IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#351 Part 2: The brass oil lamp reappears

The dark moon/month put out a document from the table at this time, simultaneously picked the seal abstention on hand, placed on the paper, gave nearby vice general. 暗月这个时候从桌子里拿出了一份文件,同时将手上的印戒摘了下来,放在了纸上,递给了一旁的副将。 Tomorrow!” “明天!” In the tomorrow's conference, according to the rule and procedure/program, you will become ten thousand snake royal court new highest pretors!” “在明天的会议上,按照规则和程序,你将会成为万蛇王庭新的最高执政官!” The vice generals were shocked suddenly, quite a while has not responded. 副将突然愣住了,半天没有回应。 The dark moon/month asked the vice general: I and you said so many, you were so also long with me.” 暗月问副将:“我和你说了这么多,你也跟了我这么久。” Then you know how should do?” “接下来你知道,该怎么去做了吧?” The vice generals asked the dark moon/month: What do you want to make?” 副将问暗月:“你想要做什么?” The dark moon/month has not spoken, but put down the document, left the government affairs hall. 暗月没有说话,只是放下了文件,离开了政务大厅。 He returned to oneself mansion. 他回到了自己的府邸。 So many years, the dark moon/month was alone in the world as before, does not have any family member. 这么多年了,暗月依旧孑然一身,没有任何家人。 He closes the door, a person sat in the study room. 他关上门,一个人坐在了书房里。 In the table corner that the vision can look straight ahead puts a mirror, by the right hand is putting a brass oil lamp. 目光可以直视的桌子角落里放着一面镜子,右手旁放着一盏黄铜油灯。 The mirror is only the ordinary mirror, but that brass oil lamp has the extraordinary background. 镜子只是普通的镜子,但是那盏黄铜油灯却有着非凡的来头。 A few years ago. 几年前。 When he goes to Land of Sunrise, he is observing the system and change time of White Tower Alchemy Alliance obtained this lamp accidentally. 在他前往日出之地的时候,他在观察白塔炼金联盟的制度和变化时候偶然得到了这盏灯。 However the dark moon/month was afterward clear, all not accidentally. 不过暗月后来才明白,一切都没有偶然。 A lot. 很多事情。 From the beginning has been doomed. 从一开始就已经注定。 This is a very powerful unusual item, but the dark moon/month has not used, because will use it to pay the unprecedented price. 这是一个非常强大的超凡道具,但是暗月从来没有使用过,因为使用它将会付出前所未有的代价。 The dark moon/month puts out a hand, is rubbing the brass oil lamp, careful is holding appreciatively it. 暗月伸出了手,摩擦着黄铜油灯,细细的把玩着它。 But in the mirror of corner, is producing an inverted image the face of dark moon/month. 而角落的镜子里,倒映着暗月的脸庞。 Suddenly, the dark moon/month in that mirror moved suddenly, made movement that and dark moon/month was not completely in line with. 只是骤然之间,那镜子里的暗月突然动了,做出了和暗月完全不相符的动作。 The dark moon/month in mirror looks outside dark moon/month, suddenly smiled. 镜子里的暗月看着外面的暗月,突然笑了起来。 That laughter infiltrates the person to be incomparable. 那笑声渗人无比。 It is not human can send out. 绝非人类能够发出的。 What kind of?” “怎么样?” Couldn't bear want with it?” “是不是忍不住想要用它了?” You only have opportunity a time, actually thought?” “你只有一次机会,到底想好了吗?” The dark moon/month in mirror probably and outside dark moon/month is very familiar, should be not only first meeting. 镜子里的暗月好像和外面的暗月很熟悉,应该是不只是第一次见面。 The dark moon/month feels the brass oil lamp, has not looked at another in mirror. 暗月摸着黄铜油灯,并没有看镜子里的另一个自己。 I heard that!” “听说!” When the innermost feelings of mortal and swallow by the darkness emptily, will be summoned by evil.” “当凡人的内心被黑暗和空洞吞噬的时候,就会被邪恶所召唤。” Is because this you did look for me?” “是因为这个你才找上了我的吗?” In the mirror dark moon/month figure starts to wriggle, gradually turned into ceramic mannequin. 镜子里面的暗月身形开始蠕动,渐渐变成了一个陶瓷人偶 That mannequin is fine, the color is gorgeous. 人偶非常精致,色彩艳丽。 This is very strange mannequin, is one type steadily strange existence of bone armor, one type seems like thought that is more ancient much the life. 这是一个非常奇怪的人偶,是一种长着骨甲的怪异存在,一种看上去就觉得古老得难以言喻的生命。 Their life forms, were disclosing is wild and vicissitudes. 他们的生命形态本身,就透露着蛮荒和沧桑。 When you are staring at the abyss, the abyss is also staring at you.” “当你凝望着深渊的时候,深渊也在凝望着你。” Mortal!” “凡人!” On the ceramic mannequin face showed the anticipation expression, it seemed to think that a drama must begin, it anticipates looks the face of dark moon/month, hopes that from above sees expression that oneself want. 陶瓷人偶脸上露出了期待的表情,它似乎觉得一场大戏就要开场了,它期待的看着暗月的脸,希望从上面看到自己想要的表情。 Your time are not much, Byron had known all, he must come back immediately!” “你时间不多了,拜伦已经知道了一切,他马上就要回来了!” He had been swallowed by the violent anger thoroughly.” “他已经被暴怒彻底吞噬。” He must massacre you not only, he of out-of-control must destroy all that you establish.” “他不光要杀掉你,失控的他还要摧毁你所建立的一切。” Moreover everyone knows that your evil conduct, knows you had handled in the past matter, you become with the person of degeneration the abyss colludes with.” “而且所有人都将知道你的恶行,知道你当年所做过的事情,你将成为和深渊勾结的堕落之人。” various God will not let off you, not whatever your such has the fellow of involvement with the abyss, fellow who makes Child of Wrath.” “诸神不会放过你,不会任由你这样一个和深渊有着牵连的家伙,一个制造出暴怒之子的家伙。” Controls country on a Ruhul Giant Island.” “掌控一个鲁赫巨岛上的国家。” The expression of ceramic villain colored drawing on pottery, becomes empty boasting to be incomparable in a flash. 陶瓷小人彩绘的表情,一瞬间变得浮夸无比。 Dark moon/month!” “暗月!” You were finished!” “你完蛋了!” In the mirror funny ceramic mannequin turned into Byron's appearance, is imitating Byron's voice. 紧接着,镜子里滑稽的陶瓷人偶变成了拜伦的模样,模仿着拜伦的声音。 During the raging fire is dreadful, Byron looks stubbornly the dark moon/month. 烈火滔天之中,拜伦死死的看着暗月。 Dark moon/month!” “暗月!” I looked for you!” “我来找你了!” Even if only the imitation, the dark moon/month can also feel the dreadful hatred and anger in that words. 哪怕只是模仿,暗月也能够感觉到那话语里的滔天恨意和怒火。 The dark moon/month did not say a word, but static watches the performance of ceramic mannequin. 暗月一言不发,只是静静的看着陶瓷人偶的表演。 Ceramic mannequin feels senselessly, the form disappeared in the mirror little, seems treading the wave light to go far away. 陶瓷人偶感觉无趣,身影一点点消失在了镜子之中,仿佛在踏着波光远去。 Dark moon/month!” “暗月!” You played with the abyss mission, you played with Child of Wrath Byron, you played with this country.” “你玩弄了深渊教团,你玩弄了暴怒之子拜伦,你玩弄了这个国家。” But, finally you are also only the toys between god palms, the board game piece of god.” “但是,最终你也只是神掌间的玩物,神的棋子。” All return to normal. 一切恢复平静。 The villain in does not have any mirror, just all probably were only an illusion. 没有什么镜子之中的小人,刚刚的一切都好像只是一场幻觉。 However the dark moon/month knows, the choice time has arrived. 但是暗月知道,抉择时刻已经到来。 The dark moon/month lowers the head, long time later said in a soft voice. 暗月低下头,良久之后轻声说道。 I do not care!” “我不在乎!” Kills others, or was killed by others.” “杀死别人,或者被别人杀死。” I do not care.” “我都不在乎。” He stopped: I only want to kill once that absurd world, kills that broken old order.” 他停顿了一下:“我只想杀死曾经那个荒唐的世界,杀死那个残破的旧秩序。” In abyss. 深渊之中。 The ceramic villain climbed up the big skeleton long table along the table leg, before arriving at god throne . 陶瓷小人沿着桌腿爬上了高大的骸骨长桌,来到了神座之前。 The evil god of original sin is holding appreciatively a skull at this moment, a skull of degenerating person. 原罪的邪神此时此刻正在把玩着一个头骨,一个堕落之人的头骨。 In the bone eye socket the flame leaps, although this bone demon only had the head not dead as before. 骨头眼眶里火焰跃动,这个骸骨魔物虽然只剩下头颅也依旧没有死去。 The ceramic villain is flattering front god, shouting loudly that flattered. 陶瓷小人讨好着面前的神祇,谄媚的高呼。 Great God of Original Sin!” “伟大的原罪之神啊!” All during your will and choice.” “一切都在你的意志和抉择之中。” similar Wuwei saying. 肖无谓的说道。 „Everyone will have the weakness, everyone has thing that is unable to discard.” “每个人都会有弱点,每个人都有无法舍弃的东西。” When you know what choice the opposite party will make, places in front of him who he wants to be OK.” “当你知道对方会做出什么样的选择的时候,将他想要的放在他面前就可以了。” Even if the cliff, he same will jump.” “哪怕是悬崖,他一样会跳下去。” Does not have any is worth hoping that the itself/Ben is so.” “没有什么值得期盼的,本就是如此。” In similar Bainong skull, the flame inflated suddenly. 肖摆弄的头骨之中,火焰突然膨胀了起来。 Projects pictures. 投射出一幅幅画面。 The master of this skull once should be a soldier, the scene that because in the picture presents is the battlefield. 这枚头骨的主人曾经应该是一位士兵,因为画面之中出现的场景是战场。 However, with line of sight one revolution of skull master. 然而,随着头骨主人的视线一转。 In the battlefield appeared very young dark moon/month. 战场上出现了非常年轻的暗月。 The dark moon/month is a son of lunar eclipse city aristocrat, their families have domain together outside the city, the generation inheritance. 暗月本是月蚀城一名贵族的儿子,他们家族在城外有着一块领地,世代传承。 His young time has the traditional education at home, some old later enter the lunar eclipse city to study. 他年少时候在家里接受传统教育,年长一些之后就进入月蚀城学习。 Also in this time. 也正是在这个时期。 A rebellion swept across the local area, dark moon/month family's domain was under the biggest impact. 一场叛乱席卷了当地,暗月家族的领地受到了最大的冲击。 The dark moon/month comes back from the lunar eclipse city, in the family/home again has not seen any living person. 暗月从月蚀城回来的时候,家中再也没有看到任何一个活人。 His father was killed by the so-called riot, died in the hand of another aristocrat actually, the riot was a pretence. 他的父亲被所谓的暴乱杀死,实则是死在了另一名贵族的手中,暴乱不过是个幌子罢了。 And. 而且。 This aristocrat also by the so-called law, seizes domain that their families passed from generation to generation reasonably legitimately. 这名贵族还以所谓的法令,合理合法的夺走了他们家族世代相传的领地 The young dark moon/month does not have the ability to revenge, he fled from the hometown, just bumped into royal court to form the New Army. 年轻的暗月没有能力报仇,他逃离了家乡,刚好碰上了王庭组建新军。 Several years later, he brought the army to come back. 几年后,他就带着军队回来了。 In the name of putting down a rebellion, slaughters his personal enemy. 以平乱的名义,将他的仇人屠戮一空。 He personally. 他亲手。 Personal enemy family everybody, does not remain to kill cleanly. 将仇人家族男女老少,一个不剩杀得干干净净。 The first half of story, sounding is an ordinary revenge story. 故事的前半段,听上去就是一个平淡无奇的复仇故事。 But then. 而接下来。 He leads the army to fight in battlefields, becomes the illustrious butcher. 他率领着军队转战一个又一个战场,成为了赫赫有名的屠夫。 His responsibility is to suppress the enemies in these kingdoms, the endless rebellion, his tyrannical and will hate endlessly will divulge. 他的职责就是镇压那些王国的敌人,无休止的叛乱,将他内心的暴虐和仇恨无休止的宣泄出来。 He is a killing machine, the blood butcher. 他就是一个杀人机器,鲜血屠夫。 Murder, 杀人, Unceasing murder. 不断的杀人。 Until some day he suddenly discovered. 直到有一天他突然发现。 Even kills people, even the war is unable to return to normal his tyrannical and vacancy. 连杀人,连战争都无法平复他内心的暴虐和空缺。 Fills in does not put down his empty, thing that once lost. 填不平他内心的空洞,还有曾经失去的东西。 Above abyss flesh stars. 深渊血肉星辰之上。 That once held the post above the head of dark moon/month pro- soldier, reflects the scene of war. 那个曾经担任暗月亲兵的头颅之上,倒映出战争的场景。 Only saw that above the battlefield slaughters the sound to be intermittent, a dark moon/month sword that the whole body is bathed in blood holds to put on a whole body was surging the unusual miraculous glow wears armor the snake human throat. 只看到战场之上厮杀声阵阵,浑身浴血的暗月一剑捅穿了一个浑身涌动着超凡灵光的披甲蛇人喉咙。 The opposite party boiling hot blood of incites, is completely incarnadine the dark moon/month fierce face. 对方滚烫的鲜血滋出,将暗月狰狞的面孔完全染红。 Death!” “死!” Dies to me!” “给我死吧!” Domestic animal!” “畜生!” On the face of dark moon/month, did not see afterward elegance. 暗月的脸上,丝毫不见后来的文雅。 Some are be only tyrannical, boundless killing intent, desire of destruction. 有的只有暴虐,只有无边的杀意,还有破坏的欲望。 The dark moon/month by the earth dragon corpse mountain, probably demon that crawls from the abyss. 暗月靠在地行龙的尸山上,就好像从深渊里爬出来的魔物。 ~ “呼~” ~ “呼~” His fierce breathing heavily, the terrifying vision is taking a fast look around the battlefield, has a look also to have enemy who can be killed by him. 他剧烈的喘着粗气,恐怖的目光扫视着战场,看看还有没有能够被他杀死的敌人。 But the dark moon/month turns head, saw the master of this head to throw unexpectedly. 而暗月回过头来,就看见这个头颅的主人竟然扑了过来。 He lay on just dark moon/month killing that snake human. 他趴在了刚刚暗月杀死的那个蛇人身上。 Then, is drinking the blood of opposite party unexpectedly. 然后,竟然在喝对方的血。 What is more fearful is also some person and he for the partner, rushes to drink the blood with him. 更可怕的是还有人与他为伴,和他抢着喝血。 Remains to me!” “给我留一点!” My, your fellow makes way to me.” “我的,你这家伙给我让开。” „Is courting death?” “找死是不是?” The dark moon/month stood, stopped by calling these people: Hey?” 暗月站了起来,喊住了这些人:“喂?” „Are you doing?” “你们在干什么?” His pro- soldier turns head, looks saying of dark moon/month mouthful blood. 他的亲兵回过头来,看着暗月满嘴鲜血的说道。 General!” “将军!” Heard that drank his blood to grow stronger, I wanted to try.” “听说喝了他的血就能变强,我想要试下。” Several people are excited, rush to drink that blood, sucking in that but also makes an effort, the scene is really the terrifying nausea. 几个人激动不已,抢着将那血喝下去,还用力的吮吸,场面实在是恐怖恶心。 However these people feel good, is unconscious. 然而这几个人感觉良好,丝毫不自觉。 Really, I felt that I am becoming stronger probably.” “真的,我感觉自己好像在变强。” Eats to order his meat is more useful?” “吃点他的肉是不是更有用?” „Do I eat the meat of average person, the Powerful meat have not eaten?” “我吃过普通人的肉,权能者的肉还没吃过呢?” What dark moon/month killing is Powerful, the leader of rebel army. 暗月杀死的是一个权能者,叛军的首领。 In army legend, so long as under drinking the blood of Powerful has certain probability to become Powerful, although this is only the legend. 军中传说,只要饮下权能者的血就有一定几率能够成为权能者,虽然这只是传说。 If blood of myth is so good to extract, can utilize simply, Powerful so will not be precious. 如果神话之血这么好提取的话,这么简单就可以运用的话,权能者也不会如此珍贵。 The dark moon/month looks the own subordinate lunatic, looks at the skeleton in battlefield. 暗月看着自己麾下的疯子,看着战场上的尸骸。 He from tyrannical killing intent, awakens from crazy suddenly. 他突然从暴虐的杀意,从疯狂之中惊醒。 Here no one, be only one group of lunatics, one crowd lost the humane wild animal. 在这里没有人,只有一群疯子,一群失去了人性的野兽。 Everyone was insane. 所有人都疯了。 He was insane, his soldier was also insane. 他疯了,他的士兵也疯了。 The dark moon/month smiled suddenly, start is the short laughter, then becomes the wadding continually unceasingly. 暗月突然笑了起来,开始是短暂的笑声,然后变得绵连不断。 Haha!” “哈哈!” Ha!” “哈哈哈哈哈!” Lunatic...... the lunatic...... is the lunatic......” “疯子……疯子……都是疯子……” After smiling, he erupted suddenly. 笑完之后,他突然爆发了。 Sufficed!” “够了!” Sufficed!” “够了!” Sufficed!” “够了!” He sticks out suddenly suddenly, takes the sword to drink the person of blood to kill cleanly these, he is more like a lunatic compared with others at this moment, cannibalizes the flesh to drink the fellow of person blood these to be demented. 他突然暴起,拿着剑将那些饮血之人杀得一干二净,他此刻比其他人更像是一个疯子,比那些吃人肉喝人血的家伙还要癫狂。 Killed the person, dark moon/month covering the face stood in the battlefield laughs wildly. 杀完了人,暗月掩面站在战场上狂笑。 The laughter is crazy. 笑声疯狂无比。 Finally he put down the hand, the look becomes extremely fearful. 终于他放下了手,眼神变得极度可怕。 After all finished, the surroundings no one dares to approach him again, even his ally keeps at a respectful distance to him. 一切结束后,周围没有任何人再敢靠近他,连他的战友都对他敬而远之。 But the dark moon/month also discovered on this day finally. 而暗月也终于在这一天发现。 He hates truly, is not these people, will not be this forever the riot without limits, will not be own small and weak and incapability. 他真正憎恨的,不是这些人,不是这永无止境的暴乱,也不是自己的弱小和无力。 He loathes truly, true hatred. 他真正厌恶的,真正憎恨的。 Is this world. 是这个世界。 Is this he and everyone compelled insanely the world. 是这个将他和所有人都逼疯了的世界。 The dark moon/month is raising head, the blood on face formed the bloody scab. 暗月仰着头,脸上的鲜血都结成了血痂。 Father!” “父亲!” You said that becomes enough strong, can formulate the rule?” “您说变得够强,就能够制定规则?” Then......” “那么……” Actually must become strong, can formulate the rule of this world?” “究竟要变得多强,才能够制定这个世界的规则?” Actually must be strong.” “究竟要多强。” Can destroy this desperate world.” “才能摧毁这个让人绝望的世界。” No one replied the dark moon/month. 没有人回答暗月。 Young time he asked this issue time, thought can rest a meeting. 年少的时候他问出这个问题的时候,想的只是能够多睡一会。 When the dark moon/month asked again this issue, he became no longer is the same. 但是当暗月再次问出这个问题的时候,他就变得不再一样了。 The scene frames here, then gradually fuzzy. 场景定格在此处,然后渐渐模糊。 Can see in the picture. 可以看到画面里。 In the pupil of dark moon/month has the infinite anger. 暗月的瞳孔里有着无限的怒火。 That not regarding somebody's anger, not regarding somebody's revenge. 那不是对于某个人的怒火,不是对于某个人的复仇。 That is to the anger of old order, to the anger of this world. 那是对旧秩序的怒火,对这个世界的怒火。 Even yes. 甚至是。 To various god anger. 对诸神怒火。 similar Zhushi this eye, was sending out a chuckle suddenly. 肖注视着这双眼睛,突然发出了一声轻笑。 Has a look!” “看看!” This hatred look!” “这仇恨眼神!” similar looked to the ceramic villain: He is hating this world, is hating various God.” 肖看向了陶瓷小人:“他在仇恨着这个世界,仇恨着诸神。” And, is hating......” “以及,仇恨着……” He.” “他自己。” 1 second remembers:. 一秒记住:。
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