IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#367 Part 1: The book of Huberne reappears

! Dreamland deep place. 梦界深处。 Purgatory. 炼狱。 Above the stars of raging fire flaming combustion, a human form exists to sit in sea of fire everywhere, above the throne of chains layer upon layer winding. 烈火熊熊燃烧的星辰之上,一个人形存在坐在火海漫天,锁链层层缠绕的王座之上。 His is incomparably fearful flame purgatory, wailing and pitiful yells of massive life from transmits. 他脚下是无比可怕的火焰炼狱,大量生灵的哀嚎和惨叫从其中传来。 These lives were smelted in the flame stars, majority first half is in the ground and in the raging fire struggles. 那些生灵一个个被熔炼在火焰星辰之中,大部分只有上半身在地面和烈火之中挣扎。 Here and abyss is completely different, if the abyss is the dark demon agglomeration, is the paradise of abyss fiendish person and evil god. 这里和深渊完全不一样,如果深渊是黑暗魔物的聚集地,是深渊魔王和邪神的乐园。 Then here, was the Lord of Purgatory death prison. 那么这里,就是炼狱之主的死亡囚牢。 Lord of Purgatory the existence captivity that these degenerate here, recklessly suffers to brush them, is taking their pain and despair. 炼狱之主将那些堕落的存在囚禁在这里,肆意的折磨抽打着他们,吸食着他们的痛苦和绝望。 This is his state, he is here only master. 这是他的国度,他是这里唯一的主人。 Here besides him, all exists is his convict. 这里除了他之外,所有存在都是他的囚徒。 Beside flame stars, some type of thing given Lord of Purgatory, little floats from the darkness. 火焰星辰之外,某样东西在炼狱之主的牵引下,一点点的从黑暗之中飘来。 That is a book, sending out skin book of strange fluctuation. 那是一本书,一本散发着诡异波动的皮册。 The book seals not to have the name, writes down its person not to give the name. 书封上没有名字,写下它的人也并没有给它取名字。 But afterward person, actually gave a name. 可是后来之人,却给它取了一个名字。 „The book of Huberne.” 修伯恩之书。” This book writes several hundred years ago, in crazy Evel person Huberne by legend compiles, legend inside records the secrets about various god. 这本书撰于几百年前,由传说之中的疯狂的爱维尔修伯恩所编写,传说里面记载着关于诸神的秘密。 Records various god true names, records the unknown ancient secret, these have lost unknowable the truth during the years. 记录着诸神真正的名字,记录着不为人知的古老秘闻,那些早已经遗失在岁月之中不可知的真相。 People legend, Huberne obtained the strength that is inconceivable through this book. 人们都传说,修伯恩通过这本书获得了难以想象的力量。 However this book is not the mortal can look. 但是这本书并不是凡人可以看的。 Therefore Evel person Huberne also attacked Mother of Life ten thousand snake temple in crazy, finally was swallowed by crazy. 所以爱维尔修伯恩也在疯狂之中袭击了生命之母的万蛇神庙,最终被疯狂所吞噬。 For several hundred years. 几百年来。 A powerful curse winding on this book. 一股强大的诅咒缠绕在这本书上面。 In addition it flutters in the Dreamland unusual territory, that invisible curse strength as if gave this book certain special strengths gradually, making this originally record the every thing of last era secret to be no longer ordinary. 再加上它飘荡在梦界的超凡之域之中,那无形的诅咒力量似乎渐渐的赋予了这本书某些特殊的力量,让这本原本只是记载着上一个纪元隐秘的凡物不再普通。 Sky over flame stars. 火焰星辰上空。 Lord of Purgatory put out a hand, caught this book. 炼狱之主伸出手,接住了这本书。 Suddenly, the invisible biting cold chill/yin cold appeared on his body. 骤然之间,无形的彻骨阴寒出现在了他的身上。 Dark in whom he heard to talk in whispers probably. 冥冥之中他好像听到了有谁在窃窃私语。 That is more ancient language much, brings the sound cavity of wild vicissitudes. 那是古老得难以形容的语言,带着蛮荒沧桑的音腔。 Lord of Purgatory does not care about this book, because he has looked at the above content, knows the above content. 炼狱之主并不在乎这本书本身,因为他看过上面的内容,也知道上面的内容。 Or is Avon has looked at the above content. 或者说,是亚弗安看过上面的内容。 But Avon, followed ghost Borwick to watch last era the wars of various god ; Many secrets in this world to him, have not been the secret. 亚弗安自身,更是曾经跟随着幽魂波里克看过上一个纪元的诸神之战;这世上的不少秘密对于他来说,已经算不上是秘密。 But this Lord of Purgatory retrieves the book of this Huberne, for the above different thing. 而这一次炼狱之主找回这本修伯恩之书,是为了上面的另一样东西。 Also was just reverberated in his ear bank, talking in whispers sound that is unable to resist. 也就是刚刚在他耳畔回响起的,那无法抗拒的窃窃私语声。 Starts to write this book from Huberne the time, he felt that had to exist to his behavior sends out the intense evil intention, has to exist in the darkness prevents him to spy on is not their secrets. 修伯恩开始撰写这本书的时候,他就感觉到了有存在对他的行为发出强烈的恶意,有存在在冥冥之中阻挡着他窥探不属于他们的秘密。 Cursing of average man, the evil intention of average man. 常人的咒骂,常人的恶意。 That just has the thing in innermost feelings, does not have any function. 那只不过存在于内心之中的东西,没有任何作用。 However tens of thousands of spirits to you send out the malicious time, that evil intention will have to span the space and strength irresistibly ; This strength gathers in even to twist the reality together, the direct role in the consciousness and intelligence, making people be hard to prevent. 但是成千上万的灵对你发出恶意的时候,那股恶意就将具备跨越空间和无法抵抗的力量;这股力量汇聚在一起甚至能够扭曲现实,直接作用于意识和灵性,让人难以阻挡。 . 只是。 Although Huberne is first discovers it, but its had not paid great attention at that time. 修伯恩虽然是第一个发现它的,但是当时并没有将其注重起来。 But Lord of Purgatory actually detected, this was a very powerful strength. 炼狱之主却察觉到了,这是一种非常强大的力量。 Lord of Purgatory names the character for it: „The strength of curse.” 炼狱之主为它取了个名字:“诅咒之力。” He obtained the book of Huberne, is wants to obtain the strength of this curse, then gives the purgatory it. 他得到了修伯恩之书,便是想要获得这诅咒的力量,然后将它赋予炼狱。 Let curse to become own strength, as well as own path. 让诅咒成为自己的力量,以及自己的道路。 Lord of Purgatory attained the book of Huberne, he opens this book time and time again, is spying on the secret about curse. 炼狱之主拿到了修伯恩之书,他一次又一次的打开这本书,窥探着关于诅咒的秘密。 He inherited the Avon memory, inherited witch spirit that about the method of exploration and research truth ; This method and custom trace upward, even said that can trace last era Temple of Truth. 他继承了亚弗安的记忆,也继承了巫灵的那关于探索和研究真理的方法;这种方法和习惯往上追溯,甚至说可以追溯到上一个纪元真理圣殿 Finally, he placed nearby this book the throne. 最终,他将这本书放在了王座一旁。 On the flame stars the flame of flaming combustion has singed, actually cannot injure this book slightest, a special strength covers the protection above. 火焰星辰上熊熊燃烧的火焰燎过,却不能伤这本书分毫,一股特殊的力量笼罩保护在上面。 The Lord of Purgatory stand, chains stretched out from the throne, is brushing huge spirit body and monsters like the whip generally. 炼狱之主站了起来,一条条锁链从王座之下伸出,如同鞭子一般抽打着一个个巨大的灵体和怪物。 Following flame sea roared the pitiful yell sound that wailed to be bigger, Lord of Purgatory was the tyrant in this terrifying prison. 下面的火焰海洋里咆哮哀嚎的惨叫声更大了,炼狱之主就是这座恐怖囚牢之中的暴君。 Curse came from in the will of the people gloomiest mood, came from in the dark surface of intelligent species innermost feelings.” “诅咒源自于人心最阴暗的情绪,源自于智慧种内心的暗面。” Lord of Purgatory as master, issued the order. 炼狱之主以主人的身份,下达了命令。 These have dark, most degenerates, spirit of most contamination experience!” “那些有着最黑暗,最堕落,最污秽经历的灵啊!” Complies with my will, arrives at my front.” “遵从我的意志,来到我的面前。” Under the dense and numerous chains interlock, existence that falls into the purgatory was brought the Lord of Purgatory front. 密密麻麻的锁链交错之下,一个又一个堕入炼狱的存在被带到了炼狱之主的面前。 Their frightened swaying from side to side, desperate hiss howling. 他们恐惧的扭动,绝望的嘶嚎。 Pictures reveal from their consciousness, their crimes revealed in front of Lord of Purgatory. 一幅幅画面从他们的意识里显露出来,他们的罪一个个显露在了炼狱之主面前。 In these people, once some people in the famine killed people, it eats. 这些人之中,曾经有人在饥荒之中杀人之后,将其分食。 Some people once were the royal court soldiers or the robbers and bandits, similar will make food, the scene made one sick. 有些人曾经是王庭的士兵或者盗匪,将同类制成食物,场面令人作呕。 Some people actually eat the person heart and liver for the aristocrat, the hearsay so then can retain the youth appearance. 有人身为贵族却食人心肝,传闻如此便可以保留青春容颜。 During the smelting of Lord of Purgatory, these people are wailing, was turned one group. 炼狱之主的熔炼之下,这些人在哀嚎之中,被扭成了一团。 Finally. 最后。 Gathered source of the fearful curse. 汇聚成了一个可怕的诅咒之源。 That is an appearance is pale, thinly like corpse common shadow. 那是一个容貌苍白,骨瘦如柴如同尸体一般的影子。 Its static standing in behind of purgatory throne, the whole body lends the abominable and frightened aura. 它静静的站在炼狱王座的后面,浑身散发出令人憎恶和恐惧的气息。 It does not seem like a living person, or not like existence that has the vitality/angry, because its itself/Ben is one group curses. 它看上去不像是一个活人,或者说根本就不像一个有生气的存在,因为它本就是一团诅咒。 This shadow is very at present small and weak, but gradually becomes powerful ; So long as the crime of the world and wicked has not stopped, it has grown. 这个影子目前还很弱小,但是会逐渐变得强大;只要世人的罪与恶没有停止,它就会一直增长下去。 divine spell item purgatory 神术道具炼狱 Series number 19 序列号19 The purgatory is born in the myth material primary black mud, by abyss mission priest Senge through the purgatory ceremony casting embryo, offered sacrifices tens of thousands of lives to build ; Finally Evel person Avon offered sacrifices oneself and a lot of abyss demon refinement the core will , to continue ten thousand spirits to enter Dreamland secretly. 炼狱诞生于神话物质原初黑泥,由深渊教团祭司森格通过炼狱仪式铸造胚胎,献祭了数以万计的生灵打造而成;最后爱维尔亚弗安献祭了自己和大量深渊魔物炼制成核心意志,承接万灵之暗进入梦界 The source of ability 1 curse: The purgatory is born with the aid of the myth material primary black mud, Lord of Purgatory refined a curse source it ; The formation of curse came from in the will of the people gloomiest thing, is cursing the innermost feelings gloomiest person ; Dies the person under curse are more, the curse will be stronger, all cursed people, will fall into the purgatory. 能力一诅咒之源:炼狱是借助神话物质原初黑泥诞生,炼狱之主将其炼制成了一种诅咒本源;诅咒的成型源自于人心最阴暗的东西,也诅咒着内心最阴暗的人;死在诅咒之下的人越多,诅咒就会越强,所有被诅咒的人,都将堕入炼狱。 corpse eater cursed: The person of edible similar corpse will be cursed, they can obtain the strength from the curse, will be cursed to control, finally inevitable falling into purgatory. 食尸者诅咒:食用同类尸体之人将遭受诅咒,他们可以从诅咒之中获得力量,也将被诅咒所控制,最终无可避免的堕入炼狱。 Ability 2 dark exiles: The purgatory and abyss have the relations of common origin, has the inborn hatred ; Anybody can open the front door of purgatory, will subordinate the existence exile of abyss to enter in the purgatory, Lord of Purgatory will make him feel the true despair, that is will never cease is burning the fire of purgatory jail, no one can escape. 能力二黑暗放逐:炼狱和深渊有着同源的关系,也有着天生的仇恨;任何人都可以打开炼狱的大门,将隶属深渊的存在放逐进入炼狱之中,炼狱之主将会让他感受到真正的绝望,那是永不停息燃烧着炼狱之火的监牢,没有人可以逃出去。 The oaths of ability 3 race: The purgatory came from in the primary black mud, similarly inherited the pledge of abyss species, receives the Crown of Wisdom pledge to fetter ; Meanwhile, it can also be ten thousand spirit dark surface, borrows the Dreamland strength. 能力三种族之誓:炼狱源自于原初黑泥,同样继承了深渊种的誓言,受到智慧王冠誓约所束缚;与此同时,它也可以作为万灵暗面,借用梦界的力量。 Ability 4 purgatory states: The purgatory cannot achievement myth, Lord of Purgatory not integrate the purgatory core thoroughly, the state has not for the present forms completely 能力四炼狱国度:炼狱未能成就神话,炼狱之主也未彻底融入炼狱核心,国度暂未完全成形 Lord of Purgatory shape and beforehand Eliana at this moment are somewhat similar. 炼狱之主此刻的形态和之前的爱莲娜有些相似。 Controlled this powerful item through the purgatory core, but has not integrated the core of this item thoroughly. 通过炼狱核心掌控了这件强大的道具,但是并未曾彻底融入这件道具的核心。 Before the purgatory cannot achievement myth, he does not dare to integrate the purgatory core completely. 炼狱未能成就神话之前,他也不敢完全融入炼狱核心。 Otherwise in that flash, he by chaotic and crazy is swallowed by that thoroughly. 否则在那一瞬间,他就会被那由混乱和疯狂彻底吞噬。 Lord of Purgatory sits on the throne, is overlooking the society. 炼狱之主坐在王座上,俯瞰着人世间。 Arrogant the sound that and has not pitied spreads from the Dreamland deep place. 高傲且没有丝毫怜悯的声音从梦界的深处传出。 Indulges!” “放纵吧!” Degenerates!” “堕落吧!” Perishing darkness!” “沉沦黑暗吧!” Gloomy people who in this mortal world silt struggle, the purgatory is your only homes to return.” “尘世淤泥里挣扎的阴暗之徒们,炼狱就是你们唯一的归宿。” The Lord of Purgatory behind corpse eater curse phantom distortion wriggles, sends out roaring of hunger and thirst from the abdominal cavity. 炼狱之主身后的食尸者诅咒魅影扭曲蠕动,从腹腔发出饥渴的咆哮。 That sound of roaring like the thunder, can feel the hunger in its abdomen, waits for is swallowing these to have the person of curse. 那咆哮之声如雷,可以感受到它腹中的饥饿,等待着吞噬那些身染诅咒之人。 ----------------------- ----------------------- The weather entered the early winter. 天气进入了初冬。 Why however does not know, the lunar eclipse city recently was rainy, the weather was cold. 但是不知道为什么,月蚀城近日都是阴雨绵绵,天气冷得不行。 This kind of time rain, was much more annoying than the snow. 这种时候的雨,比雪烦人得多。 Outside world wet dá dá, in the agreement attorney trade union the fireplace is burning the flame ; In addition in the hall the crowd comes and goes, the words sound is unceasing, on the contrary is seems very fiery. 外面的世界湿哒哒的,契律师工会里面壁炉燃烧着火焰;加上大厅内人群来来往往,话语声不断,反倒是显得非常火热。 In the hall could not see the true agreement attorney, the trade union asks many young pretty girls to be responsible for receiving, transcribes the copy clerk. 大厅里看不到真正的契律师,工会请了不少年轻貌美的姑娘们负责接待,抄写文书。 Waits on to be the young big youth continually, seemingly became big lavish. 连侍应都是年轻高大的青年,看上去变得高大阔气了起来。 These girls and youth will have short training, knows how to answer some most common question. 这些姑娘和青年也会接受短暂的培训,知道如何解答一些最常见的问题。 Generally only then, when must conclude the contract finally truly, the agreement attorney truly will act. 一般只有在最后真正要缔结契约的时候,契律师才会真正出面。 The agreement attorney will write down the contract copy clerk, again with a signing inspection contract copy clerk, finally under the god and spirit of legal code testimony, announced that the contract establishes. 契律师会写下契约文书,再和签订者检查一下契约文书,最终在神和法典之灵的见证之下,宣告契约成立。 But agreement attorney trade union pays attention to Changlong near the time, at this moment discussed in association president room with his school leader Keeton. 而契律师工会的临时代理会长隆,此刻和他的学长基顿在会长室里商谈。 Keeton is also the Sukob student, but the age on one round compared with grand big, two people be quite talented that ; However Keeton is over 40 years old arrives second-order, but prosperous under 20-year-old time already second-order. 基顿也是苏科布的学生,只不过年龄要比隆大上一轮,两人都是比较有天分的那种;不过基顿是四十多岁才到二阶,而隆不到20岁的时候就已经是二阶了。 However at heart is prosperously respectable to Keeton, but he spoke or in the past that appearance. 但是隆心里对基顿非常尊敬,只是他说话还是往常那一副模样。 Sits not long, swells one complained to Keeton. 坐下来没有多久,隆对基顿一顿抱怨。 We are pursue the truth witch spirit, commerce and bureaucrat who is calculating all day!” “我们到底是追寻真理的巫灵,还是个整天斤斤计较的商贩和官僚!” Every day was taken the time by various trivial matters, did not have time study divine spell.” “每天都被各种琐事占据了时间,都没有时间研究神术了。” Keeton heard the prosperous complaint, immediately says to this somewhat impetuous study younger brother with the status of school leader. 基顿听到了隆的抱怨,立刻用学长的身份对这个有些浮躁的学弟说道。 Prosperous!” “隆!” I think you, even if not the agreement attorney, you will still complain that every day studies divine spell to be good to trouble.” “我认为你就算是不做契律师,你也会抱怨每天研究神术好麻烦。” He uses the serious expression, is speaking the charming humorous words. 他用严肃的表情,说着风趣幽默的话。 You will say.” “你会说。” „! Good to trouble!” “啊!好麻烦!” How not to have that type directly divine spell that all knowledge can learn all of a sudden.” “怎么没有那种直接将所有知识一下子就能学会的神术。” Not can only enter in the brain the knowledge, but can also help me completely understand, and that can also weed through the old to bring forth the new.” “不光能将知识入脑子里,还能帮我完全理解,并且还能推陈出新的那种。” The saying that grand Hear Keeton is speaking, sudden afraid. 隆听着基顿说的这话,突然一阵心虚。 This saying. 这话。 Also really very looked like itself to say. 还真挺像自己说的。 Has oneself before said? 难道自己之前说过吗? Keeton words saying grand Zhi to mumble, does not dare to cry out. 基顿一番话说得隆只能嘟囔,不敢大声抱怨了。 Keeton then said: If really only wants to shut the gate to do the research, at that time we will keep the wilderness.” 基顿才接着说道:“如果真的只想要闭着门做研究的话,当时我们这些人就会留在荒原了。” We choose to leave, then wants to handle something with the teacher together.” “我们选择离开,便是想要随着老师一起做一些事情。” Applies the thing that we learn.” “将我们学会的东西应用出来。” Keeton recently became the judge in lunar eclipse city shell Arrondissement of Calais, is Sukob lineage/vein regarding the preliminary attempt of judge, is the representative. 基顿最近成为了月蚀城贝加莱区的法官,是苏科布一脉对于法官的初步尝试,算是代表人物。 On outwardly seems like, his judge may prosperous be sighter, frequently comes and goes out the dance parties of various types of upper classes. 明面上看起来,他这个法官可比隆还要风光,经常出入各种贵族阶层的舞会。 snake human since the mother of all snakes Themus time, has liked dancing carves probably in their innermost soul, they offer sacrifices with the dance to God from the ancient time, now will also conduct various human relations events with the dance. 蛇人万蛇之母瑟摩丝时代以来,喜欢舞蹈就好像刻在他们灵魂深处,他们从古老的时代就用舞蹈向神明献祭,如今也更是会用舞蹈进行各种交际活动。 Keeton recalled that recent life, he thought that was more substantial than meaningful on the wilderness before. 基顿回想起了最近的生活,他觉得比之前在荒原上更加充实有意义。 I feel actually am now good, recently the spirit of my contract was getting stronger and stronger, perhaps crossed several years I to break through.” “我倒是觉得现在不错,最近我的契约之灵越来越强了,或许过个几年我就能够突破了。” When the time comes I must attempt, the strength of law the teacher said what is.” “到时候我一定要尝试一下,老师所说的律令的力量到底是什么样的。” Compares in the day of wilderness, I like handling some quite practical matter.” “相比于在荒原的日子,我更喜欢做一些比较实干的事情。” Moreover later some witch spirit choices were also more, does not like having to do only likes studying, can choose the pure scroll witch spirit path ; Likes doing some practical work to manifest the value, can choose the path of agreement attorney.” “而且以后巫灵有的选择也更多了,不喜欢和人打交道只喜欢研究的,可以选择纯粹的卷轴巫灵道路;喜欢出来做些实事体现自己价值的,就可以选择契律师的道路。” Had more options, always good.” “有了更多的选择权,总是好的。” Is.” “是不是。” Prosperous.” “隆。” grand and Keeton are also second-order, is exploring the path of agreement attorney, wants to congeal to be the strengths of their law. 隆和基顿两人还都是二阶,都在探索着契律师的道路,想要凝结出属于他们的律令的力量。 The law of agreement attorney, is witch spirit the page of truth, but it is expert in one key above. 契律师的律令,就是巫灵的真理之页,不过其是专精于一个重点上面。 Saw that is prosperous is being lost in thought that seemed pondering words that he spoke, or is pondering the strength about law. 看到隆在出神,似乎在思考着他所说的话,或者说在思考着关于律令的力量。 He patted a prosperous shoulder: Seemingly swells you indeed not to like the path of agreement attorney probably, I can help you and teacher say, making him put you to return to above the wilderness.” 他拍了一下隆的肩膀:“看起来隆你好像的确不太喜欢契律师的道路,我可以帮你和老师说一下,让他放你回荒原之上。” Like I just said that now we had more options.” “就像我刚刚说的一样,现在我们有了更多的选择权。” grand Like wakes, is beckoning with the hand to Keeton. 隆立刻醒了过来,对着基顿摆手。 Don't.” “别别别。” I had not said that must go back, do not say with the teacher.” “我可没说要回去啊,你别和老师说。” Looks corners of the mouth that Keeton raises, then understands prosperously Keeton said intentionally. 看着基顿扬起的嘴角,隆便明白了基顿是故意这么说的。 I somewhat am confused, does not know actually oneself want to make anything.” “我只是有些迷茫,不知道自己究竟想要做什么。” Keeton said the recent feelings: If you thought that confused, can choose a place to be some time judge, such possibly feels the significance of the path the agreement attorney and teacher choose to have a deeper experience about you.” 基顿却说出了最近的感想:“如果你觉得迷茫的话,可以选择一个地方当一段时间法官,那样可能对你感受契律师和老师选择的这条道路的意义有着更深的体会。” Looks prosperously Keeton said that then asked him. 隆看着基顿这么说,便问他。 „Does Keeton, seem like your judge to work as well?” “基顿,看起来你这个法官当得不错?” „Do you like this occupation very much?” “你很喜欢这个职业?” Keeton nods: Is some preliminary sensibility, through the law person bring to justice that these commit a crime, to these people of suffering also by fair.” 基顿点了点头:“算是初步有些感悟,通过法律将那些犯了罪的人绳之于法,给那些受害之人还以公平。” I felt the matter that I handle every day is very meaningful, even compared with not studying the new divine spell difference.” “我觉得我每天做的事情都很有意义,甚至不比学习新神术差。” I thought that I am maintaining an order of place, becomes the shell Arrondissement of Calais justice and fair symbol.” “我觉得我在维护着一个地方的秩序,成为了贝加莱区正义和公平的象征。” Therefore.” “因此。” My hand is pressing the book of witch spirit turned into legal code, every thought that one time it is especially heavy.” “我手按着变成了法典巫灵之书,每一次都觉得它格外沉重。” My shoulder is taking responsibility, this responsibility fettered me, making me feel that had very tremendous pressure ; However also makes me feel very substantial, making me feel my true is living.” “我肩负着责任,这责任束缚住了我,让我感觉有很大的压力;但是也让我觉得很充实,让我感觉到我真正的活着。” Nods prosperously: If the teacher did not make me be the trade union presidents, I went certainly, when the judge tried.” 隆点了点头:“如果老师不让我当工会会长了,我一定去当法官试试。” Keeton asked prosperously: Teacher recently became more mystical, I could not find him.” 基顿问隆:“老师最近变得更加神秘了,我都找不到他了。” His teacher Sukob was busy at work recently is establishing a school, therefore prosperous becomes the interim acting president of agreement law trade union. 他的老师苏科布最近在忙活着建立一座学校,所以隆就成为了契律工会的临时代理会长。 In this time. 在这个时代。 The common aristocratic family, is hires the tutors to train the next generation. 一般的贵族家庭,都是请家庭教师对下一代进行培养。 In ten thousand snake royal court, does not have school type of thing. 在万蛇王庭,是没有学校这种东西的。 School existence, the school system of Land of Sunrise White Tower Alchemy Alliance passing on, 学校这种存在,是从日出之地白塔炼金联盟传过来的学院制度, Suinhall temple of each city will also recruit the apprentice, conducts systematic training, that is used to train the clergy. 苏因霍尔的每座城市的神庙也会招收学徒,进行系统性的培养,那只是用来培养神职人员的。 The Sukob lunar eclipse city agreement attorney school is somewhat similar to this type, 苏科布的月蚀城契律师学校有些类似于这种、 After all the agreement attorney in some sense, in this time is also clergy. 毕竟契律师从某种意义上来说,在这个时代也算是一种神职人员。 Said prosperously: Teacher he goes to ten thousand snake royal court various places to seek for these, the talented child and young people.” 隆说:“老师他去万蛇王庭各处寻找那些,有天赋的孩子和年轻人去了。” „After he came back, the school should start to establish, when the time comes we estimated must hang a position of teacher to the school.” “等他回来之后,学校应该就开始建立了,到时候我们估计都要到学校挂一个老师的职位。” grand Tan on the chair, the whole person was disclosing, I wanted desperately, must so tired expression. 隆瘫在椅子上,整个人都透露着一股,我要绝望了,要被累死了的表情。 „!” “啊!” When the time comes estimated was busier.” “到时候估计就更忙了。” Is living quite tired, was tired. 活着好累,倦了。 Keeton set out at this time, took up the entrance clothes to put on, puts on a hat. 基顿这个时候起身了,拿起了门口的衣服披上,戴上了帽子。 He looks prosperously to the entrance: „Are you now busy?” 他在门口看向隆:“你现在忙吗?” grand Leng: Fortunately.” 隆愣了一下:“还好。” Recently the matter of trade union finished, I am luckily intelligent, a lot do not need the agreement attorney to be done, asks some people to study for several days almost to do with us.” “最近工会的事情都忙完了,幸好我聪明,很多事情根本不用契律师去做,去请一些人来学几天就和我们干得差不多。” Looks at the present, all of trade union did not take the right track.” “看现在,工会的一切不都走上正轨了。” „The only issue was the agreement attorney were too few, and other schools of teacher handled, after the agreement attorney changed, the trade union can expand to more and more cities.” “唯一的问题就是契律师太少了,就等老师的学校办好了,契律师变多了之后,工会就可以扩展到越来越多的城市。” Keeton smiled: Since is not busy, that helps me handle something!” 基顿笑了:“既然不忙,那就来帮我做些事情吧!” grand sudden regretted, he wants to say own present is very busy. 隆突然后悔了,他很想说自己现在很忙。 However urged by Keeton, can only follow he to go out together. 但是在基顿的催促下,只能跟着他一起出门。 --------------- --------------- Shell Arrondissement of Calais of lunar eclipse city. 月蚀城的贝加莱区。 This is a commercial lively region, lives here mostly is the merchant of middle and lower level, worker, peddler, coolie, cart driver wait/etc occupations. 这是一个商业繁华的区域,住在这里的大多都是中下层的商人,还有工人、小贩、苦力、车夫等等职业。 In the lunar eclipse city a being suspended in midair area, because the business is lively, therefore often has various case eruptions. 算是月蚀城之中一个不上不下的区,但是因为商业繁华,所以经常有着各种案件爆发。 Lively, always multiplies various gloom. 繁华之下,总是滋生出各种阴暗。 Here erupts various types to rob and steal, the homicide incident frequently, 这里经常爆发各种抢劫、偷盗、杀人事件, grand and the Keeton two people drop from house to house, outside is having the light rain ; Hits the oil cloth umbrella to follow on the heels prosperously, seems like Keeton's young personal servant. 隆和基顿两个人走街串巷,外面下着小雨;隆打着油布伞跟在后面,就好像基顿的个小跟班。 Two people just arrived at a lane entrance, has people to shout. 两人刚刚走到了一个巷口,就有人大喊道。 Sir Keeton!” “基顿大人!” Here.” “在这里。” Here.” “在这里。” Keeton walks toward the opposite party, that is men who did not have three fingers. 基顿朝着对方走过去,那是一个没有了三只手指的男人。 Before had an illustrious faction in shell Arrondissement of Calais, extorted area this specially ; But the man is a victim, his brothers also died in this/should faction subordinate in addition. 之前在贝加莱区有一个赫赫有名的帮派,在这一带专门敲诈勒索;而男人便是其中一个受害者,除此之外他的兄弟也死在了该帮派手下。 After Keeton recorded the words of opposite party, was saying to the opposite party. 基顿记录完了对方的话之后,对着对方说道。 Very good.” “很好。” „The evidence that you provide had proven their evidence completely.” “你提供的证据已经完全证明了他们的罪证。” The men are very unwilling, but is also helpless: But he knows that is you are responsible for this case, after hearing your given name, has run.” 男人很不甘心,但是又无奈:“可是他知道是您负责这个案件,听到了您的大名之后早就已经跑了。” Person did not have, how can try him?” “人都没有了,如何能够审判他?” The men said is the leader of that faction, after his matter noisy big, made Keeton's front, this/should faction leader knows oneself were finished. 男人所说的就是那个帮派的首领,他的事情闹大了之后,闹到了基顿的面前,该帮派首领就知道自己完蛋了。 People like Keeton did not threaten, buy to cope, he can only run. 基顿这种人可不是威胁、收买对付得了的,他只能跑路。 Keeton told him: Relax.” 基顿告诉他:“放心。” I had applied for the warrant for arrest, spirit of legal code will lock his position.” “我已经申请了通缉令,法典之灵会锁定他的位置。” He, if in the lunar eclipse city, the public security officer will certainly catch his, if he escaped other cities, we will also inform the public security officers in other cities.” “他如果在月蚀城,治安官一定会抓到他的,他如果逃到了其他城市,我们也会通知其他城市的治安官。” The men did not understand that anything is spirit of legal code, but he knows that front this is Sir Powerful, that certainly is the magic that he does not understand. 男人不懂得什么是法典之灵,但是他知道面前这是个权能者大人,那一定是他不懂得的神奇力量。 This is also he reason that dares to testify. 这也是他敢于作证的原因。 Then, grand with in Keeton behind. 接下来,隆跟在基顿的身后。 Some are the inquiry of case, the collection of evidence. 有的是案件的询问,证据的搜集。 Has, is some quite small disputes ; It is not worth on the dispute of court, Keeton also runs over processing. 有的,则是一些比较小的纠纷;根本不值得上法庭的纠纷,基顿也跑过来处理。 Keeton mediated these disputes, spent most of the day ; Keeping aloof Powerful, the fee/spent completely saliva mediated. 基顿调解了这些纠纷,就花了大半天;一个高高在上的权能者,费尽口水才调解完。 Prosperous has not thought that all day Keeton does is this matter. 隆没有想到,基顿整天做的就是这种事情。 „Do you do this every day?” “你每天就干这个?” Judge should not sit on the trial court, according to legal code announced the trial result to be OK?” “法官不应该坐在审判法庭上,根据法典宣读一下审判结果就可以了么?” Keeton told prosperously: Such is the judge, but that is not a competent judge.” 基顿告诉隆:“那样当法官也可以,但是那并不是一个称职的法官。” Moreover, our judge and didn't agreement attorney path this just start?” “而且,我们的法官和契律师道路这不是刚刚开始吗?” All only started, all during fumble.” “一切都是刚刚起步,一切都在摸索之中。” No one knows how to be a judge, a judge should make anything.” “谁也不知道如何当好一个法官,一个法官应该做些什么。” I first clarify a judge to make anything, later these things can give others to be done, if on sits on the court from the beginning high, that is not equal to a blind person.” “我先弄清楚一个法官应该做些什么,以后这些事情可以交给其他人去做,如果一开始就高高坐在法庭上,那不就等于是个瞎子么。” I decide to be the judge, the teacher told me, as far as possible handled the matter that some can achieve, then own idea said that listened to him.” “我决定当法官的时候,老师就告诉我,尽可能的多做一些自己能够做到的事情,然后将自己的想法说给他听。” Keeton brings to swell, is not really wants grand to come to help. 基顿带着隆过来,并不是真的想要隆来帮忙。 He is wish lets feel some prosperously, the responsibility of judge. 他是想要让隆感受一些,法官的职责。 After he becomes the judge, regarding the change of shell Arrondissement of Calais. 还有他成为法官之后对于贝加莱区的改变。
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