IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#353 Part 2: Earth Demoness

The gray double pupil penetration land earth's crust, the flame meteor that notices the sky to crash.- 灰色的双眸穿透大地地壳,注意到了天空坠落的火焰流星。- Lunar eclipse city. 月蚀城。 At this moment, here is in the night. 此时此刻,这里正处于夜间。 The phenomenon that the sky presents caused in the city quickly the attention of Powerful, the highest pretor who just took office also saw the sky opened the vortex. 天空出现的异象很快就引起了城内权能者的注意,刚刚就职的最高执政官也看到了天空打开了漩涡。 Outside the pretor mansion, the crowd surges. 执政官府邸外,人群涌动。 What's the matter?” “到底是怎么回事?” „Did space start out a hole?” “天上开出了一个洞?” „It is not right!” “不对劲啊!” Many people feel helpless, but the highest pretor actually associated to anything. 很多人都不知所措,但是最高执政官却联想到了什么。 That is not the hole, is the gate of spirit world.” “那不是洞,是灵界之门。” Hurry up, the reminder makes one start to seek asylum!” “快点,提醒让人开始避难!” Strikes a gong, hurries to strike a gong.” “敲钟,赶紧敲钟。” Many Powerful release divine spell, made the loud sound. 多名权能者释放出神术,制造出了巨响。 To alert everyone in city, indeed plays the effect. 想要警醒城内的所有人,也的确起到了效果。 Tens of thousands of people escape from the main house gate, at this time was just also attractive to the flame meteor descended from that hole. 成千上万的人从家门里逃出,这个时候也刚刚好看到了火焰流星从那个孔洞里降落。 A biggest fireball is the flame burned body of dark moon/month turns into, the innumerable flowing fire are following side him, pounds to fall toward the lunar eclipse city. 最大的一个火球便是暗月的火焰焦尸化成,无数的流火跟随着他身边,朝着月蚀城砸落下来。 Although the highest pretor responded quickly, the speed that but the opposite party came was faster. 最高执政官虽然反应很快,但是对方来的速度更快。 Many Powerful also called out in alarm, because they discovered the thing that falls is above their beforehand imagination. 不少权能者也惊呼了起来,因为他们发现掉落下来的东西超乎他们之前的想象。 How can?” “怎么会?” Such greatly?” “这么大?” Such big meteor? Was powerful enough to destroy the entire lunar eclipse city?” “这么大的流星?足以摧毁整个月蚀城了?” But looks at that flame meteor the scale, was once no comparison between them with Pince City that completely, that time meteor was also only a seed, now the line will be complete. 而看那火焰流星的规模,和曾经潘斯城的那个完全不可同日而语,那个时候的陨星还只是一个种子,如今却已经将行圆满了。 So long as it falls, the entire lunar eclipse city will not exist. 只要它落下,整个月蚀城也将不复存在。 Ended!” “完了!” „It is not good, without enough time.” “不行了,来不及了。” On highest pretor face pale, he can imagine matter that then can have. 最高执政官脸上惨白,他能够想象到接下来会发生的事情。 The lunar eclipse city entire was erased, ten thousand snake royal court will also collapse thoroughly. 月蚀城整个被抹除,万蛇王庭也将彻底崩溃。 The highest pretor does not fear death, but he just received this country from dark moon/month there, received the ideal and desire of opposite party, hands over is actually all suffering a defeat and fleeing that welcomed. 最高执政官不怕死,但是他刚刚才从暗月那里接过了这个国家,接过了对方的理想和愿望,转手迎来的却是一切的败亡。 How this makes him be able to accept. 这让他怎么能够接受。 His expression is fierce: Who is!” 他表情狰狞:“到底是谁!” Why can do that?” “为什么要这么做?” Who is must destroy this country? Is who must destroy us?” “是谁一定要毁灭这个国家?是谁一定要摧毁我们?” The highest pretor angrily roars toward sky that fireball. 最高执政官朝着天空那个火球怒吼。 He has not known, this fireball was once dark moon/month general. 他还不知道,这个火球就是曾经的暗月将军。 But in city. 而城内。 Everyone was still running, but also is avoiding. 所有人原本还在奔跑,还在躲避。 However was seeing that fireball is getting bigger and bigger, more and more nearly. 但是在看到那个火球越来越大,越来越近。 Until the most sky by the fireball and flowing fire camouflage, many people stopped the footsteps. 直至大半个天空都被火球和流火遮蔽,许多人都停下了脚步。 Such disaster. 这样的灾难。 It is not the avoidance can escape in the past. 已经不是躲避可以逃过去的了。 Many people of escaping also gave up, sends out the desperate scream. 逃跑的不少人也放弃了,发出绝望的尖叫。 Died, this was that time also wants the big disaster compared with Pince City.” Has wails after the person of Pince City disaster desperately. “死定了,这是比潘斯城那次还要大的灾难。”有历经潘斯城灾难的人绝望哀嚎。 This is the divine punishment.” Some people crawl directly on the ground, is waiting for arrival of death. “这是神罚。”有人直接匍匐在地上,等待着死亡的降临。 God is punishing us.” Besides the divine punishment, the mortal cannot find out also has what scene to describe such picture. 神明在惩罚我们。”除了神罚,凡人想不出还有什么场景能够描绘这样的画面。 Why disaster always arrives in ten thousand snake royal court, our God? Why does no one shelter us?” Has the people sound to angrily roar, willing does not accept such result. “灾难为什么总是降临在万蛇王庭,我们的神明呢?为什么没有人庇护我们?”有人大声怒吼,不甘心接受这样的结局。 We were abandoned, we are doomed to wither away, because we do not have the god to shelter.” Some people have tears streaming down the face. “我们被抛弃了,我们注定消亡,因为我们没有神庇护。”有人泪流满面。 The fireball covers the backdrop, immediately must arrive, when lunar eclipse city. 火球覆盖天幕,马上就要降临在了月蚀城的时候。 Suddenly. 骤然之间。 Dense and numerous root hair one thing extend from the land, pesters above the city wall in lunar eclipse city, extends to outside rivers. 密密麻麻的根须一样的东西从大地之下延伸而出,纠缠在月蚀城的城墙之上,延伸到外面的河流里。 A giant trees instantaneous breakthrough ground, appeared in the city south open area of lunar eclipse city. 一棵巨大的树木瞬间突破地面而出,出现在了月蚀城的城南空地里。 It is crooked growing, the giant crown opens to block the horizon. 它歪斜着长出,巨大的树冠撑开挡住天际。 The gray strength repel, changed into a guard/shield to cover the lunar eclipse city, blocks meteor that dropped from the clouds. 灰色的力量排斥而出,化为了一个护罩罩住了月蚀城,挡住了那从天而降的流星。 Bang!” “轰隆!” After loud sound, raising the head that everyone is survivor of disaster. 巨响过后,所有人劫后余生的抬起头。 Then. 然后。 Does not dare to believe looks that is bigger much divine tree. 不敢置信的看着那棵大得出奇的神树 What?” On street raises the head in abundance, looks that the sky flame spreads layer upon layer, looks at that to protect their crowns. “什么?”街道上的纷纷扬起头,看着天空火焰层层扩散开来,看着那保护着他们的树冠。 „Did the ground...... grow the tree?” This tree was really big, shocked, appeared too promptly, making many people not recover. “地上……长出了树?”这棵树实在是太大了,也太震撼了,也出现得太及时了,让不少人都没有回过神来。 Another side, people in the highest pretor mansion also with shocking the vision looks big tree that grows suddenly. 另一边,最高执政官府邸之中的众人也用震撼的目光看着那突然长出的大树。 „Is this tree?” The pretors have not thought that when everyone gives up, will have such matter to happen. “这是树吗?”执政官怎么也没有想到,当所有人放弃的时候,会有这样的事情发生。 How to have such big tree?” But in the voices of others also filled the joy of being survivor of disaster. “怎么会有这么大的树?”而其他人的声音里也充满了劫后余生的喜悦。 No, this certainly is the miracle.” Powerful shouted. “不,这一定是神迹。”一名权能者大喊。 Be only the strength of god, can achieve such matter, is the god is blessing us.” The clergy in crowd are also such considering, only then Powerful can be truly clear, this strength is strong, is unbelievable. “只有神的力量,才能够做到这样的事情,是神在庇佑我们。”人群之中的神职人员也是这样的认为的,只有权能者才能真正明白,这力量到底多么强大,多么难以置信。 But all snake human in city crawl directly on the ground, calling this tree is divine tree. 而城内的所有蛇人更是直接匍匐在地上,称呼这棵树为神树 divine tree!” 神树!” This is blessing of god.” “这是神的庇佑。” God hears our summons!” 神明听到我们的呼唤啊!” Covers sky over the entire city big tree. 遮盖住整座城市上空的大树。 Was called above the crown of divine tree, the trunk and branches interlocks the fusion, then grew a person. 被人称之为神树的树冠之上,枝干交错融合,然后长出了一个人。 Not only so. 不仅仅如此。 After this person walks, the body also grew the clothes directly. 这个人走出来之后,身上还直接长出了衣服。 That is a woman of brown becoming gray pupil, has form of God, arrives at the world just like the goddess. 那是一个褐发灰瞳的女人,拥有着神之形态,宛若神女降临人间。 The women barefoot stand on the crown, looks up to stand erect the fireball in the sky. 女人赤足站在树冠上,抬起头看着屹立在天空之中火球。 The vision by the flame, saw the fireball center is a terrifying burned body. 目光透过火焰,更看到了火球中央是一具恐怖的焦尸。 The women know that who the opposite party is. 女人知道对方是谁。 Leeway that although, the opposite party present appearance has not identified slightly. 虽然,对方现在的模样已经丝毫没有辨认的余地。 In the pupil of woman full is shocking, does not dare to believe. 女人的瞳孔里满是震惊,还有不敢置信。 Dark moon/month?” “暗月?” How will you turn into this?” “你怎么会变成这样?” Appears here, was the once ten thousand snake temple prophets. 出现在这里的,正是曾经的万蛇神庙先知。 Present Earth Demoness. 如今的大地魔女 Earth Demoness is the contract of Ruhul Giant God Burrower Demon Insect signing, becomes this God apostle. 大地魔女是和鲁赫巨神钻地魔虫签订的契约,成为了这位神明的使徒。 Was different from once Moon Demoness Nia, what Earth Demoness had was ends the full page the life Powerful strength. 不同于曾经的月之魔女尼娅,大地魔女拥有的是完整版的生命权能者力量。 Fourth-order life power apostle. 四阶生命权能使徒。 First-order time, she obtained life Powerful to fuse the strengths of other life body organs, what she chose to integrate was takes root in land the root hair of trees. 一阶的时候,她得到了生命权能者融合其他生命体器官的力量,她选择融入的是扎根于大地的一棵树木的根须。 Second-order time, life Powerful has life blood energy, is similar to the psychic force of intelligent power. 二阶的时候,生命权能者拥有生命血能,就如同智慧权能的精神力。 Third-order time, she obtained the strength of fusion life template, that big tree is the life template that she chooses, is she now the genuine main body. 三阶的时候,她得到了融合生命模板的力量,那棵大树就是她选择的生命模板,也是她如今真正的本体。 Fourth-order time, she obtained Ruhul Giant God incomplete part of Ruhul Seal to inherit, sets up the shape the life template to fuse Ruhul Giant God strength, the complete apostle shape that she obtained is this at present. 四阶的时候,她得到了鲁赫巨神残缺一部分鲁赫印传承,树形态的生命模板融合了鲁赫巨神的力量,她获得的完整使徒形态就是目前这样。 Therefore can see that this tree is very strange. 因此可以看到这树很奇怪。 Is -and-a-half an appearance of plant half flesh, the root hair in the unceasing creeping motion, probably living insect. 是一种半植物半血肉的模样,根须在不断的蠕动,就好像活着的虫子。 Even under the stimulation of movement of strength, on the tree also grew eyes. 甚至在力量的催动下,树上还长出了一只只眼睛。 Burrower Demon Insect some characteristics, on her main body are very obvious. 钻地魔虫的部分特征,在她的本体身上还是非常明显。 She is summoning loudly the name of dark moon/month, wants to awaken this fellow. 她大声的呼唤着暗月的名字,想要将这个家伙唤醒。 Dark moon/month!” “暗月!” „Were you insane?” “你疯了吗?” This is the capital city that you build, country that you establish.” “这是你建立的都城,你重新建立起的国家。” You why?” “你为什么?” Why?” “为什么?” Can destroy it?” “要毁了它?” However this time dark moon/month had been swallowed by the violent anger thoroughly, where can also be able to hear Earth Demoness to say anything. 但是这个时候的暗月已经彻底被暴怒吞噬,哪里还能够听得到大地魔女在说些什么。 The flame burned body waves, the dense and numerous fireballs drop from the clouds. 火焰焦尸一挥手,密密麻麻的火球从天而降。 The terrifying flame force field from his within the body sending out, changes into flame the sky the world, the principle of flame twists the transformation in his hand. 恐怖的火焰力场从他体内散发而出,将天空化为一片火焰的世界,火焰的法则在他手上扭曲变换。 Roar!” “吼!” The flame burned body throws recklessly, plunges Earth Demoness also has her to shelter city. 火焰焦尸不顾一切扑下,扑向大地魔女还有她庇护着的城市。 However the trees twig under Earth Demoness body changed into the tentacle to extend, wrapped to go toward the flame burned body. 但是大地魔女身下的树木枝杈化为了触手延伸而起,朝着火焰焦尸包裹而去。 The war of King of Abyss and succuba. 深渊之王和魔女的大战。
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