IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#365 Part 2: I can look scene that Sun extinguishes?

Eliana's huge illusory image is overlooking the whole world, looks at crazy demon spirit. 爱莲娜的巨大幻影俯视着整个世界,看着疯狂的魔灵们。 First runs out of Demon Abyss royal city, is the thunder. 第一个冲出魔渊王城的,是雷。 He is controlling his flight vehicle, demon spirit with one crowd of kite shapes, surrounds around Eliana's huge illusory image. 他驾驭着他的飞行器,身后跟着一群风筝形态的魔灵,环绕在爱莲娜的巨大幻影周围。 Ha!” “哈哈哈!” Flew.” “飞出去了。” „Did Ms. Eliana, you see?” “爱莲娜女士,您看见了吗?” I really flew.” “我真的飞出去了。” The thunder is shouting, probably a child. 雷大喊着,就好像一个孩子。 Eliana looks at him, showed the smile. 爱莲娜看着他,露出了微笑。 The thunder flew to be quick, no will change into a sunspot in the sky. 雷飞得可快了,没一会就在天空化为一个黑点。 I must go to a farther place, I must look at the sea, I must go to another side of sea.” “我还要去更远的地方,我要去看大海,我要去大海的另一边。” I must go......” “我还要去……” The thunder sound from the sea of clouds upload, that shouts with the wind becomes shatter, but actually reverberation in the entire sky. 雷的声音从云海上传下,那呼喊随风变得破碎,但是却回荡在整个天空。 World--- performs- head.” “世—界-的-尽-头。” He can free hovering in the sky, not need to receive finally again any restricts. 他终于可以自由的翱翔在天空之中,不用再受任何拘束。 Another side, the feather snake also soars, flies with him in the same place. 另一边,羽蛇也腾空而起,和他飞在一起。 The thunder looks at the feather snake, laughs in the sky. 雷看着羽蛇,在天空之中大笑。 Ha!” “哈哈哈哈哈!” Distant place, a sky sea of clouds corner/horn. 远方,天空云海的一角。 No one noticed that the hot-air balloon airship that departed from Dreamland passed over gently and swiftly from the sea of clouds some time ago, flashed passes- 无人看到一艘不久前从梦界之中飞出的热气球飞艇从云海之中掠过,一闪即逝- In abyss. 深渊之中。 The flesh stars after Gate of Original Sin, similar stood from the seat for the first time, is looking into the distant place from afar. 原罪之门后的血肉星辰,肖第一次从座位上站了起来,远远眺望着远处。 It stands near the table, the hand is pressing a book on table, «Road of Crown of Wisdom Pledge And Second True God». 祂站在桌子边,手按着桌子上的一本书,《智慧王冠誓约和第二条真神之路》。 It is spying on Eliana to ascend a height to get a broad view the myth scene. 祂在窥探着爱莲娜登临神话的场景。 However It looks how not to become myth. 不过祂看的并不是如何成为神话 But as demon monster and existence of demon spirit clan, what influence has after to become myth. 而是作为魔怪魔灵一族的存在,在成为神话之后会有着什么样的影响。 Eliana ascends a height to get a broad view divine throne that moment by lord of demon monster and demon spirit, similar very obvious noticed endless starry sky deep place that to collect brilliance Moon of God to present the response. 爱莲娜以魔怪魔灵之主登临神位的那一刻,肖很明显的注意到了无尽星空深处那敛去了光辉的神之月出现了回应。 similar was saying to the ceramic villain, or was thinking aloud. 肖对着陶瓷小人说,或者说是在自言自语。 Sees not to have, the pledge communicated the intelligent root.” “看见没有,誓约沟通了智慧根源。” In the way of pledge, can certainly go out of another True God the path.” “以誓约的方式,一定能够走出另外一条真神的道路。” Is the god of pledge?” “是誓约之神?” However quick, similar then overruled oneself view. 但是很快,肖便否决了自己的这个说法。 similar Like focused on the essence of pledge, that is Crown of Wisdom gives each intelligent race gracious gift. 肖立刻抓住了誓约的本质,那是智慧王冠赋予每一个智慧种族的恩赐。 As to the high intelligent divine tool, It gave each intelligent species to be able in the opportunity that this world survived, this was the essence of pledge. 作为至高的智慧神器,祂赋予了每一个智慧种能够在这个世界存活下去的机会,这就是誓约的本质。 „It is not the god of pledge.” “不是誓约之神。” Is the god of race.” “是种族之神。” If obtains the intelligent fruit, with four paths what mounts divine throne is the first path. 如果说获得智慧果实,以四条道路登上神位的是第一条道路。 Then in Crown of Wisdom by the race pledge communication, perhaps is the second path. 那么以种族誓约沟通上智慧王冠,或许便是第二条道路。 similar Zhongyu here, confirmed the second road truly exists. 肖终于在这里,确认了第二条路的确存在。 Under It holds that book, did not have the change voluntarily. 祂掌下的那本书,也不自觉的出现了变化。 The latter several writing that the book seals presented the distortion, turned into several other characters, «Road of Crown of Wisdom Pledge And Race True God». 书封上的后几个文字出现了扭曲,变成了另外几个字,《智慧王冠誓约和种族真神之路》。 The ceramic villain actually somewhat looked forward, also some gazes of fear Moon of God direction. 陶瓷小人却有些憧憬,又有些畏惧的注视着神之月的方向。 God!” “神!” „ Will Creator notice us? 造物主会注意到我们吗? We......” “我们……” Its sound somewhat trembles probably. 它声音好像有些哆嗦。 But villain!” “可是反派啊!” Ceramic villain usually in fierce exceptionally, because there is similar Zheyang existence in it behind, but it saw Moon of God after at this moment, the whole person shrank one group probably, was afraid seriously. 陶瓷小人平日里凶恶异常,因为有肖这样的存在在它身后,但是此刻它看到了神之月之后,整个人都好像缩成了一团,害怕得不得了。 As if afraid that moonlight to illuminate gloomily, discovered itself. 似乎在害怕那月光照进了阴暗,发现了自己。 similar was amused by ceramic villain these words, It shot a look at a ceramic villain. 肖被陶瓷小人这句话逗乐了,祂瞥了一眼陶瓷小人。 Villain?” “反派?” „Did you confess?” “你自认的?” similar take wrote books to sit slowly: Is just and evil, has any significance in front of Creator?” 肖拿着书缓缓的坐了下来:“正义与邪恶,在造物主面前有任何意义吗?” It is aloof above the universe and time, so long as It all that blinks this world dissipate instantaneously ; It one step spanned for 250 million years, the years seem like the rivers that can jump to him.” “祂超脱于宇宙和时光之上,祂只要一个眨眼这世间的一切都瞬间消逝;祂一步跨越了两亿五千万年,岁月对于祂来说就好像是一条可以跳跃出的河流。” It, so long as takes back own gracious gift, the life, wisdom and dreamland world will vanish, all will return to forever the lonesome darkness.” “祂只要收回自己的恩赐,世间的生命、智慧、梦境都将消失一空,一切都回到永寂的黑暗。” Such existence, does the good and evil to wrong still have the significance?” “这样的存在,善恶对错还存在意义?” Ceramic villain: What are we?” 陶瓷小人:“那我们是什么?” similar said: Regarding the mortal, we are the god ; Regarding Insai, our anything is not.” 肖说:“对于凡人来说,我们是神;对于因赛来说,我们什么都不是。” similar lowers the head, opened the book on hand. 肖低下了头,翻开了手上的书。 Finally said. 最后说道。 But in this time, our roles is the darkness of ten thousand spirit.” “但是在这个时代,我们的角色是万灵之暗。” This has the possibility, is we in Insai eye, the shadow under light.” “这有可能,就是因赛眼中的我们吧,光明下的暗影。” Does not have Guan Zhengyi and evil, irrelevant is small and weak and powerful.” “无关正义和邪恶,无关弱小和强大。” All in this world.” “这个世界上的一切。” Is only the light and shadow under time.” “都只是时代下的光与影。” similar originally wants to write anything, stopped. 肖原本想要写些什么,又停了下来。 similar raised the head, looked by Gate of Original Sin to the starry sky of the world. 肖抬起头,透过原罪之门看向了人间的星空。 It said suddenly. 祂突然说道。 I really want to look at this round of Moon of God on this, then entire melts is one of them ; Even if died, that being drown to death makes one yearn in feeling.” “我真的想就这样一直看着这轮神之月,然后整个都融化在其中;哪怕死了,那种溺死在其中的感觉都让人向往。” That turns in Moon of God, has to exceed all truth.” “那轮神之月里,有着超越一切的真理。” similar sudden smiled. 肖突然笑了起来。 If Creator really must punish me, I very anticipate actually.” “如果造物主真的要惩罚我的话,我倒是挺期待的。” At that time, I must ask It.” “那时候,我一定要问一问祂。” What is god? Why do the gods call it the god?” “神到底是什么?神为什么称之为神?” What this world is, the universe that It said what is, Sun that It said what will also extinguish is.” “这个世界到底是什么样的,祂所说的宇宙是什么样的,祂所说的太阳也会熄灭又是什么样的。” I can look scene that Sun extinguishes?” “我能够看一看那太阳熄灭的光景吗?” similar Yanshen passes was yearning, Sun is Its not unimaginable eternal ; It wants to look very much, what that eternal thing is shattered is. 肖眼神透着向往,太阳已经是祂无法想象的永恒;祂很想要看一看,那永恒之物破灭到底是什么样的。 That certain.” “那一定。” „Very magnificent.” “很壮观。”
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