IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#353 Part 1: Earth Demoness

Byron!” “拜伦!” Your crime!” “你的罪!” Your anger, with your heart same place, belongs to me.” “你的愤怒,也随着你心脏一起,归于我。” The lower part had completely vanished the broken burned body, stands hangingly in the dark world. 下半身已经完全消失了的残破焦尸,悬空立在黑暗的世界里。 Rests!” “安息吧!” His right hand grasps the sword, the left hand is grabbing a heart of flaming combustion. 他右手握着剑,左手抓着一颗熊熊燃烧的心脏。 Suddenly, in the hand the sword rotated. 突然间,手中剑转动了起来。 The dark moon/month cut open an opening with the sword on own chest. 暗月用剑在自己的胸膛上剖开了一个口子。 A corroded heart fell, falls into the flame, burns for the ashes. 一颗被腐蚀的心脏掉落了下来,落入火焰之中,焚为灰烬。 Even if however he had not died like this, divine spell item the Copper Lamp of Greed strength is corroding him unceasingly. 但是哪怕这样他还没有死去,神术道具・贪婪的铜灯的力量在不断的侵蚀着他。 This lamp is swallowing him, is maintaining his vitality. 这盏灯在吞噬着他,也在维持着他的生命力。 The dark moon/month looks at the chest front large cave/hole, the roar of Byron violent anger appeared in his ear bank. 暗月看着胸前的大洞,拜伦暴怒的吼声出现在了他的耳畔。 Your this fellow who does not have the heart, does not have any humane monster.” “你这个没有心的家伙,没有任何人性的怪物。” The dark moon/month sent out a chuckle: Now, I really do not have the heart.” 暗月发出了一声轻笑:“现在,我真的没有心了。” Also real.” “也真的。” Turned into the monster.” “变成了怪物。” The voice falls, he forced in oneself chest the violent anger heart. 话音落下,他就将暴怒的心脏塞进了自己的胸膛。 The dark moon/month rickets the waist, a hand is holding down own chest. 暗月佝偻着腰,一只手按住自己的胸膛。 The fire of blotting out the sky falls in torrents from that heart and his body. 铺天盖地的大火从那颗心脏和他的身体里倾泻出来。 Wū wū!” “呜呜!” Roar!” “吼!” Under is crawled by abyss demon that he summoned massively in the place, sent out the terrifying call letter. 下方大量被他召唤出来的深渊魔物匍匐在地,发出恐怖的呼号。 They as if also felt new King of Abyss to be soon born. 他们仿佛也感受到了新的深渊之王即将诞生。 A powerful strength flooded into the body of dark moon/month, the greedy strength will also repel. 一股强大的力量涌入了暗月的身体,同时也将贪婪的力量排斥了出去。 The dark moon/month can feel, this strength and he agrees with extremely, how he does not need familiar, to revolve this strength. 暗月可以感觉到,这股力量和他极度契合,他根本不用怎么熟悉,就可以运转这一股力量。 Dark moon/month by the divine spell item the body that Copper Lamp of Greed swallows, starts to grow at this moment ; However is long and no longer is the snake tail, but is both legs of pair of human form. 暗月被神术道具・贪婪的铜灯吞噬的身体,此刻也开始重新生长出来;不过长出来的并不再是蛇尾,而是一双人形的双腿。 . 只是。 His that was burnt the burned black corpse appearance, is unable to restore, probably that is he chooses to become the violent anger the price. 他那被烧得焦黑的尸体模样,却怎么也无法恢复了,好像那就是他选择成为暴怒的代价。 The severe pain floods into the body of dark moon/month, is firing his flesh and blood every minute, is firing his consciousness and intelligence. 剧痛涌入暗月的身体,灼烧着他的每一分骨血,灼烧着他的意识和灵性。 Meanwhile, tens of thousands of person voice reverberation in his ear bank. 与此同时,成千上万人声音回荡在他的耳畔。 Dark moon/month, why don't you die? Why are you also living?” “暗月,你为什么不死?你凭什么还活着?” I must kill you, I must kill you.” “我要杀了你,我要杀了你。” Dark moon/month, you by retribution!” “暗月,伱会遭报应的!” Dark moon/month general, why do you want to do that?” “暗月将军,你为什么要这么做?” We die for you, do you treat our? Do you treat our?” “我们为你而死,你就是这么对待我们的?你就是这么对待我们的?” Not only Byron's anger, but also has the anger of other tens of thousands of victims. 不只是拜伦的怒火,还有着成千上万其他死难者的怒火。 Picture passing over gently and swiftly dark months at present, the painful and crazy faces are flooding the mind of dark moon/month, he exudes the sad and shrill roar in the raging fire. 一幕幕画面掠过暗月的眼前,一张张痛苦和疯狂的面孔充斥着暗月的脑海,他于烈火之中发出凄厉的吼声。 He swallowed everyone's anger, everyone's original sin. 他吞掉了所有人的怒火,所有人的原罪。 Also there is a Byron's anger, Byron's crime. 也有拜伦的怒火,拜伦的罪。 Yes!” “是啊!” Right, right, is I does.” “没错,没错,全都是我做的。” Is I does.” “都是我做的。” Ha!” “哈哈哈哈哈!” Cursed angrily me!” “怒骂我吧!” Cursed me!” “诅咒我啊!” Hates me!” “仇恨我吧!” The dark moon/month kneels down crazy shouting in the flame, struggles in the raging fire. 暗月跪倒在火焰里疯狂的嘶吼,在烈火之中挣扎。 He gradually was adapting to the ignition of this flame probably, painful wailing, turned into laughing wildly little. 他好像在慢慢适应了这火焰的灼烧,原本痛苦的哀嚎,一点点变成了狂笑。 Finally. 最后。 He stands up from the fire slowly, is grasping oneself sword. 他从大火之中缓缓站起,握着自己的剑。 Come, all comes!” “来吧,全部都来吧!” I your anger, your hates, your pardoned crimes.” “我会把你们的怒火,你们的恨,你们的原罪。” Swallows completely.” “全部吞下。” The burned black live corpse opened the mouth, swallowed that dreadful sea of fire, swallowed all flame. 焦黑的活尸张开了嘴巴,吞下了那滔天火海,吞下了所有的火焰。 He wear a look of demented, just like the lunatic is ordinary, the eyeball is bright redder than the flame. 他面带癫狂,犹如疯子一般,眼珠子比火焰还要鲜红。 He fused all violent angers strengths, becomes new Child of Wrath. 他融合了所有暴怒的力量,成为了新的暴怒之子 Only misses one step. 只差一步。 Only misses step him to mount to be his throne. 只差一步他就可以登上属于他的王位。 Meanwhile, his darkness sinks unceasingly. 与此同时,他脚下的黑暗不断下沉。 Gate of Myth that the flesh condenses stands erect in the darkness, tens of thousands of demon melting on this door, sends out extremely tragic hiss howling. 血肉凝聚成的神话之门于黑暗之中竖立而起,成千上万的魔物融化在这扇门上,发出惨绝人寰的嘶嚎。 Under Gate of Myth, that ceramic mannequin appeared again. 神话之门下,那个陶瓷人偶又再次出现了。 However with mirror in different, ceramic mannequin that these presents time stands erect like God before the gate generally, is overlooking the dark moon/month. 不过和镜子里不一样,这一次出现的陶瓷人偶如同神明一般屹立于门前,俯视着暗月。 Ceramic villain saw that the dark moon/month choice integrates the violent anger myth heart to be happy, is self-satisfied. 陶瓷小人似看到暗月选择融入暴怒的神话心脏乎非常高兴,也非常得意。 Ha!” “哈哈哈哈哈!” I know, I know you will certainly elect.” “我就知道,我就知道你一定会选的。” Is good to hate? Thought all can't finish like this?” “是不是好恨?是不是觉得一切不能够就这样结束?” Played with the feeling above stock palm is very uncomfortable?” “被人玩弄于股掌之上的感觉是不是很不爽?” The ceramic villain saw through probably all ideas of dark moon/month, it followed similar after some time, probably also Xiao's some customs and characteristics learning. 陶瓷小人好像看穿了暗月的所有想法,它跟随了肖一段时间之后,好像也将肖的一些习惯和特性给学到了。 It is imitating the sound of dark moon/month, loud saying. 它模仿着暗月的声音,大声的说道。 This decayed world.” “这个腐朽的世界。” Then changed an expression: „Are you visiting me?” 然后又变了个表情:“你在看着我吗?” The colored drawing on pottery face on that ceramics transforms unceasingly: I must play with the fellow in the world your, dominates the fellow above everyone, pulls down completely.” 那陶瓷上的彩绘脸庞不断变换:“我要将你们这些玩弄世界的家伙,凌驾于所有人之上的家伙,全部都拉下来。” The ceramic villain dances with joy, the huge face pressed, was revealing a smile that to the dark moon/month infiltrates the person. 陶瓷小人手舞足蹈,庞大的脸庞压了下来,对着暗月露出了一个渗人的笑脸。 You are......” “你才是……” True violent anger!” “真正的暴怒啊!” The burned body general dark moon/month steps on the raging fire to stand in the darkness, looks up this existence: „Are you God of Original Sin?” 焦尸一般的暗月踩着烈火站立在黑暗中,抬头看着这个存在:“你就是原罪之神?” The ceramic villain denied hastily: No no no, I am the advocating peace of God of Original Sin great abyss envoy.” 陶瓷小人连忙否定:“不不不,我是伟大的深渊之主和原罪之神的使者。” God of Original Sin is very busy, will therefore choose the abyss various king responsibility to give me.” 原罪之神很繁忙,所以将挑选深渊诸王的责任交给了我。” You won.” “你赢了。” You won!” “你胜利了!” Dark moon/month!” “暗月!” Optimization who you were chosen, is first!” “你是被挑选出来的最优者,是第一名啊!” You will become under god throne, third King of Abyss.” “你将成为神座下的,第三位深渊之王。” It opens the arm, probably is listening attentively to anything. 它张开手臂,好像在倾听着什么。 Heard?” “听到了吗?” New King of Abyss!” “新的深渊之王!” „The entire abyss is cheering for you, the dark surface of the world is welcome your arrival.” “整个深渊都在为你欢呼,世界的暗面在欢迎着你的到来。” The dark moon/month said: Was you wins.” 暗月却说:“是你赢了。” We under the arrangement of God of Original Sin, made choice that does not have the choice.” “我们只是在原罪之神的安排下,做出了没有选择的选择。” The ceramic villain nods, asked the dark moon/month. 陶瓷小人点了点头,问暗月。 Wants to become King of Abyss?” “想要成为深渊之王?” „To initiate the challenge to various gods, wants to challenge this world's true order?” “想要向诸神发起挑战,想要挑战这个世界真正的秩序?” „Did you prepare?” “你准备好了吗?” The ceramic villain is staring at him, in the look filled with the anticipation, or is the wicked interest. 陶瓷小人凝视着他,眼神里充满了期待,或者说是恶趣味。 „Becoming the king!” “成为王!” Must undergo the test of original sin.” “是要经过原罪的考验的。” The dark moon/month is on the rise suddenly, he felt any incorrect place. 暗月骤然抬起头,他感觉到了什么不对的地方。 What do you mean?” “你这是什么意思?” I arrived this step, hasn't succeeded?” “我到了这一步,还没有成功吗?” The ceramic villain shakes the head, smiling on face is more exaggerating gradually. 陶瓷小人摇头,脸上的笑愈渐夸张。 No no no!” 不不不!” Also almost, your violent anger!” “还差一点,你的暴怒!” Dark moon/month, your anger, your hate is insufficient!” “暗月,你的怒,你的恨还不够啊!” The dark moon/month draws a sword, his eye of fault wants the crack is pointing at the ceramic villain, he as if felt that the ceramic villain wanted to make anything. 暗月拔剑而起,他目疵欲裂的指着陶瓷小人,他似乎感觉到了陶瓷小人想要做什么。 What do you want to make?” “你想要做什么?” The ceramic villain set out, stands before Gate of Myth. 陶瓷小人起身,站在了神话之门前。 Gives you, gives the victor the true reward!” “给予你,给予胜利者真正的奖赏!” Makes you true violent anger!” “让你成为真正的暴怒啊!” Dark moon/month wild with rage bellowing: Had finished, all had finished.” 暗月狂怒的大吼:“已经结束了,一切都已经结束了。” Byron died, I fall into the abyss, mark to mediate to this.” “拜伦死了,我堕入深渊,一切到此画上了断点。” General performance that all such as you have wanted, what do you have is not unsatisfied?” “一切都已经如你想要的一般的上演,你还有什么不满意的?” The ceramic villain moved, the dark moon/month saw the under foot to open an vortex, that vortex to lunar eclipse city. 陶瓷小人动了,暗月就看到脚下打开了一个漩涡,那个漩涡通往月蚀城。 Satisfies.” “满不满意。” You said does not calculate, calculation that only then I said.” “你说的不算,只有我说的算。” Calculation that only then the god said.” “只有神说的算。” The face of ceramic villain extended from Gate of Myth suddenly, must block from the entire field of vision greatly, the smile on that face is hateful. 陶瓷小人的脸突然从神话之门上延伸了过来,大得遮住了整个视界,那脸上的笑容可恶至极。 Dark moon/month!” “暗月!” Falls into the true violent anger!” “陷入真正的暴怒吧!” Destroys all that you establish personally, then mounts the throne in the violent anger.” “亲手摧毁你建立起的一切,然后在暴怒之中登上王座。” What kind of?” “怎么样?” This is I gives your gift.” “这就是我送给你的礼物。” The dark moon/month complexion thoroughly changed, he arrives at Pince City is afraid the lunar eclipse city to have the accident/surprise, there is the new order that he puts together completely to establish. 暗月脸色彻底变了,他来到潘斯城就是害怕月蚀城出现意外,那里是他拼尽一切才建立起的新秩序。 His whole body burns the flaming roaring flame, changed into a flame giant, the sword in hand also inflated dozens meters, struck off toward the ceramic villain. 他浑身燃烧起熊熊烈焰,化为了一尊火焰巨人,手中的剑也膨胀到了数十米,朝着陶瓷小人砍去。 You stop to me!” “你给我住手!” However the ceramic villain and Gate of Myth form retrocedes unceasingly, the dark moon/month drops under. 然而陶瓷小人和神话之门的身影不断后退,暗月跌落而下。 Drops to go toward that vortex, drops to go toward the world lunar eclipse city. 朝着那个漩涡跌落而去,朝着人间的月蚀城跌落而去。 The ceramic villain exaggerating voice of actually conveys unceasingly, spreads in the ear of dark moon/month. 陶瓷小人夸张的声音却不断传来,传入暗月的耳朵里面。 Hates?” “恨吗?” No use?” “无助吗?” Felt were oneself too small and weak? Felt hasn't own what changed?” “是不是觉得自己太弱小了?是不是觉得自己什么都没有改变?” Suddenly discovered, order that you formulate in the face of true strength, collapses at the first blow.” “是不是突然发现,你制定的秩序在真正的力量面前,不堪一击。” Your this?” “就你这样?” Also wants to restrain God?” “还想约束神明?” Hahahaha!” “哈哈哈哈!” In the laughter, is the endless ridicule. 笑声里,是无尽的嘲弄。 The strength of dark moon/month started to extend to enter abyss's third, his myth organ started to present the resonance with the abyss. 暗月的力量开始延伸进入了深渊第三层,他的神话器官开始和深渊出现共鸣。 Symbolizes him to become the third master. 象征着他正在成为第三层的主人。 Meanwhile. 同时。 He also entered the test of original sin. 他也进入了原罪的考验。 This tests Pride King Avon to undergo, Lust Queen Merder has also undergone. 这考验傲慢之王亚弗安经受过,色欲之王梅尔德也经受过。 Only then after this step, can grasp the original sin truly the strength, can become the original sin truly in the world obviously. 只有历经这一步,才能够真正掌握原罪的力量,才能够真正成为原罪在人间的显化。 Does not experience this step, is unable to become the true seven big pardoned crimes, why therefore this is beforehand Byron and present dark moon/month can station in the world, had not fallen into the abyss the reason. 不经历这一步,就无法成为真正的七大原罪,所以这是之前的拜伦和现在的暗月为什么能够驻留人间,一直没有堕入深渊的原因。 They also not true, becomes a part of abyss. 他们还没有真正的,成为深渊的一部分。 The dark moon/month can feel, he by endless wild with rage swallowing. 暗月可以感觉到,他正在被无尽的狂怒吞噬。 He lost the control of body, was controlled by the violent anger completely, turns into one to lose the sane monster temporarily. 他失去了身体的掌控,完全被暴怒支配,变成了一个临时失去了理智的怪物。 However. 但是。 The dark moon/month knows that behind will have anything. 暗月知道后面会发生什么。 He without sane, according to the ceramic villain will plan good such. 他会在没有理智的情况下,按照陶瓷小人计划好的那样。 Destroys the entire lunar eclipse city. 摧毁整个月蚀城。 The dark moon/month has turned head, looks outside world that in the vortex enlarges unceasingly, he wants to control itself vigorously. 暗月扭过头,看着漩涡里不断放大的外面的世界,他极力想要控制自己。 However he during the test of unceasing dragging into abyss, he is his throne in the trend. 但是他在不断的拉入深渊的考验之中,他在走向属于他的王位。 His consciousness is gradually fuzzy, at present also in stalemate darkness slowly. 他的意识渐渐模糊,眼前也慢慢的陷入黑暗之中。 Stops to me!” “给我住手!” Stops to me!” “给我停下!” Stops!” “停下!” Behind angry roaring of dark moon/month, filled being incapable. 暗月的怒吼背后,充满了无力。 He puts together completely all, all that finally establishes are not worth mentioning in the front of opposite party. 他拼尽所有,最后建立起的一切在对方的面前不值一提。 But the opposite party destroys, because the opposite party can do this. 而对方之所以摧毁,只是因为对方可以这样做而已。 The dark moon/month fell into the thorough violent anger, because his ideal is also going to be destroyed. 暗月陷入了彻底的暴怒,因为他的理想也将要被摧毁。 The darkness arrived thoroughly, swallowed the dark moon/month consciousness. 黑暗彻底降临,吞噬了暗月的意识。 After the dark moon/month lost the consciousness thoroughly. 只是在暗月彻底失去了意识后。 That is laughing wildly the voice of ceramic villain stops suddenly, in the final laughter even filled with astonishment. 那狂笑着的陶瓷小人的声音戛然而止,最后的笑声里甚至充满了惊愕。 It also bumped into what sudden accident/surprise probably, sent out calling out in alarm. 它好像也碰到了什么突然发生的意外,发出了惊叫。 Damn!” “该死!” Avon!” 亚弗安!” The roaring sound of ceramic villain spread over the entire abyss. 陶瓷小人的咆哮声传遍了整个深渊。 „Are you doing?” “你在干什么?” You had lost, your loser!” “你已经输了,你这个失败者!” At this time did you also want to overturn?” “这个时候你还想要翻盘吗?” Is impossible!”- “不可能!”- A picture revolution. 画面一转。 The dark moon/month has the infinite white light at present, he walks toward the deep place along the white light. 暗月眼前生出了无限的白光,他沿着白光朝着深处走去。 He appeared in a training ground, in the hand takes a wooden sword. 他出现在了一座训练场里,手里拿着一把木剑。 His figure became short, he turned into childhood. 他的身形变得矮了很多,他变成了小时候的自己。 Is also lost?” “又出神?” Attention is centralized!” “注意力集中!” A figure big man suddenly appears, is using the sword ruthlessly is striking the dark moon/month. 一个身形高大的男人突然出现,正在用剑狠狠的敲打着暗月。 Hits the dark moon/month to retrocede unceasingly, but that man unceasing is shouting toward him. 打得暗月不断后退,而那个男人不断的朝着他喊着。 Dark moon/month!” “暗月!” „The weak one is useless, can only be eliminated.” “弱者是没有用的,只能够被淘汰。” „The weak one was enslaved, the weak one was humiliated, the weak one was swallowed.” “弱者被奴役,弱者被欺凌,弱者被吞噬。” Dark moon/month!” “暗月!” „Do you want to become the weak one?” “你想要成为弱者吗?” The dark moon/month lifts the sword to counterattack, he interrogated loudly. 暗月举剑还击,他大声的质问。 Weak one?” “弱者?” Actually what is a weak one?” “究竟什么是弱者?” „?” “啊?” „Did you tell me?” “你告诉我?” Isn't most is a weak one? Actually to be able is not swallowed many?” “不是最强便是弱者吗?究竟要多强才能不被吞噬?” The picture abates, the dark moon/month discovered oneself suddenly appeared in a castle. 画面消退,暗月发现自己又突然出现在了一座城堡里。 In the castle everywhere is the corpse. 城堡里遍地都是尸体。 Here is his family/home, but in this moment family/home could not have seen a living person. 这里是他的家,而此刻家中已经看不到一个活人。 His father was killed, after his mother and brothers and sisters experience suffering the humiliation died, the dead shape is pitiful. 他的父亲被杀死,他的母亲和兄弟姐妹受尽凌辱后死去,死状凄惨至极。 In the young dark moon/month hand is grasping the sword, can only give out angry roaring that shouts oneself hoarse. 年轻的暗月手里握着剑,只能发出声嘶力竭的怒吼。 Who does?” “谁干的?” Who is?” “到底是谁?” He lies on the corpse, tears tears crossflow. 他趴在尸体上,泪涕横流。 Who was killed you?” “是谁杀死了你们?” Why? Why is this?” “为什么?这到底是为什么?” During a picture revolution, he is escaping. 画面一转,他在逃亡之中。 He has known that is who does, but is useless. 他已经知道是谁干的了,但是没有用。 The opposite party were too powerful, he is not an opponent. 对方太强大了,他不是对手。 He started escape in chasing down of opposite party, finally joins the army to become a soldier. 他在对方的追杀之中开始了逃亡,最后加入军队成为了一名士兵。 But at this time, the tumultuous times also arrived in the high tide. 而这个时候,乱世也抵达了高潮。 The King of Ten Thousand Snakes heir is slaughtering, among the aristocrats is slaughtering, the civilians are also slaughtering. 万蛇之王的子嗣在厮杀,贵族之间在厮杀,平民也在厮杀。 Kills rivers of blood, kills the corpse mountain blood sea. 杀得血流成河,杀得尸山血海。 The dark moon/month is no exception, in his possibly these people, killed most that in the hand contaminates did not know the blood of many people. 暗月也不例外,他可能还是这些人之中,杀得最多的那一个,手上沾染了不知道多少人的鲜血。 He killed oneself personal enemy, killed the traitor. 他杀死了自己的仇人,杀死了叛乱者。 Killed countless innocent people. 杀死了无数无辜之人。 Also, has killed own companion. 也,杀死过自己的同伴。 Everyone does not have the security sense, everyone thought that others will kill themselves, only will then first kill the opposite party is not killed. 每个人都没有安全感,每个人都觉得别人会杀死自己,只有先杀死对方才不会被杀死。 In a putting down a rebellion battlefield, the dark moon/month killed itself under once again the pro- soldier, that was once following he himself many years of soldier. 在一次平叛的战场上,暗月又一次杀死了自己麾下的亲兵,那是曾经跟随着他自己多年的士兵。 They once were also simple youth, now also in this crazy world, becomes lunatics in the battlefield. 他们曾经也是一个个朴实的青年,如今也在这疯狂的世界里,在战场上成为了一个个疯子。 He pulls out from the body of pro- soldier the sword, wild with rage advances the corpse in the place. 他把剑从亲兵的身体里抽出,狂怒的将尸体推到在地。 Drinks the blood?” “喝血?” Eats the person?” “吃人?” Makes you drink, making you eat.” “让你喝,让你吃。” The surrounding everyone is retreating, looks at him with the panic-stricken vision. 周围的所有人都在退却,用惊恐的目光看着他。 He stands in the skeleton densely covered battlefield, the whole body blood flows. 他独自一人站在尸骸密布的战场上,浑身鲜血流淌。 He raised the head, opened the mouth. 他抬起头,张开了嘴巴。 The bloody scab on face also cracks. 脸上的血痂也随之开裂。 He was thirsty, he licked the lip, licked near the lip blood. 他口渴极了,他舔了舔嘴唇,舔到了唇边的鲜血。 What is that feeling? 那感觉是什么样的? Probably sweet? 好像是甜的? This feeling, was really funny, was too fearful. 这感觉,实在是太滑稽了,也太可怕了。 Was insane!” “疯了!” Was really insane.” “真的疯了。” Everyone was insane, I was also insane.” “所有人都疯了,我也疯了。” Dark moon/month wild with rage shouting: Sufficed, sufficed!” 暗月狂怒的大喊:“够了,够了!” Really enough.” “真的够了。” Revenge does not have the significance, the war does not have the significance, all these are not meaningful.” “复仇没有意义,战争没有意义,这一切根本没有任何意义。” What has not changed, anything cannot change.” “什么也没有变啊,什么都改变不了啊。” Absent-minded within, he saw suddenly the corpses of under foot moved, is not only the person who he just killed, but also has the person who he once killed. 恍恍惚惚间,他突然看到了脚下的一具具尸体动了,不仅仅是他刚刚杀死的人,还有着他曾经杀死的人。 Companion who he once died, his family member. 他曾经死去的同伴,他的亲人。 This moment these people are on the rise, looks the dark moon/month with the rotten face. 此刻这些人一个个抬起头,用腐烂的面孔看着暗月。 And has his mother, his grandfather and grandmother, his brothers and sisters. 其中有他的母亲,他的祖父和祖母,他的兄弟姐妹。 Dark moon/month!” “暗月!” Why? Why will we die? Why slaughters will be without limits forever?” “为什么?为什么我们会死?为什么杀戮永无止境?” Kills our, kills everyone. “杀死我们的,杀死所有人的。 Who is?” “到底是谁?” The dark moon/month looks at these people, unceasing shaking the head, the complexion changes into suddenly palely. 暗月看着这些人,不断的摇头,脸色突然化为苍白。 I do not know.” “我不知道。” I do not know.” “我不知道。” All corpses are opening the mouth, with infiltrating the tune of person interrogated him: No!” 所有尸体都在张着嘴巴,用渗人的腔调质问他:“不!” You know.” “你知道的。” The dark moon/month complexion changes suddenly, he cried out crazily: Knows is also useful? Can change?” 暗月脸色骤变,他疯狂的呐喊:“知道了又有什么用?能改变吗?” Cannot change.” “改变不了的。” „It is not able to change.” “无法改变的。” His expression anger to the extreme, the eyeball was red. 他的表情愤怒到了极点,眼珠子都红了。 Because.” “因为。” Kills your, is this disorderly world.” “杀死你们的,是这个无序的世界。” That deceased person everywhere is unforgiving, pursues the dark moon/month to ask, even crawled under his body, caught him stubbornly. 那遍地的死人不依不饶,追着暗月而问,甚至爬到了他的身下,死死的拽住了他。 That!” “那么!” Creates this world disorder, is creating all, who is also?” “造成这个世界无序的,造成着一切的,又是谁?” The dark moon/month struggles in the skeleton, wriggles in the odor. 暗月在尸骸中挣扎,在恶臭里蠕动。 Finally. 最后。 He stopped all movements, lies down on the ground, probably melts with these corpses for a body. 他停止了所有的动作,躺在地上,好像和那些尸体融为了一体。 He lies down on the ground, twittering was saying. 他躺在地上,呢喃着说道。 Creates this world chaotic disorder , because some people are unrestricted , because they keep aloof , because they act in a self-serving manner.” “造成这个世界混乱无序的,是因为有人不受约束,是因为他们高高在上,是因为他们为所欲为。” They can the unscrupulous break order, they be able to break the rule unscrupulously.” “他们可以肆无忌惮的打破秩序,他们可以肆无忌惮的破坏规则。” The corpse crawls, submerges him thoroughly. 尸体一个个爬上来,将他彻底淹没。 You clearly know all these, why what doesn't do?” “你明知道这一切,为什么什么都不做?” „Doesn't your what do? Like this looks?” “你什么都不做?就这样看着?” Goes!” “去啊!” Defeats them, kills them.” “去打败他们,去杀死他们。” Whereabouts they take revenge, whereabouts these acting in a self-serving manner revenge.” “去向他们复仇,去向那些为所欲为者复仇。” The face of dark moon/month was covered, said last in corpse mountain. 暗月的面孔被覆盖,在尸山里说出了最后一句。 But!” “可是!” I cannot achieve!” “我做不到啊!” The picture returned from the beginning. 画面又回到了一开始。 He by father's sword was knocked down, his weak lying down on the ground. 他被父亲的剑打倒在地,他无力的躺在地上。 He on the ground looks that the father puts out a hand toward him, asked those words. 他在地上看着父亲向着他伸出手,又问出了那句话。 Father!” “父亲!” Actually must become strong, can formulate the rule of this world?” “究竟要变得多强,才能够制定这个世界的规则?” Actually must be strong.” “究竟要多强。” Can destroy this desperate world.” “才能摧毁这个让人绝望的世界。” Then, the father asked him. 然后,父亲问他。 If, after you had such strength ?” “如果,你有了这样的力量后呢?” What do you want to make?” “你想要做什么?” „After destroying all, what world you want to establish.” “摧毁一切之后,你又想要建立一个什么样的世界。” The dark moon/month gawked, in the eye glittered the ray. 暗月愣了一下,眼睛里闪烁出了光芒。 He raised the arm slowly, grabbed father's hand stubbornly. 他慢慢的举起了手臂,死死的抓住了父亲的手。 His lip is shivering, shouted from hoarse throat. 他嘴唇颤抖着,从沙哑的喉咙里喊出。 I want to create one, world that no one can act in a self-serving manner.” “我想要创造一个,谁都不能为所欲为的世界。” Everyone.” “所有人。” Restrained world.” “都受到约束的世界。” Father these time no longer severe, but is laughing, made an effort him from the ground drawing. 父亲这一次不再严厉,而是大笑着,用力将他从地上拉了起来。 A hand stretches out from the corpse mountain. 一只手从尸山之中伸出。 The fearful burned body crawled from inside. 紧接着,可怕的焦尸从里面爬了出来。 He stands in the summit of corpse mountain, the inexhaustible flame falls in torrents from his body, all corpse ignitions. 他站在尸山之巅,无穷无尽的火焰从他的身体里倾泻而下,将所有的尸体点燃。 That bloodshed seems the kerosene to be the same, changed into the exceedingly high fire instantaneously. 那血海就好像火油一样,瞬间化为了通天大火。 In dark moon/month body erupted the infinite anger, is looking up to above the sky. 暗月此刻身体里爆发出了无穷怒火,仰望着天空之上。 Yes!” “是啊!” I want!” “我要!” „The god who dares to act in a self-serving manner these only lags behind the clouds.” “把那些敢于为所欲为的神祇拉下云端。” I want, tears into shreds this weak one by the world that the powerhouse swallows recklessly.”- “我要,去撕碎这个弱者被强者肆意吞噬的世界。”- Another side. 另一边。 The flame giant drops from the clouds. 火焰巨人从天而降。 Like a meteor, pounded from the sky to the lunar eclipse city. 如同一颗流星,从天空砸向了月蚀城。 But at the same time. 而与此同时。 The picture passes through layer upon layer the earth's crust, arrived at the land deep place. 画面穿越层层地壳,来到了大地深处。 This is a spacious underground world. 这是一座空旷的地下世界。 Green rug bedding land, a plant that is sending out the moonlight is hanging in stone wall illuminates this space. 绿色的地毯铺盖着大地,一株散发着月光的植物悬挂在石壁上照亮这片空间。 The transparent jellyfish thin film covers the backdrop, the fearful tentacle wriggles above stone wall. 透明的水母薄膜遮盖天幕,可怕的触手在石壁之上蠕动。 Here water also probably live, forms a basin on the backdrop unexpectedly, but often dropping under forms the rainwater of underground world. 这里的水也好像活的一样,竟然在天幕上形成一个水池,不时的滴落而下形成地下世界的雨水。 But in the center of this underground world, is a great big altar, above the altar is consecrating a strange eyeball. 而在这个地下世界的中央,则是一座伟岸高大的祭坛,祭坛之上供奉着一颗奇怪的眼珠子。 The woman who brown sends is lying down in altar. 一个褐发的女人正躺在祭坛脚下。 She has form of God, static is shutting the eyes by the steps. 她拥有着神之形态,静静的闭着双眼靠在阶梯上。 One grows from her like root hair one thing layer upon layer, unceasing spreads toward outside, extends underground. 一层层如同根须一样的东西从她身上长出,不断的朝着外面蔓延出去,延伸到地下。 Suddenly. 突然之间。 The divine object in altar, Distorted Eye erupted the intense ray suddenly, 祭坛上的神物,畸变之眼突然爆发出了强烈的光芒, Massive rays came from seven different directions the strengths to derive, but also has few luminous spots to scatter under. 大量的光芒都被来自七个不同方向的力量汲取,但是也有少量的光点散落而下。 Falls interior that other had. 落入了其他存在的内部。 That in altar woman. 正是那个在祭坛脚下的女人。 Here, Distorted Eye times destroy her body, reorganized her body. 在这里,畸变之眼一次次摧毁她的身体,又重组出了她的身体。 This altar regarding wisdom Powerful that is the fatal toxicant, but regarding life Powerful, is actually the unsurpassed most precious object. 这座祭坛对于智慧权能者那是致命毒药,但是对于生命权能者来说,却是无上至宝。 Also because of this only Distorted Eye, she can transform to become the succuba through that smoothly, threshold that is inconceivable. 也正是因为这只畸变之眼,她才能够顺利通过那转化成为魔女的,难以想象的门槛。 Was destroyed in bodies, in process that then reorganizes. 在一次次的身体被摧毁,然后重组的过程之中。 The strength of succuba also in gradually complete. 魔女的力量也在渐渐圆满。 At this moment. 此时此刻。 Succuba's consciousness awakens gradually. 魔女的意识正在渐渐的苏醒。 As can be seen, her eyebrow beats slightly, finger according to the edge in altar. 可以看到,她的眉毛微微跳动,手指按在了祭坛的边缘上。 Although she in deep sleep, but consciousness not in the complete deep sleep ; She in dream blurry through a strange angle of view, is paying attention to the change above land faintly. 她虽然在沉睡之中,但是意识并没有在完全沉睡;她在梦中迷迷糊糊的通过着一个奇怪的视角,隐隐关注着大地之上的变化。 At this moment, as she consciousness was getting more and more sober, saw the dark moon/month is making anything. 此刻,她随着意识越来越清醒,看到了暗月在做什么。 She opened the mouth, during several years made the sound for the first time. 她张开了嘴巴,几年间第一次发出了声音。 Dark moon/month!” “暗月!” „Are you doing?” “你在干什么?” Calls a halt, what are you making?” “停手,你在做些什么?” Suddenly. 突然之间。 The succubas opened the eye, the eyes that her once lost grow again. 魔女睁开了眼睛,她那曾经失去的双眼再一次长出。
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