IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#366 Part 1: The witch doctors reappear the world( asked monthly ticket)

The sea of clouds under starry sky. 星空下的云海。 The Fairy hot-air balloon passes through cloud screen slowly, the clear glass window of airship is refracting the light, in can see is turning on a light. 妖精的热气球缓缓穿过云幕,飞艇的透明玻璃窗折射着光,可以看到里面亮着灯。 Walks to vacillate, feels like does not have Waylen of weight before the glass window, went to the hall. 走路左右摇摆,感觉好像没有重量的维伦穿过玻璃窗前,来到了大厅里面。 Waylen waves. 维伦一挥手。 All kinds of good food, cakes and pastries and liquor water flew from a door, fell on the table. 各种各样的美食、糕点、酒水就从一扇门里飞了出来,落在了桌子上。 God!” “神!” Sir Shirra, Sir Sally.” 希拉大人,莎莉大人。” I must leave, goes to two to look.” “我要离开一下,去上两层看一看。” Waylen is mythical spirit of this myth item, It usually must control the revolution of entire item. 维伦是这座神话道具的神话之灵,祂平时还要控制着整个道具的运转。 After with three Supreme God said goodbye, It does an inspection on two. 和三位至高神明道别过后,祂又去巡查上两层去了。 mythical spirit Waylen was just born, is at a mutual adjustment regarding this myth item the condition. 神话之灵维伦刚刚诞生,对于这具神话道具还正处于一种互相调整的状态。 Child who probably was just born. 就好像一个刚刚诞生的孩童。 During is studying. 正在学习当中。 Around the hall was the cabinet, in the cabinet puts many this era to have the thing that also has this era to have the book that. 大厅四面都是柜子,柜子里放上了不少这一个纪元才有的东西,也有着很多这一个纪元才有的书。 From these books and things, then can see the condition of snake human civilization faintly. 从这些书和东西之上,便可以隐隐看到蛇人文明的境况。 Shirra and Sally stand before another side window, looks at the following town. 希拉莎莉站在另一边的窗户前,看着下面的城镇。 Here is the south side of endless vast desert, 这里是无尽沙海的南边, The name is the Country of Yellow Sand small country, the west side is connecting Fire Demon Swamp, the east side neighbor the sea, is being a founding of the nation also wants the late country compared with Razer Kingdom. 有一个名字叫做黄沙之国的小国家,西边连接着火魔沼泽,东边邻着大海,是一个建国比雷泽王国还要晚一些的国家。 Said is the country, in fact at present is a city adds on several small towns. 说是国家,实际上目前就是一座城市加上几个小镇。 Poor and backward. 贫穷而落后。 Except for occasionally the traveler and caravan of arrival, few asked about to here ; Can see that on the contrary occasionally some powerful demon monster pass through from the distant place, Country of Yellow Sand person from initial shock, to afterward becoming accustomed. 除了偶尔到来的旅人和商队,几乎无人对这里问津;反倒是偶尔可以看到一些强大的魔怪从远处经过,黄沙之国的人从初始的震惊,到后来的习以为常。 Wilderness Witch Country on wilderness, compares here well-known, at least they have the divine spell scroll of becoming world-famous. 就连荒原上的荒原巫国,都比这里要知名,至少他们还有扬名天下的神术卷轴。 Shirra looks the sail pack animal that on the path is pulling a cart, remembered very ancient picture suddenly. 希拉看着道路上拉着车的帆驮兽,突然想起了很古老的画面。 last era, I remember that on the road has many that types with the trailer that the foot steps on, this era did not have!” 上一个纪元,我记得路上有很多那种用脚踩的拖车,这个纪元都没有了啊!” Sally answered this issue actually: Because snake human does not have the foot!” 莎莉倒是回答了这个问题:“因为蛇人没有脚啊!” Shirra remembered the three leaves human tricycle suddenly, said directly, at this time responded suddenly, snake human and three leaves human are two life form entirely different species. 希拉只是突然想起了三叶人的三轮车,就直接说出来了,这个时候才突然反应了过来,蛇人三叶人是两个生命形态截然不同的物种。 Shirra could not bear smile: Yes!” 希拉忍不住笑了起来:“是啊!” snake human does not have the means with stepping on way, textile machinery and loom that they invent also with tail trundle wheel.” 蛇人没有办法用踩的方式,他们发明的纺机和织机也是用尾巴滚动轮子。” However Shirra pondered, then said. 但是希拉思考了一下,又接着说道。 I thought that also has the reasons in several other aspects, because there is the sail pack animal and earth dragon, must know that last era three leaves human pulls a cart with stone Molai.” “不过我觉得也有另几个方面的原因,因为有帆驮兽和地行龙,要知道上一个纪元三叶人可是用石魔来拉车的。” „The smelting technologies of snake human most countries are not good, the craft could not achieve three leaves human once using the level of miracle ceremony.” “还有蛇人大多数国家的冶炼技术不行,工艺也达不到三叶人曾经运用奇迹仪式的水准。” Anhofos controlled massive stone demons initially, formed a stone demon caravan to collect a lot of experiment commodities for oneself, became the illustrious evil master. 安霍福斯当初就是控制了大量的石魔,组建成了一个石魔商队为自己收集大量的实验物资,成为赫赫有名的邪法师。 Shirra looks at the following snake human state, remembered once three leaves human. 希拉看着下面的蛇人国度,想起了曾经的三叶人 „The civilization that different life forms, the different environment, derive finally is completely also different.” “不同的生命形态,不同的环境,最后衍生出的文明也完全不一样。” „It seems like the last era book is a scroll, this era had the papermaking to be the same.” “就好像上一个纪元的书都是卷轴,这个纪元却有了造纸术一样。” Sally watched a meeting, before having turned head to look at the fireplace, is narrowing the eye probably in resting God Insai. 莎莉看了一会,就扭过头看了壁炉前正在眯着眼睛好像在小憩的因赛神 Opposite party deep sleep time consciousness seems to be being separated from this world, the body that the projection forms starts empty. 对方沉睡的时候意识似乎在脱离这个世界,投影形成的身体都开始虚化。 Sally sees that intentionally loud saying. 莎莉见状故意大声的说道。 If we had known, brought Themus and several small Fairy comes out together.” “早知道,就带瑟摩丝和几个小妖精一起出来了。” „It is not right, Themus entered the samsara deep sleep.” “不对,瑟摩丝又进入轮回沉睡了。” Brings several small Fairy to come out is very lively, this was too lonely.” “不过带几个小妖精出来出来也很热闹啊,这样太冷清了。” Sally ran up to the God Insai side, was saying to It. 莎莉跑到了因赛神的身边,对着祂说道。 God you are too anxious!” “神你太急啦!” Compelled u one to fly.” “逼u的一下就飞出来了。” Before came out, was Sally she most anxious, wished one could immediately on depart. 之前出来的时候,可是莎莉她自己最为急切,恨不得马上就出发 Yin Shen actually likes this so-called lonely very much, peaceful, leisurely and carefree and gentle. 尹神却很喜欢这种所谓的冷清,安静、悠闲、平和。 Calmly flies in the airship of sky, the hall that is turning on a light broadly, the flame of fireplace makes the slight sound, the side is the God's eldest son statue. 静静飞在天空的飞艇,宽阔亮着灯的大厅,壁炉的火焰发出轻微的声音,身旁是神之长子的雕像。 It lies down felt here probably before returning for a long time is very very long, It was a human time. 祂躺在这里好像感觉回到了很久很久以前,祂还是一个人类的时候。 His satisfied lying down on sofa, with own friend chatting of slowly. 祂惬意的躺在沙发上,和自己的朋友慢慢的闲聊。 The Yin Shen train of thought was broken, looks to Sally. 尹神的思绪被打断,看向了莎莉 On doesn't have the lots?” “上一层不是有很多东西么?” Wants anything to take, or shouted Waylen, did not need to trouble Fairy to do to you.” “要什么可以去拿,或者喊维伦,不用麻烦妖精给你做。” Sally said: What Fairy change is different, they are uses the thoughts very much earnestly very much west playing the host, but also often has the competition.” 莎莉却说:“妖精们变的是不一样的,它们是很认真很用心思的在做东西,还经常有比赛。” Like this bang one changes, does not have the soul, is not fragrant.” “这样砰的一下变出来的,是没有灵魂的,是不香的。” Snatches from Fairy is more fragrant, yes! 妖精手里抢过来的更香,是吧! Yin Shen lies down on the bench, both hands place the chest front. 尹神躺在长椅上,双手放在胸前。 Spreads out like the emperor's clothes common white robe mild-mannered, cannot see the tiny bit fold, It leans excessively, looks at Sally with the gentle look. 柔顺如同天衣一般的白袍摊开,看不到一丝一毫的褶皱,祂侧过头,用平和的眼神看着莎莉 It as if saw Sally did not like It falling asleep, was then silent there does not speak. 祂似乎看出了莎莉只是不喜欢祂又睡着了,然后又沉默在那里不说话。 She wants to speak with It, this is the travel that she wants. 她想要和祂说说话,这才是她想要的旅行。 Yin Shen puts out a hand, touches the head of Sally. 尹神伸出手来,摸了摸莎莉的头。 That must ask that Fairy are willing to come out, they are not your possession.” “那也要问妖精们愿不愿意出来,它们又不是你的所有物。” Sally lies on the arm of Yin Shen: How this can call the possession.” 莎莉趴在尹神的胳膊上:“这怎么能叫所有物呢。” My that was the sincere invitation, Fairy may like me.” “我那是真挚的邀请,妖精们可喜欢我了。” She was grinning, revealed the tooth. 她笑嘻嘻,露出了牙齿。 Yin Shen has not said anything, It looked at the surroundings. 尹神没有多说什么,祂看了看周围。 Somewhat was indeed lonely.” “的确有些冷清了一些。” Asked several people to come out again!” “再叫几个人出来吧!” Yin Shen put out one to seem somewhat gloomy mannequin baby, suddenly looked that felt to seem like bone demon in abyss. 尹神拿出了一个看上去有些阴森的人偶娃娃,突然看过去感觉很像是深渊之中的骸骨魔物 Sally collected: What toy is this?” 莎莉凑了过去:“这是什么玩具?” Before hadn't seen?” “之前没看到过啊?” Yin Shen placed on the mannequin baby the table, after a ray, another of table presented six forms. 尹神人偶娃娃放在了桌子上,一阵光芒过后,桌子的另一头出现了六个身影。 That is six with Bone Demon same existence, static standing in hall. 那是六个和骨魔一样的存在,静静的站在大厅里。 Their body defects part, some did not have the head, some do not have the hand or the foot. 他们的身体都缺失了一部分,有的没有头颅,有的没有手或者脚。 Is strangeer, without torso ; Only the head and hands and feet flutter in in the air. 还有一个更奇怪,没有躯干;只有头颅和手脚飘在空中。 This is their main bodies. 这是他们的本体。 As Yin Shen waves, granted them form of God. 但是随着尹神一挥手,赐予了他们神之形态 Immediately sees six seem like the somewhat gloomy monster, turns existence that six ages varied ; Has the young people, has the old person, there is a youngster, woman. 立刻看到六个看上去有些阴森的怪物,变成了六个年龄不一的存在;有青年人,有老人,也有少年,还有女人。 On them the wear is similar to the duster of three leaves human priest, the back of duster is the human form of opening the both arms. 他们身上穿着类似于三叶人祭司的罩袍,罩袍的背后是一个张开着双臂的人形。 Mysterious incomparable. 神秘无比。 The human form design on that duster also has the strange symbol, probably contains is only the Spiritual God secret, the shape of God deep meaning. 那罩袍上的人形图案还有奇异符号,好像蕴含着只属于神灵的秘密,神之形的奥义。 They opened the eye, looked to God Insai. 他们睁开了眼睛,看向了因赛神 Supreme God Insai!” “至高无上的因赛神!” Your servant showed the high respect to you.” “您的仆人向您表示崇高的敬意。” Then, their humble to lying the girl on God Insai arm salutes: Ruler of Life.” 然后,他们谦卑的向趴在因赛神手臂上的女孩行礼:“生命主宰。” They salute, without any exception looked to the Ruler of Life clothes. 他们行礼的时候,无一例外的都看向了生命主宰的衣服。 Because on the Ruler of Life clothes, is leaving together the badge. 因为在生命主宰的衣服上,别着一块徽章。 That is Creator Insai gives Sally, series number 1 life item God Made Man. 那是造物主因赛送给莎莉的,序列号一的生命道具・神造之人 They were once made together with God Made Man, seeks for the opening wisdom for the life power the path, finally God Made Man Stern was made. 他们曾经和神造之人一同被制造出来,为生命权能寻找开启智慧的道路,最后神造之人斯图恩被制造了出来。 Finally is following the Stern same place, returns to the Creator state. 最后跟随着斯图恩一起,回归造物主的国度。 Ruler of Dreamland Sir Shirra.” 梦境主宰希拉大人。” Finally. 最后。 They turn toward Ruler of Dreamland Shirra before window, sound uniform saying. 他们又向着窗户前的梦境主宰希拉,声音整齐划一的说道。 The voices of six people overlap in the same place, the probably same person sends out is the same. 六个人的声音重迭在一起,就好像同一个人发出的一样。 Shirra nods, before being very long, she has seen these witch doctors, or they were made Shirra presents. 希拉点了点头,很久以前她就见过这些巫医,或者说他们被制造出来的时候希拉就在场。 divine spell item witch doctor mannequin( myth)】 神术道具・巫医人偶(神话)】 Series number 6 【序列号六】 Headless witch doctor: The headless witch doctor is controlling the authority and revolution of myth state, is grasping the jurisdiction of opening the Dreamland front door.】 【无头巫医:无头的巫医掌控着神话国度的权柄和运转,掌握着打开梦界大门的权限。】 No body witch doctor: Does not have the witch doctor of torso is the carrier of myth state and it, is the myth item witch doctor mannequin main body ; All witch doctors cannot leave do not have the range that the witch doctor of torso is, cannot leave the state and domain that it founds.】 【无身巫医:没有躯干的巫医是神话国度的载体和本身,也是神话道具巫医人偶的主体;所有巫医不能够离开没有躯干的巫医所在的范围,不可离开它所创建的国度和领域。】 one-handed witch doctor ( right ): Does not have the witch doctor of left hand to have through the intelligence adjustment life form, has to treat any disease and injury ability, even if the injury of unusual strength and myth rank, in accordance with the situation can treat.】 独手巫医(右):没有左手的巫医拥有通过灵性调整生命形态,拥有治疗任何疾病和伤势的能力,哪怕是超凡力量和神话级别的伤势,视情况都可以进行治疗。】 one-handed witch doctor ( left ): Does not have the witch doctor of right hand to give the dying thing unusual strength, can make the thing obtain the unusual characteristics, characteristics that even temporary obtains the apostle rank ; It can these dying thing manufacture the organ, force in the life the revolution in within the body maintenance life.】 独手巫医(左):没有右手的巫医拥有赋予死物超凡的力量,能够让死物获得超凡特性,甚至临时性获得使徒级别的特性;它可以将这些死物制造成器官,塞进生命的体内维护生命的运转。】 one-legged witch doctor ( right ): Does not have the witch doctor of left leg to recruit the mortal about the pain and misery mood, stores up to change into own strength it, integrates in the state of witch doctor.】 独腿巫医(右):没有左腿的巫医可以吸收凡人关于病痛和苦难的情绪,将其储存起来化为自身的力量,融入巫医的国度之中。】 one-legged witch doctor ( left ): Does not have the witch doctor of right leg to recruit the mortal about the pain and misery memory, stores up to change into own strength it, integrates in the state of witch doctor.】 独腿巫医(左):没有右腿的巫医可以吸收凡人关于病痛和苦难的记忆,将其储存起来化为自身的力量,融入巫医的国度之中。】 After trillion years. 历经亿万年。 The last era witch doctors appeared, but in the way of item. 上一个纪元的巫医们出现了,不过是以道具的方式。 Yin Shen looks at six witch doctors, the witch doctors is also sizing up and past entirely different Fairy hot-air balloon with the split vision. 尹神看着六位巫医,巫医们也用余光打量着和昔日截然不同的妖精的热气球。 Previous time, as if also leads you together on this hot-air balloon.” “上一次,似乎也是带着你们一起在这座热气球上。” All feelings probably were the same yesterday.” “一切感觉就好像在昨天一样。” The witch doctors kneel on the ground, the sound is uniform. 巫医们跪在地上,声音整齐划一。 Can with only travel together to the high god, can the carrying/sustaining your mission and duty.” “能够和至高的神祇同行,能够承载着您的使命和任务。” That is our being honored.” “那是我们的荣幸。” Yin Shen looked to Sally, the witch doctors is made then for her, but their missions had ended in last era. 尹神看向了莎莉,巫医们被制造出来便是为了她,而他们的使命早就在上一个纪元就已经结束。 Yin Shen told the witch doctors: Second era opening.” 尹神告诉巫医们:“第二纪元开启了。” „After this end of tour, you can keep the world.” “这一次旅行结束之后,你们可以留在人间。” Your duties had ended, can choose opening to be your lives and stories.” “你们的任务已经结束了,可以选择开启属于你们的人生和故事。” The witch doctors are kneeling as before, probably there is nothing to make them be worth happily, even can feel that they have anxiously. 巫医们依旧跪着,好像这并没有什么让他们值得高兴的,甚至可以感觉到他们内心有着不安。 Yin Shen is motionless, static looks at them. 尹神一动不动,静静的看着他们。 Gets up!” “起来吧!” This is not the pursuit.” “这不是驱逐。” You are born because of the mission, but will actually not end because of the mission.” “你们因为使命而诞生,但是却不会因为使命而终结。” Mission, since finished, then seeks for the significance that you have truly.” “使命既然结束了,那么就去寻找你们真正存在的意义。” Does not need to dread the future, does not need to worry that does not have the day of mission.” “不必畏惧未来,不必担忧没有使命的日子。” Your missions start from this airship, marks the complete result here!” “你们的使命是从这座飞艇上开始,就在这里画上圆满的结局吧!” Then.” “然后。” Starts the new story.” “开始新的故事。” The witch doctors stood, looked. 巫医们站了起来,互相之间看了看。 They became nimble and resourceful, no longer probably a machinery probably, or item. 他们好像变得灵动了许多,不再像是一部机械,或者道具。 They packed the thing on table, is manipulating the pot of window, a witch doctor granted the pot with the bottle and cup strength, making them live to be the same probably, can find the space occupancy voluntarily. 他们收拾起了桌子上的东西,摆弄着窗台的花盆,一名巫医赐予了花盆和瓶子、杯子力量,让它们好像活过来了一样,可以自觉的找到位置排列起来。 Some witch doctors made the reorganization the bookshelf, according to Yin Shen once custom arranged. 有巫医将书架重新做了整理,按照尹神曾经的习惯进行排列。 They must do servant for the god finally a time. 他们要最后为神做一次仆人。 Marks the result for their missions. 为他们的使命画上结局。 But at this time Yin Shen also set out from the bench, is pulling Sally. 而这个时候尹神也从长椅上起身了,牵着莎莉 Sally curious looks at these witch doctors, she felt that the opposite party is very familiar ; Oneself should see, forgot. 莎莉好奇的看着那些巫医,她感觉对方很熟悉;自己应该见过,就是忘记了。 These fellows, felt that somewhat looks familiar.” “这些家伙,感觉有些眼熟。” But at this time, before Yin Shen has pulled Sally to arrive at the gate . 而这个时候,尹神已经牵着莎莉走到了门前。 Yin Shen looks at the small head that Sally is turning head, asked her. 尹神看着莎莉扭着头的小脑袋,问她。 Must open the door.” “要开门了。” Sally then responded, transmission gate wanted first opening. 莎莉这才反应过来,传送之门要第一次开启了。 It will choose a random place, appears in any of the world ; Possibly is a house, possibly is one by the stone demon is drawing the frame, may be a marine ship. 它将会选择一个随机的地方,出现在世界的任何一处;可能是一座房子,可能是一辆被石魔拉着的车架,也有可能是海上的一艘船。 In the Sally eye draws out the curious heart immediately, cannot bear ask Yin Shen. 莎莉眼中立刻起了好奇之心,忍不住问尹神 God!” “神!” Where will appear?” “会出现在哪里呢?” Shirra also arrived at the Yin Shen side, stood with It in one, eye neutralization Sally same filled the anticipation and curiosity. 希拉也走到了尹神的身边,和祂站在了一起,眼中和莎莉一样充满了期待和好奇。 Even both people are not clear, an ordinary pushing gate, why makes one anticipate and excited. 甚至两个人都不明白,一次普普通通的推门,为什么这么让人期待和激动。 Even if opened the door, another appears some ordinary place that is still the world. 就算推开了门,另一头出现的也不过是人间的某一处普通的地方罢了。 Shirra was saying to Yin Shen. 希拉对着尹神说道。 God!” “神!” I somewhat am unexpectedly anxious.” “我竟然有些紧张。” Yin Shen looks at their two: Because does not know, therefore is worth waiting.” 尹神看着她们两个:“因为不知道,所以才值得期待。” Even that result is so common, marked the color because of unknown.” “就算那结果是如此寻常,但是因为未知而画上了色彩。” Yin Shen put out a hand, gripped the doorknob. 尹神伸出手,握住了门把。 It opened the door for the first time, transmission gate opened, through the Dreamland connection to world innumerable points. 祂第一次推开了门,传送之门开启,通过梦界连接向人间的无数个点。 Finally, anchor in. 最终,锚定在了其中一处上。 The ray flooded into layer upon layer. 层层光芒涌入了进来。 During was busy at work the witch doctors also to lift the head, looked toward outside together. 忙活之中的巫医们也抬起了头,一同朝着外面看了过去。 In that ray, they as if saw faintly the god said that will be their future, will be their stories. 在那光芒之中,他们似乎隐隐看到了神所说的属于他们的将来,属于他们的故事。 The ray falls completely, colored world return. 光芒落尽,彩色的世界回归。 Gate outside scene changed. 门外面的景象变了。 Is a clamoring city, on the avenue snake human wears the shirt, the woman raises the package to pull the child. 是一座喧哗的城市,大街上蛇人穿着短衫,妇人提着包裹牵着孩子。 The snake human commerce hawks in the stall under wooden shed, the sail pack animal is pulling a cart to go through. 蛇人商贩在木棚下的摊位上叫卖,帆驮兽拉着车穿行而过。 This is a bustling world, clamored the noisy city. 这是一个熙熙攘攘的世界,一个喧哗吵闹的城市。 Sally stands in the Yin Shen side, exuded one to call out in alarm. 莎莉站在尹神的身边,发出了一声惊呼。 Oh!” “哇喔!” It is not because here lively, but is that heading on civilized aura, the life feeling of the world. 不是因为这里有多繁华,而是那一股扑面而来的文明气息,还有人间的生活感。 Is Creation Divine Country cannot feel absolutely. 造物神国绝对感受不到的。 Scene that sees from the Fairy magic mirror, with thorough sees complete different. 妖精的魔镜里看到的景象,和深入其中看到的完全不一样。 Sally has not thought that she creation snake human will some day turn into this appearance initially conveniently. 莎莉从来没有想过,她当初随手创造的蛇人有朝一日会变成这个样子。 No one are many sensation three buildings that to the roadside, has not noticed to have existences of three shape of God to open the door, looks around toward outside. 没有人感知到路边多出的三层建筑,更没有注意到有三个神之形的存在开着门,朝着外面张望。 They situated in this world. 祂们处于这个世界之中。 Actually is not the person can probably the sensation. 却又好像不为人所能感知。 The gods leave the person to be very near. 神离人很近。 The people actually leave the god to be very far.- 人却离神很远。- The demon spirit pyramid changed into myth, the so big sound naturally aroused everyone's interest, particularly just Moon of God appeared in the world, was concerning world various God. 魔灵金字塔化为了神话,如此大的动静自然引起了所有人的关注,尤其是刚刚神之月才出现在人间,本就牵动着人间诸神的心。 Because of appearance of Moon of God, deep sea the god in Blood Country only also left the state. 因为神之月的现身,深海的血之国中的神祇也离开了国度。 Appeared in the world. 出现在了人间。 The south of Suinhall city-state alliance, outside a city ; The strange room across the wilderness main road, behind the room and above has several giant wheels to rotate, seems the spiral spring to be the same. 苏因霍尔城邦联盟的南方,一座城市外面;奇怪的屋子穿过荒野大道,屋子背后和上面有着几个巨大的轮子转动着,就好像发条一样。 Miracle Item Magic Wheel House. 奇迹道具魔轮屋 This item is also following the present Scarlet Goddess present world. 这个道具也跟随着如今的腥红女神现世。 Scarlet Goddess decides to look at present Suinhall with own eyes, has a look spiritless Suinhall that in all person eyes said. 腥红女神决定亲眼看一看现在的苏因霍尔,去看看所有人眼中所说的死气沉沉的苏因霍尔 She as if felt a sense of urgency. 她似乎感觉到了一丝紧迫感。 However what makes Scarlet Goddess not think, she just arrived at the world, felt that some Ruhul Giant Island others ascended a height to get a broad view the fluctuation of myth. 但是让腥红女神没有想到的是,她才刚刚来到人间,就感觉到了鲁赫巨岛另一头有人登临神话的波动。 Sat the red long hair woman on chair shows a smile, in Magic Wheel House is standing several forms also set out to look outside, revealed the shocking vision. 坐在椅子上的红色长发女人露出了个微笑,魔轮屋里站着的几个身影也起身看着外面,露出了震惊的目光。 Ms. Eliana also became myth!” “爱莲娜女士也成为神话了啊!” Although in God's Abandonment Era, Vivien and Eliana had argued. 虽然在神弃时代,费雯和爱莲娜曾经发生过争执。 However that is choices between two races. 但是那是两个种族之间的抉择。 On having private relations, Vivien is very respectable Eliana. 论起私人的关系,费雯还是非常尊敬爱莲娜。 How the opposite party, are her elder. 对方怎么样,都是她的长辈。 Al Pince king: Pitifully, Ms. Eliana by myth that the way of myth item mounts.” 阿尔潘斯王:“可惜,爱莲娜女士是以神话道具的方式登上的神话。” King Smoker: myth is myth, the drawback, although has, the strength has not reduced.” 斯默克尔王:“不过神话就是神话,弊端虽然有,力量没有削减。” The myth say/way of intelligent power has the drawback that is in sole possession, is unable to leave the bottle like Little Human in a Bottle, the original sin evil god is unable to opening the door. 智慧权能的神话道具有着独有的弊端,就像瓶中小人无法离开瓶子,原罪邪神无法离开门内。 Once they were separated from the bottle, will unravel. 他们本身一旦脱离了瓶子,就会灰飞烟灭。 Comparing half god wants to be frailer. 相比半神来说要脆弱很多。 Moreover looks like in Vivien, has appeared in this intelligent fruit, higher a front door to stage that is going to open. 而且在费雯看来,在这个智慧果实已经出现,通往更高的大门将要打开的阶段。 The way of myth item truly miss much compared with the way of half god. 神话道具的方式确实要比半神的方式差得太多。 She has not known, original sin evil god similar has started to explore to be the intelligent True God second road. 她还不知道,原罪邪神肖已经开始探索属于智慧真神的第二条路。 Scarlet Goddess looked to two people, was saying to them. 腥红女神看向了两人,对着他们说道。 Ms. Eliana in such difficult situation, can bring People of Demon Abyss to pass through the years to return as in this era.” “爱莲娜女士在那样艰难的情况,依旧能够带着魔渊之民穿越岁月在这个纪元归来。” This is we have not expected, has been worth admiring.” “这是我们谁都没有预料到的,已经值得敬佩了。” As for other things.” “至于其他的东西。” What also has importantly compared with the inheritance of civilization?” “还有什么比文明的传承更加重要的呢?” Scarlet Goddess silent a meeting, could not bear say one. 腥红女神沉默了一会,又忍不住说了一句。 Was really different.” “真的是不一样了。” This era.” “这一个纪元。” King Smoker was saying one to the goddess: myth appears one after another, this is really various God the era.” 斯默克尔王对着女神说了一句:“神话一个接着一个出现,这真的是诸神的纪元啊。” In last era, can be called truly is myth only has two. 上一个纪元,真正能够称得上是神话的只有两个。 One is Little Human in a Bottle, one is God Made Man Stern. 一个是瓶中小人,一个是神造之人斯图恩 Scarlet Goddess looked to outside city, although the tour of this world just started, but she indeed detected some issues. 腥红女神看向了外面的城市,虽然这一趟人间之行才刚刚开始,但是她的确察觉到了一些问题。 Land of Sunrise changed.” 日出之地变了。” Ten thousand snake royal court changed.” “万蛇王庭变了。” Scarlet Goddess: Suinhall, should make some changes.” 腥红女神:“苏因霍尔,也该做出一些改变了。” Sky miracle garden, in the state of Ibach god. 天空奇迹花园,伊瓦神的国度之中。 The Ibach god noticed that the golden queen is making the preparation for It, seems preparing tour of the world, Ibach asks the golden queen. 伊瓦神看到黄金女王替祂做着准备,仿佛在准备一场人间之行,伊瓦问黄金女王。 What are you making?” “你在做什么?” Golden queen earnest said to It: Creator arrives at the world, you should pay a visit It!” 黄金女王认真的对祂说道:“造物主降临人间,您应该去拜见祂啊!” Ibach actually shakes the head, said with own wife. 伊瓦却摇了摇头,和自己的妻子说。 Creator indeed arrived at the world, Moon of God kept the sky is the certificate.” 造物主的确降临了人间,神之月留在了天空便是证明。” But.” “但是。” „Couldn't we find Creator?” “我们找得到造物主吗?” Ibach this asked, making the golden queen be shocked. 伊瓦这一问,让黄金女王愣住了。 Indeed, Creator arrived at the world, then this great eternal god only where? 的确,造物主降临了人间,那么这位伟大的永恒神祇在哪里呢? Even the opposite party arrives above Ruhul Giant Island does not know, world such big, filled everywhere unknown, even if myth also can only see oneself can see. 甚至对方是不是降临在鲁赫巨岛之上都不知道,世界如此之大,到处都充满了未知,哪怕神话也只能看到自己所能看到的。 However Creator this existence, has gone beyond various God the prescribed limit. 但是造物主这种存在,已经超出了诸神的已知范围。 Ibach told the golden queen. 伊瓦告诉黄金女王。 If Creator does not want to see us, even if we look everywhere the whole world is still useless.” “如果造物主不想见我们,我们就算找遍整个世界也没有用。” If Creator wants to see me, the destiny naturally can direct me to see It.” “如果造物主想要见到我,命运自然会指引我去见到祂。” The Ibach god looks in sea of flowers to the world: Land of Sunrise governs now very well, if Supreme God can arrive in this, saying that I can also have no qualms, I achieve me to achieve was best.” 伊瓦神在花海之中看向人间:“日出之地现在治理得很好,如果至高神明能够降临于此的话,我也能够无愧的说出,我做到我能做到的最好了。” We now are more important, found new Path of Wisdom.” “我们现在更重要的,是找到新的智慧之路。” I heard.” “我听说。” „The God of Truth and Knowledge apostle found the road to myth , Path of Wisdom of old time has been similar to the god graciousness technique to be no longer suitable generally.” 真理与知识之神的使徒找到了通往神话的路,果然,旧时代的智慧之路已经如同神恩术一般不再适用。” Ibach sees own wife, said in a soft voice. 伊瓦看着自己的妻子,轻声说道。 I do not have the talents of these talents, has not surpassed the time the remarkable vision.” “我没有那些天才的天赋,也没有超越时代的卓越眼光。” My all.” “我所有的。” Only then follows the Lord of Creation will, completes matter that I can handle.” “只有遵循造物之主的意志,做好我能够做的事情。” „In 1000, 10,000 years.” “不论是一千年,一万年。” Is 100 million years.” “还是一亿年。” I can insist does.” “我都会坚持的做下去。” Ibach said finally: If Creator really wants to see me, great It does not want me to pay a visit It, shows Its great and lofty.” 伊瓦最后说道:“如果造物主真的想要见到我的话,伟大的祂不是想要我去拜见祂,去彰显祂的伟大和崇高。” But wants to see me to do enough well, but for this reason feels happily.” “而是想要看到我做得足够好,而为此感觉到欣慰。” Land of Sunrise. 日出之地 White Tower Alchemy Alliance. 白塔炼金联盟 The white tower city of golden province compared with once must be livelier, in the city is proliferating the alchemist trace everywhere. 黄金行省的白塔城比起曾经要更加繁华,城内到处都遍布着炼金师的痕迹。 This is the country that an artisan and alchemist construct, the Alchemy technique becomes everyone's belief, tracks down a higher technique is everyone's pursue. 这是一个工匠和炼金师建造起来的国家,炼金术成为了所有人的信仰,追寻更高的技艺是所有人的追求。 In white tower Alchemy School, gathered came from all parties' talent alchemist. 白塔炼金学院之中,汇聚了来自于各方的天才炼金师 Once for a while can hear the Alchemy technique to make the new breakthrough in this school, some pure can only utilize on alchemist, some spread to the merchants and civilian class through alchemist, influencing subtly is changing this country. 时不时的就可以听闻到炼金术在这座学院里面有新的突破,有的单纯只能运用在炼金师身上,有的则通过炼金师传入商人和平民阶层,潜移默化的改变着这个国家。 The ding in turret sounds, can see that on path in all directions young alchemist ran. 塔楼上的钟声敲响,可以看到四面八方的道路上年轻的炼金师们奔跑了起来。 Hurry up!” Some people picked up oneself speed with the Alchemy item directly. “快点!”有人直接用炼金道具加快了自身速度。
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