IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#360 Part 1: Borloo and god cannot achieve travel( hegemon who thanks tung oil tree crab apple tree)

Under the starry night, everyone's face shocked from the expectation changed into the fear, the reputation of death restricted area was really extremely scary. 星夜之下,所有人的面孔从憧憬震撼化为了恐惧,死亡禁地的名头实在是太过骇人。 Death restricted area starry night mountain range?” Some people hear starry night mountain range name for the first time, but did not affect them the fear to the death restricted area. “死亡禁地星夜山脉?”有些人还是第一次听到星夜山脉这个名字,但是并不影响他们对死亡禁地的恐惧。 How did we rush to here to come suddenly?” Moving restlessly of people, made the sail pack animal and earth dragon anxious. “我们怎么突然跑到这里来了?”人们的躁动,也让帆驮兽和地行龙变得不安了起来。 Ended, entered the death restricted area we also to live.” Everyone looked to Sukob. “完了,进了死亡禁地我们还能活着出去吗。”所有人都看向了苏科布 However Sukob actually comforted them, was saying to witch spirit on the scene. 不过苏科布却安慰起了他们,对着在场的巫灵说道。 All right!” “没事!” Death restricted area was that mountain range, we are also leaving.” “死亡禁地是那座山脉,我们还离着远呢。” So long as we do not go in that mountain range, should not have what danger.” “只要我们不进去那座山脉,应该就不会有什么危险。” According to legend.” “按照传说。” This piece of starry night moves unceasingly, soon should go to other places, we rush by mistake.” “这片星夜是不断移动的,用不了多久应该就会去其他地方了,我们只是误闯了进来。” Everyone, so long as do not move heedlessly, if carefully not carrying off were not good by this starry night mountain range.” “大家只要别乱动,万一不小心被这座星夜山脉给带走了就不好了。” Regarding the formation of restricted area, before Sukob is very early, has guess. 对于禁地的形成,苏科布很早之前就有着一些猜测。 Certain and that supports Ruhul God of land unable to leave the relations. 一定和那承托着大地的鲁赫神明离不开关系。 Moreover in each restricted area retains the secret that the ancient time is leaving behind probably, secret that these mortals cannot spy on. 而且每一座禁地之中都好像保留着古老时代留下的秘密,那些凡人不可窥探的秘密。 Sukob is paying attention to the city under distant place star light, this architectural style he has seen in protect fire temple «lost kingdom», it should come from the first era. 苏科布注意着远处星光下的城市,这种建筑样式他曾经在护火神庙的《失落之国》见过,它应该来自于第一纪元。 He looks at this ancient city, even/including thinks ancient time the prosperous scene of civilization. 他看着这座古老的城市,连想着古老时代的文明的繁盛场景。 But grand looks at the space suddenly, is looking at moon of space. 而隆突然看着天上,望着天上的月亮。 Teacher!” “老师!” Here , is not only the star, on moon also is very day after day beautiful!” “这里不光是星,连天上的月亮也很美啊!” „Different with moon that we usually see.” “和我们平时看到的月亮根本不一样。” Was saying prosperously is saying, sound also slow. 隆说着说着,声音也慢了下来。 Was...... is too beautiful.” “真的是……太美了。” In the heart of Sukob actually emerged a question mark. 苏科布的心中却浮出了一个问号。 Moon?” “月亮?” Moon where comes?” “哪来的月亮?” Everyone raised the head, looks at the moon/month of space. 所有人抬起头,看着天上的月。 The radiant moonlight from the sky photo, dyed the silver the whole world. 璀璨的月光从天空照下,将整个世界都染成了银色。 In a flash, everyone was framed during the time. 一瞬间,所有人都被定格在了时光之中。 All witch spirit was pressed down the picture of shutter probably, did not have any movement again. 全体巫灵都好像被按下了快门的照片,再也没有了任何动作。 But Sukob as most powerhouse, the impact that at this moment feels is also most intense. 苏科布作为最强者,此刻感受到的冲击也最强烈。 He felt that oneself consciousness flash was dragged into the starry sky deep place, was towed to entrain in the time river. 他感觉自己的意识一瞬间被拉入了星空深处,被拖拽到了时光长河之中。 However Sukob is also most experienced, he shuts off himself and shielded inquiring about immediately to that strength deep place. 不过苏科布也最有经验,他立刻切断和屏蔽了自己向那力量深处的探寻。 Shut off in oneself mind, regarding mysterious and great tracking down. 切断了自己脑海之中,对于神秘和伟大的追寻。 That is going to obviously, actually hope without hesitation. 那明明是在赴死,却毫不犹豫的渴望。 Sukob understands instantaneously. 苏科布瞬间明白。 That is not moon. 那不是月亮。 Moon of God.” 神之月。” Sukob is not clear, Moon of God of various god state deep place appears here is what significance. 苏科布并不明白,诸神国度深处的神之月出现在这里是什么意义。 However he understands, certainly had anything to be above the matter of imagination to happen. 但是他明白,一定有什么超乎想象的事情发生了。 He does not dare to look up moon of space again, somewhat anxious lowering the head. 他不敢再抬头看天上的月亮,有些不安的低着头。 He turns head to look at the surrounding situation, is gazing at the starry night mountain range of distant place. 他扭头看着周围的情况,注视着远处的星夜山脉。 Although surrounding witch spirit also immerse in that unusual condition as before, but Sukob was not too worried. 虽然周围的巫灵们依旧还沉浸在那奇特的状态之中,但是苏科布并不太担心。 They were too small and weak. 他们太弱小了。 Too small and weak, at this time instead was an advantage, keeping them from feeling Moon of God that to exceed the strength of space and years. 太弱小,在这个时候反而是一种优势,让他们无法感受到神之月那超越空间和岁月的力量。 They look straight ahead Moon of God to have no danger, instead will probably obtain the gracious gift. 他们直视神之月没有任何危险,反而可能会获得恩赐。 Bathes under that Crown of Wisdom moonlight, all intelligent species will gain certain advantage. 沐浴在那智慧王冠的月光下,所有智慧种都会获得一定的好处。 However at this time. 但是这个时候。 The Sukob corner of the eye split vision sized up a distant place form to walk toward the starry night mountain range in suddenly. 苏科布的眼角余光突然打量到了远处一个身影朝着星夜山脉之中走去。 Vast star sea is revolving, above the boundless bleak land an this solitary one shadow walks above the land, the aurora curve of distant place draws very much long is very long. 浩瀚的星海在旋转,苍茫荒凉的大地之上一个孤影行走在大地之上,远处的极光弧度拉得很长很长。 Sukob has not responded, the flash also thinks is goes toward the starry night mountain range that which falling behind witch spirit acts recklessly. 苏科布没反应过来,一瞬间还以为是哪个掉队的巫灵不知死活的朝着星夜山脉而去。 Even the body flash rises straight from the ground, which form toward pursues. 甚至身体一瞬间拔地而起,朝着哪个身影追去。 Stops.” “停下。” Do not pass, will die.” “不要过去,会死的。” Sukob is shouting. 苏科布大喊着。 However quick, he does not discover right. 但是很快,他就发现不对劲。 That is not snake human or witch spirit, is not the person in his team. 那并不是蛇人或者巫灵,更不是他队伍之中的人。 That person obviously has shape of God very much. 那人很明显拥有着神之形 But what is more shocking, that form walks very slowly, but that starry night mountain range appeared in the front of that form suddenly. 而更令人震惊的是,那身影走得很慢,但是眨眼间那星夜山脉就出现在了那身影的面前。 Does not feel like that form to walk toward the starry night mountain range, but was the starry night mountain range arrived in front of the opposite party. 感觉不像是那身影朝着星夜山脉走去,而是星夜山脉来到了对方面前。 And. 而且。 That ancient city and temple are dispersing are shining, seems welcome the arrival of opposite party. 那古老的城市和神殿都在散发着光,仿佛在欢迎着对方的到来。 Sukob understood anything suddenly. 苏科布突然明白了什么。 This is God. 这是一位神明 Before he remembers suddenly was prosperous, with oneself dialogue, he at that time to warn said prosperously, some passer-by who possibly on the road you run into, is some God. 他突然想起了隆之前和自己的对话,他当时为了警示隆说道,可能路上你遇到的某一个路人,就是某位神明呢。 Has not thought of then among the moments, the god really appeared. 没想到这才片刻之间,神真的出现了。 Sukob state of mind difficult word: Prosperous, will your boy predict?” 苏科布心绪难言:“隆,你小子是会预言吗?” „It is not right.” “不对。” Said what this saying to be I.” “说这话的是我。” Sukob is gazing at that shadow, with any God that he knows cannot to. 苏科布注视着那道影子,和他所知道的任何一位神明都不能对上。 However this is very normal, although he can be called is experienced, had seen several God. 但是这很正常,他虽然称得上是见多识广,也曾经见过几位神明 However does not know in this world all myth and secrets. 但是也并不知晓这世上所有的神话和秘密。 Actually is which God?” “究竟是哪一位神明?” Sukob does not know. 苏科布不知道。 That is not God in his eye, is Creator. 那不是他眼里的神明,是造物主 However why he does not know, body unconscious goes toward the starry night mountain range- 但是他不知道为什么,身体不自觉的朝着星夜山脉而去- The city under starry night is called the Stan city 250 million years ago, because of commemorating the saint Stan establishes. 星夜下的这座城市在两亿五千万年前叫做斯坦城,因为纪念圣徒斯坦而建立。 That form walks into this city. 那道身影走入这座城市。 The lithe light spreads with the silver moon and stars to the distant place. 轻盈的光随着银月和星辰扩散向远方。 Time migration. 时光迁徙。 Former days reappeared. 旧日重现。 Sound that the person emergence of miracle time, the lively downtown, clamored lively. 奇迹时代的人一个又一个出现,繁华的街市,热闹喧哗的声音。 Puts on three leaves human of assorted clothes, all kinds of appearance. 穿着各色衣裳的三叶人,各种各样的打扮。 Can from the building, wear and conversation see that their materials are sufficient, the civilization is developed. 可以从建筑、穿着、言谈看出他们的物质充足,文明发达。 They have dissipated, however their shadows inscribed as in here. 他们早已消逝,但是他们的影子依旧铭刻在了此处。 The three leaves human civilization is seemingly short, but that short regarding eternal life myth this existence, their civilized lengths far exceeds the human civilization at least the length. 三叶人的文明看似短暂,但是那只是对于永生神话这种存在来说的短暂,他们的文明长度起码远超过人类文明的长度。 They have experienced God's Bestowal Era, has experienced the Hinsai time, has experienced the royal power blood time, has had the lively miracle time. 他们经历过神赐时代,经历过希因赛时代,经历过王权血裔时代,拥有过繁华的奇迹时代。 Finally ends in God's Abandonment Era. 最后在神弃时代之中落幕。 One generation passes through, cherishing and Ruhul's of Creator arrival and to become of God throne and miracle years. 一代代人经过,造物主的钟爱、鲁赫的王座、奇迹的降临、成神的时代。 As if can have, they had had. 似乎能拥有的,他们都曾经拥有过。 However finally. 但是最终。 All in beyond any help elapsing. 一切都在无可挽回的逝去。 That form walks in the liveliness, the surroundings form interlocks, all start the decency to dissipate suddenly. 那身影行走在繁华之中,周围身影交错,突然间一切开始风化般消逝。 !” “呼!” The wind has blown. 风吹过。 The time flows backwards, before the scene as if returned to be remote . 时光倒流,场景似乎回到了更久远以前。 Proceeds again some time. 再往前一段时间。 Here called the Tito town/subdues. 这里叫蒂托镇。 This ancient small town reappears in the land, in the city everywhere is the masons, is recording the great poet Tito poem everywhere. 这座古老的小镇重新出现在大地上,城内到处都是石匠,到处都刻录着伟大诗人蒂托的诗篇。 «King of Wisdom Song of praise» also has «Hinsai Epic poem». 智慧之王的赞歌》还有《希因赛史诗》。 In the small town is occupied by the great poet Tito descendant, the noble bloodlines had once declined ; Some people inherit the saint honor, some people have degenerated into the average man. 小镇上住着伟大诗人蒂托的后裔,曾经高贵的血脉早已没落;有人继承圣徒的荣光,有人已经沦为常人。 On main road that the flagstone spreads, at the back of weaving three leaves human of back-basket has run in a hurry. 石板铺成的大道上,一个背着编织背篓的三叶人匆匆跑过。 That form stopped the footsteps. 那身影停下了脚步。 Looked at his one eyes. 看了他一眼。 That is a young artisan, the name is Stan, intent is the flagstone. 那是一个年轻的工匠,名字叫做斯坦,意为石板。 Young he does not think at this time, oneself will become second-generation saint, from puppet on a string of destiny, becomes person who controls the will. 年轻的他这个时候根本不会想到,自己会成为第二代圣徒,从命运的提线之偶,成为主宰自己意志的人。 In the Temple of the Sky highest place, said that to always remember the words during years. 天空神殿的最高处,说出那句铭记于岁月之中的话语。 We do not need to pursue the life eternal.” “我们根本不用去追求生命的永恒。” Because at this moment.” “因为此刻。” Then is eternal in my life.” “便是我这个人生命中的永恒。” He does not know own future will receive a slave is the student, that named Sandan existed to open the miracle time. 他更不知道自己将来会收一名奴隶为学生,那名为桑德安的存在开启了奇迹时代。 Finally becomes the first-generation truth sage, opened the Temple of Truth time. 最后成为了第一代真理贤者,开启了真理圣殿的时代。 In the ancient stone castle, buries in the underground cavern, from opening solar flower cup garden departed anything completely. 古老的石头城堡里,掩埋于地下的洞窟里,从开满了太阳花杯的花园里飞出了什么东西。 Fell into the hand of that form. 落入了那身影的手中。 It arrived here probably, takes out such thing. 祂好像就是来到这里,取出这样东西。 That is a bone book, ancient «Hinsai Epic poem». 那是一副骨书,古老的《希因赛史诗》。 This is the last page, records envoy of God Borloo and Queen of Stars final story, records great poet the start of pilgrimage. 这是最后一页,记录着神之使波罗星之女王最后的故事,记录着伟大诗人朝圣之旅的开始。 The bone book falls into that moment of palm. 骨书落入手掌的那一刻。 The world transforms again. 世界再一次变换。 The time proceeds again, various buildings disappeared completely, here once was only a remote coast. 时光再往前,各种建筑全部都消失了,这里曾经只是一片偏僻的海岸。 envoy of God Borloo arrived here to build up house of surface toward sea, here planted a solar garden. 神之使波罗来到这里建起了一座面朝大海的房子,在这里种下了一片太阳花园。 The Tito town/subdues of later generation has not been born, sincerely believes the destiny poet Tito just now to start to track down envoy of God Borloo and Queen of Stars form arrived here. 后世的蒂托镇还没有诞生,笃信命运的诗人蒂托才刚开始追寻着神之使波罗星之女王的身影来到这里。 The young poet sounded the gate, he looks somewhat anxious. 年轻的诗人敲响了门,他看起来有些紧张。 In this knock, he started the initial chapter of saint inheritance. 在这敲门声中,他开始了圣徒传承的初始篇章。 Pays a visit noble Queen of Stars also to have envoy of God.” “拜见高贵的星之女王还有神之使。” I am a poet and scholar, came from queen once hometown City of God's Servants.” “我是一个诗人和学者,来自于女王曾经的故乡神仆之城。” My name is.” “我的名字叫做。” Tito.” 蒂托。” Yin Shen stands in the wave great wave's seashore, looks that the story in «Hinsai Epic poem» final chapter reappears. 尹神站在波浪涛涛的海边,看着《希因赛史诗》最后篇章里的故事重现。 Always was saying the poet of destiny, came to the verge of death Queen Hinsai, is revealing youngster God's envoy of sunlight smile. 总是说着命运的诗人,濒临死亡的希因赛女王,露着阳光笑脸的少年神使 However in that flash that the queen died, God's envoy that laughed heartily happily showed the sad expression, his magnificent dream also split a slit. 但是在女王死去的那一瞬间,喜欢笑的神使露出了哀伤的表情,他那华丽的梦也裂开了一道缝隙。 He is holding the body of queen, touched an own face. 他抱着女王的尸体,摸了一下自己的脸。 He does not seem to expect this moment arrival, but accepts this result. 他似乎并没有预料到这一刻的到来,但是又接受这结局。 He is the child of wind, his life is a great adventure. 他是风之子,他的人生是一场伟大的冒险。 But now, the adventure ended. 而现在,冒险结束了。 He flutters in the dream of sky, that moment of landing is the result. 他是飘在天空的梦,落地的那一刻便是结局。 Originally is my dream.” “原来是我的梦。” Awoke.” “醒了。” Finally, Borloo entrusted Cup of God to poet Tito. 最后,波罗神之杯托付给了诗人蒂托 He is holding the Queen of Stars corpse, dissipates in the light shadow of dream. 他抱着星之女王的尸体,在梦的光影之中消散。 Yin Shen raised the head, looks at Borloo. 尹神抬起头,看着波罗 Trillion years ago, blonde youngster dream loose that moment in that light shadow, said the final regret. 亿万年前,那光影里的金发少年梦散的那一刻,说出了自己最后的遗憾。 Was regretting finally cannot see one side the god, was regretting journey that can never make the trip. 遗憾着最后没能见到神一面,遗憾着那永远不能成行的旅程。 Pitifully.” “可惜。” Cannot see the god finally one side.” “没能见到神最后一面。” However at this moment, he lowers the head just noticed that a form stands in sea of flowers. 但是此时此刻,他低下头刚好看到一个身影就站在花海之中。 The god in his mouth, Insai. 正是他口中的神,因赛 both sides as if passed through the years samsara. 双方似乎穿越了岁月轮回。 The line of sight interlocked in one. 视线交错在了一起。 The blonde youngster revealed wiped to smile, he used the expression with a smile to sigh was saying. 金发少年露出了一抹笑,他用笑着的表情叹息着说。 Sorry!” “对不起!” God!” “神!” Borloo cannot travel with you together finally.” 波罗最后还是不能陪着您一起旅行呢。” Spoke these words. 说完这句话。 Golden Cup of God crashes from the high place. 金色的神之杯从高处坠落。 At that time, Yin Shen is one is isolated the beyond in Xianshi illusory image. 在那个时候,尹神还是一个被隔离于现世之外的幻影。 Dreamland is born because of Borloo, but Yin Shen because of Queen of Stars God Descends Spell can own consciousness delivery run this world. 梦界因为波罗而诞生,而尹神因为星之女王神降术才能将自己的意识投射进入这个世界。 Therefore until finally. 所以直到最后。 Borloo anticipates the desire that and god travels together, cannot achieve. 波罗所期待的和神一起旅行的愿望,并未能达成。 Yin Shen recalled passing. 尹神回想起了过往。 Borloo is the Yin Shen completely different people, his bracelet, likes lively, is unconstrained. 波罗是个和尹神完全不一样的人,他跳脱、喜欢热闹,不受拘束。 He does not like walking, likes fluttering in the space. 他不喜欢走路,喜欢飘在天上。 He does not like God's Bestowal Ground, he likes outside world. 他不喜欢神赐之地,他喜欢外面的世界。 He is always saying, outside must go to travel with the god, conducts the great adventure. 他总是说着,要和神一起去外面旅行,进行伟大的冒险。 He always gives Yin Shen to look the beautiful picture of distant place, wish makes Yin Shen know his joy every minute. 他总是将远方的美丽画面送给尹神看,想要让尹神知道他的每一分快乐。 He is the purest dreamland life, he is most to want, most magnificent dream. 他是最纯粹的梦境生灵,他做着一场自己最想要的,最华丽的梦。 Therefore from him being born starting from that moment, he wholeheartedly is thinking distant place, conducts great adventure, even if Yin Shen cannot retain him, cannot detain to blow the wind of hillside lawn probably. 所以从他诞生的那一刻开始,他就一心想着去远方,去进行伟大的冒险,哪怕是尹神也留不住他,就好像留不住吹过山坡草坪的风。 Then Borloo does not know. 当时的波罗并不知道。 The remote distant association/will arrives at the end, the great adventure will end finally. 再遥远的远方总会到达尽头,再伟大的冒险终会结束。 But magnificent dream. 而过于华丽的梦。 Also was crushed by the reality easily. 也容易被现实所击碎。 He seems like a Creator most magnificent dream and fantasy transforms. 他就好像造物主的一场最瑰丽的梦和幻想所幻化。 Finally the God Insai magnificent dream dissipated, during annihilates is alone in this infinite eternal. 最后因赛神的瑰丽之梦消散了,湮灭于这无限的永恒孤寂之中。 Yin Shen lowers the head. 尹神低下头。 Read «Hinsai Epic poem» on, sentence that poet Tito wrote. 念出了《希因赛史诗》上,诗人蒂托所写的句子。 „The stars of sparkle extinguish along with elapsing of queen, Fairy that the dreamland is born because also fond dream breaks to end.” “闪耀的星辰伴随着女王的逝去而熄灭,梦境诞生的妖精也因为美梦的破碎而终结。” Then also has the ending. 接下来还有结尾。 All previous King buried with the time under the dust, the inheritance of Hinsai is continuing as before.】 【历代王者都随着时光掩埋在了尘埃下,希因赛的传承依旧在继续。】 However the epic no longer, myth also loses during the time.】 【然而史诗不再,神话也丢失在光阴之中。】 Only has.】 【唯有。】 Belief lasts forever.】 【信仰永存。】 Shakes the hand of bone book to dangle, illusory image dissipation in solar flower cup does not see. 握着骨书的手垂下,太阳花杯里的幻影也消散不见。 Sukob also arrived here at this time. 苏科布这个时候也来到了这里。 He discovered time that oneself fall, that great city has vanished to disappear. 只是他发现自己落下来的时候,那座伟岸的城市早已消失不见了。 Appears in him at present, was vast ocean of high antiquity. 出现在他眼前的,是远古时代的汪洋大海。 Appears like the fairy tale hut in him at present, a garden that opened completely solar flower cup. 一座如同童话般的小屋出现在了他的眼前,还有一座开满了太阳花杯的花园。 That doubtful God form stands in the garden. 那个疑似神明的身影就站在花园之中。 A Sukob face is ignorant, does not understand how to turn into this. 苏科布一脸懵,不明白怎么会变成这样。 Sea?” “海?” How to have the sea?” “怎么会有海?” The tide sound of ocean waves transmits, he does not know what oneself hears is the 250 million years ago sounds. 海浪的潮汐声传来,他不知道自己听见的是两亿五千万年前的声音。 Not far away transmitted the reply, that sound seems this ocean waves to be the same, making people feel that one type long ago to being at a loss that being hard to trace. 不远处传来了回答,那声音就好像这海浪一样,让人感觉到一种久远到难以追溯的迷惘。 Because many years ago, here is the sea.” “因为很多年前,这里就是海。” Sea can turn into the land, the land will also turn into the sea, the world changes in this repeat in cycles. “海会变成陆地,陆地也会变成海,世界就在这循环往复之中变化。 Sukob cautious asking opposite party. 苏科布小心翼翼的问对方。 Who are you?” “您是谁?” Why will here turn into this?” “这里为什么会变成这样?” You said, this is very long beforehand scene?” “你是说,这是很久以前的景象?” This is a man who is throwing over the white robe. 这是一个披着白袍的男人。 The white gown as exquisite made people think that as one type the magnificent degree, compared with the wind also wants the elegant mild-mannered, simple white actually to give people one type to touch the unreachable sacredness and noble probably. 白色的袍子细腻到了一种让人觉得华丽的程度,好像比风还要飘逸柔顺,简单的白色却给人一种触不可及的神圣和高贵。 Solar flower cup drags in Its side, is rubbing Its lower hem corner. 太阳花杯在祂身边摇曳,蹭着祂的衣角。 He stands in the sunflower into the sea|nautical mile, turns around. 他站在太阳花海里,转过身来。 Sukob felt that the opposite party whole person is shining, cannot see clearly the appearance of opposite party. 苏科布感觉对方整个人都在发光,根本看不清对方的模样。 I come to here to take one thing.” “我来这里拿一样东西。” The opposite party look at Sukob, Sukob felt oneself as if must the consciousness to freeze by that eye of light pressure, Moon of God of this feeling and space is how similar. 对方看着苏科布,苏科布感觉自己似乎被那目光压得意识都要冻结了,这种感觉和天上的神之月何其相似。 Once, I had a child to say ; All will elapse, all will belong to my hand finally.” “曾经,我有一个孩子说;一切都会逝去,一切都终将会归于我的手中。” I do not like these words.” “我并不太喜欢这句话。” „But after all elapse, I these testimony once things will always receive.” “但是当一切逝去之后,我又总是会将那些见证曾经的东西收回来。” Is regarded as my recollection.” “当作是我的回忆。” Now looks like, he said probably right.” “现在看来,他所说的好像是对的。” Who Sukob does not know that son in opposite party mouth is, but felt one type to be great and eternal from these words. 苏科布不知道对方口中的那个儿子是谁,但是从这句话里面感受到了一种伟岸和永恒。 After all elapse, all will belong to Its hand? 一切逝去之后,所有都将归于祂的手中? Who dares to speak such words? 谁敢说这样的话? What existence is this? 这到底是什么样的存在? Words that unknown God then spoke, earnestly was related with Sukob. 未知的神明接下来所说的话,就和苏科布切实相关了。 I those words that likes you speaking.” “我喜欢你说的那句话。” I believe that this road is right, I will arrive at the bottom this road.” “我相信这条路是对的,我会将这条路走到底。” Eventually is taking this road, becomes group of end myth.” “最终走着这条路,成为路尽头的神话。” Unknown God walks from sea of flowers. 未知的神明从花海里走来。 The sky, star sea and silver moon, melt with It for a body at this time probably. 天空、星海、银月,此时好像和祂融为了一体。 This lets Sukob lowering the head of cannot help but, does not dare to look at the opposite party again. 这让苏科布不由自主的低下了头,不敢再看对方。 „From last era.” “从上一个纪元开始。” Can become the person of god, has the conviction.” “能够成为神的人,都有着坚定的信念。” However you have now.” “而你现在已经拥有了。” Your follower, may become the future judge and attorney.” “你的信徒,或许会成为未来的法官和律师。” Sukob hears the judge and attorney noun for the first time. 苏科布第一次听到法官和律师这个名词。 The previous law, is made by the king, generally is the simple and crude, even can be called acts in a self-serving manner. 此前的法律,都是由国王来制定,一般都是简单粗暴,甚至可以称得上是为所欲为。 Even different villages, different domain, have various all sorts of strange and unusual regulations. 甚至不同村子,不同领地,都有着各种千奇百怪的律法。 Because of each aristocrat can in own domain promulgation law. 因为每一个贵族都可以在自己的领地颁布法律。 Implements the regulation to have no need for the judge, does not need to pass through anything to place on trial. 执行律法根本用不着法官,也无需经过什么审判。 Sukob hesitates to ask. 苏科布犹豫着问出来。 Judge?” “法官?” Attorney?” “律师?” What is that?” “那是什么?” Unknown God replied: „The one occupation of my hometown, because of legal code and regulation one group of people of birth.” 未知的神明回答:“我家乡的一种职业,因为法典和律法而诞生的一群人。” They offend the person of law according to the legal punishment, maintains the legal the fair of rightness and society.” “他们根据法律处罚触犯法律之人,维护法律的公正和社会的公平。” Sukob nods, he remembered oneself hometown: Your hometown certainly is a very lively civilization, can therefore be born such occupation.” 苏科布点了点头,他想起了自己的家乡:“您的家乡一定是一个很繁华的文明,所以才能诞生出这样的职业。” I hope the snake human civilization, can present the judge and attorney who you said.” “我希望蛇人的文明里,也能出现您所说的法官和律师。” Sukob until now, but also thinks that this is a god who came from last era. 苏科布直到现在,还以为这是一个来自于上一个纪元的神。 Unknown God stands in the seashore, is looking into the distance. 未知的神明站在海边,眺望着远方。 Yes!” “是啊!” Very lively civilization.” “很繁华的文明。” I also want to go home to have a look.” “我也想回家看看。” Sukob: „Can't you go back?” 苏科布:“您回不去吗?” Sukob blurted out regretted, all of previous era had dissipated, how can also be able to go back? 苏科布脱口而出的时候就后悔了,上个纪元的一切早已消逝了,又如何能够回得去呢? Unknown God said: Un.” 未知的神明说道:“嗯。” Because is very far.” “因为很远。” The white robe God sound becomes very long, wind that seems in that sea level to float. 白袍神明声音变得很悠长,就好像那海面上飘来的风。 „...... Very is very far.” “真的……很远很远。” I can only walk slowly ; Then in the journey, has a look at the scenery on road.” “我只能慢慢的走回去;然后在路途上,看看路上的风景。” Does not know, when I am proficient.” “只是不知道,当我到家的时候。” Is the people are no longer the same, is the character all not.” “是物是人非,还是人物皆非。” Or.” “或者说。” All may not reappear again.” “一切都不可再重现。” After speaking these words, God of that wear white robe took the bone book to leave. 说完这句话后,那穿着白袍的神明拿着骨书离开了。 Vanished in sea of flowers. 消失在了花海之中。 The starry night vanished, the silver moon of space also follows the starry night not to see. 星夜消失了,天上的银月也伴随着星夜而不见。 Everyone appeared above north the wilderness again, together with Sukob. 所有人都再度出现在了北地荒原之上,连同苏科布自己。 Swelled took back the vision together with numerous witch spirit from the space, looked around toward everyone, looks at the sunny sky, familiar wilderness. 隆连同一众巫灵从天上收回了目光,朝着所有人张望,看着晴朗的天空,还有熟悉的荒原。 Teacher.” “老师。” We came out.” “我们出来了。” witch spirit also discuss spiritedly: Good that Sir Sukob, you said.” 巫灵们也议论纷纷:“苏科布大人,您说的不错。” We, so long as is standing motionless, will not have the danger.” “我们只要站着不动,就不会有危险。” Seemed like the death restricted area also to have nothing.” “看起来死亡禁地也没什么嘛。” „Were you just motionless? Do you walk two to have a look toward inside?” “那你刚刚怎不动呢?你往里面走两步看看?” Walks two steps to walk two steps, but the starry night mountain range disappears now, will wait for it to present the time next time again, I will certainly walk two you to have a look.” “走两步就走两步,不过现在星夜山脉不见了,等下次它再出现的时候,我一定走两步你看看。” Moreover numerous witch spirit discovered, just that short moment their strength as if had the growth, although grows not many. 而且一众巫灵发现,刚刚那短暂片刻他们自身的力量似乎有了增长,虽然增长得不多。 However everyone has the change, this definitely was not the misconception. 但是每个人都有变化,这肯定就不是错觉了。 Everyone is pleasantly surprised exceptionally, this may really be a fortuitous encounter. 所有人都惊喜异常,这可真是一场奇遇。 Others recovered, but Sukob actually is still at the condition of being in a daze. 其他人都回过神来了,但是苏科布却依旧处于发愣的状态。 Whom just did I see?” “刚刚我见了谁?” I have spoken with whom probably.” “我好像和谁说过话。” Sukob could not think. 苏科布怎么也想不起来了。 He saw a very important character probably, cannot remember the face of opposite party. 他好像见了一个非常重要的人物,却怎么也想不起对方的脸。 The opposite party as if said anything, but his recollection does not come at this moment. 对方似乎和自己说了些什么,但是他此刻也回忆不过来了。 He only remembers. 他只记得。 Oneself entered in the starry night mountain range probably, entered that stretch of death restricted area. 自己好像进入了星夜山脉之中,进入了那片死亡禁地。 Then? 然后呢? What did behind have? 后面发生了什么? Prosperous hurried is packing the thing, then prepares then to hurry along. 隆匆匆忙忙的收拾着东西,然后准备接着赶路。 Sukob also returned to the compartment, although recalled that does not get up, but he recorded this mysterious experience. 苏科布也回到了车厢内,虽然回想不起来了,但是他还是将这一次神奇的经历记录了下来。 „Did I enter in the starry night mountain range?” “我进入了星夜山脉之中?” But actually forgot what received to come to see? This is because the magic of death restricted area created?” “但是却忘记了接下来看到了什么?这是因为死亡禁地的神奇力量所造成的吗?” Prosperous drives a cart, while raised just the matter of starry night mountain range. 隆则一边赶车,一边提起了刚刚星夜山脉的事情。 Sukob the student sprouts up the fantasy. 苏科布的这位学生突发奇想。 Teacher.” “老师。” You had said before, the death restricted area was land the strengths under these God makes.” “您之前说过,死亡禁地都是大地下的那些神明的力量制造出来的。” You said me if just walked, had the opportunity to become the succuba?” “您说我刚刚要是走进去,是不是也有机会成为魔女?” „It is not right, was becomes the demon male?” “不对,是成为魔男了吗?” The demon male this name sounds, does not know why makes people feel strangely. 魔男这个名字听起来,不知道为什么让人感觉怪怪的。 Meanwhile swelled also to respond, said that this saying as if had other what significances. 与此同时隆也反应了过来,说这话似乎有什么其他的意义。 He says immediately. 他立刻说道。 Relax!” “放心吧!” Teacher!” “老师!” I, even if becomes the demon male still to be loyal to you, is loyal to God of Truth and Knowledge.” “我就算成为了魔男也会忠于您,忠于真理与知识之神的。” I will tell you demon male all secrets, making witch spirit know the demon male secret.” “我会将魔男的所有秘密告诉你们,让巫灵知晓魔男的秘密。” Sukob takes the book to knock a prosperous head immediately, but also numerous knocked continually three. 苏科布立刻拿书敲了一下隆的头,还重重的连敲了三下。 What fond dream has?” “做什么美梦呢?”
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