IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#364 Part 2: Divine Moon time opening

It as if spied on the truth of high antiquity, that not for the secret that the mortal knew. 它似乎窥探到了远古时代的真相,还有那不为凡人所知的隐秘。 In these stones carves, is Ruler of Life arrives at the beforehand time.” “这些石头上刻的,是生命主宰降临以前的时代。” Is the time that snake human has not been born, was ancient times wild.” “是蛇人还没有诞生的时代,是更远古的蛮荒。” Its one after another looks, unceasing pieces together to ride the content that. 它一块接一块的看下去,不断的拼凑着骑上的内容。 the oldest.” 最古者。” three leaves human.” 三叶人。” snake human does not start, but is only all submerges after the dust, once again new start.” 蛇人并不是开始,而只是一切淹没在尘埃之后,又一次新的开始。” The feather snake looks at these stones, the writing on stone, thing of record. 羽蛇看着这些石块,石块上的文字,还有记录的东西。 Proved a more ancient time, but also has the great civilization that they have not known, even is present world various God, came from that time and civilization. 都证明了更古老的时代,还有着一个他们未曾知晓的伟大文明,甚至是现在的人间诸神,都来自于那个时代和文明。 Feather snake have mixed feelings indescribable, by this great truth, but also active attacks to have a dizzy spell from the antique fact. 羽蛇的心情复杂得难以言喻,更被这宏大的真相,还有源自太古的事实冲击到头晕目眩。 the oldest?” 最古者?” Originally they really exist, are born before the years that snake human is inconceivable.” “原来他们真的存在,诞生于蛇人难以想象的岁月以前。” Even Scarlet Goddess is the oldest, what race this is, can the birth God race?” “连腥红女神都是最古者,这是一个什么样的种族,一个能够诞生神明的种族?” Went it to see one, these names are called saying of three leaves human. 接下去它又看到了一段,这些名字叫做三叶人的自称。 We are God's eldest son, we live in the state of god since birth.】 【我们是神之长子,我们生来居住在神的国度之中。】 God grants us the sky, land and sea, we control Ruhul giant beast to conquer the sea, moves toward the land.】 【神赐予我们天空、大地、海洋,我们驾驭鲁赫巨怪征服大海,走向大地。】 Then, the feather snake thorough stupidly fell. 这下,羽蛇彻底傻掉了。 It just also guessed that what race these three leaves human are, finally these words gave it the answer. 它刚刚还猜测这些三叶人到底是个什么样的种族,结果这段话给予了它答案。 God's eldest son?” 神之长子?” „Are the bloodlines of God?” “他们本身就是神明的血脉?” the oldest...... this is the oldest......” 最古者……这就是最古者……” The feather snake swallowed a saliva, put out the snake letter/believes. 羽蛇咽了口口水,吐出了蛇信。 What the oldest, they are......” “什么最古者,他们是……” godkin!” 神裔啊!” Feather snake three leaves human this title does not dare to call suddenly, such existence, as if cannot call it the person. 羽蛇突然连三叶人这个称号也不敢称呼了,这样的存在,仿佛已经不能够称之为人了。 It understands suddenly why in the Scarlet Goddess god name has King of the Oldest. 它突然明白,为什么腥红女神的神名之中有一个最古者之王 They are godkin, inherited the bloodlines of God since birth. 他们是神裔,生来就继承了神明的血脉。 The feather snake is unable to imagine, a race that is formed by god's descendant, the civilization that they form what civilization is. 羽蛇无法想象,一个由神之后裔组建成的种族,他们组建成的文明到底是一个什么样的文明。 Feather snake spirit at this moment already nearly demented, it immersed in the exploration unknown knowledge and secret, had not actually detected that own ear bank resounded that talking in whispers sound. 羽蛇此刻的精神已经近乎癫狂,它沉浸在了探索未知的知识和隐秘之中,却没有察觉到自己的耳畔又响起了那窃窃私语声。 Moreover gets stronger and stronger, gradually wells up generally like the mighty current. 而且愈演愈烈,逐渐如同洪流一般涌来。 Finally. 最后。 It saw an ancient broken stele. 它看到了一块古老的残破石碑。 Before this stele and entirely different, it like these broken stones, should not be once this city very important thing. 这块石碑和之前的截然不同,它不像那些残破的石块,应该是曾经这座城市非常重要的东西。 After People of Demon Abyss is called this name the city of Yesel city changes to the city of Demon Abyss, it with the Yesel name is also submerged in the debris. 只是在魔渊之民将这座名字叫做耶赛尔城的城市改为魔渊之城后,它也就随着耶赛尔的名字被淹没在了碎石堆里。 It records, is lost ancient myth. 它记录的,是遗失的古老神话 The feather snake then moonlight, looks at the above each ancient writing. 羽蛇接着月光,看着上面的每一个古老文字。 It desires strongly, pastes looks above. 它如饥似渴,贴在上面看着。 【The Spiritual God under foot is standing a young girl, she has the appearance of god clan, is actually grasping the terrifying power of king of Ruhul giant beast, the waist don't Mother Conch of Myriad Things of control life.】 【神灵的脚下站着一位少女,她拥有着神族的容貌,却掌握着鲁赫巨怪之王的恐怖力量,腰间别着主宰生命的万物母螺。】 Your Highness Yesel humble stepping into temple, is following great King Ledlicki.】 耶赛尔殿下谦卑的踏入神殿,跟随着伟大的莱德利基王。】 Then, he saw the eternal god.】 【然后,他见到了永恒的神。】 【, How that is great existence!】 【啊,那是怎样伟大的存在!】 Exceeds the eternal years control time principle the Spiritual God to send out like the stars same radiant brilliance, the ray your highness will be submerging, vision institute and all changed into flaminged white.】 【超越万古岁月掌控时间法则的神灵散发着如同星辰一样的璀璨光辉,光芒将殿下淹没,目光所及的一切化为了炽白。】 God said.】 【神说。】 thou why famous?】 【汝为何名?】 The flagstone break, stop suddenly to this. 石板断裂,一切到此戛然而止。 Didn't have?” “没了?” Following?” “后面的呢?” How not to have?” “怎么会没有了?” The feather snake turns everywhere is looking, if the shape is demented, it wants to know the following content. 羽蛇到处翻找着,状若癫狂,它想要知道后面的内容。 However ended all, remaining has lost. 但是一切到此结束,剩下的早已经遗落。 But at this moment. 而此刻。 Near feather snake feeling ear thundering is getting more and more fierce, has to stop the rest. 羽蛇感觉耳边的轰鸣越来越剧烈,不得不停下休息。 This also lets the feather snake from that crazy condition, got rid gradually. 这也让羽蛇从那种疯狂的状态之中,渐渐摆脱了出来。 Long time . 良久后。 It returned to normal finally, returns to little normal. 它终于平复了下来,一点点恢复正常。 In the innermost feelings of feather snake appeared the content on stele, remembered that two more ancient again much the sacred name. 羽蛇的内心之中浮现出了石碑上的内容,再度想起了那两个古老得难以言喻的神圣名字。 On the stele described, the first time was moon/month of prince the scene of having an audience with God, from these writing, can feel ancient of this myth. 石碑上描绘的,是月之王子第一次觐见神明的场面,从那些文字里,可以感受到这段神话的古老。 Moon/Month of prince devout and shocks, between the lines even can feel this prince to kneel in all mood of great God under foot. 还有月之王子的虔诚和震撼,字里行间甚至能够感受到这位王子跪在伟大神明脚下的所有情绪。 Yesel? The prince of moon/month?” 耶赛尔?月之王子?” ledlicki?” 莱德利基?” Who is this?” “这又是谁?” What the feather snake cares is that prince about the moon/month has an audience with the description of God. 羽蛇更在意的是那一段,关于月之王子觐见神明的描述。 „The Spiritual God under foot is standing a young girl, is grasping the terrifying power of king of Ruhul giant beast?” “神灵的脚下站着一位少女,掌握着鲁赫巨怪之王的恐怖力量?” Also.” “还有。” Mother Conch of Myriad Things?” 万物母螺?” Does not need excessively to think, this vivid flash with Supreme God of snake human belief only to. 根本不用过多思索,这个形象一瞬间就和蛇人信仰的至高神祇对上了。 The feather snake first gawked, then in the mind emerged this name. 羽蛇先是愣了一下,然后脑海之中浮出了这个名字。 It discovered anything probably. 它好像发现了什么。 Discovered that ancient losing myth, this era forgotten truth. 发现了那古老的遗落神话,这个纪元被遗忘的真相。 Ruler of Life?” 生命主宰?” Flash that however the name presents, the feather snake vigorously denied. 但是名字出现的一瞬间,羽蛇就极力否定。 It cannot believe that this matter, this once believed all that and knew to overthrow it simply completely. 它根本不敢相信这种事情,这简直将它曾经信仰和知晓的一切全部推翻。 Is impossible, how is this possible?” “不可能,这怎么可能?” How possibly is Ruler of Life?” “怎么可能是生命主宰?” The feather snake felt that each pore blasted open all of a sudden, body and spirit so powerful existence actually feels the whole body to be incapable, the nostril exhales white clouds. 羽蛇感觉身上的每一个毛孔都一下子炸裂了开来,体魄如此强大的存在竟然感觉浑身无力,鼻孔呼出一道道白气。 It is not willing to believe that but that ancient inscribing, told it that is the fact. 它不愿意去相信,但是那古老的铭刻,却又告诉它那就是事实。 Ruler of Life?” 生命主宰?” Stands in some eternal god under foot of only?” “站在某位永恒神祇的脚下?” The feather snake thinks in the innermost feelings, at this moment cannot bear exude the fizz, probably wants to make the sound. 羽蛇原本只是在内心里想,此刻忍不住发出嘶嘶声,好像想要发出声音来。 „Isn't It Creator?” “祂不是造物主吗?” „Doesn't It create all lords? Is greatest God.” “祂不是创造一切的主吗?是最伟大的神明。” What exists to make It stand in the under foot?” “什么存在能够让祂站立在脚下?” Who does that exceed the eternal years control time principle the Spiritual God is?” “那超越万古岁月掌控时间法则的神灵又是谁?” Too many doubts, too many issues cannot be explained. 太多的疑惑,太多的问题不能得到解答。 But the feather snake does not know, this is a luck. 而羽蛇不知道,这是一种幸运。 It should lucky three leaves human always thinks synonym Creator, but has not carved god above. 它该幸运三叶人从来都是用神来代称造物主,而没有将神名刻在上面。 The feather snake turned head to look suddenly to the Demon Abyss royal city deep place, that was called the Creator temple place by Eliana. 羽蛇突然扭头看向了魔渊王城深处,那座被爱莲娜称之为造物主神殿的地方。 It has not entered that temple main shrine. 它没有进入那座神殿的主殿。 Therefore without seeing in that palace consecrates, which God is. 因此没有见到那殿堂里供奉的,到底是哪一位神明 7017 k 7017k
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