IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#362 Part 2: The travel starts with the feather snake

Every month transmission gate will change one time, the Fairy hot-air balloon will also change one time. 每个月传送之门都会变化一次,妖精的热气球也会变化一次。 It will appear during the present world random a place, by the shape of house, emperor, ship and hot-air balloon. 祂会出现在现世之中随机的一个地方,以房屋、车驾、船、热气球的形态。 Hence. 至此。 depart needs prepared to complete completely. 出发所需要的准备全部做完了。 Window outside scenery changed, was far away from pyramid temple gradually. 窗户外面的景色变了,渐渐的远离了金字塔神殿 Large quantities of Fairy flew, is pursuing the hot-air balloon. 大批的妖精们飞了起来,追逐着热气球。 Stands Sally before window was especially happy, laughs was saying. 站在窗户前的莎莉格外高兴,大笑着说道。 We.” “我们。” depart.” 出发了。” The Fairy hot-air balloon drove out of the dreamland mainland, drove out of dream star sea. 妖精的热气球驶出了梦境大陆,驶出了梦幻星海。 Finally. 最后。 Left the Creation Divine Country front door- 离开了造物神国的大门- Fire Demon Swamp. 火魔沼泽 Hiss!” “嘶!” Terrifying neighing appears sky over the swamp, trembles in the animals that in the swamp dwells massively, runs does not dare to run, lay on the ground directly. 一声恐怖的嘶鸣出现在沼泽上空,大量在沼泽之中栖息的动物们瑟瑟发抖,连跑都不敢跑,直接趴在了地上。 Some wild animals roll up directly one group, does not dare to revolt against that to send out existence of sound. 有的野兽直接蜷缩成一团,根本不敢反抗那发出声音的存在。 Above this boundless swamp, a winged big snake wields the wing to fly. 在这片无垠的沼泽上方,一条长着翅膀的大蛇挥动着翅膀飞过。 Its figure is huge, and within the body sends out the powerful unusual fluctuation. 它身形庞大无比,且体内散发出强大的超凡波动。 This is one is powerful lets existence that the average person is inconceivable. 这是一个强大得让普通人难以想象的存在。 A feather snake. 一只羽蛇。 It is not this appearance, but is snake human. 它原本并不是这个模样,而是一个蛇人 It once lived in Suinhall Maya City. 它曾经生活在苏因霍尔美雅城之中。 However. 不过。 That is more than 100 years ago things. 那已经是一百多年以前的事情了。 Before for a long time is very very long a day, some name is god arrival of only Lord of Brilliance. 很久很久以前的一天,某个名字叫做光辉之主的神祇的降临。 Regarding it, that is the disaster and desperate start. 对于它来说,那就是灾难和绝望的开始。 Gate of Intelligent arrives from the sky. 灵性之门从天空降临。 It under the myth strength, turned into a monster. 它在神话的力量之下,变成了一个怪物。 Big snake of winged. 长着翅膀的大蛇。 With it together by strength of change life form myth, but also has many other snake human. 和它一起被神话之力改变生命形态的,还有着许多其他蛇人 At that time several God launched the war in Maya City, the scene of war of various god might be considered as destroys the day to extinguish, its such monster was casual in sweeps on the small sun-dried shelled shrimp of unravelling. 当时几位神明美雅城展开了大战,诸神之战的场面堪称是毁天灭地,它这样的怪物在里面就只是随便一扫就灰飞烟灭的小虾米。 At that time has tens of thousands of feather snakes. 当时有着成千上万条羽蛇。 However finally, it escapes only. 但是最终,它是唯一逃出去的。 Its in constant anxiety. 它惶惶不可终日。 Because it felt that oneself lets out by God that arrives at suddenly intentionally, the opposite party still got up to what tricks on its body, to achieve what goal. 因为它感觉到自己是被那突然降临的神明给故意放出去的,对方还在它的身上做了什么手脚,为了达成什么目的。 It still remembers that God vision. 它至今还记得那神明的目光。 Keeps aloof, as if in ignoring all in this world. 高高在上,仿佛在漠视这世上的一切。 The myriad things life in his eyes has no difference on probably and sand and crushed stone of ground. 万物生灵在祂的眼中就好像和地上的砂石没有什么区别。 It hides everywhere. 它四处躲藏。 It hides in the rivers, hides in the mountain and swamp ; It had returned to Maya City secretly, it that but all the people are no longer the same, has turned into the monster is impossible to return to the past. 它躲藏在河流之中,躲藏在大山和沼泽里;它曾经偷偷回过美雅城,但是一切都已经物是人非,变成怪物的它已经不可能回到从前。 But it feared, then turned into the monster fearful God to find it. 而它更怕,那将它变成怪物的可怕神明找到它。 It does not know, past Lord of Brilliance through them of intelligence pollution, then wanted a carrier that they turned into themselves to resurrect. 它并不知道,昔日的光辉之主是通过灵性污染的他们,然后想要将他们变成自己复活的一个载体。 However finally. 但是最后。 Once Lord of Brilliance under planning of God of Truth and Knowledge, lost the authority of light of intelligence, dropped from brilliance divine throne. 曾经的光辉之主真理与知识之神的算计下,丢失了灵性之光的权柄,从光辉的神位上跌落。 Dropped to enter in the abyss, becomes the original sin evil god of abyss. 跌落进入了深渊之中,成为了深渊的原罪邪神。 It takes the body preparation of Lord of Brilliance, lost the contact with Lord of Brilliance all of a sudden ; From the original resurrecting seed, turned into a pointless weak. 它作为光辉之主的身躯预备,一下子和光辉之主断绝了联系;从原本的复活种子,变成了一个没有意义的鸡肋。 It hides. 它躲躲藏藏。 More than 100 years ago has survived the present. 从一百多年前一直存活到了现在。 Now. 如今。 Even if as the so special unusual species, its life soon will have come to the end now. 哪怕作为如此特殊的超凡物种,它的生命如今也已经即将走到了尽头。 „It is not good.” “不行。” I cannot die.” “我不能就这么死去。” It heard that can turn into the human form in some remote endless vast desert people demon monster, in the city of that yellow sand deep place is living mysterious existence that came from the ancient time ; And nearly God does not discriminate against the defending foreword of monster to exist, it wants to have a look at the legend real. 它听说在遥远的无尽沙海有人可以将魔怪变成人形,那座黄沙深处的城市里居住着来自于古代时代的神秘存在;一位近乎神明且不歧视怪物的守序存在,它想要去看看传说是不是真的。 It wants in the end of life, turns into snake human. 它想要在生命的尽头,重新变成一个蛇人
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