IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#366 Part 2: The witch doctors reappear the world( asked monthly ticket)

Quickly, was in a big hurry late.” A flight magic carpet falls from the sky, that is alchemist of higher grades, recently the Alchemy item method of this type of flight magic carpet spread, alchemist favor. “快快快,迟到了。”一具飞行魔毯从天空落下,那是高年级的炼金师们,最近这种飞行魔毯的炼金道具方法流传了出来,非常得炼金师们亲睐。 Suddenly, the miracle temple direction of distant place presented the phenomenon. 突然之间,远处的奇迹神殿方向出现了异象。 The colored ray drops from the clouds, but in temple started out silver flower cup. 彩色的光芒从天而降,而神殿之内更是开出了银色的花杯 What is that?” The apprentices stopped the footsteps in abundance, even if late does not care, on that day during was spatial the color is not only unusual, seemed like the cloud layer to open a door, fell from another state. “那是什么?”学徒们纷纷停下了脚步,哪怕迟到也不在乎了,那天空之中的彩光太不寻常了,就好像是云层打开了一扇门,从另一个国度落下来的。 Is the miracle!” Some people saw that ray covers above temple, immediately on association to anything. “是神迹啊!”有人看到了那光芒笼罩在神殿之上,立刻就联想到了什么。 Looked quickly, Oland Sir overtook.” From Alchemy Tower of school, a special flight magic carpet mild-mannered has fluttered the sky, fell to temple. “快看,奥兰大人都赶过去了。”从学院的炼金塔之上,一具特殊的飞行魔毯柔顺的飘过天空,落向了神殿 In miracle temple. 奇迹神殿之中。 Under idol of Ibach god, apostle Oland kneels on the ground. 伊瓦神的神像之下,使徒奥兰跪在地上。 Is sending out ray idol, to the apostle Oland transmission oracle. 散发着光芒的神像,向使徒奥兰传递下了神谕 But the consciousness of Oland by drawing the remote another state, had been crawled in silver sea of flowers of hanger- on desire. 而奥兰的意识早就被拉到了遥远的另一个国度,匍匐在欲望之门下的银色花海之中。 The hand of Ibach god takes back from the head of Oland, the consciousness of Oland also restored the pure brightness. 伊瓦神的手从奥兰的头上收回,奥兰的意识也恢复了清明。 The Gate of Myth shadow under of god says. 神话之门下的神之影开口说道。 Moon of God arrived at the world, Ms. Eliana breaks through myth, the God of Truth and Knowledge apostle broke the Path of Wisdom barrier.” 神之月降临人间,爱莲娜女士突破了神话,真理与知识之神的使徒打破了智慧之路的屏障。” A Ibach god opens the mouth, pointed out recent three important matters, this sufficiently the event that affects the whole world to change. 伊瓦神一开口,就点明了最近发生的三件大事,这都是足以影响整个世界变化的事件。 Is only listening to this saying, made Oland feel a sense of urgency. 光听着这话,都让奥兰感觉到了一阵紧迫感。 Oland!” “奥兰!” I have granted you Path of Wisdom, selects you to become my future follower.” “我已经赐予你智慧之路,选中你成为我将来的从者。” Following road, but also needs you to go.” “接下来的路,还需要你去走完。” I was anticipating one day, you can travel together with me.” “我期待着有一天,你能与我同行。” Oland: Thank your direction, Oland will not disappoint you.” 奥兰:“感谢您的指引,奥兰不会让您失望。” oracle finished, all phenomenon vanish. 神谕结束,一切异象消失。 Oland then sets out, the careful thinking has the words that God of Desire and Alchemy just spoke. 奥兰这才起身,仔细思索起了欲望与炼金之神刚刚所说的话。 demon spirit pyramid.” 魔灵金字塔。” tower spirit school of thought deep meaning.” 塔灵学派奥义。” Oland obeys oracle, prepares to go to Demon Abyss royal city to congratulate Ms. Eliana to ascend a height to get a broad view myth. 奥兰听从神谕,准备前往魔渊王城祝贺爱莲娜女士登临神话 Then. 然后。 He wants to go to ten thousand snake royal court again, wants to visit that God of Truth and Knowledge apostle. 他想要再去一趟万蛇王庭,想要去拜访一下那位真理与知识之神的使徒。 In the Oland eye revealed the anticipation, this is the time that myth emerges, is the time that a talent pours forth. 奥兰眼中露出了期待,这是一个神话涌现的时代,也是一个天才辈出的时代。 He perhaps is a role, but same sparkles the character in time absolutely is also many with him. 他或许是其中一个角色,但是和他一样闪耀在时代里的人物也绝对不少。 In this world has many fierce existences, should go to experience.” “这个世界上有好多厉害的存在啊,应该去见识一下。” God of Truth and Knowledge apostle Sukob, how do you achieve?” 真理与知识之神的使徒苏科布,你到底是如何做到的?” Even if cannot obtain any direct thing, he could see anything from the body of opposite party.- 哪怕不能得到什么直接的东西,他或许能够从对方的身上看出什么东西。- Above endless vast desert. 无尽沙海之上。 Said goodbye to the later feather snake to fly in southwest with, that was he comes the time the road, now follows the old route to return. 和雷告别之后的羽蛇朝着西南方向飞去,那是他来时候的路,现在又循着原路返回。 Feather snake soaring time, is looking at head inside god graciousness technique. 羽蛇飞翔的时候,也在看着脑袋里面的神恩术。 Incantation seal, spirit and divine blood.” “咒印、精神、神血。” Was called the three essential factors.” “被称之为三要素。” Three essential factors fuse thoroughly in through the god graciousness technique together, can be born Divine Grace Stone.” “三要素通过神恩术彻底融合在一起,就能够诞生出神恩石。” divine blood, is the foundation of unusual strength ; Can induce unexpectedly with this strength, I unexpectedly had not detected before, my within the body also has such mysterious blood.” 神血,就是超凡力量的根基;用这种力量竟然就可以感应到,我之前竟然都没有察觉,我体内还有着这样神奇的血液。” „Is this really the blood?” “这真的是血液吗?” Spirit is the psychic force, incantation seal is that special strength of control principle.” “精神就是精神力,咒印就是操控法则的那种特殊力量。” Feather snake according to god graciousness technique, own strength division. 羽蛇按照神恩术上,将自身的力量划分。 It felt that for the first time unusual strength was analyzed clearly, as if points to the strength the source, all became bright. 它第一次感觉到超凡力量被解析得这么清晰,仿佛直指力量的本源,一切都变得明朗了起来。 Before feather snake , was trying to find out, gradual after being familiar with this body, occasionally obtains some divine spell and scrolls from open land witch spirit there through the way of puppet, used all might the gradual fumble own strength utilization method. 羽蛇之前都是自己在摸索,逐渐的熟悉了这具身体之后,偶尔从荒地巫灵那里通过傀儡的方式获得一些神术和卷轴,摸爬滚打逐渐的摸索出了自己的力量运用方法。 But exploration these strengths time, feather snake naturally not exceptional noticed that stone in its head. 而探索这些力量的时候,羽蛇自然毫不例外的注意到了它脑袋里的那颗石头。 Long ago, it knows in own head had a stone, but it never knows that this stone was anything. 很久以前,它就知道自己脑袋里有块石头,但是它从来不知道这石头到底是什么。 In my head has a stone.” “我脑袋里面有个石头。” What that stone and these can three be known as to relate?” “那个石头和这三要素有什么关系?” Divine Grace Stone also has the stone character, what among this two kinds things has to be connected?” 神恩石也有个石字,这两样东西之间有没有什么关联?” Sir Eliana said that if I can become the apostle, there is an opportunity to turn into snake human.” “爱莲娜大人说,我如果能够成为使徒的话,也有机会重新变成蛇人。” Can attempt?” “是不是可以尝试一下?” The words exit|to speak, the feather snake thought that is not quite self-confident. 话出口,羽蛇又觉得不太自信。 That is an apostle!” “那可是使徒啊!” Moreover in the consciousness deep place, it always felt if oneself grow stronger again, it is estimated that will bring to that evil god of disasters attention only. 而且在意识的深处,它总觉得自己如果再变强的话,估计就会引起那邪恶神祇的注意。 When the time comes it possibly the waste child who has not affected from one, turns into the opposite party eyes may use the goal. 到时候它可能就从一个没有丝毫作用的废子,重新变成对方眼中的可利用目标。 The wing of feather snake soars, circles under Sun. 羽蛇的羽翼飞腾,盘旋在太阳之下。 The first stand in its destination, is ten thousand snake royal court, that is the first stand that it goes home. 它目的地的第一站,是万蛇王庭,那是它回家的第一站。
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