IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#350 Part 2: Divine punishment to

Byron felt helpless, he looks at front his mortal enemy, he has treated as the biggest enemy him, with abyss mission officiates to post greatly. 拜伦不知所措了,他看着面前这个自己的死敌,他一直将他当做自己最大的敌人,和深渊教团的大主祭并列。 He paid the huge price, had the wars, sacrificed countless people. 他付出了巨大的代价,打了一场又一场战争,牺牲了无数人。 Finally turned into the captive disciple this person. 终于才将这个人变成了阶下囚徒。 However at this moment he discovered, the past all unexpectedly and front the person had nothing to do. 然而此刻他才发现,当年的一切竟然和面前的这个人无关。 He turned head to look to another person on scaffold, one held his neck stubbornly. 他扭头看向了绞刑台上的另外一个人,一把死死的抓住他的脖子。 You told me!” “你告诉我!” Is you do?” “是不是你干的?” Is surging panic-stricken to the square features, but in the mind has not reappeared the answer and picture that slightly Byron wants. 对方脸上涌动着惊恐,但是脑海里丝毫没有浮现出拜伦想要的答案和画面。 Isn't you?” “不是你?” A Byron probably lunatic is the same, grabs one to have a person, is asking the same answer. 拜伦就好像一个疯子一样,抓着一个有一个人,问着相同的答案。 „Is that you?” “那是不是你?” Is you?” “是不是你?” Byron discovered finally. 拜伦最后发现。 The person of presence, unexpectedly no one knew in the past the truth. 在场之人,竟然无一人知道当年事情的真相。 Byron stands above the wooden table, is turning circle in the high place, seemed the whole person to faint. 拜伦立在木台之上,在高处转着圈,就好像整个人都晕了。 He looks that under the stage looks at own person, turn head looked on the scaffold these convicts, thorough during fell into was confused. 他看着台下看着自己的人,又回头看了看绞刑台上那些囚徒,彻底的陷入了迷茫之中。 Doesn't know?” “不知道?” Why does no one know?” “为什么没有人知道?” Byron took back the flame that spheres the scaffold, gets down from the high place. 拜伦收回了围住绞刑台的火焰,从高处下来。 The regimental commanders of silver snake regiment then order, tell others then to execute. 银蛇军团的团长这才下命令,告诉其他人接着行刑。 The kings of southern city-state alliance were hung to death in the string, breath of slowly. 南方城邦联盟的国王被吊死在了绳子上,慢慢的咽了气。 Suddenly. 骤然间。 Walked at a loss in following Byron turn head looked at an opposite party, sees that dead shape ugly form. 茫然走在下面的拜伦回头看了一眼对方,看着那个死状丑陋的身影。 He once incomparably anticipated to see this, he thinks that this is the answer and result that want. 他曾经无比期待看到这一幕,他以为这就是自己想要的答案和结果。 However at this moment. 然而此时此刻。 Stays behind, deep doubts. 留下的,只有深深的疑惑。 He had not felt that the slight pleasant sensation, his heart hates not to have the least bit to release dreadfully. 他没有感觉到丝毫的快感,他内心滔天的仇恨没有半点释放出来。 His was soon suppressed probably insanely bull, this moment body soon is dry and hot is lit by the flame, however actually can only pace back and forth same place. 他就好像一个快要被憋疯了的公牛,此刻身体燥热得快要被火焰点燃,然而却只能在原地徘徊。 He could not find the enemy, in his body has the dreadful anger, actually by lock stubbornly in jar. 他找不到敌人,他身体里有着滔天的怒火,却被死死的锁在了罐子里。 Suddenly, he asked army regimental commander one of the silver snake regiment. 突然间,他问了银蛇军团的军团长一句。 Why is executing them anxiously?” “为什么这么急着处决他们?” The army regimental commanders of silver snake regiment replied: Is general's order.” 银蛇军团的军团长回答:“是将军的命令。” Byron then asked: So is why anxious?” 拜伦接着问:“为什么这么急?” The army regimental commanders of silver snake regiment said: Because of the threat of Suinhall, only then cleans up completely cleanly these people, Suinhall on have no reason to meddle ten thousand snake royal court things again.” 银蛇军团的军团长说:“因为苏因霍尔的威胁,只有将这些人全部清理干净,苏因霍尔就没有理由再插手万蛇王庭的事情了。” Byron has not spoken, but lowers the head. 拜伦没有说话,只是低着头。 Once the seed of suspicion plants. 怀疑的种子一旦种下。 It was difficult to wipe out again. 就很难再拔除了。 Before Byron heard the general name time, what the innermost feelings gushed out was grateful, was the respect. 以前拜伦听到将军名字的时候,内心涌出的是感激,是敬仰。 However at this moment, in his heart gushed out the intense doubts.- 但是此时此刻,他心中涌出了强烈的疑惑。- On the same day, he pretended to leave the wing demon city to rush to the road of great snake. 当天,他装作离开翼魔城赶往巨蛇之路。 However quick all alone turned back, returned in the wing demon city. 但是很快孤身一人又折返了回来,又重新回到了翼魔城中。 He wants to investigate in a city is what situation, in the past the matter of really and southern city-state alliance had nothing to do. 他想要调查一番城内到底是什么情况,当年发生的事情是不是真的和南方城邦联盟无关。 Was the true secret evil behind-the-scenes manipulator is found truly? 到底是真正的幕后黑手还没有被真正找到? . 还是。 The dark moon/month general who he has believed is lying, 他一直相信的暗月将军在说谎, All these. 这一切。 Made Byron fall into the deep doubts. 都让拜伦陷入了深深的疑惑。 Byron investigates the clue that are wanting in the city cautiously, he investigated all possibly is possible and past that disaster concerned person, is investigating any trail about abyss mission. 拜伦在城中小心翼翼的调查着自己想要的线索,他调查所有可能可能和当年那场灾难有关的人,调查着关于深渊教团的任何踪迹。 Meanwhile, he also in investigating city ten thousand snake royal court several important personages. 同时,他也在调查着城内万蛇王庭的几个重要人物。 Finally. 终于。 His puppet discovered the abyss mission members who the trace of abyss mission, he discovers appeared in the city. 他的一只傀儡发现了深渊教团的痕迹,一名他发现的深渊教团成员出现在了城中。 Moreover, in way swaggering. 而且,是以大摇大摆的方式。 But what he has not thought that he sends the army regimental commanders of cash snake regiment with the evil disciple contact of this abyss mission. 而他更没有想到的是,他发现银蛇军团的军团长正在和这个深渊教团的邪徒接触。 In the station of army, one is throwing over the cape mysterious arrives quietly. 在军队的驻地里,一个披着斗篷的神秘悄然到来。 In a house, is chitchatting with the army regimental commanders of silver snake regiment. 在一间房子里面,和银蛇军团的军团长在攀谈。 This, Byron could not bear. 这一下,拜伦没有忍住。 He appeared in the room directly, appeared in the front of silver snake army regimental commander. 他直接出现在了屋子里,出现在了银蛇军团长的面前。 Silver snake?” “银蛇?” Can give me a reason?” “能够给我一个理由吗?” Why you with the person contact of abyss mission?” “为什么你在和深渊教团的人接触?” The silver snake army regimental commanders are also puzzled, Byron recently most repugnant that doubts expression. 银蛇军团长也是一脸疑惑,拜伦最近最讨厌的那个疑惑表情。 „The person of abyss mission?” “深渊教团的人?” He is merchant who trades the Alchemy item.” “他是个贩卖炼金道具的商人。” „It is not right!” “不对!” Byron what's the matter? Didn't make you defend the road of great snake?” “拜伦你怎么回事?不是让你去守着巨蛇之路了吗?” „Are you endless?” “你还没完没了是吗?” Byron disagreement/not with silver snake army regimental commanders said. 拜伦不和银蛇军团长多说。 He acts, held this evil disciple who directly wants to run away. 他一出手,就直接抓住了这个想要逃走的邪徒。 The strength of evil disciple divulged, the body also starts the variation. 邪徒的力量泄露了出来,身体也开始变异。 The unusual strength and special divine spell are very difficult to distinguish, variation that but this type was corroded by the abyss, actually so obvious. 超凡力量和特殊的神术很难辨别,但是这种被深渊侵蚀的变异,却是如此的明显。 The silver snake loudly shouts immediately: How can?” 银蛇立刻大呼:“怎么会?” He explains to Byron immediately: Byron, I really does not know.” 他立刻向拜伦解释:“拜伦,我真的不知道。” The silver snake wants to explain anything, instead caused Byron's strong reaction. 银蛇想要上来解释什么,反而导致了拜伦的强烈反应。 Byron prepares to use third-order divine spell directly, in his body the intense strength fluctuation causes the silver snake only to stand in same place, does not dare to make front any stimulation again the action of this person. 拜伦直接准备动用三阶神术,他身体里强烈的力量波动导致银蛇只能站在原地,不敢再做出任何刺激面前这个人的举措。 Byron no longer believed front this person thoroughly. 拜伦彻底不再相信了面前这个人了。 He held this evil disciple, points at the violence covered his skull, incantation seal flows along the arm, thorough opposite party within the body. 他抓住了这个邪徒,手指暴力的扣住了他的头盖骨,咒印沿着臂膀流淌,深入对方体内。 Extracted his memory directly completely. 直接将他的记忆全部抽取了出来。 Rapid, he obtains the information that some wanted. 迅速,他就得到了一些自己想要的信息。 He looks immediately to another head of city, changed into bunch of flame to rush over toward there. 他立刻看向了城市的另一头,化为了一团团火焰朝着那里冲了过去。 Immediately. 立刻。 From that building of Byron goal, an abyss evil disciple flushed, flash when Byron approaches, the opposite party also induces immediately. 从拜伦目标的那栋建筑里,一个深渊邪徒冲了出来,当拜伦靠近的一瞬间,对方也立刻感应到了。 During Byron is wild with rage, immediately calls the name of opposite party. 拜伦狂怒之中,立刻喊出了对方的名字。 Senge!” “森格!” I caught you.” “我又逮到你了。” Byron voice comes out, a giant flame cover covered above the land directly. 拜伦话音出来的时候,一个巨大的火焰罩子直接笼罩在了大地之上。 The dense and numerous flame puppets interlock, changed into one huge ceremony technique, seals stamped certificate. 密密麻麻的火焰傀儡交错而出,化为了一个庞大的仪式术阵,一个封印结界。 Since lets after previous time Senge escapes, Byron starts to ponder how to surround the means of opposite party. 自从上一次让森格逃脱之后,拜伦就开始思考如何困住对方的办法。 This time, the opposite party has not escaped from Byron's palm again. 这一次,对方没有再逃出拜伦的手掌心。 Burns the heart demon puppet!” “焚心魔傀儡!” Senge summoned to be his incantation seal puppet, with Byron similar flame puppet. 森格召唤出了属于他的咒印傀儡,一个和拜伦类似的火焰傀儡。 Roar!” “吼!” However Byron in violent anger opens the mouth, the back presented a giant shadow. 但是暴怒之中的拜伦一张开口,背后出现了一个巨大的影子。 In the air transmitted strong winds the sound of howling, Byron unexpectedly on this directly Senge flame puppet swallowing. 空气之中传递着狂风的呼啸之音,拜伦竟然就这样直接将森格的火焰傀儡给吞掉了。 Once were stranded in same place, where lost flexible Senge is Byron this Child of Wrath opponent. 一旦被困在了原地,失去了灵活性的森格哪里是拜伦这个暴怒之子的对手。 Byron drops from the clouds, directly Senge according to the ground. 拜伦从天而降,直接将森格按在了地上。 Huge strength direct violence gave to crash Senge head, blood flowed a layer upon layer. 巨大的力量直接暴力的将森格的头都给压破了,一层层鲜血流淌了下来。 Byron constrained many years of anger, finally vented one to come out slightly. 拜伦压抑了多年的怒火,终于稍稍的发泄了一丝出来。 Told me!” “告诉我!” Degenerates to officiate Senge!” “堕落主祭森格!” Your abyss missions big officiates, he now where?” “你们的深渊教团的大主祭呢,他现在哪里?” Senge suffocates, at this time actually sent out a chuckle. 森格奄奄一息,这个时候却发出了一声轻笑。 Officiates greatly?” “大主祭?” Officiated greatly had died, the past Child of Wrath ceremony will die from now on.” “大主祭早就死了,当年的暴怒之子仪式过后就死了。” Byron does not believe: Died?” 拜伦才不相信:“死了?” You thought that I do believe?” “你觉得我信吗?” Senge was pressed has not gasped for breath, the severe pain swamps into the mind along the head, he has not actually sent out wailing of pain, instead unceasing smiling. 森格被压得喘不过气来,剧痛沿着头颅涌入脑海,他却没有发出痛苦的哀嚎,反而不断的笑着。 Strangely what died had?” “死了有什么奇怪的吗?” Is I kills!” “就是我杀死的!” Byron: „Do you kill?” 拜伦:“你杀的?” Senge felt probably own must the dead aspect, instead was indifferent. 森格好像感觉到了自己的必死局面,反而无所谓了。 At this moment, does not have any to conceal.” “事到如今,也没有什么好隐瞒的了。” „Don't you know?” “你不知道吗?” That ceremony is we and dark months planned jointly.” “那一场仪式本来是我们和暗月联手策划的。” He is yelling: Dark moon/month was soon finished at that time, he needs a disaster to keep the position of his general, needs a disaster to divert everyone's attention.” 他大叫着:“暗月当时快要完蛋了,他需要一场灾难保住他将军的位置,需要一场灾难转移所有人的视线。” You had not discovered that who in the past the biggest beneficiary of that ceremony was?” “你难道没有发现当年那一场仪式的最大受益人是谁?” Is his dark moon/month!” “是他暗月啊!” Senge condition is crazy, was pressed to explode quickly also in fierce move, wants to express own excitement through the movement. 森格状态疯狂,头都快被压爆了还在剧烈的动弹,想要通过动作表达出自己的激动。 „The Child of Wrath ceremony enabled him to grasp ten thousand snake royal court, stood firm own position, but also obtained your Child of Wrath.” 暴怒之子仪式让他掌握了万蛇王庭,稳住了自己的位置,还得到了你这个暴怒之子。” In long before, us collaborated.” “在很早以前,我们就联手了。” „Do you know? That of dark moon/month, the lunar eclipse afterglow is I builds.” “你知道吗?暗月的那把,月蚀的残光就是我打造的。” Hahahaha!” “哈哈哈哈!” „!” “没想到吧!” In the past he needed us to create a disaster, but we also needed him to make Child of Wrath for us, I also drew support from his hand to clean up my enemy while convenient, becomes big officiating of abyss mission.” “当年他需要我们制造一场灾难,而我们也需要他替我们制造暴怒之子,我还顺便借助他的手清理掉了我的敌人,成为了深渊教团的大主祭。” Senge displays at this moment, is a from head to tail abyss mission lunatic. 森格此刻表现得,就是一个彻头彻尾的深渊教团疯子。 That disaster was really wonderful, we were win-win, win-win!” “那一场灾难实在是太美妙了,我们是双赢,双赢啊!” Dark moon/month that fellow is also a lunatic!” “暗月那家伙也是一个疯子!” He should not deserve what Great General, he should come our abyss mission, he is true...... the person of degeneration!” “他不应该当什么大将军,他应该来我们深渊教团,他才是真正的……堕落之人啊!” Byron was stimulated thoroughly by this news, his hand covered Senge head stubbornly, the nail buckles in the bone. 拜伦被这个消息彻底刺激到了,他手死死的扣住森格的头,指甲都扣进了骨头里。 However what does not tally with his fierce movement is his face, his shaking the head gently. 但是和他剧烈的动作不相符的是他的脸,他轻轻的摇着头。 I do not believe!” “我不信!” I do not believe!” “我不信!” When a person comes hypnosis with this tone, expressed that the heart deep place has started to believe. 但是当一个人用这种这种语气来催眠自己的时候,就表示他内心深处已经开始相信了。 Therefore. 所以。 Byron's complexion changed, no indication roared loudly. 紧接着拜伦的脸色变了,毫无征兆的大声吼了一声。 I do not believe!” “我不信!” He starts to read Senge memory unexpectedly directly. 紧接着,他竟然直接开始读取森格的记忆。 This method regarding is not big with the powerful Powerful role of Byron same step, even if overpowered the opposite party completely , can only see in some memories the incomplete picture. 这种方法对于和拜伦同阶的强大的权能者作用并不大,哪怕完全制服对方了,也只能看到一些记忆之中残缺的画面。 And very big probability will not see oneself want to notice that can only see picture that Powerful recalls temporarily. 并且很大几率不会看到自己想要看到的,只能看到权能者临时回忆起的画面。 If the opposite party intends to control, his anything cannot obtain. 如果对方有意控制,他就什么也得不到。 But such powerful Powerful, wants to control not to make itself recall anything, is not a difficult matter. 而这样强大的权能者,想要控制不让自己回忆起什么,并不是一件难事。 However at this time, Senge has not resisted divine spell of opposite party, even is coordinating Byron faintly. 不过这个时候,森格并没有抗拒对方的神术,甚至隐隐在配合着拜伦。 Byron's consciousness penetrated in Senge memory, pictures skipped unceasingly, finally arrived in a several years ago scene. 拜伦的意识深入到了森格的记忆之中,一幅幅画面不断跳转,最后来到了几年前的一幅场景之中。 There. 那里。 Is the dark moon/month general in the Pince City mansion. 是暗月将军在潘斯城的府邸。 That is an evening, on that day the disaster had not erupted, Byron is also only an ignorant youngster. 那是一个傍晚,那一天灾难还没有爆发,拜伦还只是一个懵懵懂懂的少年。 He had also just interrogated on the street in the morning the dark moon/month general, goes home to quarrel with the father. 他早上还刚刚在街道上质问过暗月将军,回家和父亲吵了一架。 He has not expected, all have arranged on that day. 他还没有预料到,一切早就在那一天安排好了。 On that day. 那一天。 At that time also degenerated Senge who officiated to throw over the cape to block from the figure face, entered a splendid mansion under vice general's invitation, saw is practicing the form of sword. 当时还只是堕落主祭的森格披着斗篷遮住身形脸庞,在副将的邀请下进入了一座富丽堂皇的府邸,看到了正在练剑的身影。 That man who until now, Byron most trusts. 正是一直以来,拜伦最为信任的那个男人。 The dark moon/month seems to have known Senge at that time, very skilled is talking with him. 暗月似乎在那个时候就已经认识森格,很熟练的在和他进行对话。 Finally, Senge told the dark moon/month. 最后,森格告诉暗月。 Child of Wrath will soon be born!” 暴怒之子即将诞生!” Also asked the general to be ready, that was can have the apostle even to exceed above the apostle high existence of strength.” “还请将军做好准备,那可是最高能够拥有使徒甚至超越于使徒之上力量的存在。” In wing demon city. 翼魔城中。 The flame ties, held Senge head Byron to loosen the hand stubbornly suddenly, but this time Senge only has also had the one breath. 火焰结界之中,死死抓住森格头颅的拜伦突然松开了手,而这个时候的森格也已经只剩下一口气了。 He was suffered the inadequate human appearance, twitches on the ground. 他被折磨得不成人样,在地上抽搐。 But then, Byron also thoroughly understood. 而这下,拜伦也彻底明白了。 Why in his heart has a strange feeling to all. 为什么他心中对一切都有着一种怪异感。 Understands why the dark moon/month can that prompt solution disaster, understand in the past why dark moon/month such impatient must kill the hierarch of southern city-state alliance. 明白了为什么当年暗月能够那么及时的解决灾难,明白了为什么暗月这么迫不及待的要杀死南方城邦联盟的掌权者。 Understands why he was not attacked the wing demon city by himself, instead will adjust border the road of great snake. 明白了为什么他不让自己攻打翼魔城,反而将自己调到了边境的巨蛇之路。 Originally...... are all this?” “原来……一切是这样的?” Senge mouth spits the blood, the whole person became the blood person. 森格口吐鲜血,整个人都成了个血人。 His body moves cannot move, can only rotate focuses on the bead looking at Byron. 他身体一动都不能动,只能转动着眼珠子看着拜伦。 What kind of?” “怎么样?” „Is truth very desperate?” “真相是不是很绝望?” Sees Byron's despair, he was instead self-satisfied. 看到拜伦的绝望,他反而得意了起来。 Byron, I have told you, you are a sacrificial victim!” “拜伦,我告诉过你的,你就是个牺牲品!” Your father, your mother, your big brother and younger sister, including yourself.” “你的父亲,你的母亲,你的大哥和妹妹,包括你自己。” Is the dark moon/month realizes his ideal sacrificial victim.” “全部都是暗月实现他理想的牺牲品。” He sacrificed your entire family, even sacrificed yourself, coming the casting to have the kingdom in his ideal.” “他牺牲掉你全家,甚至牺牲掉了你自己,来铸造出他理想之中的王国。” Senge is extolling Byron loudly, is extolling a great hero probably, but this praise is flooding the strong ridicule. 森格高声赞颂着拜伦,就好像赞颂着一位伟大的英雄,只是这种赞颂充斥着浓烈的讥讽。 „!” “啊!” Byron!” “拜伦!” You how great.” “你是多么的伟大。” Sacrificed itself, sacrificed own all, lightened this world.” “牺牲了自己,牺牲了自己的所有,去点亮了这个世界。” Everyone obtained the redemption, only then you and your family member fall into the purgatory.” “所有人都得到了救赎,只有你和你的家人堕入炼狱。” Hahahaha!” “哈哈哈哈!” Was too wonderful, was too wonderful, the dark moon/month, you really had the creativity.” “太美妙了,太美妙了,暗月,你真是太有创意了。” Finally, Senge looks at Byron. 最后,森格看着拜伦。 Routed Byron's final level defense line with a few words thoroughly. 用一段话彻底击溃了拜伦的最后一层防线。 Heard?” “听到了吗?” „Does your mother fall into the voice of purgatory?” “你母亲堕入炼狱的声音?” Byron...... quite sore!” “拜伦……好疼啊!” Fire...... it is burning me in the combustion......” “火在燃烧……它在烧我……” Really quite sore.” “真的好疼。” Byron...... Byron...... saves me...... to do obeisance......” “拜伦……拜伦……救救我……拜……” Byron's thorough was insane, his body vibrated like the screen generally, the flaming raging fire gushes out from his within the body. 拜伦的彻底疯了,他身体如同筛子一般抖动了起来,熊熊的烈火从他的体内涌出。 Senge lit Byron's anger thoroughly. 森格彻底点燃了拜伦的怒火。 Raises a limit the innermost feelings flame that he vented nowhere again. 将他无处发泄的内心火焰再度拔高到了一个极限。 Can see in Byron chest to shine the light of myth, that is the type of violent anger is going the thoroughly digested characteristics. 可以看到拜伦胸膛里亮起了神话之光,那是暴怒之种将要被彻底消化的特征。 Present Byron was gradually crossing the Child of Wrath threshold, little toward the true Wrath King advance. 现在的拜伦在逐渐跨越了暴怒之子的门槛,一点点的朝着真正的暴怒之王前进。 The giant flame giant appeared in the city, fire soon crazy spread toward the surroundings. 巨大的火焰巨人出现在了城中,大火即将疯狂的朝着周围蔓延。 However Byron seems to be also surviving the last reason. 不过拜伦似乎还残存着最后一丝理智。 He throughout flame control in own surroundings, but has not released toward this city, changes into a sea of fire this wing demon city. 他始终将火焰控制在了自己的周围,而没有朝着这座城市释放出去,将这座翼魔城化为一片火海。 However in the cities has messed up, tens of thousands of people are gazing at that flame giant, escapes toward the distant places. 但是城中已经乱了套,成千上万的人注视着那个火焰巨人,朝着远处逃去。 Monster...... monster!” “怪物……怪物啊!” Fire, must be on fire.” “火,又要起火了。” Run!” “快跑!” Runs a bit faster!” “快点跑!” „Outside goes, leaves here a bit faster.” “去外面,快点离开这里。” Byron who in the raging fire, changes into the flame giant looks that barely manages to maintain a feeble existence Senge to hike up little. 烈火之中,化为火焰巨人的拜伦看着苟延残喘森格一点点飘起。 He did not say a word, does not have any expression. 他一言不发,也没有任何表情。 Because has no spoken language to express at this moment his angry, does not have any expression can annotate hatred in his heart. 因为此刻已经没有任何言语能够表达他内心的愤怒,没有任何表情能够诠释他心中的仇恨。 His pupil had vanished thoroughly, remaining, only then violent anger flame. 他的瞳孔已经彻底消失了,剩下的只有暴怒的火焰。 The flame from Senge within the body spread, sees his flesh and blood to bake little. 火焰从森格的体内蔓延,见他骨血一点点烧干。 Died in most brutal and way of pain. 以最残酷和痛苦的方式死去。 Senge also becomes the sacrificial offering. 森格也成为了祭品。 Was swallowed by the fire of violent anger, escorted to that Dreamland embryo of purgatory. 被暴怒之火吞噬,送往了那梦界之中的炼狱之胎。 In the fire, offered sacrifices to give Senge of embryo of purgatory at this time the sound gradually became must blur. 大火之中,被献祭给炼狱之胎的森格这个时候声音渐渐的变得模糊了起来。 He no longer was probably insane, before that flash that the figure is reduced to ashes, said in oneself life final a few words. 他好像不再疯了,在身形化为灰烬的那一瞬间前,说出了自己人生之中最后的一句话。 Goes!” “去吧!” Byron!” “拜伦!” Goes!” “去吧!” His voice is hoarse, same has the hatred with Byron. 他声音沙哑,和拜伦一样带着仇恨。 To that true enemy, to this world, divulges your anger.” “向那真正的的敌人,向这个世界,宣泄你的怒火。” Senge died, but hatred and anger actually product in Byron chest. 森格死了,但是拜伦胸中的仇恨和怒火却越积越多。 The hatred and violent anger, will soon swallow his reason. 仇恨和暴怒,即将吞噬他的理智。 But at this time. 而这个时候。 The sky changes into the blood-color suddenly, a blood river from high place racing wells up, surrounds sky over the wing demon city. 天空突然化为血色,一条血河从高处奔涌而下,环绕在翼魔城上空。 A form appeared in the blood river, held up own weapon. 一个身影出现在了血河之中,举起了自己的武器。 Suinhall prince. 苏因霍尔的王子。 Arrived. 到了。 Person of Byron degeneration!” “堕落之人拜伦!” Divine punishment to!” “神罚将至!”
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