IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#356 Part 2: The Hinsai time is only us

Naturally has the principle of new times, if cannot choose the belief, that was born where devotionally?” “自然有新时代的法则,如果连信仰都不能选择,那虔诚生于何处呢?” „Can the belief that is forced to choose, really call it the belief?” “被迫选择的信仰,真的能够称之为信仰吗?” Succuba Sir. “魔女大人。 You said, God does need to believe like this?” “您说,神明需要这样的信仰吗?” In the future the God retinue walks in Land All parties, can free does missionary work to anybody, each place has different God temple and palaces ; The belief believes that is also only the belief, no longer by other thing fetters.” “将来神明的仆从行走于大地各方,可以自由的向任何人传教,每个地方都有着不同神明神庙和殿堂;信仰就是信仰,也只是信仰,不再受其他的东西束缚。” Moreover this, the right of royal power and aristocrat also no longer is the god gives.” “而且这样,王权和贵族的权利也不再是神授的。” No longer has a king of what ten thousand world department.” “不再有什么万世一系的王。” Who, if cannot complete, if who cannot complete, everyone can choose to overthrow him.” “谁若是不能做好,谁若是没能做好,大家都可以选择去推翻他。” The highest pretor also mentioned Suinhall finally: „The Suinhall king is the god elects, therefore never has anybody to dare to overthrow the king of god electing.” 最高执政官最后还说起了苏因霍尔:“苏因霍尔的王就是神选的,所以从来没有任何人敢推翻神选之王。” Although Suinhall each generation of kings are wise, this perhaps because of blessing of god.” “虽然苏因霍尔的每一代王还算明智,这或许是因为神的庇佑。” But these aristocrats are not this, these for generations aristocrat inherited, has soon crashed “但是那些贵族可不是这样的,那些世世代代的贵族传承下来,已经快要压垮 UIUF UIUF This kingdom. ” 这个王国。” Succuba Sir. “魔女大人。 You wait to look that they want to look at royal court to disintegrate.” “你等着看吧,他们想要看着王庭分崩离析。” I felt. “我觉得。 In the future will be similar to the landslide cracks in the earth to entrap generally, can be Suinhall.” “将来会如同山崩地裂一般倾陷的,会是苏因霍尔。” If this words regarding others, felt the flickering person is coming, in the things regarding these politician mouths estimated that half character will not believe. 这种话若是对于其他人来说,感觉就是忽悠人来着,对于这些政客口中的东西估计半个字都不会信。 However regarding Earth Demoness such follower, has another significance. 但是对于大地魔女这样的信徒来说,却又有着另外一种意义。 She does not care about the pretor to want anything, does not care about the pretor to represent what interests. 她不在意执政官想要什么,更不在意执政官代表着什么利益。 She knows that the pretor spoke these words, definitely has to represent the reverend of theocracy no longer to interfere with the idea of royal court rule organization. 她更知道执政官说这些话,肯定是有着想要代表着神权的神职者不再干涉王庭执政机构的想法。 She stands in oneself angle, stands looks at the significance of these words in the vision of God apostle. 她只是站在自己的角度,站在神明使徒的眼光去看这句话的意义。 She really felt the opposite party said seems like some truth. After once this belief pattern opens, not necessarily is the bad situation. 她真的觉得对方说的好像有些道理。而且一旦这种信仰模式开启之后,不一定就是坏的情况。 This world has the so many people of degeneration, there are so many by the disciple of matter of God's name righteous deed facing retribution for a life of crime.” “这个世界有那么多堕落之人,有那么多假借神之名义行恶贯满盈之事之徒。” Perhaps is because, the belief has not chosen since birth!” “或许就是因为,信仰生来没有选择吧!” Before then. 在这之前。 Ten thousand snake human choices believe mother of all snakes, Land of Sunrise believe the Ibach god, Suinhall believe Scarlet Goddess, the Evel person believe the knowledge and truth god. 蛇人选择信仰万蛇之母,日出之地信仰伊瓦神,苏因霍尔信仰腥红女神,爱维尔人信仰知识与真理之神。 Everyone's belief, that moment that since they were born, was doomed. 所有人的信仰,从他们出生的那一刻,就注定好了。 But at this moment. 而此刻。 The succubas really saw the change probably. 魔女好像真的看到了变化。 The succubas turn around to leave, left behind a few words to the pretor. 魔女转身离开,给执政官留下了一句话。 I am waiting. “我等待着。 Is waiting for picture birth in your mouth, when the time comes those who visit you to say is right.” “等待着你口中的画面诞生,到时候看一看你说的是不是对的。” From these words, can feel before Earth Demoness, was different, no longer before is, that prophet. 从这句话里,可以感觉到大地魔女和以前不一样了,不再是以前那个先知了。 She has enough life, sees that all occurrences and arrivals. 她拥有足够的生命,去看到那一切的发生和到来。 She even also has the sufficient strength, when all happen toward the bad aspect. 她甚至还有着足够的力量,当一切朝着坏的局面发生的时候。 Prevents it. 去阻止它。 Pince City. 潘斯城 After ten thousand snake temple since the prophet disappears, here has been at the close condition. 万蛇神庙自先知消失之后,这里就一直处于封闭的状态。 For these years even started to decline gradually, does not compare the past sacred place general magnificent scene. 这几年甚至开始渐渐没落,比不上以往圣地一般的盛景。 However today the situation is completely different. 但是今天情况完全不一样。 The temple front door opens, the temple knight team members and many servant of God arrived outside waited. 神庙的大门打开,神庙骑士团的成员和诸多神侍来到了外面等候。 Outside above ten thousand snake temple that Lord street, is the sea of people. 万蛇神庙外面的那条主街道之上,更是人山人海。 A wing demon came from the horizon, Fire Demon on ceremonial fire stage burnt suddenly, changes into the column of flame combustion to the horizon, probably is cheering greets is coming the person. 一只翼魔从天际而来,圣火台上的火魔突然自己燃烧了起来,化为火柱燃烧向天际,好像在欢呼迎接着来人。 The wing demon fell beside temple, a woman of brown becoming gray eye walked. 翼魔落在了神庙之外,一个褐发灰眼的女人走了下来。 Right. 没错。 Walks. 是走下来的。 The people in ten thousand snake temple see this shape, is excited is hard to self-restrain ; Although has learned of the news, but sees the time feeling of opposite party truly is completely different. 万蛇神庙之中的众人看到这个形态,一个个激动得难以自抑;虽然早已得知了消息,但是真正看到对方的时候感觉是完全不一样的。 shape of God. 神之形 apostle of God, the prophet really becomes the apostle of god.” 神之使徒,先知真的成为了神的使徒。” This is the miracle!” “这是神迹啊!” Prophet Sir, you really sought the god asylum for the world. “先知大人,您真的为人间寻来了神庇护。 Was the succuba Sir, the succuba of land.” Earth Demoness walks toward temple in step by step, everyone crawls on the ground. “是魔女大人了,大地之魔女。”大地魔女一步步朝着神庙之内走去,所有人都匍匐在地上。 She enters the road, walks into that to be similar to the city in the construction of city, walks step by step along the steps. 她走进甬道,走入那如同城中之城的建筑内,沿着阶梯一步步走上去。 Saw has been waiting for her captain of the temple knights. D 看到了一直等待着她的神庙骑士团长。D The regimental commander salutes, was saying to her. 团长行礼,对着她说道。 Prophet Sir! ’ “先知大人!’ I know, you will certainly come back.” Earth Demoness smiled. “我就知道,您一定会回来的。”大地魔女笑了。 Meanwhile, in instantaneous entire Pince City the trees bloomed the vitality. 与此同时,瞬间整个潘斯城中树木都绽放出了生机。 Rumble!” “轰隆隆!” With a thundering loud sound. 伴随着一阵轰鸣巨响。 The Origin of Life Mountain under foot, grew great divine tree. 生命起源之山脚下,长出了一棵伟岸的神树 That looks at that quickly entire Pince City “那快看那”整个潘斯城 The people saw this. 人都看到了这一幕。 Saint tree, is the prophet Sir Saint tree.” Before prophet return, many people had heard the matter of lunar eclipse city. “圣树,是先知大人圣树。”先知归来之前,已经有不少人听说了月蚀城发生的事情。 This is the miracle.” Although this mountain, in this city, has had several miracles, but these makes people feel time differently, because this tree gave truly their was sheltered the feeling. “这是神迹啊。”虽然这座山,这座城内,已经发生过了多次的神迹,但是这一次让人感觉不一样,因为这棵树给予了他们真正的被庇护感。 Divine Mountain penetration cloud layer high does not peak, the male city broad standing erect world, the Saint tree sends out the ray to shelter the world. 神山穿透云层高不见顶,雄城恢弘屹立人间,圣树散发着光芒庇护着人间。 The three are in one friendly, gather the scene that this world was in sole possession. 三者融合为一体,汇聚成了这个世界独有的景象。 Earth Demoness stands before the temple main hall, looks at entire Pince City. 大地魔女站在神庙的大殿前,看着整个潘斯城 Says. 开口说道。 Origin of Life Mountain.” 生命起源之山。” Here is the control creates our places, is all places of origin, here is the Saint territory that the god once paced back and forth.” “这里是主宰创造我们的地方,也是一切起源之地,这里是神曾经徘徊的圣域。” From now henceforth, no one, does not allow to have anybody again. “从今以后,没有任何人,也不允许再有任何人。 Can act in a self-serving manner again here, here blasphemed the God honor.” “再能在这里为所欲为,在这里亵渎神明的荣光。” Sound transmission of Earth Demoness in entire Pince City. 大地魔女的声音传递到了整个潘斯城内。 Henceforth. 从此。 The belief of Ruhul Giant God arrives at the land. 鲁赫巨神的信仰降临大地。 Ten thousand snake royal court welcomed finally, the asylum of god they want. 万蛇王庭总算迎来了,他们想要的神之庇护。 Deep sea Blood Country. 深海的血之国 The red crystal wall covered the bottom of deep sea, the state of this mystical deeply mounted above Ruhul Giant Island. In some sense. 红色的晶壁罩住了深海的底部,这个神异的国度深深镶嵌在了鲁赫巨岛之上。从某种意义上来说。 This state is also a part of Ruhul Giant Island. 这个国度也是鲁赫巨岛的一部分。 The Scarlet Goddess also carrying/sustaining had a Ruhul Giant Island scrap, although is really only a scrap.[ 腥红女神也承载起了鲁赫巨岛的一小块,虽然真的只是一小块。[ At this moment. 此时此刻。 Scarlet Goddess is standing under that mural, that tracing draws the volume from Temple of the Sky creation world God divine system. 腥红女神正站在那副壁画之下,那临摹自天空神殿的创世神明神系绘卷。 Scarlet Goddess also paid attention to the changes of ten thousand snake royal court as well as Land of Sunrise, the robe also knows certainly that ten thousand snake royal court wanted to make anything. 腥红女神也关注到了万蛇王庭以及日出之地的变化,袍当然也知道万蛇王庭想要做些什么。 More importantly. 更重要的。 The robe had also had long known the Suinhall internal issue 袍也早已知道了苏因霍尔内部的问题 The sleeve asked nearby Al Pince suddenly, asked this Suinhall founding king. 袖突然问起了一旁的阿尔潘斯,问这个苏因霍尔的开国君王。 Belief should have the choice.” “信仰该有选择吗。” „Does belief have the choice? How to have such matter?” “信仰有选择?怎么会有这样的事情?” Scarlet Goddess came from three leaves human, came from Suinhall. 腥红女神出身于三叶人,出身于苏因霍尔 It looks like in the eye of offering sacrifice, such matter is somewhat funny. 在祀的眼里看来,这样的事情有些滑稽。 However in offering sacrifice at heart, really thought that the time needs some changes, because the Suinhall issue constantly is truly accumulating at present. 但是在祀的心里,又真的觉得时代需要发生一些改变,因为目前苏因霍尔的问题确实在不断积累。 Furthermore. 再者。 All these changes also possible with three leaves symbiont following, wants to train a new god to compete with the plan of intelligent fruit to be closely linked. 这一切的变化也可能和三叶共生者们接下来的,想要培养出一位新神竞争智慧果实的计划息息相关。 Possibly relates to Scarlet Goddess and entire three leaves symbiont whole, following all strategies. 可能关系到腥红女神和整个三叶共生者整体,接下来的所有策略。 Al Pince actually says: Sir Vivien!” 阿尔潘斯却开口说道:“费雯大人!” snake human is not three leaves human, this era is not last era.” 蛇人不是三叶人,这一个纪元也不是上一个纪元。” We are the lives of Creator personally manufacture, is the King of Wisdom ledlicki descendant, but they were not the day envy “我们是造物主亲手制造的生命,是智慧之王莱德利基的后裔,但是他们不是日忌” This era.” “这个纪元。” Is various God the years, the Hinsai time is only us.” “是诸神的时代,希因赛的时代只属于我们。” Ten thousand snake royal court approaches are completely not necessarily right, but cannot judge to at present wrong, must look at the following situation.” “万蛇王庭的做法不一定完全对,但是目前也不能判断为错,得看接下来的情况。” Scarlet Goddess looks up that divine creative force God draws the volume. Reads in the colored drawing on pottery picture scroll, Creator Insai great stars light shadow. 腥红女神抬头看着那造物神明绘卷。看着彩绘画卷里,造物主因赛的伟岸星辰光影。 The goddess looks at King of Wisdom ledlicki under god throne, Ruler of Dreamland Shirra. 女神看着神座下的智慧之王莱德利基,梦境主宰希拉 That depends by Creator, sits Ruler of Life Sally above spirit table unscrupulously. 还有那靠在造物主旁边,肆无忌惮坐在神台之上的生命主宰莎莉 Regarding Scarlet Goddess and three leaves symbiont. Here is their temple. 对于腥红女神三叶共生者来说。这里就是他们的神殿 Although Suinhall is consecrating Scarlet Goddess time consecrates the sleeve in life temple, seemingly offers sacrifice is the Ruler of Life follower. 虽然苏因霍尔供奉着腥红女神的时候是将袖供奉在生命神庙之中,看似祀就是生命主宰的从者。 This also indeed not wrong, is only incomplete. What Scarlet Goddess belief is entire creates world divine system, what belief is Creator Insai. 这也的确并没有错,只是不完整。腥红女神信仰的是整个创世神系,信仰的是造物主因赛 Regarding three leaves human, King of Wisdom ledlicki is God is more like the ancestor. 对于三叶人来说,智慧之王莱德利基与其说是神明更像是祖先。 The bloodlines of three leaves human come from King of Wisdom ledlicki, but they were created from Ruler of Life Mother Conch of Myriad Things, but Ruler of Dreamland Shirra at first is only the God Insai envoy. 三叶人的血脉源自于智慧之王莱德利基,但是他们是从生命主宰万物母螺之中被创造出来的,而梦境主宰希拉最初只是因赛神的使者。 Scarlet Goddess proceeded several steps. 腥红女神往前走了几步。 Offered sacrifice by near, therefore was also high supine. 祀靠得更近了,因此头也仰得更高了。 Creator Insai. 造物主因赛 King of Wisdom ledlicki, Mother of Life Sally, envoy of God Shirra.” 智慧之王莱德利基,生命之母莎莉,神之使希拉。” In Hinsai, only has true God, that is Insai.” “在希因赛,只有一位真正的神明,那就是因赛。” Everyone only has a belief, that is God Insai.” “所有人只有一个信仰,那就是因赛神。” In the Scarlet Goddess sound, filled recalling. Initial time. 腥红女神的声音里,充满了追忆。最初的时候。 In the world is only God. 世上只有一位神明 King of Wisdom is really only King of Wisdom, Mother of Life is also the female god who creates all lives, Ruler of Dreamland is also only the God Insai envoy. 智慧之王真的只是智慧之王,生命之母也是创造所有生命的母神,梦境主宰也只是因赛神的使者。 Regarding three leaves human, regarding the oldest of Hinsai state. 对于三叶人来说,对于希因赛国度的最古者来说。 They imagine very much difficultly. 他们很难去想象。 Is the choice belief a matter? 选择信仰到底是怎么一回事? Such matter? 还有这样的事? Therefore even if Vivien the present can want to understand, the heart deep place is also hard to accept. 所以费雯哪怕如今能够想明白,心底深处也难以接受。 However finally. 但是最后。 The robe truly was also clear. 袍也真正明白了。 Was not Insai changed, was not the belief changes. But because the first era had passed by, because three leaves human has become the oldest, all wear down with the time cannot trace again. 不是因赛变了,也不是信仰变了。而是因为第一纪元早就已经过去了,而是因为三叶人已经成为了最古者,一切都随着时间消磨不可再追溯。 Suinhall is not Hinsai, snake human is not the oldest three leaves human. 苏因霍尔不是希因赛,蛇人也不是最古者三叶人 Scarlet Goddess can only send out a deep sigh. 腥红女神只能发出一声长叹。 Yes!” “是啊!” „The Hinsai time is only us, to us, Insai is only Creator.” 希因赛的时代只属于我们,对于我们来说,因赛才是唯一的造物主。” They are not, this is various God years. “他们不是,这是一个诸神的时代。 Insai is Insai, various God is various God, we are we.” 因赛因赛,诸神是诸神,我们是我们。”
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