IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#355 Part 2: Nia, I came some probably late!

In the raging fire, he determined oneself status probably. 烈火之中,他好像确定了自己的身份。 This terrifying exists to erupt the unequalled imposing manner, the entire flame stars shiver under his will. 这个恐怖的存在爆发出无与伦比的气势,整个火焰星辰都在他的意志下颤抖。 I am Lord of Purgatory, I am being doomed God.” “我是炼狱之主,我是注定的神明。” I do not need the name.” “我不需要名字。” Lord of Purgatory is my name.” 炼狱之主就是我的名字。” Lord of Purgatory stands up from the raging fire, is looking out the direction of abyss. 炼狱之主从烈火之中站起,遥望着深渊的方向。 His innermost feelings gush out the infinite hope, he wants to swallow that abyss, fuses together with it. 他的内心涌出无限的渴望,他想要吞掉那座深渊,和它融为一体。 The purgatory from the start of birth, it was doomed and relations of abyss does not die continuous. 炼狱从诞生的开始,它就注定了和深渊的关系是不死不休。 They are born in the similar source, is doomed to belong to the same home to return. 他们诞生于同样的源头,也注定归于同一个归宿。 Two final. 两个最后。 Only can leave behind one. 只能够留下一个。 Either the purgatory was swallowed by the abyss, either the purgatory swallows the abyss. 要么炼狱被深渊吞噬,要么炼狱吞噬掉深渊。 The Lord of Purgatory sound spreads in the raging fire, reverberates in Dreamland. 炼狱之主的声音在烈火之中传出,回荡在梦界之中。 original sin evil god similar!” “原罪邪神肖!” You and my true contest.” “你和我真正的较量。” Now the talent, just starts.” “现在才,刚刚开始。” --------------------- --------------------- Presently during world. 现世之中。 Pince City the plot of can be called today is the three waves to a single stroke, seems like that the end disaster every nearly arrives one time, in the condition that but these disasters the person in the city do not understand suddenly dissipates. 潘斯城今天发生的剧情称得上是一波三折,看似末日灾难每一次都险些降临,但是眨眼之间那些灾难又在城中人丝毫不理解的境况之中消散。 It seems like that all disasters come toward this city, in mortals toward city. 看似所有灾难都是朝着这座城市而来,朝着城市之中的凡人而来。 However the opposite parties brushed past. 但是对方都是擦肩而过。 Looked continually has not looked at these mortal one eyes. 连看都没看这些凡人一眼。 In any event, they saw finally smoothly the next day Sun raises. 只是不论如何,他们总算是顺利的看到了第二天的太阳升起。 This was worth rejoicing. 这就值得庆幸了。 Ended?” Sun according to that moment, many people also feels somewhat unbelievable. “完了?”太阳照在身上的那一刻,不少人还感觉有些难以置信。 This?” The people in Western District look at each other in blank dismay, when saw that meteor drops from the clouds, when sees Pride King arrives at the world, when saw that flame stars are born in the sky, they think that the end has arrived. “就这样?”城西区的人面面相觑,当看到那流星从天而降,当看到傲慢之王降临人间的时候,当看到那颗火焰星辰诞生于天空的时候,他们以为末日就已经到来。 „Are we also living?” Some people laughed. “我们还活着?”有人大笑了起来。 This may really be lucky.” The entire street is cheering. “这可真是幸运。”整个街道都在欢呼。 They do not know. 他们不知道。 Abyss mission and initial officiates greatly to destroy to destroy, existence that but these keep aloof. 深渊教团和当初的大主祭只是为了毁灭而毁灭,但是这些高高在上的存在。 God of Original Sin, becomes Avon after Pride King. 原罪之神,还是成为傲慢之王后的亚弗安 They act for oneself goal, the mortal is in their eyes unimportant. 他们都是为了自己的目的而行动,凡人在他们眼中不重要。 Destroys or not, exists or not, they will not care. 不论是毁灭与否,存在与否,他们都不会在意。 So long as they achieve oneself goal, the mortal is only the witness who they achieve the goal, rather than participant. 他们只要达成自己的目的,凡人只是他们达成目的的见证者,而不是参与者。 In Pince City falls into the revelry today, everyone is celebrating being survivor of disaster. 潘斯城中今日陷入了狂欢,所有人都在庆祝着劫后余生。 Tavern today half price.” “酒馆今天半价。” Urges to go faster, drinks.” “去去去,去喝酒去。” „It is not easy, today must drink a dead drunk, my anything does not want to do.” “不容易啊,今天一定要喝个烂醉,我什么都不想干了。” During cheers people not to notice. 只是欢呼之中的人们没有注意到。 In the Pince City canal, a golden yellow bright copper lamp goes toward the distant place with the water current and sand together. 潘斯城的水渠里,一盏金黄崭亮的铜灯正在随着水流和沙子一同朝着远方而去。 After the brass oil lamp the dark moon/month and Avon use, as the territory of darkness is broken falls in the canal. 黄铜油灯被暗月和亚弗安利用完之后,随着黑暗之域被破掉落在了水渠里。 It starts the new journey now. 它现在又开始了新的旅程。 Waits for the next person to pick it, is waiting for its new host. 等待着下一个人捡到它,等待着它的新主人。 Is waiting for the arrival of next story. 等待着下一个故事的到来。
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