IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#369 Part 2: myth submerges during the years

Ackermanmon: Teacher, I will not have the matter.” 阿克曼蒙:“老师,我不会有事的。” Old snake human looks at Ackermanmon, spoke very strange words: Ackermanmon, how felt that you probably changed individual were recently same.” 蛇人看着阿克曼蒙,说了一句很奇怪的话:“阿克曼蒙,怎么感觉你最近好像变了个人一样。” Ackermanmon had not replied, but after the king appeared, chaotic also diverges finally. 阿克曼蒙没有回答,不过王出现了之后,纷乱也总算是散去。 The entire royal palace also regained the order. 整个王宫也重新恢复了秩序。 But Ackermanmon entered own room, he took up the manages pen and paper, described on the paper. 阿克曼蒙走进了自己的房间,他拿起了管笔和纸张,在纸上描绘了起来。 Not long, he drew a mysterious chart tuart to come out. 没有多久,他画了一张神秘的图桉出来。 Impressively is behind witch doctor clothes robe that chart tuart- 赫然就是巫医衣袍背后的那副图桉- Lunar eclipse city. 月蚀城。 In the city recently had some strange carry diseases, makes flustered. 城中最近出现了一些奇怪的传染疾病,闹得人心惶惶。 The infected person will have some strange symptoms, for example the body will be long the rash that the pruritus is hard to take, or some skins become and animal skin equally are hard, but is not fatal. 被感染的人都会出现一些奇怪的症状,例如身上会长出瘙痒难耐的疹子,或者部分皮肤变得和兽皮一样坚硬,但是却不致命。 grand Zuijin dropped out the matter of agreement attorney trade union. 隆最近将契律师工会的事情都抛下了。 He has been investigating Keeton's cause of death, he also checked that strange construction finally, but anything has not checked finally. 他一直都在调查着基顿的死因,他最后也查到了那栋奇怪的建筑,但是最后什么也没有查到。 But now presents the plague matter, he has to be convened. 而现在又出现了瘟疫的事情,他不得不又被召集了过来。 This plague is seemed like by the unusual strength forms. 这种瘟疫似乎是由超凡力量形成的。 Therefore aroused the interest, temple servant of God and witch spirit and royal court of agreement attorney trade union Powerful also started to act processing and investigation. 因此引起了关注,神庙神侍、契律师工会的巫灵王庭权能者们也开始出手处理和调查。 Because infected is some average people, these people are not actually careful ; The related unusual strength, the flustered discussion, it is estimated that investigated and processed in addition recently will not have. 但是因为被感染的都是一些普通人,这些人其实都不怎么上心;要不是有关超凡力量,加上最近人心惶惶的议论,估计连调查和处理都不会有。 Moreover they regarding this type strange, as if the illness by the unusual strength being caused also has no good way. 而且他们对于这种奇怪的,似乎由超凡力量引起的病症也没有什么太好的办法。 The technique industry studies. 术业有专攻。 servant of God practices divine spell, but majority are that inspiration type divine spell. 神侍修行神术,但是大多数都是那种启迪类型的神术 witch spirit are good at manufacturing the scroll, has the strength of seal. 巫灵们擅长制作卷轴,拥有封印的力量。 royal court Powerful is good at fighting, preys using the item close combat. 王庭权能者擅长战斗,利用道具近战搏杀。 But treats an illness only this matter, baffled them. 而唯独治病这种事情,难倒了他们。 Moreover investigates to origin this matter, the person more than one instead cannot help, all day is various types shifts responsibility onto others and manipulates strategically. 而且就连调查起源这种事情,人一多反而帮不上什么忙,整天都是各种推诿和勾心斗角。 Possibly is the conspiracy of abyss mission, we should search on a large scale, can definitely find the shadows of these evil people.” “可能是深渊教团的阴谋,我们应该大举搜查一番,肯定能找到那些邪徒的影子。” Even the source had not found, how saying that is the abyss mission? We must be watertight the lunar eclipse city protection, what evil disciple who where comes?” “连源头都没有找到,怎么就说是深渊教团?我们将月蚀城守护得滴水不漏,哪来的什么邪徒?” Also may be an accident/surprise, perhaps was some demon monster dies in Herder's River, some people were corroded by the unusual strength, caused to have some not normal phenomenon, does not need to make much ado about nothing.” “也有可能是一场意外,说不定就是某个魔怪死在了牧者之河里,有些人被超凡力量侵蚀了,导致出现了一些不正常的现象,没有必要大惊小怪。” grand Hear was tired, ahead of time left the stage. 隆听的烦了,提前就退场了。 He comes to the graveyard to hold a memorial service for Keeton. 他又来墓园祭奠基顿。 Above the street, he saw again before that has met mysterious character. 在街道之上,他再次看到了那个之前遇见过的神秘人物。 Mister.” “先生。” Met.” “又见面了。” Swells waves toward the opposite party, that big mysterious man turns head, is nodding to him, 隆向着对方挥手,那个高大神秘的男人回过头来,对着他点了点头, Hello.” “你好。” Recently swelled to meet the opposite party on the street several times, prosperous has also spoken several words with the opposite party. 最近隆好几次都在街道上遇见了对方,隆还和对方说过了几句话。 The opposite party should also be powerful Powerful, making the prosperous feeling have the common language very much. 对方应该也是一个强大的权能者,让隆感觉很有共同语言。 Is raising a witch doctor of big box, to prosperous nod. 提着一个大箱子的巫医,对着隆点头。 Two people on the way, then chatted. 两人顺路,便聊了起来。 Prosperous therefore spoke thoughtlessly to raise own worry, the matter that Keeton died was not good to mention, he says recently the well-known weird disease. 隆于是就随口提起了自己的烦恼,基顿死亡的这件事情不好提及,他就说了说最近人尽皆知的怪病。 Mister.” “先生。” Listened to you to say before you, has been the doctor, should quite know about this aspect.” “听您说您以前还当过医师,应该对这方面比较了解。” This sickness was too strange, we do not know what's the matter.” “这病太奇怪了,我们根本不知道是怎么回事。” You said we do other also good, where will treat an illness, this matter asks me not to have the means!” “你说我们做别的还行,哪里会治病,这种事情找我也没办法啊!” royal court these corpulent bureaucrats will advance on us altogether, I thought that they do not want to solve, to evade public opinion, therefore advances on the responsibility us.” 王庭的那些肥头大耳的官僚们就会一股脑的推到我们身上,我看他们就是不想解决,为了逃避舆论,所以将责任都推到我们身上。” But what prosperous has not thought that the opposite party made a suggestion to him unexpectedly. 而隆没有想到的是,对方竟然给他提了一个建议。 Recently the person will pass by the lunar eclipse city, he prepares to go to Suinhall after the road of great snake.” “最近有一个人会路过月蚀城,他准备经过巨蛇之路前往苏因霍尔。” You can look for him, he can help you.” “你可以去找他,他可以帮助你。” He called the feather snake.” “他叫羽蛇。” He has the strength of intelligence source, this strength can treat various diseases, even deals with the curse.” “他拥有灵性本源的力量,这种力量可以治疗各种疾病,甚至应对诅咒。” grand Leng, he noticed words and expressions in opposite party words, seems like, if has referred. 隆愣了一下,他注意到了对方话语里的一个词语,似乎是若有所指。 Curse?” “诅咒?” „Do you mean the curse? What is this?” “您是说诅咒?这是什么意思?” Prosperous is marching on the road while looks up to the side, but also wants to ask anything again. 隆一边赶着路一边抬起头看向身边,还想再问些什么。 However the opposite party has disappeared, disappears does not have the indication. 但是对方已经不见了,消失得毫无征兆。 „?” “诶?” Mister, bid goodbye half!” “先生,话别说一半啊!” I have the issue to ask!” “我还有问题想要问呢!” He thinks that the opposite party sharply was leaving, is related to that strange illness, he has to closely examine opposite party again. 他以为对方是急着离开了,事关那奇怪的病症,他不得不想要再追问对方一番。 Therefore he defers to remember, once again pursued for the first time before the house that saw the opposite party. 于是他按照记忆,又一次追到了第一次看到对方的房子前。 However arrives at time actually discovered, the front is an open area. 但是到的时候却发现,面前是一块空地。 Disappears?” “不见了?” How possibly?” “怎么可能?” Was shocked prosperously, the mysterious character of round trip no trace he has seen much, but has not seen has been able the house of round trip no trace- 隆愣住了,来去无踪的神秘人物他见过不少,但是还从来没有见过能够来去无踪的房子- Soon left the lunar eclipse city. 快要离开月蚀城了。 Witch doctors recent several days are very busy, buying wantonly in lunar eclipse city. 巫医们最近几天都很忙,在月蚀城中大肆的买买买。 They purchase mostly is some comparisons has the characteristics thing, even is the artware. 他们采购的大多都是一些比较有特色的东西,甚至是艺术品。 For example. 例如。 Filled ten thousand snake royal court styles white earthenware jars, above is drawing various story chart tuarts with the pigment. 一些充满了万蛇王庭风格的白陶罐,上面用颜料画着各种故事图桉。 Also has the painting of some not well-known artist, they possibly are not entire life known, but actually no one knows, their paintings place in the Creator hall. 也有着一些不知名艺术家的画作,他们一生都可能不为人所知,但是却没有人知道,他们的画作就放在造物主的大厅里。 Also has various types of handicrafts, as well as some unusual thing. 也有着各种手工艺品,以及一些稀奇玩意。 After all through the world of mirror understanding, what with true feeling is completely different. 毕竟通过镜子了解的人间,和真实感受的还是完全不一样的。 These things install to ignite the hall, perhaps a lot of years later can feel the precipitation of history from above. 这些东西装点着大厅,或许千百年后就可以从上面感受到历史的沉淀。 Yin Shen stands under a picture. 尹神站在一幅画下。 The picture above description, is mother of all snakes and Ruler of Life. 画上面描述的,是万蛇之母生命主宰 myth about trial. 是关于试炼的神话 Ruler of Life wants to make a devout race, he conducted the test to the belief of snake human, mother of all snakes completed the first several tests, finally actually fell on the test of winged human. 生命主宰希望制造出一个虔诚的种族,他对蛇人的信仰进行了考验,万蛇之母完成了前几次考验,最后却倒在了翼人的考验上。 The Yin Shen vision is profound, as if can pass through the time and samsara sees all. 尹神目光深远,似乎可以穿越时光和轮回看见一切。 She opens the mouth suddenly, several witch doctors said to are standing behind. 她突然开口,对身后站着的几名巫医说道。 Story becomes the epic.” “故事成为史诗。” Epic poem becomes myth.” “史诗成为神话。” Finally myth submerges during the years.” “最后神话都淹没在岁月之中。” The sound reverberation of Yin Shen in the spacious hall, is incompatible with this brand-new bright hall probably. 尹神的声音回荡在空旷的大厅内,好像和这崭新亮堂的大厅格格不入。 This is one is more ancient god much, is all beginnings. 这是一个古老得难以形容的神祇,是一切的开端。 So long as she stands there, is representing the ancient years probably, she does not seem like stands in the present this time, but stood erect in the past. 她只要站在那里,就好像代表着古老的岁月,她好像不是站在现在的这个时间里,而是屹立在过去。 She at the back of the body, was saying to the witch doctors. 她背着身,对着巫医们说。 Now.” “如今。” You can also call it myth.” “你们也可以称之为神话了。” The witch doctors crawl immediately in the place: All come from your gracious gift, God Insai.” 巫医们立刻匍匐在地:“一切源自于您的恩赐,因赛神。” Yin Shen has turned around, that falls on witch doctor vision makes them feel heavily. 尹神转过身,那落在巫医身上的目光让他们感觉沉重至极。 The God Insai vision saw anything probably, was saying to the witch doctors. 因赛神的目光好像看到了什么,对着巫医们说道。 I had said.” “我曾经说过。” Has God of strength, can making a move recklessly!” “拥有力量的神明,可以肆意的出手!” This is the God right, is willful of God, was called God this existing keeping aloof and arrogance.” “这是神明的权利,也是神明的任性,是被称之为神明这种存在的高高在上和傲慢。” Because we have the strength.” “因为我们拥有力量。” All that however, we make actually may not arrive in the result that we want.” “然而,我们所做的一切却不一定会抵达我们想要的结局。” No one can know that the result is anything, no one can control all destinies truly.” “没有人能够知道结局是什么,没有人能够真正掌控所有的命运。” God Insai looks at the witch doctors. 因赛神看着巫医们。 You think that you are saving others, is putting out a hand to save this city.” “你们以为自己在挽救别人,是在伸出手拯救了这座城市。” But.” “但是。” Perhaps a bigger root of trouble is also planted by you.” “或许更大的祸端也由你种下。” Witch doctors this era appears in the world for the first time, was released by God Insai. 巫医们还是这一个纪元第一次出现在人间,被因赛神释放出来。 Therefore they have not realized thoroughly, oneself have become myth. 因此她们还并没有彻底认识到,自己已经成为了神话 They also as usual, think oneself are one walks to rush about above the land is looking for the doctor of secret. 她们还像往常一样,以为自己是一个行走奔波于大地之上寻找着秘密的医师。 They lie on the ground at this moment, trembles. 她们此刻一个个趴在地上,瑟瑟发抖。 Helpless. 茫然不知所措。 Insai has not said anything, but from crawling passes through before the witch doctor body of ground. 因赛却没有多说什么,只是从匍匐在地上的巫医身前走过。 Almost should leave.” “差不多该离开了。”
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