IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#358 Part 2: Moon of God of Creator fingertip

However as God of follower, actually is also has certainly is grasping the divine system jurisdiction, split divine system the Lord authority. 但是作为从者的神明,其实也是有着一定掌握着神系权限的,分裂了神系之主的权柄。 They actually have the opportunity to have the entire divine system control, the dove are occupying the magpie nest to replace the lord of divine system to mount Throne of True God. 他们其实也有机会掌握着整个神系的控制权,鸠占鹊巢代替神系之主登上真神之位 All people who found divine system, finally will certainly become the True God? 所有创建神系的人,最后就一定就会成为真神吗? What accident in the future can have? 将来其中会不会发生什么样的变故? Finally selects the god crown, who can also be? 最终摘取神冠的,又会是谁? The appearance of new god, will force the old god to go forward, if unable to move forward , one will inevitably lag behind. 新神的出现,也将逼迫着旧神前进,不进则退。 No one knows that what in the future is. 谁也不知道将来是什么样的。 Finally, Yin Shen said meant a few words that was difficult to be bright. 最后,尹神只是说出了意味难明的一句话。 Intelligent era.” “智慧的纪元。” Yin Shen lifts the hand, looks for the position before window. 尹神抬起手,找了找窗户前的位置。 Returned the space moon. 将月亮重新放回了天上。 Returned in that dream star sea. 放回了那梦幻的星海之中。 Later, before Yin Shen then left the window . 之后,尹神便离开了窗户前。 Sally that however leaves behind is actually gaining ground as before, looks at outside the window. 但是留下的莎莉却依旧抬着头,看着窗户外面。 She felt the posture and action that Yin Shen just made are very fierce, she is also studying putting out a hand, wants to study Yin Shen moon picking. 她觉得尹神刚刚做的这个姿势和举动很厉害,她也学着伸出手,想要学着尹神将月亮给摘下来。 Cannot grasp.” She is standing on tiptoes the foot. “抓不下来。”她踮着脚。 Moon is not obedient.” She was earnest. “月亮不听话。”她认真了。 Under Ruler of Life the name by the Creator place, making me hold you.” She is pointing at moon, but that moon will not listen her, pays no attention to meet her. “以造物主座下生命主宰的名义,让我抓住你。”她指着月亮,但是那月亮才不会听她的,理都不理会她。 Ruler of Life brow overlapping. 生命主宰眉头交叉。 The mouth is shrivelled, being angry blew a lip, made the prolonged sound. 嘴巴瘪起,生气的吹了一下嘴唇,发出了噗的绵长声音。 Then the terrifying dark specters extend from the dreamland mainland together, spreads to go toward the sky. 然后一道恐怖的黑暗魔影从梦境大陆后面延伸而出,朝着天空蔓延而去。 Although she cannot be so charming natural with Yin Shen holds moon, with exceeding the strength above space. 她虽然不能和尹神那样潇洒帅气的抓住月亮,用超越空间之上的力量。 However she can hold moon with oneself strength directly. 但是她可以用自己的力量直接抓住月亮。 Finally has not started, was knocked from the back of the head gently, that swallowed the specters of the world to vanish. 结果还没开始,就被人从后脑勺轻轻敲了一下,那吞噬世界的魔影就消失了。 Sally rubbed the head, before leaving the window . 莎莉揉了揉脑袋,离开了窗户前。 Rumble.” “咕噜噜。” Hits me.” “又打我。” Sally is mumbling, is unhappy. 莎莉嘟囔着,不开心。 He directed before casually my, but also bullies me.” “他以前可是随便使唤我的,还欺负我。” You have not hit him.” “你都没打他。” This palace is also I constructs, is occupied by the person here to probably hand over the advantage to me.” “这宫殿也是我建起来的,住在这里的人应该都得向我交好处。” However is mumbling, does not dare to say loudly. 但是只是嘟囔着,也不敢大声说。 Because she usually in takes white/in vain fiercely in temple. 因为她平日里在神殿里白拿得更厉害。 ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- Northern wilderness. 北地荒原。 In a cultivation laboratory. 在一处培育实验室里。 In the sand one flock of insects are wriggling, the silk that they put out forms in the sand bed one after another. 沙子里一群虫子正在蠕动,它们吐出的丝在沙层上结成一团又一团。 Wove the silk spirit insect to start to multiply, is only the effect is not too at present good, the breeding speed of this insect was not fast. 织丝灵虫已经开始繁衍了,只是目前效果还不算太好,这种虫子的繁育速度并不快。 Insect that this type of eating sand can put out the unusual ceremony material, very obviously is not the ordinary insect. 这种吃沙子就能够吐出超凡仪式材料的虫子,很明显不是普通的虫子。 Similarly. 同样。 To cultivate them is not that easy matter. 想要培育它们并不是那么容易的事情。 Swelled these days has been looking after these insects, the material that now collects was also enough ; Therefore can see that one side the specially-made two looms and spinning machines are also operating, make the sound that cross scratches cross scratches. 隆这些日子一直都在照料着这些虫子,如今收集的材料也足够了;因此可以看到一旁特制的两台织布机和纺纱机也在运作,发出跨擦跨擦的声音。 Raised the head prosperously, looks that for these years had not aged, instead becomes the young teacher unceasingly. 隆抬起头,看着这几年没有变老,反而不断变得年轻的老师。 Now the opposite party seems like, likely about 30 -year-old young people. 如今对方看起来,像个三十岁左右的青年人。 Teacher!” “老师!” You were more and more young, others think that we were the peers?” “您是越来越年轻了,别人都以为我们是同辈呢?” You said, must cross again dozens years.” “您说,要再过个几十年。” When the time comes walks, in others eyes, was I became the teacher your teacher of?” “到时候走出去,在别人眼里,是不是我就成了老师你的老师了?” When the time comes I old must look awful, your appearance affirmed that walks in front of me embarrassed?” “到时候我老得不成样子,你这副模样肯定不好意思走我前面吧?” I lean on the walking stick to take the lead, the teacher you follows behind me, serves tea to pour water to me outside.” “我拄着拐杖走在前面,老师你就跟在我后面,在外面给我端茶倒水。” Sukob interrupted the prosperous fantasy: I old in others eyes am the teacher of noble character and high prestige, swelled you, in others eyes different.” 苏科布打断了隆的幻想:“我老了在别人眼里才是德高望重的老师,隆你老了,在别人眼里不一样。” Swells pokes head from the loom: How different?” 隆从织布机后面探出头来:“怎么不一样?” Sukob said to him: Your this brat in childhood was the young bastard, was old, in others eyes naturally was the old bastard.” 苏科布对他说:“你这臭小子小时候是小混蛋,老了,在别人眼里当然是老混蛋。” Prosperous vitality/angry: Does not weave, did not raise the insect.” 隆生气了:“不织了,不养虫子了。” Walks.” “走了走了。” Young bastard walked.” “小混蛋走了。” This after does not seem like the two people of teacher and student restless, prosperously weaves a special arrange/cloth. 这对不太像是老师和学生的两人闹腾了一阵之后,隆还是织出了一匹特殊的布来。 This arrange/cloth is exquisite exceptionally, even is unable to separate with the sharp blade. 这布细腻异常,甚至用利刃都无法割裂。 Swelled cut out it with divine spell, manufactured a special scroll. 隆用神术才裁剪了它,制作出了一个特殊的卷轴。 Swells designs good ceremony technique according to Sukob, carved the ceremony above the scroll, then used the witch spirit special strength and method, unusual strength seal in scroll. 隆按照苏科布设计好的仪式术阵,在卷轴之上刻下了仪式,然后又用巫灵特殊的力量和方法,将超凡力量封印在了卷轴之中。 Contract scroll.” “契约卷轴。” Teacher, really manufactured.” “老师,真的制作出来了。” The first contract scroll in the world was born, grand is excited, even is more excited than his teacher. 世界上的第一个契约卷轴诞生了,隆非常激动,甚至比他的老师还激动。 Sukob actually revealed gratified smiling, looked to outside. 苏科布却只是露出了欣慰的笑,看向了外面。 Was the time.” “是时候了。” Asked Sukob prosperously: What was the time?” 隆问苏科布:“什么是时候了?” Sukob to was saying prosperously: For these years, we have stayed here.” 苏科布对着隆说:“这么多年来,我们一直都留在这里。” Perhaps, we should also attempt to move toward outside.” “或许,我们也应该尝试着走向外面。” Looks at a broader world.” “去看一看更广阔的天地。” In the Sukob eye has the anticipation. 苏科布眼中有着期待。 Before I always wait for God to arrange my mission.” “以前我总是等待着神明来安排我的使命。” This time.” “这一次。” I want myself to make anything, does some matter that wants to handle.” “我想要自己去做些什么,去做些自己想要做的事情。” Sukob must go out of the wilderness finally, advances to the world. 苏科布终于要走出荒原,迈向人间。 Advances to the broader world. 迈向更广阔的世界。 7017 k 7017k
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