IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#359 Part 2: The mountain range and ceramic temple under of starry sky

Sukob has not been angry regarding the prosperous earnestness, this type reasonable earnest instead makes Sukob appreciate. 苏科布对于隆的较真并没有生气,这种合理的较真反而让苏科布非常欣赏。 legal code , if there is that serious concern, I will not give the legal code strength from the beginning.” 法典如果有那么严重的问题,我一开始就不会赋予法典力量。” Furthermore.” “再者。” Follows my you, in the future these will work out the contract for people witch spirit.” “跟随我的你,将来那些为人们订立契约的巫灵们。” Is does?” “是干什么的?” The most important thing is, has me.” “最重要的是,有我在。” Wants me also, can continuously revise the adjustment.” “只要我还在,就可以不断的进行调整和修改。” Looks at own teacher prosperously. 隆看着自己的老师。 grand thorough understood, the outcome that his teacher Sukob wants to make what matter is. 隆彻底明白了,他的老师苏科布想要做的究竟是一件什么样的事情。 He even for this matter, had the psychology of fear. 他甚至对于这件事情,生出了畏惧的心理。 Therefore this is also an experiment, completes the teacher through the practice your idea, but this test facility is.” “所以这也是一场实验,通过实践来完成老师您的想法,只不过这个试验场是。” „A country, or is the entire civilization.” “一个国家,或者是整个文明。” Sukob: It can be said that experiment.” 苏科布:“可以说是实验。” But I felt with road previous time that the civilization goes forward bold spans to describe it, is better.” “但是我觉得用文明前进的路上一次大胆的跨越来形容它,更好一些。” We are walking on a brand-new road.” “我们正行走在一条全新的路上。” Prosperous!” “隆!” We may create world in our ideal, may cause some mistakes to happen.” “我们有可能会创造出一个我们理想之中的世界,也有可能会导致一些错误发生。” No one knows that what in the future is, you do not know, I don't know either.” “没有人知道将来是什么样的,你不知道,我也不知道。” God is unable to forecast the future.” “就连神明也无法预测未来。” What kind of?” “怎么样?” Felt the fear?” “感觉到害怕了吗?” Prosperous: Teacher you felt, we will succeed or be defeated?” 隆:“老师您觉得,我们是会成功还是失败?” Sukob: Definitely will have the failure, but will succeed eventually.” 苏科布:“肯定会有失败,但是终究会成功。” I believe that this road is right.” “我相信这条路是对的。” Sukob looks down the paper page on own hand, the voice cannot even call lightly loudly. 苏科布低着头看着自己手上的纸页,话音平淡甚至称不上大声。 However the words that he said that made people feel that incomparably shocked. 但是他说出的话,却让人感觉无比震撼。 I will arrive at the bottom this road, eventually is taking this road, becomes group of end myth.” “我会将这条路走到底,最终走着这条路,成为路尽头的神话。” Longhui looks at Sukob excessively, quite a while has not spoken. 隆回过头看着苏科布,半天都没有说话。 He first time regarding becoming god concept, had the new cognition. 他第一次对于成为神这个概念,有了新的认知。 His teacher Sukob. 他的老师苏科布 Existence of another god, the path of another god, showed to him. 将另一种神的存在,另一种神的道路,展现给了他。 Becoming the god not for the eternal life, not for that infinite strength. 成为神不是为了永生,不是为了那无限的力量。 But because I found this road. 而是因为我找到了这条路。 I want to arrive at the bottom this road. 我想要将这条路走到底。 Then, is defending the end of this road, becomes group of end myth. 然后,守着这条路的尽头,成为路尽头的神话 „!” “啪嗒!” Suddenly, the sail pack animal of pulling a cart hit anything. 突然之间,拉车的帆驮兽撞到了什么东西。 Is patronizing and teacher Sukob speaks, has not harnessed car(riage) grand then to wake, immediately starts the governing beast leather sheath on tautness. 光顾着和老师苏科布说话,没有驾好车的隆这才醒了过来,立刻开始拉紧手上的御兽皮套。 The result turns head. 结果一回头。 His whole person dumbfounded. 他整个人都呆住了。 Just outside was in broad daylight, blue sky long. 刚刚外面还是大白天,蓝天白云悠悠。 This is short the flash, during the daytime changed into the night suddenly. 这不过短短一瞬间,白天就骤然化为了黑夜。 At this moment. 此刻。 The sky stars are densely covered. 天空星辰密布。 Vast Milky Way passes through the boundless universe in the sky, simultaneously sends out the twinkle the ray. 浩瀚的银河在天空贯穿无垠宇宙,同时散发出闪烁的光芒。 Looks up this starry sky, felt prosperously has a dizzy spell. 抬头看着这星空,隆感觉到头晕目眩。 That feeling is not the sky is revolving. 那种感觉不是天空在旋转。 But is the land is revolving, the whole world was covered under the strength of starry sky. 而是自己脚下的大地在旋转,整个世界都被笼罩在星空的力量之下。 Opened the mouth prosperously, the whole person was scared. 隆张大了嘴巴,整个人都傻眼了。 Sukob also noticed outside situation, looks that the star in sky said one. 苏科布也注意到了外面的情况,看着天空之中的星说了一句。 „!” “啊!” Really attractive.” “真漂亮。” Sukob walked from the compartment, ordering everyone to stop. 苏科布从车厢里面走了出来,命令所有人都停下。 Prosperous is still not clear, why will present such phenomenon. 隆依旧不明白,为什么会出现这样的异象。 „Was it so quickly how black?” “天怎么这么快黑了?” „It is not right, obviously at noon?” “不对,明明才中午啊?” „Was it how black?” “天怎么就黑了呢?” Solar eclipse?” “日食?” Yes solar eclipse is right?” “是日食对不对?” Some bracelets prosperous thinks words that just Sukob and spoke, he looks at oneself teacher excitedly. 有些跳脱的隆又想到了刚刚苏科布和自己说的话,他激动的看着自己的老师。 „It is not right, we bumped certainly into God.” “不对,我们一定碰上了神明了。” Which God is we cracks a joke right?” “是哪一位神明和我们开玩笑对吗?” During the daytime will turn into the night, this sounds indeed only then God can achieve. 将白天变成黑夜,这听上去的确只有神明能够做到了。 In fact. 实际上。 Prosperously said does not miscalculate, 隆说的也不算错, Sukob will actually look at another side under starry sky, fluctuates in a there mountain range, on the mountain range the star light flows. 苏科布却将目光投向了星空下的另一边,在那里一座山脉起伏,山脉上星光流淌。 Above the mountain range, has the ancient and broken construction. 在山脉之上,有着古老而残破的建筑。 Even if to could not have been left over anything broken, the remnant of destroyed building that but only remains is describing its once glory as before. 哪怕已经残破到了已经剩不下什么,但是仅剩的断壁残垣依旧描绘着它曾经的荣耀。 Hinsai kingdom temple of ceramic. 希因赛王国的陶之神殿 Here once was God's envoy Borloo the place of dying out, the first-generation saint Tito burying bone place, was the hometown of second-generation saint Stan. 这里曾经是神使波罗的寂灭之地,第一代圣徒蒂托的埋骨地,也是第二代圣徒斯坦的家乡。 In temple of ceramic, was once consecrating about their sacred objects. 陶之神殿之中,曾经就供奉着关于他们的圣物。 Under temple of legend ceramic has a solar sea of flowers, is planted by Borloo personally. 传说陶之神殿下有着一片的太阳花海,由波罗亲自种下。 First-generation saint Tito takes the sacred boat to return from God's Bestowal Ground, long sleep with the sacred boat there, because finally was alarmed, the sacred boat returned it once the depart place. 第一代圣徒蒂托乘坐着神圣之舟从神赐之地归来,和神圣之舟一起长眠在了那里,最后因为被人惊扰,神圣之舟又重新回到了它曾经出发的地方。 The star light reverses, more mysterious matter happened. 星光倒转,更神奇的事情发生了。 It seems the time to flow backwards to be the same. 就好像时光倒流一样。 That remnant of destroyed building started to restore, restores the trillion years ago magnificent scenes. 那一片断壁残垣开始恢复,恢复到了亿万年前的盛景。 Sacred temple rises straight from the ground, the ancient city and building emerged layer upon layer, making one spy on the prosperity corner/horn of three leaves human miracle time. 神圣的神殿拔地而起,古老的城市和建筑层层涌现,让人窥探到了三叶人奇迹时代的繁荣一角。 Trillion years later, the city of this saint appears again. 亿万年后,这座圣徒之城再度出现。 Does not know. 只是不知道。 That once sea of flowers also. 那片曾经的花海还在不在。 These are witnessing the passing thing, but also there are to stay behind. 那些见证着过往的东西,还有没有留下。 snake human on the scene was shocked, they think that oneself saw the state of god. 在场的蛇人一个个都惊呆了,他们以为自己看到了神的国度。 Only had Sukob to confirm anything thoroughly. 只有苏科布彻底确认了什么。 Really is the starry night mountain range.” “真的是星夜山脉。” grand Shengyin increases immediately: Starry night mountain range?” 隆声音立刻变大了许多:“星夜山脉?” Said this name at the same time, prosperous also remembered oneself had read in the book the record about this name. 说出这个名字的同时,隆也同时想起了自己看过的书里面关于这个名字的记载。 Most mystical death restricted area, starry night mountain range. 最神秘的死亡禁地,星夜山脉。 It is said this is the mountain range that can move, he appears during the record most famous is ten thousand snake royal court ancient legends. 据说这是一座会移动的山脉,他出现在记载之中最为著名的便是万蛇王庭的古老传说。 The saintess in that legend, temple Commander knight team in legend. 那位传说之中的圣女,还有传说之中的神庙骑士团团长。 In many legends. 在很多传说里。 That was Mother of Life meets Its follower, mother of all snakes completes her test to return to Creation Divine Country. 那是生命之母下来接祂的从者,万蛇之母完成了她的考验回到了造物神国 This legend, other countries besides ten thousand snake royal court too did not acknowledge. 只是这个传说,除了万蛇王庭之外其他国家不太承认。 Thinks that is ten thousand snake royal court for own existence increase legendary. 认为是万蛇王庭为自己的存在添加传奇性。 However at this moment, the place in this legend really appeared. 但是此时此刻,这个传说之中的地方真的出现了。 Moreover in other person of eyes, here this name besides the starry night mountain range also has a more fearful name. 而且在其他人眼里,这里除了星夜山脉之外这个名字还有着一个更可怕的称呼。 Death restricted area.” “死亡禁地。” Everyone stopped, shows the frightened look regarding this beautiful dream to the pinnacle marvelous sight. 所有人都停下了,对于这片美丽梦幻到极致的奇景露出恐惧的神色。 7017 k 7017k
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