IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#368 Part 2: The god is only my name

He rode one already the car(riage) that was arranged, when he presented again time, during the daytime Keeton discovered had in that dwelling of issue. 他乘坐上了一辆早就被安排好的车,等到他再出现的时候,正是白天基顿发现有问题的那栋宅院内。 Ackermanmon also has one only to block from the first half stretch/open face mask, entered in that open and spacious underground main hall. 阿克曼蒙也带着一幅只能遮住上半张脸的面具,进入了那个旷阔的地下厅堂里。 At this time, that seat of honor that takes the scepter arrived at his front, saluted to him. 这个时候,那个拿着权杖的首席走到了他的面前,向他行礼。 Honored guest.” “尊贵的客人。” We waited for you to be very long.” “我们等待您很久了。” Ackermanmon said: Prepared?” 阿克曼蒙说道:“都准备好了吗?” Corpse Eater Cult chief nod: According to your instruction, all has prepared.” 食尸者密教首席点头:“按照您的吩咐,一切都已经准备好了。” Ackermanmon enters the hall, everyone sets out, salutes toward him and seat of honor together. 阿克曼蒙走进大厅,所有人都起身,向着他和首席一同行礼。 Ackermanmon arrived in a secluded ceremony hall, saw placed here crystal coffin. 阿克曼蒙来到了一处僻静的仪式堂里,看到了放在这里的水晶棺材。 The unusual strength seal inside corpse, is making its lifelike. 超凡的力量封印着里面的尸体,让其栩栩如生。 Ackermanmon stands before the coffin, quite a while a few words had not said. 阿克曼蒙站在棺材前,半天一句话都没有说。 Long time . 良久后。 He turned on the crystal sarcophagus, touched a face of opposite party. 他打开了水晶棺,摸了一下对方的脸。 Bent down, kissed a forehead of that corpse. 俯身,亲吻了一下那具尸体的额头。 Cannot feel any temperature, is icy cold. 感受不到任何温度,只有冰凉。 Nearby Corpse Eater Cult seat of honor asked Ackermanmon again: „Did you prepare?” 一旁的食尸者密教首席再一次问阿克曼蒙:“您准备好了吗?” Really can do this?” “真的要这样做吗?” We can choose a better material for you, is fresher, such can be joined to your status.” “我们可以为您挑选更好的材料,更新鲜的,那样才能配得上您的身份。” Ackermanmon nods: Yes, I want her.” 阿克曼蒙点头:“是的,我只要她。” Under the Corpse Eater Cult chief control, a ceremony started. 食尸者密教首席的操控下,一个仪式开启了。 In ceremony. 仪式之中。 The woman blood in crystal coffin was drained completely, but the opposite party also changed into the ash completely to dissipate. 水晶棺材内的女人血液全部被抽干,而对方也化为了灰尽消散。 That bright blood along the trace of crystal sarcophagus, with the strength refinement of ceremony, gathered to enter in a bottle finally. 那鲜艳的血沿着水晶棺的纹路,随着仪式的力量提炼,最终汇聚进入了一个瓶子里。 The banquet started. 宴会开始了。 One group of status noble characters, sat in the both sides of long table. 一群身份高贵的人物,坐在了长桌的两侧。 But Ackermanmon and seat of honor of ghoul esoteric buddhism, then sat in the two heads of long table. 阿克曼蒙食尸鬼密教的首席,则坐在了长桌的两头。 This is one after the corpse eater standard meter of careful preparation, what on the table is placing is after the food that the ceremony and unusual strength collection comes. 这是一场经过精心准备的食尸者典仪,桌子上摆放着的是经过仪式和超凡力量收集而来的食材。 The seat of honor of ghoul esoteric buddhism stood. 食尸鬼密教的首席站了起来。 Come.” “来。” Makes us share these to step into the unusual grand feast.” “让我们共享这一场踏入超凡的盛宴。” Starting today, we are a body.” “从今天开始,我们便是一体的。” Ackermanmon held up the cup, drinks the red liquid in cup under. 阿克曼蒙举起了杯子,将杯子里的红色液体一饮而下。 The both sides of long table. 长桌的两侧。 Some person of impatient, hunger and thirst the flesh in eating up plate, wolfing down is chewing, for fear that missed one. 有人迫不及待,饥渴的吃下盘中的血肉,狼吞虎咽的嘴嚼着,生怕错过了一丝。 Some people as if the first time were not participated, is proficiently using the tableware, acted in a completely informal or uninhibited manner. 有人似乎并不是第一次参加了,熟练的使用着餐具,旁若无人。 Some people look at others, as if in hesitant, to obtain the unique mediocre strength, endured to feel sick to swallow in the plate finally food. 有人看着其他人,似乎在犹豫,但是为了获得超脱凡俗的力量,最后忍着作呕吞下了盘中食物。 . 只是。 No matter initial is what appearance, after taking one of the taboo, then perishes in crazy among the roads, until end purgatory. 不管初始是何种模样,在迈出了这禁忌的一步之后,便在疯狂之中一路沉沦,直至尽头的炼狱。 Under lights of twinkle. 闪烁的灯火下。 Shines upon the most terrifying picture. 映照出最恐怖的画面。 This is the corpse eater crazy evening banquet, this is the evil meeting of person of degeneration, under the fine mask is by the ugly face that the desire swallows. 这是食尸者的疯狂夜宴,这是堕落之人的邪恶聚会,精致的面具下是一个又一个被欲望吞噬的丑恶面孔。 Blood of Ackermanmon in the cup tosses down, is symbolizing forever in the sink into darkness. 阿克曼蒙将杯中鲜血一饮而尽,也象征着永沦黑暗之中。 Corners of the mouth wipes bright red, flows slowly under. 嘴角的一抹艳红,缓缓流淌而下。 In Ackermanmon this moment heart could not say what taste, he can only exude the laughter with these crazy together, finally moved toward together crazily in the laughter. 阿克曼蒙此刻心中说不出什么滋味,他只能和那些疯狂者一同发出笑声,最后在笑声之中一同走向疯狂。 Everyone does not know why laughs, when the person smiled, others could not bear smile together. 所有人都不知道为何而发笑,但是当有一个人笑了,其他人就忍不住一起笑了起来。 The laughter as if can divulge all emotions. 笑声似乎可以宣泄一切的情感。 Laughing to express wild with joy, the mirthless smile can express sadly. 大笑可以表示狂喜,惨笑可以表示悲伤。 In the laughter, Ackermanmon felt suddenly own consciousness by the move back, was separated from own brain unceasingly probably. 在笑声之中,阿克曼蒙突然感觉到自己的意识不断被拉远,好像脱离了自己的大脑。 He heard many talking in whispers sounds, probably in the air some people are exchanging. 他听到了众多的窃窃私语声,好像空气之中有人在交流。 He awakened the power, can hear other person shelterless mind sounds. 他觉醒了权能,能够听到其他人毫无遮掩的心灵声音了。 But at this time. 而这个时候。 He heard a familiar sound suddenly, was saying to own ear bank. 他突然听到了一个熟悉的声音,在自己的耳畔对着自己说。 I died even.” “我是不是就算死了。” Cannot with you in the same place.” “也不能和你在一起。” Ackermanmon laughs crazily, unceasing is whipping the table. 阿克曼蒙疯狂大笑,不断的拍打着桌子。 Look, our was not forever in the same place.”- “看,我们这不是永远在一起了么。”- Keeton's funeral was held on time. 基顿的葬礼按时举行了。 But buries does not have Keeton's remains, is only Keeton's some common goods. 只不过下葬的没有基顿的遗体,只是基顿的一些常用物品。 But that graveyard that the place that he buries, grand and Keeton went to before together. 而他下葬的地方,正是之前隆和基顿一起去的那座墓园。 witch spirit and ordinary life body are different, they are existences that one type can the actual situation transform, because they were contaminated by the Gate of Truth strength, the body can thus conduct some degree of spirit. 巫灵和普通生命体不一样,他们是一种可以虚实转化的存在,因为他们被真理之门的力量浸染,身躯从而可以进行某种程度的幽灵化。 Usually they seem like with living the person is similar, can touch ; Also needs to eat meal to drink water, but also needs marriage and having child. 平时他们看上去和活着的人差不多,可以触碰到;也需要吃饭喝水,还需要结婚生子。 If died, they will then dissipate thoroughly. 但是一旦死去,他们便会彻底消散。 The funeral had ended, the person left. 葬礼都已经结束了,人都离开了。 grand stands before the sarcophagus, expression delay. 隆站在石棺前,表情呆滞。 He cannot recover as before. 他依旧没能回过神来。 Keeton.” “基顿。” Prosperous has not thought that after previous farewell, became parting forever. 隆从来没有想到,上一次告别之后,就成了永别。 Prosperously murderer who wanted to find to kill Keeton, he wanted that murderer to pay the price. 隆想要要找到杀死基顿的凶手,他要那个凶手付出代价。 The he first so accurate feeling, the victims under these courts, are longing for the opposite party accepts the mood of penalty. 他第一次如此确切的感受到,那些法庭之下的受害者,渴望着对方接受惩罚的情绪。 However does not know prosperously is who does. 但是隆并不知道是谁做的。 The matter that Keeton died, is the teacher tells him. 就连基顿死去的这件事情,也是老师告诉他的。 Sukob in very far place, even the funeral participates through the shape of spirit of contract now, but must be able to hurry back after a period of time. 苏科布如今在很远的地方,连葬礼都是通过契约之灵的形态参加的,还要过一段时间才能赶回来。 Prosperous teacher Sukob told him. 隆的老师苏科布告诉他。 The opposite party borrowed the strength contamination of abyss Keeton's spirit, therefore causes Keeton unable by soul body the state of shape return god, can only go to the Creator dream star sea in the dream of lifetime shape. 对方借用了深渊的力量污秽了基顿的灵,所以导致基顿无法以魂体的形态回归神的国度,只能以人生之梦的形态前往造物主的梦幻星海。 Therefore Sukob does not know how Keeton died. 所以连苏科布也不知道,基顿到底是怎么死去的。 Although the legend, some people can send the letter/believes of rainbow tree toward dream star sea ; However also never has the person to hear, having the letter/believes can send from dream star sea. 虽然传说,有人可以将彩虹树之信寄往梦幻星海;但是还从来没有人听说,有信能够从梦幻星海寄回来的。 Went out of the graveyard prosperously, has walked along the street. 隆走出了墓园,沿着街道一直走。 He as if appears at present Keeton's form, the opposite party runs as the judge in this stretch of area of jurisdiction time and time again. 他眼前似乎又浮现出了基顿的身影,对方作为法官一次又一次奔走在这片辖区之中。 I thought that I am maintaining the order of this place, becomes to come the area just and fair symbol.” “我觉得我在维护着这个地方的秩序,成为了贝加来区正义和公平的象征。” The prosperous fist pounded on the wall, then saying bitterly. 隆一拳头砸在了墙壁上,然后恨恨的说道。 Why.” “凭什么。” Why does his such good person die?” “他这样的好人凭什么死?” But at this time, on the window of wall a sound conveyed. 而这个时候,墙壁的窗户上一个声音传来。 Hello.” “你好。” Please do not block window Sun, my master likes the light that very much illuminates from out of the window.” “请不要挡住窗口的太阳,我的主人很喜欢从窗外照进来的光。” Caresses the wall prosperously immediately, probably this can smooth the trace that just that fist left is the same, although did not have the trace. 隆立刻抚了抚墙壁,好像这样就能将刚刚那一拳留下的痕迹抚平一样,虽然本来就没有痕迹。 He said hurriedly: Excuse me, I leave now.” 他匆忙说道:“不好意思,我现在就离开。” Opposite party reply: All right.” 对方回答:“没事。” Raised the head prosperously, saw that a person is manipulating a fern. 隆抬起头,就看到一个人在摆弄着一株蕨类植物。 That person stands before the window, can only see the chest above part. 那人站在窗台前,只能看到胸口以上的部分。 The opposite party put on the somewhat strange duster, above has the strange chart tuart, face some does not look like the common ten thousand snake royal court people. 对方穿着有些奇怪的罩袍,上面有着奇异的图桉,面孔也有些不太像常见的万蛇王庭人。 He has not actually seen. 他却没看到。 In the room also sits a form of wear white robe. 屋子里还坐着一个穿着白袍的身影。 Or his line of sight saw obviously, the consciousness actually does not dare under the rubbing that form. 或者说他视线明明看见了,意识却不敢拓印下那个身影。 After grand Zhishi apologized, hastily left. 隆只是道歉之后,就匆匆离开了。 After he leaves, a wear skirt selected the young girl to go out from the deep place high, arrives at that to sit behind the white robe form in room. 在他离开之后,一个穿着裙子的高挑少女从深处走出,来到了那个坐在屋子里的白袍身影后面。 Shirra looks at outside: „It seems like obviously the so lively city, has the dark corner that is inconceivable.” 希拉看着外面:“看起来明明如此繁华的城市,却也有着难以想象的阴暗角落。” Yin Shen decides very much peacefully: Which time regardless, comprised of the light and shadow.” 尹神很澹定:“不论哪一个时代,都是由光与影组成。” Light falls above the land, the shadow also lives.” “光落在大地之上,暗影也随之而生。” Shirra did not understand: Person, but is really complex existence?” 希拉不理解:“人,可真是一种复杂的存在呢?” Puts on the form of white robe: Not because of this, therefore they are the person?” 穿着白袍的身影:“不正因为如此,所以他们才是人吗?” Because of that turbulent desire, the talent can create one after another miracle, the unceasing breakthrough is impossible. “正因为那汹涌的欲望,人才能够创造一种又一种奇迹,不断的突破不可能。 Similarly also because of this turbulent desire, they also in gloomy edge attempts, endless pai during the self- destruction returns.” “不过同样也因为这汹涌的欲望,他们也在阴暗的边缘一次次尝试,在自我毁灭之中无尽徘回。” If seems like Fairy to be the same, that 10,000 years are 10 million, it is estimated that will not have the too big change.” “如果都像是妖精们一样,那一万年还是一千万,估计都不会有太大的变化。” Shirra looks at the god, because she is also Fairy. 希拉看着神,因为她也是一个妖精 God!” “神!” Yin Shen lifted the head: Therefore I like Fairy very much, but, naturally has its rule and way of existence.” 尹神抬起了头:“所以我很喜欢妖精,但是作为人,也自然有其存在的规则和方式。” „The issue that they create, is solved by them.” “他们自己创造的问题,就由他们自己去解决。” „Everyone is playing own role.” “每个人都扮演着自己的角色。” Shirra knows from the beginning she will definitely not go to take care this matter, the world has the order of the world, each place has to be black and white. 希拉从一开始就知道她肯定不会去管这种事情,人间自有人间的秩序,每个地方都有黑与白。 Moreover she also wants to understand gradually. 而且她也渐渐想明白了。 Destruction that these mortals cause, but is the motley shadow under light, is one point of order. 那些凡人所造成的破坏,不过是光明下的斑驳暗影,是秩序的一环。 If God Insai acted, the order of that world will be broken. 而如果因赛神出手了,那人间的秩序就将被打破。 Regardless of his original intention is anything, finally possibly is fierce falls into the land Yang, evaporates all. 不论他的初衷是什么,最终可能是烈阳落入大地,将一切都蒸发。 Even if only his will, a vision, will be doomed to reverse the trend of history. 哪怕只是他的一个意志,一个目光,都注定会扭转历史的走向。 Shirra asked the god: God!” 希拉问神:“神!” „Are you also playing the role of god?” “你也在扮演着神的角色吗?” Saying of Yin Shen undulating: God is only my name.” 尹神澹澹的说道:“神只是我的名字。” Shirra.” 希拉。” This character does not have the significance, but facilitates you to be used to call me, like Insai.” “这个字本身没有意义,只是方便你们用来称呼我,就像因赛一样。” Shirra: Because of you, she had the significance.” 希拉:“但是因为您,她就有了意义。” Another form flushed suddenly, foot that grasped Yin Shen. 另外一个身影突然冲了出来,一把抱住了尹神的脚。 God.” “神。” This place scenery was also sick, we look to light the fireworks!” “这个地方景色也看腻了,咱们还是去看放烟花吧!” Yin Shen is mentioning the rule that these travelled time to Sally: Must according to the rule, where open the door, goes to where.” 尹神对着莎莉说起了这一次旅行的规则:“要按照规则来,推开门在哪里,就去哪里。” Sally looks at nang the say/way: Did open the door next time perhaps on the volcano?” 莎莉看着门都囔着道:“下一次开门说不定就在火山上了呢?” Then was spurted the space to go by the volcano? 然后就被火山喷到天上去? Originally lights the fireworks, will treat as the fireworks letting out. 原来放烟花,是将自己当做烟花给放出去。 What a pity, she has not said in the God Insai front along with the ability of law. 可惜,在因赛神的面前她并没有言出随法的能力。 Yin Shen said: Has not been the next opening the door time.” 尹神说:“还没到下一次开门的时间。” Sally does not have the means that can only the anticipation open the door to be able next time to open smoothly in the place that she wants. 莎莉没有办法,只能期待下一次开门能够顺利开在她想要的地方。 Yin Shen was saying one to the witch doctors: Today you go out one, buys some common things casually.” 尹神对着巫医们说了一句:“今天你们出去一趟吧,随便买一些常见的东西。” Sally also jumped, was saying to the witch doctors. 莎莉也跳了起来,对着巫医们说。 Looks for a fun to come back, my life temple is emptying.” “多找点好玩的东西回来,我的生命神庙都空着呢。” Her life temple is emptying not only, City of Life is also emptying, even the entire dreamland mainland is also emptying. 她不光生命神庙空着,生命之城也空着,甚至整个梦境大陆也都空着。 However witch doctors there dares to say anything to Supreme God. 不过巫医们那里敢对至高神明说什么。 They transform the figure instantaneously, grew tails, is lining up to go shopping. 他们瞬间变换身形,长出了一条条尾巴,排着队出去买东西去了。
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