IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#368 Part 1: The god is only my name

The sky is having the light rain, luckily this is a long and narrow stone anode circuit, therefore does not appear the mud, because instead the washout of rainwater appeared cleaner. 天空下着小雨,幸好这是一条石板路,因此并不显得泥泞,反而因为雨水的冲刷显得更加干净了一些。 Here is comes to the rich neighbourhood of area, establishes not to have many years. 这里是贝加来区的富人区,建立起来并没有多少年。 Here is only outside the city opposite of a river open area, as after the lunar eclipse city is divided as the capital city, was expanded entered in the lunar eclipse city. 原本这里只是城外河对面的一块空地,随着月蚀城被划分为都城之后,也被扩建进入了月蚀城内。 Here construction is very new, lives here is some wealthy merchants. 这里的建筑都很新,住在这里的都是一些富裕的商人。 Naturally, here is not what lunar eclipse city most higher residential district, after all in this world position highest throughout is these temple the aristocrats in reverend and kingdom. 当然,这里也算不上什么月蚀城最高等的住宅区,毕竟这个世界上地位最高的始终是那些神庙的神职者和王国的贵族们。 A wear cheongsam is the waistband, outside wraps snake human of waterproof cape to lead several people to pass through the street. 一个穿着长衫系着腰带,外面套着防水斗篷的蛇人带着几个人穿过街道。 Finally. 最后。 They stopped in one seemed like no one to pass in and out, before the courtyard that the front door shut tightly. 他们停在了一处看上去没有人进出,大门紧闭的院落前。 But the window of this building high place, just can see opposite of the river graveyard. 而这栋建筑高处的窗户,刚好可以看到河对面的墓园。 Keeton according to the investigation, discovered rapidly one after another event that many steal the corpse, these matter some can pursue the new moon several years ago ; But recently, had some strange missing events. 基顿根据调查,迅速接连发现了多起盗窃尸体的事件,这些事情有的可以追朔到好几年前;而最近,更是发生了一些离奇的失踪事件。 However these tuart are quite baffling, no one investigates. 不过这些桉件没头没尾,也没有人去调查。 Finally. 最后。 Also degenerated into hung the tuart. 也就沦为了悬桉。 He was robbed this line along the recent corpse, investigated the defending grave person in graveyard to have the issue ; He follows to defend the line of grave person, checked here. 他沿着最近尸体被盗这条线,调查到了墓园的守墓人有问题;紧接着他就循着守墓人的线,查到了这里。 Guarded the grave person saying that he these fresh corpses quiet shifted through a boat in the night to the river opposite shore, some strange people can receive. 据守墓人说,他会将那些新鲜的尸体悄无声息的在夜里通过一艘小船转移到河对岸,有一些奇怪的人会来接收。 Keeton according to the investigation, found this very strange construction. 基顿根据调查,找到了这栋很奇怪的建筑。 It is said. 据说。 Here daytime time seemingly ruined decline, the gate has not opened. 这里白天的时候看上去破败没落,门从来就没有打开过。 Whenever the night falls, some strange, will cover up the character of figure suddenly to appear in the construction. 但是每到夜幕降临,一些奇怪的,遮掩着身形的人物会突然出现在建筑内部。 This caused many strange hearsay in the , but the rare person believes truly. 这在附近引起了不少诡异的传闻,只是罕有人真正相信。 Keeton orders several people to defend the exit|to speak and entrance, oneself , then prepare to enter the probe, confirmed that here like same, is corpse eater gathering place that defending the grave person said degenerated evilly. 基顿命令几个人守住出口和入口,自己则准备进入其中调查情况,确认这里是不是如同守墓人所说的一样,是一处邪恶堕落的食尸者聚集之地。 A person was saying to Keeton: Sir Keeton.” 一个人对着基顿说:“基顿大人。” Said that was will get together here to some night people, but actually never had the person to see some people passed in and out.” “说是这里到了夜里会有人聚会,但是却从来没有人看到过有人进出。” This is very strange!” “这很奇怪啊!” Keeton replied: Therefore here should have the method that some unknown dense say/way or passes in and out, these talents can not seen turnover here.” 基顿回答:“所以这里应该有着某条不为人知的密道或者进出的方法,那些人才可以不被人看见的进出这里。” „The premise is, that fellow said is the truth.” “不过前提是,那个家伙说的都是实话。” The defending grave person who in graveyard that fellow, naturally refers. 那个家伙,自然就是指的墓园的守墓人。 Keeton circumvented to enter in the courtyard cautiously, but also started divine spell: divine spell keeps silent.” 基顿小心翼翼的翻墙进入了院子里,还发动了神术:“神术・噤声。” This makes him go into action, cannot hear slightly the sound. 这让他行动起来,根本听不到丝毫声音。 He transferred in the broad courtyard, entered the construction, he discovers trace that in immediately the construction some people move, but actually cannot see half person's shadow. 他在宽阔的院子里转了一圈,才进入了建筑内部,他立刻就发现建筑内有人活动的痕迹,但是却看不到半个人影。 He following the traces of these activities, found an entrance of cave. 他循着那些活动的痕迹,找到了一个地窖的入口。 Then enters following the cave. 然后循着地窖进入其中。 He discovered a very broad space below , saw many 's shadows. 在下面他发现了一个很广阔的空间,也看到了不少人影。 Here center was arranged a seemingly splendid banquet hall, the high place was placing a long table, many snake human style round foot bench ; snake human will sit above generally, the tail winding on the high round foot. 这里的中央被布置成了一个看上去富丽堂皇的宴席大厅,高处摆放着一张长桌,还有不少蛇人风格的圆脚长椅;蛇人一般会坐在上面,尾巴缠绕在高高的圆脚上。 In the hall weak flowered columns haunched above, the surroundings have leaves of wooden doors and channels. 大厅里一根根凋花立柱撑起了上面,周围有着一扇扇木门和通道。 This underground seems like the agglomeration of opposite party, above is only a hiding place. 这地下看上去才是对方的聚集地,上面只是一个遮人耳目的地方。 Quickly.” “快一点。” „Did position suspend?” “位置摆好了没?” Today is the great people who you do not dare to imagine, if made the mistake is not the punishment ends.” “今天来的都是你们不敢想象的大人物,若是出了差错可不是处罚就完了。” Gives me earnestly.” “都给我认真一点。” Keeton observed, these people are Powerful ; However is only the apprentices of basic rank, to him does not have any threat. 基顿观察了一下,这些人都是权能者;但是都只是入门级别的学徒,对于他来说没有什么威胁。 They seem preparing some ceremony, but has not started thoroughly. 他们似乎在准备某个仪式,只是还没有彻底开始。 As if waiting for the true guest arrival. 似乎在等着真正的客人到来。 Keeton shoves open a nearby leaf of wooden door, can see that on the rack is putting the size consistent clay jar, inside lends the revolting aura, after Keeton opened looked at one, has almost not spat. 基顿推开旁边的一扇木门,可以看到架子上放着大小一致的陶罐,里面散发出令人作呕的气息,基顿打开看了一眼之后差点没吐出来。 Inside is the eyes of person, was soaked in some type of liquid, not rotten. 里面是人的一双眼睛,被浸泡在某种液体里,才没有腐烂。 At this time, some side people passed through suddenly, Keeton holds down immediately the book of oneself witch spirit, prepared to display divine spell anytime and anywhere. 这个时候,旁边突然有人经过,基顿立刻按住了自己的巫灵之书,随时随地准备施展神术 However the opposite party obviously passed by, but has not prepared to come. 不过对方明显是路过,而没有准备进来。 How hasn't the seat of honor arrived?” “首席怎么还没有到?” Should be meets that great person.” “应该是去接那位大人物了。” „Who is, can make the seat of honor meet personally?” “到底是什么人,要让首席亲自去接?” Do not blindly guess, is waiting honestly.” “别瞎猜,老实等着。” Keeton and other outside did not have the sound, this opened the door to walk. 基顿等外面没有动静了,这才推开门走了出来。 He depends upon the pillar to avoid the line of sight, entered several rooms. 他依靠柱子躲避着视线,又进入了几间房间。 Finally. 最后。 He saw the room that obviously cages, opened it with divine spell. 他看到了一间明显上着锁的房间,用神术打开了它。 In the room, Keeton also saw many books ; He took up on a table book, above writes «Corpse Eater Cult Standard Meter». 房间内,基顿还看到了不少书籍;他拿起了桌子上面的一本书,上面写着《食尸者密教典仪》。 Corpse Eater Cult?” 食尸者密教?” Keeton heard that for the first time this existence, sounds makes people feel evilly. 基顿第一次听说这种存在,听上去就让人感觉邪恶。 After reading the books, in the discovery is some knowledge about doctor. 翻看书籍之后,发现里面都是一些关于医师的知识。 What function the different organs of person have, the secret of human body is anything. 人的不同器官有着什么样的作用,人体的秘密是什么。 If looks at these only, this book can be called is a medicine doing. 如果单看这些的话,这本书可以称得上是一本医学着作。 However the following content, was much worse. 但是接下来的内容,就邪恶得难以言喻了。 After God created intelligent species, each intelligent species within the body has the unusual bloodlines ; So long as can find the appropriate method, then can swallow others' strength.” 从神创造出智慧种之后,每一个智慧种的体内拥有着超凡的血脉;只要能够找到合适的方法,便能够吞噬别人的力量。” However this method, is the esoteric buddhism standard meter that I compile.” “而这方法,便是我编撰的这部密教典仪。” Only these words, make Keeton feel absolutely terrifiedly. 光这一段话,就让基顿感觉毛骨悚然。 Make him in same place, quite a while does not dare to open the next page. 让他愣在了原地,半天都不敢打开下一页。 He as if can guess correctly appropriate method that the opposite party said that is what method. 他似乎能够猜到对方所说的合适的方法,到底是什么方法。 After Keeton opens, really during is he imagines that indescribable evil ceremony. 基顿翻开过后,果然是他想象之中的那种难以言喻的邪恶仪式。 This book. 这本书。 How is teaching the person through eating impressively similar, thus obtains the unusual strength. 赫然就是在教人如何通过吃掉同类,从而来获得超凡的力量。 But what is more fearful, this is not the conjecture. 而更可怕的是,这并不是臆想。 The opposite party obviously were very successful. 对方很明显成功了。 In the book also has some drawings, even if only simple several outlines, made people feel cannot be described crazy and degenerated. 书上还配有一些图画,哪怕只是简简单单的几笔勾勒,就让人感到了不可描述的疯狂和堕落。 But turned behind, appeared let the content that Keeton stared dumbfounded. 而翻到了后面,更是出现了一些让基顿瞠目结舌的内容。 Because the above material no longer is a person. 因为上面的材料已经不再是人了。 The person who compiles this book, through in the demon summon of ceremony abyss, then treats as the food them unexpectedly ; This means extremely in expensive, the price and danger passed high, the opposite party has not attempted several times. 编写这本书的人,竟然通过仪式将深渊之中的魔物召唤出来,然后将他们当做食材;只是这种办法太过于昂贵,代价和危险度过高,对方也没有尝试过几次。 Keeton is unable to imagine. 基顿无法想象。 Actually is what crazy existence, can find out such method, makes such attempt. 究竟是什么样的疯狂存在,才能够想出这样的方法,做出这样的尝试。 He flipped through this book finally, the person who compiled this book in final of book, described one not to exist in the picture of this world. 他将这本书翻到了最后,编写这本书的人在书的最后,描绘了一幅并不存在于这个世界的画面。 That is stars that is burning the flaming flame. 那是一颗燃烧着熊熊火焰的星辰。 However the time angle of painting show this stars is very strange, the stars should in the space, be a looking up angle obviously ; But in this picture, that stars probably in dark bottomless gully. 但是图画描绘这颗星辰的时候角度很奇怪,星辰明明是应该在天上的,是一种仰视的角度;而在这幅画里面,那颗星辰好像在黑暗的无底沟壑之中。 Examines carefully, but can also see that the flame in the stars has tens of thousands of person's shadows to wail. 细看,还能够看到火焰的星辰之中有着成千上万的人影在哀嚎。 Probably was boiled in the magma boils, struggles in the wok with cooking oil. 就好像在岩浆里被沸煮,在油锅里挣扎。 More is looks, more makes people think scalp tingles. 越是看下去,越让人觉得头皮发麻。 Below also has one line of characters: Lord of Purgatory is brandishing the long whip of flame, in looks at us who above the stars of that raging fire combustion is big and hungry, waits for us to enter the state of purgatory.” 下面还有着一行字:“炼狱之主挥舞着火焰的长鞭,在那烈火燃烧的星辰之上饥肠辘辘的看着我们,等待着我们进入炼狱的国度。” Heard? In her abdomen is similar to the sound of thunder general roaring filial piety.” “听到了吗?她那腹中如同雷霆一般咆孝的声音。” corpse eater will certainly suffer its curse, we eat the person, she eats us, this is the fate.” 食尸者必将遭受其诅咒,我们吃人,她吃我们,这就是宿命。” The final fate two characters, as if also wrote crookedly, the person who probably wrote when wrote down this line of characters even to fear the pen unable to grip. 最后的宿命二字,似乎还写歪了,好像写字的人在写下这行字的时候恐惧得连笔都握不住了。 He discovered the corpse eater secret, compiled this «Corpse Eater Cult Standard Meter», even also extremely arrogant treats as own food demon of abyss. 他发现了食尸者的秘密,编撰了这部《食尸者密教典仪》,甚至还狂妄的将深渊的魔物当做自己的食材。 His complacent wrote own great achievements in the book, but he suddenly discovered at this time, more fearful existence has stared at itself. 他得意洋洋的将自己的伟大成果写在了书上,但是这个时候他突然发现,一个更可怕的存在已经盯上了自己。 Since he is tasting the fruit of taboo time, cursed on closely associated arrival. 从他品尝着禁忌的果实的时候,诅咒就如影随形的降临。 Or his all strengths, is in itself a curse. 或者说他所有的力量,本身就是一个诅咒。 Keeton noticed that name: Lord of Purgatory?” 基顿注意到了那个名字:“炼狱之主?” Purgatory after birth, finally starts to appear in the populace at present. 炼狱自诞生之后,终于开始出现在大众的眼前。 The person who writes this book, described this existence with her. 撰写这本书的人,是用她来形容这个存在。 Clearly, at least in the opposite party eyes. 很明显,至少在对方眼里。 This is God. 这是一位神明 Keeton through this book, felt truly this Corpse Eater Cult is not simple ; He had confirmed the lots, before the thing that but in this note described compared him , the situation of expecting must surpass much are too many, he wants to leave here immediately. 基顿通过这本书,真正感觉到了这个食尸者密教的不简单;他已经确认了很多东西,只是这本笔记里所描述的东西相比他之前预料的情况要超出得太多太多,他立刻想要离开这里。 So long as confirmed opposite party is , was easy to process. 只要证实了对方的所在,接下来就好处理了。 Just at night the opposite party should have an assembly. 刚好夜晚对方应该就有一个集会。 He has thought that after going out, immediately assembles witch spirit, temple and strength of health/guard army, eradicates this evil esoteric buddhism. 他已经想好了,出去后立刻就去调集巫灵神庙和卫军的力量,将这个邪恶密教连根拔起。 Keeton comes out from the gate, can see that outside person became more. 基顿从门里面出来,可以看到外面的人变得更多了。 He has to use divine spell again, went into hiding own figure. 他不得不再次动用一个神术,隐匿去了自己的身形。 divine spell is a good thing, uses to achieve all sorts of effects, but regarding some powerful existences, will use divine spell instead to arouse the interest of opposite party, will become the flaw. 神术是一个好东西,动用起来可以达成种种功效,但是对于一些强大的存在来说,使用神术反而会引起对方的关注,成为破绽。 He across the pillar, goes toward the entrance that oneself come in rapidly. 他穿过柱子,迅速朝着自己进来的入口而去。 Keeton goes out, saw several snake human lift a crystal sarcophagus to get down ; In crystal sarcophagus frozen a body of woman, is he at first that stolen corpse that starts to seek. 基顿出去的时候,看到了几个蛇人抬着一具水晶棺下来;水晶棺里面冰封着一具女人的尸体,就是他最初开始寻找的那具被盗窃的尸体。 Declined servant of God aristocratic family fern leaf family's daughter. 已经没落的神侍世家蕨叶家族的女儿。 Looks at that corpse, Keeton felt suddenly feels sick, he wishes one could to catch the whole lot in a dragnet these people immediately. 看着那尸体,基顿突然感觉一阵作呕,他恨不得立刻就将这些人一网打尽。 Hateful!” “可恨!” „The people of these revolting degenerations.” “这些令人作呕的堕落之徒。” Keeton speed was faster. 基顿速度更快了。 He has not thought, he just came out from the tunnel of cave, the above several people are waiting for him. 只是他没有想到,他刚刚从地窖的隧道出来,上面就有几个人在等待着他。 Existence that brings the mask from held with an unusual dagger behind to Keeton, above is surging black light. 一个带着面具的存在从身后用一幅超凡匕首捅向了基顿,上面涌动着黑光。 Keeton responded quickly, immediately uses the witch spirit most symbolic ability. 基顿反应很快,立刻动用了巫灵最标志性的能力。 Actual situation transformation.” “虚实转化。” Keeton's figure changed to the nihility all of a sudden, from fatal strikes to escape, he wants to flush away toward outside immediately. 基顿的身形一下子化作了虚无,从致命一击之中逃出来,他立刻想要朝着外面冲去。 Existence that however another brings the mask stopped up him, in the manpower takes a white exquisite scepter ; However examines carefully discovered that is a bone carves impressively weakly. 但是另一个带着面具的存在堵住了他,那人手里拿着一根白色的细腻权杖;但是细看就发现,那赫然是一根骨头凋琢而成的。 The opposite party as if know that Keeton's status, opened the mouth to call his name. 对方似乎知道基顿的身份,一开口就喊出了他的名字。 Sir Keeton.” “基顿大人。” You not when well your judge, what does rush to here to make?” “你不好好当你的法官,跑到这里来做什么?” Since came, be not thinking left.” “不过既然来了,就别想着离开了。” The white skeleton scepter of opposite party wields, a black strength changed into the flowing light to wrap toward Keeton from many directions. 对方的白色骸骨权杖一挥,一股黑色的力量化为流光从多个方向朝着基顿包裹了过来。 But what is more fearful is. 而更可怕的是。 In the ground a black terrifying shadow also attacks to come toward Keeton. 地面上一个黑色的恐怖影子也朝着基顿袭击而来。 Keeton complexion instantaneously changed, he recognizes this strength to have the strength of incantation seal principle immediately. 基顿脸色瞬间变了,他立刻认出了这力量带着咒印法则的力量。 Third-order Powerful?” “三阶权能者?” Keeton hand according to legal code appearance the book of witch spirit, summons the spirit of own writing contract immediately. 基顿手按法典模样的巫灵之书,立刻召唤出了自己的文字契约之灵。 He knows that oneself is not the opponent of opposite party, immediately wants to borrow the legal code strength to suppress the opposite party, although ten thousand snake royal court spirit of legal code is not nowadays powerful. 他知道自己不是对方的对手,立刻想要借用法典的力量来压制对方,虽然现如今万蛇王庭法典之灵也算不上强大。 I with the name of legal code.” “我以法典之名。” Determining you are guilty, gives you to examine......” “判定你们有罪,给予你们审……” But is always thinking about, Keeton stopped suddenly. 可是念着念着,基顿突然停了下来。 He looked to oneself hand, on the hand and body, filled one after another black spot. 他看向了自己的手,手上和身体上,都弥漫出了一块又一块黑斑。 Took the mask person of skeleton scepter unable to bear smile, was saying to Keeton. 拿着骸骨权杖的面具人忍不住笑了,对着基顿说道。 Young people, do not move others' thing casually, knows?” “年轻人,不要随便动别人的东西,知道吗?” On that...... poisonous.” “那上面……有毒的。” Is the abyss demon refinement the poison, you have not felt!” “是深渊魔物炼制成的毒,你没有感觉到吧!” Keeton is one stays in witch spirit that on the wilderness studies year to year, he is not truly many in the time of the world wanderer. 基顿是一个常年呆在荒原上学习的巫灵,他真正在人间闯荡的时间并不多。 He has the doggedly sincere, but obviously many places are very inexperienced. 他有着一腔热血,但是很明显很多地方经验不足。 Or because just his some places extremely in the immaturity, have this doggedly sincere. 或者说正因为他有些地方太过于稚嫩,才有着这一腔热血。 Keeton looks at the opposite party: Swallows the disciple of similar degeneration, you will be placed on trial finally.” 基顿看着对方:“吞噬同类的堕落之徒,你们终将遭受审判。” The shadow of ground stood erect, tears Keeton. 地上的黑影竖立了起来,将基顿撕裂。 Several Corpse Eater Cult people surrounded, as to compete for anything. 几个食尸者密教的人围拢了过来,似乎想要争夺什么。 However actually discovery. 但是却发现。 The opposite party anything has not stayed behind. 对方什么都没有留下。 Looks that Keeton diverges like the flying ash generally, several people are strange. 看着基顿如同飞灰一般散去,几人都非常奇怪。 What thing is this?” “这是什么东西?” „After dying, even the corpse does not have.” “死了之后连尸体都没有。” Corpse Eater Cult seat of honor: This is witch spirit.” 食尸者密教的首席:“这是巫灵。” Corpse Eater Cult corpse eater was saying to the seat of honor: Seat of honor!” 食尸者密教的一名食尸者对着首席说道:“首席!” Here had been discovered, is unsafe, we must hurry to evacuate.” “这里已经被人发现了,是不是不安全了,我们要不要赶紧撤离。” The seat of honor actually rejects immediately: Did not need, to wait for tonight to say again.” 首席却立刻拒绝:“不用,等过了今天晚上再说。” This Keeton died, outside person I also processed, then should not discover us quickly.” “这个基顿死了,外面的人我也都处理掉了,接下来应该不会这么快发现我们。” Moreover tonight is important, that person will join us.” “而且今天晚上非常重要,那个人会加入我们。” Therefore cannot have any problem tonight absolutely, we must successfully win over the opposite party, perhaps once missed the opposite party to change the idea next time.” “所以今天晚上绝对不能够出任何问题,我们必须要成功拉拢对方,一旦错过下次说不定对方就改主意了。” Corpse Eater Cult the look under chief mask was completely different, becomes ambitious. 食尸者密教的首席面具下的眼神完全不一样了,变得野心勃勃。 Has waited for tonight.” “等过了今天晚上。” We were completely different.”- “我们就完全不一样了。”- From the highest ruling hall does not calculate that the far place, has a splendid palace. 距离最高执政厅并不算远的地方,有着一座富丽堂皇的宫殿。 The tall wall towers, with large army guard. 高墙耸立,重兵把守。 Here is ten thousand snake royal court royal palaces, but with King of Ten Thousand Snakes gradually becomes the symbol of royal court no longer to wield the power, this palace also becomes King of Ten Thousand Snakes of symbol to be the same probably, becomes no longer great. 这里就是万蛇王庭的王宫,不过随着万蛇之王渐渐的成为了王庭的象征不再执掌权力,这座宫殿也就好像成为了象征的万蛇之王一样,变得不再伟岸。 White-haired old snake human takes a book, is explaining to young people writes books the content. 一名满头白发的老蛇人拿着一本书,正在给一位年轻人讲解着书中的内容。 Book inside content is the epic of ancient time, how to implement to reform about Al Pince king, received the royal power from ancient fire protector, established the Suinhall city-state. 书里面的内容是古老时代的史诗,关于阿尔潘斯王如何实施改革,从古老的护火者手上接下了王权,建立了苏因霍尔城邦。 Was telling this ancient hero, how to become the snake human first King. 讲述着这位古老的英雄,如何成为蛇人的第一位王者。 God selected the Al Pince king.” 神明选中了阿尔潘斯王。” Under theocracy, is the royal power.” “神权之下,便是王权。” King is the person of God choice, in this world no one can replace the bloodlines of king.” “王是神明选择的人,这世界上没有任何人能够替代王的血脉。” Old snake human is a Suinhall person, even was once servant of God ; Because an accident/surprise he no longer can use divine spell, left from temple, becomes an illustrious scholar. 蛇人是一名苏因霍尔人,甚至还是一名曾经的神侍;只不过因为一场意外他不再能使用神术,也就从神庙离开了,成为了一名赫赫有名的学者。 But the listening young people, are King of Ten Thousand Snakes Ackermanmon. 而正在听讲的这个年轻人,便是万蛇之王阿克曼蒙 Old snake human was hired as the King of Ten Thousand Snakes teacher, definitely is not the action of having no interest. 蛇人被聘请为万蛇之王的老师,肯定不是无心之举。 But a King of Ten Thousand Snakes choice such teacher. 万蛇之王选择这样一位老师。 Also is not definitely accidental. 也肯定并不是意外。 Is mother arms is hugging in Ackermanmon, ignorant child time, had been promoted to mount the throne by the time. 阿克曼蒙还是一个母亲怀里抱着的,懵懵懂懂的小孩子的时候,就已经被时代推动着登上了王位。 His father when went to battle with Razer Kingdom die a tragic death, the dark moon/month general seized the chance to capture the right ; Then he knew nothing, but also looks that brings the dark moon/month general who the army is attempting the throne to exude the laughter. 他的父亲在出征雷泽王国的时候惨死,暗月将军趁机夺取了权利;当时的他一无所知,还看着带着军队逼宫的暗月将军发出笑声。 He becomes the king in the unclear lake. 他是在迷迷湖湖之中成为王的。 Some people told him, he was ten thousand snake royal court supreme kings. 有人告诉他,他就是万蛇王庭至高无上的王。 Also some people told him, he was not a king, he was only a puppet. 也有人告诉他,他不是王,他只是一个傀儡。 He is angry, he even also reprimanded the opposite party loudly, said oneself were the master in this country. 他非常生气,他甚至还大声斥责对方,说自己才是这个国家的主人。 However stands truly , in front of dark moon/month general, looks that leads the mighty force to conquer all men to ride earth dragon to come from the distant place, but also is only standing that child's he can only tremble under his shadow. 但是真正站在暗月将军面前的时候,看着那个率领着千军万马征服一切的男人骑着地行龙从远处而来,还只是个孩子的他只能瑟瑟发抖的站在他的阴影下。 According to the idea of opposite party, was saying the opposite party orders the words that he spoke. 按照对方的想法,说着对方命令他说的话。 His mother once wanted to grasp the right, even staged a coup d'etat. 他的母亲曾经想要重新掌握权利,甚至策划了一场政变。 Then. 然后。 On bewildered dying of illness. 就莫名其妙的病死了。 Did not have any him of dependence also to be incapable of revolting again, was towed to entrain was leaving the home, arrived at this strange city, a person was admitted to this strange palace. 没有了任何依靠的他再也无力反抗,被人拖拽着离开了家,来到了这座陌生的城市,一个人住进了这座陌生的宫殿。 The outside unceasing spreading news, was saying the dark moon/month general is how great, how gained the magnificent victory. 外面不断的传来消息,说着暗月将军如何如何伟大,取得了怎样辉煌的胜利。 Afterward. 只是后来。 The dark moon/month also died. 暗月也死了。 He thinks that oneself nightmare also went, before he ran up to the city gate of royal palace in high spirits, thinks oneself can escape from the captivity of opposite party. 他以为自己的噩梦也随之而去了,他兴冲冲的跑到了王宫的城门前,以为自己可以逃出对方的囚禁。 Even if however the dark moon/month died, he cannot go out this door as before, cannot escape from this prisoner's cage. 但是哪怕暗月死去了,他依旧连这扇门也出不去,逃不出这囚笼。 His childhood, passed in the battles of tragedy and right, passed in the jail in named royal palace. 他的童年,就是在一场场惨剧和权利的争斗之中度过,在名为王宫的监牢里度过。 Old snake human sees Ackermanmon to be lost in thought that thought that the opposite party possibly was to own words heart movement. 蛇人看到阿克曼蒙出神,觉得对方可能是对自己的话心动了。 Then approached, to comfort own student quietly. 便走近了一些,悄声安慰自己的这个学生。 Your majesty, so long as you want.” “陛下,只要您愿意。” Rank red followers will help you, grasps the right.” “腥红的信徒们会帮助您,重新掌握权利。” You, if the has god asylum, then can bring back King of Ten Thousand Snakes proper all.” “您若是有神的庇护,便可以拿回万蛇之王应有的一切。” Ackermanmon raised the head: Teacher, do you have the means to make me Powerful?” 阿克曼蒙抬起头:“老师,你们有办法能让我成为权能者吗?” Young King of Ten Thousand Snakes as if the first time is not asked that this issue, making old snake human somewhat helpless. 年轻的万蛇之王似乎并不是第一次问这种问题,让老蛇人有些无奈。 In this world has two methods to become Powerful, one type has the talent since birth, one type has since birth to the strength of god has the affinity.” “这世上有两种方法可以成为权能者,一种是生来就具有天赋,一种是生来就有着对神的力量有着亲和力。” However your majesty you, no.” “而陛下您,都没有。” Right and strength, sometimes and cannot have both.” “权利和力量,有的时候并不可兼得。” He seems to be persuading King of Ten Thousand Snakes, had the right, do not want to obtain the strength again. 他似乎在劝说万蛇之王,有了权利,就别想要再获得力量了。 Actually in the three leaves human time, has a way, power gracious gift. 其实在三叶人的时代,也有着一种方式,权能恩赐。 However this seedling source from Creator divine spell, as also three leaves human vanished together. 不过这种源自于造物主神术,也随着三叶人一同消失了。 Ackermanmon does not catch cold regarding the old snake human words, but has not refuted directly, but said one in a soft voice. 阿克曼蒙对于老蛇人的话并不感冒,但是也没有直接反驳,只是轻声说了一句。 Does not have the right of strength......” “没有力量的权利……” His following a few words have not said. 他后面一句话并没有说出来。 That is just another puppet.” “那只不过是另一种傀儡罢了。” Ackermanmon remembered once again the dark moon/month, that is carrying the strength the dark knight who came from the distant place. 阿克曼蒙又一次想起了暗月,那个携带着力量从远方而来的黑暗骑士。 That is young his first understanding. 那是年少的他第一次明白。 Person who has the strength how fearful, that is came from in the deterrent of mind. 拥有力量的人是多么的慑人,那是源自于心灵的威慑。 Only then had the strength, can gain the true freedom, the thing that grasps truly is itself. 只有拥有了力量,才能够获得真正的自由,所掌握的东西才真正属于自己。 His teacher ended day of teaching, the preparation leaves suddenly remembered anything. 他的老师结束了一天的授课,准备离开的时候突然想起了什么。 He approaches Ackermanmon, somewhat worries looks at him. 他走近阿克曼蒙,有些担忧的看着他。 I heard that.” “听说。” „The fainting leaf family's daughters had the accident/surprise, several days ago has buried.” “厥叶家族的女儿发生了意外,几天前已经安葬了。” Your majesty please should not be extremely sad.” “陛下还请不要太过伤心。” Said that was the accidental death, actually committed suicide. 说是意外死亡,其实是自杀。 Ackermanmon to nubile age, but people like him, who is unable to decide and becomes the couple, all have arranged. 阿克曼蒙到了适婚的年龄,但是他这种人,是无法决定自己和谁结为夫妻的,一切早就安排好了。 Most suitable the person will marry him, then arranges him as the life of puppet. 一个“最适合”的人会嫁给他,然后接着安排好他作为傀儡的一生。 But the fainting leaf family's daughter, before is Amun, person who likes, is the maidservant in his young time palace. 而厥叶家族的女儿,就是阿蒙之前喜欢的人,也是他年少时候宫中的侍女。 The opposite party does not seem to be able to accept this reality. 只是对方似乎不能接受这种现实。 After being driven away leaves the palace, chose the result of suicide. 在被驱赶出宫中之后,就选择了自杀的结局。 Ackermanmon this King of Ten Thousand Snakes, seemingly has all, actually anything does not have. 阿克曼蒙这位万蛇之王,看似拥有一切,其实什么都没有。 A loner. 只是一个孤家寡人。 Young King of Ten Thousand Snakes seemingly was calm decides peacefully, but said the flash of these words in his teacher, saw the breath of King of Ten Thousand Snakes to turn very quiet. 年轻的万蛇之王本来看上去沉稳澹定,只是在他的老师说出这段话的一瞬间,就看见万蛇之王的呼吸都屏住了。 His neck is stiff, can see that the blue vein erupted. 他脖子僵硬着,可以看到青筋都爆发了出来。 He wanted to say anything, but under this condition as if the words could not even say. 他想要说些什么,但是这种状态下似乎连话都说不出来。 Old snake human thinks that will broadcast the sound that vented, but he took up the cup on table, drinks water to put. 蛇人以为会传来发泄的声音,但是他拿起了桌子上的杯子,喝了口水就放了下来。 Then Ackermanmon said one calmly: I have long known.” 然后阿克曼蒙平静的说了一句:“我早就知道了。” Mortal always could not escape the fetter of death, this was the destiny.” “凡人总逃不过死亡的束缚,这就是命运。” Old snake human looks at Ackermanmon, opens mouth close to, finally sighed. 蛇人看着阿克曼蒙,张了张嘴巴,最后叹了口气。 A King, naturally needs to endure the average man unable. 一位王者,自然需要能够忍受常人所不能。 After old snake human departs, Ackermanmon walked into own bedroom. 蛇人离去之后,阿克曼蒙走入了自己的卧室。 He changed one set of cape, then left the royal palace from a covert channel. 他换上了一套斗篷,然后从一条隐蔽的通道离开了王宫。
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