IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#361 Part 1: We have a look at the epoch together

In assembly hall. 会议厅里。 The pretors hear these two names, immediately has the interest. 执政官阁下听到这两个名字,立刻起了兴趣。 Judge?” “法官?” Attorney?” “律师?” The pretors and Sukob discussed the function of a judge and attorney, pondered over something. 执政官和苏科布谈论了一下法官和律师的职能,琢磨出了一些东西。 This is one from the time of wild barbaric trend civilization, all things during fumble. 这是一个从蛮荒野蛮走向文明的时代,所有东西都在摸索之中。 Land of Sunrise, Suinhall and ten thousand snake royal court newly-built wilderness Witch Country, everyone is attempting to be most suitable their thing. 不论是日出之地苏因霍尔、万蛇王庭还是刚刚建立的荒原巫国,所有人都在尝试着最适合他们的东西。 Each country, each hierarch is trying the transformation. 每个国家,每个掌权者都在尝试着变革。 However everyone also tried to find out in the darkness, does not know where should toward walk, does not know that path is right. 但是每个人也都在黑暗之中摸索,不知道该朝着哪里走,更不知道走的道路对不对。 Highest pretor: This may really be an excellent idea.” 最高执政官:“这可真是一个绝妙的想法。” Before I have been thinking, although legal code set up, when implements truly had all kinds of problems.” “之前我就一直在想,法典虽然设立了出来,但是在真正实行的时候却出现了各种各样的问题。” Initially the law of tentative plan, degenerated into the fantasy finally.” “当初设想的法律,最后都沦为了空想。” This is not the dark moon/month general wants to see that is also not I wants to see.” “这不是暗月将军想要看到的,也不是我想要看到的。” Must result in the right that will enforce the law to be independent.” “必须得将执法的权利独立出来。” Judge...... the judge...... also has the attorney.” “法官……法官……还有律师。” Pretors unceasing chews to estimate these two words, thought that invited Sukob to arrive at ten thousand snake royal court indeed is a correct action. 执政官阁下不断的嘴嚼揣摩着这两个词,觉得邀请苏科布来到万蛇王庭的确是一个正确之举。 Finally, he sets out to say to Sukob. 最后,他起身对着苏科布说道。 Sir Sukob.” 苏科布大人。” I hope that you can in this country, realize your idea.” “我希望您能在这个国家,将你的想法都实现出来。” Does not need to be worried the resistance that can encounter, ten thousand snake royal court will have me to help your helping hand full power.” “不用担心将会受到的阻力,万蛇王庭还有我本人都会全力助你一臂之力。” Sukob sets out: Thank the pretor the support.” 苏科布起身:“感谢执政官阁下的支持。” Pretors: This is my being honored.” 执政官:“这是我的荣幸。” With the great support of royal court highest pretor, finally royal court approved „the agreement law legal code bill, and decided that carries out in ten thousand snake royal court middle major provinces. 王庭最高执政官的大力支持下,最终王庭通过了“契律法典议案”,并且决定在万蛇王庭的中部各大行省推行。 As for has not been divided into major domain of province at present, can choose does not carry out this/should bill. 至于目前还没有划分为行省的各大领地,可以选择不执行该议案。 Henceforth can also see. 从此也可以看出。 This bill fully suffered the dispute, even the royal court highest pretor also bore very tremendous pressure. 这个议案还是饱受争议的,连王庭的最高执政官也承受了很大的压力。 However finally, the royal court highest pretor decides to carry out. 但是最后,王庭最高执政官还是决定推行。 Also is because he saw the correctness of this path, can step onto this top character vision naturally to exceed the average man. 也是因为他从中看到了这条道路的正确,能够走上这种高位的人物眼光自然是超越常人的。 Ten thousand snake royal court will set up a judge position in each city, with supervise the execution of legal code, trial to criminal. 万蛇王庭将会在每一座城市设立法官一职位,用以监督法典的执行,对罪犯的审判。 The royal court various institute organizations will also set up a new judicial yuan, sets up a Justice royal court. 王庭诸院机构还会设立一个新的司法院,设立一个王庭大法官。 But the agreement law trade union and agreement attorney that Sukob establishes will also become the occupation of royal court approval, the contract that the agreement law trade union signs will not only receive a asylum of God of Truth and Knowledge lineage/vein, will also obtain the approvals of ten thousand snake royal court. 苏科布所建立的契律工会和契律师一职也将会成为王庭认可的职业,契律工会签订的契约不仅仅会受到真理与知识之神一脉的庇护,同时也将得到万蛇王庭的认可。 However each contract must under the restraint of legal code. 不过每一份契约都必须在法典的约束之下。 Although by question, the agreement law trade union that but Sukob and he establishes was on the historical arena like this. 虽然饱受质疑,但是苏科布和他建立的契律工会就这样登上了历史舞台。 Together with existence of judge and agreement attorney. 连同法官和契律师的存在。 Because the agreement attorney also has at the same time specially, works out the contract the responsibility, therefore Sukob added a contract in front of the attorney. 因为契律师还兼有特殊的,订立契约的职责,因此苏科布在律师前面加了个契字。 In the judge and agreement attorney appear before ten thousand snake royal court this countries, a very essential and important matter manages. 但是在法官和契律师出现在万蛇王庭这个国家之前,还有一件非常关键和重要的事情去办。 Gives the strength of spirit of ten thousand snake royal court legal code writing, with this national signing contract. 赋予万蛇王庭法典文字之灵的力量,和这个国家签订契约。 That is the start of this system. 那才是这条体系的开始。 The before ruling hall in lunar eclipse city . 月蚀城的执政厅前。 The soldiers are defending each crossroad, the civilians, merchants, artisan and aristocrats city arrived at outside this royal court highest right center, is witnessing the moment of history. 士兵守着各个路口,城市内的平民、商人、工匠、贵族都来到了这个王庭的最高权利中枢外面,见证着历史的一刻。 witch spirit are throwing over the black solemn silence long gown, followed Sukob to leave from by-passing, arrived under the steps. 巫灵们披着黑色的庄严肃穆长袍,跟随着苏科布从一旁行出,来到了阶梯下。 The highest pretor has been waiting for Sukob in the midpoint that the crowd crowds around, in his hand takes one is seeming like thick and big legal code. 最高执政官阁下已经在人群簇拥的正中央等待着苏科布,他的手里拿着一本看上去又厚又大的法典 But flash that Sukob presents, in the crowd on street presented the stir. 苏科布出现的一瞬间,街道上的人群之中就出现了轰动。 Apostle!” “使徒!” „Is this apostle?” “这就是使徒?” Is the God of Truth and Knowledge apostle.” “是真理与知识之神的使徒。” Looks quickly! shape of God!” “快看啊!神之形!” With legend , is really shape of God.” “和传说之中的一样,真的是神之形。” Apostle heard that can live in 1000, they no longer are the mortals.” “使徒听说能够活一千年,他们已经不再是凡人了。” snake human except for in temple, where have seen in the reality existence that has shape of God. 蛇人们除了在神庙里,哪里在现实之中见过拥有神之形的存在。 Many people were shaken the body to tremble, cannot help but wants to crawl on the ground. 不少人更是被震得身体发颤,不由自主的想要匍匐在地上。 Because looks at Sukob. 因为看着苏科布 They thought that this is the god only arrives at the world. 他们觉得这就是神祇降临人间。 Although God of Truth and Knowledge is not God that they believe that but most mortal where will think so many, really saw similar God exists to appear at present, in the heart was only left over terrified and awe. 真理和知识之神虽然不是他们信仰的神明,但是大多数凡人哪里会去想这么多,真的看到类似神明的存在出现在眼前,心中就只剩下惶恐和敬畏了。 Sukob arrived at the highest pretor in front, both sides in conducting saw right in front of one after the etiquette. 苏科布走到了最高执政官阁下面前,双方在进行了面见礼仪过后。 The highest pretor pretor handed the Sukob front ten thousand snake royal court legal code. 最高执政官执政官将万蛇王庭法典递到了苏科布的面前。 This is one compiles reorganization from now on legal code, moreover material quality by weaving silk spirit insect silk and various unusual material work. 这是一部重新编撰整理过后的法典,而且材质是以织丝灵虫丝和各种超凡材料著作而成。 In ten thousand snake royal court legal code outer coverings has one to be secret, seems like pattern same complex ceremony technique. 万蛇王庭法典的外壳上有着一个非常隐秘的,看上去像是花纹一样的复杂仪式术阵。 God of Truth and Knowledge apostle Sukob.” 真理与知识之神的使徒苏科布。” I represent this country, concludes under with you agrees.” “我代表这个国家,和您缔结下约定。” Please give this national legal code at the strength.” “请您赋予这个国家法典以力量。” Gives the strength of this national order.” “赋予这个国家秩序的力量。” Ceremony technique on legal code erupted the ray. 法典上的仪式术阵爆发出了光芒。 The ceremony communicates Dreamland. 仪式沟通梦界 Communicated Gate of Truth, Sukob this existence that wields the writing authority. 沟通了真理之门,还有苏科布这个执掌文字权柄的存在。 Sukob the book of witch spirit floated from the body, the snake human writing falls in torrents from the book of witch spirit, changes into the writing the sea. 苏科布巫灵之书从身体里漂浮了出来,蛇人文字从巫灵之书里倾泻而出,化为文字的海洋。 Sukob the hand according to above ten thousand snake royal court legal code, a powerful strength erupted from his body immediately. 苏科布将手按在了万蛇王庭法典之上,顿时一股强大的力量从他身体里爆发了出来。 The Gate of Truth illusory shadow appeared in him behind. 真理之门的虚幻影子浮现在了他的身后。 Penetrated the ray gathering of cloud layer and vault of heaven comes, to change into a great light shadow. 穿透云层和天穹的光芒汇聚而来,化为了一个伟岸的光影。 Leaf of Gate of Myth stood erect in the center of lunar eclipse city. 一扇神话之门竖立在了月蚀城的中央。 This appeared the status of his God of Truth and Knowledge apostle, proved the authority that fused the knowledge, took the reincarnator path. 这显现了他真理与知识之神使徒的身份,也证明了融合了知识的权柄,走上了转生者的道路。 Sukob stands under the Gate of Truth empty shadow, the consciousness reposes on Gate of Myth, to be aloof in the angle of view of this world earthliness looks at this city. 苏科布站在真理之门的虚影下,意识寄托于神话之门上,以超脱于凡尘俗世的视角看着这座城市。 Is gazing at the book of own witch spirit, ten thousand snake royal court legal code. 注视着自己的巫灵之书,还有万蛇王庭法典 My Sukob, God of Truth and Knowledge apostle.” “我苏科布,真理与知识之神的使徒。” Gives ten thousand snake royal court legal code by the authority of writing by spirit of legal code.” “以文字的权柄赋予万蛇王庭法典法典之灵。” So long as this country exists for day, this legal code agreement has then existed, revises legal code to need the royal court pretor and judicial yuan grand justice and royal court various institute chief most agreements, will receive this legal code to restrain in all agreement attorney contracts of this national signing.” “只要这个国家存在一天,此法典约定便一直存在,修改法典需要王庭执政官和司法院大法官以及王庭诸院首席大多数同意,在这个国家签订的所有契律师契约都将受到此法典约束。” With my name.” “以吾之名。” Today becomes effective.” “即日生效。” In Sukob the book of witch spirit was born spirit of the powerful writing, in the legal code ceremony the dense and numerous writing gatherings. 苏科布巫灵之书里诞生出了一个强大的文字之灵,法典仪式之中密密麻麻的文字汇聚而出。 Fuses together with that ceremony. 和那个仪式融为一体。 Finally changed into the heart of spirit of writing and it unifies in one. 最后化为了文字之灵的心和它结合在了一起。 At this moment, this spirit body really lived probably. 这一刻,这个灵体好像真的活了过来。 It started talking. 它开口说话了。 That sound has no sentiment, has the dignity of keeping aloof. 那声音没有任何感情,却有着高高在上的威严。 It seems like oracle, seems the word command, transmitted in the mind of everyone. 就好像神谕,就好似言令,传递到了每一个人的脑海之中。 Agreement of Sukob and ten thousand snake royal court.” 苏科布和万蛇王庭的约定。” Achieves.” “达成。” This agreement will maintain to last day that ten thousand snake royal court exist, at the last minute.” “此约定将维持到万蛇王庭存在的最后一天,最后一刻。” Ordinary legal code, erupted the different strengths. 原本普普通通的法典,爆发出了不一样的力量。 That spirit body strength extends toward the four directions, everyone felt faintly a route arrived from the sky, is connecting all of this country. 灵体的力量朝着四方延伸,所有人隐隐感觉到了一道道线从天空降临,连接着这个国家的一切。 Everyone induced one to change everyone's thing, the thing of change time. 所有人都感应到了一个能够改变所有人的东西,改变时代的东西。 Appeared. 出现了。 Gate of Truth dissipates, Sukob took back the book of witch spirit. 真理之门消散,苏科布收回了巫灵之书。 The highest pretor holds this legal code as before. 最高执政官依旧捧着这本法典 Sincere legal code is opening, spirit of the big illusory writing melts obviously in his front, is gazing at this country. 厚重的法典打开着,一个高大虚幻的文字之灵显化在他的面前,注视着这个国家。 This is the spirit of writing subordinates in ten thousand snake royal court this countries, spirit body that is molded by legal code of country, agreement that Sukob and this country conclude. 这是一个隶属于万蛇王庭这个国家的文字之灵,一个由一个国家的法典塑造出的灵体,一个苏科布和这个国家缔结的约定。 This agreement does not have the deadline, has maintained last day that this country exists. 这个约定没有期限,一直维持到这个国家存在的最后一天。 As the role of legal code is bigger, the contract that this country concludes are more, people deepen regarding the approval of legal code. 而且随着法典的作用越大,这个国家缔结的契约越多,人们对于法典的认可加深。 The spirit of this writing contract becomes more and more powerful, it is also a life body. 这个文字契约之灵就变得越来越强大,它也是一个生命体。 Special life that can grow. 一个会成长的特殊生命。 He suddenly discovered that this is not only ordinary legal code, perhaps is after very long, it will become a cornerstone that suppresses royal court, an unequalled powerful item. 他突然发现这不仅仅是一本普通的法典,或许很久以后它将成为一件镇压王庭的基石,一件无与伦比的强力道具。 The highest pretor looked to Sukob. 最高执政官看向了苏科布 Thank you for all that royal court made.” “感谢您为王庭所做的一切。” Sukob replied: We in mutual achievement.” 苏科布回答:“我们是在互相成就。” Two people stand, greets everyone's applause. 两人站在一起,迎接所有人的鼓掌。 In cheers. 在欢呼声之中。 All end. 一切落幕。 Then Sukob also accepted the invitation to attend an evening banquet, but existence of Sukob such high status, was not instead popular at the banquet. 接下来苏科布还接受了邀请参加了一场晚宴,不过苏科布这样高身份的存在,在宴会上反而不怎么受欢迎。 Everyone sees him is respectful saluting, instead few individuals really dare to approach. 所有人看到他都是毕恭毕敬的行礼,反而没有几个人真的敢于靠近。 Apostles. 使徒。 This exceeds existence of mortal. 这已经是超越凡人的存在了。 They leave God is too near, is far from the mortal too. 他们离神明太近,离凡人太远。 Cut a boundary with everyone on the scene completely, the average person thought highly and flatters does not dare to go forward to flatter. 和在场的所有人完全划开了一个界限,普通人连恭维和吹捧都不敢上前吹捧了。 The night falls. 夜幕降临。 Drove then Sukob to leave the ruling hall prosperously together, under the dim light of night grand Dunang said. 隆驾车接着苏科布一起离开了执政厅,夜色下隆嘟囔道。 Was too mean-spirited.” “太小气了。” Obviously is the agreement law bill that we say, they invited us to come, finally the position of grand justice and we had no relations.” “明明是我们提出来的契律议案,还是他们邀请我们过来的,结果大法官的位置和我们没有任何关系。” Even then each city the arrangement of judge did not have to say with us directly, we can go to several people.” “甚至接下来各个城市的法官的安排也没有直接和我们说,我们到底可以去几个人。” Felt that we are the pure white wine, anything has not attained.” “感觉我们就是纯粹白干,什么都没拿到。” Sukob looks that thought suffers a loss the depressed young people to swell, shakes the head. 苏科布看着觉得吃了大亏闷闷不乐的年轻人隆,摇了摇头。 Will swell this young people always to care, I gained, I owed ; They as if few considered truly, from the beginning the goal that oneself do this matter is anything, only wallows at the victory and loss success and failure and for a while in the spirit. 隆这种年轻人总是会在意,我是不是赚了,我是不是亏了;他们似乎很少去真正考虑,自己一开始做这件事的目的是什么,只沉迷在输赢得失和一时意气之中。 „Very normal.” “很正常。” „Do you running a position of national destiny, give one including one group of manpower who in oneself home boy is not at present?” “你会将掌管一个国家命运的位置,交给一个连自己本国人目前都算不上的一群人手里吗?” We are come to this country to fight for power and profit?” “我们是来这个国家争权夺利的吗?” Prosperous?” “隆?” Sukob showed an function of teacher again, told itself this student own experience and interpretation of life. 苏科布再度展现出了一个老师的作用,告诉自己这个学生自己的经验和人生感悟。 We are say/way of belt/bring our agreement law to this country from the beginning, fulfills our ideas and paths.” “我们一开始就是要将我们的契律之道带到这个国家,践行我们的想法和道路。” However now.” “而现在。” Our goals achieved.” “我们的目的达成了。” At this point, Sukob self-confident smiled. 说到这里,苏科布自信的笑了起来。 And.” “而且。” „Hasn't our what really attained?” “我们真的什么都没有拿到吗?” Ten thousand snake royal court want to establish this agreement law system, must depend on above our strengths.” “万蛇王庭想要建立起这个契律体系,就必须依托在我们的力量之上。” Our anything attained from the beginning, from the beginning was doomed is a winner, was unnecessary wants to eat all things from the beginning, that will only make people think you to be aggressive, harbors evil intentions.” “我们从一开始就什么都拿到了,从一开始就注定了是赢家,就不必要一开始就想要将所有的东西都吃下去,那只会让人觉得你咄咄逼人,不怀好意。” Fell into thinking deeply prosperously, was pondering words that Sukob spoke. 隆陷入了深思,思考着苏科布说的话。 Sukob also follows to ponder together, but is pondering another issue. 苏科布也跟着一起思考,不过是在思考着另外一个问题。 Then, our centers of gravity will place on the agreement law trade union.” “接下来,我们的重心将放在契律工会上。” Agreement attorney!” “契律师!” It is we will carry out the key of agreement law path, is our future.” “它将会是我们推行契律道路的关键,也是我们的未来。” At this point, Sukob earnest. 说到这里,苏科布认真了起来。 Even can say, is I becomes the key on myth path.” “甚至可以说,是我成为神话道路上的关键。” Later including you, each follows me to leave the wilderness witch spirit, must learn/study legal code.” “以后包括你,每一个跟随我离开荒原的巫灵,都必须学习法典。” How must learn to be an agreement attorney, or is a judge.” “都要学会如何当一个契律师,或者是当一个法官。” From this batch of witch spirit decided that follower Sukob leaves the wilderness together, will decide behind them with the Sukob path to come to the end together, 从这批巫灵决定跟随者苏科布一起离开荒原,就决定了他们后面将会随着苏科布的道路一起走到尽头, Opened the mouth prosperously, he discovered an issue finally. 隆张大了嘴巴,他终于发现了一个问题。 „After that we want the effective contract, can first learn/study ten thousand snake royal court legal code?” “那以后我们要生效契约,岂不是还要先去学习万蛇王庭法典?” That is a that big book, moreover legal code did not write down finished up, in the use process the issue was many.” “那可是那么大的一本书,而且法典可不是记下来就完事了,使用过程之中问题还多多。” Very troublesome.” “很麻烦的诶。” Sukob still added a stone in the prosperous heart. 苏科布还在隆的心头加了一块石头。 Naturally, everyone must study.” “当然,所有人都得学。” Moreover not only ten thousand snake royal court laws.” “而且不仅仅万蛇王庭的法律。” Later you must study Suinhall legal code, White Tower Alchemy Alliance legal code, studies legal code of each country.” “以后你们还要学苏因霍尔法典,白塔炼金联盟法典,学习每一个国家的法典。” The prosperity held the head, an appearance of collapse. 隆抓住了头,一副崩溃的模样。 „!” “啊!” Is good to trouble, might as well raises the insect on the wilderness!” “好麻烦,还不如在荒原上养虫子呢!” grand although was complaining, seems most his people of this age to be the same ; However works truly the learn/study time, he is very diligent. 隆虽然在抱怨,就好像大多数他这个年龄的人一样;但是真正做事学习的时候,他还是非常勤奋的。 This is also Sukob regards as important his point, he not only has the talent, can display own talent. 这也是苏科布看重他的一点,他不仅仅有天分,也能够将自己的天分发挥出来。 Rather than is really only a person who floats in the surface. 而不是真的只是一个浮于表面的人。 Sukob: We enter this world, is to integrate into this world, is not avoids troublesome.” 苏科布:“我们走进这个世界,就是要融入这个世界,不是来躲避麻烦的。” We are actually lucky enough.” “我们其实已经足够幸运了。” Prosperous!” “隆!” We were selected by God, from the beginning we escaped the destiny of all living things, was given mission that pursues the truth.” “我们被神明选中,从一开始我们就摆脱了芸芸众生的命运,被赋予了追寻真理的使命。” We do not need to rush about for food, does not use for three meals a day, but pain.” “我们不用为食物奔波,不用为一日三餐而辛劳。” Fine food, the gorgeous clothes, the right of aristocrat, is to us extremely easy to obtain.” “精美的食物,华美的衣裳,贵族的权利,对于我们来说唾手可得。” Enables us to learn the knowledge safely, explores the mystery, grasps divine spell.” “让我们可以安心的学习知识,探索奥秘,掌握神术。” Sukob looked to the city under curtain of night, looks at the person in that lamplights of ten thousand families. 苏科布看向了夜幕下的城市,看着那万家灯火之中的人。 Some people get up early turn over to late, in workshop practical training day of death. 有人早起晚归,在工坊劳作终日。 Has the woman late at night still to weave cotton cloth, only for fill home. 有妇人深夜还在织布,只为填补家用。 The commerce midnight in the drawing goods, is still brushing the sail pack animal. 商贩们半夜还在拉货,抽打着帆驮兽。 In this city, in this world, everyone is spelling to go all-out for the life. 在这座城市,在这个世界,每个人都在为生活拼尽全力。 All that makes not for what ideal, not for anything in the future, only for two characters. 所做的一切不是为了什么理想,不是为了什么未来,只为了两个字。 Living. 活着。 Sukob remembered initial, he had not been selected by the Asai god. 苏科布想起了最初的自己,他还没有被阿赛神选中的时候。 Most people in this world arrive in this world, the goal that they pursue is living.” “这个世界上的绝大部分人降临在这个世界,他们追寻的目标只有活着。” However we now, no longer to live are living.” “而我们现在,已经不再为活着而活着。” We can track down the thing that we want, can inquire about secret that freely oneself want, seeks own significance.” “我们可以去追寻我们想要的东西,可以自由的探寻自己想要的秘密,去寻求自身存在的意义。” Prosperous!” “隆!” „What luck is this?” “这是一种什么样的幸运?” Teacher grand Hear such a saying, suddenly felt oneself were really lucky, thought that God of Truth and Knowledge was really extremely open-minded and benevolent. 隆听老师这么一说,突然觉得自己实在是太幸运了,也觉得真理与知识之神实在是太过豁达和仁慈。 But oneself passing wildness and dissolution , is really should not. 而自己过往的狂放和浪荡,也实在是太不应该。 Sukob then said, mentioned itself regarding having the pursue of significance. 苏科布接着说道,说起了自己对于存在意义的追求。 I once think.” “我曾经以为。” My meaning of life, carries out oracle of god, completes god all decrees.” “我生命的意义,就是执行神的神谕,完成神所有的旨意。” This is an apostle, a entirety of family. „ “这是一个使徒,一个眷者的全部。“ But God said to me.” “但是神明对我说。” Sukob, can see the mood that at this point is hard to self-restrain welled up. 苏科布说到这里,可以看到一股难以自抑的情绪涌了上来。 It asked me.” “祂问我。” He said.” “他说。” Sukob.” 苏科布。” What God do you want...... to become?” “你想要……成为什么样的神明呢?” The Sukob vision looks prosperously, in the pupil is glittering the light. 苏科布的目光看着隆,瞳孔里闪烁着光。 Prosperous.” “隆。” We exist in this world, should seek for the significance that we have, realizes us to live, but for the value of person.” “我们存在于这个世界上,就应该去寻找我们存在的意义,去实现我们生而为人的价值。” Whereabouts world showed, we had come.” “去向这个世界证明,我们曾经来过。” Practices us all that wants to make.” “去实践我们想要做的一切。” Looks at Sukob prosperously, can see the teacher regarding student's influence is frequently, 隆看着苏科布,可以看到老师对于学生的影响是时时刻刻的, At this moment young prosperous cannot bear the ponder, ponders own value and significance. 此刻年轻的隆也忍不住思考,思考自己的价值和意义。 Teacher found own significance.” “老师找到了自己存在的意义。” That!” “那么!” What is my significance is?”- “属于我的意义又是什么?”- Lunar eclipse city. 月蚀城。 On the same day that the first public trial court hall in this city is completed, the agreement law trade union of not far away also announced establishes. 就在这座城市的第一座公审法庭大厅落成的同一天,不远处的契律工会也宣布建立。 The judge who criminal who one batch offended the murder crime in passing through court conducts after the public trial, during a piece makes noise and shouts, was hung to death on the topping cheat. 一批触犯了杀人罪的罪犯在经过了法庭的法官进行公审过后,在一片喧闹和大喊之中,被吊死在了绞刑架上。 Everyone is cheering the call. 所有人都在欢呼呐喊。 The scene must come warmly compared with any celebration, everyone one's blood bubbles up to the brim, some people send out shouting that shouts oneself hoarse. 场面比任何一场庆典都要来得热烈,每个人热血沸腾,有人发出声嘶力竭的大喊。 Hangs him!” “吊死他!” Hangs him.” “吊死他。” Should burn, such fellow must make him taste the suffering.” “应该烧死,这样的家伙要让他尝尝苦头。” „, The tongue spat.” “啧啧啧,舌头都吐出来了。” Looked lively, received the corpse. 看完了热闹,收完了尸。 Crowd disperse. 人群散去。 Many people who however diverge walk following the main road, just before arriving at the agreement law trade union . 但是散去的不少人顺着大路走,刚好走到了契律工会前。 This seemingly solemn big construction, captured the attention of many. 这个看上去端庄高大的建筑,吸引了不少人的目光。 If judge everyone can also understand that what occupation is, then agreement attorney majority cannot understand them to do. 如果说法官大家还能够理解到底是一个什么样的职业,那么契律师大部分就看不太懂他们到底是干什么的。 Agreement law trade union?” Many people gather before the front door of agreement law trade union, looks at inside spacious main hall, but also is placing the small 1st God of Truth and Knowledge statue, as well as is representing the symbol of writing authority. “契律工会?”很多人聚集在契律工会的大门前,看着里面宽敞的厅堂,还摆放着小一号的真理与知识之神的雕像,以及代表着文字权柄的符号。 Agreement attorney? Is this does do?” Has the people sound to ask. “契律师?这又是干什么的?”有人大声问道。 With judge same person?” Some people guessed that is related with the judge who just presented. “是和法官一样的人吗?”有人猜测和刚刚出现的法官有关。 At this time went out of a person from the agreement law trade union, dressed up the meticulous prosperity. 这个时候从契律工会里面走出了一个人,正是打扮得一丝不苟的隆。 In his hand takes legal code, the head also brings a soft hat. 他手上拿着一本法典,头上还带着一顶软帽。 Judge is the judge, the agreement attorney is the agreement attorney, is the occupation that because legal code is born, maintains the revolution of legal code to appear.” “法官是法官,契律师是契律师,都是因为法典诞生的职业,维护法典的运转而出现。” Has the people sound to ask: Doesn't have the judge? What agreement attorney also wants this to do?” 有人大声问道:“不是已经有法官了么?还要这什么契律师干什么?” Prosperous: This may be different.” 隆:“这可不一样。” Prosperous tells you immediately most can represent the agreement attorney strength the strength, signs the strength of spirit of contract writing. 隆立刻向所有人介绍了最能够代表契律师力量的力量,签订文字之灵契约的力量。 Agreement attorney is by witch spirit at present, has the unusual strength.” “契律师目前都是由巫灵担任,是有超凡力量的。” We can make a contract have the unusual restraint strength, gazed by the god, obtains the approval of royal court legal code.” “我们可以让一份契约具备超凡的约束力量,受到神的注视,得到王庭法典的认可。” Under the gaze of god, under the restraint of legal code.” “在神的注视下,在法典的约束之下。” No one can violate the contract, but was not punished.” “没有人可以违背契约而不遭受惩罚。” In the Longping day was seemingly careless, but his advantage actually manifested at this time. 隆平日里看起来吊儿郎当,但是这个时候他的优势却又体现出来了。 Capable in argument, said people enthralled. 能言善辩,说得人们入神。 For example I want to open a shop with several friends, but was worried that others invaded were my, what to do?” “例如我想要和几个朋友开一间店铺,但是又担心别人侵占了属于我的那一份,怎么办?” Asks us to sign a contract, this contract will receive the god and royal court protection, sacred inviolable.” “找我们签订一份契约,这份契约就会受到神和王庭的保护,神圣不可侵犯。” Or my is unhealthy, wants to leave my several children the property , after being afraid them, competes for the family property to turn into enemies.” “或者我身体不好,想要将财产留给我的几个儿女,又害怕他们以后争夺家产而反目成仇。” Also can find the agreement attorney to sign a contract, ahead of time arranges all, under the gaze and royal court of legal code God notarization, all your children can obtain that he earns.” “也可以来找契律师签订一份契约,提前安排好一切,在神明的注视和王庭法典的公证下,你所有的儿女都可以得到他应得的那一份。” Again for example.” “再比如。” „......” “……” Examples lifted, making everyone be suddenly enlighted. 一个又一个例子举了出来,让所有人恍然大悟。 Understood gradually, what existence the agreement attorney is. 渐渐的明白了,契律师到底是一种什么样的存在。 Finally also said prosperously. 最后隆还说道。 Not is only this.” “不光是这样。” Everyone , if there is person, had the family member to be against the law, commits a crime ; However thought that has to assign the unfair place, excessive or does not have the crime actually to be assigned a penalty guilty.” “大家如果有人,有家人触犯了法律,犯了罪;但是又觉得有判罚有不公正的地方,过重或者是没有罪却被判罚为有罪。” Also can come to here to consult us, we will help you.” “也可以来这里咨询我们,我们会帮助你们。” The agreement law trade union and agreement attorney make anything, under a prosperous speech, spreads immediately. 契律工会和契律师是做什么的,在隆的一番演讲之下,立刻传开了。 Next day, some people come to look for the agreement law trade union to sign the contract. 第二天,就有人上门找契律工会签订契约。 A contract value not poor, even if has sold at a discount prosperously, weaves the silk spirit insect to raise. 一份契约价值不菲,哪怕隆已经打了折扣,织丝灵虫还是自己养的。 However walks, mostly is some merchants of worth. 但是找上门来的,大多都是有些身价的商人。 Two merchants rushed for the freight vehicle to stop in the agreement law trade union entrance, takes down was throwing over windproof coat, hung on the entrance nail. 两位商人赶着货车停在了契律工会门口,取下了披着的风衣,挂在了门口的钉子上。 We must sign a contract.” “我们要签订一份契约。” This is the first single business of agreement attorney, is the contract moves toward the first step of the world. 这是契律师的第一单生意,也是契约走向人间的第一步。 Swells this Sukob student to go into action directly personally, comes to work out the contract for them. 隆这个苏科布的学生直接亲自出马,来为他们订立契约。 Two merchants said oneself request. 两个商人说了自己的要求。 We must form a partnership to form a caravan, develops newly goes to the Razer Kingdom trade route, the new trade route definitely follows the risk, therefore we want to sign a contract and ensure our benefits, confirmed our responsibility simultaneously.” “我们要合伙组建一支商队,开拓新的前往雷泽王国的商路,新的商路肯定伴随着风险,所以我们希望签订一份契约,来保证我们两个人的利益,同时确认我们两个人的责任。” The prosperous nod, quick thinks how must work out this contract. 隆点头,很快就想好了要如何订立这份契约。 However he reminded two people. 不过他还是提醒两个人。
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