IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#352 Part 1: True Wrath King

The pretor mansion and government affairs hall in lunar eclipse city changed a master, during ten thousand snake royal court new highest pretors is a focus of public attention, announced inauguration. 月蚀城的执政官府邸和政务大厅换了一个主人,万蛇王庭新任最高执政官在万众瞩目之中,宣布了就职。 It is said the dark moon/month general got sick, is very ill, is going to the Pince City training very much at present. 据说暗月将军病了,病得很厉害,目前正在前往潘斯城修养。 Has been incapable of holding the post of highest pretor again. 已经无力再担任最高执政官一职。 Although various suspicions and conspiracy theories rise from all directions, but the new highest pretor is No. 2 character, has the extremely high prestige, therefore the connection of right is very smooth conducts. 虽然各种怀疑和阴谋论四起,但是新任最高执政官本身就是二号人物,也有着极高的威望,因此权利的交接还是非常顺利的进行。 The time passes alternately. 时代交替流转。 No one is indispensable. 没有谁是不可或缺的。 The dark moon/month with such had not fallen ill, at this moment, he who said to the outside arrived at the Origin of Life Mountain under foot. 暗月并没有和对外所说的那样生病了,此时此刻,他来到了生命起源之山脚下。 The dark moon/month general dresses up very ordinary. 暗月将军打扮很普通。 Does not seem like a renowned general, was once ruling the entire ten thousand snake royal court highest pretors. 根本不像是一个声名赫赫的将军,一个曾经统治着整个万蛇王庭的最高执政官。 He is controlling the sail pack animal and wheelbarrow entered in the city, seems like an ordinary commerce. 他驾驭着帆驮兽和一个车斗进入了城中,看上去就像是一个普通商贩。 Across city gate time, the dark moon/month general is sizing up this past capital city. 穿过城门的时候,暗月将军打量着这座昔日的都城。 Although compared some past lively declines, but here as before was an appearance of Dadoucheng. 虽然相比昔日的繁华有些没落,但是这里依旧还是一副大都城的模样。 So long as this Origin of Life Mountain remains, is representing, regardless of passes many years, here as before snake human belief sacred place. 只要这座生命起源之山还存在着,就代表着不论过去多少年,这里依旧还是蛇人的信仰圣地。 At the beginning of era. 纪元之初。 The control of life here, created a snake human clan. 生命的主宰就是在这里,创造出了蛇人一族。 Raises head to look at that great mountain, the dark moon/month said. 仰头看着那座伟岸的山,暗月说道。 God creates the world.” “神创世界。” God makes the world.” “神造世人。” This is myth that snake human sincerely believes that finally in finally him also said that supplemented one. 这是蛇人都笃信的神话,最后在最后他又说补充了一句。 God has also departed.” “神也早已离去。” The dark moon/month relayed in the city, finally arrived at the Pince City Western District. 暗月在城中转了一圈,最后来到了潘斯城的城西区。 Several years ago here suffered the destructive attack, now has the appearance that restored. 几年前这里遭受了毁灭性的打击,如今有了恢复的样子。 Trace that however that disaster stays behind, can see everywhere. 不过那一场灾难留下的痕迹,还是随处可以看到的。 That falling pit of past years was most obvious, such big pit was not certainly good to fill, therefore in the city people introduce the canal to turn into a man-made lake now, or was a big reservoir, nearby resident fetched water from here. 当年的那个陨坑就是最明显的,这么大的坑当然不好填,所以如今城里面的人引入了水渠变成了一个人造湖泊,亦或者说是一个大的蓄水池,附近的居民都从这里打水。 Near the basin the residents stand in great numbers, is the recent years is newly-built. 水池边民宅林立,都是近几年新建的。 The dark moon/month arrived at the pool of water, unloads the thing on vehicle, is main, is the same brass oil lamp. 暗月来到了池水边,将车上的东西卸下来,其中最主要的,是一样黄铜油灯。 He makes an effort to fling, tossed into the basin the copper lamp unexpectedly directly. 他用力一甩,竟然将铜灯直接抛入了水池。 He spent two days of time, arrangement around basin ceremony technique. 紧接着,他又花了两天时间,在水池周围布置下了一个仪式术阵。 In a day of evening. 在一天傍晚。 The dark moon/month is looking into the sky in the water's edge, looks that the flowing fire came from the ends of the earth together, unceasing is approaching Pince City. 暗月在水边眺望着天空,看着一道流火从天尽头而来,不断的靠近着潘斯城 The opposite party finally found him. 对方终于找到了他。 But all are going to welcome the result finally. 而一切也终于将要迎来结局。 That flowing fire arrives in the Pince City sky, suddenly crashes under. 那流火抵达潘斯城的上空,突然坠落而下。 Drops from the clouds like a meteor, once that happening in Pince City as if reappeared again. 如同一颗流星从天而降,曾经发生在潘斯城的那一幕似乎又再度重现。 Thump thump thump thump!” “咚咚咚咚!” Earliest possible time when that strange meteor presents, the city neutrality inscribed the person to notice this. 当那怪异流星出现的第一时间,城中立刻有人注意到了这一幕。 This time. 这一次。 The Pince City reflection in everyone's wanted to be many quickly. 潘斯城中的所有人的反映就要快很多了。 The bell tower in city resounds the clear warning ding immediately, attracted the attention of entire city person. 城内的钟楼立刻响起了清脆的警告钟声,吸引了全城人的注意。 Above the street everyone shouted loudly shouted, organizing the person to retreat toward outside, hides in into some quite firm place, or was the basement and cave in house. 街道之上所有人高呼大喊,组织着人朝着外面撤退,躲入一些比较坚固的地方,或者是房子里的地下室和地窖。 Hides, quickly hides.” “躲起来,赶快躲起来。” Hides in the prayer hall, hides in the cave.” “躲到祷告堂里面,躲到地窖里。” Hurries, do not take the thing, quickly runs.” “赶紧的,不要拿东西了,赶快跑。” Especially saw that meteor must crash in the Western District past falling pit, nearby resident is in groups escapes toward outside. 尤其眼看着那流星要坠落在了城西区当年的陨坑上,附近的居民更是成群结队的朝着外面逃去。 Above the street the tide of people surges, flurried running away of shouting and wrangling, when the meteorite descends time, they are the earliest possible time lie on the ground, is waiting for the choice of destiny. 街道之上人潮涌动,大呼小叫的慌乱逃窜,等到陨石降落的时候,他们更是第一时间趴在地上,等候着命运的抉择。 However is very strange, the meteor of that terrifying crashed above the land, did not have the too big sound. 但是很奇怪,那恐怖的流星坠落到了大地之上,却没有太大的动静。 However the distant place indeed is surging the terrifying flame, preposterous shadow. 不过远处的确涌动着恐怖的火光,还有耸人的暗影。 Let the surrounding person not dare to approach, escapes even more far. 让周围的人不敢靠近,逃得越发远了。 Byron appears above the water surface, in the human form flame revealed two luminous spots, is gazing at stubbornly the dark moon/month general. 拜伦出现在水面之上,人形火焰之中露出了两个光点,死死的注视着暗月将军。 Dark moon/month!” “暗月!” He put out the name of dark moon/month, in the sound has the bursting sound of flame, in the figure and shadow can also notice that the flame puppets squeezed out, roared toward the dark moon/month. 他吐出了暗月的名字,声音里带着火焰的爆裂声,身形和影子里还能够看到一个个火焰傀儡挤出,朝着暗月咆哮。 Lost the snake human shape, lost the physical body. 失去了蛇人的形态,失去了肉体。 Byron at this moment turned into from head to tail demon. 此刻的拜伦就变成了一个彻头彻尾的魔物。 He exudes the distortion abnormal laughter, these flame puppets also follow he to smile together, the sound overlaps in the same place. 他发出扭曲变态的笑声,那些火焰傀儡也跟着他一起笑,声音重迭在一起。 How to escape?” “怎么不逃了?” What's wrong?” “怎么?” „To hide here, prepares to bind my hands and feet with these people?” “想要躲在这里,准备用这些人束缚住我的手脚?” Human form flame demon treads the water surface to walk step by step, under the foot was his once family/home, now anything does not have remaining. 人形火焰魔物一步步踏着水面走来,脚底下就是他曾经的家,如今什么都没有剩下。 Once, he was only above this street is pursuing the lively, ignorant, impulsive and ignorant child ; When he comes back again, actually turned into a full hand bloody monster. 曾经,他只是这个街道之上追逐着热闹,懵懂、冲动、无知的孩子;等到他再回来的时候,却变成了一个满手血腥的怪物。 „Do you feel useful?” “你觉得有用吗?” You felt, loses all lunatics, was deceived the monster that plays with repeatedly, will also care about these?” “你觉得,一个失去所有的疯子,一个被反复欺骗玩弄的怪物,还会在乎这些吗?” The dark moon/month looks at Child of Wrath Byron, the opposite party can be born also has his meddling, if not he looks on and adds fuel to the flames, past years's that disaster will not be born. 暗月看着暴怒之子拜伦,对方能够诞生也有着他的插手,如果不是他坐视和推波助澜,当年的那一场灾难就不会诞生。 Also is he has deceived to use Byron, solved Razer Kingdom and southern city-state alliance two most difficult problems. 也是他一直欺骗利用着拜伦,才解决了雷泽王国和南方城邦联盟两个最棘手的问题。 Regardless of each perspective, Byron asks him to take revenge well-founded. 不论从各个方面来说,拜伦来找他复仇是有理由的。 The abyss agent officiates Senge words indeed to have the deceit place greatly, but majority actually real. 深渊代理大主祭森格的话的确有欺骗的地方,但是其中大部分却都是真的。 Discussed!” “谈一谈吧!” „Do you have many matter that wants to know?” “你也有很多想要知道的事情吧?” Byron!” “拜伦!” Byron: What also has to talk about? At this moment, among us also needs that what discussed?” 拜伦:“还有什么好谈的?事到如今,我们之间还有什么谈的必要吗?” Here, is you and my final result.” “这里,就是你和我最后的结局。” The dark moon/month does not dread and Byron looks at each other, looks that this by the monster that he molds personally. 暗月丝毫不畏惧的和拜伦对视,看着这个被他亲手塑造出来的怪物。 In this world, always some things need to ravel.” “这个世界上,总有一些事情需要弄明白。” Has the lots, is more important than the life and death and hatred.” “有很多东西,比生死和仇恨还要重要。” The dark moon/month asked Byron. 暗月问拜伦。 You have thought why you will be selected by the original sin evil god?” “你有想过你为什么会被原罪邪神选中吗?” You have thought all these is what creates?” “你有想过这一切是什么造成的吗?” Was anything ordinary ordinary you will thrust this situation, you will elect for Child of Wrath.” “是什么将普通平凡的你推入了这个地步,将伱选为了暴怒之子。” Human form flame demon waves, a large area of water was evaporated, attacks to the both sides streets. 人形火焰魔物一挥手,大面积的水被蒸发,冲击向两侧的街道。 Byron is bellowing: I know!” 拜伦大吼着:“我知道!” Creates all these chief criminals, anyone, I will kill him.” “造成这一切的罪魁祸首,不论是谁,我都会杀死他。” I killed you, killed these this people of killing, will fall into the abyss.” “我杀了你,杀了那些该杀的人,就会堕入深渊。” I will find It, like finding you.” “我会找到祂,就像找到你一样。” Although words saying, but Byron has not actually acted immediately, seems like him also to want from the body of dark moon/month to know that the past truth, wanted to listen the dark moon/month to acknowledge personally the past matter was related with him. 话虽然这么说,但是拜伦却并没有马上动作,看起来他也是想要从暗月的身上知道当年的真相,想要听暗月亲自承认当年的事情和他有关。 The dark moon/month looks at front this pitiful person, but his anger desperate look. 暗月看着面前这个可悲的人,他那愤怒但是又绝望的眼神。 His anger from Mr. Yu elder brother of the same mother younger sister's death, came from in tens of thousands of victims, came from is deceived to play with. 他的愤怒源自于父母兄妹的死,源自于成千上万的死难者,源自于被欺骗被玩弄。 Also came from in being shattered of dream, to the disappointment of this world. 也源自于梦想的破灭,还有对这个世界的失望。 Meanwhile. 同时。 The dark moon/month also remembered that ceramic villain, remembers choice that oneself had not chosen finally. 暗月也想起了那个陶瓷小人,想起了自己最后没有选择的选择。 He had doubts before very much, does not understand why Byron will be selected. 他之前很疑惑,不明白为什么拜伦会被选中。 Regardless of each aspect, Byron were too ordinary, his life and all was being promoted and manipulated. 不论从各个方面,拜伦都太普通了,他的一生和所有都在被人推动和摆弄。 His anger from the beginning, creates artificially. 他的愤怒从一开始,就是人为造成的。 Why he does not understand the emergence of brass oil lamp so coincidence before himself, if the opposite party wants to choose him, why doesn't choose him from the beginning? 他更不明白为什么黄铜油灯会如此巧合的出现在自己面前,如果对方想要选择他的话,为什么不从一开始就选择他? But at this moment. 而此时此刻。 He thoroughly understood anything. 他彻底明白了什么。 Is because...... interesting?” “是因为……有趣?” Because of It can?” “因为祂可以?” Because It thinks!” “因为祂想!” The dark moon/month begins supinely, in the sky the cloud is the red, the setting sun of ends of the earth will soon fall. 暗月仰起头,天空之中云是红色的,天尽头的残阳即将落下。 The dark moon/month felt, above the sky has in pairs an eye probably. 暗月却觉得,天空之上好像有着一双双眼睛。 The land is a stage, everyone is only the role and board game piece in stage, performs them to feel the interesting plays for the opposite party. 大地是舞台,所有人都只是舞台上的角色和棋子,为对方上演着他们觉得有趣的剧目。 Originally!” “原来!” This is God!” “这就是神明!” The doubts in dark moon/month heart opened finally, he destroyed this decayed kingdom finally, established the new order. 暗月心中的疑惑终于揭开,他最终摧毁了这个腐朽的王国,建立了新的秩序。 However he actually cannot destroy this world, rule that he establishes, under principle of this world true revolution. 但是他却不能够摧毁这个世界,他所创立的规则,在这个世界真正运转的法则之下。 That is. 那就是。 various God will. 诸神的意志。 He as if changed anything, but seems anything not to change. 他似乎改变了什么,但是又好像什么都没有改变。 Facing Byron's reply, the dark moon/month reply said. 面对拜伦的回答,暗月回答说道。 Perhaps!” “或许!” This is It wants to see.” “这就是祂想要看到的。” You are angry, is demented, you more struggle.” “你越是愤怒,越是癫狂,你越是挣扎。” It thought that is interesting.” “祂就觉得越是有趣。” The dark moon/month dropped the vision finally, his face suddenly becomes stiff. 暗月终于落下了目光,他的面孔突然变得僵硬。 His innermost feelings at this moment are excited, but wants to cover anything with this face. 他此刻的内心非常激动,但是又想要用这张脸庞掩盖什么。 What actually I anticipate is It selects me, because I incomparably need this strength, completes me the goal that wants to complete.” “其实我更期待的是祂选中我,因为我无比需要这一股力量,去完成我想要完成的目的。” You but who do not need, were actually selected.” “但是不需要的你,却被选中了。” I who need this strength, actually can only obtain in this way.” “需要这股力量的我,却只能通过这种方式来获得。” You and I have not chosen, we can only according to the program that It conceives, is performing this ugly performance.” “你和我都没有选择,我们只能按照祂所设想的戏码,上演着这丑陋的表演。” Your result, my result, was arranged from the beginning.” “你的结局,我的结局,从一开始就被安排好了。” Red that the complexion flash of dark moon/month rises, from face red to neck on. 暗月的脸色一瞬间涨的通红,从脸上红到了脖子上。 This may really be......” “这可真是个……” Damn world.” “该死的世界。” Byron simply has not understood the dark moon/month to say anything, he only knows, the dark moon/month acknowledged all are his behaviors. 拜伦根本没有听懂暗月在说什么,他只知道,暗月承认了一切都是他所为。 Byron at this moment is also excited, his mood pulls unceasingly, divulges from his sound. 此刻的拜伦也激动无比,他的情绪不断拉高,从他的声音里宣泄出来。 Therefore!” “所以!” „Did you acknowledge?” “你承认了?” Past years's that disaster, was related with you.” “当年的那一场灾难,都和你有关。” Therefore, you sacrificed the Pince City person for the strength.” “所以,为了力量你牺牲了潘斯城的人。” Therefore, to win you also lets bring death for you who our these sacrificed survivor advanced uninterruptedly.” “所以,为了胜利你还让我们这些被牺牲的幸存者前赴后继的为你送死。” Therefore, for your ideal you used everyone.” “所以,为了你的理想你利用了所有人。” Byron mirthless smile, dark moon/month in his heart from former that general who felt the ideal and sense of justice, a Savior turned into from head to tail darkness. 拜伦惨笑着,他心中的暗月从从前那个充满了理想和正义感的将军,一个救世主变成了彻头彻尾的黑暗者。 Is continually ideal and just and two words, at this moment was full of the meaning of taunt. 连理想和正义和两个词,此刻都充满了嘲讽的含义。 Hahahaha!” “哈哈哈哈!” Then, he interrogated loudly the dark moon/month. 然后,他大声质问暗月。 Dark moon/month!” “暗月!” Why?” “凭什么?” Happy world why you want to create, does the new order that you want to create, need to sacrifice us?” “凭什么你想要创造的美好世界,你想要创造的新秩序,就要牺牲我们?” That disaster died many people, during they in painful and despaired died, many people lost the family member, loses all.” “那一场灾难死了多少人,他们在痛苦和绝望之中死去,多少人失去了亲人,失去了拥有的一切。” Day flame regiment so many brothers so trusted you, trusts you to revenge to us, ha, finally, was you killed our family members finally.” “日炎军团那么多兄弟是如此的信任你,信任你会给我们报仇,哈哈哈哈哈,结果最后,就是你害死了我们的家人。” Dark moon/month!” “暗月!” You really fierce, you were too fierce.” “你真的厉害,你真的太厉害了。” You should not be what general, you should go to the abyss mission, you are the worst evil disciple!” “你不应该做什么将军,你应该去深渊教团,你才是最邪恶的邪徒啊!” What these words most started to say was the previous generation abyss mission officiates greatly, was Senge, finally even Byron said like this. 这句话最开始说的是上一代深渊教团大主祭,然后是森格,最后连拜伦都这样说。 Dark moon/month both eyes are sharp, he interrupted Byron's words. 暗月此刻双目锐利,他打断了拜伦的话。 His final doubts opened, the new order that but he must make himself as before, maintains this new country. 他最后的疑惑揭开,但是他依旧还是要将自己制造的新秩序,将这个新国家维持下去。 But wants to achieve all these, front must vanish by Byron who the violent anger swallows. 而想要做到这一切,面前这个被暴怒吞噬的拜伦就必须消失。 Even he himself, must follow to vanish together. 甚至连他自己,也必须跟着一起消失。 Right!” “没错!” I am such person, I used you, I deceived you.” “我就是这样的人,我利用了你们,我欺骗了你们。” Therefore......” “所以……” The dark moon/month is gazing at Byron, said the final request. 暗月注视着拜伦,说出了自己最后的请求。 For my ideal, for the new order, I needs you dead!” “为了我的理想,为了新的秩序,我需要你们去死!” Byron!” “拜伦!” Please die!” “请你去死吧!” Finished with me here.” “和我一起结束在这里。” Only then you died, only then we disappear together, all these will finish.” “只有你死了,只有我们一起消失,这一切才会结束。” You and I, must disappear in this world, all that we make are meaningful, the talent who these died is meaningful.” “你和我,都必须消失在这个世界上,我们所做的一切才有意义,那些死去的人才有意义。” Byron's mood erupted thoroughly, the flame energetic force field spreads, covered the big piece domain. 拜伦的情绪彻底爆发了,火焰精神力场扩散开来,笼罩了大片领域。 Yes!” “是啊!” Yes!” “是啊!” Dies!” “都去死吧!” Dies!” “都去死吧!” The terrifying flame covers the land, will soon swallow entire Pince City. 恐怖的火焰覆盖大地,即将吞噬整个潘斯城 This damn world!” “这该死的世界!” Death!” “死吧!” Dark moon/month!” “暗月!” The damn country that you establish, this world that eats the person.” “还有你建立的这个该死的国家,这个吃人的世界。” But at this time, the dark moon/month under foot also presented a sunspot, Byron is quicker a step proliferation. 而这个时候,暗月脚下也出现了一个黑点,比拜伦更快一步的扩散开来。 Covers the land, covers the backdrop, a huge ceremony mark spreads across. 覆盖大地,笼罩天幕,庞大的仪式阵纹纵横交错。 In the water floated off a brass oil lamp. 水中浮起了一个黄铜油灯。 Dark moon/month ago the ceremony that prepares started. 正是暗月之前准备的仪式发动了。 Underground opened a dark door, swallows down him and Byron two people together. 地下打开了一扇黑暗的门,将他和拜伦两个人一起吞了下去。 This is the dark domain that once Land of Sunrise big elder Hingis used, it appeared in the world again. 这是曾经的日出之地大长老辛吉斯所用的黑暗领域,它又再一次出现在人间。 Meanwhile. 与此同时。 Two vision in abyss, invested in the reality. 深渊之中的两道目光,也投入了现实之中。 The dark moon/month thinks that all are the abyss original sin evil god behaviors, actually does not know that Byron is the ceramic villain selects, does not know that Pride King Avon is adding fuel to the flames. 暗月以为一切都是深渊原罪邪神所为,却并不知道拜伦是陶瓷小人选中的,更不知道傲慢之王亚弗安在推波助澜。 At this chessgame, the dark moon/month, Byron, Senge are only board game pieces. 这场棋局上,不论是暗月、拜伦、森格都只是棋子。 True secret. 真正的幕后。 Launches the impact on God of Original Sin Pride King Avon. 是向原罪之神发起冲击的傲慢之王亚弗安 The whole world falls into the darkness, Byron that swallows the flame of the world and follows is falling into the darkness. 整个世界堕入黑暗之中,拜伦那吞噬世界的火焰和跟随着落入黑暗之中。 Flame of blotting out the sky along dark transmission, but this darkness do not have the end probably, held all flame. 铺天盖地的火焰沿着黑暗传递,但是这片黑暗好像没有尽头,将所有的火焰都容纳了进去。 The dark moon/month stands above the sea of fire at this moment, in the hand is grasping a brass oil lamp. 暗月此刻站在火海之上,手上握着一盏黄铜油灯。 Byron disregards, flushes away toward the dark moon/month probably beast equally, the raging flame packages the whole world. 拜伦不管不顾,就好像一头蛮兽一样朝着暗月冲去,熊熊烈火包裹整个世界。 Dark moon/month!” “暗月!” I know that you are planning me, knows that you have the subsequent hand.” “我知道你在算计我,也知道你还有后手。” I know that you are very intelligent, you can play with me above the stock palm ; I compare you, my anything compares you.” “我知道你很聪明,你可以将我玩弄于股掌之上;我比不过你,我什么都比不过你。” But no matter, I have said......” “但是无所谓,我说过……” Today is you and my result.” “今天就是你和我的结局。” I did not seek the victory, I did not seek the extrication, my anything did not want.” “我不求胜利,我不求解脱,我什么都不要。” Byron is roaring: I want.” 拜伦咆哮着:“我只要。” You and your hateful ideal, can die together.” “你和你那可憎的理想,能一同死去。” So long as can kill the dark moon/month, Byron anything does not care. 只要能够杀死暗月,拜伦什么都不在乎了。 Human form flame demon looked to the copper lamp on dark moon/month hand, he knows that all these came from the strength of that brass oil lamp. 人形火焰魔物看向了暗月手上的铜灯,他知道这一切源自于那盏黄铜油灯的力量。 He plunged the dark moon/month at the same time, placed above the complete goal this copper lamp, first wants to destroy it. 他扑向了暗月的同时,也将全部目标放在了这盏铜灯之上,优先想要摧毁它。 The dense and numerous puppets run out from the flame, at this moment they and Byron are equally fierce, toward dark moon/month. 密密麻麻的傀儡从火焰之中冲出,此刻他们和拜伦一样狰狞,朝着暗月而来。 Goes!” “去吧!” Swallows him!” “去吞噬掉他!” Swallows this, us like the fellow who the trash sacrificed.” “吞噬掉这个,将我们像垃圾一样牺牲掉的家伙。” Dark moon/month strength at this moment, completely with this copper lamp fusion in one. 暗月此刻的力量,也完全和这盏铜灯融合在了一起。 Can see in the brass oil lamp unceasing fills the black greasy dirt. 可以看到黄铜油灯里不断的弥漫出黑色的油污。 The darkness of contamination spread along his tail unceasingly, climbed up his chest, enclosed his arm and neck. 污秽的黑暗沿着他的尾巴不断蔓延,爬上了他的胸膛,附上了他的手臂和脖子。 The dark moon/month at this moment seems like, same also turned into a monster with Byron. 暗月此刻看上去,和拜伦一样也变成了一个怪物。 „The gate of abyss!” “深渊之门!” Opens!” “打开吧!” He lifted the hand, under the body the direct connectivity the genuine abyss. 他一抬手,身下直接连通了真正的深渊。 Innumerable abyss demon crawls from the abyss, under the dark moon/month control, attacks to go toward Byron. 无数的深渊魔物从深渊之中爬出,在暗月的操控下,朝着拜伦攻击而去。 Follows the contract.” “遵循契约。” Kills my enemy.” “杀死我的敌人。” bone demon and snake demon, the eagle demon and mire demon in groups seem the flood to curl generally, attacks with Byron's roaring flame together. 成群的骸骨魔物、蛇魔、鹰魔、泥沼魔就好像洪水一般卷来,和拜伦的烈焰冲击在一起。 Although cannot constrain Byron, lots of flame puppets but who control Byron blocking. 虽然没能拖住拜伦,但是将拜伦操控的大量火焰傀儡给挡住了。 The flame blots out the sky, runs out of a giant from the raging fire. 火焰铺天盖地,从烈火之中冲出一个巨人。 Byron threw the front of dark moon/month. 拜伦扑到了暗月的面前。 The terrifying flame giant opens both hands directly, flushed toward the dark moon/month. 恐怖的火焰巨人直接张开双手,朝着暗月冲了过来。 So long as in throwing dark moon/month, can fire the ashes him. 只要扑中暗月,就可以将他烧成灰烬。 The strength of flame is so. 火焰的力量就是如此。 By most direct, the wildest way presents. 以最直接,最狂暴的方式呈现。 But at the same time, the body of dark moon/month was corroded most probably dark, that brass oil lamp even direct absorption dark moon/month. 而与此同时,暗月的身体大半都被黑暗侵蚀,那黄铜油灯甚至直接吸附在了暗月身上。 Starts to integrate his body, swallowed his flesh. 开始融入他的身体,吞噬起了他的血肉。 In darkness. 黑暗里。 The dark moon/month draws out the long sword, the skilled sword technique is seemingly pleasant, sword blade cuts to drip dark the intermittent flowing light. 暗月拔出长剑,熟练的剑技看上去赏心悦目,剑锋划破黑暗淌出阵阵流光。 Lunar eclipse afterglow.” “月蚀的残光。” The dark moon/month long sword rotation, delimits together the afterglow. 暗月的长剑转动,划出一道残光。 Just likes the lunar eclipse from now on near the remaining silver. 犹如月食过后剩下的银边。 The dark knot birth, with the human form flame demon hit in one, blocked the opposite party stubbornly. 黑暗的结界诞生,和人形火焰魔物撞击在了一起,死死的挡住了对方。 In this dark domain, the dark moon/month can actually resist with Byron positive photograph, this showed that the strength of this copper lamp is the strength of apostle rank. 在这黑暗领域之中,暗月竟然能够和拜伦正面相抗,这证明这盏铜灯的力量已经是使徒级别的力量了。 divine spell item Copper Lamp of Greed 神术道具・贪婪的铜灯 Series number 28 【序列号28】 【After Land of Sunrise big elder Hingis fuses the greedy failure, turned into this copper lamp, contains many Powerful that Hingis and he swallows, as well as massively by the strength of abyss demon he swallows ; Greedy can swallow others, will swallow itself, original sin greedy will be without limits forever.】 日出之地大长老辛吉斯融合贪婪之种失败后变成了这盏铜灯,其中蕴含着辛吉斯和他吞噬的诸多权能者,以及大量被他吞噬的深渊魔物的力量;贪婪可以吞噬别人,也会吞噬自己,原罪的贪婪永无止境。】 【The territory of ability 1 darkness: Opens Gate of Original Sin to form one with the special black dark field territory of abyss embedment, will have Copper Lamp of Greed to have King of Abyss some jurisdictions, temporary will have fourth-order apostle ability in addition to hold ; Starts the condition: Dark domain ceremony ; Use price: In accordance with the situation loses one of the own physical body part or the entire body.】 【能力一黑暗之域:打开原罪之门形成一个和深渊嵌合的特殊黑暗场域,持有贪婪的铜灯者将拥有深渊之王的部分权限,临时性拥有四阶使徒能力加持;发动条件:黑暗领域仪式;使用代价:视情况失去自己的肉体的一部分或者整个身体。】 Ability 2 greedy stomachs: In black dark field territory you can capture to digest others' strength, only limits below the apostle and apostle ; Starts the condition: With greedy copper lamp depth fusion ; Use price: Will suffer others consciousness and memory impact, was polluted irreversible, the big probability falls into crazily.】 【能力二贪婪之胃:在黑暗场域之中你可以夺取消化别人的力量,仅限使徒和使徒以下;发动条件:和贪婪铜灯深度融合;使用代价:将遭受他人意识和记忆冲击,遭受不可逆转的污染,大概率陷入疯狂。】 The dark moon/month and Byron's fight are intense, this is the flame and dark clashing. 暗月和拜伦的战斗激烈无比,这是火焰和黑暗的对撞。 Existence that sky two are grasping the apostle strength is launching the war, below demon and flame puppet launch to slaughter. 天空两个掌握着使徒力量的存在正在展开着大战,下面魔物和火焰傀儡展开厮杀。 Can see the opponent who the person who dark moon/month borrows the strength obviously is not Byron, times were torn to tie, was approached the side. 可以看到暗月这个借来力量的人明显不是拜伦的对手,一次次的被撕裂结界,被靠近到了身边。 Flame flaming, splits terrifying face to approach toward the dark moon/month. 火焰熊熊,分裂出一张张恐怖的脸庞朝着暗月靠近。 Death!” “死!” Dies!” “去死吧!” Dark moon/month!” “暗月!” The sword technique of dark moon/month looks very fierce, is very natural. 暗月的剑技看上去很厉害,也很潇洒。 However in the strength of this apostle rank, the skill is no longer important. 但是在这种使徒级别的力量之中,技巧已经不再重要了。 The flame of blotting out the sky from corrodes to come, to handle in all directions against , the dark moon/month was swallowed by the flame. 铺天盖地的火焰从四面八方侵蚀而来,措不及防之间,暗月就被火焰吞噬。 However quick, his figure reorganizes from the flame. 但是很快,他的身形从火焰之中重组。 Reappeared before Byron's body. 重新出现在了拜伦的身前。 The dark moon/month controlled the darkness, the sword light was ripping open the flame directly, the thorn to Byron's heart, drove back it. 暗月操控着黑暗,剑光直接撕开了火焰,刺向了拜伦的心脏,将其逼退。 Here is extending of abyss.” “这里是深渊的延伸。” Here.” “在这里。” You cannot kill me.” “你杀不死我。” I cannot kill you.” “我也杀不死你。” Byron is controlling several flowing fire hits in one, the radical explosion raises the dark moon/month directly flies, the flame demon chase the dark moon/month, is whipping a rubber ball to be the same probably. 拜伦操控着几道流火撞击在了一起,剧烈的爆炸直接将暗月掀飞,火焰魔物追逐着暗月,就好像拍打着一个皮球一样。 Sword light/only unceasing breaks out flame demon, ties times the flame demon seal, but Byron reorganized suddenly in one, broke open the seal. 剑光不断的将火焰魔物劈开,结界一次次将火焰魔物封印,但是眨眼之间拜伦就重组在了一起,破开封印而出。 This is better.” “这样更好。” I do not have a thing in the world, your crime is unforgivable.” “我一无所有,你的罪不可饶恕。” That lets our two not the monster that refuses stubbornly to extinguish.” “那就让我们两个不死不灭的怪物。” In this eternal purgatory and in the bloody battle, engages in fierce battle until the end of end.” “在这永恒的炼狱和血战之中,鏖战直至末日的尽头。” The darkness corroded the body of dark moon/month, he gradually turned into a burned black corpse shape, moreover his tail annihilates in unceasing change sparks/Mars, his probably in wick of unceasing combustion. 黑暗侵蚀了暗月的身体,他渐渐的变成了一个焦黑尸体形态,而且他的尾巴在不断的化为火星湮灭,他就好像一个在不断燃烧的灯芯。 However what is shocking is. 但是令人震惊的是。 The dark moon/month was killed by Byron in times obviously , as he killed at the same time, can see that he is also having some strange changes. 暗月明明在一次次被拜伦杀死,但是随着他一次次的被杀死的同时,也可以看到他也在发生着一些奇怪的变化。 Every time was killed one time, sees him to grow stronger some. 每被杀死一次,就看到他变强一些。 From his body, is sending out the strength of Byron's same violent anger impressively. 从他的身体里,赫然在散发出拜伦一样的暴怒之力。 His gradually no longer is afraid Byron flame the strength, even swallows Byron's the strength of violent anger in turn, controls Byron's flame. 他渐渐的不再害怕拜伦火焰的力量,甚至反过来吞噬拜伦的暴怒之力,操控拜伦的火焰。 He. 他在。 Is capturing Byron's strength. 夺取着拜伦的力量。 Byron also discovered this condition, his whole person was ignorant. 拜伦也发现了这种状况,他整个人都懵了。 Where he has seen such scene. 他哪里见过这样的场面。 He can become the apostle because of the arrangement of Pride King Avon, his where can know that the differences of other apostle strengths, knows that what the Greed King strength is. 他能够成为使徒还是因为傲慢之王亚弗安的安排,他哪里能够知道其他使徒力量的区别,知道贪婪之王的力量是什么样的。
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