IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#357 Part 2: Epoch the road of half god

Sukob looked that grand somewhat regretted, as the he of elder and teacher ridicules own student to say prosperously. 苏科布看隆有些遗憾,身为长者和老师的他揶揄自己的学生隆说道。 Or do you also try?” “要不你也去试试?” Why has a look unable to succeed? The teacher I record the experiment for you personally, guarantees your leaving a good name annals.” “看看为什么不能成功?老师我亲自为你记录实验,保证你留名史册。” Heard that the female celestial lives in Creation Divine Country, perhaps you follow the channel, drilled to Creation Divine Country in goes?” “听说仙女可是住在造物神国的,你说不定就顺着通道,一路钻到造物神国里面去了呢?” grand Lima rejects. 隆立马拒绝。 „It is not necessary.” “大可不必。” „Will my such just person, how possibly have that type in the fairyland of female celestial Sir to steal the thing the thoughts?” “我这样的正义之人,怎么可能会起那种去仙女大人的仙境里偷东西的心思呢?” Can have this thoughts is the despicable villains, my grand Keshi is frank and upright.” “能够起这种心思的都是卑鄙小人,我隆可是光明正大的。” Spouted rhetoric prosperously, the road has walked actually narrowly. 隆大放厥词,实则路已经走窄了。 The people in city salute toward two people in abundance. 城市里的人纷纷朝着两人行礼。 Especially to is Sukob of head, many people crawl directly on the ground, almost with worshipping the etiquette of God treated the opposite party. 尤其是对为首的苏科布,不少人直接匍匐在地上,几乎用朝拜神明的礼仪来对待对方了。 Prosperous immediately and Sukob mentioned a matter, Sukob, although knows, but has had no matter of statement. 隆立刻和苏科布说起了一件事情,苏科布虽然知道但是一直没有任何表态的事情。 „The people in city prepared to found a nation.” “城里的人准备建国了。” They also that place that wants the Evel person to be once at recruit the people of these tribes, somewhat wants to lead the person, east side goes to expand to Fire Demon Swamp.” “他们还想要去曾经爱维尔人所在的那片地方去招募那些部落的人,有些想要带着人,去东边向火魔沼泽扩张。” These places were once ten thousand snake royal court with the poor place that did not care about, lived is basically staying the backward tribe condition in the people in these places. 这些地方都是曾经万蛇王庭不要和不在乎的贫苦之地,居住在这些地方的人都基本保持着落后的部落状态。 The writing that person even/including Shemu of some places hand down lost, because the voice of speech isolates with the outside world for a long time, evolves outside person unable to understand. 有些地方的人连蛇母传下的文字都失去了,说话的话音因为和外界长久隔绝,演变得外面的人都听不懂。 „The country of witch spirit.” 巫灵之国。” They prepare to give this name for the new country, how do you feel?” “他们准备为新国家取这个名字,您觉得怎么样?” Sukob shook the head, rejected this name. 苏科布摇头,拒绝了这个名字。 „It is not good, sounds seems like the witch spirit dependency.” “不好,听上去像是巫灵的附庸。” Prosperous amazed incomparable: But this country is you, is under the support of witch spirit establishes.” 隆惊诧无比:“可是这个国家是您,是巫灵的支持下建立起来的。” Sukob asked prosperously: Therefore I abandoned such big strength, to let you establishes a dependency in witch spirit and my country, establishes a country that does not have the hope and driving force?” 苏科布问隆:“所以我废了这么大力气,就是为了让你们建立起一个附庸在巫灵和我身上的国家,建立一个毫无希望和前进动力的国家吗?” I do not need country like this, what meaning do they give this name are?” “我才不需要这样的国家,他们取这个名字是什么意思?” They tie up from now henceforth completely on my body, making me open up territory to develop the earth for them, even makes the god arrange all for them?” “他们从今以后就完全绑在我的身上,让我替他们开疆拓土,甚至让神替他们安排好一切吗?” That such country regarding witch spirit, is useless regarding God.” “那这样的国家对于巫灵,对于神明来说毫无用处。” Sukob understands, the god wants is less followers, is not many world domain believes It. 苏科布明白,神要的不是更多的信徒,也不是更多的人间领地去信仰祂。 What the gods want is from these followers, seeks for these to be able with his tourmate. 神要的是从那些信徒之中,寻找到那些能够和他同行的人。 Rather than like the state of dead situation. 而不是一个如同一潭死水的国度。 If they really want to establish a new country, from the beginning is prepared to support oneself self sufficient, thinks how will be good to lead everyone to develop the future.” “如果他们真的想要建立一个新国家的话,一开始就要准备好自足自立,就想好怎么带领所有人开拓未来。” How the kingdom of mundane world should be founded, that is their things.” “世俗世界的王国该怎么建立,那是他们的事情。” We are the apostle and retinue of god, we are carry out the will of god to walk in the society, seeks for these to be willing to believe the God person, seeking to be willing with the God tourmate.” “我们是神的使徒和仆从,我们是执行神的意志行走于人世间,寻找那些愿意信仰神明的人,寻找愿意和神明同行的人。” This world rapidly is changing, in the future witch spirit will not limit some in place, but will walk in the all over the world.” “这个世界正在快速的变化,将来巫灵也不会局限于某个地方,而是会行走于世界各地。” I can tell them.” “我可以告诉他们。” Later witch spirit will not limit some in place, will not limit to this wilderness.” “以后的巫灵不会局限于某一个地方,不会局限于这片荒原。” witch spirit is not the domain aristocrat, God is not their kings, needs to defend this little plot of land.” 巫灵不是领地贵族,神明也不是他们的国王,需要守着这一亩三分地。” Can see that Sukob is changing. 可以看到苏科布正在发生着改变。 From starting rejects the change, goes out of own comfortable circle by the present on own initiative, attempts to observe this world, even wants to use own idea and strength affects this world. 从开始的拒绝改变,到现在主动来走出自己的舒适圈,尝试着来观察着这个世界,甚至想要用自己的想法和力量来影响这个世界。 After all, beforehand he is only a follower. 毕竟,之前的他只是一个信徒。 But present he, is one prepares God. 而现在的他,是一个预备神明 Looks at Sukob prosperously. 隆看着苏科布 Teacher.” “老师。” You is a sage.” “您是位贤者。” Sukob smiles, following walked into own laboratory- 苏科布笑了笑,接下来一步不停的走入了自己的实验室- In laboratory. 实验室内。 In front of Sukob massive books changes, even can see the writing in these books to live to be the same probably is hovering. 苏科布面前大量的书籍翻动,甚至可以看到那些书籍之内的文字好像活过来一样在游动。 In Sukob front handbook wrote down many ideas and propositions, but majority crossed out finally. 苏科布面前的手册上写下了很多种想法和提议,但是大部分最后都划掉了。 At this moment. 此刻。 He a feasibility of experiment and deduction method. 他就正在实验和推演其中一种方法的可行性。 „The Path of Wisdom core is the reincarnations of intelligence, wisdom, desires and knowledge four steps, uses at the beginning of the reincarnation and life strength, derives new blood of myth.” 智慧之路的核心就是灵性、智慧、欲望、知识四个步骤的转生,利用转生和生命之初的力量,衍生出新的神话之血。” Reincarnation time and time again, can become God finally.” “一次又一次的转生,就可以最终成为神明。” „Can I branch out massive consciousness one time, simultaneously reincarnation dozens over a hundred, even thousand ten thousand times?” “我可以不可以一次分出大量的意识,同时转生数十上百,甚至千次万次呢?” However thinks, Sukob shakes the head. 但是想了一下,苏科布摇了摇头。 Splits so many new consciousness, so many new life bodies.” “分裂出这么多个新的意识,这么多个新的生命体。” Whom finally can distinguish is the main body, who does clone?” “最后能够分辨出谁是主体,谁是分身吗?” Sukob felt, before should have the person to think of this clone means that but should no one dare to do that. 苏科布觉得,之前应该不是没有人去想到过这种分身的办法,但是应该没有人敢这么去做。 He considers final, crossed out this plan. 他考虑最后,还是将这个方案划掉了。 At this time. 这个时候。 He inscribed a new plan. 他又写上了一种新的方案。 Sukob these goes to the endless vast desert time, saw numerous demon spirit, after seeing Eliana . 苏科布这一次前往无尽沙海,看到了众多魔灵,看到了爱莲娜之后。 Had many novel ideas. 有了很多新奇的想法。 Sukob takes the manages pen, drew in Demon Abyss royal city on a paper these ancient demon spirit appearances. 苏科布拿着管笔,在一张纸上画下了魔渊王城中那些古代魔灵的模样。 „The unusual body of blood of myth casting.” 神话之血铸造的超凡身躯。” Mental consciousness circulation birth.” “精神意识循环诞生。” „Can the demon spirit immortal shape, regard as is the shape of another reincarnation?” 魔灵的永生形态,是不是就可以视为是另外一种转生的形态呢?” Is incomplete, an incomplete reincarnation shape.” “一个不完整的,一个残缺的转生形态。” Just this life body, because has not arrived fourth-order, does not have the complete Path of Wisdom secret technique, therefore each death diverged the strength, then derived, process of oneself not that infinite accumulation.” “只不过这种生命体因为没有到达四阶,也没有完整的智慧之路秘术,所以它们每一次死亡都是将力量散去,然后重新衍生,自身没有那种无限积累的过程。” Sukob when saw these demon spirit at that time, felt oneself could profit from this mysterious life form. 苏科布在当时看到那些魔灵的时候,就觉得自己或许可以借鉴这种神奇的生命形态。 If I treat as the body that the book of my witch spirit does not die, with the aid of the ghost life form, unifies the Path of Wisdom reincarnation method.” “如果我把我巫灵之书当做不死的躯壳,借助幽魂生命形态,结合智慧之路的转生法。” Lets in the book of witch spirit the unceasing birth new memories, a new special life body.” “让巫灵之书中不断的诞生出一个又一个新的记忆体,一个新的特殊生命体。” Makes it grow, mature, finished until the life.” “让它成长,成熟,直到生命结束。” Strength returns in the book of witch spirit again.” “力量再回归于巫灵之书内。” „Did the reincarnation who can jump over first another, find to replace the reincarnation law the means?” “是不是就可以跳过一世又一世的转生,找到代替转生法的办法?” I do not need to accumulate the intelligence, wisdom and desire three parts, so long as the unceasing accumulation knowledge and memory 1/4 strengths, first arrived in the myth threshold after the incomplete circulation, then finds the way to turn head to make up when the time comes.” “我不用积累灵性、智慧、欲望三个部分,只要不断的积累知识和记忆的四分之一的力量,用残缺的循环先抵达了神话的门槛之后,再到时候想办法回过头来弥补。” Sukob is very excited, can see the hand that he writes became quick one time. 苏科布很激动,可以看到他写字的手都变得快了一倍。 Sukob does not know. 苏科布不知道。 His this inspirational present method, not no one had previously also used. 他这个灵感一现的方法,此前也并不是没有人使用过。 original sin evil god similar. 原罪邪神肖。 Is such from last era, arrives at this era. 就是这么从上一个纪元,来到这一个纪元。 The opposite party are so at the incomplete strength, condensed the Gate of Intelligent position standard to come. 对方就是如此以残缺的力量,凝聚出了灵性之门的位格来的。 Finally. 只是最后。 similar knocked down the position of half god, becomes the myth item from half god. 肖被人打落了半神之位,从半神成为了神话道具。 Cup of God sequence 3 abyss. 神之杯序列三深渊。 However similar had shown, this method is indeed feasible. 但是肖已经证明,这个方法的确是可行的。 But the Sukob method, made some improvements and improvements above this method. 苏科布的方法,是在这个方法之上又做出了一些改进和完善。 Sukob more is more, the idea about this new Path of Wisdom is also more perfect. 苏科布越想越多,关于这个新的智慧之路的想法也就越完善。 „The book of witch spirit is a body that my intelligence root, the intelligent spiritual and desire personality three parts compose.” 巫灵之书就是我的灵性根源、智慧精神、欲望人格三部分组成的一个身躯。” I can expedite a new memory unceasingly, making it repeat this step.” “我可以不断的催生出一个新的记忆体,让它重复这一步。” What memory should I give them?” “我应该赋予他们什么样的记忆?” My memory?” “我自身的记忆?” Sukob shakes the head: No no no, this will have problems.” 苏科布摇摇头:“不不不,这会出问题的。” Sukob thought of anything, before him, has had idea. 苏科布想到了什么,一个他之前有过的想法。 Long ago he has thought an idea, he hopes strength that the matter that oneself achieved, can have. 很久以前他曾经想過的一个想法,一个他希望自己做到的事情,能够拥有的力量。 If some people can give the contract strength, then this world was given the order.” “如果有人能夠赋予契约力量的话,那么这个世界是不是就被赋予了秩序。” But perhaps now, he really can give the contract at the strength. 而如今,他或许真的能够赋予契约以力量。 Sukob stood suddenly, the eye shines shouted loudly. 苏科布突然站了起来,眼睛放光的大声喊了出来。 Contract?” “契约?” „The mission of contract?” “契约的使命?” Sukob thought of a method. 苏科布想到了一个方法。 Establishes a ceremony, a contract ceremony. 设置一个仪式,一个契约仪式。 When the mortal forms this contract with the aid of own strength, uses this contract the writing, the memory and mission of contract makes this in the book of witch spirit is similar to the ghost remembers specially spirit body. 在凡人借助自己力量形成这个契约的时候,利用这段契约的文字,契约的记忆和使命在巫灵之书内制造出这个类似于幽魂的特殊记忆灵体 He is born because of the contract, his duty is the inspector general, inspects and completes this contract. 他因为契约而诞生,他的任务就是监督、视察、完成这段契约。 Finally because the contract achieves to dissipate. 最终因为契约达成而消散。 This is this remembers specially the spirit body mission, his life. 这就是这个特殊记忆灵体的使命,他的一生。 Finally. 最后。 Innumerable completed the mission and lifetime memory spirit body returns, changes into the Sukob strength. 无数的完成了使命和一生的记忆灵体归来,重新化为苏科布的力量。 „The book of witch spirit.” 巫灵之书。” Sukob summons the book of own witch spirit in laboratory, Sukob wants to attempt immediately. 苏科布在实验室里召唤出自己的巫灵之书,苏科布立刻想要尝試一下。 Whether his idea can succeed. 他这个想法能否成功。 Must first look that he can make this type to be him alone, belongs to book of witch spirit and witch spirit alone. 要先看他能够制造出这种独属于他,独属于巫灵巫灵之书的。 The special spirit body life structure comes. 特殊的灵体生命结构来。 Sukob the book of witch spirit is a myth organ, using the special myth appliance that Gate of Truth builds. 苏科布巫灵之书就是一个神话器官,一个利用真理之门打造出的特殊神话器具。 However is different from three leaves human the brain shape myth organ of first generation, three leaves human is balanced, intelligence, wisdom, desire and knowledge four balance of power fusions in one. 不过和三叶人的第一代的大脑形态神话器官不一样,三叶人是均衡的,将灵性、智慧、欲望、知识四份力量均衡融合在了一起。 But the book of witch spirit built the book of main body witch spirit with the intelligence, wisdom and desire, but its main force was used to record, is used to display the acme the strength of knowledge. 巫灵之书就是用灵性、智慧、欲望打造出了巫灵之书主体,而它的主要力量是用来记录,用来将知识的力量发挥到極致。 „It is not good.” “不行。” This was the attempt of road to becoming a God, w. attempts is too dangerous rashly here.” “这是成神之路的尝试,w.贸然在这里尝试太危险了。” Once is defeated, possibly is not the irrecoverable aspect.” “一旦失败,可能就是无法挽回的局面。” The experiment of Powerful is extremely dangerous, this also why witch spirit constructed this mausoleum chamber, the reason of Alchemy technique construction test bed. 权能者的实验是极度危险的,这也是为什么巫灵建造了这座地宫,炼金术建造试验塔的原因。 Not only to prevent spying on and intrusion of bystander, to prevent experiment, once loses control, that aspect is inconceivable. 不仅仅是为了防止外人的窥探和闯入,更为了防止实验一旦失控,那种局面是难以想象的。 But the Sukob current experiment and attempt, have overstepped the controllable range. 苏科布目前的实验和尝试,已经超越了可控范围。 Sukob thought of God of Truth and Knowledge Asai. 苏科布想到了真理与知识之神阿赛 He kneels on the ground immediately, looks up drew the shadow to the Spiritual God in vault. 他立刻跪在了地上,抬起头看向了穹顶上的神灵绘影。 Sought the direction of God. 寻求起了神明的指引。 He wants under the asylum of God, completes this attempt. 他想要在神明的庇护下,完成这一次尝试。 Grasps the god of truth, the control of books and knowledge, the Asai god of eternal return!” “掌握真理之神,书籍与知识的主宰,永恒轮回的阿赛神!” As a god song sang, the vault colored drawing on pottery light on god country fell, according to the body of Sukob. 随着神名的颂唱,穹顶彩绘上的神国之光落下,照在了苏科布的身上。
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