon, the atmosphere as if became tight. 瑟罗突然扭过头看向阿克曼蒙,气氛似乎变得紧张了起来。 However Thurow actually laughed suddenly: Is because we are the same people? Therefore you can always guess correctly that I am thinking anything.” 然而瑟罗却突然大笑了起来:“是因为我们是同一种人吗?所以你总是能够猜到我在想什么。” Ackermanmon: You had spoken, is related with the blood.” 阿克曼蒙:“你已经说到了,和血液有关。” Ordinary blood, is not naturally able the carrying/sustaining curse.” “普通血液,自然无法承载诅咒。” In brief. 总而言之。 Curses is unable to eliminate, but can actually shift. 诅咒总量无法消除,但是却可以转移。 But wants to shift, naturally needs a carrier. 而想要转移,自然需要一个载体。 Carrier that Thurow chooses, is the psychic force and divine blood. 瑟罗选择的载体,就是精神力和神血 Has saying that Thurow is a technical above talent. 不得不说,瑟罗是一个技术上面的天才。 As after Thurow established Corpse Eater Cult, he extracts the blood of myth skill is also getting more and more exquisite. 随着瑟罗建立了食尸者密教之后,他提取神话之血的技巧也越来越精湛。 Most starts him only to extract flesh containing blood of myth, afterward he can depute to combine blood of myth of blood. 最开始他只能提取出一块含有神话之血的血肉,后来他可以提纯出混杂着血液的神话之血 But now, he can actually the accurate extraction some blood of myth. 而现在,他竟然能够精准的提取出部分神话之血 But this skill, built the foundation for the Thurow following experiment. 而这种技巧,也为瑟罗接下来的实验打下了基础。 Thurow according to oneself tentative plan, wants his strength and blood of myth of corpse eater curse unifies, creates a blood of special strength. 瑟罗按照自己的设想,想要将自己的身上的食尸者诅咒的力量和神话之血进行结合,创造出一种特殊力量的血液。 Then thus, will curse to shift in this way from own body, shifts to the bodies of others, making other exist to replace itself to draw in the purgatory. 然后从而用这种方法,将诅咒从自己的身上转移走,转移到其他人的身上,让其他存在代替自己被拖入炼狱之中。 ---------------------- ---------------------- In the most deep place of cavern, a stage release filled the sarcophagus. 在洞穴的最深处,一具高台下放满了石棺。 In the stage several laboratory technicians are starting together the ceremony flagstone repeatedly, after the discussion, portrays, then starts again. 高台上几名实验者正在反复启动着一块仪式石板,讨论之后又重新刻画,然后再次启动。 Finally. 终于。 The brand mark that a psychic force and curse strength are in one friendly, was made. 一个精神力和诅咒力量融合为一体的烙印,被制造了出来。 The brand mark that curse and psychic force are in one is gray, float above flagstone ; The seems like the fog to be misty, unceasing is swaying from side to side. 那个诅咒和精神力结合为一体的烙印是灰色的,悬浮在石板之上;其看上去雾蒙蒙的,不断的在扭动。 As if probably comprised of the innumerable small insects, unceasing dispersing, then gets together. 似乎好像由无数个小虫子组成,不断的散开,然后又聚合在一起。 Thurow took off the mask, exciting saying. 瑟罗摘下了面具,兴奋的说道。 Success.” “成功了。” Plague blood incantation.” “瘟疫血咒。” We succeeded, really did.” “我们成功了,真的做出来了。” He through the method of breakthrough third-order power time fusion incantation seal, the strength and spirit that will curse fuses together. 他通过突破三阶权能时候融合咒印的方法,将诅咒的力量和精神融为一体。 The plague blood incantation, is the name of this brand mark, or can call it a special strength it incantation seal. 瘟疫血咒,就是这个烙印的名字,或者也可以将其称之为一种特殊力量的咒印。 In the name of plague, naturally also represents it to have the characteristics that some plague should have. 以瘟疫为名,自然也代表着它具备着某种瘟疫应该拥有的特性。 However the plague blood incantation manufactured successfully, but also merely was only the first step. 不过瘟疫血咒制作成功了,还仅仅只是第一步。 Then. 然后接下来。 He must shift this curse to the body of another person. 他要将这种诅咒转移到另一个人的身上。 If cannot shift to the bodies of others, then extracts not to have the significance it, when the curse erupts, Lord of Purgatory same will give to take away him. 如果不能够转移到其他人的身上,那么把其提取出来也毫无意义,当诅咒爆发的时候,炼狱之主一样会将他给带走。 Thurow's was shouting to stage under corpse eater, is ordering them. 瑟罗对着台下的食尸者们大喊,命令着他们。 Quickly!” “快!” Lifts.” “抬上来。” Thurow is impatient, not only impatient wanted to find to relieve the method of curse, but also impatient wanted to see that own experiment and idea were successful. 瑟罗已经迫不及待,不仅仅是迫不及待的想要找到解除诅咒的方法,还迫不及待的想要看到自己的实验和想法成功。 Each success, was proving he himself is not mediocre, but is a talent. 每一次成功,都在证明着他自己并不是一个平庸者,而是一个天才。 Although he does not have the talent on unusual bloodlines, but he has far surpasses in the wisdom and idea of average man. 虽然他没有超凡血脉上的天赋,但是他有着远超于常人的智慧和想法。 As if is telling once these faintly his resisting in person, told that to make him accept mediocrely, became a father of doctor honestly. 似乎在隐隐在告诉曾经那些将他拒之于门外的人,告诉那个让他接受平庸,老实成为一名医师的父亲。 He is what kind of outstanding. 他是何等的优秀。 snake human in lethargic sleep was lifted, placed on the stone table. 一个昏睡之中的蛇人被抬了上来,放在了石桌上。 This seems like a beggar, the character who walks randomly in the urban fringe, existence that vanishes anybody not to notice. 这似乎是一个乞丐,一个游走在城市边缘的人物,一个消失了也不会又任何人注意到的存在。 Thurow looked to Ackermanmon, his assistant. 瑟罗看向了阿克曼蒙,他的助手。 He is assigning the step of experiment. 他分配着实验的步骤。 I must refine part to come out his divine blood, but actually cannot injure to his life, I need him to live.” “我必须将他的神血提炼一部分出来,但是却不能伤到他的生命,我需要他活着。” In the ordinary intelligent species body also has blood of myth, that is their intelligent origins, coming from three leaves human in King of Wisdom, coming from snake human and winged human in Ruler of Life that stone that knocks from Moon of God ; However on average person the blood of myth mostly cannot have present changes into the psychic force, therefore they do not have the power. 普通的智慧种身体里也有着神话之血,那是他们智慧的来源,三叶人的来自于智慧之王,蛇人翼人的来自于生命主宰神之月上敲下来的那块石头;不过普通人身上的这种神话之血大多都是不能具现化为精神力的,所以他们不具备权能。 But now Thurow will have the plague blood incantation of psychic force characteristics to force, no one knows that actually to turn into what, is roughly impossible is any good fate, this may force in a fireball more dangerous than the body. 而现在瑟罗将拥有精神力特性的瘟疫血咒塞进去,谁也不知道究竟会变成什么样,大致不可能会是什么好的下场,这可比身体里塞进去个火球还要危险。 However Thurow this lunatic will not care about a life and death of beggar. 但是瑟罗这个疯子可不会在乎一个乞丐的生死。 He only cared own experiment, fast then said. 他只关心自己的实验,快速的接着说道。 This step, only then I can achieve, I cannot divert attention.” “这个步骤只有我能够做到,我不能分心。” Then I, as soon as refines divine blood to come, you must force in his divine blood the plague blood incantation, before me told your method.” “然后我一提炼出神血来,你必须将瘟疫血咒塞进他的神血里面,按照我之前告诉你的那个方法。” Finally we go back his divine blood stopper again.” “最后我们再将他的神血塞回去。” The psychic force containing incantation seal, will mix in blood of myth together, scatters full power. 将含有咒印的精神力,和神话之血混合在一起,全力打散。 This method some people had also attempted. 这种方法也曾经有人尝试过。 Finally makes, is demon monster this type nearly unusual existence in divine spell item. 最后制造出来的,是魔怪这种近乎于神术道具的奇特存在。 However Thurow's method has the difference, he takes the living person as the material, uses his blood of myth as the material. 不过瑟罗的这种方法还是有着区别,他是以活人为材料,以其本身的神话之血为材料。 Therefore does not arrive finally. 所以不到最后。 No one knows what finally comes out is anything. 谁也不知道最后出来的是个什么东西。 As the experiment is conducted step by step, finally successfully successfully completed all steps. 随着实验一步步进行,最后顺利成功完成了所有步骤。 But that person on stage actually died probably generally, did not have any aura. 而台上的那个人却好像死了一般,没有了任何气息。 While everyone thinks the experiment failure time. 正当所有人以为实验失败的时候。 Winter winter winter winter!” “冬冬冬冬!” Suddenly, that person moved ; His unceasing ball twitches, is hitting stone platform under body. 突然之间,那个人动了起来;他不断的弹起抽搐,撞击着身下的石台。 His body also had the strange change, first grew the dense and numerous rashes, then within the body has the insect to hover to be the same probably. 他的身上也出现了诡异的变化,先是长出了密密麻麻的疹子,然后体内好像有虫子在游动一样。 The skin also turned like the limestone same color, is hard and thick. 紧接着皮肤也变成了如同石灰岩一样的颜色,坚硬而厚实。 Roar!” “吼!” Struggled long time, that corpse turns over/stands up unexpectedly, exuded one to angrily roar. 挣扎了良久,那具“尸体”竟然翻身而起,发出了一声怒吼。 He moved, in the body erupts the powerful strength. 他动了起来,身体里爆发出强大至极的力量。 On Thurow's shifted in complete curse that incantation seal, thus caused the strength of that incantation seal somewhat to be above the expectation. 瑟罗将自己身上的全部诅咒都转移到了那个咒印上,从而导致那个咒印的力量有些超乎预料。 The opposite party erupted the strong psychic force, threw off stone platform directly. 对方爆发出了强大的精神力,直接掀翻了石台。 Several laboratory technicians on stage, disperses immediately. 台上的几个实验者,也立刻散开来。 They look that experiment body worked loose the chains, lifted the hand to destroy sarcophagi. 他们看着那实验体挣脱了锁链,抬手摧毁了一个又一个石棺。 Tears into shreds the corpses in these coffins, swallows. 将那些棺材里的尸体撕碎,吞食。 Thurow is gazing at the opposite party: It actually had the unusual strength like this, but seemed to be cancelled intelligent thoroughly ; It is not right, his body also presented the strengthening, far exceeded the average person.” 瑟罗注视着对方:“它竟然就这样拥有了超凡力量,不过似乎智慧被彻底抹去了;不对,他的身体也出现了强化,远超过普通人了。” Ackermanmon looking pensive: Curse and will psychic force union, cause the damage to the wisdom finally?” 阿克曼蒙若有所思:“诅咒和精神力结合,最后会对智慧本身造成伤害吗?” Said the psychic force and wisdom, do have very direct connection?” “还是说精神力和智慧,有着非常直接的关联?” Is following Thurow some time, he as if also learned this type to regard all angles of view and visions with the experiment, frequently is observing each detail of experiment. 跟随着瑟罗一段时间,他似乎也学会了这种用实验来看待一切的视角和眼光,时时刻刻的观察着实验的每一个细节。 The experiment body looks more and more manic, it is attacking the surrounding all wildly with rage, it as if there is intense feed desire, but that desire does not aim in food. 实验体看上去越来越狂躁,它狂怒的攻击着周围的一切,它似乎有着强烈的进食欲望,只是那欲望并不是针对于食物。 But has existence of intelligent bloodlines, includes the corpses in these sarcophagi. 而是拥有智慧血脉的存在,其中就包括那些石棺之中的尸体。 As it eats these corpses, oneself gradually lose control. 随着它吃掉那些尸体,自身逐渐的失控。 . 紧接着。 In the body of that experiment body burnt the flaming flame. 那个实验体的身体里燃烧出了熊熊火焰。 Dark, probably a leaf of entrance to another world appeared. 冥冥之中,好像一扇通往另一个世界的入口出现了。 Everyone felt that appeared under this gloomy place bottom dry and hot. 所有人感觉一股燥热出现在了这阴暗的地底之下。 Crash-bang!” “哗啦啦啦!” They hear the sound that chains drove again, that by the shadow that the flame swallows. 他们又再一次听到了那锁链拖动的声音,那个被火焰吞食的影子。 In angry roaring with roaring filial piety, vanished in the air like this. 在怒吼和咆孝之中,就这样消失在了空气之中。 All corpse eater look at that to carry off experiment body the shadow of terrifying curse, frightens trembles. 所有食尸者看着那带走实验体的恐怖诅咒之影,吓得瑟瑟发抖。 The Ackermanmon two people who however esoteric buddhism chief Thurow under stage and just became the second place especially are calm, they even approached, earnest looks at the shadow of that curse. 但是台下的密教首席瑟罗和刚刚当上次席的阿克曼蒙两个人却格外冷静,他们甚至靠近了一些,认真的看着那个诅咒之影。 After Thurow observed long time, finally fall about. 瑟罗观察了良久之后,终于忍不住大笑了起来。 He looked to Ackermanmon: Saw it?” 他看向了阿克曼蒙:“看见了吗?” I succeeded.” “我成功了。” He really created one type to shift the method of curse. 他真的创造出了一种可以转移诅咒的方法。 Also has this unexpected happiness, it uses the strength of this curse, made one monster that had the unusual strength. 同时还有这意外之喜,它用这种诅咒的力量,制造出了一种拥有超凡力量的怪物。 We can shift through the blood curse, even can also make this unusual monster.” “我们可以将身上的诅咒通过血液转移出去,甚至还可以制造出这种超凡怪物。” Thurow just made a big success, immediately on the association to the idea that another can operate still. 瑟罗才刚刚做出了一个重大的成功,立刻就联想到了另一个可以操作的点子尚。 I just cursed shift must a lot, to critical point.” “不过我刚刚的诅咒转移得多了一些,到了临界点。” If controls, can perhaps make one type, has the servant of unusual strength we control.” “要是控制一下,或许就能制造出一种为我们所操控的,拥有超凡力量的奴仆。” Thurow this fellow. 瑟罗这个家伙。 Unexpectedly discovered the flaw of curse like this. 竟然就这样发现了诅咒的破绽。 Although was not decoded the corpse eater curse, the strength of that curse remains, the person is drawing in the purgatory in drawing as before. 虽然算不上破解了食尸者诅咒,那诅咒的力量依旧存在,依旧在拉着人拖入炼狱之中。 Moreover method of this shift, is not ordinary corpse eater can use, can use the incantation seal strength the threshold, is third-order. 而且这种转移的方法,也不是普通的食尸者能够使用的,能够用咒印力量的门槛,就是三阶。 However at least now. 不过至少现在。 This curse is unable Thurow this fellow, this chief criminal. 这诅咒无法将瑟罗这个家伙,这个罪魁祸首。 Such belt/bring easily. 就这么轻易的带下去了。 Lord of Purgatory estimated that has not thought that after he makes corpse eater cursed, in the cursed person unexpectedly will present such a fellow. 炼狱之主估计也没有想到,他制造出了食尸者诅咒之后,被诅咒的人里面竟然会出现这么一个家伙。 After being cursed, then starts to rub the strength of curse, following the Lord of Purgatory strength and achievement, arrived at the present. 被诅咒之后便开始蹭诅咒的力量,顺着炼狱之主的力量和成果,一路走到了现在。 Thurow arrives on the trace that flame left, looks that replaces itself to be led into the trace that the fellow in purgatory stays behind finally. 瑟罗走到了那火焰留下的痕迹上,看着代替自己被带入炼狱的家伙最后所留下的痕迹。 He unloaded what heavy burden probably, first covers the face, then erupts to laugh. 他好像卸下了什么重负,先是掩面,然后爆发出大笑。 Ha.” “哈哈哈哈哈。” Saw?” “看见了没有?” I broke Lord of Purgatory for the fate that we set.” “我打破了炼狱之主为我们定下的宿命。” Ackermanmon: What perhaps Lord of Purgatory does not care to be towed the purgatory is.” 阿克曼蒙:“或许炼狱之主就不在意被拖下炼狱的是谁。” So long as some people were led into the purgatory, is her goal.” “只要有人被带入炼狱之中,就是她的目的。” Thurow spreads out the hand: Lets him do what he pleases!” 瑟罗摊开手:“管他呢!” Was brought in any case, was not I am good.” “反正被带下去的,不是我就行了。” Ackermanmon looks at Thurow, the innermost feelings said. 阿克曼蒙看着瑟罗,内心说道。 „The method of shift curse third-order can use, I am worse.” “转移诅咒的方法只有三阶才能使用,我还差一些。” ---------------------- ---------------------- Thurow left the underground cavern with ease, appeared in a quite luxurious hotel. 瑟罗轻松的离开了地下的洞窟,出现在了一座颇为奢华的宅邸之中。 His cape replaced, changed into appropriate clothes. 他身上的斗篷换掉了,换成了一身得体的衣裳。 The servant in hotel prepared food for him, he also enjoyed like an aristocrat. 宅邸之中的仆人为他准备好了食物,他也就像一个贵族一样享用了起来。 Except for the Corpse Eater Cult chief this status, he usually in enjoys a good reputation in the well-known doctor in lunar eclipse city, now becomes the doctor in palace. 除了食尸者密教首席这个身份,他平日里还是享誉月蚀城的知名医师,现在更是成为了宫廷的御用医师。 In average person eyes. 在普通人眼中。 He was also one comes and goes out the great person in high-level circle, but estimated that these people do not think, this seemed like the fame striking doctor, a how in secret was crazy fellow. 他也算是一个出入于高层圈子里的大人物了,只是估计那些人不会想到,这个看上去名气斐然的医师,私底下是一个怎样疯狂的家伙。
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