IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#363 Part 2: Spies on the intelligent writing flagstone it person( thanks nightmare 12 hegemons)

That steep steps are upward from time to time, from time to time downward, shuttles back and forth in the city on is crawling probably a steep mountain. 那陡峭的阶梯时而向上,时而向下,穿梭在城市里就好像在爬着一座陡峭的大山。 That corridor constructions above the construction wall, the under foot are the abyss. 那一座座长廊修建在建筑的墙壁之上,脚下就是深渊。 The feather snake controls the puppet to walk exclaims in surprise incomparably, how it is unable to imagine such construction to construct. 羽蛇控制着傀儡走在其中惊叹无比,它无法想象这样的建筑到底是怎么修建出来的。 Especially that Moon Tower of distant place, seems like the God divine creative force. 尤其是远方的那座月塔,就好像是神明造物。 Finally. 最终。 It does not have the stop like this arrived under temple. 它就这样毫无阻拦的来到了神殿下。 It walks toward the main shrine, but demon spirit mannequin under temple is actually pointing at another side. 它朝着主殿走去,但是神殿下的一个魔灵人偶却指着另一边。 Went astray.” “走错了。” Walks toward that side.” “往那边走。” The feather snake lifts the hand to point at that side, looked to the opposite party. 羽蛇抬起手指着那边,看向了对方。 demon spirit mannequin nods. 魔灵人偶点头。 Yes.” “是。” „That side goes.” “去那边。” This is demon spirit mannequin of guard, the opposite party is also thinks demon spirit mannequin that the feather snake just came back to life. 这是守卫的魔灵人偶,对方也是以为羽蛇是刚刚复生的魔灵人偶 In the ancient times demon spirit mannequin the light of consciousness will wear down in the years once in a while, however the new consciousness will be born in the body. 古代魔灵人偶每隔一段时间意识之光会在岁月里消磨,但是新的意识又会在身体里重新诞生。 But they every comes back to life one time, will arrive at Temple of Insai. 而他们每一次复生,都会来到因赛神殿 Here, they will inherit the intelligent writing, retrieves the thing in bloodlines body again slowly. 在这里,他们将会重新继承智慧文字,再慢慢找回血脉身躯里的东西。 The memory may forget, but the lots were actually left behind by ancient existence forcefully in the world, does not dissipate because of the years. 记忆可能会遗忘,但是很多东西却被古老的存在强行留下在人间,不因岁月而消逝。 But the feather snake thinks that the opposite party tells himself, that side has an audience with the place of that Sir Eliana. 而羽蛇以为对方是告诉自己,那边才是觐见那位爱莲娜大人的地方。 The feather snake thought. 羽蛇心想。 Really worthily is nearly existence of God, I just arrived, she has known that I came.” “果然不愧是近乎神明的存在,我才刚刚抵达,她就已经知道我来了。” The feather snake controlled mannequin to walk into that side hall, in the heart harbored the sense of awe. 羽蛇控制着人偶走入了那座偏殿之中,心中怀着敬畏之心。 In the palace is very spacious, only saw that the neutrality of side hall had stone columns. 殿堂里很空旷,只看到偏殿之中立起了一个个石柱。 Above of stone column. 石柱的上面。 Is consecrating ancient flagstones. 供奉着一块块古老的石板。 That flagstone is lending the ancient aura, that above writing is describing the most ancient wisdom opening years. 那石板散发着亘古的气息,那上面的文字描绘着最古老的智慧开启岁月。 It is born time, the oldest also lives in the god bestows the paradise, but also lives under the Creator palace. 它诞生的时候,最古者还居住在神赐乐园,还居住在造物主的殿堂之下。 That time. 那个时代。 The boundary of god and person so near. 神与人的界限是如此的近。 The feather snake comes not to see that Sir Eliana, actually by that flagstone attracting, its cannot help but toward a pillar walks. 羽蛇进来没有看到那位爱莲娜大人,却一眼就被那石板给吸引住了,它不由自主的朝着其中一根柱子走去。 What thing is this?” “这是什么东西?” Why in temple?” “为什么会在神殿里?” The feather snake thinks that in temple will consecrate idol generally, but here does not have idol. 羽蛇以为神殿之中一般会供奉神像,但是这里并没有神像 The feather snake approached, arrived under the stone column. 羽蛇靠近,走到了石柱下。 It raised the head. 它抬起头。 Curious looks at the writing on that flagstone. 好奇的看着那石板上的文字。 The mutation appeared. 异变出现了。 The feather snake planned to look at one, but raised the head was only swept on a flagstone symbol. 羽蛇原本只是打算看了一眼,但是抬起头只是扫了一眼石板上面的“符号”。 It cannot move. 它就不能动了。 Its that writing does not recognize, looked continually has not understood. 它连那文字都不认得,连看都没看懂。 So long as it looked, is inescapable. 但是只要它看了,就无法逃脱。 Not only so. 不仅仅如此。 Cannot move is not only the incantation seal puppet, lost all senses together with the feather snake outside main body instantaneously, the whole person was dragged into an invisible consciousness world. 不能动的不仅仅是咒印傀儡,连同羽蛇在外面的本体也瞬间失去了所有感官,整个人被拉入了一个无形的意识世界之中。 It sees. 它看到。 The writing on flagstone twisted suddenly, then changed into shadows, 石板上的文字突然扭曲了起来,然后化为了一个个影子, It saw that the writing on flagstone turned into a grotesque fish, that is the exterminated ancient first ancestor fish ; But the ground of its under foot changed into the high antiquity the sea. 它看到石板上的文字变成了一条奇形怪状的鱼,那是已经灭绝的古老始祖鱼;而它脚下的地面化为远古时代的大海。 The first ancestor fish dive in groups has the sea level, rushes to the distant place. 成群的始祖鱼跃出海面,奔向远方。 Some writing changed into one group of flame, it saw the volcano erupts from the distant place, eruption the material brings the billowing thick smoke to drop from the clouds. 有的文字化为了一团火焰,它看到了火山从远处喷发,喷发出的物质带着滚滚浓烟从天而降。 Some writing changed into the thunder, it saw the fierce marine storm, fell from the sky that the thunder blotted out the sky. 有的文字化为了雷霆,它看到了剧烈的海上风暴,雷霆铺天盖地的从天空落下。 The ancient intelligent writing explanations fall into its mind unceasingly, told it this writing to represent anything, how should use. 一个又一个古老的智慧文字释义就不断落入它的脑海之中,告诉它这个文字代表着什么,该如何使用。 But feather snake anything is undoable, only to stand one moves there cannot move. 而羽蛇什么都不能做,只能站在那里一动不能动。 This is the intelligent writing flagstone. 这是智慧文字石板。 But above inscribes, is the intelligent writing of King of Wisdom ledlicki creation. 而上面所铭刻的,是智慧之王莱德利基创造的智慧文字。 In it when is receiving the explanations of these writing, more terrifying matter happened. 而在它在接收着那些文字的释义的时候,更恐怖的事情发生了。 Dizzy. 天旋地转。 It felt that oneself stood above a star sea probably. 它感觉自己好像站在了一片星海之上。 Was innumerably more ancient much the form to appear in star sea, sends out according to tide sound that blotted out the sky. 无数古老得难以言喻的身影出现在了星海里,发出铺天盖地的据浪潮声。 The wills of these shadows condense as one, has the indescribable pressure, shatters its consciousness thoroughly. 这些影子的意志凝聚为一体,带有难以言喻的压力,将它的意识彻底冲垮。 The curse of ancient time life arrives. 古老时代生灵的诅咒降临。 Cursed this to dare to spy on the intelligent writing flagstone, dared to spy on existence of the oldest secret. 诅咒着这个敢于窥探智慧文字石板,敢于窥探最古者秘密的存在。 Feather snake just ignorant looked at this flagstone. 羽蛇只不过无知的看了一眼这块石板。 It was swallowed. 它就被吞噬了。 mortal, absurdly from spying on the intelligent divine object, must suffer the divine punishment.” 凡种,妄自窥探智慧神物,必遭神罚。” Spies on the writing flagstone, damn.” “窥探文字石板,该死。” Damn......” “该死……” Damn......” “该死……” „......” “……” King Ledlicki writing, the language of God King, the article of wisdom......” 莱德利基王的文字,神王之语,智慧之文……” Creator God Insai, supreme god only......” 造物主因赛神啊,至高无上的神祇……” Under star sea, the innumerable forms stood, is gazing at the feather snake. 星海之下,无数个身影站了出来,注视着羽蛇。 Even if however is gazing, made the feather snake thorough fall insanely ; The sound of curse let alone that blots out the sky, gathers from star sea. 但是哪怕只是注视着,就让羽蛇彻底疯掉了;更别说那铺天盖地的诅咒之音,从星海汇聚而来。 Spans the time years, spans the remote distance, arrives at in Xianshi. 跨越时光岁月,跨越遥远的距离,降临于现世。 No!” “不!” Stops...... stops......” “停下……停下……” I have not spied on.” “我没有窥探。” I have not looked.” “我没有看。” The feather snake felt that own consciousness was frozen, its innermost feelings send out the crazy call letter, actually cannot make any sound. 羽蛇感觉自己的意识都被冻结了,它内心发出疯狂的呼号,却根本发不出任何声音。 It also wants to stop, but is at this moment late. 它也想要停下,但是此刻已经迟了。 It does not know how should stop, it does not know that this is what situation. 它不知道该如何停下,它更不知道这到底是什么情况。 What is this?” “这到底是什么?” Why?” “为什么?” „Did I look at a flagstone?” “我不过看了块石板而已?” „Did I look at its one?” “我只是看了它一眼而已?” The feather snake recalled again once in Maya City that. 羽蛇再度回想起了曾经在美雅城的那一幕。 At that time. 当时。 Which throws over God of ruined overalls to stand in city Lord your family place, trillion years ago spans the time to return. 哪位披着破败罩衣的神明就站在城主府上,从亿万年前跨越时光归来。 But everyone just looked at Its one eyes, lost the snake human shape, turned into monsters. 而所有人只不过看了祂一眼,就失去了蛇人的形态,变成了一个又一个怪物。 That is its eternal nightmare. 那是它永恒的梦魇。 But this time. 而这一次。 Its God appearance had not seen, but looked at a carving characters flagstone, is dying. 它连神明的模样都没有看到,只是看了一眼刻着字的石板,就要死了。 It stands in the side hall like this, the consciousness in mind dissipates in the fast annihilation. 它就这样站在偏殿之中,脑海之中的意识在快速湮灭消散。 The sky also faded out gradually. 天空也渐渐暗了下来。 But the feather snake also set off the death homeward journey. 而羽蛇也踏上了死亡归途。 The curse spanned the space to come, to arrive from the remote place on the body of feather snake, will soon grant it to spy on the penalty of intelligent flagstone. 诅咒从遥远之地跨越空间而来,降临在了羽蛇的身上,即将赐予它窥探智慧石板的惩罚。 Told it this not to know that profound mortal, intelligent writing it cannot use ; If spies on the intelligent writing merely, will not have suffered such big backlash. 告诉它这个不知道天高地厚的凡种,智慧文字非它可以使用;如果仅仅是窥探智慧文字,还不会遭受这么大的反噬。 More importantly. 更重要的。 It dares to look straight ahead the intelligent divine object unexpectedly, the thing that King of Wisdom ledlicki leaves behind. 它竟然敢直视智慧的神物,智慧之王莱德利基留下的东西。 Punishes its is not King of Wisdom ledlicki, is not various God. 惩罚它的不是智慧之王莱德利基,不是诸神。 Was that had had actually already the oldest and People of Demon Abyss that dissipated. 是那曾经存在过却又早已消逝的最古者魔渊之民 At this moment. 此刻。 The night falls. 夜幕降临。 With the darkness, moon also appeared in the sky. 伴随着黑暗,月亮也出现在了天空。 However what is not normal, the sky presented two rounds of moon impressively. 不过不正常的是,天空赫然出现了两轮月亮。 One round is usually momentarily the obvious bright moonlight. 一轮是平常随时可见的明月。 But another round. 而另外一轮。 Is silver Divine Moon. 是银色的神月 The moonlight has swept the boundless land, has swept the endless vast desert. 月光扫过苍茫大地,扫过无尽沙海。 Moon of God across the sky. 神之月横空。 All in world completely peaceful. 世间的一切全部都安宁了下来。 The moonlight shone from temple, bathing all living things. 月光从神殿之外照射了下来,沐浴众生。 According to above the main bodies and incantation seal puppets of feather snake. 也照在了羽蛇的本体和咒印傀儡之上。
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