IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#359 Part 1: The mountain range and ceramic temple under of starry sky

Northern wilderness. 北地荒原。 Open land witch spirit this organization was established here already more than 100 years. 荒地巫灵这个组织诞生于这里已经一百多年了。 Initial time only has a Sukob person. 最初的时候只有苏科布一个人。 But now. 而如今。 witch spirit already reputation biography to various countries, although has the enormous function addition of divine spell scroll, scroll that witch spirit makes in various countries extremely thing that receives the favor. 巫灵已经将声名传向了各国,虽然这其中有着神术卷轴的极大作用加成,巫灵制造出的卷轴在各国都是极度受到亲睐的东西。 Now, this organization comprised of God of Truth and Knowledge servant witch spirit will welcome the huge change. 现在,这个由真理与知识之神仆从巫灵组成的组织将迎来巨大的变化。 But this originally is gathered by the witch spirit relatives, city and every large or small villages and small towns that establish gradually, will establish to belong to their countries on the ground of this past barbarian desolate. 而这个原本由巫灵亲眷汇聚,渐渐建立起来的城市和大大小小的村镇,也将在这片昔日的蛮荒之地上建立起属于他们的国家。 Dozens years ago, directed the water source after Sukob and all witch spirit from the frozen plateau, opened a named Sukob river time started. 从数十年前,经过苏科布和全体巫灵从冰封高原引下来了水源,开辟出了一条名为苏科布河的时候开始。 On this lands many places grew the tree, had the green. 这片土地上不少地方长出了树,生出了绿色。 The housing person here also opened up many lands, plants various crops, now also has some workshops, but these workshops mostly mainly to manufacture divine spell scroll service. 居住在这里的人也开垦了不少土地,种植各种农作物,如今还多出了一些工坊,不过这些工坊大多主要是为了制作神术卷轴服务。 Some surplus small workshops are also produce above some wilderness the private thing, the output is few. 剩余的一些小工坊也都是生产一些荒原之上自用的东西,产量还很少。 The west several fishing towns often have the ship to arrive, particularly beast plain from Fire Demon Swamp and caravan on herd is also continuous, this barren land are also operate decent. 西面的几个渔镇时常有船到来,尤其是从火魔沼泽和牧兽平原上的商队也络绎不绝,这片贫瘠之地也算是经营得有模有样。 As a foundation of new country, this is enough. 作为一个新国家的基础,这已经足够了。 On this day. 这一天。 In scroll city. 卷轴城之中。 Above the wilderness the feudal lord of each lead(er), the mayors in several towns came. 荒原之上各个领的领主,几个镇的镇长都来了。 Everyone in city also arrived at one to call it under the construction of royal palace, witnesses establishment of this new country, coronation ceremony that came to see the new king. 城市里的所有人也都来到了一栋被人称之为王宫的建筑下,来见证这个新国家的建立,来看新国王的加冕仪式。 Many feudal lord powerful officials pressed down the hand imprint on a paper, was announcing the orthodox inheritance of king, his coronation received everyone's approval. 诸多领主权贵们在一张纸上按下了手印,宣告着国王的正统传承,他的加冕受到了所有人的认可。 However this everyone, referred to obviously can according to the person of hand imprint. 不过这个所有人,指的很明显是能按手印的人。 Strong big, the man of obviously part of Evel person bloodlines was on stone platform. 一个强壮高大,明显有一部分爱维尔人血统的男人登上了石台。 Loud and clear sound biography to street four directions. 洪亮的声音传向了街道四方。 Our countries are called wilderness Witch Country.” “我们的国家叫做荒原巫国。” To thank Sir witch spirit helps us establish this country, we admitted our country witch word forever.” “为了感谢巫灵大人们帮我们建立起这个国家,我们将巫这个词永远的放进了我们的国家。” Thank God of Truth and Knowledge, thank Sir Sukob, thank witch spirit.” “感谢真理与知识之神,感谢苏科布大人,感谢巫灵。” Under their asylums, we established to belong to our countries finally.” “在祂们的庇护之下,我们才终于建立起了属于我们的国家。” Everyone cheered. 所有人都欢呼了起来。 Oh!” “喔!” Wilderness Witch Country, our countries.” “荒原巫国,我们的国家。” We also had the country.” “我们也有国家了。” Heard? Wilderness Witch Country, the name of this new country!” “听到了吗?荒原巫国,这个新国家的名字!” Many devout followers, crawl directly on the ground thank the asylum of God of Truth and Knowledge. 不少虔诚的信徒,直接匍匐在地上感谢真理与知识之神的庇护。 Some people cried out frantically, or has tears streaming down the face. 更有人狂热的呐喊,或者泪流满面。 Everyone thought that establishes one to belong to their countries to have the extraordinary significance, was anticipating this country can turn into Suinhall and ten thousand snake royal court such existences in the future. 所有人觉得建立起一个属于他们的国家有着非凡的意义,期待着这个国家将来能够变成苏因霍尔和万蛇王庭那样的存在。 Establishment of new country, Sukob has not meddled and interfered. 新国家的建立,苏科布并没有插手和干涉。 However. 不过。 Although Sukob rejected country of name witch spirit, established this country's several families to admit in the name of new country witch character. 虽然苏科布拒绝了巫灵之国这个名字,建立这个国家的几个家族还是将巫这个字放进了新国家的名字里面。 On the wilderness the biggest several respected families you struggle me to fight, wants to compete for the throne. 荒原上最大的几个大家族你争我斗,都想要争夺王位。 Finally caused the method of electing the king. 最后弄出了一个选王的方法。 Is each generation of kings from several in family that establishes this country chooses, each chooses the Wang Family/prince clan to have the qualifications to succeed to the throne. 就是每一代的国王从几个建立这个国家的家族里面挑选,每个选王家族都有资格继承王位。 This way no one has thought actually, Sukob previously had not even heard such country. 这种方式倒是谁都没想到的,连苏科布此前也没有听说过这样的国家。 He does not know that what such result can be, but Land of Sunrise and ten thousand snake royal court made the new attempt, the wilderness makes some changes is not strange. 他也不知道这样的结果会是什么样,但是日出之地、万蛇王庭都做了新的尝试,荒原做出一些改变也并不奇怪。 Sukob has not attended this wilderness Witch Country founding ceremony time. 苏科布并没有出席这一次的荒原巫国开国大典。 His influence in this country is big enough, he does not hope oneself leave behind many marks again here, is affecting the vigor and hope of this new country, particularly when he must leave immediately. 他在这个国家的影响力已经够大了,他不希望自己再在这里留下过多的印记,影响着这个新国家的活力和希望,尤其是在他马上要离开的时候。 However he is paying attention to all these as before by far. 但是他依旧还是远远关注着这一切。 At this time, numerous witch spirit of open land witch spirit organization also gathered the Sukob side completely. 这个时候,荒地巫灵组织的众多巫灵也全部汇聚到了苏科布的身旁。 Sukob turns around, looks at all witch spirit. 苏科布转过身来,看着全体巫灵们。 More than 100 years, witch spirit has stayed in this wild barren land, now also has a big scale. 一百多年了,巫灵一直留在这片蛮荒贫瘠之地,如今也有了不小的规模。 In the Sukob heart also has probably some does not abandon, but said finally. 苏科布心中好像也有着些许不舍,但是最终还是说道。 Everyone should know.” “大家都应该知道了。” I am going to leave the wilderness, is not short departure, but is integrates into outside world.” “我将要离开荒原,不是短暂的离开,而是去融入外面的世界。” I want to handle something, this matter requires very long time to complete, might no longer come back very much.” “我想要去做一些事情,这个事情需要很长的时间去完成,很有可能不再回来了。” Sukob looks at these people, in the eyes of everyone is glittering the different light, has the different expressions. 苏科布看着这些人,每个人的眼中都闪烁着不同的光,有着不同的表情。 „After I do not know, what will turn into.” “我不知道走出去之后会变成什么样。” Therefore I do not request all of you to follow I to leave, from now on, you can choose the staying or going freely.” “所以我不要求你们所有人都跟着我离开,从现在开始,你们可以自由的选择去留。” You can choose to leave the wilderness.” “你们可以选择离开荒原。” Can choose to follow I together, inherits my will and ideal, develops the new future.” “可以选择跟着我一起,去继承我的意志和理想,去开拓新的未来。” Also can choose other places, does you matter that wants to handle, the inheritance dissemination of witch spirit to four directions.” “也可以选择去其他的地方,去做你们自己想要做的事情,将巫灵的传承散播向四方。” Naturally, you can also choose to keep the wilderness, stays in this new country.” “当然,你们也可以选择留在荒原,留在这个新国家。” Accompanies is growing in this new country together, before doing, we most familiar matter, sets up God of Truth and Knowledge idol above the wilderness, makes more divine spell scrolls, explores more secret techniques.” “陪伴着在这个新国家一起成长,做着之前我们最熟悉的事情,在荒原之上树立起一座座真理与知识之神神像,制造出更多的神术卷轴,探索更多的秘术。” All are chosen by you.” “一切由你们自己选择。” The voice falls, quite a while no one spoke, everyone is waiting and seeing. 话音落下,半天都没有人说话,所有人都在观望。 Silent half of the day, finally some people stood. 沉默了半天,终于有人站了出来。 Sir Sukob.” 苏科布大人。” Sukob looked to the opposite party, opposite party firm saying of: I want to leave, but I wanted once Evel former home grounds.” 苏科布看向了对方,对方坚定的说道:“我想要离开,不过我想要去曾经的爱维尔的故地。” My ancestry came from there, what I wanted to have a look there present to turn into.” “我的祖辈来自于那里,我想要去看看那里如今变成什么样了。” I want to look.” “我想要去看一看。” Evel once that lighthouse also.” 爱维尔曾经的那座灯塔还在不在。” Regarding the Evel person, that lighthouse has the special significance probably. 对于爱维尔人来说,那座灯塔好像有着特别的意义。 Sukob also has the bloodlines of Evel person, at this moment heard the opposite party saying that somewhat sobbed. 苏科布也有着爱维尔人的血脉,此刻听到对方这么说,有些唏嘘。 Evel lighthouse.” 爱维尔的灯塔啊。” „The past several hundred years, it has collapsed now.” “都已经过去几百年了,如今它早已经坍塌。” I also went back to look, the past liveliness has vanished into thin air, the past person has also left this great island.” “我也曾经回去看过,往日的繁华已经烟消云散,昔日的人也早已离开这座巨岛。” Opposite party reply: I build again it.” 对方回答:“那我就将它重新修起来。” I will light it, let it and was once directing the ship in sea same.” “我会点燃它,让它和曾经一样指引着大海上的船。” Sukob nods: I understand your meaning and idea.” 苏科布点了点头:“我明白你的意思和想法。” But I hope, you can also regard one to belong to your country wilderness Witch Country, belongs to the country of Evel person.” “但是我更希望,你能够将荒原巫国也当成一个属于你的国家,一个同样属于爱维尔人的国家。” In wilderness Witch Country has many Evel people, but also has many ten thousand snake human, came from each person of swamp and jungle tribe, even many people have the bloodline of Suinhall person.” “荒原巫国之中有着很多爱维尔人,但是也有着很多万蛇人,还有来自于各个沼泽、丛林部落的人,甚至不少人还有苏因霍尔人的血统。” This some people, although has not been flowing the bloodlines of Evel person, but also is part of this country, is anticipating and deeply loving this new country, is the friend even family member of Evel person.” “这部分人虽然没有流淌着爱维尔人的血脉,但是也是这个国家的一部分,也期待和热爱着这个新建立的国家,也是爱维尔人的朋友甚至家人。” Opens your heart.” “将你的心打开。” Focuses on the future, focuses on everyone.” “去着眼于未来,着眼于所有人。” The young people nod, then fell back on one side. 年轻人点了点头,然后退到了一边。 Also some people walked. 紧接着,又有人走了上来。 witch spirit was divided into several, wanted to go to the frozen plateau along once Glacier Fortress another side, the Evel city was once. 巫灵分成了好几支,一支想要沿着曾经的冰河要塞去冰封高原的另一边,曾经爱维尔城所在。 Wants Fire Demon Swamp, establishes the new city there. 一支想要去火魔沼泽,在那里建立起新的城市。 They will have the open land witch spirit footsteps wilderness Witch Country, extends to a more remote place. 他们将会将荒原巫国还有荒地巫灵的脚步,延伸到更遥远的地方。 Also there is a scattered single person, wants Suinhall respectively, goes to Land of Sunrise and other places ; The inheritance of witch spirit, will make the technical belt/bring of divine spell scroll to other countries. 也有零零散散的单个的人,分别想要去苏因霍尔,去日出之地等地方;将巫灵的传承,将制造神术卷轴的技术带到其他的国家。 Entire open land witch spirit after above the wilderness develops the pinnacle, has not chosen conservatively stays here. 整个荒地巫灵在荒原之上发展到极致之后,并没有选择保守的留在这里。 But walked boldly. 而是大胆的走了出去。 However many part of witch spirit, finally chose stayed in scroll city here, they have been used to here all. 不过最多的一部分巫灵,最终还是选择了留在卷轴城这里,他们早就已经习惯了这里的一切。 Some, the choice is following Sukob to the distant place. 还有一部分,选择跟随着苏科布去往远方。 They will become the important part that the Sukob development contract strength composes, perhaps after is also future Sukob will become God, the origin and start of belief and follower. 他们将成为苏科布开拓契约力量组成的重要一部分,或许也是将来苏科布成为神明后,信仰和信徒的来源和开始。 Sukob has not said anything, respected everyone's choice. 苏科布并没有说什么,尊重了所有人的选择。 The news that the Sukob preparation leaves travelled. 苏科布准备离开的消息传开了。 Immediately caused in the scroll city exaggerated the big wave, before tens of thousands of people arrived at big stone door of witch spirit mausoleum chamber, crawled detains Sukob on the ground. 顿时在卷轴城里引起了渲染大波,成千上万的人来到了巫灵地宫的高大石门前,匍匐在地上挽留苏科布 Before he arrived at stone door, looks that at the foot of the mountain dense lying becomes one piece. 他来到了石门前,看着山脚下黑压压的趴成一片。 No one spoke, but actually formed an invisible pressure. 没有人说话,但是却形成一股无形的压力。 Everyone hopes that Sukob can stay here forever. 所有人都希望苏科布能够永远的留在这里。 However Sukob decided departure. 但是苏科布还是决定了离开。 He stands before the gate, was saying to everyone. 他站在门前,对着所有人说道。 I came by the direction of god.” “我受神的指引而来。” I formed open land witch spirit, looks that this new country is born.” “我组建了荒地巫灵,也看着这个新国家诞生。” Now.” “如今。” I had finished in the mission of wilderness, remaining depended on you to found.” “我在荒原的使命已经结束了,剩下的就靠你们自己去开创了。” However then, I have a more vital duty and mission complete.” “而接下来,我还有着更重要的任务和使命去完成。” Over and over entreated to detain. 再三哀求挽留。 It is not able to persuade the heart that Sukob must leave as before. 依旧无法说动苏科布要离开的心。 Then, everyone knows that is unable to leave behind Sukob. 这下,所有人都知道无法留下苏科布 The wilderness Witch Country king arrived at the Sukob front, lies pleads him in his under foot. 荒原巫国的王来到了苏科布的面前,趴在他的脚下恳求他。 Sir Sukob.” 苏科布大人。” Please leave behind anything!” “请您留下一些什么吧!” Sukob then knows, wilderness Witch Country wants his strength of giving the strength of writing contract. 苏科布便知道,荒原巫国是想要他那种赋予文字契约之力的力量。 Recently many people know that mysterious strength that Sukob grasped, can give the writing strength to form the contract, supervised completion of contract by the strength of myth. 最近不少人都知道苏科布掌握的那种神奇的力量,能够赋予文字力量形成契约,以神话之力监督契约的完成。 The person who cannot complete the contract, will receive the penalty and pays the price. 不能完成契约的人,将会受到惩罚和付出代价。 Such powerful strength does not make one move unavoidably. 这样强大的力量难免不让人动心。 Contract that God promises, after this is not equal to signing the contract, pledge that may not defy? 神明许诺的契约,这不等于签下契约之后就是不可违抗的誓言吗? Sukob thinks, has not promised the king directly. 苏科布想了一下,并没有直接答应国王。 He decides to give the opposite party a test. 他决定给对方一个考验。 „The contract that wants to sign you brings.” “将你们想要签订的契约拿过来。” I, if feels.” “我如果觉得可以。” I under the testimony of truth, will give these contract strengths.” “我将会在真理的见证之下,赋予这些契约力量。” No mortal can violate these contracts not to pay the price.” “没有任何凡人能够违反这些契约而不付出代价。” Sukob deliberately said one, if I feel. 苏科布刻意说了一句,我如果觉得可以。 However in the eyes of people on the scene, this was Sukob complies. 但是在在场众人的眼中,这就是苏科布答应了。 On their faces gushes out wild with joy. 他们一个个脸上涌出狂喜。 In everyone eyes is glittering the desire ray. 每个人眼中闪烁着欲望的光芒。 ---------------------- ---------------------- How long Sukob has not waited , the speed of people are quick. 苏科布并没有等待多久,众人的速度很快。 Quick. 很快。 Contracts brought, delivered to the Sukob front. 一份份契约拿过来了,送到了苏科布的面前。 The contract that these ordinary paper wrote has no function, without the ceremony and unusual addition, the contract cannot succeed. 这些普通的纸张写成的契约没有任何作用,没有仪式和超凡的加成,契约就不能成功。 Therefore signs a contract, must pay some prices. 所以签订一份契约,也是要付出一些代价的。 However the king does not know, these aristocrats do not know. 但是国王不知道,那些贵族们也并不知道。 Sukob had not said. 苏科布却并没有说。 He wants to have a look, the kings and aristocrats in this new country, what contract want to achieve. 他只是想要看看,这个新国家的国王和贵族们,到底想要达成什么样的契约。 However after seeing these contracts, Sukob smiled all of a sudden. 但是看到这些契约之后,苏科布一下子就笑了。 The king hopes and other elects Wang Jia zu to work out a contract and ensure the right of king, this is normal, after all other choose the Wang Family/prince clan are not good to trick, has the contract of issue is not not possible to sign. 国王希望和其他选王家族订立一份契约,来保证国王的权利,这个还算正常的,毕竟其他选王家族也不是好忽悠的,有问题的契约不可能签订。 However to some village lord, the fishery lord, the workshop lord and body of merchant kind of person, these contracts deteriorated. 但是到了一些农庄主、渔场主、作坊主、商人这类人的身上,那些契约就变了质。 Their contracts seem like, seemed the abyss evil god in legend to walk from the darkness, must drain the marrow soul of person. 他们的契约一个个看上去,就好像传说之中的深渊邪神从黑暗里走了出来,要将人的骨髓灵魂都抽干。 The Sukob student swells, is helping the teacher look contract that deliver. 苏科布的学生隆,也在帮着老师看那一份份送过来的契约。 What thing is this?” “这是什么东西?” Determined that this is the contract, rather than the demon standard of evil god?” “确定这是契约,而不是邪神的魔典?” One generation have not calculated, but can also for generations?” “一代人还不算完,还要世世代代?” Looks prosperously an existing contract, dumbfounded. 隆看着其中一份拟定的契约,目瞪口呆。 The legend, has a book in the hand of original sin evil god, above writes the names of certain people. 传说,在原罪邪神的手上有着一份册子,上面写着某些人的名字。 Writes the person of name, finally will be swallowed anything by the evil god not remaining. 写着名字的人,最终会被邪神吞噬得什么都不剩下。 Also is, the demon standard of evil god in grand Kou saying. 也就是隆口中所说的,邪神的魔典。 He looks at oneself teacher, does not understand that these person of there have the courage to deliver such thing, thought his teacher can't understand this inside issue? 他看着自己的老师,不明白那些人那里有胆子将这样的东西送过来,是觉得他的老师看不懂这里面的问题吗? Sukob feels very normal, or has some expectations. 苏科布却觉得很正常,或者说早就有了一些预料。 They possibly think that my will not read these contracts.” “他们可能以为我不会一份份看这些契约。” They think.” “他们以为。” I such wave, then these contracts became effective forever.” “我就这样一挥手,然后这些契约就永远生效了。” Sukob, the affection wielded at this point started. 苏科布说到这里,作态挥了一下手。 They do not think like this?” “他们不就这样想的吗?” My such apostle of God, so long as waves anything to have.” “我这样的神之使徒,只要一挥手什么都有的。” They, so long as lies on the ground implores to me, can persuade me, my anything can change to them.” “他们只要趴在地上向我祈求,能够说动我,我就什么都能给他们变出来。” They implored.” “他们祈求惯了。” They were used to witch spirit, demanded to God.” “他们习惯了向巫灵,向神明索要一切。” grand Tankai hand: Like this deceives oneself and others?” 隆摊开手:“这样自欺欺人?” grand Dou shook a contract: Whom does this want to deceive?” 隆抖了抖其中一份契约:“这想骗谁呢?” Sukob: Never must underestimate greedy of person, do not despise person's stupidity under greedy.” 苏科布:“永远不要小看人的贪婪,更不要小看人在贪婪之下的愚蠢。” They are always harboring leaving things to chance, tries, perhaps succeeds?” “他们总是抱着侥幸心理,试一试呢,说不定就成功呢?” Greedy of person, can make them deceive God.” “人的贪婪,可以让他们去欺骗神明。” Also oneself are deceiving himself, God not necessarily can see.” “还自己欺骗着自己,神明不一定看得见。” Sukob sighed finally. 苏科布最后叹息了一声。 This is being in front of my.” “这还是当着我的面的时候。” I am thinking.” “我在想。” „If not in front of my, what this above does write?” “若是不当着我的面,这上面会写着什么?” If I gave the strength of contract, who knows that what will turn into?” “若是我将契约的力量赋予了出去,谁知道会变成什么样?” Sukob also starts the self- introspection, starts to reconsider loophole in the idea. 苏科布也开始自我反省,开始去反思自己想法之中的漏洞。 „An unrestricted contract.” “一个不受约束的契约。” Brought outcome is the order, is chaotic?” “带来的究竟是秩序,还是混乱?” Order that even if it brings, that order is wants?” “就算它带来的秩序,那种秩序是自己想要的吗?” He has not given up, but is finding the way to make up for this issue and loophole. 他没有放弃,而是在想办法弥补这种问题和漏洞。 On the same day. 当天。 Sukob arrived in the scroll city, everyone anticipates looks at him. 苏科布来到了卷轴城中,所有人都期待的看着他。 Was anticipating he waves, benevolent natural their contracts becoming effective. 期待着他一挥手,就“仁慈大方”的将他们的契约给生效了。 The deadline is. 期限是。 Forever. 永远。 However Sukob is actually in front of their, burnt their contracts completely. 然而苏科布却当着他们的面,将他们的契约全部烧了。 During the flame combustion, is everyone's stunned, afraid. 火焰燃烧之中,是所有人的错愕,还有心虚。 Sukob looks that these implored to him, time and time again and is seeking the crowd of help to witch spirit. 苏科布看着这些向他祈求惯了,一次又一次向巫灵和自己寻求着帮助的人群。 Has a look!” “看看!” „Do you want to draw support from my hand to do?” “你们想要借助我的手干什么?” You want in the truth, under the God vision, what makes?” “你们想要在真理,在神明的目光下,做些什么?” You think that what you are thinking, don't I know?” “你们以为你们在想什么,我不知道?” You think that I will permit, the empathize permits, your gloomy and lucky idea successes?” “你以为我会允许,神会允许,你们那些阴暗而侥幸的想法成功?” Under the Sukob vision, everyone lowers the head. 苏科布的目光下,所有人都低下了头。 Lying that even some people tremble on the ground, a scene silence. 甚至有人瑟瑟发抖的趴在了地上,场面一片寂静。 Sukob looks at everyone, said. 苏科布看着所有人,说道。 It seems like.” “看来。” You have not prepared for greeting this strength.” “你们还没做好迎接这种力量的准备。” These words are very familiar. 这句话很熟悉。 Probably before soon, God of Truth and Knowledge also and Sukob has said. 好像不久之前,真理与知识之神也曾经和苏科布说过。 At that time, Sukob has not prepared to become God. 在那个时候,苏科布也没有做好成为神明的准备。 When you are ready truly.” “当你们真正做好准备的时候。” I or my successor will come here, gives you strength.” “我或者我的继承者会来到这里,重新赋予你们力量。” Spoke these words, Sukob also turns around to leave. 说完这句话,苏科布也转身离开。 As if brings indignantly. 似乎带着气愤。 Many people are afraid, does not dare to detain Sukob again, the friendship of day raised anything to request again in the past. 很多人心虚,也不敢再挽留苏科布,再以往日的情分提什么要求。 But Sukob brought witch spirit to leave the scroll city, started to step the journey of leaving the wilderness. 苏科布带着巫灵们离开了卷轴城,开始踏上了离开了荒原的旅程。 --------------------------- --------------------------- Although Sukob directed a river from the frozen plateau, but above wilderness most places barren incomparable. 虽然苏科布从冰封高原之上引下了一条河,但是荒原之上大多数地方还是贫瘠无比。 Sukob one group of vehicles pass through the path, raises layer upon layer the mist and dust. 苏科布一行人的车辆走过道路,掀起层层烟尘。 Swells is pulling the governing beast leather sheath in front, at the same time says on the quiet. 隆在前面扯着御兽皮套,一边开口悄悄说道。 Teacher!” “老师!” You said that your solemn accurate God.” “您说,你堂堂的准神明。” How to go on a journey a ostentation not to have, is not different from the average person.” “怎么出行一点排场都没有,和普通人没有什么两样。” Swelling the beforehand idea is happy. 隆之前想法是美好的。 Although on the mouth is saying, later must walk in front of teacher, must make Sukob work to oneself. 虽然口上说着,以后要走在老师的前面,要让苏科布给自己干活。 However journey time, swells in front drives a cart. 但是出行的时候,还是隆在前面赶车。 Sukob frowns: Do not speak this words, what accurate God.” 苏科布皱起了眉头:“不要说这种话,什么准神明。” Prosperous also young, knows oneself spoke incorrectly the words. 隆还年轻,也知道自己说错了话。 Immediately shuts up. 顿时闭了嘴。 Sukob also knows the personality of own this student, looked meaning that oneself warn achieved, then asks him: You thought that what the god journey is?” 苏科布也知道自己这个学生的性格,看自己警示的意味达到了,便开口问他:“你觉得神出行是什么样的?” You have seen the Spiritual God journey time is what.” “你见过神灵出行的时候是什么样的。” You saw before, is appearance of God state.” “你之前看到的,都是神明国度的显现。” Spiritual God walks in world truly time, no one no one knows obviously.” “神灵真正行走于世间的时候,无人可见无人知晓。” Possibly on the road is casual a passer-by who you run into, is some God.” “可能路上随随便便你遇到的一个路人,就是某位神明呢。” Does not want thoughtless talk God.” “不要妄谈神明。” Do not guess God with your idea.” “也不要用你的想法去揣测神明。” Then, Sukob has used the manages pen to write anything in the compartment, probably also at the matter of ponder about contract. 接下来,苏科布一直在车厢里面用管笔写着什么,好像还在思考关于契约的事情。 Cannot bear ask prosperously. 隆忍不住问道。 Teacher.” “老师。” „Do you want to do that?” “您还是想要这么做吗?” If the potency of contract is too strong, then signed a contract, can never turn over/stand up?” “如果契约的效力太强,那么签订了一份契约,岂不是永远不能翻身了?” I if later must with the person contract, must tremble, must look that above character does not dare to leave out.” “我以后如果要和人契约,也得瑟瑟发抖了,得看着上面的字一个不敢漏掉了。” However also then said prosperously. 但是隆又接着说道。 „If a fair and just contract, having the strong binding force felt good.” “不过如果是一份公平公正的契约,有着强约束力的话又感觉非常不错。” Everyone can under the protection of contract, the thing that oneself should result, completes task that oneself should complete.” “所有人都能在契约的保护下,得到自己该得的东西,完成自己应该完成的任务。” Sukob finished until oneself, took up that page of papers to look, the reply was prosperous. 苏科布直到自己写完了,才拿起了那页纸看了看,回答隆。 Therefore.” “所以。” I made some revisions.” “我做了一些修改。” Lonlas the sail pack animal of spinning, is looking back in the compartment. 隆拉着疾奔的帆驮兽,回过头来看着车厢里面。 What revises?” “什么修改?” Sukob has not covered up, prosperous is the student who he most likes, he in having consciousness to grand Guanshu own idea, instills into own ideal. 苏科布并没有遮遮掩掩,隆是他最喜欢的学生,他在有意识的向隆灌输自己的想法,灌输自己的理想。 „The production of contract, cannot be unlimited.” “契约的生成,不可以是无限制的。” „The effective condition of contract, must decide in accordance with the situation.” “契约的生效条件,得视情况而定。” If the contract is signing in some country, then it should also under the legal code restraint in this/should country's.” “如果契约是签订在某个国家,那么它还应该在该国的法典约束之下。” As legal code changes, the contract frame and limit also change.” “随着法典而改变,契约的框架和限制也随之而改变。” Must give the contract strength.” “要赋予契约力量。” First must give the legal code strength.” “就先得赋予法典力量。” Concludes the contract at the same time, should also the violation penalty write in legal code simultaneously, violates the contract time does not punish at will, regardless of what contract uses the same disciplinary punishment, but is punished by legal code and legal code miles law.” “缔结契约的同时,应该也将违约惩罚同时写在法典里,违反契约的时候不是随意进行惩罚,或者不论什么契约都用同一种惩戒,而是由法典的法律来进行惩戒。” Sukob looks at outside the compartment, their journey end points are ten thousand snake royal court lunar eclipse cities time. 苏科布看着车厢外,他们这一次的旅途终点是万蛇王庭的月蚀城。 This is also we go the reason of dark moon/month province lunar eclipse city, I prepare to see the royal court highest pretor, the dark moon/month called many scholars to compile new legal code initially, it is said that is at present most perfect legal code.” “这也是我们去暗月行省月蚀城的原因,我准备去见王庭的最高执政官,暗月当初召集了很多学者编撰了新的法典,据说那是目前最完善的一部法典。” I want to look, read earnestly this legal code content.” “我想要看一看,认真读一下这部法典的内容。” If possible.” “如果可以的话。” I will give that legal code strength.” “我将赋予那本法典力量。” We must make us the matter that in the kingdom of earthliness wants to handle, must is on good terms to gather with the dynasty and ruling organization of earthliness, rather than carrying out of violence.” “我们要在俗世的王国之内做成我们想要做的事情,一定要和俗世的王朝和执政机构相契合,而不是暴力的推行。” I hope that can convince the royal court highest pretor, he invited me to go to ten thousand snake royal court to do missionary work before, I thought that he should agree.” “我希望能够说服王庭的最高执政官,他之前就邀请过我前往万蛇王庭传教,我觉得他应该会同意。” grand thinks a Sukob content, then also asked the issue: If legal code does have the issue?” 隆想了一下苏科布的内容,然后又提出了问题:“如果法典本身就有问题呢?” Sukob replied: Then people, so long as overthrows and revises legal code, these will have the contract of issue naturally also to change or abandon.” 苏科布回答:“那么人们只要推翻和修改法典,那些有问题的契约自然也会随之而改变或者废弃。” The legal code restraint contract, the contract restraint person, the person can revise legal code in turn. 法典约束契约,契约约束人,人反过来又能修改法典 This is Sukob at present in the preliminary idea, application method about contract. 这就是苏科布目前初步设想之中的,关于契约的使用方法。 If legal code has very major problem, but can't the person revise legal code?” “如果法典有很大的问题,但是人又不能来修改法典呢?”
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