IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#351 Part 1: The brass oil lamp reappears

Soars to the heavens the raging fire in flaming to burn, like setting up a column of flame in city corner. 冲天烈火在熊熊燃烧,如同立在城市角落里的一个火柱。 The sky every large or small flame puppet circles, is extremely unstable, often eruption crack. 天空大大小小的火焰傀儡盘旋,极度不稳定,不时的爆发出噼里啪啦的炸响。 Byron Station fuses together in the raging fire and flame, can see his gradually did not have the shape of person, is turning into one group of from head to tail flame. 拜伦站在烈火之中和火焰融为一体,可以看到他渐渐的没有了人的形态,在变成一团彻头彻尾的火焰。 Demon comprised of the flame. 一个由火焰组成的魔物。 The flame is burning his skin every inchs, destroys his body completely, then remoulds. 火焰在燃烧着他的每一寸皮肤,将他的身体摧毁殆尽,然后进行重塑。 Byron's body is dissolving, his face was burnt broken, the flame singed black his bone. 拜伦的身体在溶解,他的脸被烧破,火焰燎黑了他的骨头。 He stupidly stands in the raging fire as before, in the mouth is talking over. 他依旧傻愣愣的站在烈火之中,口中念叨着。 Mother!” “母亲!” Fire is burning, it is firing me.” “火在燃烧,它在灼烧着我。” Mother, I felt.” “母亲,我感受到了。” Really quite sore!” “真的好疼!” Really...... quite sore!” “真的……好疼!” He in the type of digestion violent anger, was also being swallowed by the violent anger. 他在消化暴怒之种,也在被暴怒吞噬。 Byron looks at this world in the by the shape of flame and monster, at present the flame jumps, he felt that the whole world is twisting. 拜伦在以火焰和怪物的形态看着这个世界,眼前火光跳跃,他感觉整个世界都在扭曲。 Dark moon/month!” “暗月!” He appears at present the appearance of this person, he discovers now oneself have not seen clearly this person from the beginning. 他眼前浮现出了这个人的模样,他现在才发现自己从一开始就没有看清这个人。 It is not right. 不对。 From the beginning, he has not seen clearly the true appearance of this world. 从一开始,他就没有看清这个世界的真正样貌。 He looks at these to circle the flame puppet in sky, as if can feel anger in each heart. 他看着那些盘旋在天空之中的火焰傀儡,仿佛可以感受到他们每一个心中的愤怒。 Before they have not turned into demon and puppet, is completely the survivor in that disaster. 他们还没有变成魔物和傀儡之前,全部都是那一场灾难之中的幸存者。 That new country that in order to realize the dark moon/month institute said that to seek an answer to their personal enemies. 为了实现暗月所说的那个新国家,为了向他们的仇人寻求一个答案。 They chose to turn into this appearance. 他们才选择变成了这个模样。 They are believing the dark moon/month is saving, saves this country, saves everyone's that person. 他们坚信着暗月是拯救者,拯救这个国家,拯救所有人的那个人。 They are believing the dark moon/month can punish their foes. 他们坚信着暗月能够惩罚他们的仇敌。 However to the result presented time, Byron discovered, participant who the dark moon/month was in the past that disaster. 但是到了结果出现的时候,拜伦发现,暗月便是当年那一场灾难的参与者。 Byron is gazing at that puppet, remembered own ally. 拜伦注视着那一个个傀儡,想起了自己的战友。 That are believing itself, is believing the face of dark moon/month general. 那一张张坚信着自己,坚信着暗月将军的面孔。 They are so young, they are sincerely believing the good and evil in world black and white ; They when the choice death and turned into the monster, advanced uninterruptedly, without hesitation. 他们都如此年轻,他们笃信着世间的善恶黑白;他们在选择死亡和变成怪物的时候,一个个前赴后继,毫不犹豫。 Does not have the value!” “没有价值!” All that our sacrifices, we made.” “我们的牺牲,我们所做的一切。” No value.” “没有任何价值。” This world does not have the justice, does not have any good and evil, only then deceives, only then resorts to all means.” “这个世界没有正义,没有什么善恶,只有欺骗,只有不择手段。” Everyone is deceiving mutually, everyone is betraying the opposite party, everyone is the sacrificial victim.” “所有人都在互相欺骗,所有人都在出卖对方,所有人都是牺牲品。” Sacrificed others, achieves the goal.” “牺牲其他人,达成目的。” Sacrificed others, gets the interests.” “牺牲其他人,获得利益。” Sacrificed others, the proof belief.” “牺牲其他人,证明信仰。” This world, everyone was being swallowed by others.” “这个世界,每个人都在被其他人吞噬。” But at this time, the sky blood river volume fell , the Suinhall prince shouted Byron's name. 而这个时候,天空血河卷落而下,苏因霍尔的王子大喊出了拜伦的名字。 Person of Byron degeneration!” “堕落之人拜伦!” Divine punishment.” “神罚将至。” His figure is big, in the sound the air/Qi is full. 他身形高大英武,声音中气十足。 At this moment he is representing God, is representing the justice. 此刻他代表着神明,代表着正义。 But under. 而下面。 Was one turned into the monster, gave up snake human status the person of degeneration. 是一个变成了怪物,放弃了蛇人身份的堕落之人。 The terrifying flame monster raised the head, looks to the Suinhall prince, this generation of blood family. 恐怖的火焰怪物抬起头,看向了苏因霍尔的王子,这一代的血眷者。 I?” “我?” „The person of degeneration?” “堕落之人?” Byron hears this name, wants to laugh wildly, he feels the taunt. 拜伦听到这个称呼,想要狂笑,他感觉嘲讽至极。 „Am I the person of degeneration?” “我是堕落之人?” „Am I the person of degeneration?” “我是堕落之人?” Haha hahahaha, am I the person of degeneration?” “哈哈哈哈哈哈哈,我是堕落之人?” Byron's angry roaring shakes in the day clouds, the princes above entire city and vault of heaven can the clear feeling Byron's wildness. 拜伦的怒吼震荡在天云之间,整个城市和天穹之上的王子都可以清晰的感受到拜伦的狂怒。 Degenerating to be crazy!” “堕落而疯狂的!” Is you.” “是你们。” Is various God of keeping aloof!” “是高高在上的诸神!” No one cares about us, everyone only cares about own goal, never cares about others.” “没有人在乎我们,每个人只在乎自己的目的,从来不在乎其他人。” Wild animal is this, snake human is this, God is also this.” “野兽是这样,蛇人是这样,神明也是这样。” Byron has not looked at that prince again, but looks above the sea of clouds, seems looking angrily at god that these are keeping aloof. 拜伦没有再看那王子,而是看着云海之上,仿佛在怒视着那些高高在上的神祇。 Divine punishment?” “神罚?” What divine punishment?” “什么神罚?” I do not stand your trials.” “我不接受你们的审判。” Your these fellows do not have the qualifications to try me, you could not represent the justice, could not represent this world.” “你们这些家伙没有资格审判我,你们代表不了正义,也代表不了这个世界。” Just is some does not have the heart, has the monster of great power, wants to kill me to be direct, do not ship out a just appearance.” “只不过是一些没有心,却拥有强大力量的怪物罢了,想要杀死我就直接来,不要装出一幅正义的模样。” In roaring sound. 咆哮声中。 His strength starts to break through according to the way of purgatory god graciousness technique. 他的力量按照炼狱神恩术的方式开始突破。 Lots of flame puppets have composed one ceremony technique, Divine Grace Stone were born in the flame, fast manufacture Byron's myth organ. 大量的火焰傀儡早就组成了一个仪式术阵,神恩石在火焰之中诞生,快速的制造出了拜伦的神话器官。 However Byron's myth organ is strange, impressively is one in the heart that in the flame jumps. 不过拜伦的神话器官非常奇怪,赫然是一个在火焰之中跳跃的心脏。 The variant flame gushed out from the heart, composed Byron's body. 变种的火焰从心脏之中涌出,组成了拜伦的身躯。 This is one type somewhat rough, has revised slightly god graciousness technique. 这是一种有些粗糙,稍加修改过的神恩术。 Comes from the hand of Avon. 源自于亚弗安之手。 Avon when the Asai god has not waked, obtains the god graciousness technique that Anhofos Bone Demon Transformation Tome and second-generation truth sage Lane compiled. 亚弗安阿赛神还没有醒过来的时候,就已经得到了安霍福斯骨魔转化秘典和第二代真理贤者蓝恩编撰的神恩术。 The Suinhall prince feels immediately was not right. 苏因霍尔的王子立刻感觉到了不对劲。 Un?” “嗯?” Unexpectedly is fourth-order?” Suinhall everyone thinks, Byron is only third-order. “竟然是四阶?”苏因霍尔的所有人都以为,拜伦只是三阶。 „It is not right, he fourth-order in the breakthrough.” However immediately, he discovered the petty action of opposite party. “不对,他在突破四阶。”但是立刻,他就发现了对方的小动作。 He does not have to think oneself found the opposite party time, is the opposite party breaks through the time. 他也没有想到自己找到对方的时候,也是对方正在突破的时候。 No longer hesitant, he began. 不再犹豫,他动手了。 In the blood river, the flesh congeals, seemingly living earth dragon appeared in Prince Suinhall under the body. 血河之中,血肉凝结而出,一只看上去活生生的地行龙出现在了苏因霍尔王子身下。 Under instilling into of blood river strength, earth dragon and figure of Prince Suinhall inflates unceasingly, but Suinhall armor and cloak also follow to inflate together. 血河力量的灌输下,地行龙苏因霍尔王子的身形不断膨胀,而苏因霍尔身上的铠甲和披风也跟着一起膨胀。 Finally turned into a giant who gorgeously is riding giant earth dragon. 最后变成了一个骑着巨型地行龙的巍然巨人。 The two put together to exceed over hundred meters. 二者加在一起超越百米以上。 The terrifying shadow projects in the wing demon city, brings unequalled shock. 恐怖的影子投射在翼魔城之中,带来无与伦比的震撼。 No wonder in the card of Suinhall blood family, once sends out to call it the divine punishment, facing such strength, really few individuals can bear the impact of innermost feelings. 难怪在苏因霍尔血眷者之证一旦出动就被称之为神罚,面对这样的力量,实在没有几个人能够承受住内心的冲击。 Not only so, in the blood river the form stands up one after another one after another. 不仅仅如此,血河之中一个接着一个身影接连站起。 He presented a regiment behind unexpectedly directly. 他身后竟然直接出现了一个军团。 These regiments the appearances of many do not seem like the person of this time, even also has the character of remote wild time. 这些军团之中的很多人的模样看上去不像是这个时代的人,其中甚至还有遥远蛮荒时代的人物。 They once died in the person under card of blood family. 他们都是曾经死在了血眷者之证下的人。 This inherited 1000 several hundred years of life items the card of blood family, does not know that once many characters died under this weapon. 这件传承了一千几百年的生命道具・血眷者之证,不知道曾经有多少人物死在了这件武器之下。 At this moment. 此刻。 This death regiment is following this generation of blood family together, treads the blood river to charge toward below. 这个死亡军团在跟随着这一代的血眷者一起,踏着血河朝着下面冲锋。 Child of Wrath Byron also flushes away toward the sky, his palm flame unceasing gathering, after throwing, blasted open directly. 暴怒之子拜伦也朝着天空冲去,他掌心火焰不断的汇聚,扔出去后直接炸裂了开来。 Bang!” “轰隆!” Flame blasting open forms the air wave, spreads layer upon layer in the sky of wing demon city. 火焰炸裂形成气浪,在翼魔城的上空层层扩散开来。 In many people of that air wave pressed ground directly on the ground. 那气浪将地面上的不少人直接压在了地上。 This is a very obvious probing attack. 这是很明显的一个试探性攻击。 However quick, the opposite party led in the death regiment's from sky raging fire to run out. 但是很快,对方就率领着死亡军团从天空中的烈火之中冲出。 The blood river is billowing, falls toward Byron. 血河滚滚,朝着拜伦落下。 The opposite party have no damage, but Byron also understands this is one has existence of apostle rank strength absolutely. 对方没有任何损伤,而拜伦也明白了这是一个绝对拥有使徒级别力量的存在。 And is one is mature, was used 1000 strength shape. 并且还是一个非常成熟,被使用了一千年的力量形态。 Finally. 最后。 Flame giant and blood river of hit jumping in one. 跃起的火焰巨人和血河撞击在了一起。 Bang!” “轰隆!” The continuous blood river was evaporated, but the following more blood creek, as if must submerge the flame giant thoroughly. 源源不断的血河被蒸发,但是后续更多的血河涌来,似乎要将火焰巨人给彻底淹没。 Byron is bellowing: I look at you to have many blood rivers, I bake to you.” 拜伦大吼着:“我看你有多少血河,我都给你烧干。” Blood family despise looks at Byron: Evil disciple, you are in the wind the remaining years of life, dares to attempt to bestow the mighty force to resist with the god.” 血眷者鄙夷的看着拜伦:“邪徒,你不过是风中残烛,也敢妄图和神赐之伟力相抗。” Byron is playing with the flame, various explosions continuously appear. 拜伦玩弄着火焰,各种爆炸不断出现。 The flame incinerator the sky, the flame puppet is shuttling back and forth toward Suinhall blood family flushes away. 火焰焚烧着天空,火焰傀儡穿梭朝着苏因霍尔的血眷者冲去。 The blood family back cloak is connecting the blood river, the blood shield that once for a while change blocks the sky blocked Byron's strength. 血眷者背后的披风连接着血河,时不时的化为遮天蔽日的血盾挡住了拜伦的力量。 Through the fight, blood family discovered anything. 通过战斗,血眷者发现了什么。 Blood family are sharp-eyed: Your myth organ is the heart, person of Byron degeneration, I found you the weakness.” 血眷者目光锐利:“你的神话器官是心脏,堕落之人拜伦,我找到伱的弱点了。” But the bracelet on his hand transforms all kinds of weapons, unceasing thorn to Byron's heart. 而他手上的臂环更是幻化出各种各样的武器,不断的刺向拜伦的心脏。 This obviously has the inheritance very much. 这很明显是有传承的。 Sees Byron's heart is his place of fatality. 一眼就看出拜伦的心脏是他的致命之处。 Byron is avoiding opposite party that unpredictable weapon unceasingly, does not dare unscrupulous throws toward the opposite party. 拜伦则在不断躲避着对方那变幻莫测的武器,不敢再肆无忌惮的朝着对方扑去。 Cannot fight the moment. 交手不过片刻。 Byron is at a disadvantage. 拜伦就处于下风。 However the similar fourth-order strength, the opposite party has not done to him temporarily. 但是同样的四阶力量,对方暂时也没有奈何得了他。 Byron discovered after fierce of opposite party, does not want again and front this Suinhall blood family and prince makes the entanglement. 只是拜伦发现了对方的厉害之后,并不想要再和面前这个苏因霍尔的血眷者和王子做纠缠。 His moment cavity anger. 他此刻一腔怒火。 He only wants to find that person now. 他现在只想要找到那个人。 However Suinhall blood family obviously is not very good to get rid, Byron's flame puppet was obliterated one after another, was killed by the blood river. 但是苏因霍尔的血眷者很明显不是那么好摆脱的,拜伦的火焰傀儡一个接着一个被磨灭,被血河杀死。 During the fight, Byron thought of a strategy. 战斗之中,拜伦想到了一个计策。 Byron in the chest the heart jumped at this time, sent out like the big drum general sound, his strength unscrupulous release, actually has with the appearance that the opposite party contends with faintly. 拜伦这个时候胸膛里心脏跳跃,发出了如同大鼓一般的声音,他的力量肆无忌惮的释放出来了,竟然隐隐有着和对方抗衡的模样。 Regardless of Byron and opposite party know how long this condition could not support. 但是不论拜伦和对方都知道,这种状态撑不了多久。 However Byron actually provoked to say at this time. 但是拜伦这个时候却挑衅说道。 Un?” “嗯?” „Is this divine punishment?” “这就是神罚?” „It seems like, does not have any greatly?” “看起来,也没有什么了不起的吗?” Blood family where can hear Byron to insult his God like this, particularly before the front is one soon, has to blaspheme the action of god abyss evil disciple. 血眷者哪里能够听得拜伦这样侮辱他的神明,尤其是面前就是一个不久之前有着渎神之举的深渊邪徒。 He withdrew one step, must have any big movement. 他退后了一步,很明显要出什么大动作了。 Nothing extraordinary?” “没什么了不起?” The vision under helmet is ordinary like the sharp blade, must tear into shreds front Byron thoroughly. 头盔下的目光如同利刃一般,要将面前的拜伦彻底撕碎。 Gave up the dignity of person, the choice fell into the person of abyss.” “放弃了人的尊严,选择堕入深渊之人。” Today.” “今天。” Makes you experience the true strength!” “就让你见识一下真正的力量!” In the blood family hand of Suinhall the long spear/gun brandishes, but time, sky dark. 苏因霍尔的血眷者手中长枪挥舞而起的时候,天空都暗了下来。 Round of red lunar shadow appeared in blood family behind, 一轮红色的月影出现在了血眷者身后, Byron actually erupted a call: Is now!” 拜伦却爆发出了一声呐喊:“就是现在!” Byron as if also seized the opportunity at this time, used this neutral to display divine spell of what powerful. 拜伦似乎在这个时候也抓住了机会,利用这个空挡施展了什么强力的神术 Sees only the heart agitation of flame monster, the flame falls in torrents. 只见火焰怪物的心脏鼓动,火焰倾泻而出。 Above the land stood erect enough ten flame giants, surrounded one blood family who revolves Suinhall. 大地之上竖立起了足足十个火焰巨人,环绕成一圈围绕著了苏因霍尔的血眷者。 They surround in together, seem displaying what powerful divine spell, or seal. 他们环绕在一起,似乎在施展着什么强大的神术,或者封印。 Suinhall blood family, shouted two bytes with the three leaves human language. 苏因霍尔的血眷者,用三叶人的语言喊出了两个字节。 Rank red!” “腥红!” The shadow and blood family blood moon/month fuse together, the terrifying strength wields to proliferate with the long spear/gun. 血月之影和血眷者融为一体,恐怖的力量随着长枪挥出而扩散开来。 Ten flame giants were swept two sections instantaneously, but was also pierced the chest situated in central Byron directly. 十个火焰巨人瞬间被扫成两截,而位于中央的拜伦也被直接刺穿了胸膛。 However after puncturing, blood family actually showed the doubts expression. 但是戳破了之后,血眷者却露出了疑惑的表情。 Doesn't feel right?” “感觉不对?” He took back the spear/gun, in front of flame giants on seeing blasts open the avalanche instantaneously. 他收回了枪,就看见面前的一只只火焰巨人瞬间炸裂崩塌。 Blood family behind cloak of immediately reflex winding. 血眷者身后的披风立刻回卷。 Blocked the complementary waves of explosion. 挡住了爆炸的余波。 The terrifying flame submerges blood family, actually cannot injure to his anything. 恐怖的火焰将血眷者淹没,却没能伤害到他什么。 However these flame will scatter the innumerable flowing fire shortly. 但是那些火焰顷刻间散落成了无数流火。 Slowly falls from the high place. 慢慢从高处落下。 This is not kills to incur, method that but is used to confuse blood family. 这不是什么杀招,只是用来迷惑血眷者的手段。 But the flowing fire ignition city, making blood family probably make the choice, either pursues Byron, either choice life-saving. 而流火点燃城市,让血眷者必须做出抉择,要么追击拜伦,要么选择救人。 At this moment. 此时此刻。 True Byron brings his myth organ, has vanished without a trace. 真正的拜伦带着他的神话器官,已经消失得无影无踪了。 This very obviously is not once that Byron can think the method. 这很明显不是曾经那个拜伦能够想得出来的手段。 So many years army five tempering, making Byron grow much. 这么多年的军伍磨炼,让拜伦成长了不少。 Life Powerful powerful exposes in this war with nothing left, but flexible of wisdom Powerful, manifested on Byron's body hard to deal with. 生命权能者的强大在这一战中展露无遗,但是智慧权能者的灵活多变,还有难缠也在拜伦的身上体现了出来。 Blood family look that the flowing fire crashes from the sky, submerges the entire wing demon city. 血眷者看着流火从天空坠落,将整个翼魔城淹没。 The city was lit. 城市被点燃。 Changed into a sea of fire. 化为了一片火海。 Existences of two apostle ranks, released the strength simultaneously here full power. 两位使徒级别的存在,同时在这里全力释放出了力量。 This is the disaster. 这就是天灾。 His where also has the thoughts to look for what Byron there. 他哪里还有心思去找什么拜伦在那里。 If he caused such disaster personally, but also sits by and does nothing. 如果他亲手引发了这样的灾难,还坐视不理的话。 It is estimated that he loses divine grace immediately, even if he is three leaves symbiont, belongs to Blood Country time estimated that will also suffer the disciplinary punishment. 估计他立刻就失了神眷了,哪怕他是三叶共生者,归于血之国的时候估计也会遭受惩戒。 He jumps into the sea of fire immediately. 他立刻扑入了火海之中。 Looks that by the raging flame is flooding field of vision, looks that tens of thousands of people were swallowed by the flame, wails in the fire. 看着被熊熊烈火充斥着的视界,看着成千上万的人被火焰吞噬,在大火之中哀嚎。 Was born in Protect Fire City, where saw the peace prince to see such scene. 出生于护火城,见惯了和平的王子哪里见过这样的场面。 He knows certainly Byron's plan, but is because knows, so gets angry and hate and is hard to persuade by reasoning. 他当然知道拜伦的打算,但是就是因为知道,才如此恼恨和难以理喻。 How do you dare like this?” “你怎么敢这样?” Really is the person of degeneration, is really the abyss evil disciple.” “果然是堕落之人,果然是深渊邪徒。” This is ten thousand snake royal court people, this is your compatriot, is your same clan.” “这是万蛇王庭的人,这可是你的同胞,是你的同族。” „It is not my!” “不是我的!” Although these people in city had given up the belief of mother of all snakes, chose Scarlet Goddess. 虽然城中的这些人早已放弃了万蛇之母的信仰,选择了腥红女神 But ends of the earth. 而天尽头。 Byron turned into a transparent illusory shadow at this moment, stands is looking into the wing demon city above the hillside from afar. 拜伦此刻变成了一个透明虚幻的影子,站立在山坡之上远远眺望着翼魔城。 Looks that by the city that the sea of fire embezzles. 看着那被火海吞没的城市。 This, how resembled with once Pince City disaster, even must be more brutal. 这一幕,和曾经的潘斯城的灾难何其相像,甚至还要更加残酷。 How many will this disaster make like People like Byron? 这一场灾难将会制造出多少个如同拜伦这样的人? How many will also derive to hate? 又会衍生出多少仇恨? However Byron anything did not care at this time, he looks at the sea of fire to be dreadful. 但是拜伦这个时候什么都不在意了,他望着火海滔天。 Finally. 最后。 Turns around to depart. 转身离去。 Dark moon/month!” “暗月!” I looked for you!” “我来找你了!” Lunar eclipse city. 月蚀城。 When the silver snake regiment broke through the wing demon city of southern city-state alliance, and executed southern city-state alliance the news of traitor to transmit. 当银蛇军团攻破了南方城邦联盟的翼魔城,并且处决了南方城邦联盟的叛逆者的消息传来。 This ten thousand snake royal court Metro City welcomed the unprecedented joyful magnificent ceremony. 这座万蛇王庭的新都城迎来了前所未有的欢庆盛典。 No longer prohibits alcohol, no longer the curfew, the dark moon/month general announced that the entire city joyfully celebrates for three days. 不再禁酒,不再宵禁,暗月将军宣布整个城市欢庆三天。 Everyone can drink to heart's content, drinks the dead drunk. 所有人都可以畅饮,喝得烂醉。 The street alley had/left lots of buskers, in the store everywhere is a person, the entire city erupted the far ultra common vitality. 街头小巷多出了大量的卖艺人,商铺里面到处都是人,整个城市爆发出了远超寻常的生命力。 Moreover ten thousand snake royal court after overhaul, indeed and past were no longer same. 而且改制之后的万蛇王庭,的确和从前不再一样了。 This decayed dynasty and obsolete machine, restart the rotation. 这个腐朽的王朝和老旧机器,重新开始转动。 They learn/study Land of Sunrise, imitates Suinhall, is exploring own thing. 他们学习日出之地,模仿苏因霍尔,也在探索着自己的东西。 This country is changing every day. 这个国家每一天都在变化。 Government affairs hall. 政务大厅。 The curtain of night arrives slowly, this building is also reminded of dear ones who have left gradually, but commander-in-chief the dark moon/month general of as this country has not actually left. 夜幕慢慢降临,这栋建筑也渐渐人去楼空,但是作为这个国家的最高统帅的暗月将军却没有离开。 He and vice general two people stand before the window, looks new order that the country that they construct, builds. 他和副将两个人立在窗户前,看着他们重新建造的这个国家,重新打造出的新秩序。 Today, the dark moon/month general as if had what words to say, but had not opened the mouth. 今天,暗月将军似乎有什么话要说,但是一直都没有开口。 The vice generals have not spoken, waiting. 副将也没有说话,一直等待着。 Looks that Sun falls thoroughly, at this time the dark moon/month general asked the vice general. 看着太阳彻底落下,这个时候暗月将军才开口问副将。 Still remembers we just started to enlist in the military time?” “还记得我们刚刚开始参军的时候吗?” Vice general reply: Remembers, at that time erupted several rebellion one after another, we were suppressed the rebellion by the enrollment and training New Army.” 副将回答:“记得,那个时候接连爆发了好几场叛乱,我们就是被编练的新军去镇压叛乱的。” Hit, we crawl like this.” “打了一场又一场,我们就是这样爬上来的。” Died many brothers!” “死了好多兄弟啊!” The dark moon/month general also follows saying that light tone, but obviously desolate. 暗月将军也跟着说道,平淡的语气,但是更显苍凉。 Yes! Died many people!” “是啊!死了好多人啊!” Family members died, the brothers also died.” “家人都死了,兄弟也死了。” We take the blade again, kills others' family member, others' brothers.” “我们再拿着刀,去杀死别人的家人,别人的兄弟。” Endless.” “没完没了。” In the front of vice general, his true exposed own idea, no longer was the have a strong sense of righteousness appearance. 在副将的面前,他真正的展露出了自己的想法,不再是大义凛然的模样。 We are not afraid the murder, does not care about the person who dies to be innocent, the man, woman, old person and child, we have killed completely.” “我们不害怕杀人,也不在乎死的人是不是无辜的,男人、女人、老人、小孩,我们全部都杀过。” Because of ordering, we no longer are the person, is only the tool of murder.” “因为一声令下,我们就不再是人,只是杀人的工具。” But our these slayers, kill us to be afraid finally.” “但是我们这些杀人者,最后杀得我们自己都害怕。” You said that...... this is laughable?” “你说……这可不可笑?” Because we know, some day we like this, will also be killed by others in crazy.” “因为我们知道,某一天我们也会这样,在疯狂之中被其他人杀死。” However what is more laughable is!” “而更可笑的是!” Killed so many people, died so many people, could not find including a significance of death.” “杀了这么多人,死了这么多人,连一个死亡的意义都找不到。” Among animals slaughters for food, but among us battle, to kill the opposite party probably.” “动物之间厮杀是为了食物,而我们之间的厮杀,好像就只是为了杀死对方。” The dark moon/month general vision moves slightly: At that time I am thinking, what country this is, what world?” 暗月将军目光微动:“当时我就在想,这到底是一个什么样的国家,什么样的世界?” various God creates, is such a world?” “诸神所创造的,就是这样的一个世界吗?” We who various God creates, is this stupid thing?” “诸神创造的我们,就是这样的蠢物吗?” The dark moon/month general has turned head, looks has followed own vice general. 暗月将军扭过头,看着一直跟随自己的副将。 I did not understand!” “我不理解!” Why don't I understand can like this?” “我不明白为什么会这样?” I think that the strength, can change all.” “我以为有了力量,就可以改变一切。” But after victories, brought actually will be the chaos caused by war without limits forever.” “但是一场场胜利过后,带来的却是永无止境的战乱。” Everyone was insane.” “所有人都疯了。” Kills, everyone is killing, in self- destruction.” “杀杀杀,所有人都在杀,都在自我毁灭。” „The King of Ten Thousand Snakes heir are slaughtering, under the connection of right, in the royal palace rivers of blood, become the King to tremble on the throne, under the fear place the person holds up the butcher knife.” 万蛇之王的子嗣们在厮杀,权利的交接下,王宫里血流成河,成王者都在王座上瑟瑟发抖,害怕座下之人举起屠刀。” Each domain feudal lord aristocrats are slaughtering, killing the head people are billowing, for fear that moved the slow in work to be killed by others.” “各个领地的领主贵族们在厮杀,杀得人头滚滚,生怕动手慢了就被别人杀了。” „The civilians of going on living are also slaughtering, kill the corpse mountain blood sea, because only then kills others to go on living.” “活不下去的平民们也在厮杀,杀得尸山血海,因为只有杀死别人才能够活下去。” The vice generals were silent, because during he once was that was also confused one, lost the slaughtering person in crazy. 副将沉默了,因为他也曾经是那迷茫之中的一员,迷失在疯狂之中的杀戮之人。 Under such environment, no one can maintain the reason. 这样的环境下,没有人能够保持理智。 He saw all kinds of anomalies, saw all kinds of lunatics, even he himself is unable to cover oneself heart deep place also to have the distortion, but crazy side. 他见惯了各种各样的变态,见惯了各种各样的疯子,连他自己也无法掩盖自己的内心深处也有着扭曲而疯狂的一面。 Front dark moon/month general, similarly so. 就连面前的暗月将军,也同样如此。 He knows that front general, this seemingly becomes the elegant pretor day after day, what crazy appearance after losing the reason is. 他知道面前的这位将军,这个日渐看上去变得文雅的执政官,在失去理智后是什么样的疯狂面貌。 The dark moon/month general is saying as before. 暗月将军依旧自顾自的说着。 Finally, I discovered.” “最后,我才发现。” Light has the strength to be insufficient, having problems is not a person, but is this world, this kingdom.” “光是有力量是不够的,出问题的不是人,而是这个世界,这个王国。” Is the order and rule.” “是秩序和规则。” The dark moon/month general got hold of the fist suddenly, revealed the exciting mood suddenly. 暗月将军突然握紧了拳头,骤然露出了激动的情绪。 If!” “如果!” Killed the rebels unable to solve the problem, the war extinguishes the country unable to solve the problem, slaughtered the aristocrat unable to solve the problem.” “杀死叛民解决不了问题,战争灭国解决不了问题,屠戮贵族解决不了问题。” He patted a window ruthlessly, the look in eye suddenly changed. 他狠狠的拍了一下窗台,眼中的神色骤然变了。 At this time made people think, this is a general who walked from the corpse mountain blood sea. 这个时候才让人想起,这是一个从尸山血海之中走出来的将军。 In his mouth put out let the words that the will of the people trembled, killed intent to boil until the peak. 他口中吐出了让人心颤的话语,杀意沸腾直至巅峰。 We kill this country!” “那我们就杀死这个国家!” Kills this broken order.” “杀死这个残破的的秩序。” His appearance is fierce, throat hoarse saying. 他面目狰狞的,喉咙沙哑的说道。 I want......” “我要……” Breaks the rule of this world.” “打破这个世界的规则。” Breaks the present order.” “打破现在的秩序。” The vice generals have looked the dark moon/month general, he knows that the dark moon/month the innermost feelings are extremely depressing, at this moment he innermost feelings in constrained does not pay attention to release one to come out slightly. 副将一直看着暗月将军,他知道暗月的内心极度压抑,此刻他只是将内心中的压抑不注意的稍稍释放了一丝出来。 Looks at the present general, the vice general is also afraid. 看着现在的将军,副将也心生畏惧。 He says immediately. 他立刻说道。 General, you succeeded.” “将军,您成功了。” Province system has succeeded, then south five will lead logically is divided into five provinces, so long as then advances step by step, can change into the province royal court all territories, we have broken inherited more than 1000 years of systems, restrained the right of aristocrat feudal lords greatly.” “行省制度已经成功了,接下来将南方五领顺理成章的划分为五个行省,接下来只要一步步推进,就能够将王庭所有的领土化为行省,我们已经打破了传承了一千多年的体制,大大的约束了贵族领主们的权利。” Highest pretor system and constitution that you formulate, restrains power of King of Ten Thousand Snakes and aristocrats, the royal family no longer can recklessly the unseemly behavior.” “您制定的最高执政官体系、宪法,也约束万蛇之王和贵族们的权力,王室不再可以肆意妄为。” However that side witch spirit leader Sukob also has to reply in writing, this he seemed like time is persuaded, is willing to spread to ten thousand snake royal court the belief of God of Truth and Knowledge ; When the time comes we can promulgate the law religious freedom, everyone can choose to believe other God freely, restrains the temple right, reduces the clergy they regarding the control of royal court.” “而巫灵的首领苏科布那边也已经有回信了,这一次他似乎是被说动了,愿意将真理与知识之神的信仰传入万蛇王庭;到时候我们可以颁布法令信仰自由,所有人都可以自由选择信仰其他神明,来约束神庙的权利,减少神职人员他们对于王庭的控制。” When the time comes.” “到时候。” Everyone will be restrained, in the new system of this kingdom.” “所有人都将受到约束,在这个王国的新制度之中。” The vice generals said finally: General!” 副将最后说道:“将军!” Old order had been broken, the new order was born.” “旧的秩序已经被打破,新的秩序已经诞生。” The dark moon/month loosened the fist tranquilly, the face finally. 暗月松开了拳头,面部终于平静了下来。 Now I must do, is order and rule that makes us formulate, inherits.” “现在我要做的,是让我们制定的秩序和规则,传承下去。” We want thoroughly kills this country, kills the old order.” “我们要彻底的杀死这个国家,杀死旧的秩序。” Lets these this/should withering away.” “让那些该消亡的。” Withers away thoroughly in the history.” “彻底消亡在历史之中。”
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