IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#354 Part 1: Has deceived that evil god of disasters eye only

Facing the interrogation of Earth Demoness. 面对大地魔女的质问。 The flame burned body that throws from the sky sends out shouting of vibration world. 从天空扑下的火焰焦尸发出震动天地的嘶吼。 Roar!” “吼!” Like a crazy beast. 如同一只狂兽。 Perhaps this angrily roars, is to all responses. 或许这一声怒吼,就已经是对一切的回应。 The energetic force field territory that the flame, principle and spirit are in one friendly, that sea of fire pressed toward below. 火焰、法则、精神融合为一体的精神力场域,那一片火海朝着下面压了下来。 He wants to burn down completely that divine tree that is protecting the lunar eclipse city, or is only all that the pure wish destruction can see at present. 他想要焚烧尽那棵保护着月蚀城的神树,或者只是单纯的想要毁灭眼前所能见到的一切。 After a thundering loud sound, can see the flame to light the crown of divine tree. 一声轰鸣巨响过后,可以看到火焰点燃了神树的树冠。 Flip-flop!” “噼啪噼啪!” Reports one after another transmit from the high place, the flame seems the water to flow from the crown equally under. 一阵接着一阵的爆裂声从高处传来,火焰好像水一样从树冠上流淌而下。 However suddenly. 但是眨眼间。 The fire on crown in the unusual transformation transforms is suppressed. 树冠上的大火又在奇特的变换转化之间被扑灭。 Because this is not the pure trees, divine tree shape in wood/blockhead, flesh and rock three unceasing transformation. 因为这本就不是单纯的树木,神树的形态在木头、血肉、磐石三者之间不断的转换。 Huge divine tree transforms the flesh that was similar to from the wood/blockhead, petrifies from the flesh. 巨大的神树从木头转化成了如同的血肉,又从血肉石化。 Turned into a giant petrified tree. 变成了一颗巨大的石化树。 On tree fire of flaming combustion, extinguishes thoroughly. 树上熊熊燃烧的大火,彻底熄灭。 That gray knot, after being destroyed healed unceasingly, supports and first wave of collision of flame burned body energetic force field territory, flame burned body keeping off stubbornly outside. 那一层灰色的结界,在遭受破坏之后又不断愈合,撑下了和火焰焦尸精神力场域的第一波碰撞,也将火焰焦尸死死的挡在了外面。 However a that flame burned body definitely incessantly such move. 不过那火焰焦尸肯定不止这样一招。 The left hand of opposite party one horizontal, the flame field territory disperses. 对方的左手一横,火焰场域散开。 In the continuous raging fire territory on the scene is born baseless, the flame puppets run out from the raging fire. 源源不断的烈火凭空在场域之中诞生,一个又一个火焰傀儡从烈火之中冲出。 „!” “呜!” Wū wū!” “呜呜!” Tens of thousands of flame puppets are sobbing, having the broken wind sound/rumor from raid in all directions. 成千上万的火焰傀儡呜咽着,带着破风声从四面八方袭来。 To/Clashes toward the lunar eclipse city from each corner. 从各个角落朝着月蚀城冲过来。 Is ordinary like the mighty force. 如同千军万马一般。 So long as the opposite party found a loophole, can crash in the lunar eclipse city smoothly, then rips open the defense of Earth Demoness. 对方只要找到一个漏洞,就可以顺利的冲进月蚀城之中,然后撕开大地魔女的防御。 However the succuba grey eyes pupil on crown is gazing at the sky, according to changing of that flame burned body also starts the new coping style immediately. 但是树冠上的魔女灰色的眼眸注视着天空,根据那火焰焦尸的变招也立刻启动了新的应对方式。 Her brown hair dispersing, the clothes robe blows up in the strong winds. 她褐色的头发散开,衣袍在狂风之中鼓起。 divine tree of under foot also started the new round change. 脚下的神树也开始了新一轮的变化。 „The second shape!” “第二形态!” Original divine tree seemed the sandburg to collapse generally, turned into the dense and numerous root hair to extend. 原本的神树就好像沙堡一般垮塌了下来,变成了密密麻麻的根须延伸开来。 However looks at these flexible root hair, pesters toward is galloping in all directions. 但是看着这些灵活的根须,纠缠着朝着四面八方奔腾。 Also feels like the innumerable large snakes to wriggle. 又觉得像是无数条长蛇在蠕动。 . 只是。 In being separated the shape of taking root after the land, the build felt on absolutely does not have in the land was so big. 在脱离了扎根于大地的形态之后,体型感觉上就完全没有大地上的那么大了。 As if beforehand divine tree takes root above the land, relied on some strength to have that huge build, under the land has a powerful strength to support the Earth Demoness strength. 仿佛之前的神树扎根在大地之上,是借助了某种力量才拥有了那么庞大的体型,大地之下有着一股强大的力量在支撑着大地魔女的力量。 However that dense and numerous root hair is also very powerful, routed these flame puppets instantaneously, strangles to death them. 不过那密密麻麻的根须也十分强悍,瞬间击溃了那些火焰傀儡,将它们绞杀一空。 At this time, above the sky also presented the change again. 只是这个时候,天空之上也再度出现了异动。 Stood erect the burned body raised the sword above the vault of heaven. 屹立于天穹之上焦尸扬起了剑。 !” “呲呲呲呲!” The flame of sky gathers on the sword unceasingly, gathers in burned body within the body, presented the thunder and lightning common giving a tongue-lashing sound unexpectedly. 天空的火焰不断汇聚于剑上,汇聚于焦尸体内,竟然出现了雷电一般的呲声。 Burned body at this moment blooms the radiant ray in the sky, probably a small-sized Sun is the same. 此刻的焦尸在天空之中绽放出璀璨的光芒,就好像一个小号的太阳一样。 But in burned body behind, an vortex revolves unceasingly. 而在焦尸的身后,一个漩涡不断旋转。 That is the entrance of abyss, can see that from is gathering in the strength of abyss in the body of burned body continuously, in proof burned body at this moment in unceasing and abyss synchronization. 那是深渊的入口,可以看到来自于深渊的力量正在源源不断的汇聚于焦尸的身上,也在证明焦尸此刻在不断的和深渊同步。 . 紧接着。 A burned body sword wields. 焦尸一剑挥下。 Terrifying appeared, the hot wave along the sword potential, tears the vault of heaven. 恐怖的一幕出现了,火浪沿着剑势而出,撕裂天穹。 The red fire revolves then, must cleaving in two to be the same the entire lunar eclipse city probably. 赤色的火环旋转而下,就好像要将整个月蚀城给劈成两半一样。 This strength. 这力量。 As if has exceeded the ordinary apostle class. 似乎已经超越了普通使徒阶层。 Clearly, the burned body had borrowed the strength of coming from the abyss. 很明显,焦尸已经借用了来自于深渊的力量。 Earth Demoness makes the defense gesture immediately, she responded quickly, both hands synthesis pray shape. 大地魔女立刻做出了防御姿态,她反应很快,双手合成祈祷状。 Built divine tree again. 再度筑起了神树 In her mouth is shouting: „The first shape!” 她口中大喊着:“第一形态!” The dense and numerous root hair fused in together, turned into that divine tree again. 密密麻麻的根须融合在一起,再度变成了那棵神树 The crown sends out grey light, prevents, in that cut on the sword of crack vault of heaven. 树冠散发出灰色的光界,阻挡在了那斩裂苍穹的一剑上。 Bang!” “轰隆!” The sword glow that the flame gathering becomes tore light directly, presses toward the crown on. 火焰汇聚而成的剑芒直接撕裂了光界,朝着树冠上压去。 Earth Demoness changed the complexion instantaneously, she shouted one hurriedly. 大地魔女瞬间变了脸色,她急匆匆的大喊了一声。 Petrification!” “石化!” In the skin shell of divine tree the grey unceasing spread, becomes incomparably firm, changed into a giant petrified tree. 神树的皮壳上灰色不断的蔓延,变得无比坚固,化为了一棵巨大的石化树。 However that sword had not been prevented slightly. 但是那一剑丝毫没有被阻挡住。 The flame cuts to petrify divine tree, brings fearful sparks/Mars, fierce explosive sound. 火光切割开石化神树,带着可怕的火星,还有剧烈的爆炸声。 It broke out the crown of divine tree directly, toward below. 它直接劈开了神树的树冠,朝着下面而来。 Flame tearing giant tree. 紧接着,火焰撕裂巨木。 Must also cleave in two that sturdy incomparable tree trunk together. 要将那粗壮无比的树干也一同劈成两半。 But at this time, Earth Demoness underwent the postponement of that flash to take the new measure rapidly. 而这个时候,大地魔女经过了那一瞬间的延缓迅速采取了新的措施。 She knelt, prayed to God directly. 她跪了下来,直接向神明祈祷。 „The retinue of supreme Ruler of Life, great Ruhul Giant God Burrower Demon Insect, supports the land and life the god of asylum.” “至高无上的生命主宰之仆从,伟大的鲁赫巨神钻地魔虫,承托大地和生命的庇护之神。” Your apostle, requested your gracious gift.” “您的使徒,请求您的恩赐。” In a flash. 一瞬间。 Under the land the continuous strength gathering comes, to gather above divine tree. 大地之下源源不断的力量汇聚而来,汇聚于神树之上。 gray ray that broken out divine tree erupts the terrifying, with sword glow resistance. 被劈开的神树爆发出恐怖的灰色光芒,和剑芒对抗。 Is recovered suddenly, the gray ray that by divine tree that nearly a sword cuts open thoroughly sends out withstood the flame sword glow. 被险些一剑从中彻底剖开的神树眨眼间重新复原,散发出的灰色光芒顶住了火焰剑芒。 Then. 然后。 gray light proliferated from the interior, cracks-up the flame sword glow directly. 灰色的光界从内部扩散了出来,直接将火焰剑芒撞碎。 This has not ended. 这还没有完。 The flash of flame sword glow disintegration, the air wave blasts open layer upon layer. 火焰剑芒崩碎的一瞬间,层层气浪炸裂开来。 The air wave rewinds the horizon, the flame burned body in that day will also attack to sway directly. 气浪倒卷天际,直接将那天上的火焰焦尸也冲击得摇摇晃晃。 Can see was sending out a that terrifying sword, after consuming the huge strength . 可以看到在发出了那恐怖至极的一剑,消耗了庞大的力量之后。 The flame burned body becomes the successor to feel weak probably. 火焰焦尸好像变得后继乏力。 Above divine tree. 神树之上。 Earth Demoness also noticed this situation, she seizes the opportunity to display another shape strength immediately. 大地魔女也注意到了这个情况,她立刻抓住了机会施展了另一种形态力量。 The divine tree contraction of under foot, but on the crown grew a giant flower, although could not compare favorably with the greatness of divine tree shape, but obviously was more mystical and fine. 脚下的神树收缩,而树冠上长出了一朵巨大的花,虽然媲美不了神树形态的伟岸,但是更显神秘和精美。 divine tree vanished, turned into giant flowers, was in full bloom in the sky of lunar eclipse city. 神树消失,变成了一个巨大的花朵,盛开在月蚀城的天空。 The flower petal launches. 花瓣展开。 The revolutions hangs one to float piece by piece on, packages to go toward the flame burned body. 转悬着一片片漂浮而上,朝着火焰焦尸包裹而去。 Roar!” “吼!” Roar!” “吼!” The flame burned body truly strength exhausted, he roared is dashing vigorously. 火焰焦尸确实力量耗尽了,他咆哮着极力冲撞。 Has not actually dashed that petal petal flower petal, finally was wrapped thoroughly. 却都没有冲撞开那一瓣瓣花瓣,最后被彻底包裹在了其中。 Earth Demoness rise with a jump, appears on the flower bud. 大地魔女一跃而起,出现在了花苞上。 Then stimulated to movement the complete strength. 然后催动了自己全部的力量。 Seal!” “封印!” It seems like Earth Demoness not to kill the dark moon/month, she wants first dark moon/month seal. 看起来大地魔女并不想要杀死暗月,她想要先将暗月封印。 The flower petal turned into the color of stone from the translucent color slowly, probably a huge, fine and exquisite sculpture. 花瓣从半透明的颜色慢慢变成了石头的颜色,就好像一个庞大、精致、细腻的雕塑。 Finally bound completely in one, turned into a stone ball-flower to hang in the sky. 最后完全裹在了一起,变成了一个石头花球悬在天空。 Three shapes. 三种形态。 Earth Demoness used three strengths of life forms, finally defeated the crazy burned body, mounts the monster of Wrath King position. 大地魔女用了三种生命形态的力量,最终击败了疯狂的焦尸,登上暴怒之王位置的怪物。 Although just the opposite party divided that sword time, really also gave to frighten the succuba. 虽然刚刚对方劈出那一剑的时候,真的将魔女也给吓到了。 But the person below lunar eclipse city, many were cut the sword of crack land to frighten to faint by that directly, everyone is above under the strength that the mortal imagines to tremble in this completely, in constant anxiety. 而下方月蚀城中的人,不少更是被那斩裂大地的一剑直接吓得晕厥过去,所有人在这完全超乎凡人想象的力量下瑟瑟发抖,惶惶不可终日。 However luckily, Earth Demoness depends upon the strength of god borrows finally, defeated that fearful fierce flame burned body. 但是幸好,大地魔女最后依靠借来的神之力,击败了那可怕狰狞火焰焦尸。 Although in the city also no one knows at present. 虽然目前城内还没有人知道。 That wants to destroy their fierce monsters, fearful burned body. 那想要毁灭他们的狰狞怪物,可怕的焦尸。 Was they once loved, proud dark moon/month general. 就是他们曾经爱戴,引以为豪的暗月将军。 Under seal, burned body also in unceasing struggling. 封印之下,焦尸还在不断的挣扎。 Thump thump thump!” “咚咚咚!” Roar!” “吼!” Thump!” “咚!” When the flower petal transparency will soon vanish thoroughly, seal completely successful time. 当花瓣透明度即将彻底消失,封印完全成功的时候。 The crazy flame burned body, surged the anger eye to flash before a pure brightness. 原本疯狂的火焰焦尸,涌动着怒火的眼睛闪现出了一丝清明。 He stopped slowly action that resists the seal. 他慢慢停下了抗拒封印的举措。 Probably understands this is the useless action. 好像明白了这不过是无用之举。 That restored a monster of intelligence to raise the head, looks to the ball-flower above form. 那恢复了一丝神智的怪物抬着头,看向了花球上面的身影。 He puts out a hand, then puts down. 他伸出手,然后又放下。 He as to summon the name of opposite party, but gave up finally. 他似乎想要呼唤对方的名字,但是最后还是放弃了。 However his movement has made Earth Demoness also notice the change of flame burned body, that pair of gray pupil looked toward him, in the look has doubts, distressed, regretted. 但是他这个动作已经让大地魔女也注意到了火焰焦尸的变化,那双灰色的瞳孔朝着他看了过来,眼神里是疑惑、痛心、惋惜。 The burned body also noticed, said one in a soft voice. 焦尸也注意到了,轻声说了一句。 “Unthinkable.” “没想到。” Finally unexpectedly is you.” “最后竟然是你。” A just fight also made her in the dream the unconsciousness these pictures that saw summarize, understands probably the dark moon/month had anything. 刚刚的一番战斗也让她将自己梦里无意识看到的那些画面总结了起来,大概明白了暗月身上发生了些什么。 Naturally, she does not know all entirety. 当然,她也并不知道一切的全部。 Dark moon/month!” “暗月!” You real, becomes King of Abyss?” “你真的,成为了深渊之王?” Why?” “为什么?” You have succeeded, you have achieved you to want.” “你都已经成功了,你都已经做到了你想要的。” Is your own choice, is......” “是你自己的选择,还是……” The flame burned body is gazing at Earth Demoness, looks apostle strength that she obtains. 火焰焦尸注视着大地魔女,看着她获得的使徒力量。 Why?” “为什么?” Still remembers that you did ask my question?” “还记得你问我的那个问题吗?” Earth Demoness fell into the recollection, short spoke of a moment later. 大地魔女陷入了回忆,短暂片刻之后就说到。 Dark moon/month!” “暗月!” Actually do you want to make what world?” “你究竟想要制造一个什么样的世界?” Waking up time, she thinks that she had understood the ideal of dark moon/month, understood the dark moon/month wants to make anything. 醒来的时候,她以为自己已经理解了暗月的理想,理解了暗月想要做什么。 However to at this moment, her discovered oneself has not understood truly dark moon/month person. 但是到了此时此刻,她发现自己并未曾真正理解暗月这个人。 The flame burned body looked to below, looked to that as before complete lunar eclipse city, looks at this suffering the tribulation new country. 火焰焦尸看向了下面,看向了那依旧完好的月蚀城,看着这个饱经磨难的新国家。 In his sound, is flooding the indescribable mood. 他的声音里,充斥着难以言喻的情绪。 Really is funny.” “真是滑稽。” Finally unexpectedly is the apostle who lets the god, saves my ideal.” “最后竟然是让神的使徒,来拯救我的理想。” Destroyer and saving is also performing.” “破坏者和拯救者在同时上演。” Really is......” “真是……” One crowd of acting in a self-serving manner exists!” “为所欲为的一群存在啊!” Spoke these words. 说完这句话。 Then, the body of dark moon/month from exploding. 然后,暗月的这具身体自爆了。 The terrifying flame surges in the stone ball-flower, finally annihilation in invisible. 恐怖的火焰在石头花球内涌动,最后湮灭于无形。 In the sky, Earth Demoness also makes the sound of sigh. 天空之中,大地魔女也发出叹息的声音。 She knows. 她知道。 This on behalf , the opposite party had been undergoing the test of original sin. 这代表着,对方已经经过了原罪的考验。 Became true King of Abyss. 成为真正的深渊之王了。 King of Abyss is unable easily to be killed, because they had integrated the abyss, becomes a part of this myth item. 深渊之王是无法被轻易杀死的,因为他们已经融入了深渊,成为这个神话道具的一部分。 The body was killed with also falls into the deep sleep shortly, probably once Lust Queen Merder was the same. 身躯被杀死和也只是短暂陷入沉睡,就好像曾经的色欲之王梅尔德一样。 However as the flame burned body vanishes in the present world, the lunar eclipse city matter also comes to the end finally. 不过随着火焰焦尸消失于现世,月蚀城这边的事情也总算是告一段落。 However in the conclusion, Earth Demoness actually looked at a distance lunar eclipse city not far place. 但是在结束的时候,大地魔女却看了一眼距离月蚀城不远的地方。 Also looked to the remote horizon. 紧接着,又看向了遥远的天边。 In the eye revealed the doubts. 眼睛里露出了疑惑。 That side Pince City, what situation is?” 潘斯城那边,到底是什么情况?” From a lunar eclipse city not far hillside on. 距离月蚀城不远的一座山坡上。 Suinhall blood family also received oracle, arrived at the lunar eclipse city. 苏因霍尔的血眷者也接到了神谕,来到了月蚀城。 Actually before the flame burned body arrives, he had rushed to here. 其实在火焰焦尸降临之前,他就已经赶到了这里。 He is stopped this disaster, the god foresaw the plan of abyss, destroys Xiao's plan. 他原本是来制止这一场灾难的,神预见到了深渊的计划,来破坏肖的计划。 However, just witnessed a birth of new apostle. 但是没有想到,刚好见证了一位新使徒的诞生。 Moreover, is the apostle of life power. 而且,还是生命权能的使徒。 Life Powerful?” “生命权能者?” Apostle step?” “使徒阶?” Ruhul's strength? Ruhul Giant God apostle.” “鲁赫的力量?鲁赫巨神的使徒。” Life Powerful and wisdom Powerful are different, life Powerful takes the race to regard as overall, for example Scarlet Goddess and all three leaves symbiont is a whole. 生命权能者和智慧权能者不一样,生命权能者是以种族为整体来看待的,例如腥红女神和所有三叶共生者是一个整体。 All retinues, family members and apostle can also be regarded as extending of life half god strength, she and life half god is a body. 所有的仆从、眷属、使徒也可以看作是生命半神力量的延伸,她和生命半神是一体的。 Therefore had not seen that Earth Demoness prayed to God, with strength time. 所以还没看到大地魔女神明祈祷,借来力量的时候。 He is basic had determined, the opposite party is Ruhul Giant God apostle. 他就基本已经确定,对方是鲁赫巨神的使徒。 When Earth Demoness read the prayer word, after summon being lost in thought name, he knows that which god apostle of only the opposite party was. 但是当大地魔女念出了祷告词,呼唤出了神名之后,他就知道对方是哪一位神祇的使徒了。 Ruhul Giant God!” “鲁赫巨神!” Burrower Demon Insect!” 钻地魔虫!” Blood family turn around to depart. 血眷者转身离去。 Suinhall wanted to meddle ten thousand snake royal court aspects taking advantage of this confusion, courses ten thousand snake royal court the belief and Suinhall of Scarlet Goddess controlling force thoroughly, is used to carry out their following another plan. 原本苏因霍尔想要借着这一场混乱插手万蛇王庭的局面,将腥红女神的信仰和苏因霍尔的控制力彻底引向万蛇王庭,用来执行他们接下来的另一个计划。 However now a new apostle of God birth, represents the place of ten thousand snake royal court this without owners to have the asylum of Spiritual God. 但是如今一位新的神之使徒诞生,代表着万蛇王庭这片无主之地重新拥有了神灵的庇护。 The situation is completely different.- 情况就完全不一样了。- Abyss's first. 深渊第一层。 Demon hot abyss. 魔火深渊。 Pride King Avon is turning that «Anhofos Bone Demon Transformation Tome», puts down until the last page thoroughly. 傲慢之王亚弗安翻着那本《安霍福斯骨魔转化秘典》,直到最后一页才彻底放下。 In this secret standard is hiding very many secrets, is not only pure Bone Demon transforms divine spell. 这本秘典之中藏匿着非常多的秘密,不仅仅是一本单纯的骨魔转化神术 Bone Demon as one that artificially makes demon monster that has the wisdom, Anhofos, when creates it, contains royal power blood Samoll family generation exploration some ideas of immortal secret technique. 骨魔作为人为制造出来的一种拥有智慧的魔怪,安霍福斯在创造它的时候,其中就蕴含着王权血裔萨莫家族世代探索的永生秘术的部分理念。 But Samoll family's immortal secret technique. 而萨莫家族的永生秘术。 Makes the key of myth item, was afterward a part in Path of Wisdom. 正是制造出神话道具的关键,也是后来智慧之路里的一部分。 Although Pride King cannot from found the immortal secret, however Anhofos some crazy to the extreme idea and idea, he deeply felt. 傲慢之王虽然没能从其中找到永生的秘密,但是安霍福斯的一些疯狂到了极点的想法和理念,他是深深感受到了。 But in these pictures in light of last era myth, highlights incisively crazy of opposite party. 而结合上一个纪元神话里的那些画面,更是将对方的疯狂凸显得淋漓尽致。 He can imagine, a how that is crazy fellow. 他可以想象到,那是一个如何疯狂的家伙。 Because oneself are unable to become God, therefore then makes God. 因为自己无法成为神明,于是便制造出一个神明的自己。 myth I!” 神话的我!” I cannot become God, that manufacture God I.” “我不能成为神明,那就制造一个神明的我。” Jie Jie Jie!” “桀桀桀!” The bone monster exuded the strange laughter, held down own forehead with the hand, this is Avon or the mortal time custom. 骨头怪物发出了怪异的笑声,用手按住了自己的额头,这是亚弗安还是凡人的时候的习惯。 This idea......” “这想法……” Really was too wonderful.” “实在是太美妙了。” Pride King sets out, goes down from his throne. 傲慢之王起身,从他的王座上走下。 Walks toward outside step by step. 一步步朝着外面走去。 He is holding up the head, in the eye socket the flame surges, without white bones lower jaw unceasing splitting of body, gradually arrived in the limit. 他昂着头,眼眶里火焰涌动,没有皮肉的白骨下颚不断的裂开,逐渐抵达了极限。 He is smiling probably, or is anticipating anything. 他好像在微笑,又或者是在期待着什么。 Because. 因为。 He waited for very long time to arrive, 他等待了很久的时刻已经到来, Walks downward, the both sides murals after the side, that are the end charts draw unceasingly. 一路往下走,两侧的壁画不断经过身边,那是一幅幅末日图绘。 Arrived at the terminal of mural, Pride King Avon stopped suddenly. 只是走到了壁画的末端,傲慢之王亚弗安突然停了下来。 He has turned head to look to the last picture. 他扭过头看向了最后一幅画。 The mural takes last era the wars of various god as the origin, end finished by several pictures that the abyss was born. 壁画是以上一个纪元的诸神之战为起源,末尾是以深渊诞生的几幅画面结束。 On that last mural, what presented is the abyss rises into the Dreamland final scene. 在那最后一副壁画上,呈现的是深渊升入梦界的最后场景。 At that time was Pride King Avon distributes the pledge to supreme divine artifact Crown of Wisdom, letting the abyss becomes the darkness of ten thousand spirit, the abyss also in light of this forever by the seal in the Dreamland deep place. 当时是傲慢之王亚弗安至高神器智慧王冠发下誓言,让深渊成为了万灵之暗,深渊也就此永远被封印在了梦界深处。 In this picture. 这幅画里。 The abyss has been separated from the land, congeals the shape of egg of present shatter darkness. 深渊已经脱离大地,凝结成了如今的破碎黑暗之卵的形态。 That shatter place, is the front door that the abyss opens outward. 那破碎的地方,也是深渊对外打开的大门。 In picture. 画面里。 Has two forms in the shatter place of egg of darkness. 在黑暗之卵的破碎处有着两个身影。 Pride King Avon stands in the abyss, but another form stands beside the abyss, is gazing at with him face-to-face. 傲慢之王亚弗安站在深渊之内,而另一个身影站在深渊之外,和他面对面注视着。 Moon Demoness. 月之魔女 Nia. 尼娅 Bone Demon sees these two forms, probably recalled anything. 骨魔看着这两个身影,好像回忆起了什么。 Is out of sorts and stands. 失神而立。 He remembered that innumerable in the deep sleep, that picture that recalls. 他又想起了那个无数次在沉睡之中,回想起的那个画面。 Seeming like the picture is not fearful, moreover even the fearful scene, in this world are how many places more fearful than the abyss? Do how many exist King of Abyss are more fearful than? 看上去画面并不算可怕,而且就算是再可怕的场景,这世上还有多少地方比深渊更可怕?有多少存在比深渊之王更可怕? However one time as Avon of abyss King every recalled, felt the world's most fearful nightmare. 但是身为深渊王者的亚弗安每一次回想起,就感觉那是世界上最可怕的噩梦。 At this moment, that picture well ups again. 此时此刻,那副画面再次涌上心头。 The moonlight shines from the sky, shines along the shatter dark egg in turning into Bone Demon and on King of Abyss Avon. 月光从天空照射下来,沿着破碎的黑暗之卵照射在变成骨魔深渊之王亚弗安身上。 A form stands in the high place, overlaps with moon in the same place. 一个身影站在高处,和月亮重迭在一起。 Is going against the light, probably anything does not see clearly. 逆着光,好像什么也看不清楚。 However Avon can feel that the opposite party is bursting into tears. 但是亚弗安可以感觉到对方在流泪。 The opposite party are exhausting all strengths to rush to him, was actually prevented by his strength, changed into the moonlight dissipation in the midair. 对方在用尽一切力量奔向他,却被他的力量阻挡住,在半空之中化为了月光消散。 Finally, opposite party sad was saying to him. 最后,对方哀伤至极的对着他说。 Sorry?” “对不起?” In the Bone Demon mind gushed out the boundless mania in a flash, the flame fierce vibration in eye socket. 骨魔的脑海里一瞬间涌出了无边的狂躁,眼眶里的火焰剧烈的抖动。 you this fellow.” “伱这个家伙。” You wanted to kill me.” “你想要杀了我。” You added that what sorry?” “你还说什么对不起?” We are the enemies, we are the mortal enemies.” “我们是敌人,我们是死敌。” I am King of Abyss, abyss most terrifying existence.” “我是深渊之王,深渊最恐怖的存在。” Why did you say sorry? Do you have something to sorry?” “你为什么说对不起?你有什么可对不起的?” Pride King Avon was interrogating loudly existence in that mural, is agitated. 傲慢之王亚弗安大声的质问着那副壁画里的存在,情绪激动。 „!” “啊!” You told me!” “你告诉我啊!” You said why you must say sorry?” “你说,你为什么要说对不起?” However the form in mural has elapsed several hundred years ago, is impossible to reply his doubts. 但是壁画里的身影早就在几百年前逝去,再也不可能回答他的疑惑。 Pride King Avon returned to normal gradually the mood, he no longer looks at that mural, static went out of own black stone demon palace. 傲慢之王亚弗安渐渐平复了心情,他不再看那副壁画,静静的走出了自己的黑石魔宫。 In outside. 在外面。 The skeleton regiment of blotting out the sky gathers, crawls toward their kings. 铺天盖地的骸骨军团聚集在一起,朝着他们的王匍匐。 But at this time, the dark moon/month of the world just using the divine spell item Copper Lamp of Greed opened the territory of darkness, during is battling with Child of Wrath Byron. 而这个时候,人间的暗月刚刚利用神术道具・贪婪的铜灯打开了黑暗之域,正在和暴怒之子拜伦激战之中。 Two people are contending. 两个人角逐着。 True Wrath King throne. 真正的暴怒之王的王座。 Before Gate of Original Sin, the ceramic villain is appreciating the program that it is wanting. 原罪之门前,陶瓷小人正在欣赏着它想要的戏码。 In the territory of darkness, the dark moon/month fused the divine spell item greedy lamp, opened the door at the King of Abyss jurisdiction. 黑暗之域中,暗月融合了神术道具・贪婪之灯,以深渊之王的权限打开了门。 „The gate of abyss!” “深渊之门!” Opens!” “打开吧!” The dark moon/month lifts the hand, a channel connected the genuine abyss. 暗月一抬手,一个通道连通了真正的深渊。 Innumerable abyss demon crawls from the abyss, attacks to go toward Byron under the dark moon/month control. 无数的深渊魔物从深渊之中爬出,在暗月的操控下朝着拜伦攻击而去。 Follows the contract.” “遵循契约。” Kills my enemy.” “杀死我的敌人。” In the demon hot abyss, massive bone demon are also following the dark moon/month summon, spans the gate of abyss together. 魔火深渊之中,大量的骸骨魔物也跟随着暗月的召唤,一起跨越深渊之门而出。 Goes to summon their dark domain, in participates the fight that they long for and crazy. 前往召唤他们的黑暗领地,参与他们渴望的战斗和疯狂里。 But Pride King Avon. 傲慢之王亚弗安 He also suddenly presented the shatter place of egg of darkness, stands before the front door of abyss. 他也突然出现了黑暗之卵的破碎处,站在深渊的大门前。 He looks at Gate of Original Sin that appears, looks at the ceramic villain before that ; Does not know why had the last era evil god on the association, Little Human in a Bottle. 他看着显现出来的原罪之门,看着那门前的陶瓷小人;不知道为何就联想起了上一个纪元的邪神,瓶中的小人 Two people lower the head at this time together, by the big family prestige of abyss dark moon/month and Byron's battle. 两个人此时都一起低下头,透过深渊的大门望着暗月和拜伦的厮杀。 This is a laughable tragedy. 这就是一场可笑的悲剧。 The victory and defeat has arranged, who should fall into the abyss in crazy, who should during the curse cursed angrily died, in does not have the question from the beginning. 胜负早已安排好了,谁该在疯狂之中堕入深渊,谁该在诅咒怒骂之中死去,在一开始就已经没有了疑问。 Like being expected, laughable play not slightly pleasantly surprised ending. 如同预料之中的一样,可笑的戏剧没有丝毫惊喜的落幕。 Finally. 最后。 The dark moon/month killed Byron, captured the violent anger myth organ heart. 暗月杀死了拜伦,夺取了暴怒的神话器官心脏。 However he actually does not know, the ceramic villain also arranged his dramatic result, arranged the test of his original sin. 但是他却不知道,陶瓷小人同时也安排好了他戏剧性的结局,安排好了他原罪的考验。 In the violent anger, destroys all that he himself establishes. 在暴怒之中,摧毁他自己建立的一切。 Let the violent anger conform to the name of violent anger truly. 让暴怒真正符合暴怒之名。 Finally, the dark moon/month draws a sword toward the ceramic villain in the wildness. 最后,暗月在狂怒之中朝着陶瓷小人拔剑。 The ceramic villain is gazing at his wildness, sends out to laugh. 陶瓷小人注视着他的狂怒,发出大笑。 Hates?” “恨吗?” No use?” “无助吗?” Felt were oneself too small and weak? Felt hasn't own what changed?” “是不是觉得自己太弱小了?是不是觉得自己什么都没有改变?” Suddenly discovered, order that you formulate in the face of true strength, collapses at the first blow.” “是不是突然发现,你制定的秩序在真正的力量面前,不堪一击。” Your this?” “就你这样?” Also wants to restrain God?” “还想约束神明?” Hahahaha!” “哈哈哈哈!” In the laughter of ceramic villain is the endless ridicule, the dark moon/month also falls into the world under his organizing, the consciousness also falls into the darkness in the wildness. 陶瓷小人的笑声里是无尽的嘲弄,暗月也在他的摆布之下堕入人间,意识也在狂怒之中堕入黑暗。 However at this time, Pride King Avon also moved. 但是在这个时候,傲慢之王亚弗安也动了。 He following the channel that Gate of Original Sin opens, following the shatter exit|to speak of egg of darkness, the front door of abyss steps toward outside. 他顺着原罪之门打开的通道,顺着黑暗之卵的破碎出口,深渊的大门朝着外面迈去。 Under. 一步而下。 The King of this abyss, leaves the abyss to go unexpectedly. 这位深渊的王者,竟然离开深渊而去。 In that surviving dark territory. 在那片残存的黑暗之域中。 Innumerable demon crawl simultaneously in the ground, is shouting loudly the Pride King Avon name, they gather a powerful strength, is guiding arrival of Avon. 无数魔物同时匍匐在地面,高呼着傲慢之王亚弗安的名字,他们本身汇聚成一股强大的力量,引导着亚弗安的降临。 Avon!” 亚弗安!” Great Pride King!” “伟大的傲慢之王!” Pride King Avon!” 傲慢之王亚弗安!” We welcomed your arrival.” “我们恭迎您的降临。” These by demon that the dark moon/month summon comes, now is obeying the control of Avon, welcomed from the abyss him. 那些被暗月召唤而来的魔物,如今都在听从着亚弗安的操控,将他从深渊之中迎出。 This moment ceramic young talent shifted from the body of dark moon/month from the attention, shifted the body of Pride King Avon. 此刻陶瓷小人才从注意力从暗月的身上转移了过来,转移到了傲慢之王亚弗安的身上。 The ceramic villain voice is surprised, looks back abyss's first. 陶瓷小人声音惊讶无比,回过头来看着深渊第一层。 „Are you doing?” “你在干什么?” Discovered some not too to the ceramic villain uses own jurisdiction immediately, suppressed all guided Pride King Avon left the abyss demon. 发现有些不太对的陶瓷小人立刻动用了自己的权限,压制了所有引导傲慢之王亚弗安离开深渊的的魔物。 It is shouting, in the sound has puzzled. 它大喊着,声音里有着不解。 You had lost, your loser!” “你已经输了,你这个失败者!”
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