IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#360 Part 2: Borloo and god cannot achieve travel( hegemon who thanks tung oil tree crab apple tree)

Your such bastard, only then God of Truth and Knowledge such open-minded God is willing to receive you to be the retinue reluctantly, other God saw you a palm of the hand patting your the bastard of nonsense.” “你这样的混蛋只有真理与知识之神这样豁达的神明才勉强愿意收你做仆从,其他神明看到你早就一巴掌把你这胡言乱语的混蛋给拍死了。” Gives me to drive a cart earnestly, maintains the peaceful few speeches.”- “给我认真赶车,保持安静少说话。”- Then. 接下来。 Sukob one group across ten thousand snake royal court several provinces, arrived the dark moon/month province and lunar eclipse city. 苏科布一行人穿过万蛇王庭的数个行省,来到了暗月行省和月蚀城。 The scene that this sees all the way, is completely different from the scene that previous their ten thousand snake royal court see time. 这一路上所看到的景象,和上一次他们来万蛇王庭所看到的景象完全不一样。 During several years. 几年之间。 This country truly had the tremendous changes, although said that many places poor are as usual poor, but at least the peace stabilized, the floor civilians can cross reluctantly. 这个国家确实发生了翻天覆地的变化,虽然说很多地方贫穷还是和以往一样贫穷,但是至少和平稳定了下来,底层平民勉强能够过得下去。 Peaceful and stable, regarding the person of this time is the peak that hopes. 和平和稳定,对于这个时代的人来说已经是所希望的最高点了。 Sukob went to the ruling hall in lunar eclipse city, saw ten thousand snake royal court highest pretors. 苏科布来到了月蚀城的执政大厅,就见了万蛇王庭的最高执政官。 In an assembly hall of high specification, the royal court highest pretor warmly welcome the arrival of Sukob. 在一个高规格的会议厅里面,王庭的最高执政官非常热情的欢迎苏科布的到来。 Sir Sukob.” 苏科布大人。” You came finally.” “您总算是来了。” Sukob displays not arrogantly, this also conforms to his image until now. 苏科布表现得并不高傲,这也符合他一直以来的形象。 Pretor, your enthusiasm makes me feel extremely flattered.” “执政官阁下,您的热情让我受宠若惊。” After a discussion, Sukob decided that does missionary work in ten thousand snake royal court. 一番商谈过后,苏科布决定在万蛇王庭进行传教。 The highest pretor also expressed welcome and supports, this conforms to ten thousand snake royal court following national policies. 最高执政官也表示了欢迎并且支持,这符合万蛇王庭接下来的国策。 Actually from the beginning, the dark moon/month had not expected that Earth Demoness will borrow Ruhul the Giant God strength. 其实从一开始,暗月并没有预料到大地魔女会借来鲁赫巨神的力量。 In the tentative plan of dark moon/month, since ten thousand snake royal court do not have the god to shelter, then drags into all God ten thousand snake royal court, each God has the belief in ten thousand snake royal court, then had the asylum naturally. 在暗月的设想之中,既然万蛇王庭没有神庇护,那么就将所有的神明都拉入万蛇王庭之中来,每个神明都在万蛇王庭拥有信仰,那么自然而然的拥有了庇护。 Because has many beliefs, the jurisdictions of such these reverends were also weakened, avoided them many interfere with the rule of right and pretor of mundane world. 而且因为有多个信仰,这样那些神职者的权限也被削弱,避免了他们过多的干涉世俗世界的权利和执政官的执政。 This is their plans. 这才是他们的计划。 However appearance of Earth Demoness , a better help they completed this strategy. 不过大地魔女的出现,也更好的帮助他们完成了这个策略。 Meanwhile. 同时。 Helps early period of ten thousand snake royal court the most difficult transition period. 帮助万蛇王庭前期最难的过渡期。 Sukob agreed spreads to ten thousand snake royal court the belief of God of Truth and Knowledge, but he also gave oneself some ideas at the same time. 苏科布同意了将真理与知识之神的信仰传入万蛇王庭,但是与此同时他也提出了自己的一些想法。 Highest pretor: legal code?” 最高执政官:“法典?” Sukob: „Before I come, has looked at legal code of your country.” 苏科布:“我来之前已经看过了贵国的法典。” Ten thousand snake royal court legal code, is in various countries can be said as most perfect.” “万蛇王庭法典,是诸国之中可以说是最完善的了。” „At least in my opinion.” “至少在我看来。” This is at present best legal code, is one can practical legal code.” “这已经是目前最好的一部法典,是一部可以实用的法典。” royal court, when compiles this legal code, certainly abandoned many thoughts.” 王庭在编撰这部法典的时候,一定废了不少心思。” The highest pretor showed the smile: „A great country, how can not have great legal code.” 最高执政官露出了微笑:“一个伟大的国家,怎么能没有一部伟大的法典。” Dark moon/month general had said with me initially, legal code is a core of country.” “暗月将军当初和我说过,法典才是一个国家的核心。” My highest pretor seat and right, is legal code gives.” “就连我的最高执政官席位和权利,也是法典赋予的。” both sides talked on the view of legal code, Sukob said oneself idea and plan thoroughly. 双方就法典的看法交谈了一番,苏科布将自己的想法和打算彻底说了出来。 About legal code, about contract, about his tentative plan. 关于法典,关于契约,关于他的设想。 Pretor.” “执政官阁下。” I want to give legal code by the strength of myth at the strength.” “我想要以神话之力赋予法典以力量。” After this, legal code will be born the spirit of writing contract, lets the original writing and strip law is born the true strength.” “从此之后,法典将诞生出文字契约之灵,让原本的文字和条律诞生出真正的力量。” „......” “……” Contract will be restrained by legal code, cannot surpass beside the legal code frame, each contract is restricted according to the legal code regulation, legal code can rule these contracts not probably over many years, not probably overstep these boundaries.” “契约会受到法典的约束,不能够超出法典的框架之外,每一种契约按照法典的律法受限,法典可以规则这些契约不得超过多少年,不得超越那些界限。” However in the event of unreasonable contract, but can also through revising legal code, becomes invalid these unreasonable contract.” “而一旦出现了不合理的契约,还可以通过修改法典,将这些不合理的契约进行作废。” „......” “……” Sukob more said vigorously, makes a clean breast to the royal court highest pretor own idea. 苏科布越说越起劲,将自己的想法向王庭的最高执政官和盘托出。 But the highest pretor is also really listening earnestly, he as if saw a brand-new future from the tentative plan of Sukob. 而最高执政官也真的在认真听,他似乎从苏科布的设想之中看到了一个全新的未来。 However from legal code and contract, will be born two brand-new occupations.” “而从法典和契约里,将会诞生出两个全新的职业。” Judge and attorney.” “法官和律师。” Judge is the legal code performer, but they were also restrained by legal code.” “法官是法典的执行者,但是他们也同样受到法典约束。” Attorney knows the legal code strip law, for personnel who people provide the help, they can help people conclude the contract, people wait/etc matter that can also help receive the violation with the regulation.” “律师是知晓法典的条律,为人们提供帮助的人员,他们可以帮助人们缔结契约,也可以用律法帮助受到侵害的人们等等事情。” At this point, Sukob discovered oneself were saying was saying before has surpassed, write the content in book. 说到这里,苏科布才发现自己说着说着已经超过了之前自己写在册子上的内容。 „?” “诶?” Some Sukob doubts. 苏科布有些疑惑。 Judge and attorney?” “法官和律师?” The name when I find out?” “我什么时候想出的这个名字?”
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