IAG :: Volume #2 Volume 2

#350 Part 1: Divine punishment to

Suinhall. 苏因霍尔 Protect Fire City. 护火城 The war started for about a month, many news passed to the Suinhall folk slowly. 战争开打了将近一个月,很多消息才慢慢传到了苏因霍尔的民间。 This age transmission news is so, among some important news Powerful through rainbow tree transmission. 这年代传递消息就是如此,除了一些重要的消息权能者之间会通过彩虹树传递之外。 Everyone pays attention was not the news that the south city-state alliance retreated in defeat again and again, in the war died many people. 所有人关注的不是南方城邦联盟节节败退的消息,战争之中死了多少人。 The descendant who no one cares about these Pince died many, dying was good. 没有人在乎那些潘斯的后裔死了多少,死光了才好。 Whom everyone does not care about to win who loses, even was anticipating they have hit. 所有人都不在意谁赢谁输,甚至期待着他们一直打下去。 However. 但是。 When burning down Byron actually blasphemed God, he Suinhall belief the statue of God destroying the news came. 当焚烧者拜伦竟然亵渎神明,他将苏因霍尔信仰的神明的雕像给毁了的消息传来的时候。 Completely was different. 就完全不一样了。 This news stone arouses thousand overlapping waves. 这消息一石激起千层浪。 In Protect Fire City everyone is crying out, must to ten thousand snake royal court, probably give the northern these barbarians to punish. 护火城中所有人都呐喊着,要给万蛇王庭,要给北方的那些蛮子惩罚。 Some people said that must make war with ten thousand snake royal court, destroys this and them believes to have other country. 有人说要和万蛇王庭开战,摧毁这个和他们信仰有别的国家。 Some people said that must tie up Byron on the pillar burns, making burning down by burning down. 有人说要将拜伦绑在柱子上烧死,让焚烧者成为被焚烧者。 How hasn't king acted?” Outside the palace, has the sincere followers to gather in groups. “王怎么还没有动作?”宫廷之外,有着虔信徒们成群聚集。 You are family of god, is King of Divine Grace!” They shouted toward the royal palace. “您可是神的眷者,是神眷之王!”他们朝着王宫之中大喊。 How possibly to look at the northern barbarian, blasphemed our God.” Some people are nearly hysteric, even harms itself, is raising the hand of bleeding, shouting loudly must make the sacrilegist blood recompense. “怎么可能看北方的蛮子,亵渎我们的神明。”有些人近乎歇斯底里,甚至伤害自己,高举着流血的手,高呼要让渎神者血偿。 But at the same time, a more fearful news presented in the front of Suinhall ruling circles. 而与此同时,一个更加可怕的消息呈现在了苏因霍尔统治阶层的面前。 The Suinhall person has been investigating the abyss mission recently, investigated the detailed information of related past that disaster. 苏因霍尔的人最近一直都在调查深渊教团,调查有关当年那场灾难的详细信息。 Quick. 很快。 Everyone then discovered in the past that disaster not only ordinary offering sacrifices. 所有人便发现当年那一场灾难不仅仅一次普通的献祭。 Different from other disasters that the abyss mission creates, but is one to make the King of Abyss ceremony. 不同于深渊教团制造的其他灾难,而是一场为了制造深渊之王的仪式。 What is most essential, they succeeded. 最关键的是,他们成功了。 But knows this critical information, a very conspicuous character appears in everyone slowly at present. 而知道了这个关键信息,一个非常显眼的人物就慢慢出现在了所有人眼前。 Even if ten thousand snake royal court intend to cover, however such where has is can this cover. 哪怕万蛇王庭有意掩盖,但是这样的存在哪里是能够就这样就掩盖下去的。 A letter/believes delivered to Protect Fire City through the rainbow tree, then immediately hands in the royal palace. 一封信通过彩虹树送到了护火城,然后立刻递到了王宫之内。 Checked!” “查到了!” In letter/believes said that had confirmed burning down Byron, is the abyss Wrath King preelection!” “信上说已经确认焚烧者拜伦,就是深渊暴怒之王预选!” In the Suinhall royal palace, the king, aristocrat and servant of God on the scene show the expression that does not dare to believe. 苏因霍尔的王宫之中,在场的王、贵族、神侍都露出了不敢置信的表情。 Cannot believe is not only Byron this prominence character is Child of Wrath of abyss mission, what is more shocking is such a character actually becomes ten thousand snake royal court army regimental commanders, it can be said that had entered the core of right. 不敢相信的不仅仅是拜伦这个声名鹊起的人物是深渊教团的暴怒之子,更震惊的是这样一个人物竟然成为了万蛇王庭的军团长,可以说是已经进入了权利的核心了。 Can the dark moon/month not know? 暗月会不知道吗? If he knew, what is also representative with such existence? 他如果知道了,还用这样的存在是不是代表着什么? Is representing, ten thousand snake had royal court reversed to the side of abyss? 是不是代表着,万蛇王庭已经倒向了深渊的一方? Abyss influence big to this situation? 不知不觉之间,深渊的影响力已经大到了这个地步了吗? In some people of mind appears immediately one after another possibility, but some people have shouted. 有人脑海之中立刻浮现出了一种又一种可能性,而有的人已经大喊了起来。 „The person of degeneration!” “堕落之人!” Blasphemes the person of god!” “渎神之人!” No wonder he will make that was doomed to suffer the divine punishment the evil conduct!” “难怪他会做出那等,注定会遭受神罚的恶行!” Immediately some people echo: Ten thousand snake royal court degenerated, they degenerated certainly.” 立刻有人附和:“万蛇王庭堕落了,他们一定堕落了。” Some people proposed to King of Divine Grace: King, cannot look on again.” 有人向神眷之王提议:“王,不能再坐视了。” Some people are excited, as if hopes this situation is very long: King, ten thousand snake royal court had degenerated, was stolen the country that occupies by the abyss, we should act immediately.” 有人更是激动不已,仿佛期盼了这种情况很久:“王,万蛇王庭已经堕落了,一个被深渊窃取占据的国家,我们应该立刻行动。” The kings considered, then said. 王考虑了一下,然后说道。 Has not arrived that step, does not have any evidence ten thousand snake royal court others are concerned with the abyss mission.” “还没有到那一步,没有任何证据万蛇王庭的其他人和深渊教团有关。” This others, obviously very much what said is the dark moon/month. 这个其他人,很明显说的是暗月。 Suinhall this generation of King of Divine Grace these time was more unyielding, compared beforehand displays very resolute, has not vacillated again. 苏因霍尔这一代的神眷之王这一次硬气多了,相比之前表现得非常果决,没有再左右摇摆。 Makes the person go to burning down Byron to bring to come back.” “让人去将焚烧者拜伦带回来。” Evil disciple who this sacrilegist, falls into the abyss, he had betrayed various God, betrayed snake human.” “这个渎神者,堕入深渊的邪徒,他已经背叛了诸神,背叛了蛇人。” Certainly cannot let him, making the goal that abyss these have evilly achieve.” “一定不能让他,让深渊那些邪恶存在的目的达成。” This time. 这一次。 Suinhall everyone cannot sit by and do nothing. 苏因霍尔的所有人都不能坐视不理了。 Because this concerns oracle, about this world's worst and biggest threat- abyss. 因为这关乎神谕,关于这个世界最邪恶和最大的威胁-深渊。 The King of Divine Grace son put on life item personally the card of blood family, present three leaves symbiont some samsara many times, in matching card of powerful item blood family, has been able to display to be above the strength of imagination. 神眷之王的儿子亲自披上了生命道具・血眷者之证,如今的三叶共生者有的已经轮回了很多次,搭配上血眷者之证这件强力道具,能够发挥出超乎想象的力量。 Compares favorably with the strength of apostle. 媲美使徒的力量。 This is also the Suinhall biggest background, the thing of God gracious gift. 这也是苏因霍尔最大的底蕴,神明恩赐之物。 Under palace. 宫廷之下。 The young man is throwing over plain war armor, the blood-color cape flutters. 年轻的男人披着古朴的战甲,身后血色的斗篷飘扬。 king Jiang the helmet wore in son's head, was saying to him. 王将头盔戴在了儿子的头上,对着他说。 God is blessing you.” 神明庇佑着你。” Goes!” “去吧!” Enemy who gives the god by desperate.” “给予神的敌人以绝望。” The prince lowers the head: „The enemy of god, will die under my spear/gun surely!” 王子低着头:“神的敌人,必定会死于我枪下!” In a flash, sees the figure of prince to start to change, the blood-color strength spreads along the stair. 一瞬间,就看见王子的身形开始变化,血色的力量沿着台阶蔓延。 His back grew a pair of blood wing suddenly, brandished was rushing to the sky. 他的背后突然长出了一对血翅,挥舞着冲上了天空。 In the Suinhall border, has a regiment quickly to assemble. 苏因霍尔的边境,也有着一支军团快速集结。 Before the royal palace, everyone lowers the head to salute. 王宫前,所有人都低头行礼。 Witnesses scene that this has not been seeing for a long time. 见证着这许久未曾看到的场面。 These many years has not used the card of blood family. 这多年未曾动用过的血眷者之证。 It looks like in Suinhall most people, this blood-color cape is the will of god. 苏因霍尔的大多数人看来,这血色的斗篷就是神的意志。 Has its person to fall for the god punishes. 持有它的人就是代神降罚。 However in these powerful official hearts on the scene, everyone has the respective plan. 然而在场的这些权贵心中中,每个人都有着各自的打算。 Although this Suinhall is not direct and ten thousand snake royal court makes war, in name is not the involvement war. 虽然这一次苏因霍尔不是直接和万蛇王庭开战,名义上也不是什么介入战争。 Enemy but who copes with the god. 而是对付神的敌人。 The evil disciple and degeneration person of disciplinary punishment abyss. 惩戒深渊的邪恶之徒、堕落之人。 However had this name, they can the justifiable preserving southern city-state alliance, even denounces in word and in writing to ten thousand snake royal court, has the threat huge kingdom to decompose since the ancient times to them this. 但是有了这个名义,他们可以名正言顺的保住南方城邦联盟,甚至对万蛇王庭内部进行口诛笔伐,将这个自古以来就对他们有着威胁的庞大王国分解掉。 If successful, that is a gluttony grand feast.- 如果成功,那将是一场饕餮盛宴。- Dreamland. 梦界 The embryo of purgatory in it place. 炼狱之胎所在之地。 Suinhall blood family leaves, transmitted the abyss mission to officiate Senge here about his news greatly. 苏因霍尔的血眷者离开的时候,关于他的消息也传递到了深渊教团大主祭森格这里。 Senge opens the eye, sets out from the black mire. 森格睁开眼睛,从黑色泥沼之上起身。 Finally must start!” “终于要开始了!” His forehead stretches, seemingly confident joyful. 他眉心舒展,看上去坦然愉悦。 Byron!” “拜伦!” Prepared? Your death time came.” “准备好了吗?你的死亡时刻来了。” How will you elect?” “你会怎么选?” All when you know, the truth that knows is a lie, how will you elect?” “当你所知道的一切,所知道的真相全都是一个谎言,你会怎么选?” „The ideal when you inherit, contradicts with your hatred.” “当你继承来的理想,和你的仇恨相悖的时候。” You are choose that nihility the ideal, lights this world with the anger of revenge?” “你是选择那个虚无的理想,还是用复仇的怒火点燃这个世界?” Senge was saying to be saying, the scope that the corners of the mouth raise is getting bigger and bigger. 森格说着说着,嘴角扬起的幅度越来越大。 He spoke at the same time is still proceeding to move, arrived under that evil carcass of tire. 他说话的同时还在往前移动,来到了那个邪恶胎体之下。 Senge raised the head, looks at that to flow the anomaly of black mud. 森格抬起头,看着那流淌着黑泥的怪胎。 This time. 这一次。 He placed above the hand. 他将手放在了上面。 By such near, is away from a thin film to be able thorough sees clearly the original appearance of this internal that embryo. 靠得如此之近,隔着一层薄膜已经可以彻底的看清这个内部那个胎儿的本来面貌。 That is existence that has shape of God. 那是一个拥有神之形的存在。 The appearance has not become abyss Pride King Avon of Bone Demon time, he seemingly closes one's eyes, probably in deep sleep. 模样是还没有成为骨魔时候的深渊傲慢之王亚弗安,他看上去闭着眼睛,就好像在沉睡。 Initially the abyss was born time, had three steps and conditions. 当初深渊诞生的时候,拥有三个步骤和条件。 First, by myth intelligence of winged human pollution, is the primary black mud, this is the thing of most core. 第一,被翼人污染的神话灵性,也即是原初黑泥,这是最核心的东西。 Second, offered sacrifices most winged human mountain range winged human blood of myth. 第二,献祭掉了大半个翼人山脉翼人神话之血 Third, a powerful apostle receives and instructs the primary black mud from Dreamland, making the abyss core take shape truly. 第三,一位强大的使徒从梦界接引原初黑泥,让深渊核心真正成型。 Now the success of purgatory ceremony, was equal to second step completed the larger part. 如今炼狱仪式的成功,等于其中第二步完成了一大半。 So long as Byron digests the violent anger completely the strength, becomes the apostle. 只要拜伦完全消化暴怒的力量,成为使徒。 Under receives and instructs the Dreamland black mud and purgatory will again, completes huge offering sacrifices time, can succeed thoroughly. 再接引下梦界的黑泥和炼狱意志,完成一次庞大的献祭,就能够彻底成功。 However now. 但是现在。 The Child of Wrath anger has not arrived in the peak, he must display the pinnacle the violent anger strength, 暴怒之子的怒火还没有抵达最高点,他必须将暴怒的力量发挥到极致, Senge are that thoroughly that person who lights the Child of Wrath anger. 森格自己就是那个,彻底点燃暴怒之子怒火的那个人。 Senge stands under the embryo of purgatory, is away from the thin film to look at his master. 森格站在炼狱之胎下,隔着薄膜看着他的主人。 He knows. 他知道。 Oneself this go should not to come back. 自己这一去应该就不会回来。 Even if comes back, was still another form. 就算回来,也是另外一种形式了。 In his mind appeared the picture, remembered own childhood scene. 他脑海里浮现出了画面,想起了自己的小时候的场景。 Their was enslaved by ten thousand snake royal court aristocrats, the father when cultivates the castle for the master died. 他们一家被万蛇王庭的贵族奴役,父亲在为老爷修城堡的时候死了。 The whole families lost the pillar/backbone, the master not only had no compensation, because instead more people their orphan widowed mothers insulted them. 一家人失去了支柱,老爷不仅仅没有任何赔偿,反而更多的人因为他们孤儿寡母来欺辱他们。 Because they are the Evel people. 因为他们是爱维尔人。 Finally two young younger brothers starve to death while still alive, even/including mother was also insane. 最后两个年幼的弟弟活活饿死,连母亲也疯了。 He is forced to leave native place, finally joined the abyss mission, becomes one in this crowd of lunatic. 他背井离乡,最后加入了深渊教团,成为了这群疯子之中的一员。 He is young time, listened most stories then about Huberne and Avon story. 他小的时候,听的最多的故事便是关于修伯恩亚弗安的故事。 At that time he has not known, abyss Pride King was once Avon. 当时他还不知道,深渊傲慢之王就是曾经的亚弗安 Also no one knows. 也没有人知道。 He receives the summon of Avon time, is what kind of excitement. 他接到亚弗安的召唤的时候,是怎样的激动。 Sir Avon!” 亚弗安大人!” I should walk.” “我该走了。” This is not Byron's revenge.” “这不是拜伦的复仇。” But is our revenge.” “而是我们的复仇。” „The hatred of Evel person, had not ended.” 爱维尔人的仇恨,从来都没有结束。” On Senge face not sad, only then smiled and anticipated. 森格脸上没有悲伤,只有笑和期待。 Perhaps yes, from mother insane that moment, he also followed to be together insane. 或许是,从母亲疯了的那一刻,他也跟着一起疯了。 In this crazy world, in this crazy abyss mission, only then becomes crazier, can survive. 在这个疯狂的世界,在这个疯狂的深渊教团,只有变得更加疯狂,才能够存活下去。 Ten thousand snake royal court!” “万蛇王庭!” Pince's heir!” “潘斯的子嗣!” They must, the matter pay the price for they had handled.” “他们必须,为他们曾经做过的事情付出代价。” Senge spoke these words, was covered by the black mud. 森格说完这句话,就被黑泥覆盖。 Vanished in Dreamland. 消失在了梦界之中。 The abyss's first demon hot abyss. 深渊第一层魔火深渊。 In the black stone demon palace has various terrifying walls to carve, is carving these bloody terrorists, but extremely tragic scene. 黑石魔宫之中有着各种各样恐怖的壁刻,雕刻着那些血腥恐怖而惨绝人寰的景象。 But two and abyss has no wall of relations to carve completely, actually placed these terrifying works forefronts. 而其中两副和深渊完全没有任何关系的壁刻,却放在了这些恐怖作品的最前面。 As if Pride King Avon also thinks. 似乎傲慢之王亚弗安也认为。 Here carves inside content is to exceed the terrifying and despair of abyss. 这壁刻里面的内容是超越深渊的恐怖和绝望。 In the second wall carves is a giant mountain, under the mountain has like the sea generally is vast, shore to pile up the snow salt lake, the mountain and cloud Lianwei a piece. 第二幅的壁刻里是一座巨大的山,山下有着如同海一般辽阔、岸边堆积着雪盐的湖泊,山和云连为一片。 A city pulls out to empty to construct the mountain massif, piles layer by layer upward high. 一座城市将山体掏空而建,一层又一层往上堆高。 This is a god city, highest place sacred the palace in Holy Mountain exceeds the sea of clouds, stands firmly in the vault of heaven. 这是一座神城,在圣山的最高处神圣的殿堂超越云海,屹立于苍穹。 At the foot of the hill has one after another auxiliary city, the large expanse of villages and small towns, are occupying some and snake human completely different ancient races. 山脚下有着一座一座辅城,成片的村镇,居住着一些和蛇人完全不一样的古老种族。 However the background in picture, the portray in city told everyone, this was one old mans role in yuan drama day draws the volume. 但是画中的背景,还有城市之中的刻画告诉了所有人,这是一副末日绘卷。 The darkness covers the horizon, the halo disperses in the vault of heaven, a terrifying human form stands erect in the end of day, is situated in the present world and illusory, is incompatible with the world. 黑暗笼罩天际,光晕散在天穹,一个恐怖的人形竖立在天之尽头,立于现世和虚幻之间,和人间格格不入。 This is myth. 这是神话 In that human form behind has a circle, dense and numerous complex terrifying rune/symbol Wenhe taboo writing. 在那人形的身后有着一个圆,密密麻麻复杂恐怖的符文和禁忌文字。 Only looks at this human form illusory image, saw the wickedness of this world probably. 光是看着这人形幻影,就好像看到了此世之恶。 Evil god. 邪神。 Little Human in a Bottle. 瓶中的小人 The evil god of disasters in mural only sends out the ray, shines above the entire Divine Mountain. 壁画里的邪恶神祇散发出光芒,照耀在整座神山之上。 temple and god city, at the foot of the hill auxiliary city, these occupied the strange race in Divine Mountain died to corrode, by ten thousand counting „during person is wailing, turned into one after another statue. 神殿、神城,山脚下的辅城,那些居住在神山上的奇异种族都被被死亡侵蚀,以万计数的“人”在哀嚎之中,变成了一座又一座“雕像”。 The wall carves lifelike, lies examines carefully above, even can see on the face and look that these died are also retaining frightened and despair before death. 壁刻活灵活现,趴在上面细看,甚至可以看到那些死去的人脸上和眼神还保留着死亡前的恐惧和绝望。 If in the world has the purgatory. 如果世上有炼狱。 This is the true purgatory. 这就是真正的炼狱。 Desperate is not only this fearful disaster, but cannot see any hope, the leeway of does not have any resistance and change. 绝望的不仅仅是这可怕的灾难,而是看不到任何希望,没有任何抵抗和改变的余地。 Pride King Avon read the name that this wall carved: „The disaster of evil god!” 傲慢之王亚弗安念出了这副壁刻的名字:“邪神之灾!” But arranges carves at the first wall, the background as before is this sacred mountain, that temple that stands erect in the sky, 而排在第一幅的壁刻,背景依旧是这座神圣的山,还有那座屹立在天空的神殿, Unusualness of blotting out the sky forms the army, encircles this mountain ; The wing demons of massive circling open the wing, blocks the sky. 铺天盖地的超凡者结成大军,将这座大山团团围住;大量盘旋的翼魔张开翅膀,遮天蔽日。 Ancient apostle of God summoned the puppet army, third-order Powerful of big piece is controlling all kinds of great shapes ; Dozens meters and over a hundred meters puppet great resembles, forms the army to launch the impact toward Holy Mountain. 古老的神之使徒召唤出了傀儡大军,大片的三阶权能者驾驭着各种各样的巨像;一个个数十米、上百米的傀儡巨像,结成大军朝着圣山发起冲击。 At the foot of the hill bloodshed packages the whole world, in the bloodshed runs out compared with the mountain range also high monster. 山脚下的血海包裹住整个世界,血海之中冲出一个个比山峦还高的怪物。 Terrifying dark God holds the bronze book, brandishes the sickle to harvest the life single-handedly ; The young Asai god is controlling Gate of Truth, the named Stern god only changes into the bloodshed to swallow the world. 恐怖的黑暗神明一手捧着青铜书,一手挥舞着镰刀收割着生命;年轻的阿赛神控制着真理之门,名为斯图恩的神祇化为血海吞噬世界。 Pride King Avon read this picture name: „The wars of various god!” 傲慢之王亚弗安念出了这幅画的名字:“诸神之战!” Before this is for a long time is very very long . 这是很久很久以前。 Avon scene that sees from ghost Borwick there, last era picture. 亚弗安从幽魂波里克那里看到的景象,上一个纪元的画面。 Then Avon whole person was attacked helplessly. 当时的亚弗安整个人都被冲击得手足无措。 He looks at that just the artificial made evil god. 他看着那个刚刚才被人为制造的邪神。 Asked Borwick. 波里克 This not real? Is this had had the matter?” “这不是真的吧?这是曾经发生过的事情?” Why can God of Truth and Knowledge create such monster? Why can bring such fearful disaster?” 真理与知识之神为什么要创造这样的怪物?为什么要带来这样可怕的灾难?” Borwick said, this is only a start. 波里克却说,这只是一个开始。 Desperate?” “绝望吗?” Then starts merely.” “这才仅仅只是开始。” „The Asai god thinks what oneself makes is myth, has and his exactly the same memory, another God of exactly the same will.” 阿赛神以为自己制造出的是一位神话,一个拥有着和他一模一样的记忆,一模一样意志的另一个神明。” He indeed touched the secret of truth, did not have to think what oneself made was a anomaly, but he himself also enters the deep sleep in that moment that the evil god presented.” “他的确触碰到了真理的秘密,却没想到自己制造出来的是一个怪胎,而他自己也在邪神出现的那一刻进入沉睡。” Evil god was born, the disaster arrives in this world.” “邪神诞生了,灾难降临于这个世界。” At this moment. 此刻。 Abyss Pride King Avon stubbornly looks at this mural, in the dense/woods white tooth put out two words. 深渊傲慢之王亚弗安死死的看着这副壁画,森白的牙齿里吐出了两句话。 Asai god!” 阿赛神!” „...... Little Human in a Bottle!”- “还有……瓶中的小人!”- Wants Cery. 要塞里。 army regimental commander Byron of day flame regiment is inspecting oneself army, in the army many people were once the Pince City young people. 日炎军团的军团长拜伦正在视察着自己的军队,军队之中很多人都是曾经潘斯城的年轻人。 And much was Byron's once good friend, came from in Western District. 其中不少都是拜伦曾经的好友,来自于自于城西区。 They and Byron are the same, personally suffered that disaster, and lost the important thing in the disaster. 他们和拜伦一样,都亲身经历了那一场灾难,并在灾难之中失去了重要的东西。 Byron received the crowding around and admirations of lots of soldier, but also many people visit him with the fear and dislike look. 拜伦受到了大量士兵的簇拥和仰慕,但是也有很多人用恐惧和厌恶的眼神看着他。 It seems like. 就好像。 Once dark moon/month general was the same. 曾经的暗月将军一样。 Follows Byron to win together, but with his together person, does not know that many turned into a hot mark on his right arm. 跟着拜伦一起就能获得胜利,但是跟着他一起的人,不知道多少都变成了他右臂上的一道火纹。 He looks like together the flame, is swallowing the life of enemy at the same time, is swallowing the life of companion. 他就像是一道火焰,吞噬着敌人的生命的同时,也吞噬着同伴的生命。 Byron Station in the crowd, was saying to everyone. 拜伦站在人群之中,对着所有人说道。 We have won!” “我们已经赢了!” On the difference last step, overcomes that city.” “就差最后一步,打下那座城市。” Peace will arrive, we will disrupt existence cleaning up of this national and order these thoroughly are clean, the completely new country that the dark moon/month general said that will be born.” “和平就会到来,我们会彻底将那些扰乱这个国家和秩序的存在清理干净,暗月将军所说的全新的国家就会诞生。” Once sacrifice, became will be worth.” “曾经的牺牲,都会变得值得。” However all that you make, will become valuable.” “而伱们所做的一切,也将变得有价值。” In Byron heart was also saying to: All that I make, I choose to continue the strength of abyss, will become valuable.” 拜伦心中也对着自己说:“我所做的一切,我选择承接深渊的力量,也将会变得有价值。” In the crowd, some young people asked. 人群之中,有年轻人问道。 „Will that day that dark moon/month general said that really come?” “暗月将军所说的那一天,真的会来吗?” Byron had not replied, the vice- army regimental commanders said loudly: Certain meeting!” 拜伦还没有回答,副军团长就大声说道:“一定会的!” During the entire regiment fell into cheered, fighting intent was soaring. 整个军团都陷入了欢呼之中,战意高昂。 Byron looks at the vice- army regimental commander: I have wanted to break through that city impatiently.” 拜伦看着副军团长:“我已经迫不及待的想要攻破那座城市了。” In Byron heart seems like, cares about that new country that the dark moon/month general said very much. 拜伦心中看起来,还是很在乎暗月将军所说的那个新国家。 About the future description. 关于未来的描绘。 He is shouldering the hatred, he has the infinite anger, although he time and time again has the nightmare is not always able to fall into sleeps soundly. 他背负着仇恨,他有着无穷的怒火,他虽然一次又一次的做着噩梦从来无法陷入安眠。 Wish that the sense of justice that however once that left behind, that weak and rash left behind, kept his body. 但是曾经的那个自己留下的正义感,那个幼稚而莽撞的自己留下的心愿,还是留在了他的身上。 At least. 至少。 He thought that the dark moon/month general is a hero, but he is that person who helps the hero, seems like in the story the companions of these hero characters. 他觉得暗月将军是一个英雄,而他是帮助英雄的那个人,就好像故事里那些英雄人物的同伴。 However, during Byron's anticipation. 然而,在拜伦的期待之中。 Finally what he waits till was a paper transfer order, the order day flame Alchemy regiment goes to the road of great snake, guarded against some Al Pince fort momentarily possibly changes of Suinhall. 他最后等到的是一纸调令,命令日炎炼金军团前往巨蛇之路,防备苏因霍尔阿尔潘斯要塞随时可能有的异动。 Attacks the duty of wing demon city, was just rushed to the silver snake regiment that to carry out. 攻打翼魔城的任务,由刚刚赶到的银蛇军团执行。 Why?” “为什么?” Byron is incomprehensible. 拜伦不能理解。 The enemies at present, him first held down forcefully the waiting silver snake regiment ; After waiting silver snake regiment, he was assigned to the road of great snake. 敌人就在眼前,他先是被强行按住等待银蛇军团;等待银蛇军团到了之后,他又被调往了巨蛇之路。 Although said that is road of that side Suinhall regiment great snake has the change, but he cannot accept. 虽然说是巨蛇之路那边的苏因霍尔军团有着异动,但是他还是不能够接受。 The vice- army regimental commanders see the transfer order, serious was saying to Byron. 副军团长看到调令,严肃的对着拜伦说道。 Byron!” “拜伦!” This is the order!” “这是命令!” Byron is hard to accept, but these words of vice- army regimental commander have said definitely. 拜伦还是难以接受,但是副军团长的这一句话已经说死了。 Military commands are strictly obeyed, cannot defy. 军令如山,不可违抗。 He can only look that the silver snake regiment takes over the fort defense, prepared to launch the final general attack to the wing demon city, but oneself brought the day flame regiment to rush to the road and the Al Pince fort great snake. 他只能看着银蛇军团接手要塞防务,准备对翼魔城发起了最后的总攻,而自己带着日炎军团赶赴巨蛇之路和阿尔潘斯要塞。 He on the marching road, other silver snake Alchemy regiments and massive ordinary regiments stormed into the wing demon city during numerous surrounding. 他在行军路上的时候,银蛇炼金军团和大量其他普通军团在重重包围之中攻入了翼魔城。 Arrived this situation, the wing demon city had no nice resistance, even also some people of direct Kaesong surrenders. 到了这个地步,翼魔城根本没有什么像样的反抗,甚至还有人直接开城投降。 After the silver snake regiment enters a city, immediately hunts down the core members of all south city-state alliances in the city wantonly. 银蛇军团进城之后,立刻在城内大肆搜捕所有南方城邦联盟的核心成员。 Then. 然后。 Without the meaning of trial, must execute in the city them slightly. 丝毫没有审判的意思,就要将他们在城内处决。 But at this time, Byron brought a squad to entering a city, suddenly appeared in the good execution grounds. 而这个时候,拜伦却带着一个小队冲进了城中,突然出现在了行刑场。 Byron?” “拜伦?” How can you here?” “你怎么会在这里?” The army regimental commanders of silver snake Alchemy regiment are responsible for supervising saw Byron, very surprised. 负责监察的银蛇炼金军团的军团长看到了拜伦,非常的惊讶。 After he responded came, reproved loudly. 他反应了过来之后,大声训斥道。 „Did you drop out the regiment to come back?” “你抛下军团回来了?” You know that what you are making?” “你知道你这是在做什么吗?” You defy the military order, a regiment did not have the army regimental commander, will have what situation yourself not to know.” “你这是违抗军令,一个军团没有了军团长,会出现什么情况你自己不知道吗。” Byron looks at these locked in traitor, waits for under the gallows is strangled. 拜伦看着这些被锁住的叛逆者,一个个在绞架下等待着被绞死。 The big aristocrats and feudal lords who these past kept aloof, this moment complexion pale body trembled, some at the scene incontinence. 这些昔日高高在上的大贵族和领主们,此刻面色惨白身体发抖,有的当场失禁。 The core members of almost entire south city-state alliance here, if in the past control of that disaster were the south city-state alliance, certainly in these people. 几乎整个南方城邦联盟的核心成员都在这里,如果当年那场灾难的操控者是南方城邦联盟的话,也一定就在这些人中。 Byron looked at a army regimental commander of silver snake regiment. 拜伦看了一眼银蛇军团的军团长。 I do not care about what merit, who also did not care is broke through the wing demon city finally.” “我不在乎什么功劳,也不在乎是谁最后攻破了翼魔城。” But some issues, I must ravel.” “但是有些问题,我一定要弄明白。” The army regimental commanders of silver snake regiment also wanted to say anything, but Byron waved. 银蛇军团的军团长还想要说些什么,但是拜伦一挥手。 Soared to the heavens the fire to surround a circle, isolated others, was only left over he himself and these convicts of waiting death. 冲天大火环绕成了一个圈,将其他人都隔离了出去,只剩下他自己和等待死亡的那些囚徒。 The silver snake army regimental commanders obviously felt Byron's renouncing. 银蛇军团长明显感觉到了拜伦的决绝。 Even if he himself is also third-order Powerful, in Byron preys on a third-order snake human power third-order big wing demon in directly the situation, paled by comparison. 哪怕他自己也是一个三阶权能者,但是在拜伦正面搏杀一个三阶蛇人权能一个三阶大翼魔的情况下,就相形见绌了。 And. 而且。 He takes the merit of bottom wing demon city is also equal to that the opposite party gives in vain, he really has no energy to dare with the opposite party to get angry. 他拿下翼魔城的功劳也等于对方白送的,他实在没有什么底气敢和对方翻脸。 Byron is little, before arriving at him, has thought is in front of the goal of secret evil behind-the-scenes manipulator. 拜伦一点点,走到了他之前一直认为是幕后黑手的目标面前。 The king of southern city-state alliance. 南方城邦联盟的国王。 Is you do?” “是你做的吗?” In the past at the disaster that Pince City did erupt? Is you colludes with the abyss mission to do?” “当年在潘斯城爆发的灾难?是你勾结深渊教团做的吧?” These abyss believers?” “那些深渊教徒呢?” They where?” “他们在哪里?” The opposite party were asked by Byron is bewildered, does not understand that Byron is saying anything. 对方被拜伦问得一脸茫然,丝毫不明白拜伦在说些什么。 Byron is impatient, put out a hand to hold down directly the head of opposite party. 拜伦不耐烦了,直接伸出手按住了对方的头。 Mind Reading Spell!” 读心术!” Powerful as third-order peak, Mind Reading Spell this type of thing uses to be very skilled very much, cares in situation that the opposite party damages, these average people are impossible to deceive him. 身为三阶巅峰的权能者,读心术这种东西还是用得很很熟练的,在不在乎对方损伤的情况下,这些普通人不可能欺骗他。 Told me, was the past matter you are done?” “告诉我,当年的事情是不是你做的?” Told me, these abyss believers who in the past escaped, that two degenerated to officiate, where did the abyss officiate greatly?” “告诉我,当年逃掉的那些深渊教徒,那两个堕落主祭,还有深渊大主祭到底在哪里?” Byron more said is more excited, nearly is roaring bellowing. 拜伦越说越激动,近乎是咆哮着大吼。 However the opposite party as before is bewildered, even if body in painful twitching, but on the mouth is saying as before. 但是对方依旧是一脸茫然,哪怕身体在痛苦的抽搐,但是嘴巴上依旧在说着。 „It is not I!” “不是我!” „It is not I.” “不是我。” „It is not I...... I have not really done......” “真的不是我……我没有做……” Byron's manic expression, returned to normal slowly. 拜伦狂躁的表情,慢慢的平复了下来。 His eyebrow partly lowers, is opening the mouth. 他的眉毛半放低,张大着嘴巴。 The whole person fell into the deep doubts, 整个人陷入了深深的疑惑, Hasn't lied?” “没有说谎?” Isn't you?” “不是你?” Byron sets out: How possibly isn't you? Who isn't you can also be?” 拜伦起身:“怎么可能不是你?不是你还能是谁?”
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