IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#357 Part 1: Epoch the road of half god

Endless vast desert. 无尽沙海。 Two people walk in the desert, but walks with the both legs, uses the tail. 两个人行走在沙漠之中,只是一个用双腿走路,一个用尾巴。 In which youth opened the mouth: Teacher!” 其中的青年开口了:“老师!” How with the feeling that the foot does walk?” “用脚走路的感觉怎么样?” Because he noticed that the teacher steps on to fall, in this type of desert, is the tail of snake human probably is instead more practical. 因为他看到老师踩进去就陷进去一下,在这种沙漠之中,反而是蛇人的尾巴好像更实用一些。 Usually he envies this shape to envy seriously, but now he discovers a discomfort of this shape finally. 平时他羡慕这种形态羡慕得不得了,而现在他终于发现了一个这种形态的不便之处了。 The teacher of youth replied: Good.” 青年的老师回答:“好极了。” Has two tails probably.” “就好像有两条尾巴。” The youth cover the head immediately: „, This analogy may be really disgusting, no one wants to grow two tails.” 青年立刻捂住了头:“啊,这比喻可真恶心,没有谁想要长出两条尾巴。” You should describe this shape with a greater adjective.” “您应该用一个更伟大的形容词来描述这种形态。” This is form of God.” “这可是神之形态。” The teacher said: God is not because shape of God is great, because this appearance is the shape of god, was therefore called greatly.” 老师说:“神不是因为神之形伟大,而是因为这种模样是神的形态,才所以被人称之为伟大。” God what shape, does not affect their greatness.” “神不论是什么形态,都不影响他们的伟岸。” „Regardless how you described, the god is a god.” “不论你怎么去形容,神就是神。” The youth said the teacher, he does not dare to discuss God like the teacher. 青年说不过老师,他也不敢像老师一样谈论神明 After all his teacher saw various group of God, not like him. 毕竟他的老师可是见惯了各路神明的,不像他。 The teacher also asked the student. 老师又问学生。 Prosperous!” “隆!” You thought that what the god should be?” “你觉得神应该是什么样的?” The youth thought for quite a while: Benevolent? Great? Shelters the mortal?” 青年想了半天:“仁慈?伟岸?庇护凡人?” The teacher nods: This indeed is God in mortal eyes.” 老师点了点头:“这的确是凡人眼中的神明。” The youth also asked: What then true God is?” 青年又问:“那么真正的神明是什么样的?” The teacher told him: God does not change because of the will of mortal, It wants benevolently, then can be benevolent, It wants greatly, then can be great.” 老师告诉他:“神不因凡人的意志而改变,祂想要仁慈,便可以仁慈,祂想要伟岸,便可以伟岸。” As for asylum mortal, so long as It wants, that then.” “至于庇护凡人,只要祂愿意,那便可以。” It does not do that with the Greek wing because of mortal's hope, because It is willing to do that.” “祂不是因为凡人的祈求和希翼而这么做,而是因为祂本来就愿意这么做。” However after speaking these words, Sukob also then said one. 但是说完这句话之后,苏科布又接着说了一句。 The God that you said that I like very much.” “不过你说的这种神明,我很喜欢。” He even said one in innermost feelings: If some day I can become God, I must become such God.” 他甚至在内心里说了一句:“如果有一天我能够成为神明,我要成为这样的神明。” The one who has shape of God is God of Truth and Knowledge apostle Sukob, another is the Sukob student swells. 拥有神之形的是真理与知识之神的使徒苏科布,另一个是苏科布的学生隆。 They follow the will of god to arrive at that mysterious Demon Abyss royal city of vast desert deep place, carries out the decree of god. 他们遵循神的意志来到沙海深处的那座神秘的魔渊王城,执行神的旨意。 Under that grand Gate of Truth, the great light shadow was saying to Sukob. 在那宏伟的真理之门下,伟岸的光影对着苏科布说。 If you thought that confused, can go to Demon Abyss royal city to have a look.” “如果你觉得迷茫的话,可以去魔渊王城看看。” There has the most ancient secret.” “那里有着最古老的秘密。” Has soon will ascend a height to get a broad view ancient existence of myth.” “有着即将登临神话的古老存在。” In there, you may find to inspire your thing, found to belong to your road to becoming a God.” “在那里,你可能会找到能够启发你的东西,找到属于你的成神之路。” The god was to Sukob said that therefore he arrived at this death vast desert. 神是这么对苏科布说的,于是他就来到了这片死亡沙海。 Finally. 终于。 They in everywhere yellow sand, saw that drifting from place to place mysterious city. 他们在漫天黄沙之中,看到了那个飘忽不定的神秘城市。 The heavy/thick city gate opened, reveals behind filled ancient and foreign land aura great city. 厚重的城门打开,露出了后面充满了古老和异域气息的巨城。 All kinds of unusual demon spirit appeared in the front of two people. 各种各样的奇特魔灵出现在了两个人的面前。 The metal body can move mannequin that can also speak, in the glass bulb is burning existence of flaming flame. 金属身躯能够活动还能够说话的人偶,玻璃壳里面燃烧着熊熊火焰的存在。 With the ceramics jar same life body, as well as circles like the kite in sky demon spirit. 和个陶瓷罐子一样的生命体,以及像风筝一样盘旋在天空的魔灵 Sukob and young student looks at this fantasy kingdom, showed the surprised expression. 苏科布和青年学生看着这个奇幻的王国,都露出了惊奇的表情。 „A demon spirit clan.” 魔灵一族。” In this world really also really has this mysterious life.” “这世界上竟然还真的有这种神奇的生灵。” Each life body in city is the unusual spirit, it is said that they will not die, after consciousness annihilation, will be born from the body the new consciousness. 城市里的每个生命体都是超凡之灵,据说他们还不会死去,意识湮灭之后会从身体里诞生出新的意识。 If not haggle over too, perhaps this can also can be called is an eternal life. 如果不去计较太多的话,这或许也能够称得上是一种永生。 Sukob does not know why remembered Path of Wisdom to become the god secret technique suddenly, he always thought that the shape of this life and became some part of god secret technique somewhat similarly. 苏科布不知道为什么突然想起了智慧之路成神秘术,他总觉得这种生灵的形态和成神秘术的某一部分有些相似。 Sukob does not know. 苏科布并不知道。 The demon monster initial birth then came from in the Samoll family's immortal secret technique. 魔怪最初的诞生便是源自于萨莫家族的永生秘术。 Because demon monster first ancestor Haru explores the eternal life born , has the complicated relations with Path of Wisdom. 魔怪始祖哈鲁探索永生而诞生,和智慧之路之间也有着千丝万缕的关系。 But demon spirit, is Eliana makes on the demon monster foundation. 魔灵,则是爱莲娜在魔怪的基础之上制造出来的。 Two people walk toward inside , many demon spirit are greeting to them, two people look very popular. 两个人朝着里面走去,也有不少魔灵都在向他们打招呼,两个人看起来挺受欢迎的。 The bystander who because can arrive at this city are not indeed many, each arrival naturally can receive the attention of demon spirit. 因为能够来到这座城市的外人的确不多,每一个到来者自然会受到魔灵们的关注。 God of Truth and Knowledge apostle, hello/you good.” Metal mannequin sits in the roadside, is waving to Sukob. 真理与知识之神的使徒,你好啊。”一个金属人偶坐在路边,对着苏科布挥手。 Said that this name, then also said with nearby friend. 说完了这个名字,然后又和一旁的朋友说道。 Is calls this name?” “是叫这个名字是吧?” His name is good to be long!” “他名字好长啊!” Friend reply: This is not the name, was said that he was some God apostle.” 朋友回答:“这不是名字,是说他是某个神明的使徒。” Sukob also returns a courtesy, said: Hello.” 苏科布也回礼,说道:“您好。” demon spirit that seems like the child jumped to arrive in front of Sukob, stared at him to look at for quite a while, had not spoken. 一个看上去像是小孩子的魔灵蹦蹦跳跳来到了苏科布面前,盯着他看了半天,一直没有说话。 Finally ran directly, is running while is saying. 最后直接跑了,一边跑着一边说着。 „The apostle of this time, seems like also does not have any special!” “这个时代的使徒,看起来好像也没有什么特别的嘛!” Missed with Sir Eliana far.” “和爱莲娜大人差远了。” Sukob stared by the opposite party was looking at for quite a while, but also thinks that the opposite party is asks himself to have anything, the result is this, makes him unable to bear be able help laughing. 苏科布被对方盯着看了半天,还以为对方是找自己有什么事情,结果是这样,也让他忍不住哑然失笑。 The Sukob student is prosperous, although in the surface did not say, but thought these demon spirit somewhat offend oneself teacher. 苏科布的学生隆虽然面上不说,但是还是觉得这些魔灵有些冒犯自己的老师。 They did not have the politeness.” “他们太没有礼貌了。” Teacher!” “老师!” However Sukob does not care at all actually, instead thought that these demon spirit are very interesting. 不过苏科布倒是毫不在意,反而觉得这些魔灵挺有趣的。 Politeness?” “礼貌?” Before them, we are the younger generation.” “在他们面前,我们才是晚辈。” Sukob knows, a these ancient demon spirit casual coming out status possibly is above oneself imagination, which God even can with have the relations. 苏科布知道,这些古代魔灵随便拉一个出来身份都可能是超乎自己的想象,甚至能够和哪一位神明扯上关系。 The construction structure of this city is interesting. 这座城市的建筑结构非常有意思。 Everywhere is the steps and bridge. 到处都是阶梯和廊桥。 Time, shuttles back and forth probably in a three-dimensional labyrinth. 上上下下的时候,就好像穿梭在一个立体的迷宫之中。 Above has many interesting demon spirit, some to a Sukob lecture of story, or invite a Sukob lecture of story. 一路之上有着不少有趣的魔灵,有的会给苏科布讲故事,或者请苏科布讲故事。 Also some people can make the transaction with Sukob, received exchange thing that this states cannot see, but the thing that they take is rarer. 还有人会和苏科布做交易,换取一些这个国度看不到的东西,而他们拿出来的东西则更加稀罕。 Hey, the apostle, what can you?” “喂,使徒,你会些什么呢?” „Do you from outside, what interesting story have?” “你从外面来的,有没有什么有趣的故事吗?” What interesting thing do you have? I can exchange with you.” “你有没有什么有趣的东西呢?我可以和你交换。” Two people experienced after the character and style of this strange kingdom, finally arrived at the royal palace to pay a visit here King demon spirit and Queen demon spirit. 两人见识了这个奇异王国的风情过后,终于来到王宫拜见了这里的魔灵国王和魔灵王后。 The average people do not have the qualifications to see King demon spirit and queen, the Sukob status is good, cannot be reluctantly ordinary. 普通人是没有资格见到魔灵国王和王后的,不过苏科布的身份还好,勉强算得上是不普通。 Sukob said own purpose in coming, the opposite party has the God decree to come regarding him is not surprised. 苏科布说出了自己的来意,对方对于他是带着神明旨意而来的并不惊奇。 „Do you want to see Sir Eliana?” “你想要见爱莲娜大人?” She not necessarily met with you.” “她不一定会见您。” Sukob: Hopes that you can transmit my request for me.” 苏科布:“希望您能够替我传递我的请求。” However finally Sukob entered the god territory of demon spirit pyramid deep place, saw this city truly control. 但是最后苏科布还是进入了魔灵金字塔深处的神域,见到了这座城市真正的掌控者。 Outside Temple of Insai, Sukob has not gone. 因赛神殿外,苏科布没有进去。 The opposite party walked from temple. 对方从神殿里面走出来了。 Turned into demon spirit mannequin Eliana, even if has not been throwing over the armor, but is throwing over an ordinary cape. 变成了魔灵人偶的爱莲娜哪怕没有披着铠甲,只是披着一副普通的斗篷。 However the Ruhul treasured sword of her waist revealed that Ruhul's aura and her ancient pressure dominate here, made people feel the huge constriction. 但是她腰间的鲁赫宝剑显露了出来的时候,鲁赫的气息和她本身的古老威压凌驾于这里,还是让人感觉到了巨大的压迫感。 Sukob salutes, looks up the opposite party. 苏科布行礼,抬头看着对方。 Sir Eliana.” “爱莲娜大人。” demon spirit mannequin Eliana also raised the head, solid empty two faces look at Sukob. 魔灵人偶爱莲娜也抬起头来,一实一虚两张面庞看着苏科布 First opens the mouth, is that illusory face. 首先开口的,是那张虚幻的面庞。 Asai god?” 阿赛神?” Is the Haru student, Anhofos!” “是哈鲁的学生,安霍福斯吧!” Eliana knows certainly Anhofos, when most starts, she has not known the Anhofos complete status. 爱莲娜当然知道安霍福斯,只是在最开始的时候,她还并不知道安霍福斯的全部身份。 She at that time was also only when Anhofos was only an ordinary student, Eliana even also gave Anhofos to take the divine spell core curriculum personally. 她那个时候还只是当安霍福斯只是一个普通的学生,爱莲娜甚至还亲自给安霍福斯上过神术基础课程。 Sukob: He is the Asai god.” 苏科布:“他是阿赛神。” Eliana nods: I remember him, that does not like speaking, always sits the small fellow in corner.” 爱莲娜点头:“我记得他,那个不喜欢说话,总是坐在角落里的小个子。” Royal power blood Samoll family end lineage, direct line bloodlines of King of Wisdom ledlicki, crazy king grandson.” “王权血裔萨莫家族的末裔,智慧之王莱德利基的直系血脉,疯狂之王的孙子。” He is a talent, with his teacher Haru same is a talent.” “他是个天才,和他的老师哈鲁一样是个天才。” He started the disaster of evil god, was also submerged by the disaster including oneself, finally escaped from the crevice of death.” “他掀起了邪神之灾,连自己也被灾难所淹没,最后又从死亡的夹缝里逃了回来。” He thinks that oneself can control all, regards his test facility this world, treats as a farce.” “他以为自己能够掌控一切,将这个世界当成他的试验场,当做一场闹剧。” Also was actually treated as an experiment by others finally, degenerated into a play in others eyes.” “却最终也被别人当做一场实验,沦为了别人眼中的一场戏剧。” Eliana fell into the recollection: Their such talents what's the matter?” 爱莲娜陷入了回忆:“他们这样的天才都是怎么回事?” Why will always cause the disasters, causes the tragedies?” “为什么总是会弄出一场又一场灾难,导致一场又一场悲剧?” Because has to exceed the common talent, has the unequalled ability and wisdom.” “正是因为拥有超越寻常的天赋,拥有着无与伦比的才智。” Therefore they always choose the path that these average men will not choose absolutely, they always think oneself will grasp all, always believes oneself certainly are correct, and absolutely succeeds.” “所以他们才总是选择那些常人绝对不会选择的道路,他们总以为自己会掌握一切,总坚信自己一定是正确的并且绝对成功。” But finally, because actually their talents and suffer the bitter fruit proudly.” “但是最终,却因为他们的天才和自傲而遭受苦果。” Eliana remembered Haru, has a not talking clearly mood to well up. 爱莲娜想起了哈鲁,有着一种说不清的情绪涌上心头。 Haru is in their three smallest that small time Haru always follows in Eliana's side, he very little time father died. 哈鲁是他们三个之中最小的那一个,小的时候哈鲁总是跟在爱莲娜的身边,他很小的时候父亲就死了。 Therefore he likes following very much side Sandan, Eliana and Lane, small time he is very mischievous. 所以他很喜欢跟在桑德安、爱莲娜和蓝恩身边,小的时候他还很调皮。 Haru has the talent very much, can say that has the talent compared with Lane. 哈鲁很有天分,可以说比蓝恩更有天分。 Sandan regards own son Haru, prepares to leave him own all. 桑德安哈鲁当成自己的儿子,准备将自己的一切都留给他。 No one has thought. 只是谁也没有想到。 The result of story can be such. 故事的结局会是那样。 Anhofos, without him.” 安霍福斯,如果没有他的话。” Haru will not turn into such.” 哈鲁不会变成那样。” If were not he gave Haru the Samoll family's immortal secret technique, perhaps Haru will not go astray, will not fall into crazily, the teacher will not die.” “如果不是他将萨莫家族的永生秘术给了哈鲁,哈鲁说不定就不会走入歧途,就不会陷入疯狂,老师也就不会死。” He lit the Haru ambition, but Haru also left him own spell.” “他点燃了哈鲁的野心,而哈鲁也将自己的魔咒留给了他。” They march into together crazily, welcomed the same fate and result.” “他们一同步入疯狂,也迎来了相同的下场和结局。” Sukob heard some ancient myth and hearsay, he also heard the Asai god to have another name Anhofos, but the Asai god actually never has to acknowledge oneself are Anhofos. 苏科布又听到了一些古老的神话和传闻,他也曾经听闻过阿赛神有着另外一个名字安霍福斯,但是阿赛神却从来没有承认自己就是安霍福斯 Sukob then said again: „The Asai god is the Asai god.” 苏科布便再说了一遍:“阿赛神是阿赛神。” Anhofos that you said that is Anhofos.” “您说的安霍福斯,是安霍福斯。” „The Asai god It wants to help you , helping you mount the position of myth.” 阿赛神祂想要帮助您,助你登上神话之位。” Moreover It wants to remind you.” “而且祂想要提醒您。” original sin evil god similar has been paying attention to you, is very likely has what conspiracy and clever trick.” “原罪邪神肖一直在关注着您,很有可能是有什么阴谋和诡计。” Eliana heard an agitated name, she indifferent expression moved slightly, as if starts becomes not quite happy. 爱莲娜又听到了一个让人烦躁的名字,她原本冷漠的表情微微动了一下,似乎心情开始变得不太好。 similar!” “肖!” Is a crazy fellow.” “又是一个疯狂的家伙。” He kills the Lane crime, will never finish.” “他杀死蓝恩的罪,永远不会结束。” Thanks his reminder for me.” “替我谢谢他的提醒。” „The help that you said that does not need.” “不过你说的帮助,不必了。” Eliana rather reached out Ibach initially, is not willing to reach out Asai. 爱莲娜当初宁愿向伊瓦伸手,也不愿意向阿赛伸手。 He did not say are oneself Asai?” “他不是说自己是阿赛么?” He, since said that he is not Anhofos, when that all passed. „ “他既然说他不是安霍福斯,那就当一切都过去了。“ He do not look for me, he and I have no relations ; I have only taught the Anhofos divine spell knowledge, has not taught him anything, he does not need to give back to my anything.” “他不要来找我,他和我没有任何关系;我只教过安霍福斯神术知识,没教过他什么,他不用来还给我什么。” Moreover Anhofos has revolted Temple of Truth, his Anhofos, he still has no relations with me even.” “而且安霍福斯早就已经叛出了真理圣殿了,他就算是安霍福斯,他也和我没有什么关系。” Told him, I do not want to see him, that will remind me of the result of Haru and teacher.” “告诉他,我不想见他,那会让我想起哈鲁和老师的结局。” Eliana has turned around, the cape drags to be well-grounded, vanished in the temple front door little. 爱莲娜转过身,斗篷拖着地,一点点消失在了神殿的大门里。 This!” “就这样吧!” You should go back.” “你该回去了。” Sukob looks up that temple, although he is somewhat curious, in temple that these have ancient consecrates who is. 苏科布抬头看着那座神殿,他虽然有些好奇,这些古老存在的神殿里供奉的到底是谁。 However finally can also give to swallow down curiously, left this temple. 但是最后也能将好奇给吞了下去,离开了这座神殿 This oracle he has not completed time, because of the rejection of opposite party, Sukob does not have the means. 这一次的神谕他并没有完成,不过是因为对方的拒绝,苏科布也没有办法。 However outside, the Sukob student actually discovered some strange things prosperously. 但是在外面,苏科布的学生隆却发现了一些奇怪的东西。 Swells to exchange from the hands of these demon spirit, a strange insect. 是隆从那些魔灵的手上交换到的,一种奇怪的虫子。 grand Jiang this insect grasps in the hand, raises the silk that the insect puts out in the hand, shook two. 隆将这种虫子抓在手上,将虫子吐出的丝提在手上,抖了两下。 The insect is hanging in the terminal, followed to vibrate. 虫子悬挂在末端,也跟着抖动了起来。 Observation that Sukob is interested in immediately. 苏科布立刻感兴趣的观察了起来。 Insect that meets the spinning?” “会吐丝的虫子?” Well?” “咦?” Moreover this type of silk can transmit the spiritual strength probably, some meanings.” “而且这种丝好像可以传递精神力量,这有些意思。” What these insects eat is the sand, the silk that spits is also interesting. 这些虫子吃的是沙子,吐出来的丝也非常有意思。 Has the toughness very much, is very exquisite. 很有韧性,也很细腻。 What is more important, Sukob discovered that this type of silk can also take the ceremony technique and material of scroll. 更重要的是,苏科布发现这种丝还能够作为仪式术阵和卷轴的材料。 But prosperously also because discovered this characteristics, buy it. 而隆也正是因为发现了这种特性,才将它买下。 Sukob observes one, there is an own guess. 苏科布观察一番过后,有了自己的猜测。 This should not be the ordinary insect, possibly is because comes under land the influence under of God strength, insect that is born.” “这不应该是普通的虫子,可能是因为受到大地之下的神明力量的影响,才诞生出来的虫子。” Do not forget, the endless vast desert was also the death restricted area.” “可别忘了,无尽沙海也是死亡禁地。” The Sukob student also remembered anything prosperously. 苏科布的学生隆也想起了什么。 I had seen in the book before, ancestor Alshvang of Suinhall person discovered in the edge of moonlight jungle volume ball fern unusual plant, had afterward city-state.” “我以前在书上看到过,苏因霍尔人的祖先阿尔西妮就是在月光丛林的边缘发现了卷球蕨这种奇特的植物,才有了后来的城邦。” Sukob nods. 苏科布点了点头。 Therefore.” “所以。” „The mighty force of god is really everywhere, they are affecting this world always, constantly is creating the miracle.” “神的伟力真是无处不在,祂们在无时无刻的影响着这个世界,不断的创造着奇迹。” Our witch spirit is records this world, is imitating the principle of this world, then goes to discover these miracles and secrets.”- “我们巫灵便是去记录这个世界,去模仿着这个世界的法则,然后去从中发现这些奇迹和秘密。”- Under wilderness. 荒原之下。 Two people are driving away a large-scale sail pack animal, is prosperous is rushing for the car(riage), but his teacher Sukob sits in following wheelbarrow. 两个人驱赶着一只大型帆驮兽,隆在赶着车,而他的老师苏科布则坐在后面的车斗里。 In wheelbarrow is also putting the young sons of several tooth beast and sail pack animal, as well as wraps securely other massive plants the box of seed. 车斗里还放着几个牙兽、帆驮兽的幼崽,以及包好大量其他植物的种子的箱子。 Sukob in the hand holds a small wooden box, can see that in the wooden box has anything in unceasing moving. 苏科布的的手里捧着一个小木盒,可以看到木盒里有什么东西在不断的动。 Sukob is collecting to look toward the wooden box. 苏科布正凑着头朝着木盒里看。 In the wooden box is several unusual insects, a lot of sand. 木盒里面是几个奇特的虫子,还有大量的沙子。 The insect of that meeting spinning. 正是那种会吐丝的虫子。 Sukob is observing the insect in the spinning, simultaneously is saying own idea: This type of silk , when used to make the scroll, the effect is better than the paper, could manufacture the carrying/sustaining third-order, even is the scroll of fourth-order strength.” 苏科布观察着虫子在吐丝,同时说着自己的想法:“这种丝如果用来做卷轴,效果比纸更好,说不定能够制作出承载三阶,甚至是四阶力量的卷轴。” Driving a cart prosperous has a novelr idea: I felt, if can spin the arrange/cloth this type of silk, putting on is certainly good.” 赶车的隆则有着更新奇的想法:“我觉得如果能够将这种丝纺成布的话,穿在身上一定非常不错。” Sukob gawked: Weaving?” 苏科布愣了一下:“织布?” Sukob has not really put on toward what treating as clothes actually in idea, after all this unusual insect, this unusual material that has the special effect, being used to make the clothes extremely is also luxurious. 苏科布倒是没有朝着什么真的的当做衣服穿在身上的想法,毕竟这种稀奇的虫子,这种拥有特殊功效的超凡材料,用来做衣服也太过奢侈了。 But when used to manufacture, has the clothes of special effect also good. 但是如果是用来制作,拥有特殊作用的衣服也是不错的。 „This good idea, draws up ceremony technique on the arrange/cloth actually simultaneously seal divine spell.” “这倒是个不错的想法,在布上绘制仪式术阵同时封印神术。” Perhaps can also manufacture to be the same with the scroll, can use one time or the multiple asylum type unusual goods.” “说不定还能够制作出和卷轴一样的,能够使用一次或者多次的庇护类型超凡物品。” Felt prosperously oneself must make one to put on the time comes on the body, that certainly is the power and prestige that could not say: „After I go back, finds the way to cultivate more insects, must weave a arrange/cloth.” 隆觉得自己到时候一定要弄一件穿在身上,那一定是说不出的威风:“我回去之后,就想办法培育更多的这种虫子,一定要织出一块布来。” grand Yueyue said vigorously: Teacher!” 隆越越说越起劲:“老师!” What name do we give to it?” “我们给它取个什么名字啊?” Formerly seemed no one to discover it, no one gave it to give the name.” “从前好像没有人发现过它,也没有人给它起名字。” That was equal to what name we do give it to give? After it, what called?” “那是不是就等于我们给它起什么名字?它以后就叫什么了?” Prosperous: How called its grand insect?” 隆:“就叫它隆虫怎么样?” After all I was one discovered its specialness, then prepared to carry forward it.” “毕竟我可是一眼就发现了它的特殊,然后准备将它发扬光大的。” Sukob: Gives the name to want simply direct, grand insect? This hear does not know that is what meaning.” 苏科布:“取名字要简单直接,隆虫?这一听就不知道到底是什么意思。” Prosperous, you are witch spirit.” “隆,你可是一名巫灵。” Must regards the world with the witch spirit vision and idea.” “要用巫灵的眼光和理念去看待世界。” Sukob thought: Weaves the silk spirit insect.” 苏科布想了一下:“织丝灵虫。” Called this name.” “就叫这个名字了。” Sukob as the teacher, set the name of this insect all of a sudden. 苏科布作为老师,一下子就定下了这种虫子的称呼。 grand originally playing, how regarding is naming and not caring i.e . 隆本来也就是说着玩,对于如何命名并不在意。 Sukob indeed likes this insect very much, after having this insect, witch spirit manufactured the scroll more convenient, did not need to collect the unusual material again everywhere. 苏科布的确很喜欢这种虫子,有了这种虫子以后,巫灵们制作卷轴就更加方便了,不用再到处去搜集超凡材料了。 However looked was very long, after Sukob put down the box, sighed. 但是看了很久,苏科布放下盒子后又叹了口气。 This insect, although is good, but also takes Ruhul Giant God gracious gift, I feel or do not compare rolling ball fern.” “这种虫子虽然不错,但是同样作为鲁赫巨神的恩赐,我觉得还是比不上卷球厥。” Food was the most important thing, rolling ball fern that Alshvang discovered initially supported from generation to generation snake human, had the present present snake human lively civilization.” “食物才是最重要的东西,阿尔西妮当初发现的卷球厥养活了一代又一代蛇人,才有了如今现在的蛇人繁华文明。” Also mentioned had listened to recently a hearsay prosperously: „ Heard that Land of Sunrise alchemist some want to aim at the volume ball fern cultivates, raises its output, reduces its planter requirements. 隆也说起了最近听过的一个传闻:“听说日出之地炼金师有的想要针对卷球蕨进行重新培育,提高它的产量,降低它的种植要求。 Sukob heard was very happy: Success?” 苏科布听到了很开心:“成功了吗?” Shakes the head prosperously: Where has such easy success?” 隆摇了摇头:“哪里有这么容易成功啊?” Sukob said with a smile: Some people did were very good, so long as some people had this idea, and started to implement.” 苏科布却还是笑着说道:“有人去做就很不错了,只要有人有这个想法,并且开始实行。” Success is only sooner or later matter.” “成功只是迟早的事情。” Sukob sits in the trailer, looks at the land and distant place in the roughness. 苏科布坐在拖斗里,在磕磕绊绊之中看着大地和远方。 Although in each corner of this world, as before unceasing has various tragedies to happen, has the sad scene that cannot be explained as before. 虽然在这个世界的各个角落里,依旧不断的有着各种悲剧发生,依旧有着不可言喻的惨象。 If jumps, stands observes this world in the high place. 但是若是跳出去,站在高处去观察这个世界。 The discovery, all are becoming well. 就发现,一切正在变得更好。 All are going forward. 一切都在前进。 In the Sukob eye brings to hope the wing, cannot bear say. 苏科布眼中带着希翼,忍不住说道。 Really good!” “真好啊!” In the future will be certainly better.” “将来一定会更好的。” Has turned head to ask prosperously: Teacher, what is really good?” 隆扭过头来问道:“老师,什么真好啊?” Sukob had not replied, grand Zhi feels somewhat bewilderedly. 苏科布却没有回答,隆只觉得有些莫名其妙。 Two people do not know similarly, they carry over the weaving silk spirit insect of endless vast desert, in the future will domesticate after generations of cultivations, starts repeatedly to have the degeneration. 两个人也同样不知道,他们带出无尽沙海的织丝灵虫,往后经过一代代培育驯化,开始不断发生退化。 And somewhat turned into the most common weaving filaria, but these ordinary weaving filarias can also breed at the same time massively. 其中有些变成了最普通的织丝虫,但是与此同时这些普通的织丝虫也可以大规模繁育。 The silk that their descendants, they put out, with the aid of the thing that their strength weaves. 它们的后代,它们吐出的丝,借助它们力量织造出的东西。 Becoming the next time, even next era, one after next era civilization important part. 成为了下个时代,甚至下个纪元,下下个纪元文明重要的一部分。 At this time, the distant place presented a city. 这个时候,远方出现了一座城市。 That is the village that once witch spirit established, afterward turned into the small town, now turns into a city. 那是曾经巫灵们建立起的村庄,后来变成了小镇,如今则变成了一座城市。 Sukob and swells, saw storage ring of Sukob in prosperously with hand, received some unwieldy things. 苏科布和隆走下来,隆看到了苏科布用手上的储物戒指,将一些笨重的东西都收了进去。 Prosperous hugged these tooth the young child of beast and sail pack animal, toward the city in goes forward while asked Sukob. 隆则将那些牙兽和帆驮兽的幼崽抱了起来,一边朝着城内前进一边问苏科布 Teacher!” “老师!” You said why stores the ring unable the living creature to save?” “你说,为什么储物戒指不能将活物存进去呢?” Sukob told prosperously: Because the process of storage must pass through Dreamland, in the storage thing space is also a special domain.” 苏科布告诉隆:“因为储物的过程要穿过梦界,储物的空间之中也是一种特殊的领域。” Ordinary living creature died after the Dreamland flash, did not die, but is the general life form is unable to exist in Dreamland ; There is not the present world, only if you conduct the spirit roaming.” “普通的活物经过梦界的一瞬间就死了,也不是死了,而是一般的生命形态无法存在于梦界之中;那里可不是现世,除非你是进行灵游。” You go, either you are the Dreamland life, either you powerful to the fearless Dreamland environment.” “你本身进去,要么你本身就是梦界生灵,要么你自身强大到无惧梦界的环境。” Or the flash died.” “要不一瞬间就死了。” Sukob: But I heard that had Powerful indeed to find the method that side Suinhall, theoretically in Dreamland can the survival a long time.” 苏科布:“但是听说,在苏因霍尔那边有权能者的确找到了方法,理论上在梦界能够存活很长一段时间。” He wants in this way, sneaks in the fairyland of storage female celestial St. Raphael to steal the thing through the storage item secretly, then the belt/bring comes out.” “他想要通过这种方式,通过储物道具偷偷潜入储物仙女圣拉菲尔的仙境之中偷东西,然后带出来。” Has saying that this may really be talent the action. 不得不说,这可真是个“天才”之举。 This topic stimulation, the prosperous eye shines all of a sudden. 这个话题刺激,隆一下子眼睛放光。 Then?” “然后呢?” „Did he succeed?” “他成功了吗?” Sukob: Does not know.” 苏科布:“不知道。” Closely examines prosperously: How can not know?” 隆追问:“怎么会不知道呢?” Sukob: Because he has, who knows that he has succeeded?” 苏科布:“因为他不是没回来么,谁知道他成没成功?” Big probability, possibly entered Dreamland swallowing by Dreamland.” “大概率,可能是一进入梦界就被梦界给吞掉了。” Has many possibilities.” “有很多种可能性。” In any case, no one has seen him after that.” “反正,此后再也没有人见到过他了。” Also perhaps, his really success, entered in the fairyland across the Dreamland barrier ; Thought that is good in the fairyland, therefore stays there not to come back.” “也说不定,他真的成功了,穿过梦界的屏障进入仙境之中;只是觉得在仙境还不错,所以留在那里不回来了。”
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