IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#363 Part 1: Spies on the intelligent writing flagstone it person( thanks nightmare 12 hegemons)

Endless vast desert. 无尽沙海。 The big snake soaring of winged in the shining vast desert, under Sun it seemed also dyed the golden color. 长着翅膀的大蛇飞翔在金灿灿的沙海上,太阳底下它仿佛也被染成了金色。 In this unmanned desert, it can hovering heartily. 在这片无人的沙漠里,它可以尽情的翱翔。 In the beginning, monster that because it was turned into by the Lord of Brilliance myth strength transformation, therefore before it, did not understand own strength usage. 开始的时候,因为它是被光辉之主神话力量改造下变成的怪物,所以它之前根本不理解自身力量的用法。 Its any divine spell, almost will not know nothing besides these marketplace hearsay regarding the power. 它不会任何神术,对于权能除了那些市井传闻之外几乎一无所知。 Especially although it had the unusual strength, but is not ordinary that Powerful. 尤其是它虽然拥有了超凡之力,但是又不是普通的那种权能者 Its strength came from Gate of Intelligent that special strength. 它的力量来自于灵性之门的那种特殊力量。 Ordinary Powerful divine spell, witch spirit and alchemist divine spell, cannot directly use regarding it. 普通权能者神术,巫灵炼金师神术,对于它来说并不能直接使用。 However lived was so long, it also grasped divine spell about Lord of Brilliance lineage/vein gradually, some most direct applications. 但是活了这么久,它也渐渐的掌握了一些关于光辉之主一脉的神术,最直接的一些运用方式。 It can treat itself, some to people are incomparable the terrifying the wound to be able easily regarding it to heal ; In addition the powerful body is ordinary, the common person cannot injure it. 它能够治疗自身,一些对于常人来说无比恐怖的伤口对于它来说可以轻易愈合;加上自身强大的身躯普通,寻常人根本伤害不到它。 It can also cure others through her strength, similarly can also kill others through this strength, this is one type can eliminate or destroy others body structure directly the strength. 它还可以通过自身的力量治愈他人,同样也可以通过这种力量杀死别人,这是一种能够直接消灭或者破坏别人身体结构的力量。 Waited to live for a long time. 等活得久了一些。 It awakened some unusual abilities. 它更是觉醒了一些奇特的能力。 It grasped the special incantation seal strength, it can give the dying thing by the intelligence, makes a special incantation seal puppet. 它掌握了特殊的咒印力量,它可以赋予一些死物以灵性,制造成一个特殊的咒印傀儡。 For example loses some bodies, the cloud layer intelligence that temporarily gives the sky, then the body and cloud fusion in the same place, have ability that controls the sexual intercourse. 比如损耗部分身躯,暂时赋予天空的云层灵性,然后身躯和云融合在一起,拥有掌控云雨的能力。 It can also give the soil intelligence, fuses in the soil together, forms the protection of powerful. 它也可以赋予泥土灵性,和泥土融合在一起,形成强力的守护。 The distant place, the yellow sand of blotting out the sky raids. 远处,铺天盖地的黄沙袭来。 Gathers the sandstorm. 汇聚成沙暴。 Hiss!” “嘶!” It exudes one to neigh, throws from the sky. 它发出一声嘶鸣,从天空扑下。 In the sandstorm presented a sand person, a big snake winding on the body of sand person. 沙暴之中出现了一个沙人,一只大蛇缠绕在沙人的身上。 One also turn into the sand composed probably, walks in the sandstorm, follows the sandstorm to move toward the distant place together. 自身好像也变成了沙子组成的一样,行走在沙暴之中,跟随着沙暴一起走向远方。 The feather snake along with the sandstorm the line, shuttles back and forth above the endless vast desert. 羽蛇随风沙而行,穿梭于无尽沙海之上。 It has circled in this wilderness was very long, but had not found the place that it seeks for as before. 它已经在这片荒漠盘旋很久了,但是依旧没有找到那个它寻找的地方。 How to find?” “怎么会找不到?” Where is the city in that legend at?” “那座传说之中的城市到底在哪?” The feather snake is thinking at heart. 羽蛇心里这么想着。 Suddenly, it saw powerful demon monster appeared in the sky. 突然之间,它看到了一个强大的魔怪出现在了天空上。 demon monster launches the giant wing, is swaying from side to side the tall and slender body, seems like the monarchy of wind, must obey its command across the wind of sky. 魔怪展开巨大的翅膀,扭动着细长的身躯,就好像风的君主,穿过天空的风都要听从它的号令。 That is a wing demon. 那是一只翼魔。 Although wing demon with sky envoy and feather snake similar ownership in the life of sky, but light/only looks at the appearance, can feel its life form is incomparably ancient. 翼魔虽然和天空使、羽蛇同样归属于天空的生灵,但是光是看模样,就能够感受到它的生命形态是无比古老的。 This is one type is not the life of this era absolutely, but from was hard the age to snake human long ago imagining and tracing. 这是一种绝对不属于这一个纪元的生灵,而是来自于久远到蛇人难以想象和追溯的年代。 The wing demon is created by the Temple of Truth sage, the conception of its shape came from the wing of controlling wind. 翼魔由真理圣殿的贤者所创造,其形态的构想来自于驭风之翼。 Therefore it does not have the feather, grows two meat wings, the around side of meat wing also has the hole, can control the strong winds. 所以它没有羽毛,长着两只肉翼,肉翼的前后方还有孔,可以驾驭着狂风。 It subordinates in demon monster. 它隶属于魔怪 However looks with stone demon and Fire Demon this type does not seem like compared with existence of life, it compares other ordinary demon monster more powerful, is close to the life body. 但是和石魔和火魔这种一看就不像是生命的存在相比,它又比其他的普通魔怪更强大,更接近于生命体。 Make people think that this is a life, rather than in the flame and stone jump. 让人觉得这是一种生命,而不是火焰和石头之中蹦出来的。 Therefore some snake human when see it, suspicion cannot help but own myth. 所以有些蛇人在看到它的时候,就不由自主的怀疑起了自己的神话 If all start. 如果一切开始的时候。 Was Ruler of Life sounded the bugle, created all lives. 生命主宰吹响了号角,创造出了所有生命。 Then this type is seemingly more ancient much unusual existence, comes? 那么这种看上去古老得难以言喻的超凡存在,到底是怎么来的? They arrive from the states of various god? 他们是从诸神的国度降临的吗? In their myth, their history, before their civilizations start . 在他们的神话,他们的历史,他们的文明开始之前。 Has not existed for the history that they know. 是不是还存在着不为他们所知的历史。 demon monster!” 魔怪!” It is hurrying along, it prepares that city.” “它在赶路,它准备去那座城市。” That can give them the truly intelligent and new life form the ancient capital.” “那座能够赋予他们真正智慧和新的生命形态的古老之都。” The feather snake had heard in story, some powerful demon monster will receive the summon of vast desert deep place that city, from afar rushes to there. 羽蛇听说过的故事里,一些强大的魔怪会受到沙海深处那座城市的召唤,千里迢迢赶往那里。 They will open the wisdom, has the new shape. 他们将会开启智慧,拥有新的形态。 Becoming demon spirit in legend. 成为传说之中的魔灵 Therefore. 所以。 So long as it the following opposite party, can perhaps find the city in that legend. 它只要跟着对方,或许就能找到那座传说之中的城市。 The feather snake follows in the wing demon behind, non-stop flew for several days and several nights. 羽蛇跟随在翼魔的身后,一直飞了几天几夜。 Finally, saw that broad city in the ends of the earth. 终于,在天尽头看到了那座恢弘的城市。 The heavy/thick city wall, in the city wall has the ancient spirit mark, the entire city is one huge incomparable ceremony technique, with some city most central powerful item links. 厚重的城墙,城墙上有着古老的灵纹,整座城市就是一个庞大无比的仪式术阵,和城市最中央的某个强大的道具连接在一起。 Invisible knot covers above the city, prevents sandstorm that outside dances in the breeze, prevented spying on. 一股无形的结界笼罩在城市之上,阻挡住外面飘舞的风沙,也阻挡住了外界的窥探。 Only then some demon monster and few lucky fellows, can find this city. 只有魔怪和少部分幸运儿,才能够找到这座城市。 The overlapping big stone construction rises straight from the ground, what is highest is a named Moon Tower great tower, during the constructions has hanging bridge and corridor connection layer by layer, this city three-dimensional. 层层叠叠的高大石头建筑拔地而起,最高的是一座名为月塔的巨塔,建筑之间有着一层又一层吊桥、长廊连接,这座城市是立体的。 The feather snake follows in the wing demon behind. 羽蛇跟在翼魔的身后。 Looks that it falls from the sky, turned into a colored kite before the city gate. 看着它从天空落下,在城门前变成了一个彩色的风筝。 The colored ribbon flutters after behind, flexible fluttering in this three-dimensional city. 彩带飘在身后,灵活的飘飞在这座立体的城市里。 Although the figure changed small, however the utilization of power was more flexible and powerful ; Moreover can obviously be able to see it to have the wisdom, the joyful fluctuation that the mind sends out has spread to the consciousness of feather snake. 身形虽然变小了,但是权能的运用却更加灵活和强大了;而且可以明显看得出它拥有了智慧,心灵散发出的快乐波动都已经传入到了羽蛇的意识里。 Meanwhile. 与此同时。 Also departed all kinds of colored kites from the high place, altogether dances in the low altitude in city with it together. 从高处也飞出了各种各样的彩色风筝,和它一起在城市的低空里共舞。 That once arrived in the wing demon of this city, on their kites also has the unusual pattern, seemed like probably expressions, this moment these expressions turned into the appearance of laughing heartily. 那是曾经抵达这座城市的翼魔,它们的风筝上面还有着奇特的花纹,看上去就好像一幅幅表情,此刻这些表情都变成了欢笑的模样。 In the wind transmitted talking in whispers, that is they are exchanging. 风中传来了窃窃私语,那是它们在交流。 But other demon spirit in city also burst into the cheers, greeted new demon spirit. 而城内的其他魔灵们也爆发出了欢呼声,迎接新来的魔灵 demon spirit that comes one to fly.” “又来一个会飞的魔灵。” Ohh.” “喔喔。” They fly well quickly.” “他们飞得好快。” „! I also want to fly.” “啊!我也想要飞啊。” At this time, demon spirit of metal mannequin shape also rode a strange flight vehicle also to overshoot from the highest that great tower, shuttles back and forth with kite shape demon spirit that these can fly together in the sky. 这个时候,一个金属人偶形态的魔灵也骑着一架怪异的飞行器也从最高的那座巨塔上冲了下来,和那些会飞的风筝形态魔灵一起穿梭在天空。 Does not have the wing also the same as fly.” “没有翅膀也一样可以飞。” Thunder can make you grow the wing.” “雷可以让你们长出翅膀。” Is controlling demon spirit mannequin of flight vehicle, sent out shouted. 驾驭着飞行器的魔灵人偶,发出了大喊。 Great.” “好样的。” Thunder.” “雷。” Entire ancient, fell into cheering sea. 整个古老之都,都陷入了一片欢呼的海洋。 Distant place. 远处。 Somewhat timid feather snake is looking into that city from afar, is feeling ancient of this city, deep place that unequalled powerful aura. 有些胆怯的羽蛇远远眺望着那座城市,感受着这座城市的古老,还有深处那无与伦比的强大气息。 It also looks at that to turn into the wing demon of kite shape, does not understand after the wing demon becomes demon spirit, will turn into this appearance. 它也看着那变成了风筝形态的翼魔,不明白翼魔成为魔灵后会变成这幅样子。 It does not know, the prototype of wing demon came from the wing of controlling wind. 它更不知道,翼魔的原型来自于驭风之翼。 But that Miracle Item seems like a big kite. 而那件奇迹道具看上去就是一个大风筝。 Rides demon spirit mannequin of flight vehicle to get down from the high place, accurate went through the city gate, then drew. 骑着飞行器的魔灵人偶从高处下来,精准的穿过了城门,然后又拉了起来。 Finally. 最终。 Fell on the sands of city wall outside not far away. 落在了城墙外面不远处的一片沙地上。 Puts on demon spirit mannequin of magnificent clothes robe from the flight vehicle, he is seeking for anything on the sand. 穿着华丽衣袍的魔灵人偶从飞行器上下来,他在沙地上寻找着什么。 Quick he dug an appearance not too same flight vehicle from in the sand, then sat to start to dismantle, research. 很快他就从沙里刨出了一个模样不太一样的飞行器,然后坐下来开始拆解,研究。 Many components.” “好多零件。” „The idea of this place compared with my present good.” “这个地方的想法比我现在的好诶。” With looks.” “拿回去看一看。” The Demon Abyss royal city boundary does not take royal city as the boundary, and periphery also has very big place outside is the Demon Abyss royal city domain. 魔渊王城的界限并不是以王城为界限,在外面和周围还有着很大一片地方都是魔渊王城的领域。 Below can see connects one entire, seems like snake human painting «lost kingdom» is same, but above was covered by the yellow sand. 下面可以看到是连接成一整块的,就好像蛇人画作里的《失落之国》一样,只是上面被黄沙覆盖住了。 Here. 这里。 Was the limit of demon spirit activities. 就是魔灵活动范围的极限了。 At least now, is the farthest boundary that they can arrive. 至少现在,是它们可以抵达的最远边界。 Looks again.” “再找找。” „Does nearby have.” “附近还有没有。” Suddenly. 突然间。 The sandy soil surges, jumped out a giant snake head from inside, along with has a pair of giant wing that the snake head appears. 沙土涌动,从里面窜出了一个巨大的蛇头,伴随着蛇头出现的还有着一双巨大的羽翼。 This fellow suddenly appeared, frightens demon spirit mannequin to jump. 这家伙突然出现,吓了魔灵人偶一跳。 What thing?” “什么东西?” The feather snake cannot speak, can only exude the fizz. 羽蛇不能说话,只能发出嘶嘶声。 However it has the intelligent power, can directly communicates with the mind and demon spirit mannequin. 但是它拥有智慧权能,可以直接用心灵和魔灵人偶沟通。 Does not need to be afraid.” “不用害怕。” I am the guest of coming from far away, wants to go to this city to be a guest.” “我是远道而来的客人,想要前往这座城市里面做客。” But I have not come, therefore does not know how should enter inside, does not know that here has what custom.” “但是我从来没有来过,所以不知道该如何进入里面,也不知道这里有什么规矩。” Therefore wants to inquire you.” “所以想要来询问一下你。” demon spirit mannequin looked that this fellow build is huge, but spoke actually well-mannered, was not completely in line with the appearance. 魔灵人偶看这家伙体型庞大骇人,但是说话却彬彬有礼,和模样完全不相符。 „Aren't you demon monster? Why will that come here?” “你不是魔怪吗?那为什么会来到这里?” demon spirit mannequin saw the wing of opposite party, immediately is excited. 魔灵人偶看到了对方的翅膀,立刻兴奋了起来。 Unexpectedly wing.” “竟然还有翅膀。” What life you are, so to be how strange?” “你到底是什么生命,怎么这么奇怪?” He on even comes, wants to touch the wing of feather snake. 他甚至上前来,想要触碰羽蛇的翅膀。 The opposite party seems to be interested regarding existence that can fly, the wing demon, is front feather snake. 对方似乎对于会飞的存在非常感兴趣,不论是翼魔,还是面前的羽蛇。 He just had a scare because of suddenly, absolutely does not have the feather snake to be expected that at this moment fear, instead is the demon spirit mannequin bold movement makes the feather snake make concessions unceasingly. 他刚刚被吓了一跳只是因为突然,此刻完全没有羽蛇预料之中的害怕,反而是魔灵人偶的大胆动作让羽蛇不断退让。 demon spirit mannequin looked that the feather snake does not want to be traced its wing by oneself, immediately gives up. 魔灵人偶看羽蛇不想让自己摸一摸它的羽翼,立刻作罢。 He and feather snake shrugs the arm, touches own head to be sorry. 他和羽蛇耸了耸肩膀,摸了摸自己的头表示歉意。 I am curious.” “我只是好奇。” I very existence that likes being able to fly.” “我很喜欢会飞的存在。” The feather snake wide berth, then asked. 羽蛇保持安全距离,接着问道。 I am the feather snake.” “我是羽蛇。” How I should be able to enter in the city.” “请问我应该怎么才能进入城里。” The feather snake had not said own true name, or is because after turning into this appearance, it no longer wants the person to know own once name, perhaps after was wanted to change snake human, uses once name. 羽蛇并没有说自己真正的名字,或者是因为变成这幅样子之后它不再想要人知道自己曾经的名字,或许是想要变回蛇人之后再用回曾经的名字。 demon spirit mannequin picks up the components that the ground fell, wrapped. 魔灵人偶捡起了地上掉落的零件,包裹了起来。 Then replied. 然后才接着回答。 You said the name, I also told you my name!” “你说了名字,那我就将我的名字也告诉你吧!” My name was thunder 。 " “我叫雷。” „To enter the royal city words, entered in the city gate to walk to be OK directly.” “想要进入王城的话,进入城门里直接走进去就可以了。” Recently Sir Eliana was at sky over the city the establishment to settle, we avoided the puzzle of sandstorm finally.” “最近爱莲娜大人在城市上空设置了结界,我们总算是避开了风沙的困扰。” Tied also stopped up the sky, making me unable to ride the flight vehicle to fly directly, can only from the city gate turnover.” “只是结界也堵住了天空,让我不能够骑着飞行器直接飞出来,只能从城门进出。” demon spirit mannequin of named thunder looked at a feather snake that huge body, shakes the head. 名为雷的魔灵人偶看了一下羽蛇那庞大的身躯,摇了摇头。 Your this build is so big, the entry you also really not necessarily can go.” “你这体型这么大,门洞你还真不一定进得去。” You are not demon monster.” “你又不是魔怪。” Cannot accept the baptism in the city gate.” “也不能在城门接受洗礼。” The feather snake nods, since did not forbid the bystander to come and go out, he also had the means to go. 羽蛇点了点头,既然不是禁止外人出入了,那他就还有办法可以进去。 The feather snake looked to thunder behind flight vehicle, it just saw this mannequin to step on the flight vehicle to fly in the space, at that time it was also very shocking. 羽蛇看向了雷身后的飞行器,它刚刚就看见这个人偶踩着飞行器在天上飞,当时它也是非常震惊。 Does not understand the strange thing that the opposite party makes, how can fly in the space? 不明白对方造出的这个古怪的东西,怎么就能飞在天上? This is the flight vehicle that...... you said?” “这个就是……你说的飞行器?” The thunder introduces own masterpiece to the feather snake immediately. 雷立刻向羽蛇介绍起了自己的杰作。 Right, this is my flight vehicle.” “没错,这个是我的飞行器。” „Had you just seen?” “你刚刚已经看到了吧?” Just like your wing, can fly.” “和你的翅膀一样,也是可以飞的。” The feather snake asked him: Is the unusual strength?” 羽蛇问他:“是超凡力量吗?” The thunder shakes the head, is rotating the footboard: „It is not, is the ordinary flight vehicle ; You looked, so long as made an effort to step on the footboard to fly.” 雷摇头,然后转动着踏板:“不是,就是普通的飞行器;你看,只要用力踩着踏板就可以飞起来了。” The feather snake cannot understand as before, thought that this thing is very mysterious. 羽蛇依旧看不懂,觉得这东西很神奇。 Occupies the life in desert deep place city on and these is equally mysterious. 就和这些居住在沙漠深处城市里的生命一样神奇。 thunder leans on own flight vehicle, anticipation looks at the sky of distant place. 雷靠在自己的飞行器上,期待的看着远处的天空。 I can go out, I ride it to go to the very far place, no one went to place.” “等我可以出去了,我就骑着它去很远很远的地方,从来没有人去过的地方。” The feather snake did not like speaking, but heard thunder Zheme saying that could also not bear the opens the mouth. 羽蛇本来不喜欢和人多说话,但是听到雷这么说,又忍不住开口了。 „Isn't hometown good?” “家乡不好吗?” Why can go to that far place?” “为什么要去那么远的地方?” Family/Home is the warmest place, if possible, I will want never to leave the home.” “家才是最温暖的地方,如果可以的话,我希望永远也不离开家。” Told the feather snake. 雷告诉羽蛇。 I must go to the distant place to seek for a place, that place......” “我要去远处寻找一个地方,那个地方……” Was saying to be saying, the thunder sound was suddenly smaller. 说着说着,雷的声音突然小了一些。 „?” “诶?” Where do I want to go to the distant place to seek?” “我想要去远处寻找什么地方?” The thunder suddenly was also vacant. 雷也突然茫然了。 The question that the feather snake asked that brought back he quietly too for a long time too long recollection. 羽蛇问的这个问题,勾起了他沉寂太久太久的回忆。 These brand marks in the body deep place, have put behind thing that pale is not willing to put behind thoroughly. 那些烙印于身体深处,早已淡忘却不肯彻底忘却的东西。 Once thunder, lived in last era God's Abandonment Era. 曾经的雷,生活在上一个纪元神弃时代 He wants to go to the distant place, seeks paradise that has not discovered. 他想要去远方,寻找未曾发现的乐园。 He believes. 他相信。 Oneself can in another head of sea, seek to be the People of Demon Abyss future. 自己可以在大海的另一头,寻找到属于魔渊之民的未来。 However the time passes gradually, now has passed through no longer is the first era, no longer is God's Abandonment Era. 不过时光荏苒,如今早已经不再是第一纪元,也不再是神弃时代 Above the land proliferates the vitality, once thing almost all dissipated. 大地之上遍布生机,曾经的东西几乎全部消逝。 three leaves human, is People of Demon Abyss. 不论是三叶人,还是魔渊之民 Has not been able to retrieve thoroughly passing. 都已经无法彻底找回过往。 Now he himself, has forgotten him to make the flight vehicle at first for anything. 如今就连他自己,也早就已经忘了最初他制造出飞行器到底是为了什么。 thunder Zenme thinks, cannot remember itself to make the flight vehicle to go to the distant place to seek for anything. 雷怎么想,也想不起自己制造飞行器想要去远方寻找什么。 Or even if now remembered, after that once hope and desire spanned the endless years, still had lost the significance. 或者说如今就算想起了,那份曾经的期盼和愿望跨越无尽岁月之后,也早就失去了意义。 Only is left over in heart, that is not willing to diverge holds to read. 只剩下雷自己心中的,那一份不肯散去的执念。 The thunder can only ask the feather snake, asked why it must come to the city of Demon Abyss. 雷只能问羽蛇,问它为什么要来魔渊之城。 You?” “你呢?” Why can you come to here?” “你为什么要来这里呢?” The wing of feather snake stretches out, on the ground. 羽蛇的翅膀伸出,点在了地上。 The yellow sand gathering, the body of feather snake seemed short of some flesh, integrated in the yellow sand. 黄沙汇聚,羽蛇的身体似乎少了一部分血肉,融入了黄沙之中。 However that yellow sand flash congealed in one, turned into stone snake human. 但是那个黄沙一瞬间凝结在了一起,变成了一个石头蛇人 . 紧接着。 Stone snake human moved unexpectedly, lifelike. 石头蛇人竟然动了起来,活灵活现。 Moreover through the thunder unusual angle of view, he also saw this stone snake human within the body gushed out the intelligence fluctuation, this is one takes the life body to have the characteristics that. 而且通过雷的超凡视角,他还看到了这个石头蛇人的体内涌出了灵性波动,这是一个作为生命体才应该有的特征。 The thunder sends out calling out in alarm immediately. 雷立刻发出了惊呼。 ~ “哇~” However calls out in alarm not to shout, that stone snake human jumped to disperse, dispersed one group of sand. 但是惊呼还没有呼完,那石头蛇人就迸散了开来,散成了一团沙子。 Calling out in alarm of thunder immediately from surprised, turned stunned. 雷的惊呼立刻从惊讶,变成了错愕。 Oh!” !” The thunder looks at the feather snake. 雷看着羽蛇。 This?” “就这样?” The special incantation seal strength that the feather snake inherits can give the dying thing short intelligence, can only make the opposite party move a meeting ; Without the unusual strength, does not have any wisdom. 羽蛇继承的特殊咒印力量能够赋予一些死物短暂的灵性,只能让对方动上一会;没有超凡力量,更不具备任何智慧。 But the thunder just saw also thinks that it made a life to come out, that is the domain that the mortal cannot be touched. 而雷刚刚看到的时候还以为它制造出了一个生命出来了呢,那已经是凡人不可触及的领域了。 However the feather snake makes this, is not to display own strength, but receives the words for oneself. 不过羽蛇做这个,并不是为了展现自己的力量,而是为了自己接下来说的话。 Once, I was snake human.” “曾经,我就是一个蛇人。” Because of a disaster, I turned into present this appearance.” “只是因为一场灾难,我变成了现在这副模样。” My hometown becomes various God the battlefield, evil God massive snake human will turn into the appearance of my present, another God appeared to protect others in city luckily.” “我的家乡成为了诸神的战场,一位邪恶的神明将大量的蛇人变成了我现在的这副样子,幸好另一位神明出现保护住了城市里的其他人。” Finally other feather snakes died, only then I alone escaped.” “最后其他羽蛇都死了,只有我一个人逃了出来。” I heard, in this city has great existence to be able demon monster to turn into the human form, grants the demon monster wisdom.” “我听说,这座城市里有一位伟大的存在能够将魔怪变成人形,赐予魔怪智慧。” I think.” “我想。” She grasped certainly the deep meaning of life.” “她一定掌握了生命的奥义。” I wanted to find her, changed my once appearance.” “我想要找到她,变回我曾经的模样。” In the mind of feather snake spread sadly, hope. 羽蛇的心灵之中传出了哀伤,还有渴望。 For this reason I am willing to pay all, is willing to pay me to have all strengths now.” “为此我愿意付出所有,愿意付出我现在拥有一切力量。” Asked the feather snake: Why wants to turn into snake human?” 雷问羽蛇:“为什么想要变成蛇人呢?” „Do you have the third-order strength? Such powerful body.” “你已经拥有了三阶的力量了吧?还有这么强大的身躯。” Stiffens again some, can perhaps become the apostle.” “再变强一些,说不定就可以成为使徒了。” Stiffens again, in the future perhaps can also look for initial that evil God to revenge.” “再变强,将来说不定还可以去找当初的那个邪恶神明报仇。” The feather snake remembered that evil god, in the eye revealed the deep fear. 羽蛇想起了那个邪恶的神祇,眼中露出了深深的恐惧。 myth great gate that drops from the clouds, that annihilates all spiral strengths, the myth pollution of that change life form. 那从天而降的神话巨门,那湮灭一切的螺旋力量,那改变生命形态的神话污染。 Also. 还有。 The vision of that pair of does not have any temperature. 那双没有任何温度的目光。 It ignores all, ignores everyone's life and death, treats as the tool everyone, even he and Its Gate of Myth to him, is the tool that can sacrifice. 祂漠视一切,漠视所有人的生死,将所有人当做工具,连祂自己和祂的神话之门对于祂来说,也是一个可以牺牲的工具。 So long as the feather snake now thinks, the feeling trembles. 羽蛇如今只要一想起来,就感觉瑟瑟发抖。 In this world. 这个世界上。 How to have such existence. 怎么会有这样的存在。 Not is only the great strength of opposite party, because of opposite party that irresistible stance, plays with among the faintness life in Guzhang ; That moment feather snake felt truly, anything was selfish God. 不仅仅是对方的强大,更是因为对方那种不可抵抗的姿态,还有玩弄生命于股掌之间的淡漠;那一刻的羽蛇就真正感受到了,什么是为所欲为的神明 Let alone resists, cried out that cannot send out. 别说抵抗,就连呐喊都发不出。 Under the will of opposite party, its probably tool is the same , whatever the opposite party organizes, cannot decide by oneself the death. 对方的意志之下,它就好像一个工具一样任由对方摆布,连死亡都不能够由自己决定。 Even in the future feather snake, even if became very powerful, it is estimated that is unable to decode this terrifying heart demon. 甚至将来羽蛇哪怕变得非常强大了,估计也无法破解这个恐怖的心魔。 Apostle?” “使徒?” I, if becomes the apostle, possibly is that fearful god apostle of only, It should forget me, I did not want to make It find me.” “我如果成为了使徒,可能就是那个可怕神祇的使徒,祂应该早就已经遗忘了我,我不想要让祂找到我。” As for strength.” “至于力量。” I do not like this strength.” “我不喜欢这种力量。” It is that evil god of disasters only imposes on my, I dislike this strength, it turned into a monster me.” “它是那个邪恶神祇强加给我的,我讨厌这力量,它将我变成了一个怪物。” The feather snake lays out the snake head. 羽蛇摆了摆蛇头。 And.” “而且。” I was too ordinary, how do I possibly become the apostle?” “我太普通了,我怎么可能成为使徒?” The feather snake looked to front demon spirit mannequin, the idea of opposite party really indulged in fantasy. 羽蛇看向了面前的魔灵人偶,对方的想法实在是太异想天开了。 He as if regarding this era the senses of awe of God not too many. 他似乎对于这个纪元的神明并没有太多的敬畏之心。 As for takes revenge to God? How is this possible?” “至于向神明复仇?这怎么可能?” You do not know.” “你不知道。” Actually they are how powerful.” “祂们究竟是多么强大。” Then. 接下来。 In the pupil of feather snake flowed out the look of recollection. 羽蛇的瞳孔里流出了回忆的神色。 It remembered once, remembers that morning that the disaster had not erupted. 它想起了曾经,想起了灾难还未曾爆发的那天早上。 I do not want any powerful strength.” “我不想要什么强大的力量。” I lived for more than 100 years by this appearance, hid for more than 100 years.” “我以这个模样活了一百多年了,也躲躲藏藏了一百多年了。” I only want to become snake human.” “我只想要成为一个蛇人。” I want to live in the snake human city, with other snake human lives together.” “我想要居住在蛇人的城市里,和其他蛇人生活在一起。” I hope that every morning can wake up from my bed, gave regards with my family member, then went out the work.” “我希望每天早上能够从我的床上醒来,和我的家人问好,然后出门工作。” So is simple.” “就这么简单而已。” Such simple desire. 这样简单的愿望。 To him, has actually become the expectation. 对于他来说,却早已成为了奢望。 The thunder pondered, but he does not know how should restore the feather snake original appearance, turns into snake human from the feather snake. 雷思考了一下,只是他也不知道该如何恢复羽蛇原来的模样,从羽蛇重新变成一个蛇人 „To turn into snake human? What to do I do not know should , has never heard such request.” “想要重新变成蛇人?我也不知道该怎么办,也从未听说过这样的要求。” Possibly Ms. Eliana knows how to do?” “可能爱莲娜女士会知道如何去做吧?” You can ask her.” “你可以去问问她。” demon spirit asked the thunder: Sir Eliana who you said that she where?” 魔灵问雷:“您说的爱莲娜大人,她在哪里呢?” The thunder aimed at Demon Abyss royal city: In city most central temple.”- 雷指向了魔渊王城:“就在城市最中央的神殿里。”- thunder push own flight vehicle was going back, brings the acquired components. 雷推着自己的飞行器回去了,带着自己收集到的零件。 He waves toward the feather snake, he sharply is going back to improve oneself flight vehicle. 他向着羽蛇挥了挥手,他急着回去改进自己的飞行器。 Leaves the thunder shouts. 离开的时候雷喊道。 If possible.” “如果可以的话。” „The words that meets next time again, can make me think how you soar?” “下一次再遇见的话,可以让我看一看你是怎么飞翔的吗?” The feather snake looks at the thunder the appearance, said. 羽蛇看着雷的模样,说道。 Ok.” “可以。” After the thunder leaves . 雷离开后。 The feather snake gaze to the flight vehicle that the ground tore down, these have no wreckage of function. 羽蛇注视向了地上拆掉的飞行器,那些没什么作用的残骸。 The feather snake spits to exhale, the metal wreckage of these corrosions condensed in one, gradual manufacture a human form structure of destruction. 羽蛇吐出了一口气,那些锈蚀的金属残骸凝聚在了一起,逐渐的制造出了一个破坏的人形结构。 „!” “哐哐哐!” The metal rack exudes the sound, pieced together in one. 金属架子发出响声,拼凑在了一起。 It seems like demon spirit mannequin, but is well below true demon spirit mannequin to be fine, moreover above also rusty stain stained. 看上去像是一个魔灵人偶,但是远远不及真正的魔灵人偶精致,而且上面还锈迹斑斑。 Ability that third-order wisdom Powerful is in sole possession, incantation seal puppet. 三阶智慧权能者独有的能力,咒印傀儡。 However the incantation seal puppet of feather snake manufacture is more special, is not a common any incantation seal, that strength came from in Gate of Intelligent. 不过羽蛇制造的咒印傀儡更加特殊一些,并不是常见的任何一种咒印,那力量源自于灵性之门 This incantation seal puppets were too small, the feather snake is unable also to integrate own body, this is unable to display the maximum fight strength. 只是这个咒印傀儡太小了一些,羽蛇无法将自己的身体也融入其中,这样就无法发挥出最大的战斗力量。 However feather snake time is sees right in front of one that Sir Eliana, is not fights. 但是羽蛇这一次是去面见那位爱莲娜大人,也不是去战斗的。 Therefore was instead indifferent. 所以反而无所谓了。 The incantation seal puppet of feather snake walked toward the city, went through the city gate of wide open. 羽蛇的咒印傀儡朝着城内走去,穿过了敞开的城门。 Above passes through, but also has several demon spirit mannequin to greet to the feather snake. 一路之上经过,还有着几个魔灵人偶向羽蛇打招呼。 Other demon spirit seemingly also think that he is demon spirit mannequin, he does not know, his rusty stain instead was solid his status. 其他魔灵貌似也认为他是一个魔灵人偶,他不知道,他身上的锈迹反而坐实了“他的身份”。 mannequin that just woke up?” “是刚刚醒来的人偶吗?” How to have seen?” “怎么从来没见过?” demon spirit that should not go out frequently!” “应该是不经常出门的魔灵吧!” The feather snake is controlling the incantation seal puppet vanguard, walks toward the city deep place little. 羽蛇控制着咒印傀儡前行,一点点朝着城市深处走去。
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