IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#364 Part 1: Divine Moon time opening

Several hundred years later, Moon of God reappears in the sky. 时隔数百年,神之月再现于天空。 At this time, in the form situated in pyramid tower spirit domain also felt anything. 这个时候,位于金字塔塔灵领域之中的身影也感受到了什么。 This will soon attack myth item tower spirit of demon spirit pyramid to appear outside temple, during she interlocks from illusory and reality goes out, same looked up with numerous demon spirit to the sky of top of the head. 这件即将冲击神话道具的魔灵金字塔的塔灵出现在了神殿外面,她从虚幻和现实交错之中走出,和众多魔灵一样抬起头看向了头顶的天空。 Eliana hood next real illusory two faces looked to the stars densely covered nighttime sky, mannequin mouth slightly stretch/open start/open, called that the name of moon. 爱莲娜兜帽下一真实一虚幻的两张面孔看向了星辰密布的夜空,人偶的嘴巴微微张启,喊出了那月亮的名字。 mannequin Eliana: Moon of God?” 人偶爱莲娜:“神之月?” Ghost Eliana: Crown of Wisdom.” 幽魂爱莲娜:“智慧王冠。” Previous Moon of God appears, under because of Evel person Avon in the name of king of abyss race, concludes the pledge that eternal does not extinguish to Crown of Wisdom. 上一次神之月出现,是因为爱维尔亚弗安深渊种族之王的名义,向智慧王冠缔结下永恒不灭的誓约。 Divine Moon arrives in world, according to the abyss species pledge stripped the present world the abyss, sent in the Dreamland deep place. 神月降临世间,按照深渊种的誓约将深渊剥离了现世,送入了梦界深处。 But before Yin Shen appeared in the starry night mountain range, Moon of God only projected in the starry night mountain range, the outside world could not see. 而之前尹神出现在星夜山脉之中,神之月只投影在了星夜山脉里,外界是看不到的。 But this time. 而这一次。 Everyone can see. 所有人都能够看到。 Therefore this is the first time that Eliana in this era, witnesses this eternal silver moon. 所以这还是爱莲娜第一次在这个纪元,亲眼目睹这轮永恒的银月。 Eliana looks at that silver moon, in the eye is glittering the ray. 爱莲娜看着那银月,眼中闪烁着光芒。 It is not the life that the first era passes through, is unable to imagine their group of people and sees Its sentiment regarding the expectation of Moon of God at this moment, no one understands that Moon of God appears is representing anything. 不是第一纪元走过的生灵,无法想象他们这一批人对于神之月的憧憬和此刻见到祂的感情,没有人明白神之月出现代表着什么。 Second-generation King of Wisdom Yesel lost Crown of Wisdom, finished King Ledlicki inscribing the assimilation pledge on Crown of Wisdom. 第二代智慧之王耶赛尔失落了智慧王冠,也结束了莱德利基王铭刻于智慧王冠上的同化誓言。 Insai gave three leaves human to be free, this had afterward the three leaves human prosperous civilization. 因赛给予了三叶人自由,这才有了后来三叶人繁盛的文明。 Finally, Insai took back the royal crown of wisdom. 最终,因赛收回了智慧的王冠。 Changed into the round of Divine Moon of space. 化为了天上的这轮神月 However quick, Eliana lowers the head. 但是很快,爱莲娜就低下了头。 Present she and was different, cannot long looks this eternal moon/month. 如今的她和曾经不一样了,已经不能过久的看这轮永恒之月。 Eliana said in the proverb that in three leaves human and People of Demon Abyss spread. 爱莲娜说出了在三叶人魔渊之民中流传的俗语。 Cannot spy on the god, cannot look straight ahead the god, cannot blaspheme the god.” “不可窥探神,不可直视神,不可亵渎神。” She puts out a hand, the silver bright slender mannequin finger penetrates the gauze of cape, exposes under the moonlight. 她伸出手,银色崭亮的修长人偶手指穿透斗篷的纱布,暴露在月光下。 Once. 曾经。 She is the Insai apostle. 她是因赛的使徒。 last era only has God, all three leaves human and People of Demon Abyss apostle, is the Insai apostle. 上一个纪元只有一位神明,所有三叶人魔渊之民的使徒,都是因赛的使徒。 She, is Lane, or was afterward Anli and Asai. 不论是她,还是蓝恩,亦或者是后来的安丽阿赛 Once she had shape of God. 曾经她拥有神之形 Now is only left over the body of this mannequin. 如今只剩下这副人偶之躯。 However luckily, the moonlight shines in this ice-cold body, can feel the temperature as before. 不过幸好,月光照射在这具冰冷的躯壳上,依旧可以感受到温度。 That does not only illuminate probably in the body, but shone in the heart, reflected in the intelligence deep place. 那光好像并不是照在躯壳上,而是照射在了心底,映在了灵性深处。 Divine Moon across the sky, all changed to subside completely, everyone obtained peacefully under that moonlight. 神月横空,一切异动全部都平息了下来,所有人都在那月光之下获得安宁。 But the apostle of the world also lowers the head after raising the head, they also know existence of Moon of God, although has not understood truly what Moon of God represents is anything. 而人间的使徒也在抬起头之后纷纷低下头,他们也都知道神之月的存在,虽然还不明白神之月真正代表的是什么。 However everyone knows that looks straight ahead Moon of God to be too long will bring the danger, looks straight ahead the long that dangerous feeling to penetrate the heart. 但是所有人都知道直视神之月过久会带来危险,直视过久那种危险感更是会深入心底。 Lunatic who only if that type goes to wholeheartedly. 除非那种一心赴死的疯子。 Also few individuals, really dare to go to stare at that Divine Moon. 也没有几个人,真的敢去一直盯着那神月 At this time. 此时。 Also has many existences, appears because of Divine Moon changes. 也有着更多的存在,因为神月而出现异动。 In the fog is similar to the mirage general state, -and-a-half a god and his retinue are also gazing at the sky of high place from the sea of clouds. 云雾之中如同海市蜃楼一般的国度,其中一位半神和其仆从也从云海之上注视着更高处的天空。 God Insai?” 因赛神?” God of Truth and Knowledge Asai and Borwick looked at each other one, two people had not guessed correctly reason that Moon of God presents. 真理与知识之神阿赛波里克对视了一眼,两人都没有猜到神之月出现的原因。 Only then Asai said an idea: Is because the following intelligent fruit does arrive to prepare?” 只有阿赛说出了一个想法:“难道是因为接下来的智慧果实降临做准备?” Moon of God is Crown of Wisdom, the intelligent fruit hatches from the Moon of God internal root. 神之月就是智慧王冠,智慧的果实就是从神之月内部的根源之中孵化而出。 It seems like from this aspect. 从这方面看起来。 Probably also not wrong. 好像也并没有错。 Deep sea Blood Country, the terrifying shadow sways from side to side under the sea level. 深海的血之国,恐怖的暗影在海面之下扭动。 Under the ancient lighthouse, the three leaves symbiont vision penetration sea in groups, is staring at marine moon. 古老的灯塔之下,成群的三叶共生者目光穿透大海,凝视着海上的月亮。 Scarlet Goddess under that mural, looks at various God the image. 腥红女神在那副壁画之下,看着诸神的影像。 Moon of God appeared, what these is to present time?” 神之月又出现了,这一次是要出现什么?” What is Insai indicating our?” 因赛又在预示着我们什么?” At this moment. 此刻。 Most people are not clear, the true meaning that Moon of God presents is anything, even if these myth. 大部分人都还不明白,神之月出现的真正含义到底是什么,哪怕是那些神话 They think God Insai acts again, lowered oracle to the world, or prepares for arrival of following intelligent fruit. 祂们只是以为因赛神再一次出手,向人间降下了神谕,亦或者是为接下来智慧果实的降临而做准备。 But another head. 而另一头。 Above sunrise mountain range. 日出山脉之上。 With the waterfall links, sets up the miracle garden in midair dangerous, God of Desire and Alchemy state. 和瀑布结合在一起,悬立在半空之中的奇迹花园,欲望与炼金之神的国度。 Ibach stands in garden that in the silver flowers gather , the back is similar to the fairy tale general building and lights. 伊瓦站在银色花朵汇聚成的花园之中,背后是如同童话一般的建筑和灯火。 His wife gold queen stands in Its side, looks at Its expression from the doubts, then to shock. 祂的妻子黄金女王站在祂的身边,看着祂的表情从疑惑,然后到震惊。 „It is not right.” “不对。” „It is not right.” “不对。” This is not right!” “这不对啊!” The golden queen sees oneself husband, the doubts asked It. 黄金女王看着自己的丈夫,疑惑的问祂。 How to be right?” “怎么不对了?” This once guarded the gate of Creation Divine Country state, communicated is receiving and instructing innumerable dream of lifetime ferryman in dream star sea and Dreamland edge, at this moment looks at the golden queen. 这位曾经看守造物神国国度之门,来往于梦幻星海和梦界边缘接引着无数人生之梦摆渡人,此刻看着黄金女王。 Told her. 告诉她。 Creator...... arrived at the world.” 造物主……降临人间了。” God Insai left Creation Divine Country.” 因赛神离开了造物神国。” The golden queen felt that the goosebumps came out from top to bottom. 黄金女王感觉浑身上下鸡皮疙瘩都出来了。 She has not gone to Creation Divine Country, has not seen Creator. 她并未曾去过造物神国,也从来没有见过造物主 She listens to Ibach to raise this god name of only, knows the greatness of opposite party. 她只是听伊瓦提起过这位神祇的名字,知晓对方的伟岸。 Therefore she is clear, actually this means anything. 所以她才明白,这究竟意味着什么。 You were say......” “你是说……” Come did Creator to the world?” 造物主到人间来了?” It comes the world, what is to make?” “祂来人间,是要做什么?” Ibach does not know, the golden queen is unable to guess the ideas of these Supreme God with her angle. 伊瓦不知道,黄金女王也无法用她的角度去揣测那些至高神明的想法。 The Ibach god can only use somewhat anxiously , some sounds of anticipation said. 伊瓦神只能用有些紧张,又有些期待的声音说道。 Possibly is to look, the world that various God manages what turned into!” “可能是想要看一看,诸神管理的世界变成了什么样了吧!” Comes to see.” “来看一看。” Various gods whether for arrival of intelligent fruit, was ready.” “诸神是否为智慧果实的降临,做好了准备。” The golden queen and Ibach felt immediately an intense constriction, seemed to be worrying oneself do not do well enough, worried that made Supreme God only see not good one. 黄金女王和伊瓦顿时感觉到了一种强烈的压迫感,似乎在担忧自己是不是做得不够好,担忧让至高神祇看到了不好的一幕。 But under land. 而大地之下。 Seven load bearings Ruhul Giant God of great island is also feeling anything. 七位承载着巨岛的鲁赫巨神也感受到了什么。 Their responses are also most intense, although this intense average person is unable to feel intuitively. 祂们的反应也是最为强烈,虽然这种强烈普通人无法直观的感受到。 With the appearance of Moon of God, the power of that creation myriad things life dominates above the land and world. 伴随着神之月的出现,那创造万物生命的权能凌驾于大地和世界之上。 The Mother Conch of Myriad Things bugle horn sound as if resounds in their ear banks, swallows the starry sky the shadow as if to emerge from another of backdrop, climbs to the whole world. 万物母螺的号角声似乎在祂们的耳畔响起,吞噬星空的暗影似乎从天幕的另一头涌现,攀向整个世界。 Their masters. 祂们的主人。 Ruler of Life also arrived with Divine Moon together in this world. 生命主宰也随着神月一同降临在了这个世界。 The whole world, only had that silver moon to suppress that terrifying shadow. 整个世界,唯有那一轮银月压制住了那恐怖的暗影。 Wū wū!” “呜呜!” The common person cannot hear, in that supreme divine artifact ancient boundless conch sound. 寻常人听不见的,那至高神器的古老苍茫的螺号声中。 An invisible strength covers above Ruhul Giant Island. 一股无形的力量笼罩于鲁赫巨岛之上。 The black storm outside Ruhul Giant Island is suppressed immediately. 鲁赫巨岛之外的黑风暴立刻被压制住了。 Ruhul giant beast because of the assistance of Distorted Eye, therefore oneself divine blood is extremely thick ; These divine blood all overflow itself, integrates in the Ruhul Giant Island land, finally changed into this Ruhul Giant Island foundation. 鲁赫巨怪因为畸变之眼的辅助,所以自身神血太过浓厚;那些神血全部都溢出自身,融入鲁赫巨岛的大地之中,最后化为了这座鲁赫巨岛的根基。 Had strength extremely in great strength, but insufficiently is unable to control this strength from the body standard temporarily, therefore their whole time in deep sleep. 拥有的力量太过于强大,而自身位格暂时不够无法掌控这力量,所以祂们大部分时间都在沉睡。 But the strength that even, these are not so able to control will thoroughly wander on the Ruhul Giant Island edge as before. 而就算如此,那些无法彻底控制的力量依旧会徘徊在鲁赫巨岛边缘。 This is the real reason that black storm presents. 这便是那黑风暴出现的真正原因。 Also is Ruler of Life appears , in land, reason that these black storms dissipate. 也是生命主宰出现在大地上的时候,那些黑风暴消逝的原因。 Only then supreme divine artifact Mother Conch of Myriad Things, the control of life, can suppress the so terrifying strength, covers ten million/countless in myth storm. 只有至高神器万物母螺,还有生命的主宰,才能够压制住如此恐怖的力量,覆盖千万里的神话风暴。 Only then It arrives, the front door to outside world will open. 只有祂降临的时候,通往外面世界的大门才会打开。 The black storm starts no longer wild, even starts to have the scene of subsiding. 黑风暴开始不再狂暴,甚至开始有着平息的景象。 Although this process is somewhat slow regarding the mortal, but also needs some time waiting. 虽然这个过程对于凡人来说有些慢,还需要一些时间等待。 But at this moment. 而此时此刻。 Moon of God in sky, restrained the ray slowly. 天空之中的神之月,也缓缓的收敛了光芒。 Even-numbered month phenomenon across the sky, gradually vanishes. 双月横空的异象,逐渐消失。 However in some powerful existence eyes, they can find the Divine Moon trace as before. 但是在一些强大的存在眼中,祂们依旧能够找到神月的痕迹。 Right. 没错。 Moon of God no longer like once flashed passes. 神之月不再像曾经那样只是一闪即逝。 It will be very long to hang above the sky, but whole time no longer easily send out the silvery brilliance. 祂将很长一段都悬于天空之上,只是大部分时间不再轻易散发出银辉。 The Divine Moon time of second era. 第二纪元的神月时代。 Started. 开始了。 This is a time of great change, Powerful emerges one after another incessantly. 这是一个巨变的时代,权能者层出不穷。 Outside Ruhul Giant Island that eternal not loose death storm also started becomes pale, opened to outside channel in the following years slowly. 鲁赫巨岛外那永恒不散的死亡风暴也开始变淡,在接下来的年月里慢慢打开通往外面的通道。 The preparation follower who various gods select will appear one after another, is attacking the myth throne. 诸神选中的预备从者将会一个接着一个出现,冲击着神话的宝座。 ---------------------- ---------------------- Demon Abyss royal city Temple of Insai. 魔渊王城因赛神殿 Eliana looks that the Divine Moon silvery brilliance restrains gradually, gradual concealment in darkness. 爱莲娜看着神月的银辉渐渐收敛,逐渐的隐匿于黑暗之中。 However that intelligent authority can actually cover to the high prestige in the whole world as before. 但是那股智慧权柄的至高威能却依旧笼罩于整个世界。 Hasn't vanished?” “没有消失?” What is this?” “这是什么意思?” Moon of God long-time dangerous of Creation Divine Country stands in the world, this is the unprecedented scene. 造物神国神之月长久的悬立在人间,这可是前所未有的景象。 Except that Ibach this from saw anything in the Creation Divine Country half god, other half gods can only guess possibly the meaning of representative. 除了伊瓦这位来自于造物神国的半神看出了什么,其他半神都只能猜测着其中可能代表的含义。 Eliana can only guess that several possibilities, actually cannot know exactly had anything. 爱莲娜只能猜测出几个可能性,却并不能知晓到底发生了什么。 Meanwhile she looked to the side hall. 与此同时她看向了偏殿。 She also discovered intruded the unexpected visitor in Temple of Insai. 她也发现了闯入了因赛神殿之中的不速之客。 She entered the side hall, gazes is standing in the incantation seal puppet who under the stone column looks at dumbly. 她走进了偏殿,注视着站在石柱下呆立的咒印傀儡。 Who are you?” “你是谁?” Intrudes temple with this method, what do you want to make?” “用这种方法闯入神殿,你想要做什么?” Eliana has looked at the intelligent writing flagstone, knows that this flagstone is not the average person can look, discovered the feather snake is fortunately good, thinks that the feather snake has not seen the above content. 爱莲娜可是看过智慧文字石板的,知道这块石板不是普通人能够看的,发现羽蛇还好好的,就以为羽蛇还没有看到上面的内容。 She does not know, the Divine Moon ray smoothed moving restlessly dream star sea, the feather snake also lived from that curse. 她不知道,神月的光芒抚平了躁动的梦幻星海,羽蛇也从那诅咒之中活了下来。 Eliana looks to the flash of incantation seal puppet, discovered the opposite party is not demon spirit mannequin ; She knows that the incantation seal puppets cannot leave the main body to be excessively far, the main body of opposite party certainly in nearby. 爱莲娜看向咒印傀儡的一瞬间,就发现了对方不是魔灵人偶;她更知道咒印傀儡是不能离开本体过远的,对方的本体一定就在附近。 The Eliana vision has swept the vast desert, immediately sees the main body of feather snake beside Demon Abyss royal city. 爱莲娜目光扫过沙海,立刻在魔渊王城之外看到了羽蛇的本体。 What is this?” “这是什么?” Also is winged?” “还长着翅膀?” The feather snake then recovers, it looked that was perching the entities and ghost two existing strange mannequin to this cape, powerful power fluctuation that in addition on the opposite party sends out, knows that to convenient is in that legend is close to god existence only. 羽蛇这才回过神来,它看向了这个斗篷下栖息着实体和幽魂两个存在的怪异人偶,加上对方身上散发出来的强大权能波动,就知道对方便是那位传说之中接近神祇的存在。 The feather snake discovered, probably oneself bump into went into any serious place, saw any serious thing. 羽蛇发现,自己好像误打误撞的闯入了什么不得了的地方,看见了什么不得了的东西。 Please forgive my taking the liberty.” “请原谅我的冒昧。” Because my main body is oversized, is unable to go through the city gate, therefore I come by this appearance.” “因为我的本体过大,无法穿过城门,所以我才以这副模样进来。” „The temple guard said that I should come to here, therefore I then came.” 神殿的守卫说我应该来这里,于是我便进来了。” Eliana looked at an opposite party, knows the guard who temple entrance wrong regarded coming back to life ancient demon spirit mannequin the opposite party. 爱莲娜看了一眼对方,就知道神殿入口的守卫错将对方当成了复生的古代魔灵人偶 This is Creator temple.” “这是造物主神殿。” „It is not you can come, you hurry to leave!” “不是你可以进来的,你赶紧离开吧!” The feather snake actually goes forward one step, was saying to the opposite party. 羽蛇却上前一步,对着对方说道。 Sir Eliana.” “爱莲娜大人。” I have the matter to come here, wants to seek your help.” “我是有事情来到这里的,想要寻求您的帮助。” Eliana looks back the feather snake, without speech. 爱莲娜回过头来看着羽蛇,没有说话。 The legend that the feather snake will hear, own purpose in coming explained. 羽蛇就将自己听到的传说,还有自己的来意解释了一遍。 Finally it is said. 最后它说道。 Therefore.” “所以。” I want to change the snake human appearance.” “我想要变回蛇人的模样。” Sir Eliana, please help me, I am willing to pay any price.” “爱莲娜大人,请您帮助我,我愿意付出任何代价。” Eliana only knows, originally front this person is snake human , because original sin evil god Xiao's arrival turned into this appearance. 爱莲娜这才知道,原来面前这个人是一个蛇人,是因为原罪邪神肖的降临才变成了这一副模样。 Eliana does not want to take care this matter, at this moment heard its experience to say one. 爱莲娜原本不想管这种事情,此刻听闻它的经历就多说了一句。 „Do you want me to turn into snake human you?” “你想要我将你重新变成蛇人?” This is impossible.” “这不可能。” I am intelligent existence, is not myth of life.” “我是智慧的存在,并非生命的神话。” „During change of demon monster shape, because of the demon spirit allocation of circuit and this pyramid, rather than you imagines the life to rebuild.” 魔怪形态的改变,是因为魔灵回路和这座金字塔的赋予,而不是你想象之中的生命重造。” Because the demon monster life form is nearly the life, is more like the item.” “因为魔怪的生命形态与其说是近乎生命,更像是道具。” Finally, Eliana raised selected feather snake one. 最后,爱莲娜提点了羽蛇一句。 If you really want to turn into snake human, this issue you should look for Scarlet Goddess.” “如果你真的想要变成蛇人的话,这种问题你应该去找腥红女神。” She is the half god of life, has the ability of casting intelligent species body.” “她是生命的半神,拥有铸造智慧种身躯的能力。” Or.” “或者。” You become the apostle, when the time comes also has the opportunity to change snake human.” “你成为使徒,到时候也有机会重新变回蛇人。” The half god of life indeed has this strength, perhaps they are very directly difficult to create the new species the ability, if there is original life template, then derives it through the bloodlines. 生命的半神的确有这种力量,祂们或许很难有直接创造出新的物种的能力,但是若是有原本的生命模板,然后通过血脉将其衍生出来还是可以的。 Scarlet Goddess once brings Seed of Three Leaves that contains the three leaves human bloodlines passes through the time, then wants to make again three leaves human in next era. 腥红女神曾经带着蕴含着三叶人血脉的三叶之种穿越时代,便是想要在下一个时代重新将三叶人制造出来。 What a pity. 可惜。 250 million years of accident are too many, once Seed of Three Leaves by life power corrosion, but three leaves human of ancient time also vanishes into thin air. 两亿五千万年的变故太多,曾经的三叶之种被生命权能侵蚀,而古老时代的三叶人也都烟消云散。 Last years Hinsai King who in lost kingdom buries, had turned into a pure stone, only blood of myth cannot the restoration three leaves human life form. 就连失落之国中埋葬的末代希因赛王者,也早就变成了一具纯粹的石头,单凭神话之血是不能复原三叶人的生命形态的。 Life...... half god?” “生命的……半神?” Where the feather snake knows the secret between this type of Spiritual God, sees God in it is God, where also has division of what wisdom and life power. 羽蛇哪里知晓这种神灵之间的隐秘,在它看到神明就是神明,哪里还有什么智慧和生命权能之分。 Or it had not heard has what life power. 或者说,它就从来没有听说过有什么生命权能。 This secret is seemingly simple, if did not divulge, the average person was hard to know. 这种秘密看起来简单,但是若是不说破,普通人是难以知晓的。 Scarlet Goddess?” 腥红女神?” The feather snake also read this name, this it knows certainly. 羽蛇又念出了这个名字,这个它当然知道。 It once was Suinhall Maya City snake human, that state is believing this god completely. 它曾经就是苏因霍尔美雅城蛇人,那个国度全部都信仰着这位神祇。 Even, it had also seen this god. 甚至于,它曾经还见过这位神祇。 That packages Maya City god with the bloodshed, saved existence of its hometown. 那位用血海包裹住美雅城的神祇,拯救了它家乡的存在。 Then is Scarlet Goddess. 便是腥红女神 Although oneself also almost died in the hand of opposite party finally, but the feather snake was very grateful opposite party. 虽然自己最后也差点死在了对方的手上,但是羽蛇还是非常感激对方。 The feather snake asked Eliana: Sir Eliana.” 羽蛇问爱莲娜:“爱莲娜大人。” Where I should go, can find Scarlet Goddess?” “我应该去哪里,才能找到腥红女神?” Eliana turns around, the tower spirit domain opens before her. 爱莲娜转过身去,塔灵领域在她面前打开。 Suinhall.” 苏因霍尔。” You, if can find once three leaves human, can find her.” “你若是能够找到曾经的三叶人,就能够找到她。” The feather snake it also wants to ask, anything is three leaves human. 羽蛇它还想要问,什么是三叶人 However the opposite party has pursued temple it. 但是对方已经将它驱逐出了神殿 Dizzy. 天旋地转。 It returned to outside the demon spirit pyramid. 它就回到了魔灵金字塔外。 Eliana who returns to the tower spirit domain, recalled the past events in memory as that part of spirit. 回到塔灵领域的爱莲娜,作为幽灵的那一部分又回想起了记忆里的往事。 Eliana rarely mentioned Vivien, because them has erupted the quarrel among God's Abandonment Era. 爱莲娜很少提及费雯,因为在神弃时代她们之间爆发过争吵。 Vivien is the Temple of Truth sage, however accurate is the three leaves human sage, she must save three leaves human with all strengths, Eliana sought her help at that time, but Vivien expressed oneself have been incapable. 费雯真理圣殿的贤者,但是准确的来说是三叶人的贤者,她要用所有的力量去拯救三叶人,爱莲娜当时去寻求她的帮助,但是费雯却表示自己已经无力。 Although can understand, when life and death, who can go to a manages not my clan. 虽然能够理解,生死存亡之际,谁又能去管一个非我族类呢。 However the rejection of Vivien and Anli, letting Eliana has to find out had/left the means of demon spirit pyramid with the entire civilized casting, caused afterward result. 但是费雯安丽的拒绝,让爱莲娜不得不想出了用整个文明铸造出魔灵金字塔的这种办法,也导致了后来的结局。 Eliana was clear at that time. 爱莲娜那个时候才明白。 Although she is the second-generation inheritance of Temple of Truth, but Vivien is the three leaves human sage. 她虽然是真理圣殿的第二代传承,而费雯三叶人的贤者。 three leaves human is three leaves human, People of Demon Abyss is People of Demon Abyss. 三叶人三叶人,魔渊之民魔渊之民 Although they have the similar source, but eventually different. 他们虽然有着同样一个源头,但是终究还是不一样的。 The feather snake outside the demon spirit pyramid, is saluting to express gratitude to Eliana. 羽蛇在魔灵金字塔外,对着爱莲娜行礼表示感谢。 Thank your instruction.” “感谢您的指导。” Although had not been wanted oneself, but it knows how finally then should do. 虽然并没有得到自己想要的,但是它总算知道接下来该怎么去做了。 Leaves, the feather snake looked at a demon spirit pyramid. 离开的时候,羽蛇看了一眼魔灵金字塔。 This powerful incomparable item, the unusual fluctuation of sending out is covering entire Demon Abyss royal city. 这座强大无比的道具,散发的超凡波动笼罩着整个魔渊王城 However the feather snake always felt that it is very strange. 但是羽蛇总感觉它很奇怪。 This tower.” “这座塔。” Why fort in underground?” “为什么要塞在地下?” If it, it certainly cultivates one positively. 如果是它的话,它一定修一个正的。 It imagined, feels this pyramid, if revises, certainly shocks. 它想象了一下,觉得这座金字塔如果修正过来的,一定非常震撼。 The feather snake does not know, this tower is incomplete. 羽蛇并不知道,这座塔还并不完整。 When its thorough complete, will be divided into pro and con two, in present world, in Dreamland. 当其彻底完整的时候,就会分成正反两座,一座在现世,一座在梦界 Presently the world suppresses Demon Abyss royal city, Dreamland colludes all. 现世镇压魔渊王城,梦界勾连一切。 But at that time. 而那个时候。 It is myth. 其就是神话 All demon spirit will also untie the fetter, can go to the all over the world. 所有的魔灵也将解开束缚,可以前往世界各地。 ------------------- ------------------- The incantation seal puppets dispersed one group, the consciousness of feather snake returned to the main body. 咒印傀儡散成了一团,羽蛇的意识回到了本体之内。 The feather snake of plate in yellow sand turned the body, is pondering the following matter. 盘在黄沙之中的羽蛇扭了扭身躯,思考着自己接下来的事情。 Then, I must return to Suinhall.” “接下来,我要回苏因霍尔了。” Talked about goes home, the feather snake innermost feelings were somewhat terrified, has the hope. 谈到回家,羽蛇内心有些惶恐不安,又有着期盼。 Seeks for Scarlet Goddess, looks that to be called existence of three leaves human.” “去寻找腥红女神,去找那叫做三叶人的存在。” Then.” “然后。” Goes home to have a look by the snake human status.” “以蛇人的身份回家看看。” Even if the people are no longer the same, even if the lots have not been able to retrieve, it wants to go home. 哪怕物是人非,哪怕很多东西早就无法寻回,它还是想要回家。 What is more important, goes home by the snake human status. 更重要的是,以蛇人的身份回家。 The feather snake has not ravelled three leaves human is anything. 只是,羽蛇还未曾弄明白三叶人到底是什么。 It has only heard snake human and winged human. 它只听说过蛇人翼人 three leaves human? 三叶人 Who is this? 这是什么人? In this world, this person? 这个世界上,还有这种人吗? Is Ruler of Life creates, species that another they do not know. 难道是生命主宰创造出来的,另一种他们不知道的物种。 The feather snake breaks down to ponder. 羽蛇趴窝思考着。 Its was very old, was somewhat weary. 它年龄很大了,有些疲倦了。 In this half-asleep partly awakes, it instead consciousness pure brightness, it cannot help but had a thought the Scarlet Goddess god name. 在这种半睡半醒之间,它反而意识更加清明,它不由自主的念起了腥红女神的神名。 Deep sea Blood Country Scarlet Demoness, great First Blood Ancestor, the king of oldest race.” “深海的血之国腥红魔女,伟大的血之初祖,最古者种族之王。” the oldest.” 最古者。” the oldest?” 最古者?” The feather snake opened the eye suddenly. 羽蛇突然睁开了眼睛。 It has never thought in the Scarlet Goddess god name this meaning. 曾经,它从未想过腥红女神神名之中这段的含义。 However at this moment, it suddenly discovered that in the God name contains the greatest secret. 但是此时此刻,它突然发现神明的名字里面就蕴含着莫大的秘密。 The king of oldest race. 最古者种族之王。 This is representing, the scarlet goddess also has a own race. 这是不是代表着,猩红女神也有着一个属于自己的种族。 the oldest?” 最古者?” three leaves human?” 三叶人?” God race?” 神明的种族?” The feather snake is unable to imagine, what race can be born God, what race can be known as the oldest. 羽蛇无法想象,一个什么样的种族能够诞生出神明,一个什么样的种族才能号称最古者 When are they born in? 那他们诞生于什么时候? Is born before snake human is born, is born before the era starts, is born before snake human myth Ruler of Life creates all? 难道诞生于蛇人诞生以前,诞生于纪元开始之前,诞生在蛇人神话生命主宰创造一切之前? How possibly?” “怎么可能?” The feather snake feels laughably regarding own idea, how to have such matter. 羽蛇对于自己的想法感觉到可笑,怎么会有这样的事情呢。 In the snake human cognition, in their myth, the time creates to start from Ruler of Life. 蛇人的认知之中,在他们的神话里,时间就是从生命主宰创造一切开始的。 Ruler of Life arrive from various god states, then created all of this world. 生命主宰从诸神国度降临,然后创造了这个世界的所有。 The feather snake prepares to lie here a meeting, then depart. 羽蛇准备在这里趴一会,然后再出发 It is swaying from side to side the tail, lies in the warm comfortable sand. 它扭动着尾巴,趴在温暖舒适的沙子里。 Suddenly. 突然之间。 The body that it sways from side to side discovered anything in the vast desert, in the yellow sand has anything probably creak the person. 它扭动的身躯在沙海之中发现了什么,黄沙之中好像有什么东西咯吱人。 Inside is burying anything. 里面埋着什么东西。 Feather snake tail one volume, had/left one after another stone from the yellow sand last volume. 羽蛇尾巴一卷,就从黄沙地下卷出了一块又一块石头。 One after another, very many. 一块接着一块,非常的多。 In Demon Abyss royal city outside, has a huge debris. 魔渊王城的外面,有着一个庞大的碎石堆。 stone Duili is burying many scrap rocks, but some are also recording the stone and stele of writing. 石碓里埋着很多废石,但是也有很多刻录着文字的石块、石碑。 In last era. 上一个纪元 Also some people had come to here, here rests. 也曾经有人来过这里,在这里休息。 First-generation saint Tito, the king of first-generation Demon Abyss. 第一代圣徒蒂托,还有第一代魔渊之王。 Once. 曾经。 Great poet Tito and nameless King once the same place, retrieved the epic and myth that the part lost here. 伟大诗人蒂托和无名的王者曾经一起,在这里找回了部分丢失的史诗和神话 Among the years samsara, the feather snake of second era also discovered here secret. 岁月轮回之间,第二纪元的一条羽蛇也发现了这里的秘密。 The feather snake starts not to detect anything, until seeing on a stone has the character, it bends down the head to look immediately. 羽蛇开始并没有发觉什么,直到看到一块石头上有字,它立刻俯下头颅去看。 This is...... that language.” “这是……那种文字。” The feather snake discovers immediately, this was today makes it almost be killed that flagstone the writing on under curse. 羽蛇立刻发现,这就是今天让它差点丧命于诅咒之下的那块石板上的文字。 It raises the spirit immediately, is staring at these stones, it felt that in these writing possibly contains the secret that it is not knowing. 它立刻提起了精神,盯着这些石头,它感觉到这些文字里可能蕴藏着很多它不知道的秘密。 At least, it wants to ravel these writing is what writing. 至少,它想要弄明白那些文字到底是什么文字。 The thing that in the stone records is very scattered in disorder, but without a doubt, is called the three leaves human race to be related with a name. 石头上记录的东西很散乱,但是毫无疑问,和一个名字叫做三叶人的种族有关。 In the stone records a name to be called existence of moon/month of prince, the opposite party left a place named God's Bestowal Ground, established the city named Yesel city. 石头上记录着一个名字叫做月之王子的存在,对方离开了一个叫做神赐之地的地方,建立了名叫耶赛尔城的城市。 Stones splice in together, the feather snake sleepiness does not have. 一块块石头拼接在一起,羽蛇睡意全无。 By these stones. 透过这些石头。
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