IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#352 Part 2: True Wrath King

He becomes Powerful also several years, other his Powerful such dozens years of even over a hundred years of accumulations, he has not been only obtains the strength accidentally lucky fellow. 他成为权能者也不过才几年,他并没有其他权能者那样数十年甚至上百年的积累,他只是一个偶然获得力量的“幸运儿”。 What is this?” “这是什么?” What is this?” “这到底是什么?” Byron is incomprehensible, how unable to kill, but also unceasingly strengthen big person. 拜伦不能理解,怎么还会有杀不死,还会不断变强大的人。 He can only in the violent anger, the killing opposite party time and time again, then look that the opposite party resurrects from the copper lamp. 他只能在暴怒之中,一次又一次的杀死对方,然后看着对方从铜灯之中复活。 He wants to destroy the copper lamp, but the opposite party is firm, he also destroys the opposite party without enough time, the dark moon/month has reactivated from the copper lamp. 他想要摧毁铜灯,但是对方坚固无比,他还来不及摧毁对方,暗月就已经从铜灯之中复活。 Byron more hits more worries, more anxious angrier, becomes loses the reason. 拜伦越打越着急,越急越愤怒,也变得更加失去理智。 Death!” “死!” Why can't kill you?” “为什么杀不死你?” What did you make?” “你到底做了什么?” The dark moon/month looks at Byron, looks that this was swallowed wildly with rage, lost sane demon. 暗月看着拜伦,看着这个被狂怒吞噬,失去了理智的魔物。 All pardoned crimes, can belong to the intelligent species desire.” “一切的原罪,都可以归于智慧种的欲望。” However the desire can belong to greedily.” “而欲望又可以归于贪婪。” This is the greedy strength.” “这就是贪婪的力量。” Greedy strength, can win your violent anger, can claim you to cultivate the type of mature violent anger.” “贪婪的力量,可以夺走你的暴怒,可以夺走你已经培育成熟的暴怒之种。” Before you have not become the true king.” “在你还没有成为真正的王之前。” He knows, the opposite party and not only lost to himself. 他知道,对方并不仅仅是输给了自己。 But from the beginning, he had been arranged, is going to lose to itself. 而是从一开始,他就已经被安排好了,将要输给自己。 However the dark moon/month has not kept the hand slightly, he is using the greedy strength, unceasing is stealing the violent anger strength. 但是暗月丝毫没有留手,他在用贪婪的力量,不断的窃取着暴怒的力量。 Regardless of Byron is unwilling. 不论拜伦多么不甘心。 Regardless how he angrily roars, how reckless coming up and dark moon/month strive for success. 不论他怎么怒吼,怎么不顾一切的上来和暗月拼搏。 Byron. 拜伦。 In is being killed little. 都在正在一点点被杀死。 The flame that he can control are also getting fewer and fewer, the flame puppet who his side follows also extinguished, falls into the thorough death. 他能够操控的火焰也越来越少,他身边跟随的火焰傀儡也一个个熄灭,陷入彻底的死亡。 Finally. 最后。 The dark moon/month looks to lose Byron of most strength, a sword pierced his chest. 暗月看着失去了大半力量的拜伦,一剑刺穿了他的胸膛。 He from the chest of flame flaming combustion, dug out Byron's heart, by violent anger changing into heart. 他从火焰熊熊燃烧的胸膛里,挖出了拜伦的心脏,由暴怒之种化为的心脏。 „!” “啊!” Wailing of Byron pain, but he throws as before toward the dark moon/month, wants to perish together with him. 拜伦痛苦的哀嚎,但是他依旧朝着暗月扑来,想要和他同归于尽。 The dark burned body that is sending out the flame raises the hand, is slanting the long sword to form to tie the standard to keep off. 一个散发着火焰的黑暗焦尸举起手,斜着长剑形成结界格挡。 Reduces violent anger demon that will soon diverge unceasingly, reckless hit on sword. 一个不断缩小即将散去的暴怒魔物,不顾一切的撞击在了剑上。 The line of sight collision of black burned body and flame monster in one. 黑色焦尸与火焰怪物的视线碰撞在了一起。 A hatred is incomparable. 一个憎恨无比。 Firm brutal. 一个坚定无情。 Byron's this time voice weak. 拜伦这个时候的声音都弱了下去。 Death!” “死吧!” Death!” “死吧!” Dies...... dies......” “死……死……” However Byron also knows, he lost. 但是拜伦也知道,他输了。 Why, why always this result?” “为什么,为什么总是这种结局?” Why loses all, always we?” “为什么失去所有的,总是我们?” Why?” “为什么?” The flame that at this moment, Byron within the body sends out could not have injured the dark moon/month. 此时此刻,拜伦体内散发出来的火焰都已经伤害不到暗月了。 The dark moon/month looks at Byron's eyes, looks that he diverges little. 暗月看着拜伦的眼睛,看着他一点点散去。 In his eye cannot see as before fluctuates slightly, but says. 他的眼睛里依旧看不到丝毫波动,只是开口说道。 Finished!” “结束了!” Byron!” “拜伦!” All resenting, enmities and anger stop there, ten thousand snake royal court since new chapter.” “一切的愤恨、仇怨、怒火就此终结,万蛇王庭将进入新的篇章。” The dark moon/month told Byron, told his own following plan. 暗月告诉拜伦,告诉他自己接下来的计划。 If you want to punish me, does not need to worry.” “如果你想要惩罚我,不用着急。” My result had also been written.” “我的结局也早已被写好。” I will replace you to fall into the abyss, is fired in the raging fire that you hate forever.” “我将代替你堕入深渊,在你怨恨的烈火之中永远被灼烧。” The dark moon/month looks at Byron's heart, was saying to crazy demon. 暗月看着拜伦的心脏,对着疯狂的魔物说道。 If you really hate me, makes it fire me forever.” “如果你们真的恨我的话,就让它永远灼烧着我。” Hears the dark moon/month these words, in the Byron continually weak body welled up the final strength suddenly, shouting that he shouted oneself hoarse. 听到暗月的这些话,拜伦不断虚弱的身体里突然涌出来了最后的力量,他声嘶力竭的喊道。 I do not want anything to extricate.” “我才不要什么解脱。” I do not accept your apology.” “我才不接受你的道歉。” I do not accept this result.” “我才不接受这种结局。” Will drop at the point of death, died the hatred? How possibly?” “临死了就会放手,死了就没有仇恨?怎么可能?” „Can so many people who my family member, my brother, we died, how finish like this?” “我的家人,我的兄弟,我们死去的那么多人,怎么可以就这样结束?” My hate will never wear down.” “我的恨永不消磨。” Dark moon/month!” “暗月!” Your this fellow.” “你这个家伙。” Your this fellow who does not have the heart, does not have any humane monster.” “你这个没有心的家伙,没有任何人性的怪物。” What I want killed you personally, I must kill you!” “我想要的是亲手杀了你,我要杀了你!” I must kill you!” “我要杀了你!” What I want destroys your ideal, destroys you to establish in us, the country on our family member skeleton!” “我想要的是毁灭你的理想,毁灭你建立在我们,还有我们家人尸骸上的国家!” Voice final, is a loud sound. 话音最后,是一声巨响。 Bang!” “轰隆!” Byron from exploding, him wanted to tell the dark moon/month, he to dying will not give up to his hatred. 拜伦自爆了,他想要告诉暗月,他到死也不会放弃对他的仇恨。 He lost, lost in own ordinary, lost in own being incapable. 他只是输了,输在了自己的普通,输在了自己的无力。 However does not represent the dark moon/month to be correct. 但是不代表暗月就是正确的。 The ring transmits from the sky, transmitted each corner of dark domain. 火焰环从天空传递开来,传递到了黑暗领域的每一个角落。 As can be seen, the distant place dark domain vault of heaven blasted out an corner/horn. 可以看到,远处黑暗领域天穹都被炸开了一角。 The light shone from outside, this is also finally wipes the scene that Byron can see. 光从外面照射了进来,这也是拜伦所能见到的最后一抹景象。 In his field of vision little stalemate darkness. 他的视界一点点的陷入黑暗之中。 Even if in the heart has the big hate, even if unwilling, actually cannot make any sound again. 哪怕心中有着再大的怨恨,哪怕再不甘心,却再也发不出任何声音。 Looks at Byron dead, is listening to his final curse, the dark moon/month the invariable expression also had the fluctuation throughout finally. 看着拜伦死去,听着他最后的诅咒,暗月始终不变的表情也终于起了波动。 Sense of joy that from beginning to end in the dark moon/month heart has not won slightly, but not sad. 自始至终暗月心中丝毫没有胜利的愉悦感,但是也没有悲伤。 Has. 有的。 Only then that type killed the enemy obviously, won, cavity that anything has not obtained. 只有那种明明杀死了敌人,获得了胜利,却什么也没有得到的空洞。 The dark moon/month sound is hoarse: This...... decayed world.” 暗月声音沙哑:“这个……腐朽的世界。” The dark moon/month is grasping the heart that is burning the roaring flame, he had captured Byron's violent anger strength. 暗月握着燃烧着烈焰的心脏,他已经夺得了拜伦的暴怒力量。 He can feel him to be swallowed by the greedy strength completely. 他可以感受到他正在被贪婪的力量完全吞噬。 His present body lower half had vanished, was only left over the upper part. 他现在身体下半截都已经消失了,只剩下了上半身。 Is sending out the thick flame, like the upper part of burned body. 散发着浓浓火焰,如同焦尸的上半身。 But the violent anger strength also surges in his within the body, wants to explode his broken body brace. 而暴怒的力量也在他体内涌动,想要将他这具残破身体撑爆。 This uses the Copper Lamp of Greed price. 这是使用贪婪的铜灯的代价。 Choice that he also the choice, can go on living at this time. 他此时还有一个选择,一个可以活下去的选择。 So long as he these days becomes true Wrath King, can fall into the abyss. 他只要在这一段时间成为真正的暴怒之王,就可以堕入深渊。 Before. 在之前。 The dark moon/month does not prepare to make this choice, he thought that all can finish. 暗月并不准备做这个选择,他觉得一切可以就此结束。 He wants kills Byron this unstabilizing factor, then completely finished all these, lets this country since the new start. 他想要的只是杀死拜伦这个不稳定因素,然后彻底结束这一切,让这个国家进入新的开始。 However in understanding the doubts in heart, after seeing Byron's result . 但是在明白了心中的疑惑,看到了拜伦的结局之后。 He discovered that oneself has not destroyed that old world, he has not established any true new order. 他发现自己从来没有摧毁那个旧世界,他从来没有建立起什么真正的新秩序。 He discovered. 他更发现。 The nihility of own innermost feelings and empty had not been filled up, instead was also exhausted a bulk again. 自己内心的虚无和空洞并没有被填满,反而还被再度挖掉了一大块。 The dark moon/month looks at the sky disruption the behind-the-scenes plotting, looks moonlight that outside illuminates. 暗月看着天空碎裂的黑幕,看着外面照下来的月光。 He held up the sword suddenly, aimed at the space. 他突然举起了剑,指向了天上。 „Are you visiting me?” “你们在看着我吗?” „?” “啊?” He suddenly felt, all cannot finish like this. 他突然觉得,一切不能够这样结束。 Because, he also wants to challenge that. 因为,他还想要挑战那。 By the order of various god control. 被诸神统御的秩序。 Dreamland. 梦界 A colored air bubble passes through the space, suddenly appeared in the corner. 一个彩色的气泡穿越空间,突然出现在了角落里。 On the colored air bubble wall squeezes out the Byron unwilling appearance, the picture transforms, one after another. 彩色气泡壁上挤出拜伦不甘心的模样,画面变换,一幅接着一幅。 Death!” “死!” Dies to me!” “给我死!” Why? Why?” “凭什么?凭什么?” Byron fell into the endless darkness, but went black even if, even if the sound could not even send out. 拜伦陷入了无尽的黑暗之中,但是哪怕陷入了黑暗,哪怕连声音都发不出了。 His hatred is still surging, his being unwilling is still burning with the anger. 他内心的仇恨还在涌动,他的不甘和怒火还在燃烧。 Suddenly, shone the light in the darkness suddenly. 突然之间,在黑暗之中突然亮起了光。 Pure golden light. 纯金色的光。 He saw a golden ship, the light sent from the ship. 他看到了一艘金色的船,光就是从船上发出来的。 Ship?” “船?” Why will have the ship?” “为什么会有船?” He does not know oneself had died, changed into dream of lifetime, that is meets the boat of his sacredness. 他不知道自己已经死了,化为了人生之梦,那是来接他的神圣之舟。 The golden light embezzles him, all darkness and terrifying vanish completely. 金色的光将他吞没,所有的黑暗和恐怖全部消失。 Even if not prefer, even if has many enmities not to finish, to final final , can only accept the result of story ending. 哪怕再不情愿,哪怕有着再多的仇怨没有结束,到了最后的最后,也只能接受故事落幕的结局。 The hatred and curse span the space and years matter, is not the average person can achieve. 仇恨和诅咒跨越空间和岁月这种事情,并不是一般人能够做到的。 In dream of lifetime. 人生之梦里。 All, returned that day. 一切的一切,都重新回到了那一天。 The city gate opens. 城门打开。 Wū wū!” “呜呜!” The soldiers play the bugle, the knights ride earth dragon to enter from the city gate, is the head is the dark moon/month general. 士兵吹起号角,骑士们骑着地行龙从城门而入,为首的便是暗月将军。 All returned to that morning, Byron also stood in the crowd impressively, his appearance turned into that rash youngster. 一切回到了那天早上,拜伦赫然也站在了人群之中,他的模样又变成了那个莽撞的少年。 Before returning to Pince City again, degenerates into the monster Byron deep place to think. 再度回到潘斯城前,沦为怪物的拜伦内心深处一直在想。 He has felt oneself will be selected is because he stood on that day, on that day perhaps was the turning point of his destiny. 他一直觉得自己会被选中是因为那一天他站了出来,那一天或许就是他命运的转折点。 If the day, he has not stood. 如果那一天,他没有站出来。 . 是不是。 Will not be selected. 就不会被选中。 Will not be selected, that disaster will not arrive. 不会被选中,那一场灾难是不是也就不会降临。 He, can become an average person. 他是不是,就可以成为一个普通人。 The life has too many lamentation, has too many regrets, but cannot be heavy ; Lost the thing, cannot recall again. 人生有太多的悔恨,有太多的遗憾,但是不能够重来;失去了的东西,便不可再挽回。 But now, he can choose finally again. 而现在,他终于可以再次选择。 Byron stands in the crowd at a loss, is watching the fun people who cheer, soldier who looks at the array. 拜伦茫然的站在人群之中,看着热闹欢呼的人们,看着列阵的士兵。 I how in this?” “我怎么会在这?” Why do I come to come?” “我来干什么来着?” Byron suddenly thought: Oh, am I come to see lively?” 拜伦突然想了起来:“,我是来看热闹的?” In picture. 画面里。 This Byron has not stood time. 这一次拜伦没有站出来。 He is only static looks at the guard of honor to go far away, becomes in the crowd an ordinary viewer. 他只是静静的看着仪仗队远去,成为人群之中一个普普通通的看客。 What ideal, what justice, anything changes the time. 什么理想,什么正义,什么改变时代。 The battle of what right, what various God conspiracy. 什么权利的争斗,什么诸神的阴谋。 These all has no relations with him time. 这一次全都和他没有什么关系。 On this day. 这一天。 He goes home early. 他早早回到了家。 In the family/home the father is waiting for him, the big brother and mother are packing the thing, the younger sister are still playing under the wooden ladder game that grasps the pebble, after seeing he comes back, is grinning smiles to him. 家里父亲正在等待着他,大哥和母亲在收拾着东西,妹妹还在木梯下玩着抓石子的游戏,看到他回来之后咧着嘴对他笑。 Second Brother came back.” “二哥回来了。” Sees such sloppy ordinary day, life that like this becomes accustomed. 看到这样稀松平常的日子,这样习以为常的生活。 Why Byron does not know, is moved to tears, 拜伦不知道为什么,热泪盈眶, Father!” “父亲!” Mother!” “母亲!” Big brother, Zallin.” “大哥,还有萨琳。” You in?” “你们都在啊?” The father patted his back of the head: What in? Where can that also be at?” 父亲拍了一下他的后脑勺:“什么都在?那还能在哪?” Goes to the street to watch the fun to look to be muddleheaded?” “去街上看热闹看昏了头吧?” Byron as before standing in same place . As if has not responded. 拜伦依旧楞楞的站在原地,.似乎还没有反应过来。 The big brother was saying to him. 大哥对着他说。 Is gawking doing?” “愣着干什么?” Today met to live greatly, some lot of money?” “今天接了个大活,有不少钱呢?” Father said that you follow we to do today together.” “父亲说了,你今天跟着我们一起去做。” Byron's pleasantly surprised expression welled up: „Can I also go?” 拜伦惊喜的表情涌了上来:“我也可以去吗?” The father nods: Was similar, you are also a qualified young carpenter.” 父亲点了点头:“差不多了,你也是个合格的小木匠。” Byron took up oneself toolbox from the building, flushed fast. 拜伦从楼上拿起了自己的工具箱,快速的冲了下来。 He is conducting the arm the box, excited excited is supporting the chest, does not know also thinks that he must go to work as the khaki cloth. 他挎着箱子,激动兴奋的挺着胸膛,不知道的还以为他是要去当将军呢。 This time. 这一次。 He no longer is what Child of Wrath, has not become the renowned day flame regiment army regimental commander, the body stains the revenge butcher of blood. 他不再是什么暴怒之子,也没有成为声名赫赫的日炎军团军团长,身上沾满鲜血的复仇屠夫。 He took a tiny and ordinary carpenter path. 他走上了一条渺小而普通的木匠道路。 He has not become the violent anger, because his anything has not lost. 他没有成为暴怒,因为他这一次什么都没有失去。 He had no big ideal, has no hate to this world. 他本来就没有什么大理想,也没有什么对这个世界的怨恨。 He young, immature and impulsive, is very ordinary. 他年轻、稚嫩、冲动,也很平凡。 An average person that could not be simpler, in numerous populace. 只是一个平凡得不能再平凡的普通人,芸芸大众之中的一员。 Father's big hand opens the door. 父亲的大手推开门。 Outside illumination, dazzling, but was full of the hope. 外面的光照了进来,刺眼但是充满了希望。 He at the back of the toolbox, followed in the father and big brother behind got up the street happily. 他开开心心的背着工具箱,跟在父亲和大哥的身后上了街道。 What lives greatly is lives?” “大活是什么活啊?” How much money can make? Can the dinner eat?” “能挣多少钱?晚饭能吃好一点吗?” Can eat to the full?” “能吃饱吗?” The father and big brother are disinclined to pay attention to him. 父亲和大哥懒得理会他。 He can only turn head, just saw that mother pulls the younger sister to deliver them in the entrance. 他只能回过头来,刚好看到母亲牵着妹妹正在门口送他们。 Byron twists the mouth sidewise the mouth, smiles loudly. 拜伦咧开嘴巴,大声笑起来。 1 second remembers:. 一秒记住:。
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