IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#356 Part 1: The Hinsai time is only us

In abyss. 深渊之中。 Seven abyss at this moment are having the radical change. 此刻的七层深渊正在发生着剧烈的变化。 The structure of abyss is egg of the darkness, more is the powerful abyss level more approaches the outer ring, was equal to that its domain is bigger. 深渊的结构是一个黑暗之卵,越是强大的深渊层越靠近外圈,等于它的领地就越大。 But the abyss core and Gate of Original Sin transcend the common unknown shape by one type, exists in the abyss, control all. 而深渊核心和原罪之门则是以一种超越寻常未知的形态,存在于深渊之中,统御着一切。 Originally. 原本。 First of abyss is the demon hot abyss, second is the black mud abyss. 深渊的第一层是魔火深渊,第二层是黑泥深渊。 Now the black mud abyss leaps, but on becomes first, second becomes just had the dark prison abyss of master. 如今黑泥深渊一跃而上成为了第一层,第二层则成为了刚刚才拥有主人的暗狱深渊。 Because the original first demon hot abyss lost Avon, from drops rapidly top. 原本的第一层魔火深渊因为失去了亚弗安,迅速从高位跌落。 In the dark prison abyss presented a light. 暗狱深渊之中出现了一道光。 Circular, but only the glimmer of most outer layer. It seems like the lunar eclipse. 圆形,但是只有最外层的一圈微光。就好像月食。 The form goes out from that ray, entire dark 个身影从那光芒之中走出,整个暗 The prison abyss also burns the flaming fire. 狱深渊都随之燃烧起熊熊大火。 Different with the demon hot abyss, the demon hot abyss is underground is burning the flame, but the dark prison abyss entire was submerged in the fire. 和魔火深渊不一样,魔火深渊是地下在燃烧着火焰,而暗狱深渊整个都被淹没在大火之中。 The fire of demon hot abyss is the fire of intelligence, came from in the fire of spirit, but the flame of dark prison abyss is that type as if must swallow the whole world, blotting out the sky the fire of burning world. 魔火深渊的火是灵性之火,源自于精神的火,而暗狱深渊的火焰是那种仿佛要将整个世界都吞噬的,铺天盖地的焚世之火。 In the air transmits unceasingly crack. Burns the heart demon to appear in the flame one after another, changes into road of the flame to greet that the form that walks from the space, surrounds his side. 空气之中不断传来噼里啪啦的炸响。一个接着一个焚心魔在火焰之中出现,化为一条火焰之路迎接着那从天上走下来的身影,环绕他的身旁。 These burn welcome of heart demon , made one see clearly the appearance of that form thoroughly. 这些焚心魔的迎接,也彻底让人看清楚了那个身影的模样。 That is a burned black live corpse. 那是一个焦黑的活尸。 His right hand grasps a lusterless long sword, the whole body is sending out the aura of terrifying and danger. 他的右手握着一把哑光长剑,浑身散发着恐怖、危险的气息。 His appearance, is representing the dreadful sea of fire and death. 他的出现,就代表着滔天火海和死亡。 He trod above the land, magma sputtering. Immediately sees. 他踏在了大地之上,岩浆溅射而起。立刻看到。 The land cracks layer upon layer. 大地层层开裂。 Bang! ’ “轰隆!’ From the crack, crawls massively with the black burned body that his appearance looks like. 从裂缝之中,爬出来大量和他模样酷似的黑色焦尸。 In the eye of each corpse is disclosing the hatred and wildness. 每一个尸体的眼中都透露着仇恨和狂怒。 That is in the abyss newly demon of birth, came from dark prison abyss vengeful fire corpse. 那是深渊之中新诞生的魔物,来自于暗狱深渊的复仇火尸 The land trembles, ascension. 大地震颤,升腾。 Finally presented a throne that becomes by the metal founding in the infinite flowing of raging fire and magma. 最后在无穷烈火和岩浆的流淌之中出现了一个由金属铸造成的王座。 The Wrath King dark moon/month in the raging fire and magma, mounted that boiling hot throne. 暴怒之王暗月于烈火和岩浆之中,登上了那滚烫的王座。 He opened the mouth above the throne. 他在王座之上开口了。 I am the lord of dark prison abyss, the Wrath King dark moon/month.” “我是暗狱深渊之主,暴怒之王暗月。” I for the original sin of violent anger.” “我为暴怒之原罪。” Violent anger, takes revenge and slaughters, war.” “暴怒、复仇、杀戮、战争。” „After ray of flame combustion, is the shadow of hatred.” “火焰燃烧的光芒之后,是仇恨的暗影。” Starting today, I will give the abyss new principle.” “从今日起,我将赋予深渊新的法则。” All has the hatred and anger choice falls into the abyss the person, if willing to pay to fall into the dark price, will bear forever the pain of sink into raging fire.” “所有身怀仇恨和怒火选择堕入深渊之之人,若是甘愿付出堕入黑暗的代价,承受永沦烈火的痛苦。” You may implore to the violent anger, to abyss borrowing strength “尔等可向暴怒祈求,向深渊借取力 Quantity. 量。 Is the hatred, is angry, the strength that you obtained is stronger.” “越是仇恨,越是愤怒,尔等所获得的力量就越强大。” The roaring sound reverberation of burned body in the raging fire, reverberates in the abyss deep place. 焦尸的咆哮声回荡于烈火之中,回荡于深渊深处。 Goes!” “去吧!” With the anger and hate, whereabouts these organizes your destiny, existence that whereabouts these once resisted weak. “怀着愤怒和怨恨,去向那些摆布你们命运,去向那些曾经无力抵抗的存在。 Takes revenge, divulges your anger.” “去复仇,去宣泄你们的怒火。” Abyss will lend your strength, making you make the matter that you are incapable, making your anger change into the real flame, making your hatreds no longer eliminate in invisible.” “深渊将会借给你们力量,让你们去做成你们无力做成的事情,让你们的怒火化为真实的火焰,让你们的仇恨不再消泯于无形。” Third King of Abyss appears, the violent anger principle is also born. 第三位深渊之王出现,暴怒法则随之诞生。 [ divine spell item: Abyss] [神术道具:深渊] [ Series number 3] [序列号三] ( The oath of ability 1 degeneration: (能力一堕落之誓: ( Ability 2 Gate of Original Sin: (能力二原罪之门: [ Ability 3 King of Abyss: [能力三深渊之王: ( Ability 4 abyss principles: The abyss will is God of Original Sin, he gives seven original sin strengths, gives the strength of abyss myth principle.] (能力四深渊法则:深渊意志即原罪之神,他赋予七原罪力量,赋予深渊神话法则之力。] [ Lust principle: Abyss demon has powerful, and not the restrainable desire, abyss queen Merder grants the strength that they give birth, they can give birth to new abyss demon with the aid of the abyss.( This abyss principle is advocated the Merder creation by black mud abyss)] [色欲法则:深渊魔物拥有强大且不可抑制的欲望,深渊女王梅尔德赐予它们生育的力量,它们可以借助深渊生育出新的深渊魔物。(此深渊法则由黑泥深渊之主梅尔德创造)] [ Arrogant principle: Has the species of wisdom to be arrogant, from them being born starting from that moment, starts to attempt to occupy all in this world, has all in this world, oneself will dominate in all above ; Bone Demon King Avon grants the fires of all abyss demon thing demon spirit, will have demon fire abyss species to obtain the abyss inheritance, can inherit the wisdom through the flame, can inherit the strength.( This abyss principle is advocated the Avon creation by the first demon hot abyss)] [傲慢法则:拥有智慧的物种都是傲慢的,从他们诞生的那一刻开始,就开始妄图占据这世上的一切,拥有这世上的一切,将自己凌驾于一切之上;骨魔之王亚弗安赐予所有深渊魔物魔灵之火,拥有魔火的深渊种将获得深渊传承,通过火焰可以传承智慧,也可以传承力量。(此深渊法则由第一任魔火深渊之主亚弗安创造)] [ Violent anger principle: The abyss gives the anger and hatred and strength, starting from this moment, the pinnacle anger and hatred will communicate ten thousand spirits the dark surface, the mortal , if willing to pay to drop such as the abyss forever the price in sink into raging fire, can transforms the anger and hatred as the strength, the mood is extreme, the strength is powerful.( This principle by lord of dark moon/month creation dark prison abyss)] [暴怒法则:深渊赋予怒火和仇恨与力量,从这一刻开始,极致的怒火和仇恨将会沟通万灵之暗面,凡人若是愿意付出堕如深渊永沦烈火之中的代价,将可以将怒火和恨意转化为力量,情绪越是极端,力量越是强大。(此法则由暗狱深渊之主暗月创造)] Another side. 另一边。 In the demon hot abyss has messed up completely. 魔火深渊之中已经完全乱了套。 In the monster head of skeleton regiment is surging the intelligence flame, the arrogant principle gave them the wisdom, but also gave them to degenerate with crazily. 骸骨军团的怪物头颅之中涌动着灵性的火焰,是傲慢法则赋予了他们智慧,但是也赋予了他们堕落和疯狂。 Under the fetter of king, they once base and low crawling on the ground. 在王的束缚下,他们曾经卑微的匍匐在地上。 But now did not have the king. 而如今没有王了。 Greedy and hope of innermost feelings, are promoting them extremely arrogantly toward that only, launches the impact on the high throne. 内心的贪婪、渴望、狂妄推动着他们朝着那唯一的,至高的宝座发起冲击。 King did not have.” In the abyss land, in the monster lair, the skeleton regiment gathers. “王没有了。”深渊大地之中,个怪物巢穴之中,骸骨军团聚集在一起。 New king Jiangyao is born.” Powerful bone demon felt the king to dissipate, they were clearer, new king Jiangyao was born. “新王将要诞生。”强大的骸骨魔物感受到了王消逝了,他们更明白,新的王将要诞生。 Who is the new king?” Has demon of wisdom to talk in whispers. “谁是新王?”拥有智慧的魔物们窃窃私语。 I am a king, I am the king of demon hot abyss. First demon charged into the black stone demon palace, raised this chaotic start. “我是王,我才是魔火深渊的王。第一个魔物冲向了黑石魔宫,掀起了这场混乱的开始。 Innumerable bone demon are slaughtering, is swallowing mutually. 无数的骸骨魔物在厮杀,在互相吞噬。 The skeleton was piled up, paved to the black stone demon palace, road to throne. 尸骨堆积成山,铺就了通往黑石魔宫,通往王座的路。 Tens of thousands of bone demon died, other bone demon are swallowing these bone demon demon fires ; They are becoming crazier, degenerates at the same time, becomes more powerful. 成千上万的骸骨魔物死去,其他骸骨魔物吞噬着这些骸骨魔物的魔火;他们在变得更加疯狂,更加堕落的同时,也变得更加强大。 Did not know many demon. 不知道死了多少魔物。 Only can see, the innumerable abyss demon fire circles in the sky. 只能够看到,无数深渊魔火盘旋在天空之中。 Finally, a powerful monster exudes one to roar in the skeleton summit. 最后,一个强大至极的怪物在骸骨山巅发出一声咆哮。 Roar!” “吼!” This was one once followed in Avon King of Evel country soldier, as he fell into the abyss together Bone Demon. 这是一个曾经跟随在亚弗安身边的爱维尔王国士兵,随着他一同堕入深渊的骨魔 At this moment. 此刻。 He opens the mouth, swallows into that everywhere demon fire the abdomen. 他张开嘴巴,将那漫天魔火吞入腹中。 The demon hot abyss was born the new King. The principle that old King of Abyss gives once is born, will not vanish thoroughly. 魔火深渊诞生出了新的王者。旧的深渊之王赋予的法则一旦诞生,就不会彻底消失。 Is the abyss gives the opposite party to become King of Abyss, rather is King of Abyss in the complete abyss. 与其说是深渊赋予对方成为深渊之王,不如说是深渊之王在圆满深渊。 Is its fusion original sin, gives the abyss principle. 是其融合原罪,赋予深渊法则。 The King of Abyss status, regarding the abyss is the supplementary, what is most important regarding the abyss found that completely agreeing with original sin, person who made the new abyss principle. 深渊之王的身份,对于深渊来说不过是附带的,对于深渊来说最重要的是找到那个完全契合原罪,制造出新的深渊法则的人。 The abyss will arrives. 深渊意志降临。 The terrifying flesh stars revealed an corner/horn above the demon hot abyss, is witnessing the birth of new king, gives the authority of his king. 恐怖的血肉星辰在魔火深渊之上露出了一角,见证着新王的诞生,赋予他王的权柄。 New Pride King stepped on the skeleton to step into the black stone demon palace, sat above the throne. 新的傲慢之王踩着尸骨踏入了黑石魔宫,坐在了王座之上。 The war ended. 战争结束了。 All bone demon crawl in the place, does not dare to have the change again. 所有骸骨魔物匍匐在地,不敢再有异动。 New Bone Demon mounted the throne, but inferior (Asia) 个新的骨魔登上了王位,只不过亚 secure is King of Abyss of control arrogant principle. 弗安是驾驭傲慢法则的深渊之王 But new king. 而新王。 Was controlled by the arrogance. 是被傲慢所驾驭。 Ten thousand snake royal court. 万蛇王庭 Lunar eclipse city. 月蚀城。 divine tree has dissipated outside the lunar eclipse city, only left behind war of vestiges that Earth Demoness and Wrath King, indelible trace. 神树早已经消散在了月蚀城外,只留下了那大地魔女暴怒之王之战残余的,难以磨灭的痕迹。 After the city intrinsic crisis relieves, in people mouth besides leaving behind legend and subject, all continue as usual. 城内在危机解除之后,人们口中除了留下传说和谈资之外,一切照常继续。 Regardless of were panic-stricken at that time, shocks, after all end , can only belong to eventually lightly. 不论当时多么惊恐,多么震撼,一切落幕之后终究只能归于平淡。 The only change is quite obvious, is temple of lunar eclipse city. 唯一变化比较明显的,便是月蚀城的神庙 Was the prophet Sir saved us!” The people in city know finally evening of that day exactly had anything, knows that who on that day saved them is. “是先知大人救了我们!”城内的人终于知道了那一天晚上到底发生了什么,也知道那一天救了他们的是谁。 Was the god sends the prophet Sir, was the god is blessing us!” In temple in city, gathered for these days compared in the past many ten times of people, their beliefs and devout were also over in the past ten times. “是神派来了先知大人,是神在庇佑我们!”城内的神庙里,这几天聚集了比往常多十倍的人,他们的信仰和虔诚也超过了往常十倍。 Ruhul Giant God? Have you heard this God?” People arrived in temple, actually in life temple of discovery lunar eclipse city had/left seven idol, but these seven idol fuzzy shapes, as if worried completely the mortal saw their appearance/portrait flash insanely the past. “鲁赫巨神?你听说过这位神明吗?”人们来到了神庙之中,却发现月蚀城的生命神庙里多出了七尊神像,只不过这七尊神像全部只有模糊的形态,仿佛担忧凡人看到他们的真容一瞬间就会疯了过去。 I listened to temple servant of God saying that some Ruhul Giant God not God name, in this world altogether had seven Ruhul Giant God.” In the temple corner, there is servant of God to transmit the belief and myth to the followers, but the opposite party had been surrounded by the devout followers all round, separated anything unable to hear clearly far. “我听神庙神侍说了,鲁赫巨神并不是某一个神明的名字,这世界上一共有七位鲁赫巨神。”在神庙的角落里,有神侍正在向信徒们传递信仰和神话,只不过对方已经被虔诚的信徒们团团包围,隔得远了就什么也听不清了。 Seven God? How to have heard?” People are praying God, but first time hears these God names. “七位神明?怎么从来没有听说过?”人们祈祷着神明,但是还是头一次听到这些神明的名字。 That is because never before some people had had an audience with these God, the prophet had an audience with these God, welcomed the asylum for the world.” Has the people sound to say. “那是因为此前从未有人去觐见过这些神明,先知去觐见了这些神明,为人间迎来了庇护。”有人大声说道。 Innermost temple. 神庙最里面。 servant of God stands in the high place, at this moment solemn devout loud shouting. 一位神侍站在高处,此刻神情肃穆虔诚的高声呼喊。 Land that we are, our world, is supported by seven Ruhul Giant God.” “我们所在的大地,我们所处的世界,是由七位鲁赫巨神承托而起的。” „ The name of Ruhul Giant Island, then comes because of seven God. 鲁赫巨岛之名,便是因为七位神明而来。 Land, sky, volcano, glacier, starry night, desert and moonlight.” “大地、天空、火山、冰川、星夜、沙漠、月光。” Then is their synonyms.” “便是他们的代名词。” „The line of sight of god never left the world, the sleeve had left behind the asylum for us from the beginning, seven Ruhul Giant God have been protecting us under the land, is protecting ten thousand snake the descendant.” “神的视线从未离开过人间,袖从一开始就为我们留下了庇护,七位鲁赫巨神一直在大地之下守护着我们,守护着万蛇的后裔。” servant of God shouted loudly story that myth that handed down since old times, the era opens. 神侍大声喊出了那段自古相传的神话,纪元开启的故事。 „The control of life sounded the bugle, Ruhul Giant Island then appeared in the center of sea, in the world had the life and green.”He made seven Giant God support this great island, supported our world, provided for us to multiply to live. “生命的主宰吹响了号角,鲁赫巨岛便出现在海的中央,天地之间拥有了生命和绿色。”“他让七位巨神承托起了这座巨岛,承托起了我们的世界,供养我们繁衍生息。 This is the Ruler of Life blessings.” “这就是生命主宰的赐福。” Is this the world's most benevolent and great kindness. “是这个世界最仁慈和伟大的恩惠。 Followers!” “信徒们!” Makes us extol great of god together, great of praise god!” “让我们一起赞颂神的伟大,赞颂神的伟大!” servant of God was saying to be saying, oneself are also moved to tears. 神侍说着说着,自己也感动得热泪盈眶。 temple is everyone crawls up and down in the place, to that idol of Ruler of Life and various god, devout summon. Great Ruler of Life!” 神庙上下更是所有人匍匐在地,面向那生命主宰和诸神的神像,虔诚的呼唤。“伟大的生命主宰啊!” Thank your blessings and kindness!” “感谢您的赐福与恩惠!” In lunar eclipse city another rule hall. 月蚀城另一头的执政大厅里。 One group of people are competing for domain that is capturing newly, competed was just dividing the pretors in good five province also to have the city Lord appointment of each city. 一群人正在争夺着新夺取的领地,争夺着刚刚划分好的五个行省的执政官还有各个城的城主的任命。 Although these pretors are appointed by the highest pretors and various institute organizations, the term is only one. 虽然这些执政官是由最高执政官和各院机构任命,任期只有一届。 And before not seeming like same, is the hereditary title and domain. 并不像是以前一样,是世袭的爵位和领地 However this does not hinder people regarding competition of power and influence, after countless people strive to be the first to snatch crawls upward, is robbing the meat in tray. 但是这并不妨碍人们对于权势的争夺,无数人争先抢后的往上爬,抢夺着盘子里的肉。 Carves up is winning the later fruit. 瓜分着胜利之后的果实。 The former day flame regiment army regimental commanders shouted and wrangled, might give to throw off the entire ten thousand snake royal court ruling centers was the same. 前任日炎军团军团长大呼小叫,好像要将整个万蛇王庭的执政中心都给掀翻了一样。 Wing demon province, province, the motor province is who overcomes? ’ “翼魔行省,瑟克行省,摩多行省是谁打下的?’ Northern Razer Kingdom is who defeats?” “北方的雷泽王国是谁击败的?” South almost most five collars are the day flame regiment overcome, why we obtain instead are least? ’ “几乎大半个南方五领是日炎军团打下的,凭什么我们得到的反而最少?’ However quick, another group of people come up to quarrel with him are heavily engaged. 但是很快,另一批人上来和他吵得不可开交。 Day flame regiment? Did you have a face to say?” “日炎军团?你还有脸说?” „Is Byron the people of abyss mission you know? He almost destroyed us.” “拜伦是深渊教团的人你知道吗?他差点毁了我们。” I thought that the people of day flame regiment had the issue, “我觉得日炎军团的人都有问题,得 Investigates well. 好好调查一番。 The highest pretor stood at this time, everyone peaceful. 最高执政官这个时候站了起来,所有人安静了下来。 Sufficed. “够了。 This is not someone's resolution, this is some highest ruling hall also institutes adopt unanimously the resolution.” “这不是某一个人的决议,这是最高执政厅还有各院一致通过的的决议。” You can not accept, can express protest “你们可以不接受,也可以表示抗议” But the resolution got down, everyone includes me to carry out.” “但是决议下来了,所有人包括我都得执行。” Everyone then leaves, but looked the expression that they leave then knows, both sides do not yield mutually as before respectively, then must cause some methods. 所有人这才离开,但看他们离开的表情便知道,双方依旧各不相让,接下来还要使些手段。 The dispute was solved finally temporarily, the man who was just the highest pretor also rubbed the forehead. 争议总算是暂时解决了,刚刚担任最高执政官的男人也揉了揉额头。 Is sitting this position seriously time, before he discovers, is the assistant time is not quite same, the burden/shoulder pole and responsibility on dark moon/month shoulder also before him imagines is much heavier. 当真正坐上这个位置的时候,他才发现和之前担任副手的时候不太一样,暗月肩上的担子和责任也比他之前想象的要沉重得多。 Moreover what dark moon/month taking over is declining ten thousand snake royal court. 而且暗月接手的可是一个江河日下的万蛇王庭 But he takes over, is one has a hundred things to do the full of vitality country. 而他接手的,是一个百废待兴生机勃勃的国家。 At this time, the entrance waiter flushed. Highest pretor Sir.” 这个时候,门口的侍者冲了进来。“最高执政官大人。” Came the person.” “来人了。” The highest pretor hears the future the name to set out immediately, going on a trip in a hurry went to a specification very high hall. 最高执政官听到来者的名字立刻起身,行色匆匆的来到了一个规格很高的大厅里面。 In the hall a man and a woman are waiting. 大厅里一男一女正在等候。 The woman is Earth Demoness, when Earth Demoness arrived here Suinhall blood family also appears together, does not know that is intentionally. 女人是大地魔女,只是在大地魔女来到这里的时候苏因霍尔的血眷者也一同出现的,不知道是不是故意的。 Blood family see the highest pretor, immediately mentions own purpose in coming. 血眷者一看到最高执政官,立刻说起了自己的来意。 About abyss evil disciple Byron, ten thousand snake royal court predecessor maximum pretor dark months is what situation. “关于深渊邪徒拜伦,还有万蛇王庭的前任最高执政官暗月到底是什么情况。 I need an answer.” “我需要一个答案。” „Has abyss mission regarding the corrosions of ten thousand snake royal court, gone to this situation?” “深渊教团对于万蛇王庭的腐蚀,已经达到了这种地步了吗?” About Byron, Earth Demoness knows the complete story of opposite party. 关于拜伦,大地魔女知道对方的全部故事。 If spoke incorrectly, all were the mistakes of dark moon/month. Byron is a selected average person, he was being promoted the advance by the tide of time, becomes one to be used and achieved the tool of goal by everyone ; Also has the pitiful result regarding Byron's life, Earth Demoness feels sadly. 如果说错,一切都是暗月的错。拜伦就是一个被选中的普通人,他被时代的浪潮推动着前进,成为一个被所有人利用和达成目的的工具;对于拜伦的一生还有悲惨的结局,大地魔女是感觉到悲伤的。 However now dark moon/month fall into the abyss, forever will come down to the raging fire. 不过如今暗月自身都堕入深渊,永沦于烈火之中。 Who is right?” “谁是对的?” Who is also wrong “谁又是错的’ Could not have distinguished clearly, these people on the scene also no one care, how they only care then carve up to be their benefits. 已经分不清了,在场的这些人也没有人在乎,他们只在乎接下来如何瓜分属于他们的利益。 The Earth Demoness stand, was saying to blood family 大地魔女站了起来,对着血眷者说道 Byron and dark month's matter had passed, I by ten thousand snake temple prophet and Earth Demoness identifications, ten thousand snake royal court and abyss missions have no relations.” “拜伦和暗月的事情都已经过去了,我以万蛇神庙先知和大地魔女的身份证明,万蛇王庭和深渊教团没有任何关系。” Blood family, please does not need to be worried.”How as for then should judge this matter, how should handle the person of related abyss mission, that is ten thousand snake royal court internal things. “血眷者阁下,请你不必担心。”“至于接下来该怎么评判这件事情,该怎么处置有关深渊教团的人,那是万蛇王庭内部的事情。 Blood family, you simultaneously as the Suinhall princes, should not interfere with ten thousand snake royal court internal affairs.” “血眷者阁下,你同时身为苏因霍尔的王子,不应该干涉万蛇王庭的内部事务。” Suinhall blood family noticed that Earth Demoness said like this, nods. 苏因霍尔的血眷者看到大地魔女这样说,也点了点头。 Since were Earth Demoness says.” “既然是大地魔女说了。” I believe.” “我还是相信的。” All that I make for do not make these evil dark forces wreak havoc above the land, wanting in this world also to be able some wing demon city such massacres.” “我所做的一切也是为了不让那些邪恶黑暗势力在大地之上肆虐,希望这个世界上也能少一些翼魔城那样的惨案。” Then, Earth Demoness said to the highest pretor 接下来,大地魔女向最高执政官说道 I was about to leave.” “我准备离开了。” The highest pretor complexion changed: Where is we do wrong? Succuba Sir?” 最高执政官脸色变了:“是我们哪里做得不对吗?魔女大人?” Earth Demoness shakes the head: I am ten thousand snake temple prophets, for generations prophets are defending our Divine Mountain in the under foot of Origin of Life Mountain, is defending our start and origin.” 大地魔女摇了摇头:“我是万蛇神庙的先知,世世代代的先知都是在生命起源之山的脚下守着我们的神山,守着我们的开始和起源。” Has the person to wait for me there, I should go back.” “在那里有着人等待着我,我该回去了。” The highest pretor knows, reason and excuse that oneself have not detained, moreover he worried about Earth Demoness, because the angers or other reasons leave, if this reason leaves him instead to think that is more relaxed. 最高执政官知道,自己并没有挽留的理由和借口,而且他只是担忧大地魔女因为愤怒或者其他的原因离开,若是这个理由离开他反而觉得更加轻松一些。 The spokesmen of some such gods in the lunar eclipse city, to him are also an invisible imprisonment, a lot must consider the attitude and opinion of opposite party. 有这样一位神之代言人在月蚀城中,对于他来说也是一种无形的禁锢,很多事情要考虑对方的态度和意见。 Earth Demoness then said: Before departure, my also matter requested the highest pretor.” 大地魔女接着说道:“不过在离开之前,我还有一件事情请求最高执政官阁下。” Highest pretor: Please say.” 最高执政官:“请说。” Earth Demoness: I want to compile «Ten thousand Snake myth», simultaneously in royal court all large-scale temple, can set up Ruhul Giant God idol.” 大地魔女:“我希望重新编撰《万蛇神话》,同时王庭的所有大型神庙之中,都能够树立起鲁赫巨神神像。” Ruhul Giant God is Ruler of Life for the asylum that we leave behind, ten thousand snake the descendant should for offering sacrifices.” “鲁赫巨神生命主宰为我们留下的庇护,万蛇的后裔应该供奉祀们。” Highest pretor: I will certainly promote to complete this matter full power.” 最高执政官:“我一定会全力促进办成这件事。” The royal court highest pretor just spoke, nearby blood family this time also said. 王庭的最高执政官刚刚才说完话,一旁的血眷者这个时候也开口说道。 Similarly is God.” “同样是神明。” I thought that Scarlet Goddess idol can also put.” “我觉得腥红女神神像也可以放进去。” „The benevolence that his great, offers sacrifice, making the robe have the qualifications to be built on ten thousand snake temple.” “他的伟大,祀的仁慈,让袍也有资格立于万蛇的神庙之中。” Earth Demoness as if not like blood family and Suinhall, because of the recent many disasters, the rebellion and war of south city-state alliance, can say that is Suinhall promotes. 大地魔女似乎并不喜欢血眷者和苏因霍尔,因为最近的许多灾难,南方城邦联盟的叛乱和战争,可以说就是苏因霍尔推动的。 However Earth Demoness was impossible to say directly another God was not good, she then said. 但是大地魔女也不可能直接说另外一位神明不好,她便开口说道。 That in Suinhall temple, must consecrate mother of all snakes and all Ruhul Giant God.” Four “那么在苏因霍尔神庙之中,也必须供奉万蛇之母和所有鲁赫巨神。”四 „Do not directly interfere with and suppress the followers to choose their times letters.” “你们不得直接干涉和打压信徒们选择他们的次信。” The time messenger is the belief beyond Lord belief, for example believes in life temple lineage/vein, the control that mainly believes in naturally is Ruler of Life, what however in ten thousand snake royal court most other choice beliefs is mother of all snakes. 次信便是主信仰之外的信仰,例如信奉生命神庙一脉,主要信奉的主宰自然是生命主宰,但是在万蛇王庭大多数另外选择信仰的是万蛇之母 Even generally speaking, compares in keeping aloof control God, these low first-level existence beliefs are instead more widespread. 甚至一般来说,相比于高高在上的主宰神明,这些低一级的存在信仰反而更广泛。 Then. 这下。 Blood family do not dare to say downward again. 血眷者就不敢往下再说了。 His in name God in the spokesman of the world, when his right hand brings that bracelet, brings the card of blood family time. 他只是名义上神明在人间的代言人,还是当他右手带着那副臂环,带着血眷者之证的时候。 He does not dare to replace God to decide this matter. The highest pretor seized this opportunity, before carrying out the dark lunar motion opened, leaves his plan. 他可不敢代替神明去决定这种事情。最高执政官却抓住了这个机会,推行起了暗月离开之前留给他的方案。 According to ten thousand snake royal court highest legal code.” “根据万蛇王庭的最高法典。” If the local person chose the belief, they can set up idol of any god in their praying halls.” “如果当地的人选择了信仰,他们就可以在他们的祷堂里树立起任何一位正神的神像。” Naturally, this pure belief, cannot contain any localization and political thing.” “当然,这种纯粹的信仰,不可以包含任何地域性和政治上的东西。” Earth Demoness looked to the highest pretor: What is your must make?” 大地魔女看向了最高执政官:“你们这是要做什么?” „Don't you fear the anger of god?” “你们就不怕神的怒火吗?” The highest pretor looks at Earth Demoness, he did not fear at this time probably offended Earth Demoness: But the god does not have the will to hand down, without oracle said, ten thousand snake the descendant since birth would have no leeway of choice belief.” 最高执政官看着大地魔女,他这个时候好像又不怕得罪大地魔女了:“但是神并没有意志传下,也没有神谕说,万蛇的后裔生来就没有选择信仰的余地。” The highest pretor said: Belief is free.” C 最高执政官说:“信仰是自由的。”c Which God choice believes that is various gods gives the freedom of mortal.” “选择信仰哪一位神明,是诸神赋予凡人的自由。” Earth Demoness wanted to dispute to say anything very much, but actually cannot say. 大地魔女很想要辩驳说些什么,但是却没能说出口来。 She knows the opposite party said does not have the mistake, never having oracle to hand down. 她知道对方说的没有错,从来没有神谕传下。 How ten thousand snake royal court descendants are doomed to believe since birth. 万蛇王庭的后裔生来就注定要如何去信仰。 Ruler of Life does not have. 生命主宰没有。 mother of all snakes does not have. 万蛇之母没有。 Seven Ruhul Giant God also did not care at all. 七位鲁赫巨神也同样毫不在意。 Cares about this matter, only then mortal. „The words of pretor Sir are very interesting!” The blood family smile is leaving. 在意这种事情的,只有凡人自己。“执政官大人的话很有意思!”血眷者微笑着离开了。 The words that although the highest pretor finally spoke seem like that is very favorable for a Suinhall side, but besides winning liking of blood family, temporarily was impossible to change the beliefs of ten thousand snake royal court immediately distributed. 虽然最高执政官最后说的话看似对苏因霍尔一方很有利,但是除了赢得血眷者的欢喜之外,暂时也不可能马上改变得了万蛇王庭的信仰分布。 These thing orally, might as well brings in their temple to come to shock Scarlet Goddess idol directly. 这些口头上的东西,还不如直接将腥红女神神像搬进他们的神庙来得震撼。 Moreover this way, even if made ten thousand snake royal court change the belief, that was still Scarlet Goddess had the influence in ten thousand snake royal court, rather than Suinhall influence. 而且这种方式就算让万蛇王庭改变了信仰,那也是腥红女神在万蛇王庭拥有了影响力,而不是苏因霍尔的影响力。 However Earth Demoness stayed behind. 但是大地魔女留下了。 She wants to know that what thing the dark moon/month did leave behind, the opposite party wanted to do what? 她想要知道暗月到底留下了什么东西,对方到底想要干些什么? How she does not want to interfere with this country to govern, she did not understand how to govern this country. 她并不想要干涉这个国家如何去治理,她更不懂得如何去治理这个国家。 What does dark moon/month want to make?” “暗月到底想要做些什么?” Can say with me?” “可以和我说一说吗?” The highest pretor considered, really said the initial plan 最高执政官考虑了一下,真的就说出了当初的计划 Before he leaves, has set all these.” “在他离开之前,就已经定下了这一切。” Also wrote these in highest legal code.” Later ten thousand snake royal court, everyone can choose own belief.” “也将这些写在了最高法典之中。”“以后的万蛇王庭,所有人都可以选择自己的信仰。” Earth Demoness looks at the highest pretor, the gray pupil does not make people feel gloomily, instead has a not being able to say beauty. Therefore.” 大地魔女看着最高执政官,灰色的瞳孔并不让人感觉暗淡,反而有种说不出的美丽。“所以。” You thought that in the future by the country, will no longer divide the belief by the nationality.” “你们觉得未来不再是以国家,以民族来划分信仰。” But is everyone, which God can choose itself to believe freely?” “而是每一个人,都可以自由选择自己该信仰哪一位神明?” Highest pretor: Is this.” 最高执政官:“是这样的。” Earth Demoness silent a meeting, she asked the opposite party. You and dark moon/month felt, this?” The highest pretor said certainly is. 大地魔女沉默了一会,她问对方。“你和暗月觉得,这样会更好吗?”最高执政官当然说是。 New times arrived.” “新时代到来了。”
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