IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#361 Part 2: We have a look at the epoch together

Contract cannot subscribe casually, must under the restraint of legal code.” “契约不是随便可以订的,必须在法典的约束之下。” Therefore two requests, cannot exceed above legal code, if exceeded the legal code boundary, the contract will not become effective.” “所以两位的要求,是不可以超越于法典之上的,如果超过了法典的界限,契约是不会生效的。” You felt relieved.” “不过你们放心。” I am specialized.” “我是专业的。” I know that all provisions on legal code, two can speak freely, has the words of issue I to remind two.” “我知道法典上的所有条款,二位可以畅所欲言,有问题的话我会提醒二位。” grand take legal code, an appearance that does not have the issue. 隆拿着法典,一副没问题的模样。 He will certainly not tell the opposite party, oneself just looked at this legal code, is specialized very limitedly. 他当然不会告诉对方,自己才刚刚看完这本法典,专业得很有限。 However works out such a simple contract, felt prosperously own issue is not big. 但是订立这么简单的一份契约,隆觉得自己还是问题不大的。 Moreover I want to tell two.” “而且我想要告诉两位。” Contract, once establishes, is then infrangible.” “契约一旦成立,便不可违背。” Under the gaze of god, under the restraint of legal code.” “在神的注视下,在法典的约束之下。” No one can violate the contract, but was not punished.” “没有人可以违背契约而不遭受惩罚。” If the earnest person, at this time perhaps will also ask one. 如果是较真的人的话,这个时候或许还会问上一句。 If isn't a person?” “如果不是人呢?” However these two merchants pay attention is not this, what they pay attention is what the penalty is, after all related to God, if will also make two people back down fearfully. 不过这两名商人关注的不是这个,他们关注的是惩罚到底是什么样的,毕竟涉及到神明,如果过于可怕也会让二人打退堂鼓。 What is penalty?” “惩罚是什么样的?” The prosperity has long known that two people will ask this my difficult problem. 隆早就知道两个人会问这个我难题。 Different contracts, the penalty is also different.” “不同的契约,惩罚也是不同的。” Your contracts, the penalty writes in legal code directly, I can look to two.” “你们的这种契约,惩罚是直接写在法典里面,我可以给两位看。” Opened legal code prosperously, the related that column will look to two merchants, and explained that listens to them. 隆翻开了法典,将相关的那一栏给两位商人看,并且解释给他们听。 Person who violates the contract, first will get the mark by the spirit of contract, then ten thousand snake royal court spirit of legal code will also lock you.” “违背契约的人,第一时间就会被契约之灵打上印记,然后万蛇王庭法典之灵也会锁定你。” You are impossible to escape, even if you escaped beside ten thousand snake royal court is still useless.” “你不可能逃得掉,而且就算你逃到了万蛇王庭之外也没有用。” „The strength of spirit of contract will make you come back, making you fulfill the contract, or accepts the punishment.” “契约之灵的力量会让你们回来的,让你们履行契约,或者接受处罚。” In addition royal court military judge , may find you.” “此外王庭的执法官,也可能会找到你。” „If some are quite severe and contract of danger, you escape or defy the penalty.” “如果是一些比较严苛和危险的契约,你们逃跑或者违抗惩罚的话。” Even spirit of legal code will also arrive at the punishment directly, even examines to decide.” “甚至法典之灵还会直接降临处罚,甚至审决。” Your this type of contracts, the penalty is not severe, but is not possible to escape.” “不过你们这种契约,惩罚没有那么严苛,但是是不可能逃掉的。” Moreover after you grasp, after punishing, the contract does not carry out, punishes the later contract also to carry out as before.” “而且将你们抓回来之后,惩罚完了之后,契约并不是就不执行了,惩罚之后契约依旧还要执行。” Two people are very satisfied, signed own name in the contract scroll. 两人很满意,在契约卷轴签上了自己的名字。 Summoned the book of own witch spirit prosperously. 隆召唤出了自己的巫灵之书。 In the mouth is meditating the incantation. 口中默念着咒语。 And contains Gate of Truth and Sukob name. 其中就包含着真理之门苏科布的名字。 Ceremony technique on contract scroll sent out the ray, spirit of birth an illusory writing, twined in two people. 契约卷轴上的仪式术阵散发出了光芒,一个虚幻的文字之灵诞生,缠绕于两人身上。 A sound reverberation in air: Contract achieves.” 一个声音回荡在空气里:“契约达成。” Packed off two people, grand relaxed finally. 送走了两个人,隆终于松了口气。 Although this is an ordinary matter, but the significance is great. 这虽然是一件普通的事情,但是意义却非常重大。 The flash of prosperously sitting, suddenly discovered some not right place. 隆坐下来的一瞬间,突然发现了一些不对劲的地方。 He discovered. 他发现。 After oneself just worked out a contract, the book of own witch spirit changed the appearance suddenly. 自己刚刚订立了一份契约之后,自己的巫灵之书突然变了模样。 Turned into a legal code appearance. 变成了一部法典的模样。 Moreover he discovered that oneself uses the book of witch spirit to help the spirit of contract opposite party signing writing, oneself and writing authority had some connection, had a direct link with Sukob. 而且他发现自己用巫灵之书帮助对方签订文字之灵契约,自己和文字权柄有了某种关联,和苏科布有了一种直接联系。 In the book of prosperous witch spirit gushed out massive writing, the spirit of writing even he is in sole possession of is also born, as his summon appeared in the side. 隆的巫灵之书里涌出了大量的文字,甚至一个他独有的文字之灵也随之而诞生,随着他的召唤出现在了身边。 This is the spirit of writing the contract between agreement attorney and Sukob is born. 这是契律师和苏科布之间的契约诞生出来的文字之灵。 Each agreement attorney, it can be said that retinue of Sukob scheduled future follower and god. 每一个契律师,都可以说是苏科布预定的未来信徒和神之仆从。 Is gazing at the spirit of that writing prosperously, an information spread to own mind. 隆注视着那个文字之灵,一股信息传入了自己的脑海。 He felt that the spirit of own writing can also become stronger. 他感觉自己的这个文字之灵还可以变得更强。 Even after also becomes stronger, it can also present the associative law, is born the strength of named law. 甚至还变得更强之后,它还能够出现结合法则,诞生出名为律令的力量。 Help person signing contract.” “帮助人签订契约。” Can grow stronger slowly, is familiar with the strength about contract?” “就能慢慢变强,熟悉关于契约的力量?” He can feel. 他可以感觉到。 This is not only an occupation, similarly is practicing. 这不仅仅是一种职业,也同样是一种修行。 A form appeared in prosperously behind, looked prosperously. 一个身影出现在了隆的身后,隆看了过去。 Teacher.” “老师。” Knows prosperously, Sukob has been looking oneself just signed the first contract. 隆知道,苏科布一直在看着自己刚刚签订第一份契约。 You do very well.” “你做得很好。” You now were a qualified agreement attorney.” “你现在是一个合格的契律师了。” Rubs their head prosperously, but stands is laughing foolishly same place. 隆摸了摸头,只是站在原地傻笑。 Usually in Sukob always likes preaching he, such earnest boasts he is rare, instead made grand somewhat embarrassed. 平日里苏科布总是喜欢说教他,这么认真的夸他还是少见的,反而让隆有些不好意思了。 I follow behind you to study in the teacher.” “我只是跟在老师您后面学习。” Quick, the agreement law trade union also had the reputation of agreement attorney to fire in the lunar eclipse city. 很快,契律工会还有契律师的名声就在月蚀城打响了。 Some people arrive at the agreement law trade union unceasingly, contracts transmit from the agreement law trade union. 不断有人来到契律工会,一份份契约从契律工会传递开来。 witch spirit, the books of their witch spirit turned into the legal code appearance, becomes an agreement attorney ; Their brand mark in the book of witch spirit, is contract related divine spell. 一个又一个巫灵,他们的巫灵之书变成了法典的模样,成为了一名契律师;他们烙印在巫灵之书上的,都是和契约有关的神术 In the future. 将来。 If they become the agreement law judge from the agreement attorney, they can also in the kingdom, try the guilty person with the book of witch spirit directly. 他们若是从契律师成为了契律法官,他们还可以在王国之内,直接用巫灵之书审判有罪之人。 At the legal code strength, letting the criminal is unable to revolt. 法典的力量,让罪人无法反抗。 Only can the little darling stand the trial. 只能乖乖接受审判。 Even also some people join the agreement law trade union, becomes the agreement attorney apprentice, is preparation witch spirit and Powerful. 甚至还有人加入契律工会,成为了契律师学徒,也是预备的巫灵权能者 They are expanding unceasingly. 他们正在不断的壮大。 Goes out of the lunar eclipse city, moves toward the dark moon/month province, moves toward entire ten thousand snake royal court. 走出月蚀城,走向暗月行省,走向整个万蛇王庭 Even yes, entire Ruhul Giant Island and world- 甚至是,整个鲁赫巨岛和世界- Creation Divine Country. 造物神国 In pyramid temple. 金字塔神殿内。 The moonlight projects from the window, a form congeals in the ray. 月光从窗户外投射下来,一个身影凝结于光芒之中。 Put on God of white robe to appear in temple, It walked in the spacious main hall, has not actually made any sound. 穿着白袍的神明出现在了神殿之中,祂行走于空旷的大殿之中,却没有发出任何声音。 God across the palace, walked into next of pyramid one after another. 神明穿过一座又一座殿堂,走入了金字塔的下一层。 Walks into the treasure house of god Ruler of Dreamland built. 走入了梦境主宰建立的神之宝库。 Below of pyramid, is depositing the thing of innumerable miracle treasure house, has the countless treasure. 金字塔的下面,是存放着无数奇迹之物的宝库,有着数之不尽的宝物。 However in the ordinary day Ruler of Dreamland will not come, God Insai will not come. 不过平日里梦境主宰不会来,因赛神也不会来。 Likes coming to here. 喜欢来这里的。 Is Ruler of Life Sally. 生命主宰莎莉 In the treasure house in most deep place, the bone book that It will bring placed on a rack. 在最深处的宝库里,祂将自己带回来的骨书放在了一个架子上。 . 紧接着。 It took out a transparent bottle from the rack, in the bottle thought of colored air bubbles. 祂又从架子上取出了一个透明的瓶子,瓶子里装着一个个彩色气泡。 In the air bubble has the sea that the storm gathers, has mountain that the cloud layer covers, has the three leaves human city, has the grotesquely-shaped jagged rocks island. 气泡里有风暴汇聚的大海,有云层笼罩的高山,有三叶人的城市,有怪石嶙峋的小岛。 Some people these passing scene seals, even if these scenes have dissipated, seal their people are not, but the matter was not erasable past. 有人将那些过往的场景封印于其中,哪怕那些景象早已消逝,封印它们的人也已经不在,但是昔日发生的事情却不可抹去。 That is Borloo sends in the journey to Yin Shen. 那是波罗在旅程之中寄给尹神的。 Yin Shen grabs the bottle, for a very long time stood in same place, actually broadcast the sound suddenly. 尹神手抓着瓶子,久久站立在原地,身后却突然传来了声音。 God!” “神!” You were how sudden.” “您怎么突然下来了。” A young girl of wear golden color long skirt walked, is Ruler of Dreamland Shirra. 一个穿着金色长裙的少女走了过来,是梦境主宰希拉 She looks at Yin Shen, in the eye has curiously. 她看着尹神,眼中有着好奇。 God Insai arrives in the treasure house of god, this regarding Shirra is also a very unusual matter. 因赛神来到神之宝库中,这对于希拉来说也是一个很稀奇的事情。 Yin Shen has not answered the Shirra issue, but It asked another issue after a while. 尹神并没有回答希拉的问题,但是过了一会祂问起了另外一个问题。 Shirra!” 希拉!” „After this era arrives, outside you have not gone to have a look probably.” “这一个纪元到来之后,你好像没有怎么去外面看看。” „Do you want to have a look?” “你想出去看看么?” Shirra first has not responded: „!” 希拉第一时间并没有反应过来:“啊!” Yin Shen then said: I want to lead you, brings Sally.” 尹神接着说:“我想带着你,带着莎莉。” Yin Shen stopped, then looks that the bottle then spoke. 尹神停顿了一下,然后看着瓶子接着说到。 Leads them!” “带着他们!” We together.” “我们一起。” The Yin Shen corner of the eye revealed unexpectedly wiped the smile, but that smiled not being able to say regretting and regretted. 尹神眼角竟然露出了一抹微笑,只是那笑有种说不出的遗憾和惋惜。 We together.” “我们一起。” Looks, what the epoch is.” “去看一看,新纪元是什么样的。” Heard the God Insai words, in the eye of Shirra revealed the ray. 听到因赛神的话,希拉的眼里露出了光芒。 Happy smiling spreads from the face. 开心的笑从脸上扩散开来。 She does not like travelling actually, but if can accompany Yin Shen to travel together , is completely different. 她其实不太喜欢旅行,但是如果能够陪着尹神一起去旅行,就又完全不一样了。 God!” “神!” How you think that travelled?” “您怎么想到出去旅行了?” Shirra also said hastily: But Sally, if knew, she certainly happy bad.” 希拉连忙又说道:“但是莎莉要是知道了,她一定会高兴坏的。” Yin Shen has not explained anything: Suddenly thought.” 尹神没有解释什么:“只是突然想到了。” However Shirra looks at the glass bottle on Yin Shen, suddenly understood anything. 但是希拉看着尹神手上的玻璃瓶子,突然明白了什么。
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