IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#362 Part 1: The travel starts with the feather snake

God's Bestowal Ground. 神赐之地 Under pyramid temple. 金字塔神殿下。 The Creation Divine Country Sun just raised, sees a distant place shadow to cover to come, to corrode into solar sea of flowers. 造物神国的太阳刚刚升起,就看见远处一片阴影笼罩而来,侵蚀入太阳花海。 sea of flowers drags in the wind, a form appeared above. 花海在风中摇曳,一个身影出现在了上面。 In a flash. 一瞬间。 The wind stopped. 风停了。 This feeling seems like some powerful to enter the stage to the extreme villain, the oppression strength presses up to the clouds. 这感觉就好像是某个强大到极点的反派出场,压迫力直逼云端。 Size Fairy in Fairy state, looked at the past in the direction of solar sea of flowers, recalled by the terrifying of some god only control. 妖精国度之中的大小妖精们,一个个朝着太阳花海的方向望过去,回想起了被某位神祇支配的恐怖。 In a twinkling, the country of Fairy is one is in chaotic situation. 霎时间,妖精之国就是一阵鸡飞狗跳。 It came.” “祂来了。” It came.” “祂又来了。” Quickly hides.” “赶快躲起来。” Receives the thing.” “将东西都收起来。” Just bakeed the good cake to receive, do not let It see.” “刚刚烘培好的蛋糕收起来,别让祂看到了。” However today big fiendish person is disinclined to pay attention to small Fairy, directly swaggering passes through from the country of Fairy, enters has not gone. 不过今天“大魔王”懒得理会小妖精们,直接大摇大摆的从妖精之国边上走过,进都没有进去。 When big fiendish person passes through, Fairy poke head, looks at the back of opposite party. 等到“大魔王”走过,妖精们才一个个探出头来,看着对方的背影。 „?” “诶?” Today how?” “今天怎么了?” „Hasn't Its nose ultra spirit, smelled the cake today the flavor?” “祂鼻子超灵的,今天没闻到蛋糕的味道吗?” Possibly was the nose shatters.” “可能是鼻子坏掉了。” The big fiendish person jumps is stepping on the steps and jumping, snort/hum rumble the song, seeming like the mood is good. 大魔王又蹦又跳的踩着阶梯,哼着咕噜噜之歌,看上去心情非常不错。 Before she arrived at the temple gate, one extends toward inside, probably is looking for anyone. 她来到了神殿门前,头往里面一伸,好像在寻找着谁。 God?” “神呢?” In pyramid temple only has a form of golden hair, Ruler of Dreamland Shirra. 金字塔神殿里只有一个金发的身影,梦境主宰希拉 On an table that after curtain she is dangling high writes anything, saw after entrance sound, closed the handbook. 她在高高垂下的帷幔后的一张桌子上写着什么,看到门口的动静之后合上了手册。 Stands up was saying to Sally. 站起身来对着莎莉说道。 Sally.” 莎莉。” You came.” “你来了。” Finishes speaking, went out of a form from spirit table. 话音刚落,从神台后面走出了一个身影。 The opposite party stand by the ledlicki statue, looks up own idol. 对方站在莱德利基的石像旁,抬起头看着自己的神像 ledlicki for idol that oneself carve. 莱德利基为自己雕刻的神像 Sally smiles immediately, has the anticipation ; Her footsteps also quick, ran up to the God Insai side speedily. 莎莉立刻笑了起来,带着期待;她的脚步也快了起来,一溜烟跑到了因赛神的身边。 God!” “神!” We must go out to play, right?” “我们要出去玩了,是吗?” The gods lower the head, look at exciting incomparable Sally. 神低下头,看着兴奋无比的莎莉 „Outside is goes to have a look.” “是去外面看看。” In the eye of Sally, this was to go out to play. 莎莉的眼里,这就是要出去玩了。 She wanted to cheer, but actually does not know why bore. 她本来想要欢呼,但是却不知道为什么又忍住了。 Sally the wear has the dark-colored long gown of mysterious pattern today, but also brings an apex hat, she patted clapping, jumped to sit spirit table. 莎莉今天穿着有着神秘花纹的深色长袍,还带着一顶尖顶帽子,她拍了拍手,跳着坐上了神台 Disguises very clever sitting on spirit table. 假装很乖巧的坐在神台上。 I am very obedient, therefore hurrying leads me the appearance that goes out to play. 一副我可是很听话的,所以赶紧带着我出去玩吧的模样。 spirit table of this Creator under foot to her, seems the chair to be similar. 造物主脚下的神台对于她来说,就好像椅子差不多。 She looks very peaceful, actually at heart is much happier, as the calf moves the boots bottom unceasingly is striking stone platform gently. 她看上去挺安静,实则心里开心得不得了,随着小腿甩动靴子底不断的轻轻敲打着石台。 Although God Insai said that must lead her to go out to play, must conduct a travel. 因赛神虽然说要带她出去玩,要进行一场旅行。 How should travel, goes to where, God Insai has not thought completely. 只是该怎么旅行,去哪里,因赛神也没有完全想好。 She installs also to play for the place that to let God Insai leads her to go to her to want at this moment clever, look sat did not have a meeting, on the plot revealed raised the suggestion. 她此刻装乖也是为了让因赛神带着她去她想要去的地方玩,这不,坐了才没有一会,就图穷匕见的提起了建议。 God!” “神!” You think where can go to play?” “您想好了要去哪里玩吗?” Yin Shen: Has not thought.” 尹神:“还没想好。” In the eye of Sally braved the light, this was the answer that she wanted. 莎莉的眼中冒起了光,这正是她想要的答案。 I felt.” “我觉得。” We can slide from the frozen plateau snowfield, then travels by boat across the Fire Demon Swamp underground river.” “我们可以从冰封高原的雪原滑下去,然后坐船穿过火魔沼泽的地下河。” Again the big labyrinth that goes to Burrower Demon Insect to make, then the crawling scaling ladder goes to City of God's Descent.” “再去钻地魔虫造出来的大迷宫,然后爬云梯去神降之城。” Finally to lava mountain pass.” “最后到熔岩山口。” Makes it light the fireworks to look to us.” “让它放烟花给我们看。” She more said more is strong, I have arranged appearance. 她越说越有劲,一副我早就安排好了的模样。 According to my plan, is definitely most interesting, most fun. 按照我的计划来,肯定最有趣,最好玩。 Sally obtains the news after Shirra there, in City of Life has planned the most pleasing route, in her life temple also puts the slanting askew map that she is drawing now...... 莎莉希拉那里得到消息后,早就在生命之城规划好了自己最中意的路线,她的生命神庙里现在还放着她画的斜斜歪歪的地图…… This saying sounds. 只是这话听上去。 Ruhul Giant Island this carrying/sustaining the state land of innumerable lives and many kingdoms, turned into a large-scale amusement park instantaneously. 鲁赫巨岛这个承载着无数生灵和多个王国的州陆,瞬间变成了一个大型游乐场。 Yin Shen told Sally. 尹神告诉莎莉 That did not call the fireworks.” “那不叫烟花。” That called the volcanic eruption.” “那叫火山喷发。” Sally is gesticulating: Almost, compels u in any case.” 莎莉比划着:“差不多,反正就是逼u的一下。” Then exploded.” “然后就炸了。” Sally felt, if must travel, not only definitely is Ruhul Giant Island, but must go to a farther place. 莎莉觉得如果要旅行的话,肯定不光是鲁赫巨岛,还要去更远的地方。 Also must go out of Ruhul Giant Island, then goes to a farther place.” “还要走出鲁赫巨岛,然后去更远的地方。” Goes to that very big mainland, above I went to play before, there has the big desert.” “去那座非常大的大陆,我之前去上面玩过,那里有好大的沙漠。” Also must have a look at winged human that I make, has a look them how.” “还要去看看我制造的翼人,去看看他们怎么样了。” They are I according to god your dream, makes intelligent species that can fly.” “他们可是我按照神您的梦,制造出的会飞的智慧种。” Yin Shen looked to Sally, asked her. 尹神看向了莎莉,问她。 Planned?” “都计划好了?” Sally unceasing nod, in the eye is shining. 莎莉不断的点着头,眼里放着光。 Yin Shen has turned head: But you said does not calculate.” 尹神扭过头:“但是你说的不算。” „?” “啊?” Mouth of Sally shrivelled. 莎莉的嘴巴就瘪了起来。 Yin Shen walks toward another side, Sally follows in Its side, Yin Shen to say. 尹神往另一边走去,莎莉就跟在祂的身边,尹神开口说道。 Where before the choice goes, how we are prepared to go out.” “在选择去哪里之前,我们要准备好该怎么出去。” Before depart, they must probably choose the tool of journey. 出发之前,他们还必须得选好出行的工具。 Moreover their several are Supreme God, even if the goal of their world of mortals does not prepare to make anything to change to the world , to promote anything. 而且祂们几个都是至高神祇,哪怕祂们下界的目的并不是准备对人间做出什么改变,去推动什么东西。 However so long as they appear in the world, will cause the revolution of the whole world and history presents the point saillant. 但是他们只要出现在人间,就会导致整个世界和历史的运转出现折点。 If nothing else, is only side little fellow who is shrivelled the mouth. 别的不说,单就是身边这个瘪着嘴巴的小家伙。 Ruler of Life Sally. 生命主宰莎莉 Even if It anything does not do, so long as It appeared in the world, indicates that a historical turning point appeared. 祂哪怕什么都不做,只要祂出现在了人间,就预示着一个历史转折点出现了。 Blocked Ruhul Giant Island. 被封锁的鲁赫巨岛 Will open to the outside world. 将会向外界打开。 That be continuous in black storm will subside, appears for several hundred years ago the Evel person under the strength of control power ten million/countless gradually leaves Ruhul Giant Island such neutral gear. 那绵延千万里的黑色风暴将会在主宰权能的力量下渐渐平息,出现几百年前爱维尔人离开鲁赫巨岛那样的空档。 This regarding entire Ruhul Giant Island, even is the whole world. 这对于整个鲁赫巨岛,甚至是整个世界来说。 Is a huge change and turning point. 都将是一次巨大的变化和契机。 Yin Shen has considered this point, but It does not prepare to interfere with this change. 尹神已经考虑到了这一点,不过祂并不准备干涉这种变化。 Perhaps is It also felt. 或许是祂也觉得。 The Ruhul Giant Island history and snake human and winged human civilization arrives in the situation that should change, emergence of this change can play a positive role. 鲁赫巨岛的历史和蛇人翼人的文明抵达了一个应该变化的地步,这种变化的出现是能够起到一个积极作用的。 However Sally obviously did not have to consider that at this time this issue, she remembers they most commonly used journey tool immediately. 不过莎莉这个时候明显没有去考虑这个问题,她立刻想起了他们最常用的出行工具。 Hot-air balloon?” “热气球?” These does want not to get warm the balloon time?” “这一次要不还是坐热气球吧?” Shirra mentioned another idea, can with her masterpiece forest female celestial link. 希拉则说起了另外一个想法,可以和她的杰作林中仙女结合在一起。 „The female celestial of gate.” “门之仙女。” We want to go to where, so long as the door opens, can appear in any place.” “我们想要去哪里只要把门一打开,就可以出现在任何地方。” Yin Shen looking pensive, It thought can unify the two- 尹神若有所思,祂觉得可以将二者都结合起来- In the treasure house of god, placed in the corner dust-laden many year of Miracle Item is towed. 神之宝库里,一件摆放在角落里尘封了很多年的奇迹道具被拖了出来。 Sally is directing one crowd of small Fairy, used the power dragging this big, put pyramid temple outside. 莎莉指挥着一群小妖精,使用权能将这个大个头给拖了出来,放到了金字塔神殿的外面。 Sally regarding going out to play most craves, therefore seems like especially is also anxious. 莎莉对于出去玩最为热衷,因此看上去也格外急切。 Small Fairy are using the strength of domain, fluttered with this Miracle Item together. 妖精们使用着领域之力,跟着这件奇迹道具一起飘了出来。 Sally cheered on below. 莎莉则在下面呐喊助威。 Hey!” “嘿哟!” Hey!” “嘿哟!” Quickly.” “快一点。” Come on!” “加油!” Although small Fairy fears Sally, but saw that the Sally light shouted motionless is angry very much, stops to accuse It in abundance. 妖精虽然怕莎莉,但是看到莎莉光喊不动还是很生气,纷纷停下指责祂。 How don't you move?” “你怎么不搬?” Light can direct us, is not dry, said that did nothing.” “光会指挥我们,不干了,说什么也不干了。” „It is not right, we must sue, must complain.” “不对,我们要投诉,要告状。” „It is not dry/does, is not absolutely dry.” “不干了,绝对不干了。” Small Fairy strikes. 妖精们一个个罢工了。 Sally is righteous, was saying to small Fairy. 莎莉理直气壮,对着小妖精们说道。 Words that I begin, feared that gave the crumb it.” “我动手的话,怕把它给捏碎了。” My strength is very big.” “我力气可是很大的。” This was you once gave the Shirra gift, what to do spoiled?” “这可是你们曾经送给希拉的礼物,弄坏了怎么办?” Small Fairy think, thought this reason seems right. 妖精们想了想,觉得这个理由似乎很对。 This is Miracle Item, cannot make the fellow who this strength boasts greatly pinching badly. 这可是奇迹道具,不能让这个力气大又咋咋呼呼的家伙给捏坏了。 Therefore the Fairy then joint effort, moved to outside the thing cautiously. 于是妖精们这才合力,将东西给小心翼翼的搬到了外面。 Miracle Item Fairy hot-air balloon 奇迹道具妖精的热气球】 Series number 4 【序列号四】 This Miracle Item many years had not used, but seem like as before brand-new. 这件奇迹道具已经很多年没有使用了,但是看上去依旧崭新。 If no one destroys it, perhaps it can maintain this appearance to long ago to the future of being inconceivable, even if some people want to destroy it, in the world estimated that still few individuals can destroy existence of such high sequence. 如果没有人去破坏它,或许它能够保持这副模样一直到久远到难以想象的未来,而且就算有人想要破坏它,世界上估计也没有几个人能够摧毁这样高序列的存在。 This hot-air balloons and series number 2 sacred boats similarly are Miracle Item, but the strength of sacred boat is the dream, is responsible for receiving and instructing all dream of lifetime. 这个热气球和序列号二的神圣之舟同样都是奇迹道具,不过神圣之舟的力量是梦幻,是负责接引所有的人生之梦 But Fairy the strength of hot-air balloon, most obvious is the strength of space. 妖精的热气球的力量,最明显的便是空间之力。 Yin Shen arrived under the Fairy hot-air balloon, the flame bang one burns, the hot-air balloon roused, bringing the following cabin also to make the sound. 尹神走到了妖精的热气球下,火焰砰的一下燃烧而起,热气球就鼓了起来,带着下面的舱室也发出吱呀的声音。 Shirra as if knows that Yin Shen prepares to make anything, she understands Yin Shen very much, asked. 希拉仿佛知道尹神准备做什么,她很了解尹神,上前询问。 God!” “神!” „Do you want to give it the wisdom?” “您要给予它智慧吗?” Yin Shen looked to Shirra, told her. 尹神看向了希拉,告诉她。 It has been the myth item, has the wisdom.” “它早已经是神话道具了,也早就有智慧了。” Is only you have not given its true mission, gives its true wishing and significance, therefore it has been in the chaos.” “只是你没有赋予它真正的使命,赋予它真正的祈愿和意义,所以它才是一直处于混沌之中。” Shirra touches the hand in the oval-shape three cabins that under the hot-air balloon that great vine winding wove, can feel that a consciousness beats. 希拉将手触碰在了热气球下那巨藤缠绕编织成的椭圆形三层舱室,可以感觉到了一个意识在其中跳动。 Probably once sacred boat was the same, It also once was the Fairy hot-air balloon so, is Yin Shen extricated the ferryman Ibach responsibility afterward, gave the sacred boat responsibility and mission, the sacred boat was also born own consciousness. 就好像曾经的神圣之舟一样,祂也曾经是妖精的热气球这般,后来是尹神解脱了摆渡人伊瓦的职责,赋予了神圣之舟职责和使命,神圣之舟也诞生出了属于自己的意识。 „After it is born the true wisdom, will feel oneself are only a tool, felt won't oneself have in the future and freedom?” “它诞生真正的智慧之后,会不会觉得自己只是一个工具,觉得自己没有未来和自由?” Gives the life.” “赋予生命。” Actually does not give the freedom.” “却不给予自由。” Some Shirra worries have wisdom the result of myth item, can like once Little Human in a Bottle. 希拉有些担心拥有智慧的神话道具的结局,会不会就像曾经的瓶中小人一样。 Yin Shen said: Shirra, in this world no one is truly free.” 尹神却说:“希拉,在这个世界上没有谁是真正自由的。” Even I am also.” “连我也是。” „The divine spell item of Miracle Item and wisdom of dreamland is different, they are born during the mission and wishing.” “梦境的奇迹道具和智慧的神术道具不一样,祂们就是在使命和祈愿之中诞生的。” Sometimes the fetter is not does not give the freedom, but gives its significance of existence.” “有的时候束缚不是不给予自由,而是给予其存在的意义。” Shirra somewhat understood anything, she stood. 希拉有些明白了什么,她站了出来。 She gave that ignorant consciousness and mission personally, seemed like Yin Shen once to such that the sacred boat made. 她亲手赋予了那个懵懂的意识和使命,就好像尹神曾经对神圣之舟做的那样。 I give you by the mission.” “我赋予你以使命。” I give you my wishing.” “我赋予你我的祈愿。” My hot-air balloon, invited to lead the god, ledlicki, Borloo, Sally also to have me.” “我的热气球啊,请带着神、莱德利基波罗莎莉还有我。” Carries us to arrive at the end of the world together, seeks the most beautiful future.” “载着我们所有人一起到世界的尽头,去寻找最美丽的未来。” Please witness our existences, witnesses we had had passing, witnesses the Meili Garden end that we will arrive in finally.” “请见证我们的存在,见证我们曾经拥有过的过往,见证我们终将抵达的美丽花园尽头。” Suddenly. 骤然之间。 Miracle Item the Fairy hot-air balloon erupts the radiant golden ray, changed into a huge domain to proliferate, then contracted rapidly. 奇迹道具妖精的热气球爆发出璀璨的金色光芒,化为了一个庞大的领域扩散开来,然后迅速收缩。 In its interior, three cabin little building spaces spread rapidly, changed into the multi-layered space, just like many forest female celestial fairylands to overlap in one. 在它的内部,三层舱室小楼里的空间迅速扩散开来,化为了多层空间,犹如多个林中仙女的仙境重叠在了一起。 The above balloon sends out the radiant light, breaks the space, reality and Dreamland barrier. 上面的气球散发出璀璨的光,打破空间、现实、梦界的屏障。 It can shuttle back and forth between the dreamland and reality at any time, can the actual situation transform, is invisible. 它可以随时穿梭于梦境和现实之间,可以虚实转化,消失于无形之中。 It becomes the genuine complete myth item. 它成为了真正的完整神话道具。 Was born own wisdom. 诞生出了属于自己的智慧。 Yin Shen puts out a hand, it will turn into the palm of the hand size shortly, fell on the Yin Shen palm. 尹神一伸出手,它顷刻间变成了巴掌大小,落在了尹神的手心。 Lifts the hand. 抬起手。 This Miracle Item inflated the incomparably big situation. 这件奇迹道具又膨胀到了无比大的地步。 In addition it also has other special abilities. 除此之外它还拥有着其他特殊的能力。 Above Cup of God this dreamland supreme divine artifact, in rapid brand mark all news about Fairy hot-air balloon. 神之杯这件梦境至高神器之上,迅速烙印上了关于妖精热气球的所有讯息。 Miracle Item Fairy hot-air balloon( myth)】 奇迹道具妖精的热气球(神话)】 Series number 4 【序列号四】 When Shirra is also not Ruler of Dreamland leaves State of God to travel, small Fairy delivered her the hat and scarf, but big Fairy granted this gift ; Fairy rides the hot-air balloon to go to the world of mortal, is seeking the child who has the beautiful desire, gives them the childhood the treasure, brings to be happy and joyful for the children ; But now, It brings all God that creates world divine system move to the distant place together, is witnessing their passing and now, as well as in the future.】 【在希拉还不是梦境主宰的时候离开神之国度进行旅行,小妖精们送了她帽子和围巾,而大妖精则赠与了她这件礼物;妖精乘坐着热气球前往凡人的世界,寻找着拥有美丽愿望的孩子,送给他们童年的珍宝,为孩子们带来幸福和快乐;而现在,祂将带着创世神系的所有神明一起驶向远方,见证着祂们的过往和现在,以及未来。】 Ability 1 transmission gate: The myth item as dreamland, the Fairy hot-air balloon has the free shuttle in the strengths of various dreamland places, meanwhile has to enter the Creation Divine Country jurisdiction ; It can find an anchor point in the reality, opens in the front door to reality anytime and anywhere.】 【能力一传送之门:身为梦境的神话道具,妖精的热气球拥有自由穿梭于梦境各处的力量,同时还拥有进入造物神国的权限;它可以在现实之中找到一个锚点,随时随地打开通往现实之中的大门。】 Ability 2 miracle changes: The Fairy hot-air balloon can change the size freely, slightly can arrive at the naked eye not obvious, may to blocking the sky greatly ; Meanwhile It can also act according to the collection many light of wish, has ability that turns into other divine creative force ; Currently has the hot-air balloon shape, the emperor shape, the steamship shape and house shape.】 【能力二奇迹变化:妖精的热气球可以自由的变化大小,小可以到肉眼不可见,大可到遮天蔽日;同时祂还可以根据收集的多种祈愿之光,拥有变成其他各种造物的能力;目前拥有热气球形态、车驾形态、大船形态、房屋形态。】 In ability 3 cabins fairyland: In the hot-air balloon has the multiple perfect fairylands, the size of fairyland not by the fetter of cabin size.】 【能力三舱中仙境:热气球内拥有多重完美仙境,仙境的大小不受舱室大小的束缚。】 Ability 4 space seals: The Fairy hot-air balloon has the strength of seal reality, It can enter the fairyland in within the body the mountain peak, city and rivers seal.】 【能力四空间封印:妖精的热气球拥有封印现实的力量,祂能够将山峰、城市、河流封印进自己体内的仙境。】 In ray. 在光芒之中。 A new student/life intelligent spirit appeared in three Supreme God front only, congealed the body. 一个新生的智慧之灵出现在了三位至高神祇的面前,凝结出了身体。 That is a elf that is born from the hot-air balloon stove. 那是一个从热气球炉子里诞生的精灵。 shape of God. 神之形 It has a red hair, sets upright upwardly is being same as the flame of combustion, puts on the feeling of drum drum to look like the clothing of spacesuits or gasification. 祂拥有一头红色的头发,向上竖着就和燃烧的火焰一样,穿着鼓鼓的感觉就像是宇航服或者充气的服装。 It does not have the sex, now does not have the name. 祂没有性别,现在也没有名字。 It who was just born looked around toward about, finally the vision framed on the three sacred criteria. 刚刚诞生的祂朝着左右张望,最后目光定格在了三神身上。 Is throwing over Creator of white long gown, blonde Ruler of Dreamland, bringing the apex hat to do intentionally mysterious Ruler of Life. 披着洁白长袍的造物主,金发的梦境主宰,带着尖顶帽子故作神秘的生命主宰 It knows. 祂知道。 Oneself are created by them, understands that own mission, leads them to go to the distant place. 自己就是由祂们创造出来的,也明白自己的使命,就是带着祂们前往远方。 It walks, seems the weightlessness to be the same, ball. 祂走路的时候,就好像失重一样,弹来弹去的。 It arrived at the three sacred criteria front finally, does not know that should say anything, stands there. 祂最终来到了三神的面前,也不知道该说什么,就是站在那里。 Yin Shen lowers the head, in the eye of hot-air balloon elf, saw beyond faintly a day the ray of stars shines, bathes on It. 尹神低下头来,在热气球精灵的眼中,隐隐看到一颗天外星辰的光芒照射下来,沐浴在祂身上。 In the ray broadcast the sound. 光芒之中传来了声音。 „Do you name?” “你叫什么名字?” The Fairy hot-air balloon does not have the name, It can only reply said: I called the Fairy hot-air balloon.” 妖精的热气球并没有名字,祂只能回答说道:“我叫妖精的热气球。” Stood cannot bear cover the mouth to smile in Yin Shen Shirra: How can this call the name?” 站在尹神身旁的希拉忍不住掩嘴笑了起来:“这怎么能叫名字呢?” You can take one to be of pleasant to hear to yourself, sounds likely the name of name.” “你可以给自己取一个好听一些的,听上去像名字的名字。” The elf that in the hot-air balloon is born, It does not know as before anything is called likely the name of name. 热气球之中诞生的精灵依旧是愣愣的,祂并不知道什么叫做像名字的名字。 Yin Shen looked to Shirra, but spoke to the hot-air balloon elf. 尹神看向了希拉,但是却对热气球精灵说话。 Shirra hopes that you carry us to go to the future.” 希拉希望你载着我们前往未来。” Then you called Waylen.” “那么你就叫维伦。” Waylen, in intelligent writing of ledlicki creation future meaning. 维伦,莱德利基创造的智慧文字里未来的意思。 A few words, set Its real name, entire Dreamland enters in which this name brand mark continually. 一句话,就定下了祂的真名,连整个梦界都将这个名字烙印入其中。 Waylen salutes: God Insai.” 维伦行礼:“因赛神。” My name was Waylen, thank your gracious gift.” “我的名字就叫维伦,感谢您的恩赐。” The hot-air balloon had own name. 热气球拥有了自己的名字。 Also had own significance. 也同时拥有了自己存在的意义。 Yin Shen lifts starts, walks toward front. 尹神抬起脚,朝着前面走去。 It opened the front door of cabin, what inside appears is a tremendous fairyland space. 祂打开了舱室的大门,里面出现的是一片巨大的仙境空间。 The fairyland that however this was just born is the blank, inside anything does not have. 不过这刚刚诞生的仙境都是空白的,里面什么都没有。 Yin Shen lifts the hand, first turned into the big house, but this has gate one after another, probably a labyrinth that cannot see the end. 尹神一抬手,第一层变成了高大的房屋,只是这一层拥有一扇又一扇门,就好像一个看不到尽头的迷宫。 Sally is upon the jump along the first room, shoves open doors. 莎莉沿着第一层的房间跑来跑去,将一扇扇门推开。 That infinite gate extends, cannot see the end probably forever. 那无限的门延伸下去,就好像永远看不到尽头。 Here is quite interesting.” “这里好有趣。” I want to change a house every day, moreover I live in inside, where anyone of you could not find my true room to be.” “我要每天换一个房子,而且我住在里面,你们谁都找不到我真正的房间在哪。” Shirra follows in Sally behind, likes here. 希拉跟在莎莉的身后,也非常喜欢这里。 Although she seems like Sally is bigger, but is younger than Sally, sometimes also very likely child. 她虽然看上去比莎莉大,但是年龄是比莎莉小的,有的时候也很像个小孩子。 After all Shirra is also Fairy, is born the elf that from the Yin Shen dream. 毕竟希拉也是一个妖精,从尹神梦中诞生的精灵。 Walks along the steps upward, second turned into a cabin, even the window turned into the glass window of round hole. 沿着阶梯往上走,第二层变成了一层船舱,连窗户都变成了圆孔的玻璃窗。 Here is like first, has the innumerable cabins, but these cabins are are not used for the person, but is putting all kinds of holdings and things. 这里和第一层一样,有着无数件舱室,但是这些舱室不是用来住人的,而是放着各种各样的藏品和用品。 Probably is huge the storehouse that is inconceivable. 就好像一个巨大得难以想象的库房。 Arrived most top level, here is completely different. 到了最顶层,这里就完全不一样了。 This is one a domain that seems like the perfect fairyland, high does not peak. 这是一个一眼看上去就是完美仙境的领域,高不见顶。 Here grows Fujinawa to continue one after another to the sky, the vine is sturdy, twists the tune crookedly. 这里长着一根又一根藤根延续向天空,藤蔓粗壮无比,歪歪曲曲。 It seems like. 看上去。 It looks like a primitive jungle. 就像是一片原始丛林。 These Fujinawa once composed the part of hot-air balloon hanging basket and capsule, but now they are long the interior. 这些藤根就是曾经组成热气球吊篮和舱体的部分,而如今它们还长到了内部来。 If crawls following Fujine to the sky, can crawl to strange domains. 如果顺着藤根爬向天空,可以爬到一个又一个奇怪的领域之中。 The Fairy hot-air balloon can in the domain the reality assimilate, integrates on this Fujine domain, the seal is one of them. 妖精的热气球可以将现实之中界域同化,融入到这藤根上面的领域,封印在其中。 This is the myth item Fairy hot-air balloon space seal strength obviously. 这是神话道具妖精的热气球空间封印力量的显化。 Yin Shen moves the ledlicki statue, the bosom holds a bottle, took Borloo to give own dream. 尹神莱德利基石像搬上去,怀里揣着一个瓶子,带上了波罗送给自己的梦。 It placed in the ledlicki statue the hall, placed own side, oneself sat by the fireplace. 祂将莱德利基的石像放在了大厅里,放在了自己的身边,自己则坐在了壁炉旁边。 Not long, Sally ran from above. 没有多久,莎莉就从上面跑了回来。 Thing belt/bring enough?” “东西带够了吗?” Then a warehouse, can be short.” “才那么一仓库,会不会少了点。” She strolled in pyramid temple the treasure house of god too, lost the standard to many this concept. 她是在金字塔神殿的神之宝库里逛太多了,对多少这个概念失去了标准。 Yin Shen said. 尹神说。 That saves.” “那就节省点。” You little ate a point to be good, did you eat a thing also type in any case “你少吃一点就好了,反正你吃不吃东西也一个样” Sally breaks down immediately: „!” 莎莉立刻垮了下去:“啊!” However above went to stroll, she ran, just issue will throw after the brain, there is a new issue. 但是又去上面逛了一圈,她又屁颠屁颠的跑下来,将刚刚的问题抛在了脑后,又有了个新问题。 Asking Yin Shen that Sally anticipates: God, but where also without saying us then should go to?” 莎莉期待的问尹神:“神,还没说我们接下来该去哪里呢?” Yin Shen sat, looked at one to lead to outside gate truly. 尹神坐了下来,看了一眼真正通往外面的门。 That leaf of true transmission gate. 那扇真正的传送之门 Once in a while, transmission gate will open one time.” “每隔一段时间,传送之门会打开一次。” „A random selection place, turns into the house in that place.” “随机选择一个地方,变成那个地方的房子。” We live there previous some time, then go to the next place.” “我们就在那里住上一段时间,然后前往下一个地方。” Although Sally feels novel, but is somewhat disappointed. 莎莉虽然觉得新奇,但是还是有些失望。 Always felt that like this does not have the feeling of that travel. 总感觉这样没有那种旅行的感觉。 „!” “啊!” Feeling that this has not gone on a journey completely!” “这样完全没有出行的感觉啊!” Yin Shen actually likes this ease very much . Moreover the way of hopeful feeling. 尹神却很喜欢这种悠闲,而且充满期待感的方式。 Does not need to expect that one time where the hanger-on will open, arrival that so long as the leisurely and carefree waiting changes. 不用去预料门下一次会开在哪里,只要悠闲的等待变化的到来。 Does not need to make anything, sits can feel the scene in each place at home. 不用多做什么,坐在家里就可以感受每一个地方的情景。 Originally is a simple travel.” “本来就是一趟简单的旅行。” We because of were together good.” “我们在一起就好了。” However saw that lies Sally before window somewhat loses, Yin Shen increased one. 不过看到趴在窗户前的莎莉有些失落,尹神又添加了一句。 „.” “不过。” Besides the house, it will also turn into other things randomly.” “除了房子之外,它还会随机变成其他的东西。” Sometimes will turn into the hot-air balloon to fly in the space, can sometimes be a car(riage) runs on the ground, sometimes will turn into a ship.” “有时候会变成热气球飞在天上,有的时候会是一辆车在地上跑,有的时候会变成一艘船。” Sometimes in space, sometimes in city.” “有的时候是在天上,有的时候是在城市里。” You can notice when the time comes window outside scenery has been changing, this had the feeling of travel.” “你到时候可以看到窗户外面的景色一直在变化,这样就有旅行的感觉了。” Sally beams with joy immediately, can change the travel plan to be happy for Yin Shen actually not merely. 莎莉立刻眉开眼笑了起来,倒不是仅仅只是为了尹神能够改变旅行计划而开心。 But is Yin Shen is willing for her, but changes the plan to be happy. 而是尹神愿意为了她,而去改变计划而开心。 When the time comes I am attractive.” “到时候我要好好看看。” snake human is I creates, what I had a look at them to turn into now.” 蛇人是我创造的,我看看他们现在都变成什么样了。” winged human, has a look appearance in another mainland, I am so fierce, the thing that I create also is very certainly fierce.” “还有翼人,去看看另一座大陆上的样子,我这么厉害,我创造的东西一定也很厉害。” Yin Shen rubbed her head, she lies on the chair, reads with Yin Shen together. 尹神揉了揉她的头,她就趴在椅子上,跟着尹神一起看书。 However the content in attention book, is rather looking at anything in curious Yin Shen. 但是与其说是在关注书上的内容,不如说是在好奇尹神在看什么。 Stands Waylen in room then opens the mouth: God Insai, complies with your decree.” 站在屋子里的维伦这才开口:“因赛神,遵从您的旨意。” Fairy hot-air balloon will Waylen complies with the Creator Insai decree immediately, according to Its idea established all. 妖精的热气球所化的意志维伦立刻遵从造物主因赛的旨意,按照祂的想法设定好了一切。 The entire Fairy hot-air balloon started to shiver, particularly that leaf of transmission gate, vibrated especially fiercely. 整个妖精的热气球开始颤抖了起来,尤其是那扇传送之门,抖动得格外剧烈。 From now on. 从现在开始。
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