IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#355 Part 1: Nia, I came some probably late!

The territory of darkness. 黑暗之域。 Under shining of moonlight, on Pride King Avon starts the unceasing gushing out black mud. 月光的照耀下,傲慢之王亚弗安身上开始不断的涌出黑泥。 From its eye socket, seeps out from its bone. 从它的眼眶,从它的骨头里渗出。 But these contamination do not come from the abyss, but came from the purgatory. 只不过这些污秽并不是自深渊而来,而是自炼狱而来。 He is continuing the strength and contamination of purgatory, is making in a fresh way the purgatory. 他在承接着炼狱的力量和污秽,在将炼狱以一种全新的方式制造出来。 Sound transmission of Pride King Avon in the territory of darkness, even passed to the abyss, passed to outside world. 傲慢之王亚弗安的声音传递在黑暗之域中,甚至传到了深渊之中,传到了外面的世界。 His sound is cold and gloomy, is disclosing the hope. 他的声音森冷无比,透露着渴望。 Also. 还有。 Keeps aloof to control his ridicule of existence to that. 对那高高在上想要控制他的存在的讥讽。 Purgatory will!” “炼狱意志!” I by me as sacrificial offering.” “我以我自己作为祭品。” I take me as the price!” “我以我为代价!” By the brain of my myth!” “以我的神话之脑!” Continues the darkness of ten thousand spirit, the contract burns arrival of flame of the world.” “承接万灵之暗,承接焚世之焰的降临。” The inexhaustible demon fire gushes out from the body of Pride King, along with inexhaustible black sludge. 无穷无尽的魔火从傲慢之王的身体里涌出,伴随着无穷无尽的黑色的污泥。 Tens of thousands of skeleton regiments were submerged. 成千上万的骸骨军团被淹没。 Was melted. 被融化。 By offering sacrifices. 被献祭。 The territory of entire darkness changed into the black and red world. 整个黑暗之域化为了黑与红的世界。 The huge strength floods into, but at this time this unstable dark territory has become creakied, may fall into the present world world anytime and anywhere, 庞大的力量涌入,而这个时候这个不稳定的黑暗之域已经变得摇摇欲坠了,随时随地都有可能掉进现世世界, The ceramic villain was shocked, but it does not dare to proceed again. 陶瓷小人惊呆了,但是它也不敢再往前了。 Because it also similarly is demon in abyss, moreover more important it was also not King of Abyss this type integrated the existence of abyss the myth organ. 因为它也同样是深渊之中的魔物,而且更重要的它还不是深渊之王这种将神话器官融入了深渊的这种存在。 Once if it unravelled, may not have the opportunity of resurrecting. 它一旦要是灰飞烟灭了,可没有复活的机会。 It is also afraid himself, once strides in the territory of that darkness, together what to do it is suddenly stave then Avon this lunatic to draw it to fall toward the world? 它也害怕自己一旦跨入那黑暗之域,眨眼间其就破碎然后亚弗安这个疯子拉着它一起坠往人间怎么办? In the final analysis, it is one taking advantage of the ceramic villain who the God of Original Sin name abuses power. 说到底,它就是一个借着原罪之神名义作威作福的陶瓷小人。 The brain of ceramic villain is not really able to understand why Avon can do that? 只是,陶瓷小人的脑子实在无法理解亚弗安为什么要这么做? What like this makes and commits suicide to distinguish? 这样做和自杀有什么区别? Can see the colored drawing on pottery on ceramic small face is astonished, it looked probably the lunatic same looks at Avon. 可以看到了陶瓷小人脸上的彩绘惊愕无比,它像是看疯子一样看着亚弗安 Even if in the abyss everywhere is the lunatics, but like the lunatic, became the King of Abyss lunatic is not many like this. 哪怕深渊里面遍地都是疯子,但是像这样的疯子,这样当上了深渊之王的疯子还是不多的。 You treat as the sacrificial offering with yourself unexpectedly.” “你竟然用自己当做祭品。” You killed yourself, to make purgatory?” “你杀死了自己,就为制造出炼狱?” It is unable to understand, the opposite party wants to make anything. 它无法理解,对方到底想要做什么。 However in its behind Gate of Original Sin deep place, above the black rain that will never stand still. 但是在它身后的原罪之门深处,永不停歇的黑雨之上。 The evil god on flesh stars actually stopped movement that builds the building block. 血肉星辰上的邪神却停下了搭建积木的动作。 similar looks at this, does not know why could not bear smile suddenly. 肖看着这一幕,不知道为何突然忍不住笑了。 Anhofos, your set of outdated thing also not obsolete?” 安霍福斯,你的这套老掉牙的东西还没有过时么?” Spans an era, 250 million years.” “都跨越一个纪元,两亿五千万年了。” You also are really.” “你还真是。” Is haunted by the ghost!” “阴魂不散啊!” Anhofos Samoll. 安霍福斯・萨莫。 By the body of mortal what last era first spies on the eternal life is Samoll family, first explores eternal life road, and made the myth item was Anhofos. 上一个纪元第一个以凡人之躯窥探永生的是萨莫家族,第一个探索出永生这条路并且制造出了神话道具的是安霍福斯 similar is the Lane student, Anhofos is the Haru student, but Lane and Haru are the first-generation truth sage Sandan most important two students, 肖是蓝恩的学生,安霍福斯哈鲁的学生,而蓝恩哈鲁便是第一代真理贤者桑德安最重要的两个学生、 Follows since childhood side Sandan like son general existence, inherited the Sandan ideal and inheritance finally. 一个是从小跟随在桑德安身边如同儿子一般的存在,一个最后继承了桑德安的理想和传承。 Therefore similar and Anhofos their two are the same generation of Temple of Truth apprentices. 所以肖和安霍福斯他们两个是同一代的真理圣殿学徒。 similar is also only a Temple of Truth pass student time, the opposite party has been well-known by the talent in the world. 只是肖还只是真理圣殿一个普通学生的时候,对方就已经以天才闻名于天下。 Anhofos is first way of thinking of the contract controls demon monster, it is said at that time Lane saw this talent idea time, but also shocking wants to train him in the Anhofos ability emphatically. 安霍福斯是第一个想到用契约的方式驾驭魔怪的,据说当时蓝恩看到了这个天才想法的时候,还惊艳于安霍福斯的才能想要着重培养他。 Finally but Anhofos chose left Temple of Truth. 可是最后安霍福斯选择了离开真理圣殿 But he after leaving Temple of Truth, then made Bone Demon this type of thing. 而他在离开真理圣殿后,便制造出了骨魔这种东西。 Then is the disaster of that evil god. 紧接着,便是那场邪神之灾。 When the opposite party stands in the peak, similar is also only an obscure unimportant person. 当对方站在巅峰的时候,肖还只是一个默默无名的小人物。 He used the innumerable years, caught up with the form of opposite party. 他用了无数年,才追上了对方的身影。 similar this moment noticed that some people imitate Anhofos had handled the matter, at present cannot bear emerge the form of opposite party. 肖此刻看到有人效仿安霍福斯曾经所做过的事情,眼前也忍不住浮出了对方的身影。 similar envies this talent very much. 肖很羡慕这种天才。 The voice falls, his line of sight falls, in that on form that is imitating Anhofos. 话音落下,他视线又落在了那个模仿着安霍福斯的身影身上。 Looks at the opposite party in crazy declining to the world. 看着对方在疯狂之中落向人间。 Is taunting itself in the arrogance. 在孤高之中嘲讽着自己。 In sea of fire and contamination. 火海和污秽里。 Black and interlocks red. 黑与红交错。 Pride King Avon from is coming with the inexhaustible black mud, is unable to hold so many contamination and flame until the territory of entire darkness. 傲慢之王亚弗安自身带着无穷无尽的黑泥而来,直到整个黑暗之域都无法容纳这么多的污秽和火焰。 At this moment, the purgatory ceremony also has conducted the last step. 此刻,炼狱仪式也已经进行到了最后一步。 Avon toward above, goes toward the gap that the territory of darkness starts out. 亚弗安朝着上面,朝着黑暗之域开出的缺口而去。 The moonlight is getting more and more bright. 月光越来越亮。 Outside that is the world. 在那外面,便是人间。 Since several hundred years ago after Avon falls into the abyss, he has not stepped into the world again truly. 自从几百年前亚弗安堕入深渊之后,他就再也没有真正踏入过人间。 At this moment. 此时此刻。 He hugged the moonlight of that world finally again, only has the one pace from the world that he was once. 他终于再次拥抱了那人间的月光,距离他曾经所在的世界只有一步之遥。 Avon leaps gently. 亚弗安轻轻一跃。 Is welcoming the moonlight. 迎着月光。 Is drawing support from the divine spell item the domain that Copper Lamp of Greed forms takes the springboard, goes toward outside. 借助着神术道具・贪婪的铜灯形成的界域作为跳板,朝着外面而去。 Even. 甚至。 He also toward behind ceramic villain, toward Gate of Original Sin, evil god toward that Gate of Original Sin deep place. 他还朝着身后的陶瓷小人,朝着原罪之门,朝着那原罪之门深处的邪神。 Waving. 挥了挥手。 „!” “哐!” A resounding, probably anything disrupted. 一声脆响,好像什么东西碎裂了开来。 Ceramic villain before Gate of Original Sin, dumbfounded looks at Avon the movement. 陶瓷小人在原罪之门前,目瞪口呆的看着亚弗安的这个动作。 Really?” “真的?” Stepped?” “跨出去了?” Until at this moment, it really knows all that Avon makes real, rather than puts on airs. 直到此时此刻,它才真的知道亚弗安所做的一切都是真的,而不是装腔作势。 Avon breaks in the world. 亚弗安冲入人间。 He takes himself as the sacrificial offering, takes itself as the price, makes the true purgatory. 他以自己为祭品,以自己为代价,制造出真正的炼狱。 Pride King Avon is spanning the boundary the flash, then starts to dissolve vanishes. 傲慢之王亚弗安在跨越界限的一瞬间,便开始溶解消失。 That bright moonlight according to him, he melted at this moment probably in the moonlight. 那明朗的月光照在他身上,此刻他就好像化在了月光中。 Only is left over one group of strong flame. 只剩下一团浓烈的火焰。 That is his myth organ and demon fire. 那是他的神话器官和魔火。 World. 人间。 In Pince City the mortals just experienced terrifying one, at this moment is still shaken. 潘斯城之中凡人们刚刚才经历了恐怖的一幕,此刻惊魂未定。 Suddenly, in the city had the unusual condition. 突然之间,城市之中又出现了异状。 Bustling about, is preparing to start to tidy up the chaotic situation, people who or go home respectively wait for the eye to look at the sky. 忙碌着,正准备开始收拾乱局,或者各自回家的人们等待着眼睛看着天空。 They noticed that King of Abyss spans from the abyss, steps into during the present world. 他们就看到深渊之王从深渊之中跨越而出,踏入现世之中。 The mortals above street, vision that revealed to the pinnacle panic-strickenly. 街道之上的凡人们,一个个露出了惊骇到了极致的目光。 Also, did the space present the thing?” Some people could not have distinguished clearly, this is the illusion or. “又,天上又出现了东西?”有人已经分不清,这到底是幻觉还是真的。 Bone, is the bone monster.” That huge dense skeleton, is really extremely in scary, some people routine collapses directly on the ground, rolls up toward the corner, wants to evade then possibly the impact of arrival. “骨头,是骨头怪物。”那庞大森然的骨架子,实在是太过于骇人,有人习惯性的直接瘫倒在地上,朝着街角蜷缩去,想要躲过接下来可能到来的冲击。 But numerous Powerful in city, stand at this moment in the high place is looking at Pride King Avon. 而城中的一众权能者们,此刻也站立在高处望着傲慢之王亚弗安 That is demon of abyss, is bone demon, from abyss's first demon.” “那是深渊的魔物,是骸骨魔物,来自深渊第一层的魔物。” „More than 100 meters high demon? Is that demon?” “一百多米高的魔物?那还是魔物吗?” Abyss...... king?” “深渊……之王?” Some people had guessed correctly the status of this terrifying demon, but they are not clear, how the abyss King can span the abyss to appear in the present world. 有人已经猜出了这个恐怖魔物的身份,但是他们不明白,深渊王者是如何能够跨越出深渊出现在现世的。 Presently during world, who can put existences of these terrifying, and keeps the present world. 现世之中,又有谁能够将这些恐怖的存在放出来,并且留在现世的。 Roar!” “吼!” bone demon of that terrifying exuded one to roar. 那恐怖的骸骨魔物发出了一声咆哮。 His body melted in the sky instantaneously, changes into to breed born the demon fire of demon wisdom. 他的身躯瞬间在天空之中融化,化为了能够孕育诞生出魔物智慧的魔火。 . 紧接着。 A few years ago, that once from falling to print ceremony technique of land. 几年前,那曾经从落下印入大地的仪式术阵。 At this moment, floated the sky again. 此刻,又再次浮上了天空。 In the sky the ray interlocks vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, huge ceremony technique opens in the sky. 天空之中光线交错纵横,一个庞大的仪式术阵在天空之中打开。 Shortly, in the sky of the world opened an vortex. 顷刻间,人间的天空之中打开了一个漩涡。 The embryo of purgatory appeared above the sky. 炼狱之胎出现在了天空之上。 On under the embryo of purgatory that belt/bring the life rhythm is jumping flows the black mud of contamination, changes into the black waterfall to drop from the clouds together. 那带着生命律动跳跃的炼狱之胎上流淌下污秽的黑泥,化为一道黑色瀑布从天而降。 The black waterfall and following Avon connect, with that shatter dark territory interconnection. 黑色的瀑布和下面的亚弗安相连接,和那破碎的黑暗之域相互连接。 The two take the Avon will and offer sacrifices for the connection, two loadstones equally mutual attract probably, finally in sky union in one. 二者以亚弗安的意志和献祭为连接,就好像两个吸铁石一样相互吸引,最终在天空结合在了一起。 The flame flaming combustion, the contamination burnt/anxious Kaocheng soil, burns the stone same quality of material. 火焰熊熊燃烧,将污秽焦烤成泥土,烧制成石头一样的质地。 Finally. 最后。 Flame stars of flaming combustion appeared in the sky. 一颗熊熊燃烧的火焰星辰出现在了天空。 In the flame stars, is breeding a brand-new life body, a master of new abyss. 在火焰星辰内部,孕育着一个全新的生命体,一个新深渊的主人。 Purgatory will. 炼狱意志。 The ceramic villain before Gate of Original Sin felt that all went beyond oneself expectation, quite a while could not speak. 原罪之门前的陶瓷小人感觉一切都超出了自己的预料,半天都说不出话来。 At this moment it put out one. 此刻它才吐出了一句。 What thing is that?” “那是什么东西?” Lives?” “活的?” The line of sight penetrates all isolation, looks at existence of that flame stars interior breeding, looks at the appearance of opposite party. 视线穿透所有隔绝,看着那个火焰星辰内部孕育的存在,看着对方的样貌。 Until this time, the ceramic young talent knows that Pride King Avon made another unexpectedly. 直到这个时候,陶瓷小人才知道傲慢之王亚弗安竟然制造出了另一个自己。 Lord of Purgatory Avon. 一个炼狱之主亚弗安 Now, it understands why Avon taunted it for the idiot finally. 现在,它才明白亚弗安为什么最后嘲讽它为蠢货。 Pride King rather manufactures another, making another God. 傲慢之王宁愿制作出另外一个自己,让另外一个自己成为神明 Also is not willing to be suppressed by similar forever. 也不愿意永远被肖所压制。 His arrogance does not permit. 他的傲慢不允许。 His dignity does not permit. 他的尊严不允许。 Perhaps, his will also has another single layer plan. 或许,他内心的意志也有着另一重打算。 He must from this profound boundless abyss, flee. 他一定要从这幽深无边的深渊之中,逃离出去。 Even if that price were the death. 哪怕那代价是死亡。 This will came from in that is revealing the infinite regrettable expression form under the moonlight, from that day after day nightmare. 这意志源自于那在月光之下对着自己露出无限遗憾表情的身影,源自那日复一日的“噩梦”。 Comes from inscribes in that in the memory deep place. 源自于那一句铭刻于记忆深处的。 Sorry. 对不起。 With face that is bursting into tears. 和那流着泪的面庞。 The common means are unable to kill King of Abyss, without God of Original Sin, they can also be the control of abyss. 寻常办法是无法杀死深渊之王的,若是没有原罪之神的话,他们还可以算是深渊的主宰。 After having God of Original Sin, they want to pull out from the abyss oneself myth organ leave, must first be under the permission of God of Original Sin. 拥有了原罪之神之后,他们想要将自己的神话器官从深渊之中抽离,首先要得到原罪之神的许可。 First thinks of something else these crazy King of Abyss to make this action, even if they want to do that. 首先别论这些疯狂的深渊之王会不会做出这种举措,哪怕他们想要这么去做。 God of Original Sin. 原罪之神 Never can agree. 是永远不可以同意的。 They will suffer enslaving of God of Original Sin forever. 他们将永远遭受原罪之神的奴役。 However now, he achieved. 但是现在,他做到了。 He broke through the blockade of abyss, was separated from the original sin evil god to control and enslave forever and ever. 他冲破了深渊的封锁,脱离了原罪邪神永生永世的掌控和奴役。 That moment that the flame stars are born. 火焰星辰诞生的那一刻。 The consciousness of Avon also offered sacrifices with his myth organ thoroughly, will soon burn during thoroughly falls into completely long sleep. 亚弗安的意识也随着他的神话器官被彻底献祭,即将彻底燃烧殆尽而陷入长眠之中。 The shadow of demon fire surges above the flame stars, the Pride King Avon sound transmits from that shadow. 魔火的影子涌动在火焰星辰之上,傲慢之王亚弗安的声音从那影子里传递出来。 Although the naked eye can see that he is dissipating fast, is moving toward withering away, however Avon at this moment laughs hysterically without stopping, the sound is arrogant. 虽然肉眼都可以看到他在快速消散,在走向消亡,但是此刻的亚弗安狂笑不止,声音孤傲。 Purgatory was born!” “炼狱诞生了!” Saw? My purgatory!” “看到了吗?我的炼狱!” Hahahaha!” “哈哈哈哈!” I am arrogant.” “我就是傲慢。” Sound transmission of Avon in the entire Pince City sky: I am...... the god!” 亚弗安的声音传递在整个潘斯城的上空:“我就是……神!” I am being doomed God.” “我就是注定的神明。” I am Lord of Purgatory.” “我就是炼狱之主。” Everyone looks at the birth of purgatory, looks that past Pride King sent out frightening laughing wildly. 所有人都看着炼狱的诞生,看着昔日的傲慢之王发出令人恐惧的狂笑。 Some people regard it indifferently, some people of breathless, some people like seeing the end arrived. 有人淡然视之,有人气急败坏,有人如同看到了末日降临。 As the purgatory is born thoroughly, as the flame stars take shape completely. 随着炼狱彻底诞生,随着火焰星辰完全成型。 After the flame stars are born, a powerful strength is attracting it unceasingly upward, toward Gate of Dreamland that above is opening. 火焰星辰诞生之后,一股强大的力量吸引着它不断往上,往着上方打开的梦界之门 The Avon demon fire burns gradually completely. 亚弗安的魔火渐渐燃烧殆尽。 However in finally, his sound also gradually pure brightness. 但是在最后,他的声音也渐渐清明。 His sound changes is gradually small, he probably slowly changed, becomes no longer looks like the abyss Pride King. 他的声音渐渐变小,他好像慢慢变了,变得不再像深渊的傲慢之王 Finally. 最后。 He shouts, no longer is haughty that. 他呼喊出的,不再是狂傲的那句。 I am a god. 我就是神。 But in vacant, shouted one. 而是在茫然之中,喊出了一句。 I am......” “我就是……” I am.” “我就是。” Avon?” 亚弗安?” Avon recalled probably anything, the shadow of flame formation turned head suddenly. 亚弗安好像回想起了什么,火焰形成的影子骤然扭头。 He no longer same keeps aloof like God, is overlooking the underground mortal, takes this last chance to feel another him to be going to become the God taste. 他不再如同神明一样高高在上的,俯瞰着地下的凡人,利用这最后的机会感受着另一个他将要成为神明的滋味。 He raised the head, looks to the moon/month in sky. 他抬起头,看向了天空之中的月。 Moon, or the ray of moon, has the special significance regarding Avon. 月亮,或者说月亮的光芒,对于亚弗安来说有着特别的意义。 That flash. 那一瞬间。 He saw in the moonlight a succuba of silver hair to walk probably toward himself. 他好像看到了月光里一个银色头发的魔女朝着自己走来。 She shows the happy expression to throw from the high place, opened the arm toward oneself. 她露出开心的表情从高处扑下,向着自己张开了手臂。 She is summoning the Avon name loudly. 她大声呼唤着亚弗安的名字。 Called him. 称呼他为。 Sir Avon!” 亚弗安大人!” In shadow that the flame composes, Avon also extended the arm gently. 火焰组成的影子里,亚弗安也轻轻伸出了手臂。 He wants to catch the opposite party probably. 他好像想要接住对方。 However the light shadow interlocks, all fall in the vacancy. 但是光影交错,一切落于空处。 The succuba of does not have any silver hair, all are only illusory, all have dissipated. 没有什么银发的魔女,一切都只是虚幻,一切都早已消逝。 However on the face of Avon actually showed a smile of extrication. 但是亚弗安的脸上却露出了一个解脱的笑容。 He truly grasped the opposite party probably, caught that after several hundred years of hug. 他好像真正的抱住了对方,接住了那个时隔几百年的拥抱。 He said. 他说。 Nia.” 尼娅。” Sorry.” “对不起。” The Avon sound as if somewhat choked. 亚弗安的声音似乎有些哽咽。 I come probably, some late.” “我好像来得,有些晚了。” He was late. 他迟到了。 Was late for several hundred years. 迟到了几百年。 With the smile, the Avon shadow dissipates thoroughly. 伴随着笑容,亚弗安的影子彻底消散。 Belongs to the free that flash in the Pride King Avon will, he changed that once Evel person hero Avon from Pride King Avon finally. 傲慢之王亚弗安意志归于自由的那一瞬间,他终于从傲慢之王亚弗安变回了那个曾经的爱维尔人英雄亚弗安 True Avon died, does not have any can fetter him again. 真正的亚弗安死了,没有什么再可以束缚他了。 The steamship that Dreamland that is sending out the golden ray met him, received and instructed him to go to Creator for the home to return to that everyone arranged. 梦界那艘散发着金色光芒的大船来接他了,接引他前往造物主为所有人安排好的归宿。 In there, everyone's dream, the dreams of all companions. 在那里,所有人的梦,所有同伴的梦。 Is waiting for him there. 都在那里等待着他。 Under that Evel lighthouse. 在那爱维尔的灯塔之下。 Nia, Sidi and Echilio, everyone is waiting for him. 尼娅西迪艾奇里奥,所有人都在等待着他。 They will reunite finally again together. 他们终将再次团聚在一起。 Until. 直至。 The end of time. 时间的尽头。 ------------------------ ------------------------ Before Gate of Original Sin . 原罪之门前。 The ceramic villain looks that Pride King Avon sends out the wild language, the body is trembling. 陶瓷小人看着傲慢之王亚弗安发出猖狂之语,身体都在发抖。 It listens to the opposite party to shout in the world, crying out. 它听着对方在人间嘶吼,呐喊着。 I am a god!” “我就是神!” I am being doomed God.” “我就是注定的神明。” I am Lord of Purgatory.” “我就是炼狱之主。” The ceramic villain is breathless, it felt itself playing by the opposite party, by the opposite party playing with. 陶瓷小人气急败坏,它感觉自己被对方给耍了,被对方给玩弄了。 Formerly only then it can play with others, others cannot play with it. 从前只有它可以玩弄别人,没有别人可以玩弄它。 The ceramic villain roared loudly. 陶瓷小人大声咆哮。 Hateful fellow!” “可恶的家伙!” You have not won, you have not won.” “你还没有赢,你还没有赢。” Wins final is wins, you are impossible to become the god, how your fellow possibly becomes the god.” “赢到最后的才算赢,你不可能成为神,你这种家伙怎么可能成为神。” However at this time, a giant god hand only appeared in the ceramic villain behind, gave to hold it. 但是这个时候,一只巨大神祇之手出现在了陶瓷小人的身后,将它给抓住了。 Then exudes one to call out in alarm like the God common great big ceramics villain, then discovered oneself returned to the skeleton long table. 那如同神明一般伟岸高大的陶瓷小人发出一声惊呼,便发现自己又回到了骸骨长桌上。 It by a left hand holding down. 它被一只左手给按住了。 Just also big great like god only same ceramics villain, turned into the true villain. 刚刚还高大伟岸如同神祇一样的陶瓷小人,变成了真正的小人。 Was grasped during the small toy in referring. 一个被握在指间的小玩具。 A sound from front of skeleton long table, hands down from generation to generation from the high place. 一个声音从骸骨长桌的前端,从高处传了下来。 Do not quarrel!” “别吵!” You disturbed me to collect the data.” “你打搅到我收集数据了。” The rampant ceramic villain, then has not just dared to say a few words. 刚刚还嚣张至极的陶瓷小人,这下连一句话都不敢说了。 Motionless. 一动不动。 Probably really turned into a ceramic puppet. 好像真的变成了一个陶瓷玩偶。 God of Original Sin similar this moment by god throne that in the flesh and skeleton compose, is looking at the stars of that flame flaming combustion from afar. 原罪之神肖此刻靠在血肉和骸骨组成的神座上,远远望着那颗火焰熊熊燃烧的星辰。 Purgatory that was just born. 刚刚诞生出来的炼狱。 That moment in the purgatory being born can see the strength that cannot resist absolutely arrives above the purgatory. 只是,在炼狱诞生的那一刻就可以看到一股绝对不可以抵抗的力量降临在炼狱之上。 That is the supreme principle. 那是至高无上的法则。 The strength of principle the purgatory, holds directly toward the sky that flame stars. 法则之力直接将炼狱,将那颗火焰星辰朝着天空托去。 Flame stars rapidly high. 火焰星辰越飞越高。 Until the penetration sky opened that giant door, enters following Dreamland. 直到穿透天空打开了的那扇巨大的门,进入后面的梦界 The purgatory was also similar to once abyss generally by the seal in the Dreamland deep place. 紧接着,炼狱也如同曾经的深渊一般被封印在了梦界深处。 Picture conclusion. 画面结束。 similar knock knocked the manages pen on hand, on the face is lost in thought. 肖敲了敲手上的管笔,脸上陷入了沉思。 „Can't this method be separated from the fetter of abyss species pledge?” “这种方法也不能脱离深渊种誓约的束缚么?” Does not use the abyss as the main body, but takes abyss species this race as the main body.” “不是以深渊为主体,而是以深渊种这个种族为主体。” He is speaking, while put out nearby scroll. 他一边说着话,一边拿出了一旁的卷轴。 On the scroll writes. 卷轴上写着。 «Road of Crown of Wisdom Pledge And Second True God». 智慧王冠誓约和第二条真神之路》。 Saw that similar Zhongyu had some neutral gears, the ceramic villain jumps the speech immediately. 看到肖终于有了一些空档,陶瓷小人立刻跳出来说话了。 God!” “神!” That fellow was too crazy, he dares to scold you to be stupid unexpectedly.” “那个家伙太狂了,他竟然敢骂您愚蠢。” Cannot let off him, must give him the divine punishment, harshest divine punishment.” “不能放过他,一定要给他神罚,最严厉的神罚。” Gives him to arrange the most pitiful result.” “给他安排一个最凄惨的结局。” similar looks at this funny and laughable ceramic villain, nods. 肖看着这个滑稽又可笑的陶瓷小人,点了点头。 Good that he said.” “他说的不错。” You are very stupid.” “你很蠢。” Because the stupid person always likes doing has no matter of significance.” “因为愚蠢之人总喜欢做一些没有任何意义的事情。” The ceramic villain wants to refute anything. 陶瓷小人很想反驳什么。 However at this time similar lowered the head, writes anything on the scroll. 但是这个时候肖又低下了头,在卷轴上写着什么。 The ceramic villain is very unwilling, was unwilling like this by Avon playing, but it actually does not dare to say at this moment. 陶瓷小人很不甘心,不甘心就这样被亚弗安给耍了,但是此时此刻它却没有敢说出来。 Because it knows. 因为它知道。 The victory and loss and victory and defeat and slandered that insulted this matter regarding front ice-cold existence, was not meaningful. 输赢、胜负和诋毁辱骂这种事情对于面前这个冰冷的存在来说,没有任何意义。 Thing that he cares about only then, the goal that he must achieve achieves. 他在意的东西只有一个,他要完成的目标有没有达成。 But present original sin evil god similar, is obviously making one to be important very much and related matter with his ultimate objective, does not dare to disturb as it of toys again. 而现在的原罪邪神肖,很明显在做着一件和他最终目标非常重要和相关的事情,作为一个玩物的它不敢再打搅了。 «Road of scroll Crown of Wisdom Pledge And on the Second True God», filled in several lines at this moment. 智慧王冠誓约和第二条真神之路》的卷轴上,此刻又填上了几行。 Experiment goal 1 demon spirit pyramid: Will soon ascend a height to get a broad view myth, is not steerable, the waiting change arrives, conducts the observation collection data then.” “实验目标一魔灵金字塔:即将登临神话,不可控制,等待变化到来,进行观察收集数据即可。” Front has written, what similar Dongbi writes is the following content. 前面的早已经写好,肖动笔所撰写的是接下来的内容。 „!” “唰唰唰!” The brushwork has rubbed the scroll, sends out the light sound. 笔触摩擦过卷轴,发出轻响。 Experiment goal 2 purgatory abyss: The experiment body takes the abyss as existence that the template creates, it was fettered by the Crown of Wisdom pledge when the birth as before, the experimental result showed that the pledge does not use the abyss as the main body, but takes abyss species this race as the main body.” “实验目标二炼狱深渊:实验体是以深渊为模板创造出的存在,其在诞生之时依旧被智慧王冠誓约所束缚,实验结果表明誓约并不是以深渊为主体,而是以深渊种这个种族为主体。” Experiment goal 3 Pride King Avon: The experiment body distributed the person of Crown of Wisdom pledge, but between dying not to have shown and relation of Crown of Wisdom through pledges, this indicated that distributes the person of pledge not to bind the person of pledge, has not manifested the special place in the Crown of Wisdom front.” “实验目标三傲慢之王亚弗安:实验体是发下了智慧王冠誓约之人,但是直至死去都未曾展现出和智慧王冠通过誓约之间的联系,这表示发下誓约之人并不是绑定誓约之人,在智慧王冠的面前并没有体现出特别之处。” Writes about here. 写到这里。 similar pondered, starts writing finally. 肖思考了一下,最后才下笔。 Experimental result showed that the relation between pledge and race does not depend upon some body, but some things of deep layer.” “实验结果表明誓约和种族之间的联系并不是依靠某一个个体进行,而是更深层的一些东西。” I need the further experimental data, discovered the key point that between the pledge and race relate, can find the path to intelligent root.” “我需要进一步的实验数据,去发现誓约和种族之间联系的关键点,才能找到通往智慧根源的道路。” Finally, similar filled in one on the scroll. 最后,肖又在卷轴上填上了一笔。 Experiment goal 4 Lord of Purgatory: Has not ascended a height to get a broad view myth, in the future may make the material of preparation True God experiment.” “实验目标四炼狱之主:未曾登临神话,将来可作预备真神实验的材料。” The scroll closes. 卷轴合上。 similar also put down the pen. 肖也放下了笔。 ------------------------ ------------------------ Dreamland deep place. 梦界深处。 Different with the egg of shape abyss black breaking, the purgatory is flame stars of combustion. 和深渊黑色破碎之卵形态不一样,炼狱是一颗燃烧的火焰星辰。 This time it could not have said that big, at least cannot compare the present abyss by far. 此时的它还称不上大,至少远远比不上如今的深渊。 However the seed has planted. 但是种子已经种下。 Waited for the future growth to be OK. 就等待着将来的成长就可以了。 It same can through the Crown of Wisdom pledge, through ten thousand spirits dark surface strength, grows own strength gradually. 它一样可以通过智慧王冠的誓约,通过万灵之暗面的力量,渐渐的增长自身的力量。 At this moment. 此时此刻。 The interior of flame stars had the intense change, the life body during breeding was born finally. 火焰星辰的内部发生了强烈的变化,一直在孕育之中的生命体总算是诞生了。 Has shape of God since birth existed to open the eye. 一个生来就拥有神之形的存在睁开了眼睛。 The flame stars split a slit, formed a gully, cliff that just like to the hell deep place. 火焰星辰裂开了一道缝隙,形成了一道沟壑,一个犹如通往地狱深处的断崖。 Cannot see in the bottom cliff gully, the dense and numerous monsters crawled. 看不到底部的悬崖沟壑之中,密密麻麻的怪物爬了出来。 That overlapping monster gushes out like the tide generally, terrifying. 那层层叠叠的怪物如同潮水一般涌出,恐怖至极。 But in gully deep place. 而在沟壑深处。 Lord of Purgatory walked slowly. 炼狱之主慢慢的走了出来。 The innumerable monsters in the roaring flame for his raising throne, crawl under his body. 无数的怪物在烈焰之中为他升起宝座,匍匐在他的身下。 Presents him for the lord. 奉他为主。 Is following him of purgatory together birth, might be considered as myth of destiny. 跟随着炼狱一同诞生的他,堪称是命定的神话 As soon as he birth exceeds the strength of ordinary apostle step position, was equivalent to the reincarnation to cross multiple intelligent power reincarnator. 他一出生就是超越普通使徒阶位的力量,相当于转生过多次的智慧权能转生者 However at least now, he is away from true myth. 但是至少现在,他距离真正的神话 Has the disparity. 还是有差距。 Lord of Purgatory has one and young time Avon exactly the same face, on his face cannot see any expression, cannot see the emotion of any human. 炼狱之主有着一副和年轻时候亚弗安一模一样的脸庞,他的脸上看不到任何表情,更看不到任何人类的情感。 He sits on the throne, is feeling own strength. 他坐在王座上,感受着自己的力量。 Although is newborn, but he inherited the Avon complete memory. 虽然是初生,但是他继承了亚弗安全部的记忆。 Avon?” 亚弗安?” Lord of Purgatory read the Avon name, but in the sound has the doubts. 炼狱之主念出了亚弗安的名字,只是声音里带着疑惑。 However quick, he denied this name. 但是很快,他就否定了这个名字。 I am not Avon.” “我不是亚弗安。”
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