IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#365 Part 1: I can look scene that Sun extinguishes?

The feather potentilla kleiniana that stele, is circling above the sky. 羽蛇衔着那块石碑,盘旋在天空之上。 Quick, it caused in the city the attention of demon spirit. 很快,它就引起了城内魔灵们的注意。 Many demon spirit curious looks at it, looks at this winged strange life. 不少魔灵好奇的看着它,看着这个长着翅膀的怪异生灵。 Finally, sky knot opened an entrance, making the feather snake fly. 终于,天空的结界打开了一个入口,让羽蛇飞了进来。 The feather potentilla kleiniana the stele, before delivering to the demon spirit pyramid . 羽蛇衔着石碑,送到了魔灵金字塔前。 The guard outside pyramid entrance has a scare actually, looks at this colossus. 金字塔入口外的守卫倒是吓了一跳,看着这个庞然大物。 What strange thing is this?” Several demon spirit mannequin visit him, the one side also has Fire Demon to change into the demon spirit glass jar big head. “这是什么怪东西?”几个魔灵人偶看着他,一旁还有个火魔化为魔灵的玻璃缸大脑袋。 Is winged, will also fly.” demon spirit mannequin also know outside matter, but has not heard feather snake existence. “长着翅膀,还会飞。”魔灵人偶们也知道外面的事情,但是还从来没有听说过羽蛇这种存在。 Greatly, how does it fly?” Kite shape demon spirit of space flew, the big face change of colored drawing on pottery, in the wind made the sound. “这么大,它是怎么飞起来的?”天上的风筝形态魔灵飞了下来,彩绘的大脸变化,风中发出了声音。 „It is not right, how does it come in?” But what the guards care is this. “不对,它是怎么进来的?”而守卫们更关心的是这个。 Is Sir Eliana puts it to come in?” Had demon spirit to raise the head, looks to the demon spirit pyramid deep place. “是爱莲娜大人放它进来的吧?”有魔灵抬起头,看向了魔灵金字塔深处。 In a twinkling. 霎时间。 A ripples process, that giant feather snake disappears to disappear. 一阵涟漪经过,那巨大的羽蛇就消失不见了。 The feather snake felt that the world reversed, waits to recover, was pouring pyramid. 羽蛇感觉天地倒转了过来,等回过神来,原本倒着的金字塔正了过来。 That temple is situated in the demon spirit pyramid top, it had just soon seen Eliana appears sky over the stair, opposite party eyes the stele that notices the feather snake to put down, because such thing she puts the feather snake to come. 神殿立于魔灵金字塔顶,刚不久它才见过的爱莲娜出现在台阶上空,对方一眼就注意到了羽蛇放下的石碑,也正是因为这样东西她才放羽蛇进来。 This is you discovers.” “这是你发现的。” Eliana looked at a stele, looked to the feather snake. 爱莲娜看了一眼石碑,紧接着又看向了羽蛇。 „Did you look at the writing flagstone?” “你看了文字石板?” Once Demon Abyss knight vision gaze on feather snake, even if does not have any expression and movement, but the air/Qi of that intense withering made the feather snake feel the tremendous pressure. 曾经的魔渊骑士目光注视在羽蛇身上,哪怕没有任何表情和动作,但是那强烈的肃杀之气还是让羽蛇感觉到了巨大的压力。 Even if discovered this stele, if did not understand that above writing, is impossible to know this flagstone the real sense. 就算发现了这块石碑,如果不懂得上面的文字,也不可能知道这块石板的真正意义。 But how once snake human understood the intelligent writing, only then probably the opposite party obtained the inheritance in temple through the intelligent writing flagstone. 而一个曾经的蛇人如何懂得智慧文字,只有可能对方在神殿里通过智慧文字石板获得了传承。 However what Eliana has doubts, how the opposite party can be all right. 但是爱莲娜疑惑的是,对方怎么能没事。 Feather snake: I......” 羽蛇:“我……” Also without and other feather snakes said the answer, Eliana read anything from its consciousness fluctuation of sending out. 还没有等羽蛇说出答案,爱莲娜就从它的散发的意识波动里读到了什么。 Was Moon of God saved you.” “是神之月救了你。” You bathed the Divine Moon ray, counter-balanced backlash.” “你沐浴了神月的光芒,抵消了反噬。” Eliana originally somewhat serious tone gentle, static looks at the feather snake. 爱莲娜原本有些严肃的语气平缓了下来,静静的看着羽蛇。 You were sheltered by Creator!” “你被造物主庇护了啊!” Lucky, really received care, is the arrangements of destiny. 不论是幸运,还是真的受到了眷顾,都是命运的安排。 Perhaps in Eliana opinion, this is it should result. 在爱莲娜看来,这或许就是它应该得的。 The feather snake heard the name of Creator once again, it cannot bear ask finally. 羽蛇又一次听到了造物主之名,它终于忍不住问道。 Sir Eliana!” “爱莲娜大人!” Actually is Creator who?” 造物主究竟是谁?” Why on the flagstone, is Ruler of Life listed under another God?” “为什么石板上,生命主宰列于另一位神明之下?” However Eliana has not told the answer that the feather snake it wants, but said. 然而爱莲娜并没有告诉羽蛇它想要的答案,只是对它说。 If some day you can become myth, you should know.” “如果有一天你能够成为神话,你应该就会知道了。” If you cannot become myth, does not need to know.” “如果你不能够成为神话,也没有必要知道。” Eliana lifts the hand, that ancient stele then fluttered from the stair. 爱莲娜抬起手,那块古老的石碑便从台阶下飘了上来。 Has many these broken stones in the demon spirit pyramid outer layer, is the People of Demon Abyss ancients throws away, Eliana have not thought that in really has such thing. 魔灵金字塔外层有着很多的这些碎石头,都是魔渊之民的先民们扔弃的,爱莲娜都未曾想到里面竟然有这样的东西。 Or was familiar with Demon Abyss royal city all later instead to forget the things of these horn corners. 或者说,习惯魔渊王城的一切之后反而遗忘了这些犄角旮旯的东西。 The giant beast strength, kept together with these stones this city. 巨怪的力量,将这座城市连同这些石头也都留了下来。 These shatter stones perhaps and have no too big value, but this stele is completely different, 那些破碎的石头或许并没有什么太大的价值,但是这块石碑就完全不一样了, This stele once always remembered in the annals, is thing that is left behind by second-generation King of Wisdom Yesel , like that Moon Tower. 这块石碑曾经铭记于史册,是由第二代智慧之王耶赛尔留下的东西,就和那月塔一样。 The feather snake thinks. 羽蛇以为。 The prince of moon/month is moon/month of prince. 月之王子就是月之王子。 It actually does not know, the opposite party also has this another title. 它却不知道,对方还有这另外一个称号。 Second-generation King of Wisdom Yesel. 第二代智慧之王耶赛尔 Eliana looks at the feather snake, was saying to him. 爱莲娜看着羽蛇,对着他说。 „Do you know?” “你知道吗?” You, if gives that goddess that this stele you believe that can perhaps obtain the thing that you want.” “你如果将这块石碑送给你信仰的那位女神,或许就能够获得你想要的东西了。” The feather snake heard Eliana saying that felt some shame. 羽蛇听到爱莲娜这么说,感觉有些羞辱。 It was saying to Eliana: This is not my thing, I will not take others' thing, will not achieve my goal with others' thing.” 它对着爱莲娜说:“这不是我的东西,我不会去拿别人的东西,更不会用别人的东西去达成我的目的。” Will never forget like me, I was snake human was once same.” “就像我永远不会忘记,我曾经是一个蛇人一样。” snake human is not only only a body, our inherent rules, the civilization gives our thing.” 蛇人不仅仅只是一副身躯,还有我们与生俱来的守则,文明赋予我们的东西。” Feather snake is somewhat excited, it told Eliana. 羽蛇情绪有些激动,它告诉爱莲娜。 I am not the monster!” “我不是怪物!” Sir Eliana.” “爱莲娜大人。” I am...... the person!” “我是……人啊!” Eliana was shocked suddenly. 爱莲娜突然愣住了。 She looks snake human that this turned into the monster, suddenly felt oneself possibly underestimated the opposite party. 她看着这个变成了怪物的蛇人,突然觉得自己可能小看对方了。 The opposite party are not possibly powerful, the courage somewhat is small, even can be called is timid. 对方可能并不强大,胆子还有些小,甚至称得上是怯懦。 However even if such it, even if lost all that takes snake human, are persevering certain things as before. 但是哪怕如此的它,哪怕失去了作为蛇人的一切,依旧坚守着某些东西。 This worth made one admire. 这就值得让人敬佩了。 Eliana sincere, stands straightly. 爱莲娜正色,站得笔直。 Good that you said that you are not a monster.” “你说的不错,你不是一个怪物。” You are snake human.” “你是一个蛇人。” She looked that returned own stele to the feather snake: You gave me this stele, I should also give you compensation.” 她看向了羽蛇交还自己的石碑:“你将这石碑交给了我,我也应该给予你一些报偿。” Then, the Eliana back appeared a giant shadow. 说完,爱莲娜背后浮现出了一个巨大的影子。 That is a ghost body. 那是一个幽魂体。 Threw over the armor to conduct the arm the knight of Ruhul treasured sword to change into the huge ghost image, with hand according to the head of feather snake. 一个披着铠甲挎着鲁赫宝剑的骑士化为了庞大幽魂影像,用手按在了羽蛇的头上。 The feather snake feels immediately a secret technique swamped into oneself mind, 羽蛇立刻感觉到一种秘术涌入了自己脑海之中, She gave the feather snake the god graciousness technique, 她将神恩术给予了羽蛇, This is the initial god graciousness technique.” “这是初始的神恩术。” „Becoming the means of apostle.” “成为使徒的办法。” Nowadays all existences that steps the apostle go out from this god graciousness technique, however the past god graciousness has no longer suited this time.” “现如今的所有踏上使徒的存在都是从这部神恩术上走出的,但是昔日的神恩已经不再适合于这个时代。” The feather snake attained secret technique that becomes the apostle, this is it has not thought that is a unexpected happiness- 羽蛇拿到了成为使徒的秘术,这是它没有想到的,算是意外之喜- Eliana looks that said left the tower spirit domain as the colossus of person, vanishes in the ripples. 爱莲娜看着自称为人的庞然大物离开了塔灵领域,消失在涟漪之中。 She also turns around, brought back to this stele temple. 她也转身,将这块石碑带回了神殿之中。 She consecrated this stele in the tower spirit domain, collected cautiously. 她将这块石碑供奉在了塔灵领域之中,小心翼翼的收藏了起来。 Seemingly thought the graciousness technique to trade such a stone, was not cost-effective. 看似用神恩术换了这么一块石头,并不划算。 So long as associates to this stone came from in second-generation King of Wisdom Yesel, was always remembering King Yesel once saw right in front of one God Insai scene, the trivial god graciousness technique became is not worth mentioning. 但是只要联想到这块石头来自于第二代智慧之王耶赛尔,铭记着耶赛尔王曾经面见因赛神的场景,区区神恩术又变得不值一提了。 Eliana looks to place the stele in temple, carefully read above is having an audience with the God scene about King Yesel. 爱莲娜看着放在了神殿里的石碑,仔细阅读着上面关于耶赛尔王觐见神明的场景。 Your Highness Yesel humble stepping into temple, is following great King Ledlicki.” 耶赛尔殿下谦卑的踏入神殿,跟随着伟大的莱德利基王。” He saw the eternal god.” “他见到了永恒的神。” „......” “……” Exceeds the eternal years control time principle the Spiritual God to send out like the stars same radiant brilliance, the ray your highness will be submerging, vision institute and all changed into flaminged white.” “超越万古岁月掌控时间法则的神灵散发着如同星辰一样的璀璨光辉,光芒将殿下淹没,目光所及的一切化为了炽白。” Talked about here, Eliana stopped suddenly. 讲到了这里,爱莲娜突然停下来。 She thought. 她心想。 Perhaps. 或许。 three leaves human and People of Demon Abyss destiny, started from this time. 三叶人魔渊之民的命运,就是从这个时候开始的。 King Ledlicki selects young child Yesel that It most liked, bringing it to step into the Insai palace, making in Enns's heart be born the hate and envy. 莱德利基王选中了祂最喜爱的幼子耶赛尔,带着其踏入了因赛的殿堂,让恩斯的心中诞生了怨恨和嫉妒。 In the ancient time, People of Demon Abyss hates Yesel. 古老的时代里,魔渊之民憎恨耶赛尔 They think that Enns was the King Ledlicki eldest son, Yesel seized Enns the position of King of Wisdom. 他们认为恩斯才是莱德利基王的长子,耶赛尔夺走了恩斯的智慧之王之位。 If not Yesel, Enns will not make that finally by the sin that the god detests and rejects. 如果不是耶赛尔,恩斯最后也不会做出那被神厌弃的罪孽。 However to Eliana this generation, the past gratitude and grudges dispute had fluttered with the wind, these ancient hatreds have changed into myth that could not be touched. 不过到了爱莲娜这一代,昔日的恩怨纠葛早已经随风飘去,那些古老的仇恨早就已经化为了不可触及的神话 Even if the divine punishment and sin. 哪怕是神罚和罪孽。 Also turns into lofty and sacredness that they cannot be touched. 也变成了他们不可触及的高远和神圣。 Becoming the King or subjecting to a penalty, all have become the arrangement of fate. 不论是成王者还是受罚者,一切都已经成为了宿命的安排。 Eliana does not have the hatred regarding Yesel. 爱莲娜对于耶赛尔并没有恨意。 To her, this is character in a myth, is the King Ledlicki son. 对于她来说,这是一个神话之中的人物,是莱德利基王的儿子。 What gratitude and grudges regardless of these exist have and hatred, is not she can judge. 不论这些存在之间有什么样的恩怨和仇恨,也不是她可以评判的。 Moonlight prince.” “月色王子。” Second-generation King of Wisdom Yesel.” “第二代智慧之王耶赛尔。” God King eldest son Enns.” 神王长子恩斯。” God King second son Bunn.” 神王次子布恩。” Violated ledlicki eldest son Enns and Bunn who murder the crime of father, lost the three leaves human status finally, punishes into dark Demon Abyss.” “犯了弑父之罪的莱德利基长子恩斯和布恩,最终失去了三叶人的身份,罚入黑暗的魔渊。” Put on King Yesel of royal crown, finally also died under the curse of Enns, lost the royal power of wisdom.” “戴上了王冠的耶赛尔王,最终也在恩斯的诅咒下死去,失落了智慧的王权。” This is the story that People of Demon Abyss is the continuation. 这就是魔渊之民代代相传的故事。 That ancient name, is only says to make people feel a solid feel. 那一个个古老的名字,光是说出来就让人感觉到一种厚重感。 Regarding Eliana, this is myth. 对于爱莲娜来说,这就是神话 Under stele. 石碑下。 On that face of Eliana ghost, the facial expression sobbed. 爱莲娜幽魂的那张脸上,神情唏嘘。 But then, ghost Eliana does not know why said just the feather snake to speak those words of place suddenly. 而接下来,幽魂爱莲娜不知道为什么突然说出了刚刚羽蛇所说处的那句话。 I am not the monster!” “我不是怪物!” I am a person!” “我是人啊!” After the myth time ended, the King who says is the monster also once said these words to own sons and all subjects. 神话的时代结束后,一位自称是怪物的王者也曾经对着自己的儿子和所有臣民说出这句话。 We are not the monsters.” “我们不是怪物。” We are the person.” “我们是人。” This is Eliana hears these words the time, reason that is shocked suddenly. 这才是爱莲娜听到这句话的时候,突然间愣住的原因。 Eliana remembers suddenly, before for a long time is very very long, they were also called the monster. 爱莲娜突然想起,在很久很久以前,他们也被人称之为怪物。 Because of these words, People of Demon Abyss went out from the darkness, completes came under their civilizations. 因为这句话,魔渊之民从黑暗之中走出,建成了属于他们的文明。 Meanwhile. 与此同时。 When Eliana said these words, as if during was dark communicated anything. 在爱莲娜说出了这一句话的时候,似乎冥冥之中沟通了什么。 Her front stele's first had the phenomenon, presented the illusory image above of stele. 她面前的石碑第一个发生了异象,在石碑的上面出现了幻影。 Shortly. 顷刻间。 Above dream star sea, in the God's Bestowal Ground solar garden, has the weak fluctuation. 梦幻星海之上,神赐之地的太阳花园里,都有着微弱的波动。 Eliana in recollection raised the head to presenting the stele of phenomenon looked, saw the image on stele. 回忆之中的爱莲娜抬起头向出现异象的石碑看了过去,就看到了石碑上的影像。 Eliana only knows that this stele is Yesel stays behind, actually did not know this stele afterward story. 爱莲娜只知道这块石碑是耶赛尔留下的,却不知道这块石碑后来的故事。 On the stele has the trace that great poet Tito and First King of Demon Abyss stay behind, they once found this stele, recording the above content, stepped the pilgrimage. 石碑上面有着伟大诗人蒂托初代魔渊之王留下的痕迹,他们曾经找到了这块石碑,刻录下了上面的内容,踏上了朝圣之旅。 But finally. 而最后。 Great poet Tito brought back to the belief and three leaves human once, First King of Demon Abyss stayed in the Creator solar sea of flowers forever. 伟大诗人蒂托带回了信仰和三叶人的曾经,初代魔渊之王永远留在了造物主的太阳花海之中。 Eliana only saw, three leaves human and People of Demon Abyss of that blind eye brings stone helmet shoulder to shoulder, in shuttle in the sea. 爱莲娜只看到,一个盲眼的三叶人和一个带着石盔魔渊之民并肩,穿梭于大海之中。 Goes toward the distant place. 向着远方而去。 Eliana first does not understand that had anything, but was quick she to respond. 爱莲娜先是不明白发生了什么,但是很快她就反应了过来。 three leaves human of blind eye, brings stone helmet People of Demon Abyss. 盲眼的三叶人,带着石盔魔渊之民 These two images combine in together, who People of Demon Abyss or three leaves human can associate them immediately are. 这两人的形象组合在一起,不论是魔渊之民还是三叶人都立刻能够联想起来他们到底是谁。 Eliana's voice excited, that face of ghost showed the facial expression of changing countenance. 爱莲娜的声音都激动了起来,幽魂的那张脸庞都露出了动容的神情。 Great poet Tito.” “伟大诗人蒂托。” „The king of first-generation Demon Abyss?” “第一代魔渊之王?” The two people in image more walk are farther, as if must vanish in the distant place gradually. 影像里的两人越走越远,似乎要渐渐消失在远方。 Eliana could not bear pursue, unconscious touching approached that belt/bring stone helmet old age People of Demon Abyss, her direct line ancestor. 爱莲娜忍不住追了上去,不自觉的触碰向了那带着石盔的老年魔渊之民,她的直系先祖。 In a flash. 一瞬间。 Eliana's consciousness seemed to be approached another head of time by drawing. 爱莲娜的意识似乎被拉向了时光的另一头。 Eliana feels absent-minded, then suddenly discovered that the whole world changed. 爱莲娜感觉一阵恍惚,接下来突然发现整个世界都变了。 She stood before the sea, that is not the present sea, but was the sea of high antiquity, the vanished first ancestor fish loafed in in the sea. 她站在了大海之前,那不是如今的大海,而是远古时代的大海,早已经绝迹的始祖鱼游荡于大海之中。 !” “呼!” The wind has blown, broadcast the sound. 风吹过,身后传来了声音。 Eliana's vacant turning head, discovered oneself appear, in a piece has outside the solar generally radiant golden sea of flowers. 爱莲娜茫然的回过头,就发现自己出现在一片拥有着太阳一般璀璨金色的花海之外。 Golden Cup of the Sun gathers in the sea, sways in the wind. 金色的太阳之杯汇聚成海洋,在风中摇晃。 That golden color makes people feel sacredly, is representing in the mortal eyes solar general eternal. 那金色让人感觉神圣,代表着凡人眼中太阳一般的永恒。 Eliana raised the head. 爱莲娜抬起头。 In pyramid, is eternal temple. 金字塔上,是永恒的神殿 A giant dreamland air bubble broad pyramid will wrap to be one of them, innumerable colored vanishes to flow above. 一个巨大的梦境气泡将恢弘的金字塔包裹在其中,无数彩色幻灭流淌于其上。 Eliana is different from the demon spirit pyramid and world temple that is King of Wisdom and Mother of Life constructs personally, God Insai residence. 和爱莲娜所在的魔灵金字塔和人间神殿不一样,那是智慧之王生命之母亲手修建的,因赛神的居所。 The Eliana whole person is ignorant, but she knows where probably here is. 爱莲娜整个人都是懵的,但是她大概知道这里是哪里。 God's Bestowal Ground!” 神赐之地!” Here is...... the God Insai residence.” “这里是……因赛神的居所。” Eliana has not thought that oneself one day can see the God's Bestowal Ground scene, even if this scene is 250 million years ago. 爱莲娜从来没有想到过,自己有一天能够看到神赐之地的景象,哪怕这景象是两亿五千万年前的。 Then, she saw inconceivable one. 接下来,她看到了不可思议的一幕。 She saw distant place great poet Tito shoulders First King of Demon Abyss to arrive, stepped this God's Bestowal Ground little, three leaves human and People of Demon Abyss true hometown. 她看到了远处伟大诗人蒂托背负着初代魔渊之王到来,一点点踏上了这块神赐之地,三叶人魔渊之民真正的故乡。 Eliana knows oneself saw anything, that is the scene that great poet Tito and First King of Demon Abyss go on a pilgrimage. 爱莲娜知道自己看到了什么,那是伟大诗人蒂托初代魔渊之王朝圣的景象。 She sees oneself ancestor, the old person who that brings stone helmet is struggling standing up near the coast, slowly moves toward in sea of flowers. 她看到自己的祖先,那个带着石盔的老人在海岸边挣扎着站起,慢慢的走向花海之中。 He kneels down, the both arms hold before the body. 他跪下,双臂捧于身前。 Bows politely to temple. 面向神殿叩拜。 Two people arrive here time, seems exhausted. 两人抵达这里的时候,似乎都已经精疲力竭了。 Supports them to walk only, only then believes that answer that the innermost feelings long. 唯一支撑着他们走下去的,只有信仰,还有内心渴望的答案。 The answer of great poet had not found, however the stone helmet old man answer has sought. 伟大诗人的答案还没有找到,但是石盔老人的答案已经寻得。 The young great poet arrived front, has turned head to shout toward stone helmet old man. 年轻的伟大诗人走到了前面,回过头朝着石盔老人呼喊。 „Don't you come up?” “你不上去吗?” „Don't you want to come to here to look for the answer?” “你不是想要来这里寻找答案吗?” stone helmet old man lifted sets out, took off head surface armor, said oneself last few words. 石盔老人抬起身,摘下了头上的面盔甲,说出了自己最后一句话。 The old man who this says the monster at this moment, smiles incomparable serene. 这个自称怪物的老者,此刻笑的无比安详。 Was called existence of monster, in the look actually revealed the emotion of person. 一个被人称之为怪物的存在,眼神里却露出了人的情感。 Does not use.” “不用了。” I...... had found the answer.” “我已经……找到答案了。” Spoke these words, stone helmet old man is then raising head, faces temple to move toward the end. 说完这句话,石盔老人便仰着头,面向着神殿走向终结。 However such brief words, make Eliana excited the whole body to tremble. 但是就这样一句简短的话,却让爱莲娜激动得浑身发抖。 If had not turned into the body of mannequin, at this moment perhaps she has had tears streaming down the face. 如果不是早已化成了人偶之身,此刻恐怕她已经泪流满面。 Great poet Tito stands in the sunflower into the sea|nautical mile, looks that the body of stone helmet old man was submerged by the golden flowering shrubs, the whole world also falls into the nihility gradually. 伟大诗人蒂托站在太阳花海里,看着石盔老人的身体被金色的花丛淹没,整个世界也渐渐陷入虚无。 Former days the mirage fell completely. 旧日幻景落尽。 All return to the reality. 一切回到现实。 250 million years pass by, once have become passing, People of Demon Abyss also turned into demon spirit mannequin. 两亿五千万年过去,曾经都已成过往,魔渊之民也变成了魔灵人偶 mannequin stands in temple, repeats an ancestor had spoken the words. 人偶站在神殿之中,又重复了一遍先祖曾经说过的话。 We are not the monsters.” “我们不是怪物。” We are the person.” “我们是人。” She gradually moves toward that stele, seems speaking this saying to their ancestors. 她一步步走向那块石碑,似乎在对着他们的先祖说这话。 My ancestor.” “我的先祖。” You are want to tell me these words, right?” “您是想要告诉我这句话,是吗?” „Regardless what our bodies turn into, regardless of we lost many things.” “不论我们身体变成什么样,不论我们丢失了多少东西。” We are the person.” “我们都是人。” We are Enns and Bunn's descendant, on us is flowing the bloodlines of King of Wisdom.” “我们都是恩斯和布恩的后裔,我们身上都流淌着智慧之王的血脉。” All illusions fall completely, Eliana as if also found the answer. 一切幻象落尽,爱莲娜似乎也找到了答案。 She raised the head. 她抬起头。 Looked to Insai idol. 看向了因赛神像 The entire demon spirit pyramid erupted the fierce ray suddenly, the light beam shot up to the sky together. 整个魔灵金字塔突然爆发出了剧烈的光芒,一道光柱冲天而起。 Eliana made the final decision, took one step that moves toward myth. 爱莲娜做出了自己最后的决定,也迈出了走向神话的一步。 In Demon Abyss royal city, all demon spirit looked to the demon spirit pyramid. 魔渊王城之中,所有的魔灵看向了魔灵金字塔。 They noticed that a huge illusory person's shadow appeared in the light beam, a sound transmission to distant place. 他们就看到一个巨大虚幻的人影出现在了光柱之中,将一个声音传递向远方。 demon monster!” 魔怪!” demon spirit!” 魔灵!” Demon Abyss!” 魔渊!” From today is a body, the Demon Abyss civilization, the demon spirit race, the demon monster foundation.” “从今日便是一体,魔渊的文明,魔灵的种族,魔怪的根基。” We will change into the same race, develops to the future path.” “我们将化为同一个种族,开拓通往未来的道路。” This summon light is Eliana sends out is useless, but must obtain the approvals of all demon monster, can be successful. 这个呼唤光是爱莲娜发出是没有用的,还要得到所有魔怪的认可,才能够成功。 At this time. 这个时候。 All demon monster above Ruhul Giant Island, even spreads in the sea, monsters above another mainland, responded Eliana's summon completely. 鲁赫巨岛之上的所有魔怪,甚至于散布于大海,另一座大陆之上的怪物们,全部都响应了爱莲娜的呼唤。 Roar!” “吼!” Fire Demon runs out of the swamp, stone demon runs in the land, the wing demon hovers in the sky. 火魔冲出沼泽,石魔奔跑在大地,翼魔翱翔在天空。 Tens of thousands of demon monster roared, gave out angry roaring toward the sky, is responding to Eliana's pledge. 成千上万的魔怪们咆哮而出,向着天空发出了怒吼,回应着爱莲娜的誓约。 Responded to this to have been through repeatedly for trillion years, the opportunity of change destiny welcoming. 回应着这历经了亿万年,才迎来的改变命运的机会。 Sky Moon of God, on supreme divine artifact Crown of Wisdom of deep place had the change. 天空的神之月,深处的至高神器智慧王冠上出现了变化。 On the silver moon broadcast the sound, a young girl is inquiring anything. 银月上传来了声音,一个少女在询问着什么。 Can agree?” “要同意吗?” Long time , the opposite party replied. 良久后,对方回答。 Pledge establishes!” “誓约成立!” Above eternal Crown of Wisdom, the tiny writing extends slowly ; The demon monster pledge had the change, end increased one. 永恒的智慧王冠之上,细小的文字缓缓延伸而出;魔怪的誓约出现了变化,末尾又添加了一段。 That segment words who just Eliana spoke. 正是刚刚爱莲娜所说的那段话。 In Demon Abyss royal city of endless vast desert, the demon spirit pyramid took that step to myth, the light beam changed into the strength to Dreamland, opened the Dreamland front door. 无尽沙海的魔渊王城中,魔灵金字塔迈出了通往神话的那一步,光柱化为力量通往梦界,打开了梦界的大门。 In Dreamland. 梦界之中。 Another demon spirit pyramid also appeared. 另一座魔灵金字塔也出现了。 It exists in the reality, exists in Dreamland. 它存在于现实之中,也存在于梦界之中。 Eliana stands before the demon spirit pyramid, changes into the strength division that the light beam surges for four points. 爱莲娜站在魔灵金字塔前,将那化为光柱涌动的力量划分为了四分。 As most ancient apostle Eliana, by own incarnation tower spirit ; In addition massive demon monster rush to the endless vast desert from the distant place, becomes demon spirit in city, in addition just pledge. 作为最古老的使徒爱莲娜,以自己化身塔灵;加上大量的魔怪从远方奔赴无尽沙海,成为了城市内的魔灵,加上刚刚的誓约。 The demon spirit pyramid proceeded to move two from series number 10, arrived at the most low threshold of myth item ; The rank of series number according to divine blood how much arranges, but wants to become the genuine intelligent power myth item, but must be born to be Its spirit. 魔灵金字塔从序列号十往前挪了两位,来到了神话道具的最低门槛;序列号的排位是按照神血的多寡排列,但是想要成为真正的智慧权能神话道具,还必须诞生出属于祂的灵。 Thinks a graciousness technique four points of secret technique to integrate, replaces the spirit of divine spell item. 或者用神恩术四分秘术将自身融入其中,代替神术道具的灵。 God graciousness four points.” “神恩四分。” Intelligence!” “灵性!” Wisdom!” “智慧!” Desire!” “欲望!” Knowledge!” “知识!” The huge mixed strength, deferred to some mysterious regular array instantaneously, bred the brand-new strength. 原本庞大混杂的力量,瞬间按照某个神秘的规则排列了起来,孕育出了全新的力量。 Eliana melts with the demon spirit pyramid for a body thoroughly, becomes the master in demon spirit pyramid, rather than again by mode control this demon spirit pyramid of ghost. 爱莲娜将自身彻底和魔灵金字塔融为了一体,成为了魔灵金字塔的主人,而不是再以幽魂的方式控制这座魔灵金字塔。 Now she becomes myth, although in the way of myth item. 现在她成为了神话,虽然是以神话道具的方式。 Perhaps, now should trade a name. 或许,现在应该换一个称呼。 It is not she. 不是她。 But is It. 而是祂。 Opens under the full Cup of the Sun sea of flowers, on revolving supreme divine artifact Cup of God. 开满太阳之杯的花海之下,旋转的至高神器神之杯上。 divine spell item demon spirit pyramid( myth)】 神术道具・魔灵金字塔(神话)】 Series number 8 【序列号八】 Ability 1 intelligent circuit: The demon spirit pyramid can grant the demon monster body intelligent circuit structure, this secret technique came from in the part of Anhofos Bone Demon Transformation Tome about Bone Demon brain circuit, enabling the low rank demon monster body structure also to hold the wisdom.】 【能力一智慧回路:魔灵金字塔可以赐予魔怪身躯智慧回路结构,此秘术源自于安霍福斯骨魔转化秘典关于骨魔大脑回路的部分,让低阶魔怪身体结构也可以容纳智慧。】 Ability 2 golds character tower spirit: Temple of Insai apostle Eliana integrated the demon spirit pyramid with oneself ghost and god graciousness, changed into the core of demon spirit pyramid ; pyramid tower spirit is the consciousness control of all demon spirit, can grant all light of demon spirit consciousness, can control the entire tower spirit domain.】 【能力2金字塔灵:因赛神殿的使徒爱莲娜用自己的幽魂和神恩融入了魔灵金字塔,化为了魔灵金字塔的核心;金字塔塔灵是所有魔灵的意识主宰,能够赐予所有魔灵意识之光,能掌控整个塔灵领域。】 Ability 3 tower spirit domains: The state that the myth item forms, opened the Dreamland front door ; tower spirit Eliana had the myth authority, can accepts offering sacrifices and communication that other have by the god the way of name and ceremony ; All demon spirit can also through the Dreamland channel and gold/metal character tower spirit links, no longer limits in certain range.】 【能力三塔灵领域:神话道具形成的国度,打开了梦界的大门;塔灵爱莲娜拥有了神话的权柄,可以以神名和仪式的方式接受其他存在的献祭和沟通;所有魔灵也可以通过梦界的通道和金字塔灵联系在一起,不再局限于一定范围内。】 【The oaths of ability 4 demon spirit: demon spirit was the entering step body of demon monster, Eliana inherited once the pledge of demon monster, and increased the new demon spirit pledge, this pledge obtained the Creator approval, the pledge is demon monster, demon spirit and Demon Abyss from today is a body, the Demon Abyss civilization and demon spirit race and demon monster foundation, we will change into the same race, will develop to the future path.】( demon monster follows the pledge as before, cannot enter any three leaves human and in the People of Demon Abyss city ; After the exuviate turn into demon spirit, only with following the oath of demon spirit.) 【能力四魔灵之誓:魔灵魔怪的进阶体,爱莲娜继承了曾经魔怪的誓言,并且添加了新的魔灵誓约,此誓言得到造物主认可,誓约为魔怪魔灵魔渊从今日便是一体,魔渊的文明、魔灵的种族、魔怪的根基,我们将化为同一个种族,开拓通往未来的道路。】(魔怪依旧遵循誓约,不可进入任何三叶人魔渊之民的城市之中;蜕变成魔灵之后,只用遵循魔灵之誓。) In Demon Abyss royal city. 魔渊王城之内。 All demon spirit feel that has imprisoned the chains in city them, is collapsing suddenly. 所有魔灵都感觉到,那个一直将他们囚禁在城市内的锁链,在突然间崩断了。 The demon spirit pyramid giant ceremony altar in Dreamland deep place, all demon spirit are connected with It probably. 梦界深处的魔灵金字塔就好像一座巨大的仪式祭坛,所有魔灵都和祂相连。 From now on, all demon spirit can leave Demon Abyss royal city, goes to the other places of the world. 从现在开始,所有的魔灵都可以离开魔渊王城,前往世界的其他地方。 Oh, felt?” demon spirit drop from house to house, sends out to shout. “喔,感觉到了吗?”魔灵们穿街走巷,发出大喊。 We were free.” Has flame demon spirit also to use divine spell in the day blowdown the fireworks. “我们自由了。”有火焰魔灵还用神术在天空放着烟花。 „Outside we can have a look.” Has demon spirit mannequin impatiently wants to go out of outside the city. “我们可以去外面看看了。”有魔灵人偶迫不及待的想要走出城外。 However also has demon spirit leisurely and carefree sitting on the hanging bridge, regarding cheering the crowd and scene remain unmoved. 但是也有魔灵悠闲的坐在吊桥上,对于欢呼的人群和景象不为所动。 I do not leave here, Demon Abyss royal city is so good, why must leave.” “我才不要离开这里,魔渊王城这么好,干什么要离开。” Yes! Goes out to do?” “是啊!出去干什么呢?” Goes to have a look also well, can come back momentarily.” “出去看看也不错啊,随时都可以回来。” Does not go out with unable to go out, is some differences.” “不出去和不能出去,还是有些区别的。”
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