IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#369 Part 1: myth submerges during the years

After corpse eater crazy evening banquet. 食尸者的疯狂夜宴过后。 Ackermanmon awakened initially the power, the feeling of that strength gives people an indescribable experience. 阿克曼蒙初步觉醒了权能,那力量的感觉给人一种难以言喻的体会。 Probably grew the third eye, is observing this world with another angle of view. 就好像长出了第三只眼睛,用另一种视角来观察着这个世界。 Even if has a small mind perception capability now, has made people think oneself are aloof above this world, no longer is an average person. 哪怕现在只是多出了一个小小的心灵感知能力,就已然让人觉得自己超脱于凡尘之上,不再是一个普通人。 Ackermanmon felt. 阿克曼蒙感觉。 Own that was imprisoned the heart in cage is torn to release, probably a wild animal that works loose the basket, rushes to the endless wilderness. 自己的那被囚禁在牢笼之中的心被撕裂释放了开来,就好像一只挣脱笼子的野兽,奔向无尽的荒野。 Had the strength, feeling guts big. 拥有了力量,就感觉胆量大了起来。 Before cannot think, before shrank, before was ignorant. 以前不敢想,以前畏畏缩缩,以前浑浑噩噩。 Before has become . 都已经成为了以前。 He brings the mask and Corpse Eater Cult seat of honor walks in the crowd most front, does not need to raise the head, in the heart self-confident feelings. 他带着面具和食尸者密教的首席走在人群的最前头,不用昂着头颅,心中就有一种自信的感觉。 Not because of powerful, but is a that person can control own body thoroughly, controls own will time self-confidence. 不是因为强大,而是那种一个人能够彻底掌控自己的身体,掌控自己的意志的时候的自信。 From now on, you were different.” “从现在开始,你不一样了。” Ackermanmon!” 阿克曼蒙!” The corner of the eye split vision sizes up faintly to behind. 眼角余光隐隐打量向身后。 Although these people also bring the mask, but he can recognize several probably. 身后的那些人虽然也都带着面具,但是他都大概能认出几个来。 These people many had visited him, is the royal court aristocrats. 这些人不少都曾经来谒见过他,都是王庭的贵族们。 But after this crazy evening banquet, they become part in darkness obviously, once did not have the strength and foundation Ackermanmon, from now on will have the steps of change. 而经过这一场疯狂夜宴之后,他们显然都成为了黑暗之中的一部分,曾经毫无力量和根基的阿克曼蒙,从现在开始有了改变的阶梯。 „The Corpse Eater Cult seat of honor is using me.” 食尸者密教的首席在利用我。” However I, can use him, they.” “而我,也可以利用他,还有他们。” It seems like the person, so long as the hand grasps the sharp weapon, the ominous heart then gets up. 就好像人只要手握利器,凶心便起。 After grasping the strength, no matter this strength is own, is the external force ; Is the essence, is the nihility. 掌握了力量之后,不管这种力量是自身的,还是外力的;是实质的,还是虚无的。 Can invisible promotes the person to go forward. 都会无形的推动着人前进。 It is telling you in the summon roaring filial piety probably. 它就好像在呼唤咆孝着告诉你。 Uses me quickly.” “快使用我。” Uses me to achieve the desire that your innermost feelings did not state, evil thought.” “使用我去达成你那内心不可言述的欲望,还有恶念。” Some people can suppress it, some people were urged by it. 有人能压制住它,有人被它驱使。 Ackermanmon follows the Corpse Eater Cult seat of honor to pass through the channel together, arrived at an intriguing road fork, all throws over the cape to have the person here nod distinction of mask. 阿克曼蒙跟随着食尸者密教的首席一同穿过通道,来到了一个错综复杂的岔路口,所有披着斗篷带着面具的人在这里点头分别。 But Ackermanmon has not departed, but followed the Corpse Eater Cult seat of honor to move toward above together. 阿克曼蒙并没有离去,而是跟随着食尸者密教的首席一同走向了上面。 On the road, saw that many Corpse Eater Cult members transport/fortune through the channel the thing, transports to the ships in another side rivers. 路上,看到不少食尸者密教的成员将东西通过通道运出去,运往另一边河流上的船只。 Even with divine spell and soil, levelled below just crazy evening banquet hall. 甚至用神术和泥土,将下面刚刚的疯狂夜宴大厅填平。 Leaves underground. 离开地下。 Covers entirely the steps of dust along the room on, arrived at the roof. 沿着屋子里布满灰尘的阶梯而上,来到了屋顶。 Ackermanmon asked the opposite party: Why gave up here?” 阿克曼蒙问对方:“为什么放弃了这里?” Esoteric buddhism seat of honor: For everyone's safety.” 密教首席:“为了大家的安全。” Ackermanmon: You look very careful.” 阿克曼蒙:“你看起来很小心。” The esoteric buddhism seat of honor has not said beforehand the matter of: „The careful talent can live for a long time.” 密教首席并没有说之前发生的事情:“只有小心的人才能够活得久。” Ackermanmon then asked another issue: Before you said that who can not to have the talent obtains the power, you indeed achieved.” 阿克曼蒙接着问起了另外一个问题:“你之前所说的,能够让不具备天赋的人获得权能,你的确做到了。” „But how then should do, after saying the ownership to be able, can practice any divine spell to inherit?” “但是接下来该怎么做,还是说拥有权能之后就可以去修行任何神术传承?” Esoteric buddhism seat of honor: Except for the inheritance of temple, ordinary divine spell can practice.” 密教首席:“除了神庙的传承,普通的神术都可以修行。” But, your majesty!” “不过,陛下!” We have the road of own practicing, path that can grow stronger rapidly, so long as you have the sufficient resources.” “我们还有着属于自己的修行之路,一个可以迅速变强的道路,只要你拥有足够的资源。” Ackermanmon looks at the opposite party, without speech. 阿克曼蒙看着对方,没有说话。 The esoteric buddhism seat of honor also wanted to keep guessing, sees the Ackermanmon appearance, then put out «Corpse Eater Cult Standard Meter» directly. 密教首席本来还想要卖个关子,看到阿克曼蒙的模样,便直接拿出了《食尸者密教典仪》。 Your majesty!” “陛下!” „It seems like you and ordinary aristocrat is different.” “看起来你和平常的贵族不一样。” I from your body, saw the dignity of King bloodlines actually.” “不过我从你的身上,倒是看到了王者血脉的威严。” Ackermanmon puts out a hand, but actually saw that the esoteric buddhism seat of honor took back the hand, Ackermanmon was gazing at the opposite party, thinks that the opposite party this was waiting for a better price. 阿克曼蒙伸出手,但是却看到密教首席收回了手,阿克曼蒙注视着对方,以为对方这是在待价而沽。 However the esoteric buddhism seat of honor actually handed over a glove, told Ackermanmon. 不过密教首席却递过来了一个手套,告诉阿克曼蒙 Cannot touch like this.” “不可以就这样触碰。” Must bring the leather glove, above has the poison of abyss.” “要带着皮手套,上面有着深渊之毒。” This standard meter is very important, cannot fall in the hands of others absolutely.” “这本典仪很重要,绝对不能落在其他人的手上。” Ackermanmon then wore the glove, although he seems somewhat decides peacefully, but reads the content time somewhat exposed his excited. 阿克曼蒙这才穿上了手套,他虽然看上去有些澹定,但是翻看内容的时候还是有些暴露出了他内心的激动。 These writing drawings and strange symbols in book, each represented the key to unusual world front door, Ackermanmon formerly was not getting the gate to enter, but now he has pushed the door to enter. 在书上的那些文字图画和奇异符号,每一个都代表着通往超凡世界大门的钥匙,阿克曼蒙从前不得门而入,而现在他已经推门而进。 Ackermanmon looked sketchily, then asked the Corpse Eater Cult seat of honor. 阿克曼蒙粗略的看了一遍,便问食尸者密教首席。 What meaning is the king's of purgatory curse?” “炼狱之王的诅咒是什么意思?” Corpse Eater Cult seat of honor: Your majesty, you thinks that the mortal breaks the limit of talent to obtain the power, does not need to pay the price?” 食尸者密教首席:“陛下,您难道认为凡人突破天赋的限制获得权能,是不需要付出代价的吗?” Esoteric buddhism chief following, told own origin to Ackermanmon. 密教首席接下来,给阿克曼蒙讲述了自己的来历。 My name was Thurow, the father was some fame doctors.” “我叫瑟罗,父亲是一个有些名气的医师。” I am having the right to be able since birth talent, but the talent is not strong, I am unable to enter temple to become servant of God, these illustrious Powerful inheritance influences are not willing to receive me.” “我生来就有着权能的天赋,不过天赋并不算强,我无法进入神庙成为一名神侍,那些赫赫有名的权能者传承势力也不愿意收我。” I can only follow the father to become a doctor, but I have been seeking, can become the Powerful method.” “我只能跟随着父亲成为了一位医师,不过我一直都在寻找着,能够成为权能者的方法。” Others do not give me, my oneself open up a path.” “别人不给我,那我就自己开创出一条道路来。” These ancient didn't Powerful, take own road like this?” “那些古代的权能者们,不就是这样走出属于自己的路吗?” These powerful divine spell, were not ancient Powerful creates?” “那些强大的神术,不就是古代的权能者们创造的吗?” Ackermanmon looks at the esoteric buddhism seat of honor. 阿克曼蒙看着密教首席。 Really, everyone who can step onto the peak from the floor. 果然,每一个能够从底层走上巅峰的人。 Each can the rule-breaking person. 每一个能够打破常规的人。 It is not simple. 都不简单。 Regardless of they are evil and just, what will regardless of they are grasping, they definitely have the ability and will that the average man does not have. 不论他们邪恶和正义,不论他们秉持着什么样的意志,他们本身都肯定有着常人不具备的才能和毅力。 It seems like, once dark moon/month. 就好像,曾经的暗月。 Ackermanmon remembered that man, he hates the opposite party very much, but has to say. 阿克曼蒙又想起了那个男人,他很憎恨对方,但是不得不说。 He yearned very much. 他很向往。 Yearned that firm and resolute and great strength on that will, yearn for that unshackled freedom. 向往那种意志上的坚毅和强大,向往那种不受束缚的自由。 „The wills of some people can break through the fetter, can gain the true freedom.” “有些人的意志能够突破束缚,能够获得真正的自由。” They can break all.” “他们可以打破一切。” They even can change this world.” “他们甚至能够改变这个世界。” Continuously imprisoned Ackermanmon, the freedom on his body does not have, has actually started to yearn for great strength and freedom on that strength and will. 一直被囚禁的阿克曼蒙,他连身体上的自由都没有,却早已经开始向往那种力量和意志上的强大和自由。 Corpse Eater Cult chief Thurow does not know that Ackermanmon is thinking anything, then mentioned afterward matter. 食尸者密教首席瑟罗不知道阿克曼蒙在想什么,接着说起了后来的事情。 I collected the knowledge about divine spell, but is whatever, can only return in most superficial strength edge pai.” “我收集了很多关于神术的知识,但是不论怎么样,都只能在最浅薄的力量边缘徘回。” Therefore is skilled in me of medical skill, starts to attempt from the secret of human body, I think that in the body of intelligent species contains the secret that the Spiritual God is leaving behind ; That is the most powerful strength, is above all strengths.” “于是精通医术的我,开始尝试从人体的秘密上,我认为智慧种的身体里蕴藏着神灵留下的秘密;那才是最强大的力量,超乎一切的力量。” One day.” “有一天。” I cannot bear according, ate the body of person in the hearsay said.” “我忍不住按照传闻之中所说的,吃掉了人的尸体。” I wanted to find that type, the strength that the Spiritual God kept, myth give our thing.” “我想要找到那种,神灵留下来的力量,神话赋予我们的东西。” On Thurow's face, full is crazy. 瑟罗的脸上,满是疯狂。 His expression is gloomy, in the inhuman vision could not see that the least bit person should have pities, similar in his eyes, probably is only the material of experiment. 他表情阴暗,非人的目光里看不到半点人应该有的怜悯,同类在他的眼中,好像只是实验的材料。 However Ackermanmon is actually only decides free standing peacefully side him, he as if is not too afraid this person. 但是阿克曼蒙却只是澹定自若的站在他身边,他似乎并不太害怕这种人。 Perhaps is because they same fell into crazily. 或许是因为他们一样都堕入了疯狂。 The following words, Thurow spoke of the curse finally. 接下来的话,瑟罗终于说到了诅咒。 I seek for the strength that I am wanting from intelligent species within the body, time and time again.” “我从智慧种的体内寻找着我想要的力量,一次又一次。” Suddenly discovered until some day me, I suffered the curse.” “直到有一天我突然发现,我遭受了诅咒。” That is an invisible strength, twines above my intelligence, hangs the knife switch that does not fall probably.” “那是一种无形的力量,缠绕在我的灵性之上,就好像悬而不落的闸刀。” In the beginning, I very fear.” “开始的时候,我很恐惧。” But after the fear, I then start to think why I do not study and use this strength.” “但是恐惧之后,我便开始想,为什么我不去研究和利用这种力量。” This type can feel the strength, this solid strength, does seek for other strengths more direct than me blindly?” “这种可以感觉到的力量,这种实实在在的力量,岂不是比我盲目的寻找其他力量更直接吗?” Is only I have not thought that after being cursed, I tested to obtain progress that is above the imagination.” “只是我没有想到,被诅咒之后我原本的实验获得了超乎想象的进展。” Through the thing that this curse refers, I discovered human body true secret, I discovered the bloodlines in my body.” “通过这诅咒所指的东西,我发现了人体真正的秘密,我发现了我身体里的血脉。” Thurow at this point, excited exceptionally. 瑟罗说到这里,激动异常。 This discovery, is the Thurow proudest achievement. 这个发现,是瑟罗最骄傲的成果。 myth real.” 神话是真的。” God creates our times, the unusual bloodlines will hide in our within the body.” “神创造我们的时候,将超凡的血脉隐藏在了我们的体内。” This is the source of our wisdom, is the origin of our strength.” “这是我们智慧的源头,是我们力量的起源。” It hidden in the most deep places of our body, so long as can extract it, integrates our bodies ; We can grow stronger unceasingly, can break down the boundary.” “它隐藏在我们身体的最深处,只要能够将它提取出来,融入我们的身体;我们就可以不断变强,就可以打破界限。” Ackermanmon hears this theory for the first time, he hears to be careful. 阿克曼蒙还是第一次听到这种理论,他听得非常仔细。 Thurow: In the beginning, I do not understand that this curse by what comes.” 瑟罗:“开始的时候,我并不明白这种诅咒由何而来。” But uses this type to discover that I only spent for several years, becomes second-order Powerful.” “但是利用这种发现我只花了几年时间,就成为了二阶权能者。” However I start to summon demon of abyss through the ceremony, later kills them, then swallows them with the ceremony.” “然而我开始通过仪式召唤深渊的魔物,之后杀死他们,然后用仪式吞噬他们。” These step is also very smooth, I become third-order Powerful.” “这一步也很顺利,我成为了三阶权能者。” I stood in the peak of mortal.” “我站在了凡人的顶峰。” At this point, Thurow's words started become low and deep. 说到这里,瑟罗的话语开始变得低沉了起来。 But at the same time.” “但是与此同时。” I saw.” “我看到了。” In his low and deep sound, is flooding the fear. 他低沉的声音里,充斥着恐惧。 „The stars of that flame flaming combustion, sit well God above throne are brandishing the whip of flame, is suffering the criminal of degeneration.” “那颗火焰熊熊燃烧的星辰,端坐于王座之上的神明挥舞着火焰之鞭,折磨着堕落的罪人。” She is staring at me, told me, my time are not much.” “她在凝望着我,告诉我,我的时间不多了。” I eat the person, she eats me, this cursed, was the fate.” “我吃人,她吃我,这就是诅咒,也是宿命。” Thurow said that these words, later the half of the day has not spoken again. 瑟罗说完了这段话,之后半天都没有再说话。 Ackermanmon actually opened the mouth suddenly, he asked Thurow: Therefore you found us hurriedly, you want to achieve a great accomplishment.” 阿克曼蒙却突然开口了,他问瑟罗:“所以你才急匆匆找到了我们,你想要做一件大事。” You need the manpower, needs the huge resources , helping you get rid of the curse?” “你需要人力,需要庞大的资源,来帮助你摆脱诅咒?” Thurow looked to Ackermanmon: Right.” 瑟罗看向了阿克曼蒙:“没错。” Accurate, does not help me, but helps us.” “准确的来说,不是帮助我,而是帮助我们。” „The curse of Lord of Purgatory is not my one, but is all corpse eater.” 炼狱之主的诅咒并不是我一个,而是所有的食尸者。” Believes me.” “相信我。” You, if can witness the scene of that purgatory, knows that the death was also a gracious gift.” “你如果能够亲眼目睹那炼狱的景象,就会知道死亡也是一种恩赐。” Ackermanmon: You told me these things directly alone, surely also needed me to make anything.” 阿克曼蒙:“你直接将这些事情单独告诉我,肯定还需要我做些什么。” Thurow: I need your full power cooperation, I can unretentive teaches you my knowledge, how can tell you to gain the strength.” 瑟罗:“我需要你的全力合作,我可以毫无保留的教给你我的知识,可以告诉你如何获取力量。” But I also need you unretentive support I.” “但是我也需要你毫无保留的支持我。” This is a transaction.” “这是一场交易。” Your majesty.” “陛下。” Ackermanmon is King of Ten Thousand Snakes, even if no king of right, he is also a king. 阿克曼蒙万蛇之王,哪怕是一个没有任何权利的王,他也是王。 So long as he stands, resources that the Corpse Eater Cult standard meter acquisition will be inconceivable, affiliated will influence also inflate fast. 只要他站出来,食尸者密教典仪将会获得难以想象的资源,旗下的势力也会快速膨胀。 Ackermanmon asked Thurow: What do you want to make?” 阿克曼蒙问瑟罗:“你想要做什么?” Corpse Eater Cult chief Thurow looked to Ackermanmon «Corpse Eater Cult Standard Meter» on, asked Ackermanmon a few words. 食尸者密教首席瑟罗看向了阿克曼蒙手上的《食尸者密教典仪》,反问了阿克曼蒙一句话。 You did not feel, cursed this type of thing and another thing looks like very much?” “你不觉得,诅咒这种东西和另外一种东西很像吗?” Ackermanmon thinks, replied suddenly: „A thing that cannot see unable to feel, only disseminates in the specific crowd.” 阿克曼蒙想了一下,突然回答道:“一种看不见摸不着的东西,只在特定的人群之中传播。” This strength somewhat seems like the plague actually.” “这力量倒是有些像是瘟疫。” Thurow gawked, he has not thought very much obviously Ackermanmon can associate to this aspect quickly, he thinks before for a long time the two links very much. 瑟罗愣了一下,很显然他并没有想到阿克曼蒙这么快就能联想到这方面,他之前可是想了很久才将二者联系在一起。 Moreover this very big relations, are because he once was a doctor. 而且这很大的关系,是因为他曾经是个医生。 But now Ackermanmon actually thinks suddenly, sometimes you pondered infinitely, was inferior other people time the miraculous glow flashes. 而现在阿克曼蒙却眨眼间就想到了,有的时候你无限的思考,不如他人某个时刻的灵光一闪。 Right.” “没错。” My following experiment with this related.” “我接下来的实验就和这个有关。” I who how the curse of Lord of Purgatory forms do not know, but profits from this strength, I studied something.” 炼狱之主的诅咒到底是怎么形成的我不知道,但是借鉴这股力量,我研究出了一些东西。” I can draw support from these things, obtains some more powerful strength, creates some mysterious things.” “我可以借助这些东西,获得一些更强大的力量,创造一些神奇至极的东西。” I need a more powerful strength.” “我需要更强大的力量。” So long as the strength becomes stronger, naturally has means solution our curses.” “只要力量变得更强,自然就有办法解决我们身上的诅咒。” Thurow that does not have the humane vision to look at Ackermanmon, but Ackermanmon has not seen the ideal. 瑟罗那丝毫没有人性的目光看着阿克曼蒙,只是阿克曼蒙从其中也没有看到理想。 An opposite party probably crazy beast, reckless crazy corpse eater. 对方就好像一只狂兽,一个不顾一切的疯狂食尸者 Thurow is a from head to tail lunatic. 瑟罗就是个彻头彻尾的疯子。 After he was cursed, what first actually thinks is cursing to use, then created the corpse eater standard meter. 他被诅咒了之后,第一时间竟然想到的是将诅咒利用起来,然后创造出了食尸者典仪。 But now, he also wants to use the strength of curse, evades in his mouth that God to the fate that he sets. 而现在,他还想要利用诅咒的力量,来躲过他口中那位神明给他定下的宿命。 Thurow takes the skeleton scepter, the hope looks at Ackermanmon. 瑟罗拿着骸骨权杖,渴望的看着阿克曼蒙 I need your help.” “我需要你的帮助。” I need a huge influence, completes my following experiment.” “我需要一个庞大的势力,来完成我接下来的实验。” Ackermanmon quite a while has not spoken. 阿克曼蒙半天没有说话。 Thurow said one: Your majesty.” 瑟罗说了一句:“陛下。” Person who has the strength, can be in control of own destiny.” “拥有力量的人,才能主宰自己的命运。” These words, making Ackermanmon lift the head. 这一句话,让阿克曼蒙抬起了头。 In control of own destiny. 主宰自己的命运。 Lets a few words that the person yearns. 多么让人向往的一句话。 Ackermanmon was saying to Thurow: I will try to support you, lunatic.” 阿克曼蒙对着瑟罗说道:“我会尽全力支持你,疯子。” Thurow smiled: Your majesty, aren't you crazy?”- 瑟罗笑了:“陛下,你难道不疯狂吗?”- In following day. 接下来的日子里。 Ackermanmon starts to follow Thurow to study «Corpse Eater Cult Standard Meter», even becomes the assistant who Thurow experiments. 阿克曼蒙开始跟随着瑟罗学习《食尸者密教典仪》,甚至成为了瑟罗实验的助手。 He learned the dissections and various medical knowledge, knew various secrets about life. 他学会了解剖和各种医学知识,知晓了各种关于生命的秘密。 He learned various ceremonies, even also knows how to summon these hateful terrifying abyss demon. 他学会了各种仪式,甚至还知道如何召唤那些可憎恐怖的深渊魔物。 Not only so. 不仅仅如此。 He also constantly learns the unusual knowledge that in royal court is storing up. 他还不断的学习着王庭之中储存的超凡知识。 His hope to the knowledge, not the slightest difference from lunatic Thurow. 他对知识的渴望,和疯子瑟罗一般无二。 During an experiment of summon abyss demon. 在一次召唤深渊魔物的实验之中。 He even also swallowed a eagle demon. 他甚至还吞噬掉了一只鹰魔。 Ackermanmon obtained the powerful strength from the body of opposite party, becomes second-order Powerful in the short time, but also learned incantation seal divine spell about wind. 阿克曼蒙从对方的身上获得了强大的力量,在短暂的时间里成为了一个二阶权能者,还学会了一种关于风之咒印的神术 Every day comes and goes out Corpse Eater Cult him, becomes the Corpse Eater Cult No. 2 character faintly, on him the air/Qi of gloomy withering is also getting more and more intense. 每天出入食尸者密教的他,隐隐成为了食尸者密教的二号人物,他身上的阴沉肃杀之气也越来越强烈。 Even these corpse eater, somewhat is afraid him. 连那些食尸者们,也有些害怕他。 Swallows has the craziest action unusually, entire Corpse Eater Cult only then Thurow has succeeded. 吞噬超凡存在可是最疯狂的举措,整个食尸者密教只有瑟罗成功过。 Can swallow to exist to live unusually, but can also stay the sane condition. 一个能够吞噬超凡存在活下来,还能够保持着理智的状态。 That this fellow absolutely is impossible to have the true reason. 那这家伙就绝对不可能拥有真正的理智。 As we all know, Ackermanmon absolutely is crazy to the fellow who being inconceivable. 所有人都知道,阿克曼蒙绝对是个疯狂到难以想象的家伙。 Different with crazy Thurow. 和疯狂的瑟罗不一样。 Thurow when experiments each time looks like a crazy artist, he treats as the blueprint that the corpse, demon monster and abyss species oneself paint. 瑟罗在每次实验的时候就像是一个疯狂的艺术家,他将尸体、魔怪深渊种当做自己作画的图纸。 Experiments to stop each time to appreciate over and over, in the mouth talked endlessly. 每次实验都会停下来再三欣赏,嘴中喋喋不休。 However peacefully Ackermanmon always decides in one side, meticulous completion experiment. 但是阿克曼蒙总是澹定的在一旁,一丝不苟的完成实验。 In comparison, feeling is instead more fearful. 相比之下,给人的感觉反而更加可怕。 Because Thurow is a lunatic, but at least is lunatic who seems like the person. 因为瑟罗是个疯子,但是起码是个看上去还像人的疯子。 Late at night. 深夜。 After Ackermanmon returned to the royal palace, just fell asleep in the bedroom palace, suddenly the feeling body sends coldly ; Waited till the midnight, it starts to twitch from top to bottom. 阿克曼蒙回到了王宫之后在寝殿刚刚睡着,突然感觉身体发寒;等到了半夜,其浑身上下都开始抽搐。 He turns over/stands up, lifted own long sleeve. 他翻身起来,掀开了自己的长袖。 Saw own arm had the strange change, above grew the terrifying black feather, the palm also started to inflate becomes seems like the claw to be the same. 就看到了自己的手臂出现了诡异的变化,上面长出了恐怖的黑色羽毛,手掌也开始膨胀变得像是爪子一样。 Ackermanmon knows immediately had anything: „It is not good.” 阿克曼蒙立刻知道发生了什么:“不好。” This swallows the future trouble that eagle demon left behind, he has not digested the strength of that food corpse standard meter to the present completely. 这是吞噬了那只鹰魔留下的后患,他到现在还没有完全消化那一次食尸典仪的力量。 Obtains the strength. 获得力量。 Must pay the price. 是要付出代价的。 Especially this surpassing conventional strength, the price is fearful incomparable. 尤其是这种超出常规的力量,代价更是可怕无比。 Ackermanmon sets out immediately, wanting the door to fasten, he is unable to determine what matter oneself will then make. 阿克曼蒙立刻起身,想要将门关紧,他也无法确定自己接下来会做出什么样的事情。 Ackermanmon got to the entrance, but at this time his strength also lost control. 阿克曼蒙走到了门口,而这个时候他的力量也失控了。 The black wing breakthrough flesh grows layer upon layer, Ackermanmon turned into a monster instantaneously. 层层黑色羽翼突破血肉长出,阿克曼蒙瞬间变成了一个怪物。 !” “呼!” With strong winds. 伴随着一阵狂风。 A strange shadow suddenly appeared in the above of royal palace. 一个奇怪的影子突然出现在了王宫的上方。 The guards in palace notice this situation immediately, the gathering. 宫廷之内的护卫们立刻就注意到了这种情况,汇聚而来。 Has the person.” The soldiers shouted and wrangled. “有人。”士兵们大呼小叫了起来。 Space has the shadow.” Some people point at the sky to shout. “天上有影子。”有人指着天空大喊。 Some people rushed.” Immediately several Powerful also wake, pursued. “有人闯进来了。”立刻几名权能者也醒了过来,追了出来。 Holds him.” “抓住他。” Before they act, the opposite party brings the strong winds, suddenly vanished in the sky. 但是在他们行动之前,对方就带着狂风,眨眼间消失在了天空上。 In the royal palace some people discovered a major problem, King of Ten Thousand Snakes disappears. 紧接着,王宫里面有人发现了一个更大的问题,万蛇之王不见了。 „It is not good, the king disappears.” “不好,王不见了。” The royal palace makes a mess, everyone is seeking for the King of Ten Thousand Snakes Ackermanmon trail. 王宫内部乱作一团,所有人都在寻找着万蛇之王阿克曼蒙的踪迹。 Ackermanmon ran out of the royal palace, suddenly flew near Herder's River, then fell in the water. 阿克曼蒙冲出了王宫,眨眼之间就飞到了牧者之河边,然后掉落在了水中。 The form that not long, several pursue searched in the surroundings, then goes in other directions. 没有多久,几个追过来的身影在周围搜索了一番,便朝着其他方向而去。 In the ice cold river bottom, Ackermanmon was frozen an ice piece probably, but on him exceptionally also restores gradually. 在冰寒的河底,阿克曼蒙就好像被冻结成了一个冰块,但是他身上的异常也渐渐恢复。 Crossing was very long, Ackermanmon finally returned to normal, changed the human form. 过了很久,阿克曼蒙才终于恢复了正常,重新变回了人形。 But at this time, day also dawn. 而这个时候,天也蒙蒙亮了。 Ackermanmon wore the pajamas to step onto the street, looked somewhat distressed. 阿克曼蒙穿着睡衣走上了街道,看上去有些狼狈。 Above this time street has the scattered form, the roadside also has the stall keeper to sell to eat. 这个时候的街道之上已经有了零零散散的身影,路边还有着摊贩在卖吃的。 That is a wheaten food lump, matches the meat of tooth beast to boil one bowl ; Steaming hot, the fragrance that sends out is especially attractive in the cold winter. 那是一种面食疙瘩,搭配着牙兽的肉煮成一碗;热气腾腾的,散发出的香味在寒冷的冬日里格外诱人。 Ackermanmon was weary, night seriously was the important matter, he could be said as from life and death one struggled. 阿克曼蒙疲倦极了,夜里当真是出大事了,他可以说是从生死一线挣扎了回来。 Ackermanmon was saying to the vendor: Please give me also to make one.” 阿克曼蒙对着摊主说道:“请给我也做一份。” Why Ackermanmon does not know, said an also character. 阿克曼蒙不知道为什么,说了一个也字。 Although he felt here, only then he. 虽然他感觉这里只有他自己一个人。 In his side, a female witch doctor is looking at Ackermanmon ; Recently possibly is to realize some folk flavors to tall Zhushen, will therefore make the witch doctors go out to buy some world food frequently. 在他的身边,一名女巫医正在看着阿克曼蒙;最近至高诸神可能是想要体会一些民间的风味,所以经常会让巫医们出去买一些人间食物。 Although after Fairy strength analysis food, can change, but came the world also with changing, felt that did not have the meaning. 虽然妖精的力量解析食物之后也可以变出来了,但是来了人间还用变的这种,感觉就没意思了。 Therefore witch doctors every day became ran about. 于是巫医们每天就成了跑腿的。 Looks at Ackermanmon, the female witch doctor does not know why remembered a person suddenly. 看着阿克曼蒙,女巫医不知道为什么突然想起了一个人。 Sacred hand Leicester, her once student. 神圣之手来斯特,她曾经的学生。 The opposite party also had a name afterward. 对方后来还有一个名字。 Stern. 斯图恩 The female witch doctor opens the mouth suddenly, said one. 女巫医突然开口,说了一句。 Receives the hand!” “收手吧!” This is a road of no return.” “这是一条不归路。” Ackermanmon spoke until the opposite party, suddenly discovered own side had another person. 阿克曼蒙直到对方说话,才突然发现自己身边有另外一个人。 Just the opposite party stood in own side, his eye also saw the opposite party, but consciousness very mysteriously actually regarded the opposite party did not exist. 刚刚对方就站在自己的身旁,他眼睛也看到了对方,但是意识却很神奇的将对方当成了不存在。 At this moment tastes, Ackermanmon felt suddenly the heart sends coolly. 此刻回味过来,阿克曼蒙突然感觉心底发凉。 What is this exists? 这到底是什么存在? Who are you?” “你是谁?” The female witch doctor stands in the roadside, two people think so mutually. 女性巫医站在路边,两人就这么互相看着。 The witch doctors are sizing up the eye of Ackermanmon, finally shakes the head. 巫医打量着阿克曼蒙的眼睛,终于摇了摇头。 You are not he, his innermost feelings filled the light, even if he falls into the darkness finally.” “你不是他,他的内心充满了光明,哪怕他最后堕入黑暗。” Your heart is dark, has not had the little while to be bright.” “你的心是黑暗的,不曾有半刻光明。” Ackermanmon got hold of the hand suddenly: That perhaps is because, never having the illumination to come.” 阿克曼蒙突然握紧了手:“那或许是因为,从来没有光照进来。” The witch doctors took up to install the wooden box, left. 巫医拿起了装好了木盒,离开了。 Ackermanmon arrives finally, has not known that front this exists is anything. 阿克曼蒙到最后,都未曾知道面前这个存在到底是什么。 However he is turning head, notices that strange chart tuart on witch doctor clothes robe. 但是他扭着头,注意到了巫医衣袍上的那个奇异图桉。 Opens shape of God that begins, is joined to the mysterious circle and symbol. 张开着手的神之形,配上神秘至极的圆和符号。 That chart tuart, so mysterious. 那图桉,是如此的神奇。 shape of God.” 神之形。” Among the Ackermanmon gods, the shadow of opposite party has vanished thoroughly. 阿克曼蒙愣神之间,对方的影子已经彻底消失了。 Ackermanmon did not have suddenly the desire of eating the thing, his hurriedly returned to the royal palace through the covert channel, then appeared before the person. 阿克曼蒙也突然没有了吃东西的欲望,他急匆匆的通过隐蔽的通道回到了王宫了,然后出现在了人前。 Found a Ackermanmon evening's person, gave to encircle him all of a sudden, probably for fear that he disappeared. 找了阿克曼蒙一晚上的人,一下子将他给围了起来,好像生怕他又消失了。 King!” “王!” Where did you go to?” “您去哪里了?” Ackermanmon: I saw a fearful form throws from outside, hurried to escape from inside, hid in a covert place.” 阿克曼蒙:“我看到了一个可怕的身影从外面扑下来,就慌忙从里面逃出来了,躲在了一个隐蔽的地方。” „Outside saw to shine, this came out.” “看见外面亮了,这才出来。” Old snake human as palace teacher walked, after seeing Ackermanmon is complete to relax, patted his shoulder. 身为宫廷教师的老蛇人走了上来,看到阿克曼蒙完好之后松了口气,拍了拍他的肩膀。 Is all right well.” “没事就好。”
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