IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#358 Part 1: Moon of God of Creator fingertip

Above wilderness. 荒原之上。 At the foot of the hill that city in person saw the surrounding hills to fill the thick fog, the cloud of that fog and space linked. 山脚下那座城市的里的人看见周围的群山都弥漫出了大雾,那雾和天上的云连接在一起。 The Yunshan fog photo, in the sea of clouds the image sways from side to side. 云山雾照,云海之中影像扭动。 Is radiant during the ray, revealed a sacred great state. 于光芒璀璨之中,露出了一个神圣伟岸的国度。 This scene not only attracted the person in city, attracted these to live in mountain wall internal witch spirit. 这场面不仅仅吸引了城里的人,也吸引了那些住在山壁内部的巫灵 witch spirit are shouting and wrangling, goes out along leaves of stone door that in the mountain wall excavates, the platform or above the stair in outside stone door is looking up to the sky. 一个个巫灵大呼小叫着,沿着山壁开凿的一扇扇石门之中走出,在石门外的平台或台阶之上仰望着天空。 Looked quickly, the miracle manifested a spirit.” “快看,神迹又显灵了。” God of Truth and Knowledge.” 真理与知识之神。” „The city of knowledge.” “知识之城。” Spiritual God state.” “神灵的国度。” They noticed that wipes the light to fall from the sky, a form was received and instructed by that bunch of light to the sky, finally vanished in the sea of clouds. 他们看到一抹光从天空落下,一个身影被那束光接引向天空,最终消失在了云海之中。 They know that form is Sukob. 他们都知道,那个身影是苏科布 . 紧接着。 All illusory images vanish completely, the fog also diverges gradually. 所有的幻影全部消失,云雾也渐渐散去。 Although that image in the sky saw, but the opposite party exists in their not unimaginable remote places. 那影像虽然是在天空之中看到的,但是对方真实存在于他们无法想象的遥远之处。 It seems like the projection of mirage, the place that the illusory image presents, is away from the place that the opposite party has truly ten million/countless. 就好像海市蜃楼的投影,幻影出现的地方,和对方真正存在的地方隔着千万里。 Actually compares that more mysterious. 却比那还更要神奇。 However everyone except for shocking the appearance in miracle, also exclaimed in surprise that in divine grace that Sukob receives. 不过所有人除了震撼于神迹的出现,同样也惊叹于苏科布所受到的神眷 In this earthliness world. 在这个俗世世界上。 Can so the frequent turnover Spiritual God state, have an audience with existence of God unable to discover several. 能够如此的频繁进出神灵的国度,觐见神明的存在也找不出几个了。 No wonder these mortals, regarding the Sukob attitude so frantic. 难怪那些凡人,对于苏科布的态度是如此的狂热。 Sukob under receiving and instructing of light, went to that to be in the material world and intelligence world staggered state. 苏科布在光的接引之下,前往了那处于物质世界与灵性世界交错的国度。 The God of Truth and Knowledge retinue ghosts appeared in the state, the fog of vast information surged, congeals one after another books, fell into that library. 一个又一个真理与知识之神的仆从幽魂出现在了国度之中,浩瀚的信息之雾涌动,凝结成一本又一本书籍,落入了那一座座图书馆之中。 Sukob across the main road, arrived under Gate of Truth. 苏科布穿过大道,来到了真理之门下。 Knelt on the ground. 跪在了地上。 God of Truth and Knowledge!” 真理与知识之神!” A light shadow appeared in the gate, but Sukob the book of witch spirit also appeared. 一个光影出现在了门中,而苏科布巫灵之书也随之而浮现。 Can see originally in blank the book of witch spirit, has the dense and numerous writing to surge. 可以看到原本空白的巫灵之书上,有着密密麻麻的文字在涌动。 He has chosen with the writing as the carrier, making the writing change into own strength cornerstone. 他已经选择以文字作为载体,让文字化为自己的力量基石。 From that time, he has chosen oneself path initially. 从那个时候,他就已经初步抉择出了自己的道路。 Can see all writing that snake human has recorded in his book of witch spirit, but these writing were chaotic, but also does not have any orderliness conformed with them is forming the truly meaningful thing together. 可以看到蛇人拥有的所有文字都刻录进了他的巫灵之书里,但是这些文字原本都是杂乱无章的,还没有任何条理将他们整合在一起形成真正有意义的东西。 But now. 而现在。 This moment Sukob has the first idea. 此刻苏科布已经有了第一个想法。 Thinks how must describe with the writing, thinks that oneself in the book that wanted to describe the world, what chapter presented. 想好了要如何用文字去描绘,想好了自己想要去描绘的书中世界,呈现一幅什么样的篇章。 God of Truth and Knowledge Asai reads Sukob the book of witch spirit, saw the path of Sukob choice. 真理与知识之神阿赛看着苏科布巫灵之书,也看到了苏科布选择的道路。 You chose the path of god of writing.” “你选择了文字之神的道路。” This is a broadest path, is the path of most foundation.” “这是最广阔的一条道路,也是最基础的一条道路。” But indeed is suitable you.” “但是的确非常适合你。” Moreover seems like, you also think how to present you world that with the writing wants to present, founds the path that you want.” “而且看起来,你还想到了如何用文字去呈现你想要呈现出的世界,去开创去你想要的道路。” Sukob sets out, but the posture is kneeling as before. 苏科布直起身来,只是姿势依旧是跪着。 God!” “神!” I indeed had found first method of giving the writing strength, it possibly is not most powerful that but is actually that I most want to make, at present is most suitable my.” “我的确已经找到了第一种赋予文字力量的方法,它可能不是最强大的那种,但是却是我最想要去做的那种,目前最适合我的。” Moreover I also found belonged my own, brand-new Path of Wisdom.” “而且我也找到了属于我自己的,一条全新的智慧之路。” Sukob said own idea. 苏科布说出了自己的想法。 Takes the book of witch spirit as the body, with the ghost spirit body structure for the life form of reincarnation. 巫灵之书为躯壳,用幽魂灵体结构为转生的生命形态。 Builds spirit of the special reincarnation by the contract, finally substitutes the Path of Wisdom reincarnation method. 以契约来打造出一种特殊的转生之灵,最终来替代智慧之路的转生法。 Each contract is a reincarnation, moreover this method does not need to be worried oneself split the innumerable different individuals, will cause to have not the irrecoverable drawback and problem finally.” “每一次契约都是一次转生,而且这种方法也不用担心自己分裂成无数个不同个体,导致最终会出现无法挽回的弊端和问题。” It seems like, the Asai god hears this answer is not shocked. 只是看起来,阿赛神听到这个答案并没有那么震惊。 However thinks that Sukob feels normal, after all initially was the Asai god made Sukob go to Demon Abyss royal city of endless vast desert to look for the answer. 但是想了想苏科布又觉得正常,毕竟当初就是阿赛神让苏科布去无尽沙海的魔渊王城寻找答案。 The light shadow under Gate of Truth opened the mouth. 真理之门下的光影开口了。 You can from the body of demon spirit notice that on them has the Path of Wisdom trace, this is good.” “你能够从魔灵的身上看到他们身上有智慧之路的痕迹,这非常不错。” Initial demon monster indeed in part of secret techniques with Path of Wisdom makes, but demon spirit is Ms. Eliana in the original foundation, new life body that creates.” “最初的魔怪的确就是用智慧之路里的一部分秘术制造出来的,而魔灵是爱莲娜女士在原本的基础上,创造出的新生命体。” Their methods indeed cannot call the eternal life, the strength that but that way grows is solid.” “他们那种方法的确称不上永生,但是那种方式增长出来的力量却是实实在在的。” Imitates their life form to replace the way of reincarnation, is feasible.” “效仿他们生命形态来代替转生的方式,也是可行的。” This point.” “这一点。” Some people have confirmed.” “有人已经证实过了。” Sukob raised the head, on the face revealed the doubts. 苏科布抬起头,脸上露出了疑惑。 What, some have unexpectedly people confirmed? 什么,竟然有人已经证实过了? Who is that person? 那人是谁? Finally God of Truth and Knowledge also without saying the name of opposite party, Sukob would have no may I ask. 只是最后真理与知识之神也没有说出对方的名字,苏科布也就没敢问。 Moreover at this time, God of Truth and Knowledge has started to put out a hand, the assistance Sukob casting belongs to his special spirit body. 而且这个时候,真理与知识之神已经开始伸出手,协助苏科布铸造属于他的特殊灵体 Completes him to step into the reincarnation, steps onto the Path of Wisdom first step. 完成他踏入转生,走上智慧之路的第一步。 Crash-bang!” “哗啦啦啦!” The book of witch spirit sent out the ray, the page changed fast. 巫灵之书散发出了光芒,书页快速的翻动了起来。 Great god shadow only found out the hand, the huge light shadow held the Sukob body suddenly. 伟岸的神祇之影探出了手,巨大的光影突然抓住了苏科布的身躯。 Started.” “开始了。” Sukob your Path of Wisdom.” 苏科布你的智慧之路。” The original Sukob rapid informationization, was separated from the book of witch spirit. 原本的苏科布迅速信息化,脱离了巫灵之书。 He changed into writing spirit body to appear in the hand of God of Truth and Knowledge. 他化为了一个文字灵体出现在了真理与知识之神的手中。 Sukob felt oneself turned into the pure writing information flow probably, vanished during the present world. 苏科布感觉自己就好像变成了纯粹的文字信息流,消失在了现世之中。 God of Truth and Knowledge: „The first step: Consciousness the anchor in Gate of Truth.” 真理与知识之神:“第一步:意识锚定于真理之门。” The truth with a it God of Knowledge pitcher, threw into Sukob Gate of Truth again ; Fell into the sea of endless information, integrated the core of truth and knowledge authority. 真理与之知识之神再一投手,就将苏科布扔进了真理之门内;落入了无尽的信息之海,融入了真理与知识权柄的核心。 Sukob presents again time, he felt that oneself was completely different, during he was probably dark grasped some special authority, strength that at present he should not grasp. 苏科布再次出现的时候,他感觉自己完全不一样了,他好像冥冥之中掌握了某种特殊的权柄,目前他还不应该掌握的力量。 He stood in Gate of Truth, stood in the Asai god behind. 他站在了真理之门内部,站在了阿赛神的身后。 He finally. 他终于。 Saw clearly the appearance of Asai god. 看清了阿赛神的模样。 That is a youngster of wear formal clothes, in the hand takes the cane, the head wears the hat. 那是一个穿着礼服的少年,手里拿着手杖,头上戴着帽子。 The Asai god has not turned head, looks at gate outside world as before. 阿赛神没有回过头,依旧看着门外面的世界。 On the sea of clouds is the God state, under the sea of clouds is the mortal world. 云海上是神明国度,云海之下是凡人世界。 The past from here. 从这里看过去。 The world relation of god and person in one. 神与人的世界联系在了一起。 Prepared?” “准备好了吗?” Should start second step.” “该开始第二步了。” With your consciousness as the origin, lights to make the book of witch spirit spirit of consciousness in writing.” “用你的意识作为起源,去点燃制造出巫灵之书内的文字之灵意识。” The method that you use came from in Ms. Eliana's demon spirit pyramid, you owed her a sentiment, in the future you should give back to Ms. Eliana.” “你用的这种方法源自于爱莲娜女士的魔灵金字塔,你欠了她一份情,将来你应该还给爱莲娜女士。” Sukob is somewhat vacant, but hears god's question immediately nod of conditioned reflex. 苏科布有些茫然,但是听到神的问话立刻条件反射的点了点头。 I remembered!” “我记下来了!” God!” “神!” Later, he also said one. 之后,他又说了一句。 I have prepared.” “我已经准备好了。” God of Truth and Knowledge Asai lifted the cane, in Sukob the book of witch spirit. 真理与知识之神阿赛抬起了手杖,点在了苏科布巫灵之书上。 The Sukob consciousness anchor on Gate of Truth, is then replying on the strength of this door, extended in the book of own witch spirit. 苏科布的意识锚定于真理之门上,然后再借助着这扇门的力量,延伸到了自己的巫灵之书中。 Immediately sees, in the book of witch spirit was born illusory transparent spirit body. 立刻看到,巫灵之书内诞生出了一个虚幻透明的灵体 Belongs to Sukob, special ghost spirit body life. 一个属于苏科布的,特殊的幽魂灵体生命。 Sukob can feel that oneself and relation of opposite party, the opposite party looks like himself consciousness and extending of strength. 苏科布可以感觉到自己和对方的联系,对方就像是自己意识和力量的延伸。 Starting from that moment that it is born, Sukob turned into the reincarnator sequence in fourth-order Powerful from the ordinary fourth-order. 在它诞生的那一刻开始,苏科布就从普通的四阶变成了了四阶权能者中的转生者序列。 True Spiritual God reserve duty. 真正的神灵预备役。 Sukob saw that God of Truth and Knowledge Asai so proficiently arranges his Path of Wisdom, this understands that from the beginning Asai must consider perfectly compared with him. 苏科布看到真理与知识之神阿赛如此熟练的安排他的智慧之路,这才明白从一开始阿赛就比他要考虑得完善。 He also understands. 他也同时明白。 From the beginning, this method is not the mortal can use. 从一开始,这种方法就不是凡人可以使用的。 Taking a short cut took a short cut, indeed broke through the limit of original Path of Wisdom. 抄近路是抄近路了,的确突破了原本的智慧之路的局限。 If is so simple, these once God, these startled the colorful character certainly won't be able to think of this idea? 但是若是真的那么简单,那些曾经的神明,那些惊才艳绝的人物会想不到这种想法? Will be one's turn his Sukob? 会轮到他苏科布 Without myth is supporting him in the back, he is not possible to walk to pass the road of this taking a short cut wisdom myth in this manner. 若是没有一位神话在背后支撑着他,他是不可能以这种方式走通这条抄近路的智慧神话之路的。 Only is completes the first step, you need a powerful incomparable anchor point to stand firm your consciousness body. 光是完成第一步,你就需要一个强力无比的锚点来稳住自己的意识体。 Similar to Gate of Truth. 类似于真理之门 Similar to the demon spirit pyramid. 类似于魔灵金字塔。 Second conducts , also needs the assistance of Gate of Truth, can make Sukob the spirit of reincarnation. 第二步的进行,也同样需要真理之门的协助,才能够制造出苏科布的转生之灵。 Also can call it the spirit of writing contract. 或者也可以称之为文字契约之灵。 The spirit of writing contract was made, but also misses the last step. 文字契约之灵被制造出来了,但是还差最后一步。 Must give the spirit of memory and mission writing contract. 要赋予文字契约之灵记忆和使命。 This is gives a boundary to the spirit of writing contract, increased its growth potential. 这是给文字契约之灵赋予一个界限,同时也增加了它的成长性。 Probably gives a life, grows into the ability of adult from the baby. 就好像赋予一个生命,从婴孩长成成人的能力。 But these step is more exaggerating, without the strength of myth, does not have the position standard of half god. 而这一步更夸张,没有神话之力,没有半神的位格。 Why can you let write the contract ceremony of your name to become effective? 你凭什么能够让写着你名字的契约仪式生效? Why to make these promisors be widely separated by is borrowing your strength ten million/countless, making your contract ceremony become effective in various places, must know that this is the God ability, but the person who walks this stage to become God takes this road. 凭什么让那些契约者远隔着千万里借用你的力量,让你的契约仪式生效于各处,要知道这是神明的能力,而走这个阶段的人正是为了成为神明才走上这条路。 This seems like a fast knot. 这就好像是一个死结。 The person who wants to become God must have the God strength unexpectedly ahead of time, finally can become God. 一个要成神的人竟然要提前拥有神明的力量,才最终能够成为神明 Only if. 除非。 You are Fairy and female celestial such inborn dreamland life. 你是妖精和仙女那样的天生梦境生灵。 Either you must have myth to borrow the strength behind you in you. 要么你就得有一个神话在你背后借力于你。 Sukob looks at the Asai back, at this moment he understands that truly by significance that God selects, understands once Asai said pursues the truth the significance of peer. 苏科布看着阿赛的背影,此刻他才真正明白被神明选中的意义,才明白曾经阿赛所说的追寻真理的同行者的意义。 Was not I found out the means of walking the shortcut.” “不是我想出了走捷径的办法。” But because had Asai god this to step onto the divine throne antecedent step by step, gave us these afterward person to develop the new road.” “而是因为有阿赛神这样一步步走上了神位的前行者,才给予了我们这些后来之人开拓出了新的路。” Without now several myth 250 million years of reincarnations, without the tribulation in their time of penetration river. 没有现在几位神话两亿五千万年的转生,没有他们穿越时间长河的磨难。 Also does not have now new Path of Wisdom. 也就没有现在新的智慧之路 At this moment, Sukob came from regarding these last era the understanding of God was deeper. 此时此刻,苏科布对于这些来自于上一个纪元神明的理解更深了一层。 The Asai god took back the cane, asked Sukob. 阿赛神收回了手杖,问起了苏科布 „The third step, spirit of contract ceremony writing.” “第三步,文字之灵契约仪式。” Also misses a contract.” “还差一个契约。” Sukob, are you prepared?” 苏科布,你有准备吗?” Sukob then thinks, oneself has not considered such. 苏科布这才想起来,自己还没有考虑得这么远。 He wants first spirit body experimental manufacture, actually without thinking of Asai budgeted probably ahead of time generally, prepared all. 他只是想要先将灵体尝试性的制造出来,却没有想到阿赛就好像提前预算好了一般,准备好了一切。 Sukob some not handle, somewhat is seemingly flustered. 苏科布有些无措,看上去似乎有些慌张。 Asai god!” 阿赛神!” I have not thought, now also no one asks me to conclude the contract.” “我还没有想好,现在也没有人找我缔结契约。” The face under Asai god hat smiled. 阿赛神帽子下的脸庞笑了起来。 It lifted the hand void, the cane draws up a ceremony before Gate of Truth. 祂抬起手,手杖虚空在真理之门前绘制出了一个仪式。 Uses Dreamland as the channel, is recording the symbol that is representing the dreamland, above also has the Sukob name at the same time. 梦界为通道,刻录着代表着梦境的符号,与此同时上面还有着苏科布的名字。 The Asai god said loudly: Please become the god!” 阿赛神大声说道:“请成为神吧!” My apostle Sukob.” “我的使徒苏科布。” Concludes this contract as apostle, then......” “以使徒的身份缔结这份契约,然后……” Completes this contract by the Spiritual God status.” “以神灵的身份完成这份契约。” This is Sukob steps the road of concluding first contract God, the contract of a god and person, a god only with the contract of follower. 这是苏科布踏上神明之路缔结的第一个契约,一个神与人的契约,一个神祇和从者的契约。 Sukob first gawked, then can see him to be excited exceptionally. 苏科布先是愣了一下,然后可以看到他激动异常。 He first lifted the hand, proceeds one step. 他先是抬起了手,往前一步。 Stopped. 紧接着又停了下来。 Finally, he knelt on the ground. 最后,他跪在了地上。 Sukob hopes with the great God of Truth and Knowledge peer.” 苏科布愿与伟大的真理与知识之神同行。” Seeks truth of this world, seeks the deep meaning of this knowledge, seeks the ultimate answer that all witch spirit earnestly seek.” “去探索这个世界的真理,去寻求这个知识的奥义,去寻找所有巫灵渴求的终极答案。” The contract achieves. 契约达成。 The content and writing of contract fall, integrate in that spirit body life that in the book of witch spirit was born. 契约的内容和文字落下,融入了巫灵之书内诞生的那个灵体生命之内。 In transparent spirit body, was input the writing that the contract composed, grew the heart to be the same probably. 原本透明的灵体里,被输入了契约组成的文字,就好像长出了心一样。 It started talking unexpectedly. 它竟然开口说话了。 God of Truth and Knowledge Asai and apostle Sukob contract achieves.” 真理与知识之神阿赛和使徒苏科布的契约达成。” An unusual life was born. 一个奇特的生命诞生了。 But in the book of book witch spirit was born in a book that belonged to Sukob domain, a state comprised of the writing. 巫灵之书书里面诞生出了一个属于苏科布的书中领域,一个由文字组成的国度。 The snake human writing changes into the bricks and stones, the spirit of writing dwells, contracts build the palace, composed a dream domain. 蛇人的文字化为砖石,文字之灵栖息于其中,一张张契约搭建成宫殿,组成了一个梦幻的界域。 And at this moment. 而且此刻。 Gate of Truth sea ​​of ​​knowledge, branched out a seed suddenly. 真理之门知识之海,突然分出了一个种子。 Fell into the body of Sukob, he inherited God of Truth and Knowledge part of lawful rights. 落入了苏科布的身体里,他继承了真理与知识之神的一部分权柄。 Under knowledge authority, that part about writing. 知识权柄之下,关于文字的那一部分。 This is the Sukob strength basis. 这才是苏科布的力量根本。 But the contract strength of displaying, is Sukob gives the writing strength one application method, one type external presents. 而展现出来的契约力量,是苏科布赋予文字力量的一种使用方法,一种外在呈现。 From now on, he is also equal to the world the anchor on Gate of Truth, can make the spirit of writing contract through the authority of writing, responds to the contract ceremony. 从现在开始,他在人间也等于将自己锚定于真理之门上,可以通过文字的权柄制造出文字契约之灵,对契约仪式做出响应。 Then finally, gradually improve improves the authority of writing. 然后最终,将文字的权柄逐渐完善。 Improves the God of Truth and Knowledge Asai knowledge authority. 完善真理与知识之神阿赛的知识权柄。 This is the divine system significance, is the relations between god and follower. 这就是神系的意义,也是神与从者之间的关系。 The whole body sends out ray Sukob to stand in Gate of Truth, put out a hand to meet the book of own witch spirit, after opening the book, reads in that mysterious book the domain. 浑身散发着光芒的苏科布站在真理之门内,伸手接回了自己的巫灵之书,翻开书后看着那个神奇的书中领域。 Sukob handful of writes books, the spirit of writing contract that was just born also appeared before his body. 苏科布捧着书,那个刚刚诞生的文字契约之灵也出现在了他的身前。 He puts out a hand, is touching the opposite party. 他伸出手,触碰着对方。 „The spirit of writing contract.” “文字契约之灵。” I, Sukob.” “我,苏科布。” Really gave the writing at the strength.” “真的赋予了文字以力量。” But at this time, Gate of Truth suddenly presented the change. 而这个时候,真理之门突然出现了异动。 Stood Sukob and Asai under Gate of Myth feels, simultaneously looked up toward the high place. 站在神话之门下的苏科布阿赛都感觉到了,同时抬头朝着高处看去。 Through Gate of Truth. 通过真理之门 They saw situated in Dreamland most deep place a, the state in legend. 他们看到了一个位于梦界最深处的,传说之中的国度。 Infinite dream star sea, the silver moon of eternal god. 无限的梦幻星海,永恒的神之银月。 That is the Creation Divine Country scene. 那是造物神国的景象。 The concept of time as if vanished all of a sudden. 时间的概念似乎一下子消失了。 God of Truth and Knowledge and Its apostle felt oneself seemed like the flash by drawing in the boundless starry sky, was being wrapped by a great, peaceful and endless feeling. 真理与知识之神和祂的使徒感觉自己好像一瞬间被拉到了无垠的星空之中,被一种宏大、安静、无尽的感觉包裹着。 Felt oneself were being swallowed by the dark universe. 感觉自己在被黑暗的宇宙吞噬。 However that swallowed feeling lets witch spirit and god only feels so yearned, probably was melted in that endless void is also a luck, the home to return to of destiny. 但是那种被吞噬的感觉让巫灵和神祇感觉如此向往,好像被消融在那无尽的虚空也是一种幸运,命定的归宿。 Because during ablation, can see this world's true secret, greatest deep meaning. 因为在消融的同时,能够看到这个世界真正的秘密,最伟大的奥义。 Make people think dead with no regrets. 让人觉得死而无憾。 Sukob has heard this legend of moon, legend each it presents time time, is the world presents the great change the time: Moon of God!” 苏科布听过这月亮的传说,传说每一次它出现的时候,就是世界出现巨变的时刻:“神之月!” The Asai god looks at that silver moon, is the mood is more complex. 阿赛神看着那银月,更是情绪复杂。 Crown of Wisdom.” 智慧王冠。” Two person only know that wheel came from Creation Divine Country in legend indistinctly, but another person actually knows the true meaning of that wheel moon. 两个人一个只知道那轮隐约来自于传说之中的造物神国,而另一个人却知道那轮月亮的真正含义。 But unsurpassed will on Moon of God. 而位于神之月上的无上意志。 Also gazed at Sukob this mortal in this flash, is visiting them at this moment. 也在这一刹那注视到了苏科布这个凡人,此时此刻正在看着他们。 ------------------- ------------------- Creation Divine Country. 造物神国 In pyramid temple. 金字塔神殿内。 The Creation Divine Country time speed of flow and outside world are completely different, outside world in rapid change, but the years in Creation Divine Country appear slow and ease. 造物神国的时间流速和外面的世界完全不一样,外面的世界在快速变化,但是造物神国之中的岁月却显得缓慢而悠然。 Regardless what outside turns into, here probably always like that. 而且不论外面变成什么样,这里好像总是那般。 Yin Shen throws over the white long gown to stand before the window, a little girl of cheek drum drum stands in Its behind. 尹神披着白色的长袍站在窗户前,一个腮帮子鼓鼓的小女孩站在祂的身后。 With satisfied chewing sound. 伴随着满足的嘴嚼声。 Cluck!” “咕咕!” Cluck!” “咕咕!” Yin Shen puts out a hand suddenly. 尹神突然伸出手。 Two fingers grasp, pressed firmly between the fingers Moon of God in line of sight. 两个指头一握,就捏住了视线里的神之月 To people, this is a laughable behavior. 对于常人来说,这就是一个可笑的行为。 Do the people possibly grasp moon of space? 人怎么可能将天上的月亮抓下来呢? However regarding Yin Shen, is completely different. 但是对于尹神来说,就完全不一样。 In a flash. 一瞬间。 Fairy of solar sea of flowers, the female celestial of dreamland mainland, saw that moon really vanished from the space. 太阳花海的妖精,梦境大陆的仙女,都看到那月亮就真的从天上消失了。 Bottom of Creation Divine Country, near in sea storage white tower. 造物神国底部,大海边上的储物白塔上。 Female celestial foot that sits in the round tower crown edge hanging is moving the calf, but the body lies down, is lifting up high a book high. 一个坐在圆塔顶部边缘的仙女脚悬空的甩动着小腿,而身体则躺下来,高高举着一本书。 A name is " forest female celestial Gospel » book. 一本名字叫做《林中仙女的福音》的书。 She looks, but also exudes hehehe laughter. 她看的时候,还发出嘿嘿嘿的笑声。 Suddenly, the radiant bright moonlight vanished suddenly. 只是突然之间,原本璀璨明亮的月光骤然消失了。 The whole world dark. 整个世界都暗了下来。 She opens the mouth. 她张大嘴巴。 „!” “啊!” Moon did not have.” “月亮没了。” In pyramid temple. 金字塔神殿里。 That wheel vanishing silver moon was being pinched in the fingertip of Yin Shen, the card in the narrow and small slit between index finger and thumb. 那轮消失的银色月亮正被捏在了尹神的指尖,卡在了食指和大拇指之间的狭小缝隙。 Yin Shen approached, looks at Moon of God inside change before the window. 尹神凑近了一些,在窗户前看着神之月里面的变化。 The Creator vision passes Moon of God, the narrow window of that fingertip. 造物主的目光通过神之月,那指尖的一扇狭窄的窗户。 Saw window another Asai and Sukob. 看到了窗户另一头的阿赛苏科布 Some people found the method of improvement intelligent authority, improves the path of intelligent root.” “有人找到了完善智慧权柄的方法,完善智慧根源的道路。” Crown of Wisdom also felt, the intelligent authority will branch out a tiny branch.” 智慧王冠也感受到了,将智慧的权柄分出了一个细小的分支。” The intelligence source, the intelligent spiritual, the desire personality and knowledge memory four big branches, are the intelligent authority biggest four branches. 灵性本源、智慧精神、欲望人格、知识记忆四大分支,是智慧权柄最大的四个分支。 Divides downward, can branch out more strengths. 往下分去,可以分出更多的力量。 These branch minute/share of more many, more were improved, is making up is improving the root of wisdom. 这些分支分的越多,越是被完善,也同时在弥补完善着智慧的根源。 Sally collected. 莎莉凑了过来。 Her emerald-green eye looks at Moon of God, saw the tree's shadow of that moon deep place. 她翠绿色的眼睛看着神之月,看到了那月亮深处的树影。 Saw, the whisker of tree shape that intelligent root evolves extended the whole world, extended on each intelligent individual. 更看到了,那智慧根源所演化的树形态的触须延伸到了整个世界,延伸到了每一个智慧个体上。 On the tree that the intelligent root turns into is bearing four fruits, at this time on writing circulation, probably mature. 智慧根源所化成的树上结着四颗果实,此时其中一颗上面文字流转,好像成熟了一丝。 Wow!” 哇哦!” „Is It long in everyone's brain?” “祂是长在所有人的脑子里面吗?” Then attracts the thing from their brains, is quite fearful.” “然后再从他们脑子里面吸东西,好可怕。” Sally said this saying time, in the hand is grasping a metal cup. 莎莉说这话的时候,手里握着一个金属杯子。 Is taking inside drinks and fruit pulp with the straw, inciting that attracts makes noise. 正在用吸管吸食着里面的饮品和果肉,吸的滋滋作响。 !” “滋滋!” gu!” “咕!” Yin Shen looks at Sally this appearance, had not felt slightly she has to feel fearful. 尹神看着莎莉这模样,丝毫没有感觉到她有觉得可怕。 Instead is she said is attracting the thing from the brain, the behavior of attracting fruit jelly while makes an effort is more fearful. 反而是她一边说着从脑子里吸东西,一边用力的吸果冻的行为更可怕。 Although sounds somewhat terrifying, but Sally said does not miscalculate. 虽然听上去有些恐怖,但是莎莉说的也不算错。 The intelligent root takes root above all intelligent individuals, or the innumerable wisdom gather in together, is Crown of Wisdom and intelligent root. 智慧根源就是扎根于所有智慧个体之上,或者说无数个智慧汇聚在一起,就是智慧王冠和智慧根源。 All intelligent species are extending of Crown of Wisdom strength, these God, are snake human, winged human and demon monster. 所有智慧种都是智慧王冠力量的延伸,不论是那些神明,还是蛇人翼人魔怪 Was this royal crown gave world wisdom. 是这顶王冠赋予了世间智慧。 But they when develop the intelligent principle strength, is improving Crown of Wisdom. 而他们在开拓智慧法则力量的时候,也同时在完善着智慧王冠 Yin Shen also knows that she is making trouble, but then said. 尹神也知道她在捣蛋,但是还是接着说道。 Was Crown of Wisdom gave everyone the wisdom, is maintaining the revolution of intelligent system.” “是智慧王冠赋予了所有人智慧,然后维持着智慧体系的运转。” All intelligent species are part in this system.” “所有的智慧种都是这个体系上的一部分。” Sally also penetrates that window, saw face that Asai and Sukob are gaining ground. 莎莉也透过那扇窗户,看到了阿赛苏科布抬着头的脸。 „!” “啊!” Also had short-lived intelligent species to live long?” “又有个短命的智慧种要活得长一些了吗?” With this method described that the mortal becomes half god, it is estimated that also only then she. 用这种方法来形容凡人成为半神的,估计也只有她了。 Yin Shen nods: Lawful right branches out, the knowledge authority god under of writing is going to appear.” 尹神点了点头:“权柄分出,知识权柄下的文字之神将要出现了。” According to the development of strength, can develop for the god of contract, calls it the god of writing and contract. 按照力量的拓展,也可以拓展为契约之神,称之为文字与契约之神。 Also can extend again. 或者也可以再延伸一下。 For example the writing and contract and legal code god , the writing and contract, poetry god and wait/etc. 例如文字与契约、法典之神,文字与契约、诗歌之神等等。 The contract is the one utilization of writing authority, but also has more possibilities to develop. 契约不过是文字权柄的一种利用方式,还有着更多的可能性去开拓。 The fission of knowledge authority, the soon maturity of intelligent fruit. 知识权柄的分裂,智慧果实的即将成熟。 Indicates that will present first world wisdom divine system. 预示着将会出现第一个人间智慧神系 When the intelligence, wisdom, desire and knowledge four authority which lawful rights are born new myth, is equal to divine system radical opening, clears and competition to a higher path, the intelligent fruit will also descend at that time. 当灵性、智慧、欲望、知识四个权柄哪个权柄诞生出新的神话,就等于一个神系彻底开启,也开通通往更高的道路和竞争,智慧果实也会在那个时候降落。 Said like Yin Shen like that. 如同尹神所说的那般。 When the old god develops the new path for the new time, the intelligent fruit will then arrive at the world. 当旧神为新的时代开拓出新的道路的时候,智慧果实便会降临人间。 However Yin Shen at this time. 不过尹神在这个时候。 Also saw divine system another issue. 也看到了神系的另一个问题。 Sukob is the Asai apostle, scheduled follower God. 苏科布阿赛的使徒,预定的从者神明 The relations between god and retinue and apostle not only nominal, in some sense, Sukob is also the extending of Asai strength and will. 神和仆从、使徒之间的关系不仅仅是名义上的,从某种意义上,苏科布也是阿赛力量和意志的延伸。 Even if he became the god, was so. 哪怕他成为神了,也是如此。
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