IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#367 Part 2: The book of Huberne reappears

Swelled invisible in gave birth to some senses of awe regarding this school leader, was not only the opposite party older, but was other things. 隆对于这位学长无形之中生出了一些敬畏之心,不仅仅是对方更加年长,而是一些其他的东西。 The person who seems like the public security team soldiers arrived at side Keeton, was saying sentence anything to Keeton. 一个看上去像是治安队士兵的人来到了基顿身边,对着基顿说了句什么。 Keeton frowns, looks prosperously. 基顿皱起了眉头,看向了隆。 Had/Left a matter, has a special case “出了件事情,有件特别的案子” We look together in the past!” “我们一起过去看一看吧!” Looks at Keeton prosperously: Judge must make this?” 隆看着基顿:“法官还要做这个的吗?” „Shouldn't this by the public security officer, the matter that they should handle?” “这不是应该由治安官,他们应该去做的事情吗?” You put out a hand to be not quite good randomly, surpassed the function.” “你这么乱伸手不太好吧,超过职能了。” Keeton told prosperously: This should be an unusual case.” 基顿告诉隆:“这应该是一个超凡案件。” „The public security officers in shell Arrondissement of Calais are only an average person, this case has obviously gone beyond the range that the average person can process.” “贝加莱区的治安官只是个普通人,这种案件明显已经超出了普通人能够处理的范围。” I judge as shell Arrondissement of Calais, is Powerful ; Since knows the danger that this type harms my area of jurisdiction appears, cannot sit by and do nothing like this.” “我身为贝加莱区的法官,又是一个权能者;既然知道了这种危害我辖区的危险出现,不能就这样坐视不管吧。” Prosperous helpless shrugging: Your sense of responsibility was also too strong.” 隆无奈的耸了耸肩:“你的责任心也太强了。” However, he revealed being smiling: But, I also want to look.” 但是紧接着,他又露出了嬉皮笑脸:“不过,我也想要过去看一看。” „An unusual case, definitely compares with you mediates the dispute to be interesting.” “一个超凡案件,肯定比跟着你调解纠纷有意思。” Investigates an unusual case, regarding swelling this young people truly has not the general attraction, 调查一个超凡案件,对于隆这种年轻人来说确实有着不一般的吸引力, However also during this travel, felt that charm of judge prosperously. 不过隆也在这一趟旅行之中,感觉到了法官的那种魅力。 The place visited, the evil person withdraws. 所过之处,恶人退避。 Everyone looks at Keeton with the vision of respect and expectation, this feeling is sits in the trade union prosperously cannot feel. 所有人都用敬仰和憧憬的眼光看着基顿,这种感觉是隆坐在工会里感受不到的。 In addition, felt prosperously the responsibility of judge said with Keeton is the same ; Now the lots are not mature, does not have the obvious limits regarding the responsibility and power of judge. 除此之外,隆也感觉法官的职责和基顿所说的一样;现在很多东西还是不成熟,对于法官的责任和权力也没有明显的界定。 Keeton obviously is only a judge, the words that but wants to work truly, responsibility and power as if far exceeded prosperously originally to the concept of judge. 基顿明明只是一个法官,但是真正想要做事的话,本身的职责和权力似乎远远超出了隆原本对法官的概念。 Whish whish!” “淅淅!” The rain keeps doing, before two people went to a graveyard . 雨下个不停,两人来到了一座墓园前。 The weather is so cold, but also is raining, outside the graveyard actually has several watching the fun people. 天气这么冷,还下着雨,墓园外面竟然有着几个看热闹的人。 It seems like, in the graveyard indeed had what remarkable matter. 看起来,墓园里的确发生了什么引人注意的事情。 However quick, the person who these watch the fun by the guards of public security team scattering, went to the graveyard that grand and Keeton has not hindered. 但是很快,这些看热闹的人就被治安队的卫兵给驱散了,隆和基顿并没有丝毫阻碍的来到了墓园之中。 This graveyard is not the ordinary graveyard, the person who inside buries generally is some people of net worth, because here uses is the sarcophagus. 这座墓园并不是普通的墓园,里面埋葬的人一般都是有些身家的人,因为这里用的都是石棺。 Such sarcophagus, is not the ordinary families can use. 这样的石棺,并不是普通人家能够用的起的。 The sarcophagus does not bury in underground, but buries on the ground ; Of coffin carves characters, is the epitaph and name and the family dead. 石棺并不是埋葬在地下,而是埋在地上;棺材的一头刻着字,是死者的墓志铭和名字以及家族。 However can see, a sarcophagus was opened. 但是可以看见,其中一具石棺被打开了。 Keeton and grand Tantou looked in one, inside empty. 基顿和隆探头看了一下里面,里面是空的。 Keeton asked that stands in nearby public security officer: What stolen is whose corpse?” 基顿问站在一旁的治安官:“被盗窃的是谁的尸体?” The public security officer replied said: Stolen corpse was temple once a servant of God daughter.” 治安官回答说道:“被盗窃的尸体是神庙曾经一名神侍的女儿。” This servant of God, their families has not started to decline, will otherwise not bury here.” “不过这名神侍早就已经不在了,他们的家族也已经开始没落,要不然也不会埋葬在这里。” Talent died not for two days, this morning the after people of their family/home came, discovered that sarcophagus as if, later discovered that inside corpse disappears.” “人才死了没两天,今天早上他们家的人来了之后,发现石棺似乎被人动过,之后就发现里面的尸体不见了。” Keeton also asked the opposite party: How you determine, certainly is the unusual case.” 基顿又问对方:“你们怎么判定,一定是超凡案件。” The public security officer told Keeton: „The cover of this sarcophagus is heavy, is not a person can open absolutely.” 治安官告诉基顿:“这石棺的盖子非常重,绝对不是一个人可以打开的。” Keeton said: Also may be several people, or borrowed the tool.” 基顿却说:“也有可能是好几个人,或者借用了工具。” The public security officer directed another side Keeton, can see that the corner/horn of sarcophagus had several holes. 治安官将基顿引到了另一边,可以看到石棺的一角有几个孔洞。 Keeton forced to try the hand, discovered that was just the finger of person can force. 基顿将手塞进去试了一下,发现刚好是人的手指头可以塞进去的。 Then understood. 这下就明了了。 The average people absolutely do not have the means that inserts several holes in the hard stone with the finger. 普通人绝对没有办法,在坚硬的石头上用手指插进去几个洞。 Prosperous does not understand: „Do these people steal the corpse to do?” 隆不明白:“这些人偷盗尸体干什么?” Keeton actually associated to anything suddenly: Prosperous, have you heard some hearsay?” 基顿却突然联想到了什么:“隆,你听说过一些传闻吗?” Hearsay about corpse eater.” “关于食尸者的传闻。” Prosperous: You were said that folk hearsay, through eating others' body, can obtain the mysterious strength the legend?” 隆:“你是说那种民间传闻,通过吃掉别人的尸体,就可以获得神秘力量的传说?” This thing is fake? Some do this also people believe?” “这东西是假的吧?这也有人信?” Strength, if can absorb and obtain easily, Powerful so will not be scarce.” “力量要是这么容易可以汲取和获得的了,权能者就不会如此稀少了。” Keeton looks at the sarcophagus, stands said in the rain. 基顿看着石棺,站在阴雨之中说道。 Perhaps do some people believe?” “说不定有的人相信呢?”
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