IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#354 Part 2: Has deceived that evil god of disasters eye only

At this time did you also want to overturn?” “这个时候你还想要翻盘吗?” Is impossible!” “不可能!” However it responded the time of already late one step, Pride King Avon has been separated from the abyss. 但是它反应过来的时候已经晚了一步,傲慢之王亚弗安已经脱离深渊而出。 The new Wrath King dark moon/month just vanished in the divine spell item the dark territory of Copper Lamp of Greed manufacture, the Pride King Avon back leg appeared in the territory of darkness. 新任暴怒之王暗月刚刚消失在了神术道具・贪婪的铜灯制造的黑暗之域,傲慢之王亚弗安后脚就出现在了黑暗之域中。 Terrifying Bone Demon King arrives. 恐怖的骨魔之王降临。 The huge pressure presses tens of thousands of demon to lie on the ground cannot be on the rise, but also has massively already demon that died at the same time, is born from the skeleton, stands. 庞大的威压压得成千上万的魔物趴在地上抬不起头,但是与此同时也有着大量已经死去的魔物,从骸骨之中诞生,重新站立起来。 The skeleton force field covers all, the territory of entire darkness also turned into another demon hot abyss probably instantaneously. 骸骨力场覆盖一切,整个黑暗之域好像瞬间也变成了另一个魔火深渊。 These demon they shout wildly to cry out, neighing. 这些魔物他们狂呼呐喊着,嘶叫着。 Bone Demon King!” 骨魔之王!” Pride King!” 傲慢之王!” Avon!” 亚弗安!” Height hundred meters Bone Demon King stands erect in the darkness, looks up Gate of Original Sin and abyss. 身高百米的骨魔之王屹立在黑暗之中,抬头看着原罪之门和深渊。 Can see the expression of ceramic villain is what kind of stunned. 可以看到陶瓷小人的表情是何等的错愕。 What it is stunned is not why Avon appears in the territory of darkness, because the opposite party during its imagination is a from head to tail loser, plays with by it and its back original sin evil god in the stock palms. 它错愕的并不是亚弗安为什么出现在黑暗之域中,而是因为对方在它的想象之中已经是一个彻头彻尾的失败者,被它和它背后的原罪邪神玩弄于股掌之间。 The opposite party want to draw support from Byron's hand to create the new abyss, the plan of creation purgatory already, as Byron's dying was no longer possible. 对方想要借助拜伦之手创造新的深渊,创造炼狱的计划已经随着拜伦的死去不再可能。 The purgatory ceremony complete failure, without Byron continued the darkness and contamination, is then impossible to breed the new purgatory will, breeds the purgatory. 炼狱仪式彻底失败,没有了拜伦承接黑暗和污秽,便不可能孕育出新的炼狱意志,孕育出炼狱。 The purgatory cannot be born normally, Avon not possible to jump out from the abyss, goes to the purgatory ; All that he thinks of every means to construct, will become the original sin evil god to make the bridal clothes. 炼狱不能够正常诞生,亚弗安也不可能从深渊之中跳出,前往炼狱之中;他费尽心机建造的一切,都将成为原罪邪神做嫁衣。 Present he. 现在的他。 Actually wants to jump out from the abyss? 竟然想要从深渊之中跳出? Only has the dead end. 那只有死路一条。 After the ceramic villain is flustered, wants to understand all these. 陶瓷小人慌张过后,也想明白了这一切。 It is calm immediately, teased looks at Avon in territory of darkness. 它立刻淡定了下来,戏谑的看着黑暗之域中的亚弗安 Avon!” 亚弗安!” What do you want to make?” “你到底想要做什么?” „Are you want to court death?” “你是想要找死吗?” The ceramic villain wants to understand these, instead does not worry. 陶瓷小人想明白了这些,反而不着急了。 It looks at Avon to laugh, if you dare to run, appearance that tries. 它看着亚弗安大笑,一副你要是敢跑出去,那就试一试的模样。 „It is not right!” “不对!” You die are impossible.” “你连死也不可能。” Because you have become part of abyss, you want dead could not die.” “因为你已经成为了深渊的一部分了,你想死也死不掉了。” Avon, accepts fate!” 亚弗安,认命吧!” You never may escape the lost palm.” “你永远不可能逃出神的手掌心。” Figure huge Bone Demon raised the head, looks above the territory of darkness a shatter corner/horn. 身形巨大的骨魔抬起头,看着黑暗之域上方破碎的一角。 The moonlight shines from outside world. 月光从外面的世界照射进来。 This, how resembles with scene of that day. 这一幕,和那一天的景象何其相像。 The ceramic villain self-satisfied laughter of transmits from the above, hands down from the abyss and Gate of Original Sin. 陶瓷小人得意的笑声从上方传来,自深渊和原罪之门传下。 You have been defeated!” “你已经失败了!” Avon!” 亚弗安!” Pride King turned head to look to the ceramic villain, looks at the Gate of Original Sin deep place faintly, put out two characters. 傲慢之王扭头看向了陶瓷小人,也隐隐看着原罪之门的深处,吐出了两个字。 Idiot!” “蠢货!” The Avon arrogant head is soaring, has not paid attention to this ceramic villain slightly. 亚弗安傲慢的头颅高昂着,丝毫没有将这个陶瓷小人放在眼里。 With the strength of original sin, then thinks oneself are also the clown of god.” “一个借着原罪的力量,便以为自己也是神的小丑。” You think that my plan such that is you imagines?” “你以为我的计划是你想象的那样?” You think what I select the contract purgatory is Byron?” “你以为我选中承接炼狱的是拜伦?” You think that my retinue Senge does, seed that but makes the abyss?” “你以为我的仆从森格所做,只是制造出深渊的种子?” You think that I am wish let me, under your eyes do hide to jump?” “你以为我是想要让我自己,在你们的眼皮子底下跳出去?” You think.” “你以为。” I can unable to think that you are looking at me?” “我能想不到你们在看着我吗?” Pride King corners of the mouth the one breath, was full of meaning of taunt. 傲慢之王嘴角哈了一口气,充满了嘲讽的意味。 All these to the pretence that you look, my plan is not limited to this by far.” “这一切不过是给你们看的幌子罢了,我的计划远远不止于此。” Ceramic villain the sound of ridicule stops suddenly, the colored drawing on pottery expression on ceramic mannequin face frames is flickering. 陶瓷小人的嘲弄的声音戛然而止,陶瓷人偶脸上的彩绘表情定格在一瞬。 It had a premonition anything probably.- 它好像预感到了什么。- All returned again for dozens years ago. 一切再次回到了几十年前。 The purgatory ceremony planned just started to carry out the time, Senge selected that day. 炼狱仪式计划刚刚开始执行的时候,森格被选中的那一天。 In the darkness praying hall of abyss mission. 深渊教团的黑暗祷堂里。 Young Senge knelt in a bone demon front, the expression was excited, his cautious received the primary black mud from opposite party there. 年轻的森格跪在了一个骸骨魔物的面前,表情激动狂热,他小心翼翼的从对方那里接过了原初黑泥。 In the bone demon mouth put out the abyss Pride King sound, is urging this young retinue. 骸骨魔物的口中吐出了深渊傲慢之王的声音,叮嘱着这个年轻的仆从。 Senge, my retinue.” “森格,我的仆从。” Goes to make a new abyss for me.” “去为我制造一个新的深渊。” bone demon as if also fell into the ponder, was pondering this he arranged very long plan. 骸骨魔物仿佛也陷入了思考,思考着这个他筹备了很久的计划。 However until starts truly, he discovered that he for this new plan, this new abyss has not given a name. 但是直到真正开始的时候,他才发现他未曾为这个新的计划,这个新的深渊取一个名字。 Is called the purgatory abyss!” “叫做炼狱深渊吧!” Also can call the purgatory directly, belongs to my purgatory!” “也可以直接叫炼狱,属于我的炼狱!” Senge crawls in the place, motionless. 森格匍匐在地,一动不动。 Meanwhile, bone demon that opens the mouth spoke also melted instantaneously. 与此同时,那个开口说话的骸骨魔物也瞬间融化。 Finally. 最终。 Turned into a small strange embryo, inside seal has not been breeding the life body of formation. 变成了一个小小的怪异胚胎,里面封印着一个未曾孕育成型的生命体。 A powerful incomparable life. 一个强大无比的生命。 Senge stepped him since then by the mission that the master gives, and implements it with own life. 森格从此踏上了他被主人赋予的使命,并且用自己的生命去贯彻它。 He made the embryonic form of purgatory, opened the purgatory ceremony. 他制造出了炼狱的雏形,开启了炼狱仪式。 Candidate who he seeks for the opening purgatory ceremony, he waits for the opportunity to act from abyss Wang Xuan. 他寻找开启炼狱仪式的人选,他从深渊王选之中伺机而动。 Only and everyone expected that has the difference, is that embryo. 唯一和所有人预料有差别的,便是那个胚胎。 Naturally. 当然。 When implements the mission of master, he also has oneself selfishness. 在贯彻主人的使命的时候,他还有着自己的私心。 His incarnation is dark, brings the disasters to ten thousand snake royal court. 他化身黑暗,给万蛇王庭带来一场又一场灾难。 He wants to destroy this country, destroyed this once to destroy the Evel person homeland, the generation enslaved their countries. 他希望摧毁这个国家,摧毁这个曾经摧毁了爱维尔人家园,世代奴役他们的国家。 Destroys this, brings the painful country to him. 摧毁这个,给他带来痛苦的国家。 The picture transfers again. 画面再转。 Dreamland. 梦界 coordinates that the embryo of purgatory is. 炼狱之胎所在的坐标。 When Senge presents the time here for the second time, the past primary black mud had turned into a big black mire, but that embryo of past has also bred the formation. 等到森格第二次出现在这里的时候,昔日的原初黑泥已经变成了一大片黑色的泥沼,而昔日的那个胚胎也已经孕育成型。 In the embryo, is a young form. 胚胎之中,是一个年轻的身影。 He is away from the thin film, looks existence that has shape of God. 他隔着薄膜,看着那个拥有着神之形的存在。 In Senge look, full is the anticipation. 森格的眼神里,满是期待。 Master!” “主人啊!” Great heroic Avon!” “伟大的英雄亚弗安!” Was quick!” “快了!” Quick!” “很快!” I will complete your plan, this great plan, extricates from the fetter of original sin you.” “我就会完成您的计划,这项伟大的计划,将你从原罪的束缚之中解脱。” True, belongs to God of our Evel person to be born.” “真正的,属于我们爱维尔人的神明就要诞生。” From the beginning, in the embryo breeds is not Avon is used to continue the body of consciousness. 从一开始,胚胎里孕育的就不是什么亚弗安用来承接意识的躯体。 But is new Avon. 而是一个新的亚弗安 Avon that inherited the Avon memory. 一个继承了亚弗安记忆的亚弗安 Will soon become God Avon. 一个即将成为神明亚弗安 Also is in Senge eyes, God that the snake human Evel person becomes. 也就是森格眼中,蛇人爱维尔人成为的神明 This is one makes by Pride King Avon. 这是一个由傲慢之王亚弗安制造的。 Lord of Purgatory Avon. 炼狱之主亚弗安 Pride King Avon knows that his all were locked by the abyss, knows him how, regardless of also is very that difficult the palm escapes from similar to have like this. 傲慢之王亚弗安知道他的一切都被深渊锁定,知道他无论如何也很难逃出肖这样存在的手掌心。 His only means that then with everyone unbelievable method, breaks aspect. 他唯一的办法,便是用一个所有人都难以置信的方法,来打破局面。 Senge does is not only makes the type of purgatory, the opening purgatory ceremony. 森格所做的不仅仅是制造出炼狱之种,开启炼狱仪式。 Makes brand-new Lord of Purgatory. 更是制造出全新的炼狱之主 But person who the contract purgatory arrives, from the beginning is not Byron. 而承接炼狱降临的人,从一开始也不是拜伦。 He from the beginning. 他从一开始。 Just is a board game piece. 就只不过是一个棋子。 Used to deceive everyone's board game piece, seems like a lead, was actually abandoned the abandoned child by everyone. 一个用来欺骗所有人的棋子,一个看似是主角,却被所有人都抛弃弃子。 Senge hand touches on the thin film, this is he close to his eye in God recent time. 森格的手触碰在薄膜上,这是他靠近他眼中的神明最近的时候。 I will succeed.” “我会成功的。” The under foot black mud turns wells up. 脚下黑泥翻涌。 Swallows Senge thoroughly. 将森格彻底吞噬。 Now, he must start the true plan. 现在,他要开启真正的计划。 Let Byron complete final offering sacrifices, diverts everyone's attention to Byron and dark moon/month, lets existence concealment that the true contract purgatory arrives in darkness. 让拜伦完成最后的献祭,同时也将所有人的视线转移到拜伦和暗月身上,让真正承接炼狱降临的存在隐匿于黑暗之中。 With his life, with that board game piece, with dark moon/month and all. 用他的生命,用那个棋子,用暗月和所有。 Has deceived that fearfully. 去骗过那个可怕的。 That evil god of disasters eye only. 那个邪恶神祇的眼睛。
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